theobscurial · 5 years
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“Can you hand me that?” He gestured at the piece of cloth floating in mid air. Credence had been working on his magic, but all he’s managed to do was make things float. He’s yet to direct them to him. “I’m trying to make things look more... presentable.” He didn’t want Grindelwald to walk in his room after he had destroyed it. Credence’s anger had gotten the best of him and although the Obscurus hadn’t released, it didn’t stop him from knocking things off everywhere. “I tried to repair it. It looks somewhat repaired, right?”
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
Continued from here
A smirk tugged at his lips at the question and he took a bite off the Baguette still in his hand — the other softly tapping against the top of the table in a steady rhythm.
“ Perhaps. Are you ⁇ ”
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was-wicked · 5 years
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
Munday Asks (answered on a Sunday.. Whoops) {and I couldn’t find the meme}
@misguidedtrxst/ @o-stratiotis @svxngali @ask-me-credence-barebone, @magicalmusesandwheretofindthem/ @abernathysoffice/ @givenchildunderthemountain, @theyoungerscamander/ @scamandersrus, @dontsaysalamander, @onceanauror, @theobscurial, @thatsecondsalemboy/ @littlebutfiercesister / @sweetxscaredxharmless/ @anaurorandahugger, @misxnderstccd  @scharfezunge / @simplyaskisathingright @madness-within-the-oc @gallertgrindelwald/ @askbabyantonio, @headmasterofhogwarts @partxilos @wizardingvisionary @findingcreatures @wemadeemcocoa @worldauthority @ilverhoney @fantasticlcstrange @ivechosenmyside @wizardingvisionary @shownup @ofsalamandereyes  @witchesnevercry @eyeslikeasalamander @casefullcfmonsters @avengedlove (AND I AM PROBABLY IDOIT AND AM FORGETTING SOMEONE BUT MERLIN IF WE INTERACT YOU ARE UP HERE)!
I love you all. So much. I have kinda been sucking lately… But I love writing with you guys. Each and every single one of you. And I wat to write ten thousand million more things with you guys. So if you ever wanna send something in or message me for a plot idea, or anything of that matter go for it. Do not hesitate. And thank you guys for your patience. 
As I said earlier. Thank you and keep being amazing. 
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wemadeemcocoa · 6 years
Naughty or Nice?
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Tagged by: stole from @shownup
Tagging: @magicalmusesandwheretofindthem @abernathysoffice @vinda-rosier-gg @allforthegreatergood @insideasuitcase @bloody-hell-xo
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amagizoologistscase · 5 years
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“... More of a switch really...”
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Top or bottom?
Tagged by: @abernathysoffice
Tagging: @teapotauror, @wemadeemcocoa, @implicatedbyprophecy (yes both ya girls ;D)
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Top or bottom?
Tagged by: @abernathysoffice  and @magicalmusesandwheretofindthem
Tagging: @dontsaysalamander, @nothereforpuffskeins
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theobscurial · 5 years
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“I put Antonio outside for a little bit.” Well, he used his magic to put him outside. Mainly because he didn’t want to be the next person bitten. “At least you’ll be safe for a little bit.” Until Grindelwald found out his pet was outside in the snow.
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theobscurial · 6 years
Why was CHRISTMAS so difficult? He hadn’t known anyone long enough to know what they’d want for Christmas, and truthfully, Credence had no way of getting into town on his own. Apparation was... something he was not good at and traveling around in his Obscurus form would be a bad idea with the Ministry still trying to find him. He had been used to traveling with Graves for a certain time, and was hoping someone would take pity on him long enough to get him into town so he could at least look. Abernathy was probably the last person he wanted to ask, but everyone else seemed so.. BUSY. He raised his hand to knock on the man’s door, knuckles coming to tap on wood. “Sir?”
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theobscurial · 5 years
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theobscurial · 5 years
⊙ @abernathysoffice
Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours
I think you are:
Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding |Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak
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was-wicked · 5 years
#Positivity Protocol! 😄💙☀️ Send this to ten muns who you think portray their muses so damn well and are just generally awesome!
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Thank you! Gah! I really needed this today. I already sent some out, but I am just going to be obnoxious and tag everyone.. And there is more than ten… But I am just gonna list everyone bellow 
@ilverhoney @wemadeemcocoa @ladygilimens @teapotauror / @implicatedbyprophecy@ofsalamandereyes @onceanauror@ask-me-credence-barebone @trenebr1s @witchesnevercry @theobscurial @wizardingvisionary (of course, I am throwing it back at you :D)  @svxngali @gallertgrindelwald@headmasterofhogwarts @motherscamander @partxilos @misxnderstccd @amagizoologistscase @worldauthority @findingcreatures @casefullcfmonsters@fantasticlcstrange @avengedlove @misguidedtrxst/ @o-stratiotis @scharfezunge / @simplyaskisathingright @dontsaysalamander @magicalmusesandwheretofindthem/ @givenchildunderthemountain / @abernathysoffice @theyoungerscamander/ @scamandersrus @thatsecondsalemboy/ @anaurorandahugger / @sweetxscaredxharmless/ @littlebutfiercesister @nagiiiniii/ @ivechosenmyside
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was-wicked · 5 years
tagged by~ @magicalmusesandwheretofindthem @scharfezunge
tagging~ @anaurorandahugger, @simplyaskisathingright @misguidedtrxst @misxnderstccd @dontsaysalamander @abernathysoffice @findingcreatures AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TOO
                           The color you fit most is Purple!
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Those who bear a purple soulcolor are responsible, conforming, and grounded. They prefer predictability over instability and do not take to change well. They prefer to follow a daily schedule to keep themselves motivated and on the path to success, and they don’t stray from their daily chores often.  While they don’t like conforming to society, they also don’t like to stand out.
History and tradition are a big part of their identity. They hold family close to their heart, whether or not they are found or by blood, and have a high moral standard of themselves. They prefer to be supporting roles in people’s lives, often doing the hard labor to make sure everything falls in place. 
Since this is a serving type, they tend to become community service members and are most likely to volunteer to help their community. Despite their need to help others, they are highly introverted and keep a close closed off circle of friends. It’s hard to break through their wall to become part of their circle, but it’s rewarding. 
Purple soulcolors are always worried about the “what ifs” and are more drawn to pessimistic or realistic outlooks on life. They are cautious around new situations and never expect they’ll succeed. They often feel misunderstood by society, since most types tend to lean on the optimistic side of life, and only want to point out things that may hurt others, but this causes them to appear like the “party pooper” of the group.
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theobscurial · 5 years
Your Cuteness Percent
Tagged by: @loveisforchildren-percivalgraves Tagging: @abernathysoffice, @vinda-rosier-gg, @witchesnevercry, & @bloody-hell-xo, @magicalmusesandwheretofindthem & anyone else.
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But add like 32907920 more rows of that. 
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wemadeemcocoa · 5 years
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"I am not!"
Top or bottom?
Tagged by: @magicalmusesandwheretofindthem @amagizoologistscase and @teapotauror
Tagging: @abernathysoffice @duchasgraves
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wemadeemcocoa · 5 years
📱 - Abernathy or newt, your pick ^^
[TEXT; UNSENT]: In all honesty I appreciate your friendship.
[TEXT; UNSENT]: I I don’t know how I would have coped without your support...awkward as it was.
[TEXT; UNSENT]: You could be a cool person if it weren’t for that stick up your ass. You gotta learn to to chill.
[TEXT; UNSENT]: I honestly want to kidnap your son....
[TEXT; UNSENT]: Please don’t ever stop being my friend. I couldn’t take it here without you.
[TEXT; SENT]: How was the mission? Your nanny seemed to have problems with Anthony. He was crying a lot.
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wemadeemcocoa · 5 years
@abernathysoffice honestly I think this is queenie to abernathy xD
But also everyone, this cover is to DIE for.
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