#about : enzo sarto
gloryride · 5 months
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Fast & Furious but with a romance Jay belongs to @chevvy-yates ♥
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chevvy-yates · 9 months
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I woke up today and saw this on my phone's notifications! Thank you so much @gloryride 💖
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wikitopx · 5 years
Not on every visitor’s radar,
Naples can prove to be one of Italy’s most fascinating cities… when you give it a chance. No matter what time of year you plan to visit, here is a list of 10 things to do in Naples.
1. Galleria Umberto e Saint Carlo theatre
It is located directly opposite the San Carlo opera house.
2. Capodimonte royal palace and museum
In 1738, Charles of Bourbon decided to convert his hunting lodge located in the forest of Cap Capimimonte in the Royal Palace - Museum, to organize the Farnese Collection, received from his mother.
In fact, even today, walking through the great halls of the building, it seems the Bourbon family has come out of the house right in front of our entrance.
The museum contains masterpieces of: Tiziano, Masaccio, Botticelli, Rafaello, Guido Reni, Brueghel the Elder, Andrea del Sarto, Ribera, Goya, Pinturicchio, Vasari, Mattia Preti, Ribera, Andy Warhol, Mimmo Jodice, Alberto Burri, Mario Merz, Joseph Kosuth, Enzo Cucchi, Michelangelo Pistoletto and the extraordinary “Flagellation of Christ” by Caravaggio.
3. Naples Cathedral
Although dating back to the late 13th century, the church has been significantly altered by earthquakes and restoration, especially after 1456, but the doorway 1407 at the center of the front already exists. In the south aisle is the sumptuous 17th-century chapel of San Gennaro, patron saint of Naples.
On its main altar, a silver bust contains the skull of the saint, who was martyred in 305, during the Diocletian period. In the tabernacle are two vessels containing St. Giam's blood, believed to be of liquid power, held with solemn rites in the church every September 19.
4. Piazza del plebiscito
When looking for things to do in Naples, you should include a visit to its largest square. With an area of six acres, this public space is a gathering place for a casual stroll, the backdrop for large-scale artwork, a wonderful New Year's Eve and a stage for the world-famous singer and performer.
Here you'll find the Palazzo Reale, the 30-room Royal House Museum, as well as Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III, the largest library in southern Italy.
5. Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii ruins
MT. Vesuvius is known for including Pompeii with ash, rock, and lava 2,000 years ago (and the last eruption in 1944) is only 10 km (6 miles) from Naples. There are tour buses that can take you directly to the parking lot, or for those who prefer to travel independently, it's a short train and bus. This is an attraction of Naples not to be missed.
6. National Archeological Museum
Originally the museum was a horse riding school, then the location of the University. Archaeological Museum was inaugurated in 1816 and today, it is one of the most important museums in the world because of the quality and quantity of buildings offered. Many objects came from excavations at Pompeii and other nearby archaeological sites.
7. Veiled Christ at Cappella Sansevero
Engraved in 1753 by Giuseppe Sanmartino, it shows Christ's image beneath what looks like the thinnest piece of cloth. The facial features are clearly visible, as are the body and even the crucifixion wounds, but the entire body is covered by the delicate folds of cloth. The visual effect is truly stunning.
There are two other notable sculptures in Capella Sansevero, each dedicated to one of the man's parents who commissioned them and built the chapel, but that is the concealed Christ, that makes Attention everyone.
8. Castel dell' Ovo
The Castel dell' Ovo is the oldest fortress in Naples. The name of the castle comes from a legend about the Roman poet Virgil, who was famous in the Middle Ages as a great sorcerer and predictor of the future.
In the legend, Virgil has placed a magic egg on the foundation to support the fortifications. If this egg is broken, the castle will be destroyed and a series of catastrophic events for Napoli will occur.
9. Walk along Spaccanapoli - Unesco World Heritage Site
The city of Naples comes alive with all its splendor, chaos, and charm on the streets as Spaccanapoli, or Via San Biagio. It is the main street that divides Naples and is the heart of the historic center.
Begin in the Piazza del Gesù Nuovo and discover the traditional pizzerias and pastry shops, as well as some of the best monuments and churches in the city. Via San Gregorio Armeno, in addition to Via San Biagio, is famous for its natural workshops and shops.
10. Eat Pizza
It may seem strange that the first thing to do or see in the city is really something to eat, but in the end, this is the birthplace of pizza (perhaps the most popular food export of Italy) and the locals take their food very seriously.
Make sure you go to a pizzeria that serves Napoletana vera pizzas, Neapolitan-style pizzas, and you'll be great. See the Pizzerias suggestion on Visit Naples.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Pisa
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-naples-706140.html
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gloryride · 6 months
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Love around camp fire
📸 by @chevvy-yates ♥ (jay belongs to them too) Chevvy surprised me with these pretty pics about our drivers babies and aaaaah they're so pretty together like that ♥ i love jay sitting on enzo's lap, just casually close like that around a fire, just soft boys in love. Just funny thing, Jay looks more nomad than his nomad boyfriend in this outfit, hehehe ! Thanks friend for this lovely gift ♥♥
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gloryride · 1 month
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My motivation is still slow but i come back in game to do chilly pics and stuff, no energy for big projects. And as i'm now unemployed, i want to update my npv, and so Enzo (before @chevvy-yates sends me Jayjay files ♥). But before doing his npv, i wanted to clean his wardrobe to know what i want.
His colors are green, earth tone, white and black. Red are where he steals jay's clothes (a)
Cityboy : shorts jackets and long top are his patterns. He loves jackets, it can change a whole outfit, but still need to be comfy. And always gloves, he doesn't like to show his scars Nomad : practical clothes, with pockets and comfy, lot of earth tone colors, no need to be visible around. He's more chill in his camp, his gloves are also practical to work (miss a shorts outfit) Nomad mechanic : that's his job in the clan (when he doesn't race) so he needs outfits to work with his father Nomad fancy : nomads have wedding or nice places to go, but fancy is still chill there. And as an italian, Enzo opens his shirt A LOT ! Racer : the green is his official nomad racer gear, i love this style. And on the right the illegal street ones. I still need to do his official racer (i have idea in mind) and illegal nomad.
Miss city fancy but i will work on it soon (but his npv already has one)
Still need to tweak his scars bc they're clipping on tight gloves but baby boy looks good <3 he's ready to live fast and furious with his bratty amore ♥
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gloryride · 3 months
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Bratty Babies
Last but not least, the boys in love ! Our two bratty baby drivers, with @chevvy-yates, have now their pride pics together, with the car behind because that's because of her if everything happened XD when a nomad races against a streetkid, no one could guess that a pretty love story will born <33 love these boys so much, so pretty, full of life and same vision to live fast and furious ! Oh and why the green and red colors ? first because that's their colors, but also this post showed italian flag in middle of pride flag. So now Jay is not bisexual anymore, he's italiansexual !
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gloryride · 6 months
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Love & Victory
when Enzolino wins a race, he loves to hear his name screaming by people, ego boosted by this victory, sometimes flowers, of course money as reward ... but that's nothing compared to his biggest fan, the one who comes to give him a kiss to congratulate him ♥
Again, the talented @pointdotiozao killed me with this masterpiece, he drew what i had in mind, and i wanted to surprise @chevvy-yates ♥ i wanted something sweet, but also our lil headcanon when Enzo is strong enough to carry his tall boyfriend. Thank you Renato 💓
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gloryride · 7 months
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Happy Birthday, Jay ♥
Enzo tried his best to give a good birthday date to his boyfriend, but we all know that most of streetkids aren't patient and a bit brat. Especially Jay, @chevvy-yates ;) Hope boys have lovely date, and Jay a lovely gift (a)
Speaking of gift, in two parts ...
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gloryride · 1 year
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Jay belongs to @chevvy-yates ♥ underwear | poses
First, I wanted to test both Wash's boxers and Humberg's poses … and as you can see, one mod got the upper hand over the other (sorry Ash) ♥ And when I see these photos again, I realise that Enzo really trusts Jay. He never undresses in front of others and never takes off his gloves (except when he's at his camp) because he's terrified of what other people might think of his burns - he hates them himself. So seeing him in his underwear and giving Jay that bright smile means he's really confident and in love ♥♥♥ And how JJ looks at him .... aaaaaah, i'm melting !
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gloryride · 9 months
tagged by @chevvy-yates ♥♥ thanks! I know who you want, so here baby driver <3
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-- Name --
Enzo Angelo Sarto. No, don't call me Lorenzo, i don't like this name, and i don't care was my nonno name. My parents call me like that when i screw up. So it's Enzo, capisce ?
-- Nickname --
Lot of people call me Enzolino because some race commentators called me that when I won my first race at 16. I was the youngest racer for years. Because "-ino" in Italian means "little". And i still have this name, even i'm a tall ragazzo and i'm 24. And so many of my family calls me Lino, some close friends too. But i prefer people call me Enzo. Except Jay who calls me Babe, adn that's really cute in his pretty mouth.
-- Gender --
Cis Male
-- Star Sign --
Born in October 30, i'm a proud Scorpio !
-- Height--
1m89, or 6"2 if you want
-- Orientation --
-- Nationality/Ethnicity --
Italian. I don't care i never saw Italia in my life, but all my famiglia is italian so am i ! Yeah yeah, i know i was born in Arizona, but it's from Free States not NUSA, right ? I can't be American, so i'm Italian.
-- Fave Fruit --
I love prickly pears, because you find many in deserts around New Mexico, when they're not toxic. Mia mamma does pretty neat marmelades with. I like oranges too, when they're ripe and sweet
-- Fave Season --
Spring, when it starts to be a bit hot but not too much. And sometimes it rains, feels so good after a day in a desert !
-- Fave Flower --
Don't see many flowers in desert, except cactus flowers. I had a bouquet of lilies and peonies when I won my last Vegas Race - they smelt really good!
-- Fave Scent --
Maybe i have weird taste, but i love motor oil smell, as like hot asphalt, then refreshed by rain. In more classic, when lasagna just came out still hot, or just citrus smell.
-- Coffee, tea or hot chocolate --
Coffee, that's a basic.
-- Average hours of sleep --
Chaotic and my dark circles speak for me. I go to bed late but wake up early, sometimes i don't sleep, because i start working with my dad at 6am to avoid heat in desert. I take nap afternoon and when i can, but i rarely sleep a long night.
-- Dog or Cat person --
I love dogs, but if i can choose another animals i prefer geckos. You can see a lot in desert, they're adorable.
-- Dream trip --
I travel all the time so i dunno ... maybe going to Italy and see where my famiglia come from ? Or maybe just on the East Coast of NUSA, just to see how it is, and seeing if there are some races.
-- Favorite fictional character --
This guy in Bushido 6 : Street Score plays by Drew Garcia, always forget his name. He's a dick but so cool with his car. Saw the scene too many times ... And i saw many western movies with my brother Virgile, i really love the ones with Terrence Hill. So Nobody in My Name is Nobody and ... what's the name in English ? Vabbè. Lo chiamavano Trinità, where he plays Trinita, awesome too !
-- Number of blankets they sleep with --
Between none and one. If i sleep alone, one. If i'm with Jay, he spreads the blanket away so i have nothing ... except him.
-- Random fact --
It's something I never talk about because I don't have any information. But I have… I had… an older sister. My mother was married and he left to join the Wraiths with their baby. We know that he was killed a year later, but there's no trace of the baby. Mamma searched and never found her, and she still wonders where she is, if she's still alive. It seems that's why she only had me with Dad, the fear of losing me too would have been a kind of psychological block and she was never able to have other children.
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gloryride · 6 months
Last night in Italy. What did I see?
Virgile became a saint, Vanessa has opened a barber shop and Enzo is a driving instructor 😏
It gave me some ideas …
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last day tomorrow in this amazing country 💔
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
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Busted for attempt to steal private property (a car).
"This car deserves a new owner who is more caring about that beauty seeing nothin' but dust!" — Jaysen
[NC_RES]_00003027 racers_sarto_steyr_mugshots.file ///core:_baby_drivers.file\\\
Please do not repost any of my art. Enzo Sarto belongs to @gloryride. <3 mugshot poses & plate by Zink (amm discord). bomber jacket (Arizona) by @pinkyjulien
Since Glory came up with that Barbie and Ken meme to me — I had to do this mugshot theme a well. Both of us do have OCs who are (street) racers and what can I say? Pretty Enzolino here once lost his beautiful orange McLaren F1 and had to hand it over to Jay. Enzo without a good racing car? Impossible.
So despite of not liking Jay, he proceeds to ask him to lend Baby (the F1) for winning himself another car. Jay is all in ofc. ;P They actually liked their good teamwork on ripping Sampson his car off and thought it would be a good idea to give some other cars owned by various rich corpos a new owner as well. Too bad they got caught on their first try (team work needs to be learend still). No matter how bad it actually looks, Jaysen will know a way out. Being a highly skilled netrunner and a former NCPD officer might come in handy, so Enzolino has nothing to fear. ;P They will be out in no time!
I did a lot of post processing with these. Made the height table myself (quickly done via InDesign), also the text on the plates each of them is holding. I decided against placing their names and took my usual description onto them for ID. I added the date they got caught – looked up what usually is on such plates and majority had dates, so yeah, why not? Fun fact: I placed QR codes on them as well. xD If you would scan those you'll simply be lead to the tags with the ocs. That said they are scanable, but I think they won't be on tblr, since opening them in a new browser tab does show them in a smaller resolution than when I open them on my iMac. And ofc viewing with your phone gives not the option to scan either. I just wanted to do something different is all xD
And because I love close ups, have one of Jay and Enzo, too as a bonus:
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gloryride · 1 year
Tagged by @chevvy-yates, thanks ♥
I saw a lot of people already doing this game, so feel free to do it and tag me, love to see others lore ♥♥
I should answer with Virgile, but i know who chevvy wants (bonk!) so, let's go with baby driver ♥
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$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable / would be in great shape if not for the brain worm
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified/ unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / commits more crimes (bribes law enforcement) to avoid charges / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable  
♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between
♦ disorganized / organized / in-between
♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between
♦ calm / anxious / in-between / highly contextual
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual
♦ patient / impatient / in-between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between / highly contextual
♦ leader / follower / in-between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between
♦ traditional / modern / in-between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently /to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
More infor under the cut A bit long bc he's in development :
PERSONAL Enzo doesn't have lot of money. Racer is his job and most of money he wins go to the clan, the rest on repair and car customization ! His most precious possession was Baby, his McLaren, because he put his tiny fortune into it (and didn't finish paying for it when he lost it). Official races don't always bring in enough money, which is also why he races illegally! And this goes back to the gambling issue: he places bets on races, whether he's in them or not. As a nomad, he lives on the fringes of society, so is not part of any class, but can boast a better education than the streetkids. Enzo has had access to lots of books and films, not least because his big brother Virgil is a history buff, but also because they've watched lots of old films together. And as nomads, we value our independence and autonomy, so we do our best to educate our children.
About crimes, he has never done anything serious other than illegal racing, car thefts and brawls. Virgil wanted to purge his record, but Enzo wouldn't prefer it: when you're known, the authorities know a bit more about what you've done, it would be suspicious to be blameless!
FAMILY Enzo almost became a father when he was 18 with his then-girlfriend, but she lost the baby and they split up. He was terrified of being a bad father, but also wondering whether he should stop racing to be more present. A selfish thought, he knows! Yet he loves his family, he works with his father when he's in camp, sometimes works with his mother, and he can't see himself leaving his clan to which he is loyal. Yet he has defied the clan's laws to find his brother Virgil (who left after his heart attack for NC), and still sees him in secret, because the clan's laws are clear: anyone who leaves is banished, and no one must have contact with them. TRAITS Enzo is a kind, loyal, faithful, empathetic boy, but totally reckless, living his life with passion to the point of doing anything. He's hyperactive, needs to be busy, needs to move, doesn't like to wait and is outgoing. But in the world of racing, he is often arrogant, even mean to some people. He's very touchy and doesn't like to be messed with. SEXUALITY He was in a relationship when he was 17, with a girl from his clan whom he fell in love with, but never looked after. Shopping took up all his time, he was never in the same place and lived it well. After his accident, he hated his burns and was convinced that people would see him as a monster if he showed them (that's how he sees himself). So he closed himself off to any potential story, and even refused to undress during sex. He had to trust the other person to take off his gloves and top… Jay succeed ! BELIEFS He has the Italian package: signing the cross, wearing religious jewellery, calling on the Holy Virgin or some other saint. But it's more cultural than religious; he vaguely believes in it, but nothing more. His grandmother always prays to St Christopher (the patron saint of travellers) when he leaves, and he likes this little prayer, which is more of a ritual than a belief. ABILITIES You didn't imagine Enzo carrying a gun, huh? Every nomad needs to know how to protect himself, and baby driver has had the best teacher of all, namely his grandfather, Angelo Sarto. He's a good shot with a rifle (just like Virgil) and has one in his nomad car. His grandmother taught him to shoot a pistol, which he keeps in his racing car. He's never really needed it, just pointing it at attackers and aiming right at them is enough.
He's not very artistic and has never had the patience to learn an instrument; he can play a few guitar chords thanks to his brother, but nothing more. He dances quite well, his grandmother taught him to dance well in pairs, and he has a lovely voice.
On the other hand, give him tools and he'll fix anything you want. Cars of course, but also water systems and air conditioning. He's been following in his father's footsteps since childhood, and has learnt everything with passion! HABITS He drinks at parties, but very lightly. A beer or two, no more, often because he drives after, likes to be in control. If he drinks more, it's because he can sleep in (or has someone to drive him home), but he can't hold much alcohol, and falls asleep in a corner after a high. That's why he doesn't take drugs either; he's tried one or two to keep up with his buddies, but she's never been interested. His best drug is adrenalin. He took painkillers and sleeping pills after his accident, when he was badly burned and had nightmares about it. Today, he no longer takes them, but continues to put cream on his wounds and sometimes has nightmares, but refuses medication.
(not many will read until there, so thanks if you did) (chevvy, i know you read everything, so gift for you : bonk !)
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gloryride · 10 months
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@nananarc & @miss--river tagged me to do this picrew! thanks both !
Top (left -right) : Vanessa - Oscar Bottom (left-right) : Virgile - Enzo
And as i was fun, did the others too
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Top (left -right) : Isao - Mieko Bottom (left-right) : Aurore - Roxanne
Tagging (no pressure as usual) : @angynomadsimp @thelonestrider @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @dustymagpie @aggravateddurian @medtech-mara @drunkchasind
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gloryride · 1 year
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@chevvy-yates tagged me to do this awesome Picrew with my boys 💕
They're pretty accurate, maybe Oscar is the less one, miss vitiligo and better dreads, but he has his yellow sunglasses !! Still love difference between Sarto fratelli, Virgil with puppy eyes and Enzo with sunshine smile (hope you like it Chevvy !). And dark boy Isao, happy to find perfect suits for him !!
tagging (no pressure of course !) : @angynomadsimp @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @a-pirate @morganlefaye79 @balverine2077 @therealnightcity @breezypunk
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gloryride · 9 months
🤔 💤 and 💘 for my beloved Enzolinoooo <3
Of course that's for him 😏 Hope you'll enjoy the answers ♥
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
He understands netrunning… in theory. Interfaces, cyberspace, AI, he knows what it is, but not how it works in real life. It's quite frustrating when you have a brother, and now a boyfriend, who is a netrunner. Because he doesn't have any implants, it's impossible for him to see what it's like and experience it. And he needs that to really understand. It's a subject he's talked a lot about with Panam, but she was lucky enough to go with Virgile. He feels a bit on the outside, left out on this topic. And he needs to experience things, to see them to understand; theory bores him and lacks perspective. Maybe one day, living in NC for part of the time, he'll put aside his opposition to implants and get some basic stuff, and maybe… but too much maybe, today he has this frustration of not understanding when he's got talented guys around him…
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
Nothing, just a corner where he can sleep. Enzo's a chaotic sleeper, going to bed late and getting up early (or sometimes not sleeping at all), so he can take naps during the day. Yes, several. He sleeps in his bed, in his car, in his grandfather's hammock, on a chair, on Jay's shoulder… it doesn't have to be super-comfortable, just enough so that he can close his eyes. He falls asleep quite quickly, for a few minutes or an hour, then gets up again. Just don't wake him up, he needs his sleep. Yes, even you Jay if you want to take a dirty nap … although, anything's possible!
💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
Like Virgile, let me let Enzo talk about Jay:
"I was stupid and blind when I said he wasn't my type, think he wasn't that handsome. Because he's HOT! I won't spend too much time talking about what I like about his looks, because he's so attractive, and it would take too long to talk about that. His eyes, his smile, his skin … Mamma mia! His skin is so soft! I could touch it for hours and never get tired of it."
He speaks while making random Italian hand gestures and ends up miming a chef kiss.
"I love rubbing my cheek against his skin, I'm crazy about it. And sometimes with my beard to see a big boy like him being ticklish, it's adorable. And it's also perfect for teasing him a bit."
He remains silent for a few moments, smiling lightly into the distance.
"But what really attracted me to him was how easy he is to be with. I dunno how to really explain it, but he always gave me time to open up to him, never judged me when I talked, always reached out to me, even when I wasn't the nicest to him. It's as if he knew how to be with me without even knowing me. I also love it when he's noioso, ... i mean, a pain in the arse to other people, even though he's the sweetest to me. It's as if I've got a special privilege, the only one. Knowing that he's such a daredevil sometimes, but that he's the most tender person when we're together just the two of us, melts my heart every time."
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