#abel xenogears
linnaealyn · 2 months
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
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Takahashi bringing Fei into Xenoblade by any means necessary be like:
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valbellepeche · 1 year
**SPOILERS for Xenogears and all of Xenoblade except X**
I wanted to talk about how some xenoblade characters and elements (specifically the trinity processor) parallel parts of gears and saga. Beginning with xenoblade 1:
Alvis serves the role of both the Zohar and the wave existence within the story of Xenoblade 1. He is the power source for the demiurge that creates a cycle of destruction and recreation (Zanza/Deus) while also connecting with the protagonist and eventually allowing him to defeat the demiurge. The term "Monado" is directly derived from the Monad, which is the Zohar and wave existence are partially based on. At the end of the game, Alvis appears as a glowing green cross, extremely similar to how the wave existence appears in Xenogears.
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The Monado III is very similar to the role of Xenogears (the gear) being the final form of the protagonists weapon after they make contact with Alvis/the wave existence. Alvis's line "I was here at the beginning, and I will proclaim the end." calls back to the bible verse which is the first thing you see in Xenogears, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." In the context of Xenogears' opening scene this is associated with Deus. (More on this later)
In both stories they drive the protagonist forward to defeat the final antagonist, creating a world where people are free to live without some god, oppressive government or religious structure deciding for them. The main thing that separates Alvis and the WE is that the WE acts in order to free itself from the Zohar, whereas Alvis, as the facilitator of the world, wants it to cease stagnation. Future Redeemed recontexualizes this slightly by saying he embodied Klaus's regrets.
Xenoblade 2:
Xenoblade 2 formally introduces the trinity processor as well as the actual Zohar. Being computers linked to the Zohar, the trinity processor is similar to Xenogears' Kadomony.
The way Pyra is found resting in the Ancient Ship is a reference to when Abel awakens Elhaym in Xenogears
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Elhaym was created in response to Abel's desire for a mother figure, the way blades reflect their driver could be seen as similar.
More on Logos and Pneuma in a bit.
Xenoblade 3 (Primarily Future Redeemed):
Future Redeemed is what got me thinking about all this in the first place. Given the prevalence of Ontos and that it takes two forms, as well as the other parts of the trinity processor having relevance, there's a lot to talk about.
The first form Ontos takes in Future Redeemed is Alpha. He has the appearance of Alvis, but with Zanza's wing(s) and he wields the Monado I (which is also Zanza's). Zanza's influence is an intentional contradiction with Alpha's driving force of extinguishing the past for the sake of the future, and also alludes to how he takes the role of Deus, which Zanza held in Xenoblade 1. Zanza's angelic motif is contrasted by Z symbolizing the devil. Alpha's goal is to take the life of the City to a new world, which is very similar to how Deus acted to return to Earth. This connection is made obvious with Alpha's second phase being obviously inspired by Deus's final form.
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This brings the whole "I was here at the beginning, and I will proclaim the end." thing full circle, what with Deus being associated with the ALPHA and Omega verse. Additionally, Xenosaga's expy is called Omega so it all fits together nicely.
If Alpha is representative of Deus, then Na'el fills the role of Miang. Both are women who act in order to achieve the goal of Deus/Alpha. What makes Na'el different is that it's at least partially coming from her own will, whereas Miang fully takes over women's bodies.
In Xenogears, Kadomony is composed of 3 parts, the Persona, Anima, and Animus. The Persona is what created the original Elhaym alongside Miang. Na'el is connected to Ontos and parallels Miang, which leaves the final aspect of Ontos in Future Redeemed, A, to be Elhaym. A is separated from Alpha by Ghondor's desire for a future that's the best for everyone, once again being similar to how Elhaym is created. A also states that they are composed of Alvis's memories with Shulk which is a similar type of thing.
Future Redeemed states that Ontos acts as an arbiter between Logos and Pneuma, using their input to make decisions. Without the complete Trinity Processor, Ontos cannot function properly. This feels very reminiscent of Xenogears' theme of becoming whole, and also Deus needing all of its different parts to accomplish its goals. Alpha is only defeated when the powers of Pneuma and Logos (at least symbolically) come together again.
Side note: this fantastic video by PhantomHeit talks about the trinity processor and speculates that Zanza and Meyneth may have stood in for Logos and Pneuma in Xenoblade 1.
Future Redeemed establishes Pneuma and Logos as intrinsically feminine and masculine respectively, granting credence to them representing Anima and Animus. This isn't the only thing pointing to this, Malos's battle theme in Torna the Golden Country is called "Over Despair and Animus". Nia's weapon in Xenoblade 3 is called the Anima Sword, which could relate to the 2 phantom Aegis swords that float behind her or that she created the Ouroboros power which allows Matthew to access Pneuma.
In Xenogears Animus takes the form of the Gazel Ministry, antagonists who wish to obtain the Anima Relics to become complete, not unlike Malos needing Pyra/Mythra to repair his broken core.
In the climax of Future Redeemed, everything comes together, not just the Trinity Processor, but also Keves, Agnus, and even Moebius to complete the power of Ouroboros and oust Alpha and -redeem- the future if you will. Humans joining together to create a future they can live freely in is a frequently recurring theme in Xeno, and it's a fitting end for this chapter of the series.
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foxceus · 3 years
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
Abraxas Playlist
Holiday stress and Hell Week aside, I’ve been working on this off and on for a little while and thought I’d just throw it out there for fun, because why the hell not! I figure this might be a neat treat, an early Xmas gift of sorts! Huh, that’s a lot of Silent Hill in there...
ACT 1 (1-6):
“Krigsgaldr” – Heilung “Incantation” – DOOM (2016) “Waiting for the Engineer” – Chernobyl “Who... Are You?” – Final Fantasy VII “Innocent Moon” – Silent Hill 3 “Magdalene” – Silent Hill 2 “Dillion” – Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice “Maith Dhom” – Kíla “The Darkness That Lurks in Our Mind” – Silent Hill 2 “Cleric Beast” – Bloodborne (with screams) “Ashes” – Halo: Reach
ACT 2 (7-13):
“Traust”  – Heilung “Elysium” – Gladiator “Black Tower” – Halo 3 “Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me” – Silent Hill 3 “Face On” – Wolf’s Rain “Breeze in Monochrome Night” – Silent Hill 3 “Omen” – Xenogears “Acolytes of a New God” – Fallout “Heads No. 2” – Silent Hill 3 “On A Pale Horse” – Halo: Combat Evolved “Battle With Magus” – Chrono Trigger (orchestral version) “Warlord” – Killer Instinct (2013) “Faraway Promise” – Xenogears
ACT 3 (14-18):
“Galgaldr” – Heilung “Breakdown” – DOOM 64 “The One Who is Torn Apart” – Xenogears “Urzael” – Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls “Lost... Broken Shards” – Xenogears “Warped Mind” – Silent Hill 2 “The One Reborn” – Bloodborne “The Miracle” – Xenosaga Episode I “A Great Spirit Lies in Wait” – Ōkami “Abel’s Ark” – Xenosaga Episode III “Omega” – Xenosaga Episode I “The Icon of Sin” – DOOM Eternal “Battle Against the Masked Man” – Mother 3 (orchestral cover) “Now We Are Free” – Gladiator “Faraway Promise” – Xenogears (piano cover)
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linnaealyn · 8 months
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Contact monopoly featuring Miang
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linnaealyn · 7 months
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artblock ❝sketches❞. Abel was the cure.
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linnaealyn · 10 months
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They're just shooting stars, little one.
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linnaealyn · 1 year
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the first little one 🥺
His adult design is only seen in his sprite. I like to make his wrist wraps looser like Fei's & give him some white string. Just something a bit different for him, since young Abel/Fei share the same design and the same wristbands.
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linnaealyn · 1 year
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First appearance outside of kadomony and Elly's already doing what she does best 🥹
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linnaealyn · 1 year
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Hottest game of 2023. Its still the 25th, guys- we haven't even gotten to the US release's 25th yet.
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linnaealyn · 2 years
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quick sketchy Abel
I have a feeling with Cain right there he did not listen to her last words and at least try. maybe its a running theme that the contact only does what she asks when he warps her words. "if the world does not end, i will destroy it myself" and all that
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linnaealyn · 4 months
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linnaealyn · 1 year
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Found this template through another XG artist and decided to translate it. ofc I'm gonna do it for the Contact. Will add them as I go. PW swimsuit Elly! Gave her her own Gebler-colored version of Fei’s hairtie. Back when I drew the summer Fei chibi I spontaneously gave him a leather bracelet. Drawing him again now I made it red to match her hairtie and unintentionally did a Noah/Mio red string of fate. hah Abel’s for the last one was too depressing, so I did a pivot and made another beach one! Yes, they’re using Xenogears’ leg as a deck.
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