#and enea.... and really pecco too....
Really really hope the Sepang rumors aren't true cause seriously, all of the MotoGP tracks that get "modified" to fit F1 standards get super dangerous to ride on. We've already seen an increase in dangerous crashes last season, and I really don't want to see yet another classic circuit get made too dangerous.
Yeah, it is a great circuit. It is a historical circuit. But it'll either have to be a 100% F1 track or 100% MotoGP track if we want to keep it safe. Every time they try to get the tracks "more suitable for cars" we get gravel pits that injure riders and speedbumps that aren't safe to ride over.
It cannot be another "combined" circuit. Either it gets handed over 100% or not. I just don't want to have another crash like what we've had in 2023.
We already had an accident and the season hasn't even started.
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moonshynecybin · 6 days
if you could typecast the grid as stereotypical americans who would be who? (idk if i'm making any sense) but for example bezz gives very cali stoner energy.
god this one is hard because they are all so stunningly european. truly. american men do not act like that. the jean tightness alone. ummm. okay let’s start with the easy ones
pecco: pecco is from a suburb like three hours from chicago and he tells everyone he’s from chicago. framed bulls jerseys on the wall etc
pedro acosta: someone said baseball player from north carolina and yeah. i can imagine bumping into this guy at cookout. like he’s giving charlotte/macklenberg county. serving gastonia. he went to nc state with my friend thomas and he has strong basketball opinions.
bez: califoniaaaaa you’re right. of the surfer or skater variety… either way he’s in baggy as fuck clothes skulking around outside kicking it whenever he can. eating a sandwich
vale: new jersey. my trashy italian american clown princess
mav: screams boston 2 me
aleix: too european im being real. insane amounts of european. kind of breaking my brain sooo im not assigning him one
enea: gay ass san fran guy with his lil dog. walkin around the castro the dog gets hot. he picks up the dog. gay pride flag in the background. i cheer. he’s drinking espresso that costs fourteen american dollars. that’s like 12.50 euro google is telling me
casey stoner: this bitch is from vermont
luca: right across the river from vale in new york citayyyy… i think he would thrive in an environment where he doesn’t look insane wearing something very elegant and a lil dressier. like you can’t really do that in idk. most of the south or midwest or southwest or— anyways we’re sending him to nyc
jorge martin: i COULD see him hanging out in florida but like slutty florida not trashy florida. just on a beach in miami in the tiniest shorts imaginable with aleix comma also there europeanly. idk
joan mir: LOUSIANA. need to take his pissy ass to the bayou.
jack miller: attended the university of alabama and was perhaps too invested in SEC football culture. i would end this by saying roll tide for comedy but that would make me gag here in real life. anyways
marc and alex. hmmmmmmm. i could see outside austin texas as that seems 2 be hallowed ground for marc lol. alternatively. kentucky. horse boys. this is another hard one i’m open to suggestions here cuz nothin is jumping out at me tbh
franky: seems into mindfulness in a way that is giving seattle. runs a bookstore with REALLY good staff picks. big ass armchairs HUGE used book section that smells good. sitting there petting the store cat in a flannel with the sleeves rolled up. sipping his coffee. works nights at the local bar sometimes. who said that.
brad binder: denver.
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misanocircuit · 6 months
a mashup of lil Italian MotoGP riders' interviews 🥹 (Marco Bezzecchi, Pecco Bagnaia, Enea Bastianini, Fabio Di Giannantonio, Luca Marini, Celestino Vietti & Tony Arbolino)
Bez: "[the race] went really well, I've raced with an inferior bike which was prepared by Fabiano and I have to say that he's a genius because it has been a really nice race, I've managed to gain some advantage from the third rider and... It went well."
"My name's Bezzecchi Marco, BM bike, BZM engine, I thank Robert for the engine, my team and all my friends, especially Eddy, Pippo, Salvo, uhm... I thanks Loris and everyone else."
Pecco: "[I'm Francesco] Bagnaia, I race with the RMU [bike] in the RMU team, I'm quite happy about the race because at the first turn I was first, I've stayed in the front until the sixth lap, then I got overtaken firstly by Andrea Caravella then by Stefano Valtulini and they have been good too! I'd like to thank my team, Alessandro Rozzi and my parents."
"I am Francesco Bagnaia, I race with the RMU in the RMU team, I thank all of my mechanics, Alessandro Rozzi and then... I wish good to all the mothers for mother's day!"
Bestia: "I am Enea Bastianini on Honda, the race went... Race 1 went quite well and [makes the face of "boh" (meaning I don't know what to say) lol] the tyres slipped a bit at the beginning but then everything went smoothly and... I've tried to catch [Alex] Marzocchi but then I gave in a bit and I've fineshed 3rd..."
"My name's Enea Bastianini, I'm from Rimini, the race went quite well, I had fun, I had a great battle with Stefano Manzi... I race with the RMU bike and I thank all of my mechanics, my sponsors..."
Diggia: "Hello, I'm Fabio Di Giannantonio, ZPF bike, ZPF engine, I've finshed in second place, I did a great race: I started that I was second and I stayed calm and I've finished second. I thank everybody in the team and all of my family."
"Hello, I'm Fabio Di Giannantonio, Honda bike, the race went quite well: the first one because I had a great race, I had fun but I had a contact with [Nicolò] Castellini and I fell... And I ended up eighth; instead the second race went quite well, I'm here in second place, and I wanted to thank my dad who's making some incredible efforts to let me race."
Maro: "I'm Luca Marini, on RMU [bike]; the race went really well, I managed to start immediately perfectly from Pole Position and from the first turn on I got away from the others and, after I've reached a certain gap, I managed the race and it went really good."
Celin: "[the race from] the European Championship has been beautiful because I managed to beat everyone... Quite... Uhm, because I managed to win, getting away from everyone and it has been really nice; here, instead... It has also been easy but maybe there were tougher opponents."
"So, I started quite good in both the starts but then there was my teammate who was there behind me trying to overtake me, but I hold on until the very end and I made it! I wanted to greet... to thank Polini, my dad and my brother who's at home."
Tony: "My name's Tony Arbolino, the race went amazingly, I was third and I started very good, uhm... I was waiting for the mistake of the two in front of me, who were battling it out, and they both fell and I went to win the race!"
"We're here with the winner of the rookie's category." - "My name's Tony Arbolino, I am of the Moto Club Pa- Pasini... Racing... [doesn't know what to say]... ZPF bike... [still has no clue of what to say and gets help]... I got two wins in the Italian Championship... and I thank my mechanic Ugo and my dad!"
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motocorsas · 6 months
motogp as restaurant staff
valentino: the kind of owner that likes to occasionally show up just to sit in his office in the back and pretend to do paperwork while gossiping with managers about hiring decisions
aleix: kitchen manager (used to work the grill)
dovi: used to be assistant/hiring manager but quit </3. still shows up to chat and have a beer sometimes and ppl are always trying to give him free stuff but he's too humble
dani: used to be front of house manager. had a secret tryst with lorenzo that the entire restaurant found out about and resulted in a slow motion mega-breakup and they both got fired
lorenzo: used to be kitchen manager (see above)
marc: neurotic lead server/front of house manager who is always stressed about something but customers love him. threatens to quit all the time
front of house:
pecco: the actual best server but is always getting shit bc vale (a "family friend" who is basically his father) got him the job
joan: server who disappears for 15-30 minute increments to go have mini breakdowns
fabio: server who shows up for opening shift & everyone saw him partying on instagram last night but he doesn't seem hungover so he keeps getting scheduled for it anyway even though it is secretly killing him
bezz: server who is super popular with costumers but forgets orders more than anyone
luca: host who can do no wrong
enea: host who is ALWAYS getting shit from the servers for overseating their section but he doesn't care
maverick: lead bartender who knows how to work basically every station in the kitchen
jack: second bartender/barback who really wants to learn grill but aleix won't promote him bc he knows jack and maverick used to have a thing when they were literal teenagers & he's obsessed with playing with his coworkers like dolls. he doesn't even rly want them to get back together he just wants to see how long this weird animosity will go on for
back of house:
taka: easily the best cook but is never scheduled for more than 2 or 3 days per week. no one has any idea what his main job is, but if he's this good at his side hustle, it's gotta be something insane
morb: cook (can work grill & saute interchangeably) who never shows up on time and never answers texts but basically can't be fired because he's one of the best cooks, always helps clean and never calls out
jorge: grill cook who everyone thinks might actually be dating aleix since they go for breaks together all the time but aleix for sure has a wife and children... everyone's gathered around the backdoor listening to them chat outside trying to deduce whether or not adultery is occurring
brad: actual best grill cook and Good Bloke
alex rins: salads & cold apps. bc he's vegetarian. always shows up early to chat with aleix and stays late to help clean up but no one ever hears from him on days he's not scheduled. always claims he's hanging out with aleix and jorge but cannot substantiate it
alex marquez: king of expo who is the only one sending orders out on time. if marc is running an order they will always whisper with each other... who knows what they're discussing
diggia: dishwasher extraordinaire who desperately wants to work literally any other station
oliveira: meal prep. runs the walk-in like he was born in it and has the best gossip about everyone
zarco: butcher (derogatory)
spanish rookies (raul, augusto, pedro): the busboy brigade and ALWAYS scurrying around and it's unclear whether they like each other or if they've turned bussing into some sort of competition
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formulapookie · 4 days
❛ i need you. please. i'll be quick. ❜ with beznaia :)
The scent of Bez can probably be perceived by the whole paddock with how strong it is.
It shouldn't tho, not with the scent suppressants he's taking, not when his heat is always on time and has to arrive two weeks from now.
And Bez knows, or at least, he gets it, with the way mechanics, fans or other riders stare at him while he walks.
Fuck fuck fuck it's early. He's sweating and it doesn't help his situation in the slightest.
He's hot, he needs this to fucking calm down or he won't be able to race.
The one time it happened out of schedule he was at the Ranch, and he didn't manage to train because it was so shocking he didn't come out the bed until one his boyfriend of the time had arrived and helped him out.
He broke up recently with his ex, he doesn't have anyone to help him and fuck no he's not asking a random mechanic for help with this.
"Shit why now it was supposed to come later come on"
He's in his motorhome, he needs help, he knows he does, but who can he ask to?
Not Diggia for sure, he's got that strange this with Enea going on, and he thinks he's seen a bite on the ducati rider recently.
A mechanic is out of discussion.
Vale? No absolutely not, he remembers all too well when he got in heat near him and Marc was there, that man had practically dragged Vale away and looked at him like a psycho for days.
Much too jealous.
Cele is racing currently, Mig is and Franky are busy with something and Luca is - he doesn't really wanna know where Luca and Alex are.
So. That leaves one guy only to his desperate need.
Which wouldn't even be a bad idea, it would be a great on even, but the problem is he's got a crush on him that's been lasting forever.
Can he control himself around Pecco when he's in heat? Maybe. Maybe not. But he's the only solution.
God knows how much strenght it takes to him to get up from the floor and sneak out, his scent must be going off the rails fuck's sake.
He uses a secondary exit from the garage and manages to sneak in Pecco's motorhome, he's hot, too hot, he needs Pecco. And he needs him ow.
Pecco is sat on the couch, head in his hands, breathing in and out.
"Bez you don't want to stay here" "Pecco please I need help" "Is there- no one in your garage?"
Pecco is trying so hard not to grab Bez by the shirt and rail him on the couch, he smells so sweet and inviting, it's almost sickening how good it is.
"No. The others are all busy, and after last time I'm not going with a mechanic"
Pecco looks up, it's a mistake, Bez is flushed and hot, and he's looking at him with a bit too much need.
"Bez I - this can - God this can end badly"
Bez's brain doesn't fuction well anymore, he needs to fuck, and Pecco is - well he's not a beta like Mig or Franky, and despite smelling less strongly than Vale he's an amazing alpha.
"Please" "Bez" "I need you. Please. I'll be quick" "Marco I don't think I'm the best option"
He doesn't know how he's still in control of himself, his best friend, and way too long time crush smells so good he could beat any of the other omegas out there.
He's had desperate omegas throwing themselves at him, he's even fucked a few of them, but Bez? Bez is another story, what if he gets too intoxicated by the scent an does something he regrets? What if he gets too rough?
Bez reduces the distance between them two, and sits beside a clearly scent-affected Pecco, who's practically trying to hold his breath in not to smell him.
"Come on Pecco don't you want to help a friend in need?" "Jesus Christ Marco you can't say things like that" "Why? Don't you want to be a good friend?"
The scent truly feels intoxicating, Bez is practically radiating lust, he's looking at Pecco with too much need and the other can only resist so much before giving up.
"Marco seriously, we both crashed in the sprint it's not a good situation, aren't Mig or Fr-" "Aren't you the Alpha, Pecco? Are you not good enough? You think you can't do enough?"
Then it's a mess. A rough kiss with too much hunger and too many teeth, but they both feel so taken by it they wonder how it never happened before.
"Fuck please"
Pecco has never been quicker in undressing someone, and gets rid of Bez's jeans in two split seconds, and just as quickly he's got a hand in his underwear, teasing and feeling just how wet Bez already is, but not acting on Bez's need.
"Fuck you're so wet Marco, you get like this every time? Might help you more often" "I ah yeah, now do something or I swear if you don't fuck me" "What will you do? Huh? You came begging to my door Marco, because no one out there can fuck you like you want me to do right?"
And - yeah that's true, for how harsh it can be it's the truth.
"Then you better prove you were worthy"
Sliding two fingers inside Bez's cunt may just be the most satisfying thing of Pecco's weekend, especially with the little whimpers he makes, and how his hands start to travel underneath his shirt trying to get it off.
Bez moans, he needs Pecco to fuck him now or he might go mad, seriously, he needs to have him inside.
Every single cell of Pecco's body is activated, a primordial need basically taking over his brain and ability to understand where they are.
He slides a third finger in, but judging by the amount of wetness in Bez's briefs it won't be a long wait before actually fucking him.
And it's not a lot of work in effect, Bez is practically drenching the boxers, and Pecco's fingers can only do so much, even with the intensity and speed he's putting in it.
When he takes off his own jeans his bulge is really noticeable, his scent is - Bez gets lightheaded from it, and the lust in his eyes makes the younger want to give him kids.
Bez climbs on his lap, his neck exposed just the right amount for a bite, but Pecco restrains himself.
When Bez gets both their boxers completely off he wastes no time in stroking Pecco's dick once or twice and then slowly sinking down on it, letting out the prettiest moans Pecco ever heard.
They kiss once again, less messy but equally as lustful, and Bez starts riding him slowly, moaning in the kiss.
“Don’t tease Bez, you wanted it so bad then fucking earn it”
“Oh the champion can’t handle a bit of teasing? How sad, and I thought you were the best out here”
“Shut up”
“Truth’s harsh Pecco?”
“If you don’t shut up i’ll make sure you can’t even get on the bike tomorrow because of how sore you’ll be”
And it does something to Bez, shakes him inside, makes him want to see how far Pecco can actually go.
He’s on birth control anyway, even if - even if Pecco came inside him, he’d be safe.
And God does he want it.
“Bez you smell so good”
Pecco buries his face into the crook of Bez’s neck, inhaling the scent and fucking yo his brain more than it already was.
He moves so he can lay Bez down on the couch, and starts thrusting with a rapid pace, little ah ahs being the only words Bez can get out his system.
He’s fucked omegas before, more than once, but fuck, they were never like Bez.
So open, ready to give themselves up like he is doing, soft and burning hot beneath his hands, so submissive to his every touch or whisper. And they weren’t so fucking wet.
“Pecco please fuck more”
He picks up the pace and kisses his friend again, tongues twisting inside each others mouths in a tango of many unsaid things.
“Fuck. Bez fuck I want to mate you”
He stills, fuck he said it. Shit shit shit it wasn’t supposed to happen he should’ve kept himself in check.
That’s fucking why he didn’t want Bez to spend his heat with him. The risks were too high, he’s too uncaring when he’s having sex.
“Please say it again”
There’s a moment of utter shock in Pecco’s eyes, he’s not sure he’s heard correctly.
“Pecco please say that again”
He gulps, he’s still buried deep inside Bez, his mouth is so dangerously close to the neck. All too much but all so right at the same time.
“I want to mate you”
It’s like a shock wire touched his skin, the way Bez clenches around him and grabs his biceps to hold himself from flying away.
“Please do. Pecco please I beg of you please mate me. I need it to be you I - I need it since were fucking 17 and you had your first big rut and I just wanted you to have me”
He’s frozen, he wants to but what if things go bad? What if it goes like Marc and Vale? He can’t leave Bez like that.
“Get out of your head Pecco I hear your thoughts. You want it? Do it. Get your mark on me and fuck me with it on my neck”
“Bez you need to be sure, we’re- it’s not a simple situation and this is serious”
“I told you Pecco, been sure since we were 17, you smelled so good even back then, always thought you smelled better than the others, better than Vale even”
It’s a fire that ignites inside of Pecco’s stomach, travels to his dick, to his brain, crackling like fresh wood burning in the open.
Bez gets closer to his ear, gets one of his hands on his back, and digs his nails in a bit.
“Mate me. Alpha please”
And God it’s pathetic but it’s all he wants right now, he wants Pecco to claim him and ruin him for any other guy who may think they’ve got a chance with him, wants that asshole of a Pramac rider to never look at Pecco like that again, understand he’s ever gonna be his, not like Bez is.
It’s a whole three seconds of internal debate for Pecco before he gets his mouth on Nez’s neck and opens it, the. lowers himself and bites.
The hand on his back digs more inside, the broken whimper coming from Marco is basically a melody, he wants to hear it again.
“You’re so sweet, smell and taste all so fucking sweet amore”
He leaves other kisses and bites all over his collarbone, moans getting louder and louder form both parts.
He picks the pace up again immediately, thrusting into Bez with force, holding him down by the hips and just going.
“You’re big fuck Pecco, so big and so good, I need you to fill me up, need to feel you everywhere”
“Mh you like it? Yeah fuck I’ll fill you up so much, fucking get you pregnant. I want to breed you so bad”
Bez lets out a louder moan, it’s almost a cry, he wants it too.
Pecco hasn’t stopped thrusting inside him, actually he picked up the pace once more, it’d be uncomfortable if any of the two could properly think.
“Mine. Mine mine mine you’re mine Marco, I will mark you everywhere on the neck so no one comes close thinking they can have you. Do you have any idea how many guys there want to have you as their omega? Mh? You just go around smelling so good, everyone wants a piece”
“Then make me smell like you. I want your scent on me for days Pecco, you’re mine too, I don’t ever want to see Martin looking at you again, he can’t, and also - fuck also your friend he better take his fucking eyes off you”
Pecco grunts, he’s close, but Bez’s is closer, he’s on edge, so close anything can tip him off.
Another bite coming from Pecco is what does it, makes him come and shudder, a long dragged whine to accompany it.
He clenches around Pecco, who can deem himself strong as much as he wants, but when Bez clenches like that, so wet and hot and his, it’s not something he can resist.
He comes deep inside, still thrusting, as Bez lets go of his back, just helpless little moans in the background mixing with the loud sound of bikes and machines in the garage.
They kiss again, their scents mixing, the motorhome must smell like sex and them, like love.
Pecco says it again before collapsing on top of Bez, he was an exhausting omega to take care of, and to think it’s only the first day of heat.
“Pecco shower, shower then we have to go to the hotel”
“No. We stay here they won’t notice”
“Yes they will, you’re the Champion amore forgot it?
“I want to stay here with you”
“Yeah I know I know but we need to go”
They shower, make out in the meanwhile, Bez still tastes so sweet it’s incredible.
When they get out Bez actually looks at the mark.
It’s beautiful, perfect.
“What’s going on?”
“You had to do it so high? Pecco this is not gonna be hidden by shirts”
Pecco smiles, leaving a kiss on the back of his neck, then running his fingers over the fresh mark.
“Yeah it was my intention”
“Oh fucking possessive bastard”
“Mig stares, too much. And Franky does too, when you went in heat last time and your stupid ex wasn’t there he immediately offered to help you. Also Cele, he stares at you every chance he gets he looks at you, now they’ll know you’re mine”
They get dressed rapidly, luckliky Pecco’s clothes fit him, and he can get out the garage without seeming like too much.
Of course the day after all the journalists will ask about his new bite, and he’ll smile and just say that he’s been mated, not by who.
But he hopes he’ll still smell like Pecco so they’ll know anyway.
That he is his.
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coimbrabertone · 4 months
Motorsports Christmas: An After-Action Report.
May 26th, 2024 was one of the biggest days in motorsports, and it was freaking exhausting in the best ways possible.
So, everybody knows that the Monaco Grand Prix and the Indianapolis 500 are on the same day, well, the Charlotte 600 is on that day too, making for the triple. This year, the Catalan Motorcycle Grand Prix also fell on that weekend, so there was a quadruple of racing, and I was ready to watch it all.
I woke up around 5:30am - the joys of the Mountain Time zone - in time to watch MotoGP at 6am. Aleix Espargaro took pole on the factory Aprilia and Raul Fernandez on the Trackhouse Aprilia satellite bike lined up third, but it was Pecco Bagnaia in second that turned into the protagonist of the race. Bagnaia held off the likes of Jorge Martin, Marc Marquez, and Aleix Espargaro behind to take a calculated victory.
I was happy for Bagnaia, however, with Jorge Martin in second having a dominant championship lead, it did sort of feel like a pyrrhic victory. Bagnaia gives this controlled, smart victory ride but it doesn't really matter since he only scored five more points over his main championship rival. Add in the fact that Marc Marquez, who is toe-to-toe with Bagnaia in the fight for second, finished third. This means that Bagnaia leaves the Catalan Grand Prix 39 points behind Martin and just 2 ahead of Marquez.
That's not even the worst part.
Enea Bastianini - the rider I support - kinda had a meltdown this race. First, he starts eleventh, loses places off the start, and then got pushed off at turn one by Alex Marquez. Enea cuts the track to rejoin, receives a long lap penalty, refuses to serve it. He then gets gets pushed off again in a second attempt. Enea receives a double long-lap penalty for failing to serve the penalty, serves one but not the other, and then gets a thirty second penalty post race.
In his interviews, he called it a protest against unfair stewarding decisions.
On track, it led to him finishing eighteenth and out of the points.
This is particularly devastating as Jorge Martin and Marc Marquez - the guys in second and third - are fighting to take his seat for 2025. I already did a blogpost about this a few weeks ago and I have a lot to get to today, so I'll keep this brief, but yesterday was not a good day for Enea Bastianini.
The Monaco Grand Prix also happened. Swiftly moving on...
Joking. I'm joking. Monaco was actually pretty good this year. The Ferraris and McLarens qualified 1-3 and 2-4, respectively, so we got a fight between them rather than Red Bull dominance. Unfortunately, they decided to fight by going as slow as possible to prevent anyone else from pitting once they all got a free change of tyres under red following a scary first lap incident between Sergio Perez and the two Haas cars.
Still, it was a fight between Ferrari and McLaren and the top seven all put a lap on eighth place. That was as vintage F1 as you could get. It was also at vintage speeds with them running around four seconds off the pace, but hey, strategy shenanigans are fun.
Charles Leclerc won and proceeded to drop the Monegasque flag in front of the Prince of Monaco, twice. That is objectively funny and probably my favorite F1 moment of the weekend.
So, the Indianapolis 500.
Normally it would start shortly after Monaco, however, a rain front in Indianapolis delayed the 500 into the afternoon. This would wreck Kyle Larson's attempt to do the full 1100 mile double at Indy and Charlotte - more on that later - but it did actually lead to some great moments for me personally. Spending the hours in discords with other motorsports fans talking about when the rain might stop, when the track might dry out, when the race should start, whether Larson would stay or go...it all gave a very wholesome, community feel that I really enjoyed.
Then the race itself. It was amazing.
The clouds cleared, we got a partly cloudy afternoon with filled grandstands and a full 500-mile race around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. We got a little bit of everything. Crashes (where thankfully nobody was hurt), engine failures, competing fuel strategies, sixteen different leaders - that's half the field! - and a last lap, penultimate corner pass for the win.
Now, I'm an Arrow McLaren fan. Alexander Rossi was a driver who I followed in F1 because I was excited at the prospect of seeing the first American driver in a decade. Rossi's F1 hopes with Marussia didn't work out, but he went on to Indycar and won the Indy 500 in his first attempt. Between the peak Andretti years where he had the knife between his teeth bringing the fight to the likes of Josef Newgarden and Scott Dixon, to now, where he's in that beautiful #7 white and orange McLaren, bringing the fight to the likes of...Josef Newgarden and Scott Dixon.
Then there's Pato O'Ward, the exciting, young, charismatic Mexican charger in the #5, driving an awesome orange and black car. It's perfect, he and Rossi have night and day cars, and they were slingshot passing each other in the Indianapolis 500 to save fuel. That was the happiest I was during the race, watching my two favorite Indycar drivers in my favorite team leading 1-2.
Then Alexander Rossi made his final pitstop for fuel.
They were racing to keep track position, so they fueled him just a bit short, and I fear that ultimately decided the course of the race.
Josef Newgarden cycled out in front at the end of the fuel cycle, Alexander Rossi attacked first, got in front, but immediately got overtaken again as he had to save a bit of fuel. Rossi would try again, but Newgarden would nose ahead, as would Pato O'Ward.
Pato O'Ward was a student of the Indy 500, so he knew he had to make the pass as late as possible to ensure that Josef Newgarden wouldn't be able to respond. Pato would lift in turn one on a number of final laps to stay second and keep the draft, before finally making the attack in turn one on the final lap...only for Josef Newgarden to come back at him in turn three.
There was nothing Pato could've done at that point.
Josef made the pass in turn three, got a good exit off turn four, and Pato didn't get enough of a draft to the finish line in order to stop him. Pato was rightfully devastated, Rossi ended up in fourth, behind the lead two in addition to third placed Scott Dixon, as a result of his fuel strategy.
It was utterly devastating.
But that's motorsport. The days that you lose are what make the days that you win more meaningful. The Indianapolis 500 happened in its entirety despite all the rain and the worries. Not only that, but NBC is saying that the preliminary ratings look to be over 5 million viewers for the race. A last lap pass, a back-to-back winner, and a ratings bump over last year. As much as I wish Pato or Rossi could've won that race, I've spent the last day making my peace with it. For now, I'll just be happy that Indycar as a sport snatched a victory from the jaws of defeat.
Then there was the Coke 600 at Charlotte.
I tuned in late thanks to the late Indianapolis 500, and I was pretty emotionally drained at this point, but a charge from Brad Keselowski at the end of the second stage got me motivated again. Brad Keselowski, the owner-driver of the #6 for the team I support in NASCAR - Roush Fenway Keselowski Racing, also known as RFK Racing - pushed his way up the field. He moved into second, and he was hunting down the leader, Christopher Bell.
I began to believe that, after a 1,113-day winless streak, Brad Keselowski would win two races in three weeks.
Unfortunately, as soon as he caught up to the back of Bell, it started raining.
To add insult to injury, Kyle Larson, who had run the Indianapolis 500 earlier that day and completed all 500 miles, finishing 18th after a pitlane speeding penalty, had just arrived at Charlotte. He was about to take over the #5 from replacement driver Justin Allgaier, only he never got the chance.
At this point, I was emotionally drained after three and a half races, so at around 8:45pm, I fully embraced my grandmother era and went to bed.
That wound up being the right decision, because despite waiting out the rain and attempting to dry the track, NASCAR would end up calling the race anyway when they hit the end of Fox's TV window. Christopher Bell would win the race, Brad Keselowski would have to settle for second.
I quite literally missed nothing by going to bed when I did.
So, I sorta got the result I wanted at Catalunya, a full-on positive result at Monaco, and narrowly had my picks finish second at both Indianapolis and Charlotte.
In the grand scheme of things, that's not a bad Motorsports Christmas.
And on June 14th and 15th, we have Motorsports New Years with the 24 Hours of Le Mans, so the Racing Holidays aren't quite over.
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yeastinfectionvale · 5 months
It was only natural for Pecco to feel like this.
Bez had been there for Pecco ever since they were eight. If he was going to fall in love, it was obvious that Bez would be on the recieving end of Pecco's affection.
There were nights that he would lay, staring at the ceiling, imagining what life would be without Franky, without Enea, without Bez. He already had a taste of life without his Papa and his uncle Alex and that was hell on earth. He couldn't bring himself to think of a world where his younger brother didn't exist.
Pecco turned to look down at the mattress on the floor of his room. Bez was fast asleep, sprawled out with an arm covering his eyes. They used to share the bed, but Bez had opted for the mattress for an unknown reason. He missed his warmth. He missed waking up to an arm around his waist, pulling him closer.
He wanted to kiss him.
Pecco threw the covers off his legs, quiely leaving a sleeping Bez and walking to Celin's room. He loved Bez, he really did. But this all was too much for Pecco. How were they supposed to just be friends with all these emotions in the air?
His younger brother was wide awake, flipping through a magazine. "That better not be a porno." Pecco said, making himself comfortable on Cele's bed. "No!" Cele exclaimed, pushing the farming magazine into his brother's lap. "Why are you in my room? Do you have shit to do with Bez?" Pecco looked down, a slight blush on his neck from thinking about what he wanted to do with Bez.
Celin made a gagging noise. Pecco loved his younger brother, he'd do anything to keep him safe and happy. But at that moment he wanted to either slap Cele or sit on his until he cried. He stared at his younger brother, finally making the connection. "How do you know that I like Bez?" Celin looked at Pecco with a deadpan expression. "You're the last one to find out." He paused, scratching the pubic hair he called a beard. "Second to last, I'm sure Bez doesn't know yet." Pecco shook his head as Cele sighed, leaning back. "Have you tried talking to him?" Pecco looked at his with a startled expression. "Okay fine don't talk to him and just watch him get a boyfriend or something."
Could he watch Bez get in a relationship with someone else, just so he could avoid heartbreak? On one hand he would have Bez he would have to watch him fall for someone else. The other hand Bez might reciprocate his emotions and they could be together or Pecco could lose Bez, pushed away because of his own want.
"how did you get so wise? You're not even in a relationship." Pecco asked as Celestino looked at his cuticles "Coach doesn't play." He replied as his older brother pounced on him, jokingly using a pillow to smack him. The pair began to pillow fight, Celin sneaking a few rocks from his collection into the pillowcase. But before he could strike, Bez walked into the room half-asleep. Wordlessly he wrapped an arm around Pecco, pulling him into his chest and back into Pecco's room.
The both lay back down in Pecco's bed, Bez's legs on his legs and head on his chest. Pecco stared at the ceiling again, praying that Bez couldn't hear how fast his head was beating. He rested a hand on Bez's neck and fell asleep. Bez lay still, waiting for Pecco's breathing to even, praying that he couldn't feel his quickening heartbeat under his fingerstips. He fell asleep soon after, unaware of Celin taking pictures of the pair to send to Franky.
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verdemint · 7 days
sooooo this is the translation for the icon interview with Pecco and a bit of Enea + (my little notes) (for @vr46ridersacademyofficial and whoever wants to read about pecco being a neurotic bestie and a "true rock" nerd)
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Genius and moderation: Francesco Bagnaia’s winning qualities. He’s the champion who says about himself that he’s shy (and that already sounds like an oxymoron); then you see him race, and you ask yourself if he hadn't been just joking…
To win a MotoGP world championship, the highest class of motorcycle racing, you need a lot of talent, to win two of them, and one after the other even, you need to be extraordinary.
The third centaur who was able to do something like that is Francesco Pecco Bagnia (don't pretend you don't know who I'm talking about!). The third after Valentino Rossi, his idol and mentor, and Marc Marquez, his next year teammate in Ducati. And, because the hunger comes while eating (lol that's prob just an Italian idiom and it means that when you start to eat you start to get more hungry too, so winning is making him more hungry for more victories), Pecco is trying to do the same this year with the new Desmosedici GP24.
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“Motivation is not something I’ll ever be lacking” says Pecco wearing the new glasses carrera Ducati (lol)
When I asked him to draw an imaginary identikit about himself to start our interview he replied: “I’m shy, very determined and an hard worker”. You can feel all of his Savoy (i guess coz he’s from the Savoy region but idk its more of a stereotype for people in the north of italy, being serious and quiet) essence - a mix of being a very private person, and also respectful and polite - that’s his own signature “ethics/moral code" and style. “It’s difficult for me to clash or argue with someone. If I’m angry or annoyed or nervous I keep that inside of me.” That's true in the paddock and outside.
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Who better than him is the opposite of the cliche “to be a pilot you must be crazy”?
“Being lucid is the most important thing in this type of sport. The instinct can make you go fast, and maybe there’s a bit of madness, but during the race, everything you do has to be calculated, and every decision is considered and thoroughly thought through. Nothing is left to chance. And seeing red on track/not being lucid is what makes you do mistakes.”
Most people would think you have to live a life full of sacrifices to become a champion, but Francesco lives that life differently. “Everything I’ve ever done, I’ve done it cause I wanted to, I’ve never missed out on anything, not really. I’ve chosen to go train on track instead of going out with my friends most of the time, but it’s because I truly believe you’ll always have time to do all the other things you want to do.”
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Respected by everyone in the paddock, Pecco is also praised by Enea Bastianini, his colleague and teammate, also born in 1997 but nearly 12 months after Francesco. 
“He has the type of determination and awareness that when he decides to do something he’ll go and get it. On a more technical side, his braking is super effective with the types of tyres we’re using.”
Their relationship is really good and Pecco says “Enea is one of my many rivals. The only ally I have on track is myself: I motivate and help myself”- he displays a strong sense of duty and responsibility- “cause I’m also the most self-critical person in the world.”
And maybe it is this moderation (I guess she’s talking about the self-criticism bit) that becomes a strength for the natural-born rider Pecco.
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Francesco Bagnaia is cast in the same mold as another Italian sports prodigy ( shes trying to say the have similar vibes lol) Jannik Sinner, and not coincidentally Pecco is also a big fan of Jannik (he also carries Juventus in his heart, and he received a personalized jersey in December from the club).
“(Sinner) appears as a very “clean” person, it makes you want to support him. I’ve always loved tennis and thanks to him I’ve become an even bigger fan. I play tennis especially during the winter, I take classes three times a week”
Francesco always brings the same things to all of his races and most between the all: “Socks just under the calf, however it has nothing to do with superstition” and also music.
“I listen to music as soon as I wake up. I love old rock, the true rock. Favourite rock group? Led Zeppelin, of course, and I also really like Greta van Fleet.”
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Around the circuits, his sister Carola, assistant and media manager, follows him like a shadow.
“I would like Domizia with me at races more often, her presence is a necessity for me.” Pecco and Domiziaa are gonna be married in a handful of hours (July 20) after seven years of engagement: “Organizing the wedding was easy: there is no comparison with the World Championship. Maybe Domizia thinks differently about it.”
What does Francesco Bagnaia see in his future? “A successful career and a large family. And still riding a prototype bike: if not until I’m 37, the goal is at least 35.”
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anitalianfrie · 6 months
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you can hold me (when punching mattresses gets old) (incomplete)
Charles is hungry. He’s hungry like a dog at the end of a chain, desperate for a scrap of food. He’s starving for victories, for anything really, and he just wants to take and take and take. He will eat any crumb that is thrown his way, and what he isn't given he will take.
Max is there.
Charles goes a bit insane and Max tries to understand their relationship without much success.
morning after/night before
And when he sees him -and the fact that it’s a him is bad enough, it could be the end of his career, but no, of course it had to be somehow even more catastrophic- everything is ten thousand times worse.
Because near him, soundly asleep with his face buried deeply in the pillow, his mouth open and a bit of drool on the pillowcase, there is not a faceless nobody from a random corner of planet Earth. No, there’s a very famous, very blonde and, from what he can see, very naked Max Verstappen.
Charles and Max get married in Vegas.
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fluorescent (kid, adult and everything in between)
When George is five, he falls while playing in the garden of his house. His mum finds him there, crying on the ground and hugging his scrapped left knee, his face red, ugly snot dripping down his nose, and his skin glowing.
George is in love with Alex. He also glows.
He tries to cope with both.
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a Natale siamo tutti più buoni (feat. il pandoro Maina)
It's Christmas. Valentino has a realization gently provided by three ghosts (and maybe a spoiled pandoro).
hot girl pink (girl!rosquez)
Valentina pushes the door open, striding inside the hotel room that isn’t hers with the confidence that only somebody like her, somebody of her calibre, could have. A smile creases her lips, easy.
Marcia is on the bed, waiting.
Marcia and Valentina in 2013 and 2015.
this is a love story (socmed au)
The 2024 rosquez reconciliation, seen from the outside.
night and cigarettes
from the prompt: things you said but you didn't mean
from the prompt: things you said i wasn't meant to hear
bike porn
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San Lorenzo
Pecco remembers well that night. They are fifteen or sixteen - no, they’re fifteen, because when they were sixteen they went out clubbing. They’re fifteen, and it’s Luca’s birthday.
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drunk chips
from the prompt: things you said when you were drunk
heavy in the chest
from the prompt: things you said while i was crying
sento il cuore a mille (series) (girl!bezzetti)
Marzia and Cele. Cele and Marzia. Their life. And Italy.
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young hot trouble
It started a long time ago, Enea supposes.  
sesso e samba
When Enea knocks on the door, Diggia doesn’t expect it.
the paddock sex swap curse has hit Enea. How can he fix it? (With sex. It's always with sex)
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tyre marks
Marco felt restless. Skin too hot, tight on his bones, stretched thin. Buzzing. He was so turned on he could barely think.
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randommotogpstuff · 7 months
MotoGP 2024 Survivor AU: - think this kinda got out of hand
Team A: Alex M., Marc, Aleix, Pecco, Franky, Luca, Fabio Q, Jorge, Alex R., Augusto, Brad
Team B: Bezz, Enea, Fabio D, Joan, Miguel, Pedro, Johann, Maverick, Raul, Takaaki, Jack
Alex gets voted out first because letting Marc have Alex is seen as too high of a threat. 
Aleix, Jorge, Alex R. Fabio Q. form an alliance day 1 and Marc joins it once Alex leaves and he has no other options. 
The Italians in Team B. all go out in a row because everyone thinks if any of them make the jury they are campaigning too hard for whoever makes it to the end. Bezz, Enea, Fabio D. never really have a chance to shine. Did team B intentionally throw the challenges to get them out well the editing will make it seem like they did.
Next we have back to back medical evacs because I don’t think any of them would actually survive on an island and I always like the dramatic previews when they have medical evacs. (Miguel, Pedro) 
The Spanish Alliance in team A starts splintering because all of them thinks they are the one in charge. Nothing ever gets done at camp which starts affecting them in challenges. Alex R starts running the alliance and gets Pecco, Franky, Luca out. 
Raul and Johann get voted out next because the others on B have an alliance. 
So they go into merge with Team A with 6 to Team B with 5. 
Marc, Aleix, Fabio Q., Brad, Jorge, Alex R., Joan, Maverick, Jack, Takaaki
Aleix goes out at the first vote blindsided by Marc who had told him they were final 2. But Marc worked behind his back and got everyone convinced that if Aleix makes it to the end he’s getting every jury vote. 
Jorge goes next cause the Team B + Marc alliance think he’s too powerful and might become a challenge beast towards the end of the season 
Maverick gets voted out because the vote was going Fabio but they didn’t split the vote  Fabio somehow found an immunity idol and plays it (i do think modern survivor has too many twists but i do like when they used to have 2 or 3 immunity idols in a season) 
Takaaki voted out next because to the surprise of no one Marc switches alliance again 
Alex R is finally shown running the game and gets taken out for being the kingpin
They have the family visit and Joan wins the challenge and makes the decision of choosing to see his family takes Jack with him instead of Fabio who he had promised he would take. So Fabio decides to get him voted out and Brad, and Marc jump on that.
Marc wins the next immunity the vote goest to fire because its Marc and Fabio voting together and Brad and Jack voting together. Jack and Fabio win at fire so Brad gets voted out. 
Final Tribal Council (FTC)
Marc, Fabio Q., Jack
Marc doesn’t get why everyone is so bitter towards him, cries in his speech about having to be without Alex. Literally leaves FTC not caring about how he betrayed everyone and backstabbed them to get their cause he made it to the end. Forgot the part where you have to have the jury like you so you can win. 
Jack get accused of not knowing what was going on for most of the game. tries to defend himself by talking about how he had to play under the radar because anytime anyone became a threat Marc took them out. 
Fabio Q the star of the FTC . Gives one of the best speeches in which he explains how he played his game and why he made the choices he did. Answers every questions very thoughtfully doesn’t blame anyone for anything that happened. Manages to get the Joan swing vote. 
After The Final Cuncil
Fabio Q wins the vote (Aleix, Jorge, Alex R, Joan)
Jack (Brad, Maverick, Takaaki)
Marc (no votes)
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
33, 40, 41 for f1 and 16, 17 for motogp ( especially if you're gonna pick based on vibes only )
33. who would win a fist fight: alex albon or logan sargeant
To be honest I don't know much about Logan but I think Alex is too nice to actually fight with someone. So Logan. But I know others would probably say Alex and have a good reasoning for it (which I don't have). 😃 (But if George was there too, Alex would win for him.)
40. which driver do you wish could speak your language/which driver would you rather teach your language to?
I recommend it to those who like to swear because in Hungarian you can swear for like ten minutes without having to use the same word twice. 😂 But I would love to teach to anyone who's open to learn another language that's not really useful anywhere else in the world. 😃
41. favorite track?
Spa, baby. 💪🏻 Spa 2022 was my first race to watch and I fell in love with the track when I saw Lewis in the Eau Rouge from a really good camera view (and it's painful to see how dangerous this track can be).
MotoGP (really vibes/looks only, I've never watched motoGP races (okay I did watch some races with my grandfather but that doesn't really count because it was looong time ago and I only remember Valentino from then)):
16. pecco bagnaia or enea bastianini
Now this is difficult. 😃 Enea is cute (and I like his name) but Pecco's face and hair as a whole is (for me) aesthetically a bit more pleasing, maybe because of his smile, maybe because of the really beautiful/artistic photos Pinterest showed me of him, I don't know. But yeah, Pecco.
17. marco bezzecchi or luca marini
Marco for the win. His Rubik's cube video on TikTok won my Hungarian heart. ❤ (If his hair wasn't enough to make me like him. 😂)
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formulapookie · 12 days
❛ you taste so fucking good. ❜ plus enea and diggia please
The air feels addictive, as if someone threw drugs in the room and everyone took a sniff.
The lights, the music, the drinks.
Everything calls for a night of absolute disregard of one's dignity.
And it's well known, parties at Enea's house always are something else, like when last time he brought in escorts and ballerinas enough for a Night Club in Las Vegas.
And if only Diggia wasn't in such a complicated situation he would enjoy it, the little show Enea always puts on.
But he doesn't, not in the slightest.
He especially doesn't like when a girl decides her goal of the night is specifically the one person Diggia wants moaning under him.
When her stupid hand grazes his chest, his pecs, and she leans in to whisper something in his ear he wants to punch her.
Enea is trying to get out the situation, smiling politely and breaking away, but this girl is tenacious.
Then she must feel the killer stare of Diggia on her, because it feels like looking at someone pointing a gun at you, and she leaves.
Enea chugs down the remaining of his drink, and turns to look at Diggia.
And the possessiveness and desire in his eyes are something else.
He's seen Diggia jealous, he will never forget the time he almost ended up having a fight with Pecco because the other was a bit too touchy and flirty that night.
But this is pure and raw need.
And it's really fucking hot, if his cheeks somehow can seem to be red for the alcohol his bulge certainly can't, so he turns around, practically sprinting to his room, tasting the lust in the air.
When he hears the door getting locked behind him and practically smells the arousal he knows he's doomed.
He doesn't face him, he would probably sink to his knees if he did, and he's not that pathetic. Maybe.
He feels Diggia's hands on his hips, pulling him against the man.
He's hard, fuck he can feel him hard against the curve of his ass, and he wants him, wants to get absolutely railed.
Diggia presses his lips against the back of Enea's neck, leaving a trail of small but lustful kisses all over it.
He bites at the juncture between neck and collarbone, because Enea gets so fucking easy when he does.
And God does he love the little whimpers Enea makes when he's like that.
"What was her name?"
"That girl. The one who thought it was so funny to touch you"
"Uh I- Noemi"
"Ah. So you actually listened to her"
Diggia bites harder, meaner, sucks a dark bruise on Enea's collarbone, making him whine.
"I was polite"
"Guess I have to make you forget her name then"
Diggia spins him around and in a second he's against the closet, a gasp leaving his mouth and Diggia uses that moment to kiss him, a dark and possessive kiss, and Enea is melting under him, whining at the friction of his cock against Diggia's thigh.
Diggia looks so hot right now Enea feels pathetic, like a schoolgirl thinking of her hallway crush and going red in the face.
"Fuck you're so hot"
And Enea is already really close to begging, just like this, a make out session and some friction.
"On the bed"
He's eager to follow orders, but is stunned when Diggia actually has him sit down on the edge, he thought he'd already be on his hands and knees by now, what is he-
oh. oh.
Diggia has never been quicker in taking off someone's pants in his life, fighting a bit with the belt and then finally yanking those damn jeans off, still for a moment looking at Enea's bulge, how tight the boxers seem now.
Enea lifts his hips and Diggia takes the briefs off too, not losing time he wraps his lips around Enea's cock and sucks.
He's rewarder with a loud moan from him, and fingers tugging at his hair.
"Fuck you- God I forgot how you felt"
"You forget me and remember the bitch from the party?"
Enea has his card to play, and oh boy does he want to play it.
"Maybe she's better at this than - fuckfuckfuck"
In a split second Diggia has taken him whole, just half a inch left out, and Enea swears he's seeing stars.
When he starts bobbing his head and moaning around the length it's game over.
His brain goes completely off the rails, he's never needed Diggia this bad, never has he wanted someone to suck him off this much.
"Yes yes don't stop oh don't stop"
He's babbling nonsense already, Diggia is getting him stupid by sucking him off, and Enea doesn't know if he's getting more stupid for this or for last week when he fucked him bent over the table until he cried.
He just knows he's embarrassingly close, and the more Diggia keeps looking up at him the closer he gets.
He can't help it, the man is just too hot for his own good.
"Fuck Diggia closecloseclose"
And to his surprise he doesn't make him finish with a handjob like always. He stays there, and Enea realizes he's coming down his throat.
"You taste so fucking good"
Enea is dead. Cause of death: his fuckbuddy telling him he tastes good when he cums.
He's speechless, especially when Diggia pushes him more on the bed, hungry kisses with too much saliva and teeth, the ones he loves the most.
The younger doesn't stop kissing him, getting his hand on him again, stroking his dick with fast strokes.
Enea understood one thing clearly in the years they've spent doing this.
Diggia only bottoms in three occasions: A. Enea wins B. Enea is jealous C. They're drunk as fuck
He's never done this when they're fairly sober and Enea was the one to get him jealous.
But fuck he's not complaining for sure.
"Where's the lube come on"
Diggia remains very demanding and dominating even when bottoming, and Enea absolutely loves this.
"Second drawer, fuck Diggia you're so hot"
He takes the lube in hand and goes to kiss Enea again.
He's never toned down the possessiveness in his actions, not even now, when he's opening the little bottle and passing it to him.
"You want- I do it?"
Enea's brain is rewiring because Jesus Christ, Diggia now is laying on the bed before him, legs spread, sweat on his abs, face flushed red and a glint of pure want in his eyes.
He coats his fingers with the lube, heats it up a bit and then pushes one in.
And as he expected Diggia is tight, he doesn't even remember precisely the last time he was the one doing the fucking.
"Come on fuck"
"You want more?"
"You know that"
Enea stops, admiring the man laid under him as a prize, he wants to take as much as he can from this occasion right here.
"Ask me nicely"
"Fuck you Enea come on"
He slowly starts removing his finger, gaze not leaving Diggia.
"I said nicely, or I'm going back out there and see if that girl is nicer than you"
"You're a fucking bastard"
Enea looks at him, expecting.
He's playing in a dangerous zone here, trying to take control, he knows next time Diggia will make sure to pay him back by fucking him so hard they'll have the neighbours knock on their door.
Diggia is blushing, and Enea has never seen someone be so cute and hot at the same time.
"Please more"
And he's immediately rewarded with a second finger pushing in, he's tight, fuck too tight Enea thinks, but God it's hot, if this is how he feels around his fingers he can't even begin to imagine how he's like around his cock, which is getting hard again, and truly has been since Diggia finished sucking him off.
He doesn't wait for Diggia to ask, he can see it in his eyes he wants it, and adds a third finger, making him moan so deeply Enea fears he could cum from it.
He scissors them and goes deeper, and when he brushes his prostate Diggia is biting his lip and clenching the sheets in his hands, Enea knows he had problems at first, in bottoming especially because he felt less manly, and still now in making sounds and moaning when he's like this.
But Enea absolutely loves it, because still, even when he's getting fucked Diggia makes this sounds that are so fucking deep he wants to melt.
He removes his fingers, and Diggia relaxes more, Enea wants to snap a picture and frame it.
He aligns himself with his hole and asks for permission looking at Diggia's eyes.
He wouldn't do this if Diggia didn't feel comfortable with it, he did back up a few times in the past because Diggia really felt bad about getting fucked.
Diggia looks back and nods, he'd prefer words but gets it may be still too much to ask him.
As he pushes in he has to hold back a moan because fuck, despite him fingering Diggia just now he's still so tight.
"Move please"
"You sure? You are-"
"Yes I'm sure go"
When he pulls almost all the way out and then thrusts back in both see starts, Diggia still biting his lip, Enea going vocal as if outside the door there aren't all their friends partying.
He sets a slow pace, deep but intense, and can tell Diggia likes it, by the way his abs clench and his moans are becoming more and more difficult to control.
Enea doesn't know what part of his brain acts, but he moves his hand to take Diggia's , tangling their fingers together and picking up the pace slightly.
This is not something they do usually, holding hands, but it feels so right he can't leave the hold.
And neither can Diggia, since he tightens the hold, and lets his moan free, still a bit held back, but fuck are they arousing in Enea's ears.
He picks up his pace once more, and lowers himself to leave a trail of kisses and bites all over Diggia's chest, making him moan even more.
This is not just lust, they both know this, at this point everything is much more, the way Enea kisses him, hungry yes, needy, but so so dearly consuming.
And the way Diggia is so soft and pliant under him, how his moans grow louder and louder, how they need everything to be closerclosercloser, how they need each other.
"More Enea please more"
"You're amazing"
His pace is faster, deeper, more demanding, he wants more, he wants Diggia entirely.
They kiss again, Diggia keeps on being the more demanding of the two, pulling Enea against his body with the hand he's not holding with him, tongue pushing past Enea's lips.
"Fuck Diggia you - fuck you taste so good"
"Stealing my line?"
A harsher thrust and now Diggia is coming, cum over all his abs, and he clenches around Enea, who's so far gone he barely realises he's coming inside him, grunting directly next to Diggia's ear, and Diggia tilts his head, bites his collarbone, because he wants people to know.
Know that Enea is his as much as he's Enea's and no fucking girl called whatever can ever get in between them.
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collecting--stardust · 10 months
random (very weird - sorry for that) question: think of the motogp grid (2023 or 2024), pls sort the grid in "cat vibes" and "dog vibes" (not related to the pet the rider has; more like personality vibes), which riders have dog vibes and which riders have cat vibes ? like, for me Bez has the ultimative dog vibes, while Marc has cat vibes (and i can't explain why) 😂💕
Hello Mira 🫶🏻 It's not a weird question and really interesting actually! It got me thinking and while I do face some difficulties on some riders, here's my take:
dog vibes:
- raul (I mean look at him! No explanation needed.)
- alex marquez (idk he always gives off huge puppy vibes kinda like a husky?)
- alex rins (actually he reminds me of a cat too but I think he's slightly gives off more of dog vibes)
- enea (sometimes he gives off 'cat sleeping in random sun spots' vibes to me but after I saw his dog hagrid I was like ah, yeah that makes sense he does gives off dog vibes I'm just blind to it lol)
- aleix (he reminds me of a dobermann)
- bez (literally the epitome of dog vibes)
- augusto (if aleix is a dobermann then augusto will be great dane)
- martin (like rins, I am stuck between cat or dog vibes but yeah I think he falls onto the dog vibes category more)
- taka (he gives off black cat vibes sometimes but overall vibes he's more to dog vibes to me)
- zarco (idk much about him but he certainly is not cat vibes)
- miller (same reason as zarco)
cat vibes:
- miguel (he gives off fancy cat vibes like persian cats)
- fabio q (idk he sure has the dog vibes going on but I think he's like a maine coon and I dont even know why)
- franky (black cat personified)
- pecco (come on there's no way he's a dog vibes person)
- maverick (he's unpredictable to me so really cat-like)
- marc (to me he's a ragdoll cat and I don't take any criticism)
- mir (idk he really reminds me of that cat in the ghibli movie kiki's delivery service)
- pol (idk much about pol but from the clips and videos I've seen of him he gives off cat vibes to me)
- brad (another rider that idk much about but he gives off the opposite vibes from darryn which is 100% dog vibes so I assumed he's a cat vibes type of guy)
- diggia (he reminds me of a Scottish fold lol)
- luca (he's a tough one. I spent too long because he looks exactly like his cute poodles but I think personality wise he's more of a cat. A calm one, but can be mischievous at times.)
- pedro (listen. this guy reminds me of a squirrel for some reason so this is extremely tough for me but after a long time thinking, I have come to the conclusion that he seems like a siamese cat too so yeah.)
I don't know if it's accurate or not but it's just my opinion. Thanks a lot Mira 🩷
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mmfpeg · 3 months
jorge martin rode 28 perfect laps of the german gp.
a shame that the race was 30 laps long, isn't it.
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under the cut: broken bones, brotherly love, resurgences
jorge martin had pecco bagnaia beat in the sprint. but pecco, admittedly after getting beaten up a little bit during the starting stages, emerged as the second fastest man on the field. the two of them took off from the rest of the field, pecco needing to catch up from a long way to martin to even keep the last lap move on. martin's nice enough to be like, hey, you've tried hard enough, here's one for free :) and thus pecco bagnaia was home free, a whopping 5 seconds clear from _marc marquez?_
i don't even know why marc marquez was there. he had said that he needed a perfect weekend to reclaim his sachsenring throne, and so he proceeds to break his bones and ribs at t11 on friday. scrappy qualifying with faulty bikes and interruption from Testing Legend stefan bradl in his final hail mary run left him stranded in q1. he was a non-entity on the sprint and everyone was like. well, very understandable. and then sunday came and he somehow kept himself in the shop window. his secondhand bones became thirdhand(???) after franky morbidelli clattered into him at t1, which made him headbutt a part of his windshield clean off. somehow he picked up his momentum right away and retook his position from an enea bastianini cheeky move, and his late pace gave him the ultimate consolation prize of p2, from his brother alex marquez. he _loves_ that p13-to-p2 races, don't he. four weeks until the next race, thank god: go get some fucking rest man
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no, their bones are not okay. also actually they’ll be starting both races this week. thanks for the concern though :)
alex marquez was all too happy to let marc by; by the late stages of the race, marc was .5 per lap faster than him. though, for most of the grand prix, alex had looked the fastest marquez, and in turn the fastest gp23 on track. probably helps a lot that he had intact ribs. but this marquez double podium marks the first brotherly podium in the top class since nobuatsu aoki and takuma aoki 27 years ago. which is about time, to be honest: both brothers are world champions. somehow their times of having a consistent podium-capable ride under them never really crossed paths until now. so it's nice to be able to cross that item from the bucket list.
it's so pleasant to see franco morbidelli fighting up front again. we got a brief dare to dream moment with jorge and him in p1 and p2 for the pramac double, before franky ran out of frontrunning pace and got get by pecco. he wasn't necessarily down for the count; for a few laps he kept on running wide on t1 (one of which led to the aforementioned clatterance with marquez), and so he fell back into enea bastianini's grasp. but damn if he didn't go down without a fight: after a last turn move by bestia to take the then-p5, franky came back and _took the tight inside line on t1_ to get his position back, the same turn he's been running wide at the previous laps before. enea got him in the end, but the franky redemption tour is genuinely go.
miguel oliveira got a solid p6 after a very strong weekend from him and trackhouse in general: both got into the front row, miggy got a superb p2 in the sprint. a good aprilia representation, seeing that aleix is out with an injury and maverick _double_ highsided in qualifying (maverick also pulled off a brilliant threading-the-needle move between raul fernandez and enea bastianini during the early part of the race; shame that he skipped along the gravel not long after. didn't fall down, though! able to get back into the points at the very least).
shout out to pedro acosta in p7; first points after being pointless in catalunya and assen. he's not slumming it at the front where he would probably like, but if he stabilizes and this is his floor, which is to say, _the best ktm_, in front of 2023 best of the rest brad binder, he's _probably_ gonna turn out fine.
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waru-chan8 · 4 years
I was kind of bored and this idea was stuck in my mind so here we go.
What job would the 2021 grid have if they weren't riders?
Brad Binder: he's calm and collected. He keeps his head cool, so I'm going to go with thoracic surgeon or neurosurgeon and his OR is known to be one of the quietest in the hospital.
Miguel Oliveira: trainer/personal trainer. During quarantine his videos ended up somehow on YouTube, and he became quite famous. He publishes his routines twice a week on his channel and people love them.
Iker Lecuona: professional gamer probably LOL or FIFA. If not, a very famous gamer in Twitch and YouTube.
Danilo Petrucci: pre-school teacher. At first kids are afraid of him, but at the end of the year he's everyone's favourite teacher.
Álex Rins: PE teacher. His students hate him because he's too enthusiastic and have too much energy.
Joan Mir: professional chess player. I felt that he just planned the whole season, kind of suits him.
Jack Miller: stuntman. No debate at all for this one.
Pecco Bagnaia: science teacher. Teenagers love him because he always explains the theory with experiments and let the students discover what works and what does not. They hate him when they are asked why their experiment had failed during the exam (that's not cool).
Johann Zarco: he owned a restaurant where he was the musical entertainment. The restaurant is more famous for the music than for the food. He's waiting to be discovered by a major music label.
Jorge Martín: a famous Spanish influencer. He's famous because he's public well-known LGBTQ+ ally and uses his platforms to condemn any attack against this collective. His fans never know if he's a mere ally or if he's really a member of the collective.
Luca Marini: he used to play video games and had a big YouTube channel, but become bored and decided to design his own video game. He's now one of the most popular video game designer.
Enea Bastianini: influencer too, but he's sponsored by several hair products and clothes brands. He loves to show up his beauty routines and how to combine plain clothes to make a spectacular outfit.
Maverick Viñales: the easy way is saying that he's an Olympic gymnast, or he practices parkour, but I feel he would be performing in 'Cirque du Soleil'.
Fabio Quartararo: a tattoo artist and his speciality are black and white full sleeves even though, his portfolio is quite complete.
Franco Morbidelli: he gives me police vibes, but because he's such calm and relaxed, I'm going to go with PI. His speciality is missing children.
Valentino Rossi: Actor, he's able to do drama, action, comedy... Think of a genre and he has done already. Recently he hasn't acted in any good film, but he has become famous because he's teaching the new generation.
Aleix Espargaró: lawyer. He has a pretty high winning rate because he loves to argue, and you just end up agreeing so he shuts up. The majority of his cases are settlement before going to trial. He's the terror of other lawyers and judges.
Bradley Smith: zero information about him, so probably a mechanic with his own small businesses.
Lorenzo Savadori: graphic designer. If you need something colourful, he's your guy.
Marc Márquez: veterinary and he volunteers into his local kennel or at the local shelter.
Pol Espargaró: animator. He's contacted to go to kids' parties and entertain kids, he became so famous that he ended up having a TV program.
Takaaki Nakagami: a fashion designer or a personal shopper. Have you seen how he dresses?
Álex Márquez: I wanted to say Marc's babysitter, but then I remember he owns a minion costume, and he's prone to do dumb stuff with it, so I'm not sure who babysits who. I'm going to go with IT guy, and he has hacked international agencies just for fun and bets.
I'm not sure who would be Aleix teammate and both Savadori and Smith are listed as Aprilia riders, so I did both of them. Also, I feel like I should have done Bradl because he will be Honda's replacement rider if Marc is no fit to start the season, but it's not official, so I have not included him yet.
I’m unable to stop myself so ...
Andrea Iannone: a model, what else could he be?
Andrea Dovizioso: I can decide between an art critique or a famous plastic surgeon.
Tito Rabat: he owns an adventure blog and his job is visiting the world while he writes about bungee jumping in X river or swimming with sharks. He graduates, and now he publishes his adventures in a book called ‘The adventure guide’.
Cal Crutchlow: corporate asshole. He probably works in the London Stock Exchanges, and he’s a renowned stockbroker.
Jorge Lorenzo: he’s a tabloid commentator. You either love him or you hate him, no in between.
Dani Pedrosa: Researcher in STEM cell or cell responding against different stress factors. He’s happy doing his research in an international University, but he’s constantly tempted to just enrol one of the big medical pharmaceuticals (not that he would do it).
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U PROBABLY ANSWERED THIS but...like motogp riders as fish/marine ANIMALS?
ok I had to have a long think about this but I have really used all of my brain here you're welcome <333
mantis shrimp - taka, beautiful ?? enthralling ?? can see more colours than a regular human ?? gives a punch so fast it makes water boil ?? no one recognises their talent and beauty ?????????
giant isopod - jack, the sexiest creature in the oceans and important scavengers, terrifying to some but lovable to a few 
oarfish - Luca, he long and thin and has funny hair, possibly also washes up on the beach occasionally   
dumbo octopus - enea, bruh he’s cute but there's nothing in that little head of his and that's ok, dumbo octopus THRIVES and so does enea little world champion <33
sea lion - Danilo, he a big boy, speedy but likes water, danilo would probably be a good diver like a sea lion, would also sleep peacefully in a bed of kelp <3
giant tube worm - maverick, adaptable, cute in a worm way, lives on a hydrothermal vent like the real maverick which is cool af ??? being a professional athlete maverick has to get lots of minerals and so do these worms bc of where they live 
banded pipefish - franky, they're just cool cute little fish related to seahorses like the living version of worm on a string and there is no higher compliment 
turkey moray eel - marc, very good predators very pretty to look at, unlike Marc the turkey moray eel is actually really large, both look like they would bite if you got too close 
stingray - Fabio, misunderstood, also friend shaped but in a silky fish way, speedy will sting you with tail if needed, lovable and pure and beautiful makes me CRY
Yellow Sea snake - pecco, looks like it would bite you but actually wouldn't, venomous, most people dont like snakes but some people love them just like pecco 
manatee - Alex m, graceful, peaceful, would sing you and enchanting and beautiful song if they could, friend-shaped, would also give you a beautiful hug and protect you if they could, people do not CHERISH them enough 
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