#kim xenogears
linnaealyn · 2 months
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tsunael · 5 months
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Tagged by : @icehearts & @aethergazing Tagging : Girl you think I know 10 people??
1. Bayonetta <- Bayonetta
I just love her, okay. She's gorgeous, she's confident, she's a witch that fights with her hair and can run 80 mph in 5in pumps. Jokes aside, I just love that her sexuality is a thing that she owns and has fun with-- and it's never used against her maliciously. (I also love her parallels to Dante my other fave). I could go on more but basically... she's truly one of a kind.
2. Akihiko Sanada <- Persona 3
My long-time beau. I RP'd him for about 8 years and met a lot of good people through that blog so I'm a little biased in how sentimental I am over him and Mitsuru. I'd add her too but I'm doing my best to be diverse here. Anyway, I just love him-- he fits all of my standards. He represents the Emperor arcana: the 'father' type. He's a control freak, he drags his guilt around by the ankle, is fiercely protective, has a little jealous streak, and is a hot-headed idiot (who is actually very smart)... And DON'T say it's because he has white hair.
3. Garnet <- Final Fantasy IX
The older I get, the more IX means to me. She has been my favorite since I was little. Not to get personal but I find her relatable: she grew up sheltered but was expected to do great things, and I am sympathetic that her mother (once kind and loving, even though we don't see it) was turned against her by forces she couldn't control. She deals with her grief more realistically than most FF heroines-- she gives into depression and self doubt but she never becomes bitter and that's something I want for myself.
4. Yuna <- Final Fantasy X
My grandma and I played all the FFs together, but the one that really made an impression was X. Yuna is my love: thematically, symbolically, and aesthetically. My sacrificial lamb who would burn herself to keep others warm. She takes her notoriety and her father's burden with grace and never shies from it even when she loses her faith in the system designed to throw her to the wolves. Also every line she has has such gravitas behind it... beautiful writing, beautiful voice acting. My forever girl.
5. Nier <- NieR
My doomed boy. I don't want to go into spoilers because Nier is more of a niche game, but I love him so much (and dadnier, too.) The moral quandary this game has... the morally grey protagonists... I love a character who loves with all his heart and would give anything for the people he loves. The side-story where it's implied he even ***** ******* for some coin was... man.
6. Kim <- Xenogears
Trying not to spoil here either it's just vague. IYKYK.
I thought about putting Elhaym here but I feel like the Zeboim era has more characterization than the main lol. Anyway. I love how he has become so cynical about the world around him, yet he is still willing to save and create life, only to find he suffers from the same affliction. As a scientist, he embodies the question: 'What makes a God?' and 'What is does it mean to be human?'. I love his story and I wish there was more.
7. Rubedo Yuriev <- Xenosaga
He's an idiot, he's a tragic figure, he's learned, he's traumatized, and his relationship with MOMO is uhhhhhh complicated. Honestly maybe I should have put Yuriev here because he's such an interesting villain. The URTVs are all squashed together for me like one big delicious smoothie anyway so.
Anyway Rubedo, your dad stared into The Abyss and it stared back and now he's insane and his fear of God and his own mortality was so strong he would use his own flesh and blood to run (and it was honestly really sexy of him) but what he never seems to grasp is that you can't run from what you can't see and sooner or later it will catch up.
8. Misato Katsuragi <- Neon Genesis Evangelion
Hi I love women with daddy issues.
I love her with Kaji. She looks for her father in him, while he's searching for his mother, but Misato, try as she may, she will never be a mother to anyone--not to Kaji, and certainly not to Shinji. There's a ton you can read into nge characters but there's something to be said about the trauma our parents force us (willing or unwillingly) to inherit, and how we hurt others as a result of that.
9. Dante <- Devil May Cry
He's so fucking stupid (affectionate). Dante Alighieri is rolling in his grave.
He's not only a boyloser but a boyfailure. He gets bullied by women and children and could probably suplex the earth. He loves his mom!!!
Anyway I love that he exudes a type of masculinity and machismo at first glance only to play the game and see he's a little fruity. I'm also a sucker for characters with duality themes that, when asked 'what makes us different?', the answer is because they chose to love-- which is not something you'd expect from a hack n slash game, inspired by resident evil in which you find new and exciting ways to kill things... yanno?
10. Kenzo Tenma <- Naoki Urasawa's Monster
I was running out of characters and was about to put Thancred or Squall but that's too many FFs so I tried to think of some anime that made an impression on me and Tenma came to me. We needed another Liam O'Brien rep here, clearly.
Anyway read/watch Monster if you haven't, it's an amazing mature series that barely feels like an anime.
Again, the themes of duality here-- who embraced life and who would rather take it? If Johan represents the inherent evil in the world, and man's propensity for it, then Tenma represents all that is good. He's just so tragic. The moment he finally stands up for himself he's punished for it, then when pushed to his limit, saves the life of a little boy only to be cursed for it. Even through everything he never gives up on people, and every life he touches is changed for the better. And that ending... oh man.
He's babygirl x100.
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goro-pancake-akechi · 2 years
Spoilers for the entire Xeno Series
I love how the final boss of Xenogears representing Miang's world of death is called Ouroborus, and the ending song representing Fei and Elly's love, while called Small Two of Pieces in English, is called Moebius in Japanese. I love how Xenoblade 3 shows that Fei and Elly's desire to be together forever is ultimately empty, and that instead they should enjoy the time they have. I love that it paints the cycle of death that Miang thrived from as at least being better than an eternity trapped in a single moment. I love how Xenoblade 3 shows that Fei's desire to be with Elly forever would have driven him to a point where he essentially becomes Grahf. I love that N doesn't represent Id or the Coward, but simply Fei himself, and his inability to cope with the loss of a loved one. I love that Noah represents his hope that the future will be bright, and his determination to change it if it isn't. I love that N and Noah represent the two aspects of Fei that allowed him to overcome every challenge he faced in Xenogears. I love that Noah still shares that sadness and pain from loss, but is able to accept it. I love that in the ending, Noah and Mio are running to the end of the world, like in Moebius/Small Two of Pieces. I love that all of this was set up in Fei's previous incarnations, such as Kim, who did something similar himself when he lost a loved one. I love that this is absolutely what happens with Fei in Perfect Works Chapter 6. I love that all of this has been eluded to with previous Xeno villains. Wilhelm's Eternal Recurrence. Zanza's cycle of death and rebirth. Jin's moment of eternity. And now, N and Z's Endless Now. Perfect Works Chapter 6 has been the biggest Xeno Series mystery for so long, but Takahashi has been telling us what it was this entire time. We just didn't realize it until he told us that with Xenoblade 3 that Fei had a part in causing it. I love the Xeno Series. And as sad as I am to see the end of Perfect Works, I'm excited to see where Takahashi will take the series in the future. This is the best story ever told, and I cannot thank Takahashi enough for creating all of these wonderful experiences.
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5yn · 2 years
I really liked the themes of Xenogears and the flashbacks of "Kim" and Elly in the 80s end of the world were great (also the flashback of Elly getting drugged slaps...) but man why does the first disc have to introduce villains every five minutes!!! It's so goofy!!!
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foxceus · 3 years
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icyfjords · 4 years
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"This child... holds our futures and possibilities..."
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
oh, it's true. I'm fei fong wong. and by extension, id, "the coward", kim, lacan, and all the other countless versions and reincarnations of me there were too. I guess this is just another of my countless lives. ....I miss elly. so many lives.... will it ever end? what's the point if I won't be able to find her again? or anyone else? but.... no, I know I will. even if it's not in this life again, maybe the next? -fei, from xenogears (#♥️🌼🎶)
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linnaealyn · 2 months
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linnaealyn · 2 months
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linnaealyn · 8 months
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Contact monopoly featuring Miang
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linnaealyn · 8 months
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just some Kim and Id artblock sketch-paints
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linnaealyn · 7 months
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artblock ❝sketches❞. Abel was the cure.
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linnaealyn · 11 months
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linnaealyn · 10 months
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can't go very long without at least sketching Kim again
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linnaealyn · 10 months
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Another art trend over on twt
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linnaealyn · 1 year
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"Kim and Elly said... I was angel."
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