joonsgalaxy · 5 years
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THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME @def-initely-soul
IMMA TAG @owls-and-stars @yoonoclock @bwintan @loonahyyh @kindahothough @fortunexkookie @screechingaussie
the link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/9889
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nomingonkyu-blog · 11 years
130403 Radio Star - Lee Jongyeol on Kyuhyun
"Kyuhyun, (he has) Sincerity, Responsibility, and he's good at singing and acting as Musical actor"
"(he is) a loyal friend"
(cr: @OurGyuhyun 1, 2)
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sjfanaccounts-blog · 12 years
A stewardess that same flight with SJ-M said Kyuhyun is so handsome & nice!^^
 (Via: @HaeHyuk_Girls; Cr: Kimchicrew Malay)
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
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So umm i was tagged by @def-initely-soul to post 9 selfies from 2018, but i never really take pics of myself so this is pretty much all i have lmao,, and i got a wig on in the first three of them asdjfkf i guess now i have my hair in the same style as those wigs lol, except it was raining and my bangs got a lil curly,, anyways!! 2018 was a strange year. I went from "i wanna d*e" to "oh wow, i can be actually happy" 🌸 the lesson here is: it gets better!!
ok guys ily i hope 2019 is the best year ever for u!! 💖✨
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
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on a planeee goin' to spainnn
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
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I was tagged by @screechingaussie to do this handwriting tag!
I wanted to make it pretty but it looks kinda childish, doesn't it?? Haha Anyways, imma tag @minimonojoon @just-come-baek @owls-and-stars @yntaehyung @attaeboy @bwintan @taewitched @abiller
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
forgive me for sending in so many (you don't have to answer all) but I've been trying to learn more about writing fiction and you're one of my favs on this website so there are quite a few I wanted to ask: 11, 16, 31, 42, 54
one of your favs? :’) my goodness thank you for making my day!
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
my first draft is always written in a notebook. the second one on a phone or a computer. then i edit it (sometimes once, sometimes literally 27 times). idk what else to tell you lol. there are some wips that i only have bullet points of, but usually i don’t plan fics like that because i’m lazy and i don’t care :)) the most important thing is to always write down any ideas i have, dialogues that pop into my head, because i always forget about it later, so yeah i have some random things written that i check from time to time when i write the fic. does this even make sense? hehe
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
Most of the time I’m really lacking motivation :(( But sometimes thinking about readers helps me. And sometimes my characters keep living in my head and annoying me until I write their story, then they disappear from my mind and that motivates me to write lmao (by annoying me i don’t mean they tell me to write, but they just are reliving the same scenes for hundreds of times and so eventually i get tired of those images)
31. Hardest character to write.
If we’re talking names then Jimin or Tae or Jin probably. If we’re talking personalities n stuff then idk i think dumb people?? like it’s difficult for me to write about oblivious and stupid people that only care about one or two things in life?? idk how to explain it lmao
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
It just sort of comes to me? I don’t try hard on these things, but sometimes I ask myself: “would this character really act like this? do their past affect their present? what happened to them that made them this way? what is their star sign?” and i just kinda try to come up with things and try to see their life as a real existing thing. There are some great posts on tumblr and other websites with personality traits and stuff though so it might be helpful for you? x ; x
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
Have fun. There’s no point in writing if you don’t have fun with it. Let your mind wander, let your characters say and do weird things, and if you don’t like it eventually in the final draft you can change it. don’t feel pressured to write in a certain way. there are literally no rules. and if someone tells you that there are then they’re lying to themselves and to you!!
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
2, 8, 9 pls
2. Favorite part of writing.
there are no favorite things about writing itself, but imagining stuff and getting to share it with others is pretty cool and fun
8. Favorite trope to write.
9. Least favorite trope to write.
I probably wouldn’t write a “a fuckboi falls for a shy/virgin girl and doesn’t understand his feelings” trope lol. i can’t think of anything else atm. but there are some kinks/situations that i wouldn’t enjoy writing about
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
sugarbush, sunflower, golden rod, peony, marigold for the asks! I hope they're not to much ahah
sugarbush: do you have sweet tooth? if yes, what’s your favorite sweets? if no, why?
I kinda do. I love anything sweet and vegan lmao
sunflower: would you like to be a fairy or a mermaid?
definitely a fairy. im so so terrified of mermaids. you have no idea
golden rod: are you more of a baker or a cook?
a cook probably. i used to bake stuff in the past tho
peony: what is something that you wish your parents could’ve told you?
“you probably don’t even like boys and that’s totally cool”
marigold: what’s your favorite tea?
i don’t really have a preference. i know i don’t like mint tea
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
alphabet tag
I was tagged by @taetaesbandana to do this alphabet tag <3
I tag @minimonojoon @just-come-baek  @bbyjoonbug @yntaehyung @taewitched @aureumjeon @def-initely-soul
a // age: 24 in 6 days
b // birthplace: Lithuania, Europe
c // current time: 12:47 pm
d // drink you had last: black coffee
e // easiest person to talk to: my sister ig??
f // favourite songs: the first ones to come to my mind bts - young forever; tae’s singularity; kina - get you the moon; the 1975 - me
g // grossest memory: accidentally pooping all over the floor :)
h // horror yes or horror no: no? i’m more into crime thrillers
i // in love: in the next life maybe
j // jealous of people: not really
k // kids of your own someday: i don’t want to have any kids, unless i adopt when i’m financially stable
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again: walk by again and hand me a five thousand word essay about yourself thanks
m // middle name: I don’t have one
n // number of siblings: one, a younger sister
o // one wish: publish a book. or five
p // person you last called: my mom
q // question you’re always asked: when’s the next update?
r // random fact about you: i’m vegan
s // song you last sang: the 1975 - me
t // time you woke up: 6am
u // underwear colour: light green
v // vacation destination: Switzerland
w // worst habit: leaving used dishes, napkins all over the house
x // x-rays: lungs for the health book for my job
y // your favourite food: quinoa, rice, bread lmao
z // zodiac sign: capricorn sun, pisces moon, virgo rising
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
baby’s breath
baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself with:
thrillers, cats, vegan junk food, daydreaming, stress
cute botanical asks
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
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oh would you look at that i even made a banner (but it's too small. watch me try to do something and do everything wrong)
@yoongspd tagged me, thanksss <3
imma tag: (just ignore it if u don’t wanna do this lol) @nanataeneee @ari-maccha @minxmita @basked-sunlight @kochiniseokjinnie @just-come-baek @soonyoungz @defspul @tokyoseo @blizzardfluffykpop 
- drink: water
- call: a missed call from my sistėr
- text: from my mom 
- song u listened to: listening to “tu jauti/lieti” by ba.
- time u cried: can’t remember. but i teared up yesterday because i happened to see the ending of finding nemo on TV and also i saw a commercial of the movie “pearl harbor” so i teared up because of that too lmaooo it’s just one of those movies that really get to me, y’know (and its soundtrack ahsdfjsd)
have u ever
- dated someone twice: no
- kissed someone & regretted it: no
- been cheated on: no
- lost someone special: yes
- been depressed: yes, am now oopsie
- gotten drunk & thrown up: yeah :/
favorite colors
1. black
2. dark blue
3. white
in the last year have u
- made any new friends: yes
- fallen out of love: no
- laughed so hard that u cried: yes
- found out someone was talking abt u: yes
- found out who ur friends were:��i mean i don’t even understand this sentence lmaoo i’m dumb
- kissed someone on ur fb friends list: no
- how many ppl from ur fb friends do u know irl: i don’t even know how many friends i have on there, i only use the messenger. 
- do u have any pets: yup, a cat in the house i’m currently living and there’s two dogs and my cat’s son living at my parents’
- do u want to change ur name: sometimes, when i wanna run away
- what did u do for ur birthday last year: ugh i hate my birthday; the day goes by with me stressing out and avoiding people
- what were u doing last night at midnight: i was trying to fall asleep
- what time did u wake up today: 8:30 am
- what is something u can’t wait for: healing and feeling happy
- have u ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, but another version of the name, tomas, ‘cause we’re lithuanians sooo
- something that gets on ur nerves: overly emotional and dramatic people that feel the need to talk and talk nonsense and share their opinions without checking facts
- most visited website: thesaurus.com probably lol
- hair color: the name of my hair dye is rich chocolate
- short hair or long hair: mine’s really long
- do u have a crush on someone: not really
- what do u like abt urself: my investigative mind
- want any piercings: nope, i’m too lazy to take care of piercings and choose/buy/wear jewelry
- blood type: i have no idea
- nicknames: kyu
- relationship status: single
- zodiac sign: capricorn
- pronouns: she/her
- fave tv shows: there are so many, but here’s a few: dexter; seven seconds; modern family; brooklyn 99
- tattoos: i don’t have any but i’d love to have lots someday
- right handed or left handed: right handed
- ever had surgery: no
- sport: i used to play anything with a ball in my spare time, but i didn’t like the gym class in school lmao. and also i love cycling
- vacation: my fave thing was visiting Lugano, Switzerland for a day. Dream vacation would be to visit more places like that lol
- trainers: shoes?? lmao i love, but i have no money to buy proper ones
more general:
- eating: i’m eating apples for breakfast rn, and some chocolate with coffee crunch in it lol
- drinking: waterrr
- i’m about to watch: dexter
- waiting for: finishing this thing lmao and making some other food. i also gotta write a fic today. i gotta
- want: to eat kimbap
- get married: at this point of my life i don’t think i will ever get married, i just don’t understand marriage atm. well, unless i decide to have a person that would say ‘plug it off’ to the doctors when i’m in a coma. other than that i don’t wanna share anything in half wih another person. and people change and the butterflies go away and divorcing is too much of a hassle. ok ill stop now
- career: hmmm i have some dreams but i don’t actually think they’ll come true. i honestly don’t know what i’m gonna do and why i’m on this earth lmao
which is better:
- hugs or kisses: neither, but if i had to choose to save my life than hugs
- lips or eyes: eyes
- shorter or taller: never really had a preference, but very tall people intimidate me and i feel like a child near them :D
- older or younger: don’t care
- nice arms or stomach: idk?? arms?
- hookup or relationship: i’m too shy for hookups, relationships require lots of effort so i kinda wanna say neither lol
- troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant 25/8
have you ever:
- kissed a stranger: a stranger kissed me, but i was like ??? i mean yeah i was snuggling up against you on your lap the whole night but kissing?? no thanks sir lmao
- drank hard liquor: yes
- lost glasses: nope as far as i remember
- turned someone down: yess
- sex on first date: no
- broken someone’s heart: yes
- had your heart broken: not really
- been arrested: no
-  cried when someone died: yes
- fallen for a friend: yeah, kinda. we were childhood friends. when we turned 17 he tried to kiss me but for some reason i pulled away. half a year later his girlfriend got pregnant and now he’s married and has a 5 year-old daughter. lol what a story. also i had this other childhood friend. when we were kids he used to say he was gonna marry me when we grew up. when we were teenagers i kinda liked him. he would always say he was in love with me. he would put his arm around my shoulders or lay his head onto my lap and we would just talk for hours outside at night, but we never pursued an actual romantic relationship lmao, idk weird.
do you believe in:
- yourself: nope
- miracles: i have a candle that says: “miracles happen everyday”. i trust it
- love at first sight: some kind of attraction at first sight? yes. love? no, because i think love is created by years of hard work haha
- santa claus: that’s a stupid question. of course, i do
- kiss on first date: yes i believe it could happen, but would i do it? probably not
- angels: yes, i hope they’re not too tired of guarding my stoopid ass
- best friend’s name: it starts with G and ends with E
- eye colour: blue
- fave movie: idk, it’s hard to choose, there are so many that i really loved but can’t remember lol. “pearl harbor” gets me everytime. also, “love, rosie”. and i really enjoyed “Far from the Madding Crowd” i wanna watch it again.
- fave actor:  perhaps Jake Gyllenhaal
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
Hey!!! 13, 24, 53, 72 ☺️
Hiii thanksfor sending these! 💓
13. What TVshow would you recommend for everybody to watch?
The one that comes to my mind right now is: SevenSeconds. I’ve watched it two times already and it’s so good!!
24. What isyour eye color?
Blue 🌊
53. Whatfictional world would you like to live in?
Hmm idk.Lately I’ve been reading thrillers and crime novels and I definitely wouldn’twant to live in that kind of worlds, I tell you that :D I’d probably choose afantasy world like The Chronicles of Narnia or Jumanji (I haven’t seen the newversion tho); or like a sci-fi with robots or something futuristic, y’know.That’d be so much fun, right?
72. Do youhave any siblings?
Yes, I havea sister. She’s two years younger than me, and we get along pretty well becauseof our weird senses of humour and similar interests.
Get To Know Me questions
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
I got tagged in a few tags, so here they are! (thank u for tagging me!! <3 )
I’m going to tag a few people at the very beggining. if you want to do any of these tags, i encourage you to do so, it’s fun! (if u haven’t already done them, of course lol)
@sevenbangtanbabes @eris0330  @pdfmin @peacheseok  @wastedkookies  @dat-town  @andromedaneedsoxyjin  @def-initely-soul  @seokjinscheonsa
777 wip challenge
Tagged by @dat-town​
the rules: go to page 7 of your wip, go to the seventh line, share seven sentences, and tag 7 more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
this is from my magic!AU drafts:
‘What happened?’ Yeri questions, puzzled. Her eyes skim up and down, taking in your whole form, which undoubtedly looks hysterically comical with all that dirt dusted upon.
You glance at Yoongi seeking for some help, for some kind of hint, but he’s completely useless. He simply stares wide-eyed.
‘Um I—
I want to make a potion to make Kevin fall in love with me so I sort of needed to steal this plant from you.
‘I always thought this flower looked beautiful so I wanted to take a sprout and replant it at my place?’
Tagged by @andromedaneedsoxyjin
Gender: female
Star Sign: capricorn
Time: 8:50 pm as i’m typing this
Favorite Bands: nothing but thieves, catfish and the bottlemen, the 1975, years and years; bts, seventeen, monsta x, day6, the rose, pentagon, red velvet, k.a.r.d and a bunch of others the list goes on and on lmao
Favorite Solo Artists: Sunmi, Jessi, Hyuna, joji, Harry Styles
Song Stuck In My Head: Pentagon - Shine
Last Movie I Watched: “Game Over, Man!”
Last TV Show I Watched: “GLOW”
When Did I Create My Blog?: June 2017
What Do I Post: fanfics
Last Thing I Googled: the word “faint”. i wanted to make sure i knew the correct spelling lmao
Do I Have Other Blogs?: Yes, because i have no life. here
Do I Get Asks: sometimes, when i post something new :>
Why Did I Choose My URL: long story short: kyut because of sungkyu, but like cute. tea because of taehyung, but like tea, y’know. so it’s like cute Tae, or cutie, or whatever idk lmao
Following: 175
Followers: 238
Favorite Colors: i dunno
Average Hours Of Sleep: 8
Lucky Numbers: i never noticed particular numbers helping me so idk lol
Instruments: i’d been learning to play a piano for a year, when i was like thirteen, then stopped
What Am I Wearing: a flannel shirt from a thrift shop men’s section and leggings for running. what an odd combination lmao
How Many Blankets I Sleep With: one
Dream Job: i dunno :(
Dream Trip: to Canada probably
Favorite Food: kimbap i guess, or rice in general in any dish lmaooo
Nationality: Lithuanian
Favorite Song Right Now: Pentagon - Shine; Monsta x - Jealous; Shawn Mendes - In My Blood;  Alina Baraz - Electric (feat. Khalid); Hoya - Angel; oh and 5 Seconds of Summer - Want You Back
Tagged by @def-initely-soul
Name: kyu
Gender: female
Star sign: capricorn
Sexuality: i wish i knew lmao
What’s your current wallpaper: bts ot7 in dubai
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? i don’t think so
If you could be somewhere else right now, where would you be? in a little colourful cabin in the mountains
Coolest halloween costume? i don’t celebrate halloween i’m lame
Favorite 90s show? The Simpsons lmaoo
Who was your first kiss? i pretty much always reject boys when they try to kiss me lol so i haven’t had like a proper first kiss yet
Have you ever been stood up? no
Have you ever been to Vegas? nope
Favourite pair of shoes? sneakers with platforms or thick soles or whatever you call those things lol, because i’m quite short and they make my legs look nice
Favourite fruit: blueberries, but they’re berries, lmao i don’t have a favourite fruit i guess
Favourite book: Just one look by Harlan Coben atm
Stupidest thing you ever done? so i had promised myself that i wouldn’t go study philology and literature and guess what i did lmao i went to university to study precisely that :)))
Element Tag
Tagged by @seokjinscheonsa
RULES: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag nine people!
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm• I want to travel the world • I go to sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor and to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
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sjfanaccounts-blog · 12 years
Kyuhyun's dad said 'Kyuhyun has NO girlfriend, but MANY boyfriends.' (曹爸說曹圭賢沒女朋友,男朋友很多 XDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!)
 [cr: cones719; via: @KyuhaeBiased]
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