partxilos-blog · 5 years
i apologize for my long absence but,,,,life got in the way of me doing things :’( i’ll try to reply to everything tomorrow / over the weekend tho so uhhh look forward to that ig
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
okay but au where corvus dies shortly after lil corvus’ birth and clarisse raises the kids
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
Anyway, i’m pretty sure that corvus’ different treatment of leta and lil corvus also stems from how he saw his wives/his relationship with them, like
Laurena was just an object he used to sate his lust. He didn’t desire her as a person, an individual, but rather just for her beauty and I don’t think he expected to get anything out of their “relationship”. Then she got pregnant, though, and he let the child be born, thinking he could kill one bird with two stones, i.e fulfill his desire and get a heir out of it. Perfect, right? But then she gave birth to a daughter - something totally useless to him; something he didn’t need or want- and died. And that’s how he treats Leta: an unwanted result of a fling; perhaps even -in his opinion- a sign of laurena ultimately besting him; a shame to him and his family.
Now he’s got a problem though: no heir and no wife that could give him one.
But then there’s that cousin of his: young, unmarried and childless and yeah, she’ll be the one to give him the heir he needs. And to be honest? I don’t think he had to force Clarisse to marry him as he did with Laurena (which is another + point for her). And then, 5 years after leta’s birth and his marriage to clarisse, lil corvus is finally born and that’s how he treats him: his long needed heir; a sign of him fulfilling his duties as head of the family; something to cover up his mistake with Laurena/Leta.
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
anyway i'm adding clarisse to this blog bc she's my wife(tm)
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
me: [thinks about how corvus must've felt when he sent lil corvus away and never saw him again]
me, softly: fuck
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
                                          loving you was  s u n s h i n e ,
                                                    [ safe and sound ]
                                               a steady place to let down
                                                       [ my defenses ]  
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
Bunty: I’m going to feed the Kelpie.
Newt: No, don’t feed the Kelpie.
[Bunty feeds the Kelpie] 
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰
is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
which one of your muses has the most ships?
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
which muse is the most fun to write for?
is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
which muse has the most aus or verses?
can you sort your muses from youngest to oldest?
which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
do your muses get along with each other?
would you ship any of your muses together? who?
for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
have you ever considered making a multimuse/is it easier having a multimuse?
which muse is the most problematic towards other muses?
which muse is most likely to make new friends?
which muses’ fandom do you like the best?
is there someone playing the same muse/s as you and you really look up to them?
which muse do people send the most asks for?
which muse is most likely to have kids?
is there a rule that someone keeps breaking for your muses?
can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?
which muse are you considering deleting?
most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses?
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
                             wise men say   
                                 ‘ only   f o o l s   rush in ‘ 
                                    —— but i can’t help
                                          falling in love 
                                                 ( you )
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
                                                          W h a t ?    
                                 Did you think you were worth my while?
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
Handwritten Asks.
1. Send me a @ and I’ll write your URL.
2. Send me a 💜 and I’ll write my favorite color.
3. Send me a 💌 and I’ll write a letter to someone of your choice.
4. Send me a 🎥 and I’ll write my favorite movie.
5. Send me a 📖 and I’ll write my favorite book.
6. Send me a ☕ and I’ll write an unpopular opinion of mine.
7. Send me a 🍽️ and I’ll write my favorite food.
8. Send me a 💼 and I’ll write my dream vacation.
9. Send me a ❤️ and I’ll write my favorite blogs.
10. Send me a 🖊️ and I’ll write something of your choice.
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
“ Well … ” His gaze took in the other’s appearance —  j u d g i n g  every part of him from the top of his head to his feet  — and a click of his tongue displayed his  d i s p l e a s u r e  with what he found. “ Maybe I should give you a little makeover. ” Standing in one swift motion he walked around the desk in front of him and stopped behind Abernathy’s back, his hands combing through the brown, short strands with a hum.
“ A new color, perhaps ⁇ Or rather a new cut ⁇ Longer, maybe ⁇ ”
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
Handwriting can tell you so much about a person. Go here and repost with your character’s name in their handwriting!
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Tagged by: nobody
Tagging: everybody that wants to lmao
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
Mun vs Muse
Mun vs muse day meme go ( example. mun vs muse: Who is taller? )
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
today’s mood is crying over wholesome relationships i had to fuck up
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
         i could live without you
                i could fight without you
                       i could survive without you
                                        but, that doesn’t mean i  w a n t   to…
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partxilos-blog · 5 years
Hufflepuff: I slept for 7 hours straight and I’m still sleepy
Slytherin: I haven’t slept at all
Hufflepuff: … How do you survive
Slytherin: Constant willpower and enough self-hatred to keep me awake
Hufflepuff: *concerned*
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