deadelvis-blog1 · 5 years
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Hangin out in the hotelroom.. Picture by @abramdeyo #onemangrave #hotel #deadelvis #roomservice #hotelroom #onestar #monstermashrecords #deadelvisandhisonemangrave #tv #suite #donotdisturb #hangingout #elvis #relaxing #onemanbands #monobandas #chilling #abramdeyo #abedeyo #deyo https://www.instagram.com/p/Byn5XAsI8O4/?igshid=1ftwgoca9zhbb
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pagesfromthevoid · 3 years
to add onto his clinginess, adrian would not be satisfied until you are quite literally sitting on his lap, like that man will forcefully pull you onto him and will be quite offended if you even think of sitting anywhere else that is not on top of him, holding you is something that calms him so much (also makes him a bit horny but that’s a given ..)
Oh my god you’re so right.
It doesn’t matter how much work you’re behind on. Or whose in the room (Economos gets the most annoyed by it; Abedeyo kinda finds it sweet in a way). If there’s anywhere that you can sit, Adrian will make sure it’s his lap. He has to have his arms around you and he’ll rest his chin on your shoulder, grinning stupidly because he’s so content with just having you there.
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theafternoontrain · 3 years
The Very First Night
Ship: Adrian Chase/Vigilante x gn!Reader
Warnings: Canon Violence, Angst, Flashbacks, Cursing.
Summary: You’ve never been a fan of company parties, especially when your ex shows up and old feelings get brought back up.
Word Count: 2.2K
A/N: Hi lovelies! Here is my first OFFICIAL fic on my blog! Little nervous, but it’s cool! I hope you enjoy it!
Want to send me a prompt? My Taylor Swift Lyric Prompt List is here!
The Very First Night by Taylor Swift (spotify): Here
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You hate going to company parties. They’re always super formal, and you hate the fact you’re forced to mingle with the other divisions. But Miss Amanda Waller insisted that you came to this one specifically, and you can not say no to that woman.
So, here you are, all dressed up with a champagne glass in your hand and your phone in the other. You’re scanning the room looking for any of your former teammates. You doubted that John Economos would come to this, but there was hope that maybe Emilia Harcourt or Leota Abedeyo would show up; and if they show up, there's a slim chance Peacemaker was forced to come along too. You might even see Adrian-
Your breath hitches and you quickly sip your champagne. Adrian Chase, your ex boyfriend. The one you wish you could go back in time for. You guys started dating two months after you were dispatched from Gotham to Evergreen to be the 11th Street Kids’ team medic. Adrian was your ‘partner in crime fighting’ for eight months. The best eight months of your life.
The last two month on the team were considered the worst two months of your life. The first field mission after the two of you broke up (which wasn’t long after, two days exactly), Adrian came back to the van in pieces. He was covered in blood, both his own and his opponents, as well as various deep cuts that would need immediate stitches.
You placed the supply kit next to Adrian and started digging through it. “I’m fine,” he said harshly. “You need stitches,” you said back, pulling the stitches kit out of the bag. “I said I’m fine!’ Adrian had snapped at you. You looked him in the eyes before huffing, “Fine! Bleed out, I don’t fucking care.” Then you turned your attention to stitching Chris up. The ride back to HQ was silent. The team was confused.
It wasn't until Harcourt had walked in on you sobbing in the medical supply room after hours did anyone actually know that you two had split up. After that, John pretended to not see your flinches when Adrian spoke in the coms. Leota started sitting in the seat Adrian used to during debriefing. Harcourt made sure you two were never in situations alone together. Chris went out of his way to make sure if you were on the field, you were with him for protection.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when your name was called.
“Y/N!,” Leota said with a grin, coming up to you with her wife, Keeya. “How are you? It feels like it’s been forever.” You smile and give her a hug. “Because it has been,” you say as you embrace. “Is Emilia coming?” you ask as you pull away from each other.
“If I have to be here, so does she,” Keeya interjects. Leota playfully elbows her wife. “Emilia was tasked with driving Chris and-” You didn’t hear the rest of what Leota said because your eyes were met with an all too familiar pair of green eyes. Adrian was actually here.
You immediately remember the night you met him. You’d been assigned to the 11th Street Kids after they all recovered from Project Butterfly. It was your first long-term dispatch, and you were super nervous. You already knew Emilia and John from Task Force X, but you’d never met Peacemaker or Vigilante. You didn’t want them to think you were weak. Of course, they would grow to learn that.
“This is Adrian Chase, also known as Vigilante,” Harcourt said. When you looked up to meet his eyes, you were mesmerized. “Green is my favorite color,” you said out loud. Adrian blinked at you before giving you a big grin. “So you’re our new doctor, Dr. Y/L/N?” he asked as your face flushed. You looked away. “Call me Y/N, and I’m a medic not a doctor. There’s a difference.”
That night, the team took you to a bar to get initiated and you realized you were going to love being there. You had especially taken a liking to Adrian. He was funny and smart, and had a lot to say. Others would be put off by his talking, but you enjoyed it. What you didn’t know at the time, but this would be the very first night of many with Adrian.
You snap yourself from your thoughts and look back at Leota, who is grimacing. “I was hoping we’d get here in time to warn you that he was coming,” she says remorsefully. You give her a small smile and reach out to pat her arm in reassurance, “Don’t worry about that, I’m okay. How about we catch up? It’s been, what? Four months since I’ve seen you? Tell me how you’ve been!”
You listen to Leota as she talks about the team and the trouble that they had been up to. You try to ignore the aching in your heart as she spoke to you, not wanting to seem broken-hearted in front of your friend and her wife. Truth is, you’d do anything to go back to the team. You missed them all, jokes and stupid comments too. Not a day went by without you hoping the new team medic treated the team the best.
“How is the new medic?” you ask, sipping your glass, “I know she’s good at the job, but is she getting along with everyone well?” Leota shrugs, “Sure, Maria is fine, and yeah she can definitely do the job. But I think the whole team would rather have you back. She doesn’t get the team's humor the way you do.” You let a soft laugh fall from your lips, then you notice Emilia walking towards you with Chris following her like a lost dog. You don’t know if you’re happy that Adrian wasn’t in sight.
“Hey guys,” you say as they approach, ”Long time no see!” The three of you exchange some happy hello’s before Chris gives you a look. It was almost pleading. “Dude, you have to come back. Maria is a bitch-” Before he could finish, he was elbowed in the side by Emilia. You gave a happy sigh as you listened to Emilia and Chris bicker, you totally missed this. But then your eyes slowly caught sight of something you definitely didn’t want to see, and your smile was replaced with a cheek bite. Adrian was there dancing with a beautiful blonde woman, and he was smiling.
The mission was in Los Angeles, and there were some guys Waller needed the team to take out before they became a national threat. There was luckily enough funding for the team to get decent places to stay; honestly the place was more like an extra small apartment. It was nice, and the fact that you got to share the room with Adrian made it all the better. Sure, it was a shady mission, but you were with him.
With the city’s roaring commotion and blinding lights filling the small kitchen, you grabbed Adrian’s hands with a big smile on your face. “Honey Bear,” you say happily, “Let’s dance!” Adrian, of course, gives you his goofy grin before spinning you. There’s a loud squeak followed by laughter that comes from you as he pulls you in to dip you down. You put your hand on his cheek as he leans to kiss you, and you think about how you could do this with him for forever.
You blink back the tears that start threatening to spill from your eyes. “Is that Maria?” you ask softly, not trusting your voice to be any louder. Emilia looked over her shoulder with a sigh. “Yeah,” she said, disappointment in her voice, “That’s her.” Maria was pretty, with her blonde hair and what looked to be ocean blue eyes. The type of girl who could get anyone. “Another medic,” you say, “It’s nice to know I was just his type.” With shaken hands, you set your drink down and excuse yourself to the bathroom.
The second your face was out of their sights, you felt the tears fall down your cheeks. What you didn’t see was Adrian watching you.
You tapped your fingers on the white cloth that covered the table. It was your birthday, and the team had taken you out to the bar in order to celebrate. Everyone was there… except for the one person who really mattered. This had become a habit of Adrian the last few weeks; missing date nights to spend more time as Vigilante. Leaving you to wonder if you had done something.
“Have you heard from Adrian?” you asked Chris, hoping maybe he had said something to his best friend. Chris shook his head, “Fuck dude, he’s not here yet? I’m surprised, Vig never fucking stops talking about you.” As the hour passed, with no sign of Adrian showing up, you hid in the bathroom to cry. When you returned to the table, the team looked at you with worry. “He said he’d be here.”
It felt like hell broke out the next morning. The second Adrian walked through the door of the apartment the two of had been sharing, you knew what the two of you had was over. “I have to be Vigilante, Y/N!” he yelled at you, his hands in the air, “If I don’t prioritize this city’s safety, who will?” You could feel your blood boiling, overshadowing the breaks in your heart. “I’m your PARTNER, Adrian! You should prioritize me too! I have barely seen you outside of work.”
“It’s my job to be Vigilante, not to be your boyfriend Y/N.” The words he said were venomous, slowly killing you. This was the moment you knew he had changed. This wasn’t the Adrian you fell in love with anymore, it was someone else. “Well,” you said with a sad smile, staring into his eyes, “I hope you love the streets of Evergreen as much as I loved you.”
And that was that, you turned to pack up your things. The apartment was silent as you packed. When you dropped the apartment key on the counter, he looked at you. You could see that Adrian had been crying, too. “I’m sorry I didn’t make it,”he said. You shrugged. “Me too,” you said back before turning to go back to the apartment Waller was paying for you and the rest of the team to stay in.
You wipe your tears before cleaning yourself up. Once you deemed yourself presentable, you left the bathroom. Crying in the bathroom at a work event was definitely not on your bucket list for the night.
The second the door was opened, Adrian’s green eyes met yours. “Y/N,” he gasped. “Can-fuck, can we talk?” His voice came out as a desperate beg. “Please?” You shake your head. “Adrian, please move,” you attempt to push past him, “I don’t have anything to say to you-”
Adrian grabs your wrist, his eyes pleading. “Do you know how much I miss you?” he begs. “Please…” You look up at Adrian, tears threatening you again. “What about Maria?” your voice cracks. “She’s not you, fuck Y/N, no one can compare to you,” Adrian stumbles. “No matter what I do, who I see, kill, or, fucking, even if I sleep with someone else I’m wishing for you.”
You stare into Adrian’s eyes, inspecting them. The perfect color of green, complemented by soft curly hair and soft freckles you don’t see unless you’re looking. Something told you that this was him. The Adrian you had fallen in love with; the one who made stupid jokes and danced in the rain with you. He is right in front of you, and you missed him.“Okay,” you whisper, “We can… we can talk.”
Adrian tells you that he was scared of how happy you made him; how scared he was that he actually had something to lose. That he didn’t know how to process how much he loved you, and it terrified him. “If I gave you a reason to leave me,” he said with a cracking voice, “Then I wouldn’t need to confront how I felt… But fuck, then you fully left us, the team, and I couldn’t handle that. I thought I was losing it, Y/N. At least with you in Evergreen I could protect you, but you left to go back to Gotham and I knew I fucked-” You cut him off with a hug, arms wrapped around his neck and pulling him into you. “I missed you too,” you whispered. He let out a choked cry as he hugged you back.
Like the very first night, you sat in a quiet corner with Adrian talking and talking. There was less laughing this time, and quite a few more tears, but you left the work event with his hand in yours, feeling a lot better than how you felt when you walked in.
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