#about whats happened to pol and rins and franky...
Really really hope the Sepang rumors aren't true cause seriously, all of the MotoGP tracks that get "modified" to fit F1 standards get super dangerous to ride on. We've already seen an increase in dangerous crashes last season, and I really don't want to see yet another classic circuit get made too dangerous.
Yeah, it is a great circuit. It is a historical circuit. But it'll either have to be a 100% F1 track or 100% MotoGP track if we want to keep it safe. Every time they try to get the tracks "more suitable for cars" we get gravel pits that injure riders and speedbumps that aren't safe to ride over.
It cannot be another "combined" circuit. Either it gets handed over 100% or not. I just don't want to have another crash like what we've had in 2023.
We already had an accident and the season hasn't even started.
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baellerin · 3 years
You seem a little bit stressed, so going to propose a 'game'.
So to spicy up the championship, FIM/DORMA/Ezpeleta decides to throw a curve ball to the riders, so at least one rider of each manufacturer has to switch to another one for a race. Which drivers are switched, in your opinion and to which team? You can switch people also within the manufactures like someone from Ducati to Avintia, but at least one of them has to switch manufacturers. You can make as simple or as complicated as you want.
I only want to cheer you up.
anon ive been scribbling away on a piece of paper during my study break to make decision for this and i have enjoyed it so thank you <333
I kinda went all out and mixed up a ton of people but oh well :)
ill put it under a cut bc its long ahaha
Maverick -> moves here bc seeing him on the yam just makes me sad these days, sending him back to his roots in a team that is now world champion
Rins - stays bc i just cannot imagine him anywhere else
Savadori - stays bc he just needs consistency for now
Rossi -> moves here bc he brings money and Aprillia need that to bridge that last little gap at the front, also they are both Italian so it makes sense
Pol - stays just bc i didnt want him anywhere else
Taka -> gets a promotion bc hes been solid for honda for the past year or so
Zarco -> He seemed quite good on the Honda when he filled in for Taka at the end of 2019 so i’d like to see more
Martin -> We’ve already seen what he can do in a few races on a ducati, so up the difficulty and see what he’s made of
Fabio - stays bc what they have going on rn seems to be working very well
Franky -> gets the promotion we all know he deserves
Iker -> this kid deserves a better chance, he’s destroying his soul on that ktm and his boss keeps being mean about him so im saving him
Alex M -> his riding style would be much more suited to the yamaha and honeslty i just want him off the honda bc im scared he’ll have a really nasty crash
Marc -> this guy is crazy chuck him on the ktm and see what he can do, i want to know if he could outride the problems on that bike
Brad - he stays due to being the best ktm so far this year
Tech 3
Miguel -> unfortunately he gets a demotion but honestly he was having a better time last year so will he really be that sad about it
Miller -> for this one mainly im just interested to see what would happen on a bike similar to the honda which he didn’t have a good time but now that he’s older would it go better or not?
Pecco - stays bc he looks good in red lol and i think the ducati style really suits his style
Mir -> would like to see him on a different bike that was better in quali to see what he could do starting closer to the front every race
Aleix -> would like to see what he would do on a better bike bc he’s not really had a proper chance
Danilo -> I’ve brought him back bc he’s having an awful time at ktm and if Dovi had made up his mind about retiring earlier i think there’s a chance ducati would have kept him
Luca - seems to suit his style, obviously hes on an older bike so i think if he toughs it out a while we could see some good results
Enea - same as luca to be honest, they both need the consistency to build up their performances
ahhhh that was long but thanks anon i did enjoy it :)
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waru-chan8 · 4 years
Congratulations to Joan Mir the 2020 World Champion!!!!!!
If I'm completely honest, I would have loved to see a battle for the championship in Portimão between the two Suzuki boys. But anyway. A question, did Suzuki win the triple crown? If not, what they need for it to happen? I'm really curious because I don't know how it works.
About this race, I'm happy for Rins, Pol and especially for Binder, they did an amazing job. I'm also very happy for Franky, who decided to give me a heart attack in the last lap.
For the MotoGP's commentators, if it's so difficult to overtake, can you explain the last lap fight between Franky and Miller? Or Rins going from P14 to P4?
Expectations for next races: a 1-2 in the drivers' championship for the Suzuki boys!!!! Let's go Rins!!!
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