#abra capulet 1996
danyayeni2 · 4 months
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romeoeatzkorn · 8 months
Stud 😍😍
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danyayeni · 1 year
you know what would be funny? If tybalt was a vampire. He has claws, fangs, probably would hate daylight (and daytime in general), etc.
I’d like to think that depending on if you were bitten, or if you’re on a specific side of the family, you would have different vampire powers. If you’re on lord capulet’s side, you can resist sunlight well. However, if you’re on lady capulet’s side, you’re able to resist things like stakes, holy items, etc (unless you made them yourself). In fact, you might even be able to use it as a good luck item (it requires lots of energy though)!
And since Juliet’s the daughter of both, that’s why she’s able to have lots of angels and such in her room, and have her curtains open as well!
The only way you are able to resist the sun is if you’re with vampires that are resistant to the sun! Which is why Tybalt’s with Petruchio (on the side of Lord Capulet) and Abra (on the side of Lord Capulet) for most of the time!
Abra’s cross doesn’t burn him because he made the cross himself.
Also, the nurse isn’t a vampire, but she is an entity!
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gxlds-doodles · 2 years
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Abra Capulet enjoyers rise UP!!!!! (Background is just the Sycamore Grove Theatre from the movie but with an overlay over it)
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tybaltcapuletslove · 2 years
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r-and-j1996memes · 2 years
Tybalt: I can explain. Juliet: Can you? Tybalt: ...If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
more tybalt and juliet stuff. mercutio and benvolio are back tonight i promise :D
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dailyromeoandjuliet · 3 years
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The Capulet Boys
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rifftannen · 2 years
New Fic / One-Shot Time >:]
And if I Only Could, I’d Make a Deal With God (And I’d Get Him to Swap Our Places)
Fandom - Romeo+Juliet (1996)
Warnings - Major Character Death
Category - Gen
Relationships - Juliet Capulet & Tybalt, Juliet Capulet & Nurse, Juliet Capulet/Romeo Montague, Abra Capulet & Juliet Capulet & Rosaline & Tybalt, Minor or Background Relationships
Characters - Juliet Capulet, Nurse (Romeo and Juliet), Other Mentioned Characters
Main Tags - Canon Compliant, During Canon, Heavy Angst, Hurt No Comfort
Summary - Juliet hears the news of her cousin's death, as well as the details that lead up to it.
Link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/39771837
Content Warnings are found in the beginning notes!!
WOOOO actually posting here that I uploaded a new fic!! I get really embarrassed about my writing so sometimes I don't do it but I've been trying to get better at that <3 I may be cringe but I am free.
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fandom-strumpet · 3 years
Hello you amazing human! Me having an unhealthy obsession with Kai Parker (and TV sociopaths in general) I am requesting like a Romeo and Juliet inspired story? It can be like the 1996 version of R and J and make it like modern? Idk I think you are talented and I love you and I want you to adopt me.
Here is a modern version of the 1996 Romeo and Juliet movie in the vampire diaries world. Story takes place in Mystic Falls.
Word Count: 11,032 OMG
The characters I have used/ re-written are:
Kai Parker in place of Romeo Montague from the Gemini Coven, Reader Cadell in place of Juliet Capulet from the Oasis Coven, Kai Parker's friends: Sampson, Gregory, Benvolio, Mercutio and Balthasar, The Cadell boys: Abra, Petruchio, Tybalt, The Father/ Priest, Reader Cadell’s nanny, Parents to Reader, Parents to Kai, Rosaline, The governor’s son aka Dave, Police Captain, news anchors
* * * * * * * * * * * *  Scene: Local gas station* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Kai Parker’s friends pull up to the gas station hooting and hollering. The ill tempered red head name Gregory shouts, 
“Those dogs called Cadells really piss me off! Any dog from that Oasis coven will make me angry enough to take a stand!” 
Sampson exclaims in response to his friend, “This quarrel is between our leaders...”
The red head interrupts “...and us their men! 
“I would be a tyrant, fighting the men and being merciful to the women by cutting off their heads!”
Gregory is mock outraged, “The heads of the women?”
Sampson turns up the car radio and the boys start to dance but stop abruptly at the sight of a black car. 
Sampson says, “Here comes the Oasis coven boys.”
Abra and Petruchio Cadell stare coldly. Sampson gulps nervously as Gregory nudges him mockingly.
“Fight back and take a stand, will ya?”
Sampson tries to hide his panic and responds, “Let them start the fight.”
The gas station door slams closed, BANG. The Parker boys jump at the sound, their attention drawn back to the Cadells who are laughing at the sight of the terrified group. Sampson brazenly flips them off out of embarrassment. Abra’s eyes look back in the mirror to see Sampson’s finger. Abra whips the car around full speed to block the Parker boys from escaping. He jumps out of the car and yanks Sampson out of his car. 
“You dare flip me off? Huh?”
“Yeah I gave the bird.” Sampson sneers.
“You dare to?!” Abra roars, gun drawn.
“You think the police will be on our side if I say yes?” Sampson turns to Gregory.
“Nope.” Gregory grimaces.
Sampson turns back to Abra stuttering, “Well I- I did give the bird. But I didn’t give it to you.”
“You want a fight?” Gregory asked.
“No I don’t want a fight,” Abra fake smiles.
Sampson turns to Gregory, “If you do fight, I will be by your side.”
Abra laughs, “Ha! Only you two? You can’t do better?”
Just then, Benvolio comes back from the bathroom, and shocked by the scene pulls his gun out.
“Here comes our back up!”
“You fools!” Benvolio shrieks, “You don’t know what you’re doing! Let us keep the peace.”
“I hate peace.” Tybalt spits. He fires his gun at a child on accident, smacking the child’s toy gun to pieces. 
Benvolio panics and accidentally shoots a bullet near Tybalt’s head. Gregory shoots and nicks Abra’s arm when he attempts to move it away from his face with his magic. A gas tank explodes after a magically moved bullet hits it. A news van screeches around the corner going live with the gun fight and explosion. Tybalt corners Benvolio, placing a gun to his head.
“Look upon your death, Benvolio.”
Suddenly a burning light blinds Tybalt and the Police Captain yells through a megaphone. Police cars have surrounded the scene.
“Enemies! Place your weapons on the ground now! Stop using your magic!”
Tybalt looks to the police and stands down. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * At the police station * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Police Captain sits down at his desk, across from the leaders of the Gemini and Oasis covens. 
“This is the third time your covens have disrupted the peace of Mystic Falls in a brawl.”
Cadell’s lawyer tries to intervene, “Captain I can-”
The captain slams his fist down. “If you ever disrupt the peace again, I will personally see you both go to prison.”
* * * * * The Parkers are on an awkward ride back to their mansion * * * * *
Kai’s mother sighs and looks out the window. “Oh where is Malachai? Have you seen him yet today?” She turns to her husband. “I’m just glad he wasn’t at the fight today.”
Benvolio feels guilty and answers, “He’s been at the lake side. I saw him walking there this morning.”
Kai’s father scoffs, “He walks too much around there, crying like a child.”
“All he does is hide away in his room, penning himself up and shutting out the light to make it dark as night.”
The driver leans back, “Ma’am, I’ve just received word. He’s at the pier.”
Kai is eating a bag of pork rinds, looking out at the sunset. “Love is a smoke that leads to disappointed sighing. I will never be able to get her, the beautiful Rosaline. Niece of my enemy. Unflawed love would make me feel powerful and alive. But when one does not return the love, the love only creates sadness. Love is madness. Love is bitter tasting but keeps us preserved and alive with its sweetness.”
Back in the car the family continues to chat.
“It’s not healthy for Kai to shut himself away with this depressing behavior. He needs a friends counsel to get him over whatever troubles him.” Kai’s father urges Benvolio. 
“Let me out, I’ll talk to him and see if he will tell me what is wrong.”
Kai’s father gives an encouraging smile that disappears as soon as the door is closed. “Let’s go home.” He sighs.
* * * * * * * * * * On the beach * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Good morning cousin,” Benvolio tries to act casual.
“Is it really only morning?” Kai asks seriously.
“It’s a new day.” He tries to act cheery.
“Sad hours seem long...” Kai turns to Benvolio. “Was that my father that just drove off?”
“Yes Kai but...” Kai shakes his head and starts to walk off, Benvolio walking swiftly after him. “What sadness makes your hours long?”
“Not having the love of her. With her the hours seem short.”
“You have gentle love in your view, but in others it is a sign of tyranny!” He exclaims.
“Whose view matters on my love...” Kai pauses when he sees a TV, playing back the news report of the fight from last night. “You had a fight?”
“I -”
Kai interrupts, “Don’t give me an excuse. I’ve heard them all. It’s much easier to hate someone than to love them. You are wasting so much time on someone who does not care about you.” He storms off in a rage, going up to the sidewalk heading toward a night club. “Why do you love to fight and love to hate, creating conflict out of nothing? My heart is swept away by love but it weighs on me that I am bound to it. It is agony my cousin.” He screams at a bouncer and uses his magic to flick him aside into trash cans. “There is no love like the one I feel,” he dark chuckles, “What cousin? Not going to laugh?”
Benvolio says nervously eyeing the crumpled bouncer, “No...I’d rather cry.”
Kai smiles mischievously, “Good bye, cousin.” And he takes off running down the sidewalk.
Benvolio sighs and starts to pursue. Finally arriving home, Kai gets to a car and a man hurriedly gives him the keys. 
Benvolio cuts him off panting, “Tell me... who is it...that you love?”
“My sad heart is in love with a woman.”
“I knew it was a woman,” he rolls his eyes, 
“She’s a beautiful lady.” Kai pulls down his shirt to reveal a small tattoo that says ‘Rosaline’.
“Rosaline?!” Benvolio is surprised but impressed. “She is quite beautiful.”
“She does not love me back, her heart is well guarded.”
“Hmm.. You know what? Forget about her!”
“How can I forget about her?”
“Look at all the other ladies,” he motions toward the girls on the sidewalk. 
Kai laughs dismissively. “Good bye. You can’t teach me how to forget.”
Benvolio hurries and jumps into the passenger seat of the moving car. The boys head to a bar.
“She would be in just as much trouble as I would be anyway, being a Cadell and a Parker.” He continues, “I think I could keep the peace between our families though.” 
The bartender smiles. “It’s honorable of you to try, it’s too bad your families are fighting.
* * * * * * * * * * At the Cadell Mansion * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Cadell leader of the coven, your father, is set down at a meeting with the governor’s son, Dave. 
“So what do you say to my proposition?” Dave asks.
Cadell looks at the picture frame of his wife and daughter. “My daughter is still young and innocent. Give her 2 more years and then she will be a perfect wife.”
Dave is persistent. “Sir, girls younger than her are happy mothers.”
“Hmm,” Cadell eyes him hard, “And younger girls married too soon are blemished. She is my pride and joy. If you can woo her and get her consent then you have mine as well.” He comes around the desk to give Dave a fatherly pat on the shoulder. “I will hold a large feast tonight, join us and meet y/n.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Back at the bar * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Benvolio and Kai have started playing pool. 
“Bring another lady into your sights and heart, then you will forget about her.” Benvolio hits a shot and Kai stops it with his hand, throwing it to hit other balls. “Are you insane?” Benvolio asks in mock outrage. 
“Insanely in love, yes.” Kai mocks back, stepping toward the bar.
An entertainment show is on the TV above, the female news anchor excitedly announcing. “Tonight the rich Cadell is hosting a great feast-” 
“A grand costumed event!” Her partner interrupts. 
The partner starts to read off some of the important guests who will be there. Rosaline’s name is on the list and Benvolio turns to Kai, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Looks like Rosaline will be there.” Kai grimaces as Benvolio continues. “Let’s go to the feast, it’s perfect. We can sneak in disguised and find you another woman who is even more beautiful than Rosaline.”
“More beautiful than her? Ha! There has never been a more beautiful woman since the dawn of time.”
Their attention is drawn back to the anchor. “If you’re not a Parker, come and drink some wine at the feast!”
Kai pauses to think. “Fine. I’ll go, but only to prove that no one can be more beautiful than Rosaline.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the Cadell mansion * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Y/N!!! Y/N!!!!” Your nanny yells. 
She rushes around the house trying to find you. You roll your eyes and sink down further into the bubble bath, ignoring her calls. Lady Cadell is trying to ready herself for the feast, going maniacal at the nanny screaming. She yells your name. 
“God’s sake nanny, where is my daughter? Tell her to come to me.”
“I’ve been calling for her ma’am but I still can’t find her.”
“Mother, nanny? You called?” You said coolly, feigning innocence as you stood there in your bathrobe. 
The nanny exclaims in shock, “Oh! Get dressed y/n!
“Just leave her alone. We will speak in private, you can stay as I need your advice.” Your mother looks casually into the mirror, examining her costume and continuing. “You know, y/n darling...I was about your age when I was married.” She turns quickly, unable to hide her excitement anymore. “The governor’s son wants to make you his wife! Isn’t that exciting?”
The nanny tries to take her side. “He is a charming young man, miss.”
“Oh the most charming and handsome!” Your mother giggles, her drinks obviously kicking in. 
“What-” you are too stunned as she speaks again.
She grabs your arm, “He’s coming to the feast tonight! To see you! He is a rich man, fall in love with him. You will become his and all that is his will become yours!”
The nanny asks you cautiously, “What do you think of his love?”
You choose your words carefully, not wanting to put your mother in a foul mood. “I’ll try to like him and see if there is anything likeable, but ultimately I will only marry him if you approve and give me the strength.”
A maid comes in. “Lady Cadell, the guests have started to arrive.”
She gasps in excitement. “Hurry y/n, get ready!”
The nurse leans in to whisper, “And don’t forget to enjoy yourself.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Down by the pier * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kai Parker and a couple friends are sitting down at the pier, watching the bright lights of the Cadell mansion from across the lake. They hear a roar of a sports engine pull up and turn back to see who it is. Getting out of the car stands Mercutio, Kai’s best friend, dressed in drag. The boys practically fall over laughing as Mercutio pretends to be posing for paparazzi. 
“Now applaud!” He yells and whips out the party invites from his mini skirt.
“Holy shit dude, you did it!” Benvolio and friends jump up to grab them.
“I dunno.” Kai stands and continues to look out at the lake.
“Oh come on man! You have to go and dance.” He grabs Kai and starts to waltz. 
Kai laughs and shoves him away, “You can dance but I can’t, my heart is too sad.”
“Aw, poor heart broken child.” He mocks.
Kai looks at the stars. “Is love soft, or rough harsh and rude?”
Mercutio jumps on his back. “If love is rough with you, then be rough with it. Beat it down.”
“Your love is crushing me cousin.” Kai laughs, starting to fall down. 
Benvolio honks the horn impatiently. “Come on! We’re wasting daylight!”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the feast * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The boys pull up hooting and hollering. Waltzing inside, it is obvious that Benvolio and another friend have already started drinking. Kai walks in calmly, looking at the dance floor. Mercutio dances with a woman and passes her off to Kai.
“Come on, every guy should have the chance to dance.”
A Cadell boy drunkenly strides up to Kai who is dressed as a knight. He puts an arm around him, not recognizing him to be a Parker. 
The Cadell yells out, “Musicians! Play us a song!” 
Kai felt as if his heart would burst out of his chest at any moment. He quickly ducks out of the boys grip, abandoning the lady and tries to find an area away from the crowd. As he is walking he spots an angel. A literal costumed angel in the form of you. You are wandering through the crowd aimlessly when you spot him. Kai stares back at you, his plump lips forming a smile. His brown hair falling to the side, frames his perfect face. In that moment you knew he was the one. A yell disrupts your focus and you turn to see the nanny calling you. 
You look back for the mystery boy but he has vanished. The nanny starts to drag you toward Lady Cadell and Dave, the governor’s son. 
He extends his hand, “Will you dance with me?”
Knowing you can’t decline, you place your hand in his. 
Your mother trills, “Oh such a fine young man.”
Kai didn’t know how it had happened but in one moment he had lost sight of you. Rushing through the crowd to find the angel again, he accidentally bumps into a Lucifer. Little did he know, the man dressed as Lucifer was Tybalt. 
Tybalt then turned to Abra. “How dare Malachai come to a Cadell event. He mocks us with his mischief and antics. I will not consider it a sin to kill him in order to protect our coven’s dignity.”
He starts to storm off when your father Cadell stops him with a strong arm. “Where are you going off to?”
“It’s Kai Parker, he’s here.”
“Calm yourself, Tybalt. Don’t ruin this night, be peaceful in this house. Tolerate him for tonight and don’t waste your time on him. He’s not worth it, save it for another night.”
“I won’t tolerate him!”
Cadell rages, “You will! You will behave and stay out of any fights!” He shoves Tybalt. “You are making a scene.”
An older couple looks on shocked and Cadell tries to regain his composure. Comforting the couple he turns.
“Don’t worry, cheer up and have some drinks.” 
They smile heartily and walk away. Turning back to Tybalt, he harshly whispers. “I am the leader of this coven and you will obey me. Now go away.” 
Kai spots you on the dance floor once again, but this time you are with a man. He whispers, “I have never known what love truly means until I have spotted this angel. I take back and disown the idea of love I had for Rosaline.”
Even dancing with Dave you were still distracted by looking for the handsome mystery boy. Then you spot him again, your eyes connecting. You quickly look back to Dave, not wanting to seem too distracted but within a moment you were back to staring at the boy over his shoulder. The lights black out, colorful spotlights turn on as confetti and balloons rain down. You had stopped dancing. You let out a gasp as a hand suddenly yanks you behind a curtain. There stands Kai, he pulls you close to his body so your chests are almost touching. 
“Your hand is so clearly holy, if I offend you by touching it with my rough unholy hand, then let me make it better with a kiss.” Kai woos.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You holding my hand is a sign of devotion. Placing our hands together is a palmer’s kiss.” 
“Might I suggest we do with our lips what we do with our hands?” Kai kisses your lips sweetly. “Now my sins are gone.”
“Oh but now your sins are on my lips and the only thing that can make it better is another kiss.”
Kai kisses you once again. “There, now all is right.”
“You are very clever in coming up with reasons to steal kisses from me.”
Suddenly the nanny interrupts. “Y/n, your mother wants a word with you.”
You head toward your mother, and wave a hand, signaling Kai not to follow but he trails anyway. Kai watches the nanny and you head up the staircase instead of leaving like the guests. At the top is a furious Lady Cadell standing with Dave. Your eyes dart nervously to Kai as your mother starts to harshly whisper in your ear. She pullls you away from the stairs and that is when it dawns on him.
“She is a Cadell?” he whispers under his breath. 
You stop to look back at Kai and the nanny whispers in your ear. “HIs name is Malachai Parker from the Gemini coven.”
You feel a coldness fill your chest, disappointment and reality crashing down. Mercution runs up and claps a hand on Kai’s shoulder. 
“The party is starting to break up, we need to leave now so we don’t draw the attention of the Cadells.”
“It’s what I thought, yet I’m still dissatisfied.”
Mercutio ushers him out to the waiting car while Kai looks back over his shoulder longingly. As Mercutio starts to drive the boys away, noisily singing, he spots you in the window. 
You see Kai and whisper, “My true love is born from the coven that I’m born to hate. I fell in love too soon and now it is too late to hate him. It is such a large degree of love, that I must love my enemy.” 
You close the window and lean your head against the glass, unable to take your eyes off Kai’s disappearing form. Down below in the doorway stands Tybalt, also unable to take his eyes off the enemy.
“I will obey my uncle tonight. Malachai’s intrusion may seem sweet but it is bitter and will come back to poison us in the end.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * Out at the car * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
There is a traffic jam from all the cars trying to leave. Kai sighs and whispers beside his noise raucous of friends. “How can I leave here when my heart stays behind? I have to go back.”
Kai leaps out of the slow moving car and Benvolio yells.
“Kai! Where are you going?”
Kai is running back along the road, using the cars and bushes as a way to shield himself from the guards’ view. He stealthily climbs vines and leaps onto the other side of the stone wall bordering the property. Mercutio pulls the car around in front of the gates that are swinging shut. 
Benvolio points out, “I think he ran that way. Call his name!”
“I’ll do you one better,” Mercutio laughs. Jumping out of the car he dances in front of the gate swaggering like a flirtatious drunk lady. “Oh Kai!” He calls in a falcetto voice, “It’s me Rosaline! Come to my plump lips, my bright eyes and my long legs and quivering thighs!”
The boys cheer Mercutio on. Kai smiles at his calling. 
“He makes fun of love scars that are non existent.”
The boys are now laughing hysterically at Mercutio swooning around like a love sick fool. The fun is cut short when a security guard yells and a spotlight comes to life, pinning Mercutio in its beam. 
“Alright boys, let’s go.” He quickly hops into the car and they speed off. 
Outside the rear wing of the house, Kai creeps near the pool, taking cover when a bright light comes on.
“But wait, what light shines through that window?”
Almost in response, the balcony doors open and you step out still in your angel robe. You start to walk near the pool, unaware of Kai hiding in the shadows.
He whispers, “Y/n is the sun, rising in the East and killing the jealous moon. She is far more beautiful than any others.”
You sit on the pool ledge, legs dangling in the still water.
“It is her! My love!”
You sigh. Looking longingly to the stars you ask, “Oh Malachai, my Kai. Where are you? Deny your father and rebuke your name, or if you will not, my love, I swear I will no longer be a Cadell.”
Kai whispers, “Should I say something or remain silent?”
Starting to pace you continue, “It’s only your last name that is my enemy, but you, yourself are not a Parker. But what is a Parker? It is not a body part of a man. Why can’t you have some other name! What is a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. So if Kai, if not called called Kai Parker, would be just as perfect. Kai, lose your name. Trade in your name, which has nothing to do with you, and take all of me in exchange.”
“I will take all of you in exchange at your word!” Kai steps out of the shadows and calls wildly. “Proclaim your love for me, and you can call me whatever you want!”
You scream and topple backwards, Kai tries to balance you out by grabbing your hand but is instead plunged into the pool with you. A security guard moves toward the pool area and you wave him away. assuring that everything is fine.
“Kai, why did you hide in the darkness and listen to my private thoughts?”
He puts his hands up in a calming gesture. “My own name is so hateful to me, if it were written on a piece of paper I would rip it up.”
“I have not heard you speak over a hundred words, but I recognize your voice and have memorized it’s sound. Should I not call you Malachai? And a Parker?”
“Neither my love, if you don’t like the names.”
“How did you get over the walls? If any men of my coven find you here, they will kill you.”
“The darkness of night will hide me, besides let them kill me. I would rather due than live without your love.” Kai leans forward, you kiss long and greedily until you push Kai away.
“I’m glad it’s night so you can’t see how embarrassed I am that you over heard me gushing about you. Part of me feels I should pretend I am not interested, as that is how proper ladies would act. But it is too late for that, do you love me?”
Kai starts to speak but you silence him and continue. “I know you will say yes and I believe you. Swear to me so you can’t be proven false my sweet Kai. Say it faithfully. If you think I’m too quickly won over then I will frown and see you no more, no matter what ends of the earth you may go to win me back. Honestly... I favor you too much, you may not believe me but I’ll prove myself to be more true and loyal than any other woman.” 
“My love, y/n, I swear by the moon, that lights the night so beautifully.’
“No, don’t swear by the moon for it constantly changes.”
“What should I swear by?”
“Do not swear at all. But if you dare to, swear by yourself. You are my idol and I will believe you.” You touch his cheek with your palm and Kai moves his lips close to yours.
“If my hearts dear love-”
Confused, you break away. “Do not swear then. I take joy in you, but not in a rash, sudden contract. We need to slow down, we don’t have to rush into anything. We should take our time and see where this love goes.”
Another light turns on and the nanny begins to call. “Y/N!” You rush up the pool stairs.
“Will you leave me so unsatisfied?” Kai tries to keep up.
You scoff and give a shocked expression, “What more satisfaction do you want tonight?”
“I would be satisfied if you promised me your love so we could exchange vows and be married.”
You run joyously into Kai’s arms. “I will gladly exchange vows with you and promise my love!” You kiss fiercely and passionately before being interrupted by the nanny’s yell again.
“Good night dear Kai. If you really intend to marry me, send word tomorrow. I will come to you, tell me what time and place. I will leave all my fortunes behind and follow you all over the world.”
“I’m coming!” You holler. “A thousand times goodnight.” You kiss again and finally run inside. You reappear at the top of the balcony. “Kai! What time should I come to you tomorrow?”
“By 9 o’clock!”
“I will be there! Good night sweet Kai until tomorrow. Parting is such sweet sorrow.”
“Sleep well my lovely y/n.” Kai blows kisses to you and heads back toward the wall to take his leave. 
* * * * * * Morning time in a greenery * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A priest is giving an herbology lesson to some young boys. 
“Plants, herbs and stones are a beautiful thing.” He makes a small cut in the bulb of a purple flower. “In this flower, lies a poison while also having the power of a medicine.” He carefully puts the sap in a beaker. “It smells lovely, but if tasted, can stop the heart. Our lesson is done.” 
Turning to put the beaker away in the fridge, he pulls out a jar of candy. Looking at them sternly, the boys take their candy and scram. The Father starts to watch the TV but his thoughts are interrupted by Kai knocking on the door frame. 
“Good morning Father.”
“Good morning! Why do you come so early in the morning to see me?” The priest studies Kai for a minute. “It is very early for you to be getting out of bed, and if I guess right it means that you never went to bed last night!”
Kai follows the priest as he starts to walk through the empty church. “It’s true, I never slept because I was enjoying the sweet night.”
“God have mercy on you! Were you with Rosaline?”
“With Rosaline? Father no. That name is out of my mind and long forgotten.” 
The priest starts to lay out preparations for communion. “Good my son, so where have you been?”
Out of old habit, Kai starts to help him. “I was feasting at my enemies house. So suddenly I was wounded by love and now both of ours only cure can come from you. I gave no hatred, and your power will benefit my enemy.”
“Speak clearly. Tell me what you mean. I do not know how to help you if you speak in riddles.”
“I am in love with the leader Cadell’s daughter. I love her and she loves me. We’ve promised our love to each other but we need you to make it official. I’ll tell you more later about where and when we met, how we fell in love. But I’m begging you to marry us today.”
The priest stands there a moment, thunderstruck. Two of the young boys enter in robes and he dismisses them. They get the message and bolt. He turns back to Kai, still stunned.
“Holy Saint Francis! This is such a sudden change. Have you given up on Rosaline so quickly? The one you claimed you loved? Young men love with their eyes and not their hearts. How many tears did you waste crying over Rosaline? I can still freshly remember you crying to me about your heart’s woe. You’ve changed so suddenly.”
“You’ve always scolded me for loving Rosaline.”
“I did not scold you for loving her, but for obsessing over her.”
“Don’t scold me over y/n now, we truly love each other. Rosaline did not love me.”
“Rosaline knew you loved her but didn’t really know what it meant.” The priest sits down in a chair and looks off into the distance where the childrens choir are assembling. The priest is moved by the childrens singing and he turns back to a waiting Kai. 
“Come with me, I will help you with your secret wedding. If we’re lucky it may turn the hatred between your covens into love.”
“Then let’s go, I’m in a rush.”
The Father stands and looks down on Kai, “We need to be smart about this and take it slowly. We don’t want any slip-ups.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the beach * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Benvolio and Mercutio are arguing. 
Mercutio snaps, “What do yo umean Kai didn’t come home last night?”
“I spoke to my uncle’s maid, she said Kai never came home.”
“He’s so obsessed with Rosaline, he’s gone insane.” Benvolio paces the sidewalk, “Tybalt sent a message to Kai’s father’s house.”
Mercutio interrupts, “I bet it’s a challenge.”
Benvolio stops pacing. “Do you think Kai will take up the challenge?”
“Anyone can write a letter demanding a challenge. But it takes a true witch to demand a fight with a siphoner like Malachai.”
“Kai is daring enough to challenge Tybalt.”
Kai’s car pulls up beside the lake’s parking lot. Benvolio heads toward him.
“Here comes Kai! Here comes Kai!” 
Mercutio saunters up the beach with mock chalance. “Bonjour Kai,” he speaks with an accent, “You gave us quite the slip last night, no?”
“Good morning to you too. What slip did I give you?” Kai feigns innocence.
“WHAT SLIP? You gave us the slip last night, are you mad?”
Kai grins smugly. “Oh my apologies, Mercutio. I had a great time, thanks for asking. It was very important business, I didn’t have time to say a proper goodbye.”
“Oh I’m sure you were kept quite busy last night.” He jokes and Benvolio hoots, jumping on Kai’s back.
“Oh shut up.” Kai shoves him off into the sand. “I’ll fight you.”
Mercutio flicks sand at him and starts to run down the beach. Kai laughs and starts to chase. Kai gains on Mercutio and dives into the sea, following him. 
“See, isn’t this better than groaning over love?” Mercutio splashes and Kai tries to dunk him underwater. “You’re much happier now!” He walks onto the beach, “Come on Kai.”
Kai tackles him onto the wet sand and Mercutio suddenly becomes serious. “How happy you are now, is who you naturally are.”
A shadow falls over the boys and there stands the nanny in a bright red ‘disguise’. 
“God, you are a beautiful woman.” Mercutio remarks, bemused at the sight.
The nanny ignores him and speaks to Kai, “I need to speak privately with you.” 
Kai gets up and starts to follow the woman up to a black car waiting in the parking lot. Mercutio looks questioningly to Benvolio who shrugs. “Maybe he’s going for dinner?” Mercutio yells at Kai, “Come home for dinner!.”
Before stepping into the car he yells back, “I will be there soon!”
“Goodbye old dragon lady!” He jests, blowing her a kiss.
* * * * * * * * * * * * In the car * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The nanny leaned in uncomfortably close to Kai and whispered harshly, “If you lead y/n on, treat her poorly or break her heart like a delicate tea cup then you will suffer an ill fate.” 
She leans back to her seat and there is a silence. Kai chooses his next words carefully. “Ask y/n to come to confession today. The Father will hear her out, absolve her sins and we will be married.”
* * * * * * * * * * The Cadell mansion * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You are waiting excitedly in your room, looking for the nanny’s arrival. The black car pulls into the driveway and out steps the nanny. 
“Here she comes!” 
You bolt from from your room to meet the nanny at the staircase going to the rear of the house. You burst into the kitchen following her where she proceeds to start looking in the fridge. 
“What did he say?” You ask again impatiently, “Nanny! What did he say!”
Stepping away from the fridge the nanny sets food down on the counter. “Let me rest a minute, I am tired and hungry.”
You continue to plead, walking to her. “Please tell me! Is it good news or bad?”
“My God, why such a hurry? Can’t you stay here and talk for a while? I am out of breath.”
You cannot stand the suspense anymore. “How are you out of breath? Tell me! Is it good news or bad? Just tell me that much!”
The nanny sits and take a big bite of her sandwich, talking between chews. “You’ve made a simple choice of a man. You don’t know how to pick one. He is a very handsome and attractive young man but he doesn’t have the best manners and composure. However, he has a gentle spirit and nature. Have you had something to eat yet?”
“I already know those things about him, tell me more! What does he say about our marriage?”
“Oh dear, I feel a headache coming on, and my back aches...”
This is a game you know well. You climb onto the back of the recliner, setting down so you can massage her,
“Ooooo yes! Get right there!”
You then coo sweetly, “Oh sweet nanny, what does my love say?”
“He is an honest man, kind, handsome and virtuous. Where is your mother?”
You crack. “Where is my mother? That’s your reply?! My love says like an honest gentleman, ‘Where is your mother?!’”
The nanny pouts, “Calm yourself y/n!”
You explode in frustration. “How can you tell me to be calm? WHAT DID KAI SAY?”
The nanny goes quiet for a moment. “Do you have time to go to confession today?”
“I do.”
“Then go to the priest, Kai awaits there to be a husband and make you his wife!”
With a scream of joy, you hug the nanny.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the church * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The priest shakes his head. “Such extreme emotions about this kind of pleasure often ends in disaster. Even the taste of too much honey can become sickly because it is so sweet.” He looks to Kai. “So love carefully and long may your love live.”
You push through the oaken double doors to the church. The priest cues up the choir and beckons for you to come to the altar.
“Good afternoon Father.”
Before the priest can reply, you and Kai kiss passionately. He wait just a moment then delicately interrupts you.
“Come, come and we will make this quick. Because, if you don’t mind, I’m not leaving you two alone until you’re married.”
You and Kai exchange vows and rings. The priest follows the two of you out, throwing hand fulls of rice. Your driver takes a perfect picture as the bride and groom kiss. He holds the car door open and you reluctantly get in. As the car drives away, Kai runs along side it until he watches the big car speed away. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the beach * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mercutio stands knee deep in the water fishing. Benvolio shelters himself from the heat under a life guard tower.
“Come on Mercutio, let’s go. It’s too hot!”
Mercutio ignores him and continues fishing with his gun. Benvolio looks around nervously hoping they don’t draw the attention of the Cadells.
“The Cadells are out, and if they see us, we won’t get away without a fight.”
“You are like one of those men who enter a bar and put their gun down on the table saying, ‘I pray I never have to use you’ but by the time he orders his second drink, he pulls the gun on the bartender for no reason at all.”
Benvolio doesn’t find him funny and turns away when a black Sedan rolling up stops him cold. “Oh great, here come the Cadells.”
“Well, well, I don’t care,” Mercutio drawls.
The car slides to a stop only feet away from where Benvolio stands. Tybalt, Abra and another Cadell emerge from the vehicle and step toward the Parkers menacingly.
“Good day gentleman, can I have a word with one of you.”
The rest of the Parker boys stand nervously at Tybalt’s words. Mercutio responds wittily, “You want just one word with one of us? Put it together with something else. Make it a word and a blow.”
“You’ll find me ready enough to do that sir, if you give me a reason.” 
Tybalt’s hand moves to rest on his gun handle. Mercutio stops jesting upon spotting the firearm.
Breathily he asks, “Could you not find a reason without me giving you one?” 
The Parker boys start to snicker again and Tybalt snaps. “Mercutio you hang out with Malachai.”
Mercutio’s anger grows. “Hang out? What do you think we are, a bunch of musicians? If I am a musician, then this is my fiddlestick,” he motions to his gun, “And I’ll use it to make you dance.”
Benvolio tries to mediate, “We’re talking in a public place. Either go someplace private, or it talk it over rationally or just go away. Out here everyone can see us.” 
Mercutio retorts, “People’s eyes were made to see things, so let them watch. I’m not moving to please anybody.”
Just then, Kai arrives in his car, heart full of happy news.
Tybalt walks away from Mercutio, “Nevermind you. Here is the man I am looking for.” He calls out to the approaching Kai, “Malachai, there’s only one thing I can call you. You are a villain!” Pulling his jacket aside, Tybalt reveals his gun to Kai.
“Tybalt, I have a reason to love you, let me put aside the hatred and forgive your remark. I am not a villain. So good bye. Clearly you do not know who I am.”
Kai turns and walks back to his car, surprising everybody. Tybalt is confused and outraged, hurling himself back into his Sedan. He kicks the car in a U-turn, slamming into Kai’s car. Kai locks the car as Tybalt gets out to beat down on it. He smashes the passenger window and hauls Kai out.
“Boy, your words can’t excuse the harm you’ve done to me!” Tybalt punches Kai across the face, sending him sprawling to the ground. “Turn and draw your gun!” He yells.
Kai shakily lifts himself from the ground, feeling his busted lip. Speaking through his bloody teeth, Kai answers. “I never hurt you. And so, good Cadell - which name I care for more than you can understand,” Kai cautiously pulls out his gun, “be satisfied.” He throws the gun to Tybalt’s feet.
The Parker boys can’t believe their eyes as Kai starts to walk down the beach. An angered Mercutio steps forward.
“This calm submission in dishonorable and vile!”
Tybalt grows angrier, handing Abra his weapon and sprinting down the beach after Kai. In a bone cracking collision, Tybalt tackles him to the ground near an abandoned life guard house. The boys run to catch up while Kai still refuses to fight and runs up the stairs. Tybalt trips him and he careens into the old wooden railing, smashing it to pieces. Tybalt kicks savagely at him, willing him to fight back. Mercutio runs after him, picking up a piece of wood from the broken railing and hitting him across the head making him fall down. 
“Tybalt, you ratcatcher!” Will you go and fight me?”
“What do you want from me?” Tybalt swings a lump of wood and Mercutio dodges. 
“Why, King of Cats, I want to take one of your nine lives. I’ll take one and depending how you treat me after that, I might beat the other eight out of you too.”
Tybalt swings his wood again and Mercutio blocks, throwing the stick away. Tybalt, now empty handed, charges and slams him against a window shattering the glass. Mercutio is back on his feet lightning fast. He raises a rock, ready to smash in his head when Kai rushes between them.
“Stop this fight Mercutio!”
Seizing his opportunity, Tybalt lunges up and aims to slash Kai with a piece of broken glass. Instead, he misses and slashes Mercutio across the stomach. He screams out in pain, grabbing his side. Everyone goes quiet. Abra tugs at a stunned Tybalt.
“Let’s go Tybalt!”
The pair bolts for their car and Benvolio goes to Mercutio.
“Are you hurt?”
Mercutio covers his wound and laughs, “Yes but it is just a scratch.”
Kai helps him get down the stairs. “Have courage, the cut can’t be that bad.”
“It’s not as deep as a well or as wide as a door, but it’s enough to do the job.” Mercutio jokes, “If you ask for me tomorrow, you’ll find me a very grave man. Goddammit! I can’t believe that rat could scratch me to death!” He says through crazed laughter.
He now turns his attention from the cheering boys to Kai who is struggling to support his weight.
“Why the hell did you come between us? He struck me under your arm.”
“I thought it was the right thing to do.” Kai starts to panic.
Mercutio pushes himself away screaming, “May a plague fall upon both your covens! They’ve turned me into food for the worms. I’m done for. Curse your families!” 
He collapses to the ground and Kai kneels, cradling his best friends dead body. Thunder booms and it starts to sprinkle, turning into a heavy rain. 
Benvolio whispers, “Mercutio is dead.”
Kai cries out, “Oh sweet y/n! Your beauty has made me weak, you have softened my bravery when before I was hard as steel.”
The sound of Tybalt’s car peeling off brings back cold reality. Kai’s sadness turns to uncontrollable rage. He runs to his car, in an effort to head him off. The rain is now blinding but Kai stops for nothing. Pedestrians scream and cars screech to a stop. He rounds a corner and slams into Tybalt’s car, veering out of control. Tybalt scrambles from his car and Kai runs toward him. Tybalt draws his gun but Kai continues to march on.
“Go on! Kill me so I can join him!” 
Tybalt nervously starts to walk backward.
“Either kill me or I will kill you!”
He shakes his head in panic, Kai flicks his wrist sending Tybalt’s gun into the air.
“Why did you come between us?”
Kai remains silent. Police cars screech to a halt, surrounding the area. The gun lands back in Kai’s hand and he fires three shots.
“Put down the weapon!” A police officer calls through a megaphone. 
Tybalt’s body collapses to the road. A cop fires, grazing Kai’s arm and he screams. 
“Oh! I have awful luck!”
A strong gust of wind and rain blinds the police. Balthasar drives up and starts screaming.
“Don’t just stand there! Come on!”
Kai quickly slides into the passenger seat, holding his wounded arm and crying. 
Lady Cadell pulls up to the scene and runs to crouch over the body. “Tybalt! Oh my sweet nephew. My family’s blood is spilled on the streets.” 
The Captain parts through the police line. “Where are the men who started the fight?”
A hand cuffed Benvolio is pushed forward. “Captain, I can tell you everything about the fight. Tybalt killed your relative Mercutio and then young Kai killed him.”
Lady Cadell begins to scream again. “Tybalt was my nephew! Oh my nephew is dead! Captain, you are honorable, take revenge by killing someone from the Parker family.”
The Captain ignores her and turns to Benvolio. “Benvolio, who started this fight?”
“Tybalt started the fight before he was killed by Kai. Kai spoke to him reasonably and didn’t want to start a fight but rather make a truce. Tybalt refused and was deaf to peace!”
Lady Cadell interjects savagely, “He’s lying! I want justice, Kai killed Tybalt so Kai must be killed!”
The Captain, losing his patience turns to the woman. “Kai killed him after Tybalt killed Mercutio.”
Malachai’s father, Sir Parker l arrives and begins to plead with the Captain as well. “Please Captain, don’t make Malachai pay the price. He was Mercutio’s friend. His death has been avenged by Tybalt’s. It is even.” 
The Captain eyes him coldly. “And for the crime of murder, Malachai is exiled from Mystic Falls. You have involved me in your rivalry. My nephew Mercutio is dead because of your bloody feud.”
“But Captain-” Parker starts to plead. 
The Captain silences him, “I will not listen to your excuses and your begging will not change my mind.” He turns to address his officers. “Tell Malachai to leave the city immediately or else if he is found he will be killed.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Your bedroom* * * * * * * * * * * *
“I wish the sun would hurry up and set already so night can come immediately. Because when the night comes and everyone goes to sleep, then my Kai will come to me, leap into my arms and no one will know. Gentle night, give me my Kai and when I die, turn him into the stars and make a constellation in his image. His face will make the heavens so beautiful that the whole world will fall in love with him. I belong to Kai now, this day has been so long, waiting for him.”
A car pulls up into the driveway and you rush down excited to meet the nanny. Your knees buckle and you fall to the ground at her news. 
“Oh god! Did Kai kill Tybalt?”
“He did, he did! This is a most cursed day!”
“He’s like a snake disguised as a flower. Was there ever such an evil book with such a beautiful cover? I can’t believe such evil lurked inside someone so beautiful!”
“There is no trust, faith or honesty in men. All of them lie, cheat and are wicked. Shame on Malachai!”
“How dare you wish shame upon him! He was not born to be shameful. He deserves only honor, I was an idiot to be angry at him.”
“How can you say such good things about the man who killed your cousin?”
“Am I supposed to speak badly about my own husband? Oh my husband! How could I speak bad of him when we’ve only been married 3 hours? Kai why did you kill my cousin? Probably because my cousin would have killed my husband. It is comforting to know my husband is alive, but I am crying still because he has been banished. This is worst than the murder of 10,000 Tybalts. No words can express my pain. Nanny, where are my father and mother?”
The nanny gets down to comfort you. “They are mourning the death of Tybalt. Go to your room, I’ll send Kai to comfort you. I know where he is.”
You look up through tears. “Please hurry and find him. Tell him to come and say his final good bye.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the church * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest leads the nanny into a bedroom. Kai lays on the bed, shirtless and bandaged.
The woman rushed to his side.
“Tell me about y/n. Where is she? Is she okay? What does my hidden wife say about our ruined love?”
“She doesn’t say anything. She just cries and cries. She falls down but when she tries to get up, she just calls your name and collapses again in tears.”
Kai has started to cry uncontrollably, “She calls out my name as if I were a bullet murdering her, just like her cousin.”
The priest shakes Kai, “I thought you were smarter and more rational than this! Your y/n is alive, you should be happy. Tybalt wanted to kill you, but you killed him. Be happy that you’re alive. You have been banished, not sentenced to death. Be happy about that. Your life is full of blessings.”
Kai has calmed down and the priest helps him get changed into a new white shirt. 
“Go. Go to your wife and comfort her. Get out of here before daybreak. Good night.” 
The priest ushers Kai out of the church and gives him one last handshake good bye. Kai and the nanny sprint towards the car.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the mansion* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Dave stands by your father holding flowers awkwardly. Your mother comes down the staircase solemnly.
“She refuses to come out of her room.”
Dave replies calmly, “It’s understandable. These times of pain are bad for romance. Good night ma’am, give your daughter my regards.”
“I will. And I’ll find out what she thinks about marriage tomorrow morning but tonight she is shut up with sadness.” The three leave down the hallway.
* * * * * * * * * * In your room* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
You are softly crying into your pillow when you feel a hand gently touch your face. Your eyes dart up to see Kai standing above you. There’s a still moment of disbelief. Leaning down, Kai kisses away the tears that fall from your wide y/e/c eyes. Your lips find his and he gently sinks back into the bed with you.
* * * * * * * * * * Back in the living room* * * * * * * * * * 
Your father sits reclined in an armchair. Dave and your mother sit opposite him. He whips himself in a drunken frenzy of excited thoughts.
“My sir, I’ll make a desperate argument for my daughter’s love. I think she’ll do whatever I say- no - I think she’ll do that and more. I have no doubt about it. Wait- what day is today?”
Dave answers, “Monday, sir.”
“I will talk to her tomorrow about marrying you on Thursday. Does that sound good to you?”
Dave tries to catch up, stunned at the suddenness. Your father eyes him.
“Sir- I wish Thursday was tomorrow. It sounds wonderful.”
Your father raises his glass to toast and they stand. “Well go home. Thursday it is then.” He turns to your mother, “Go see y/n to prepare her. Tell her to get ready for her wedding on Thursday.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * Your room* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Morning time comes, shining light upon yours and Kai’s bodies tangles together. You lie blissfully asleep. Balthasar’s car quietly pulls into a side road near the estate. Sitting up suddenly, Kai wakes up remembering where he is. Sitting on the side of the bed he starts to get dressed. You silently wake up and climb onto his back, kissing him gently on the neck.
“You’re leaving already? The day has just begun.”
Kai turns and softly strokes your cheek. “If I want to live I must leave now, if I stay then I will die.” 
You sigh in resignation. “You’re right, you have to go. Now leave before it gets any lighter!” 
You frantically help Kai get dressed. You both freeze when there is an urgent knock on the door.
“Your mother is coming to your room!”
You hurriedly usher Kai out to the balcony. 
“Good bye my love, one last kiss and I will leave.”
You caress his face and whisper. “Do you think we will meet again?”
“I have no doubt.” Kai smiles up at you and heads down the wall. 
You turn at your mother’s voice at the door. “Good morning y/n! Are you awake?” Your mother walks in right after you hastily flop back into bed. She crosses over to the window, opening the curtains to let light in. 
“You have a caring father. He has arranged a day of joy to end your sadness. A day you did not expect and that I did not look for.”
You try to play along. “What day is that?”
Your mother takes a deep breath in. “You will be married to the handsome and charming governor’s son! You will go to the church and there become his wife.”
You are too stunned, “By Saint Peter he will not make me his wife!”
A look of fear crosses your mother’s face. “Here comes your father, tell him that yourself.”
Cadell with a whiskey glass in hand, barges calmly into your room. “Have you told her what we have decided?”
“Yes, but she refuses to and says thank you. I wish the foolish girl was dead and married to her grave.”
Your father becomes dangerously calm. “How could she refuse? She should be grateful and proud of the match we’ve made. She’s not worthy of the gentleman.”
“I am not proud of what you have decided for me. I am thankful that you tried. I can’t be proud of something I hate, but I can be thankful it was done out of love.”
He thinks for a moment, then throws his glass across the room, shattering it against the wall. “You are a spoiled little girl and not really showing me any pride or thanks. You are going to get married to the governor’s son on Thursday. I will drag you there if I have to.”
You try to move into the hallway but he grabs your shoulders, shaking you. 
“Please listen to me...” you beg.
“NO! You will not speak back to me.” 
Your father throws you to the ground and you sob. His hand slaps you across the face. 
“Are you insane?!” Your mother retorts and he responds by backhanding her face.
“You disgust me y/n. My worthless daughter!”
The nanny gets between you and your father. “God bless her! You are wrong to berate her like that!”
Your father now furious, shoves the nanny aside and grabs your face up. “I’ll tell you what- you WILL get married at that church on Thursday or you will never show your face to me again. I will disown you and you can die on the streets, I swear to god!” He storms away down the stairs while you lay huddled on the floor. 
“Mother, please don’t disown me! Delay this marriage as long as you can or I will kill myself!”
She looks at her lip in the mirror and speaks softly. “Don’t talk to me because I will not say a word. Do whatever you want, I don’t care anymore.” Your mother turns and leaves.
You beg your nanny, “Please nanny! Tell me how I can stop this!”
The nanny doesn’t respond and sits in a heavy silence, moving towards you. 
“Please give me words of comfort!”
“Listen to me, I think it would be a good idea for you to marry this man. Malachai has been banished and can’t return unless he is undercover. I think you could be happy with the governor’s son, you are no use to Kai anyway.”
You stay still. “Do you honestly mean this?”
“I do.”
You decide to play along, despite the pain of faking. “You’ve comforted me a lot nanny. Tell me mother I am going to the priest to confess and be forgiven for angering my father.”
“Alright, I will. That’s a good idea.”
* * * * * * * * * * At the church* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest stands at the front of the church with Dave talking about what will happen on Thursday. 
“Her father wants us to rush and be married very soon.”
Just then you walk into the church, not expecting to see them there.
“Look! There is the woman who is my wife!”
“That might be the case sir, after I’m married.” You respond icily, one hand hidden resting on a pistol.
“That ‘might be’ will be on Thursday.”
“What must be will be.” You walk down the isle coolly.
The priest states, “That is a certain truth.”
“Did you come here to confess?” Dave inquires.
“If I answered that question, I’d be confessing to you, Dave.”
You and the Father turn to leave and Dave starts to excuse himself. “Y/n, I will marry you early on Thursday morning. Until then, good bye.”
You give him a stone cold glare as he leans forward and kisses your cheek.
“Keep this kiss, and goodbye for now..”
As soon as Dave left, you stormed into the backroom, the priest following your lead. “Y/n, I already know about your sad situation.”
“Tell me how I can prevent it, Father.”
“I’ve heard you must marry a man on Thursday and that nothing can delay it.”
“If you’re so smart but can’t help me, then you will call my solution smart and I’ll solve it by myself.” 
You pull the gun out and point it at your head. Horrified, the priest moves to stop you but you panic and point the gun at him.
“Hold on, y/n!” He holds out a soothing hand. “I have an idea. But we must act boldly because the situation is so desperate. If you’re so desperate you would kill yourself instead of marrying Dave, then you must be desperate enough to try something similar to death to solve this problem. Come with me to the greenhouse.
You obey, eager and desperate to try anything on the face of the earth to be with your love.
The priest holds up a little vial with a blue liquid in it. “When you are in bed, drink this. The sleep inducing drug will run through your veins and stop your pulse. Your body will turn cold, you’ll stop breathing and you become so pale, your family and Dave will think you are dead. You will stay like this for 42 hours and then you’ll wake up like you’ve only been sleeping. They will take you to the family vault. I will tell Kai about the plan and he will come to you and take you far away.” The priest cautiously hands you the vial.
* * * * * * * * * * * * Later that night* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
At a trailer park out of town a mail truck pulls up to a bland looking trailer. The mail man knocks loudly at the door with the letters from the priest. Kai is too busy with his headphones to hear the knocking. The mail man shrugs and slips a ‘WE CALLED’ note under the door.
* * * * * * * * * * * * The Cadell mansion* * * * * * * * * * * * 
It is the night before the wedding and you stand in front of a mirror. Two od the maids hold up your wedding dress, fussing over which shoes match the best. Disinterested you point to a pair and satisfied, the maids leave.
“Nanny will you please leave me alone tonight?”
“Why?” The nanny asks as you guide her to the door.
“I have to say a lot of prayers so the heavens will bless me. You know I am troubled and full of sin.”
The nanny leaves, shutting the door. Confident that you are alone, you rush to the bedside table and pull out the glass vial. 
You whisper, “What if this mixture doesn’t work? Will I be forced to marry Dave?”
You cautiously begin to unscrew the tiny black lid. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. You palm the vial and turn to see your mother walk in. 
“Do you need my help?”
“No, we’ve already figured out what I’m wearing tomorrow. So if it’s okay with you, I’d like to be alone now.”
You slip into bed and your mother sensing your unease nods. “Good night then.”
“Good night!” Your words surprise her and she smiles, closing the door. “There’s a slight cold fear running through me. I have to go through with this.” 
You bring the vial to your lips and toss your head back. You have a sudden violent convulsion and then collapse backward, face painted with fear.
It is morning time, the sun light shines down on an ambulance and police cars in front of the house.
One of the medics speaks over the radio. “Drugs?”
The second medic responds, “Yes, a deadly amount. She overdosed.”
The family numbly enter the house again, wedding decorations mocking their pain. The priest enters your bedroom, kneeling by your side and quickly checks your pupils. He pockets the vial and looks toward the undertaker.
“She is ready to go to the church.”
The man dressed in black nods. “We will take her to the Cadell vault.”
Balthasar, hearing the news of your death, rushes away to tell Kai.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the trailer park* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Kai is sitting at his table, writing in his notebook, still not paying attention to the ‘WE CALLED’ card. Balthasar’s car speeds to a stop in front of the trailer and an excited Kai rushes out. 
“What is it Balthasar?”
Balthasar is too stunned to speak.
“Did you bring me the letters from the priest? How is y/n?”
Balthasar does not know how to word what he has come to tell Kai, and looks away. “She’s not well, she lies dead in the Cadell vault.”
For a long moment, Kai is still and when he speaks, his voice is chillingly calm. “Is it really true?”
Balthasar nods. Kai turns and stares out into the distant wasteland.
“Then I hate the stars!” he moves to the car. “I have to see her tonight.”
Balthasar tries to hold him back, “Just wait-”
“Leave me alone!” Kai roars, pushing him against the car.
“You look pale and wild as if you’re going to hurt yourself.”
“Well, you’re wrong. Leave me alone. Do you have a letter from the priest?”
“No I don’t.”
Kai shakes his head and smiles, “Nevermind. I’ll go see her tonight.” Kai hops into the passenger seat and Balthasar reluctantly gets behind the wheel. The car roars out of the park and Kai silently whispers, “I am coming to be with you tonight, y/n.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * At the church* * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest speaks into a phone, concerned. “Did Malachai get my letter?”
The mailman responds, “No. He didn’t answer the door.”
The priest hangs up the phone and looks at the time. “I need to get to the vault, y/n will be waking up withing an hour.” 
* * * * * * * * * * * * At the cemetary* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Balthasar’s car pulls into the cemetary’s driveway and Kai hops out.
“Give me your flashlight.” Opening the trunk he pulls out a crowbar.
“Kai just listen to me.”
Kai turns around a punches him hard causing him to fall down, blood spilling from his nose. “Go and stay away from me or I will tear you apart!”
Balthasar rises slowly, both boys are trying not to cry.
“My plan is wild and savage, more fierce than a starving tiger.”
“I will go and leave you alone.”
Kai smiles and the boys hug. “Go live and be happy, good bye my friend.”
They part ways and Kai goes to the mausoleum, starting to pry the door open.
“You horrible mouth of death. You’ve taken the most precious girl on earth away from me. I will tear your jaw open.” 
Kai grunts and with a final heave, the door scrapes open. All is silent inside, flickering candle light the hallway.
“Despite my hatred for you beast, I’ve come to give you another body.”
Roaming the hallway he finds your coffin, collapsing to his knees he cries out. “Oh! How often are men happy before they die!”
* * * * * * * * * * * * Outside the mausoleum* * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest thumps the steering wheel in frustration as he slowly pulls into the graveyard. “I am afraid something terrible is going to happen.” The priest shakes his head in horror seeing the vault’s door broken open.
* * * * * * * * * * * * Inside the mausoleum* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Kai pushes aside the lid and kneels by your figure. Moonlight streams in, lighting your beautiful face as you sleep.
“Oh my beautiful wife! Death has sucked the life out of you but it did not take away your beauty.” Unconscious tears fall from his eyes as he continues, “Ah y/n, why are you so beautiful? Should I believe death has fallen in love with you and he keeps you away from me? I hate that death, so I will stay with you and never leave this vault! Let me kiss you one last time!”
Kai kisses your lips one last time. Your hand twitches but he doesn’t notice. He pulls out a vial of poison he stole and drinks it quickly. He convulses and falls, his head resting on your body. Kai fights for breath and you wake up, becoming aware of Kai. 
“Kai? Is that you?” You sit up and cradle his head in your lap.
His clear wide eyes stare back up at you but he is unable to move, save for his weak breaths. You find the vial in his hand and start to cry.
“He drank it all and left none for me. I will kiss his lips, maybe there is some poison still on them to make me die with him.” You delicately kiss Kai on the lips. In a broken hearted whisper, “his lips are still warm.”
Desperately you both cling to each other. With all his might, Kai whispers, “Thus, with a kiss I will die.” 
His breathing stops, there is only silence from him as you sob, hugging his lifeless form.
“Malachai, oh my sweet Kai.” You look to the gun in his jacket.
* * * * * * * * * * * * Outside* * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest hurries to the entrance of the vault when a gunshot rings out.
“God have mercy! Y/n? Malachai?”
His breath escapes him, coming upon the tragic scene. There, under the statue of Saint Peter, lie Kai and y/n. United again in death. 
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danyayeni2 · 9 months
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The Moon’s Princess and his beloved Knight (+ wips)
Guy with black hair is Abra Capulet. Girl in Orange hair is @fluffycoffeebuns’ oc, Siobhan Monroe. They gave me a knight and Princess prompt, so this is what I made.
The ship is called “Siobra”, and neither belong to me.
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romeoeatzkorn · 8 months
I saw like a Vampire au for R+J 1996 and it's giving me thoughts.......
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 6, 2021: Romeo + Juliet (1996)
From the top!
Two households, both alike in dignity In Fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross’d lover take their life; Whose misadventured, piteous overthrows Do, with their death, bury their parents’ strife The fearful passage of the death-mark’d love, And the continuance of their parents’ rage Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage; The which, if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strike to mend.
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I mean, c’mon. It’s Shakespeare, I practically had to.
Which is why it may come as a surprise to hear that I think this play is overrated, far too overexposed, and honestly stars two of the most obnoxiously immature protagonists that Shakespeare ever wrote. Which is not to say that I don’t like it, but it is to say that it isn’t my favorite. Which one is my favorite, you ask? Eh, I vacillate between a few, but I might get into it, we’ll see.
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Weirdly fitting, though, since this film is directed by a director who also isn’t my favorite. Can’t say I have a definitive favorite director either, but Baz Luhrmann ain’t it. To be fair, I haven’t seen Moulin Rouge (probably should, huh?), but his turn on The Great Gatsby...wasn’t my favorite, I’ll just leave it at that.
And while we’re into it, lemme just address Romeo and Juliet adaptations on film real quick. To be completely transparent, before today...I’ve only seen one adaptation of the play: Franco Zeffirelli’s excellent 1968 turn on it, and it’s a fantastic adaptation at that. Sone of you, however, may now be realizing that, if I’ve only seen one adaptation of the play...there’s an extremely glaring omission to my film repertoire.
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Yeaaaaaaaaah...we’ll get there, I promise.
But, of course, the adaptations only scratch the surface of this plays influence. See, the whole point of the rivalry between the Montagues and the Capulets is that it’s SO OLD, that nobody truly remembers why it started in the first place. Because of that, other romance films have sought to supply a reason for that rivalry.
In other words, the two protagonists destined to fall in love often come from two backgrounds, if not families, that class. And, yes, only ONE FILM that I’ve watched this month doesn’t do that. Dirty Dancing and The Notebook make their “ancient grudge” class-based; low-class vs. upper-class. Even You’ve Got Mail makes it about money, although that one’s a little more of a stretch. In any case, versions of this trope have lasted for centuries, and it’s...maybe poisoned romantic cinema? I mean, there’s a reason they all seem similar. They’re all taking from a classic. And, yeah, more of them than you’d think use this formula. I mean...
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Hell, if you think about it, both of them are technically dead by the end.
Anyway, jumping right smack dab into the ‘90s, where teen heartthrob of the decade, Leo DiCaprio himself, is cast to play the titular teen boy, and sort-of popular at the time Claire Danes is cast as the titular teen girl. Put them together, and you have a hatred that will last for centuries. Because yeah, they HATED each other apparently. Let’s watch! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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...Look, here’s a quick recap of a story that EVERYBODY KNOWS.
Two families hate each other, and each has a teenage kid; a boy named Romeo and a girl named Juliet. They see each other at a party, they IMMEDIATELY get those teenage hormones a flowing and fall in love at first sight. They talk a few times, then decide to get married. Romeo’s friends say, “Dude, her family’s all dicks,” and Romeo says “naw, dude, she’s hawt,” They hook up, and they get secret-married. But, since they can’t be together in life, and since Juliet’s supposed to marry a whole other dude, Juliet runs to the priest and says, “hey, fake my death real quick?” He gives her a potion, she pretends to be dead, Romeo finds out (after one of his friends is killed by Juliet’s cousin), and runs to her side. Dude then ACTUALLY kills himself with poison, only for Juliet to wake up, see his dead body, and then kill HERSELF with a KNIFE, and then the families find out, and the Prince comes by and just says, “Goddamn, you guys are dicks. So much so that you killed your kids, congrats.” And that’s the end.
Yeah. Two hours of play and movie (nice touch, by the way, Luhrman) compressed into a paragraph. And yet...I’m still gonna recap this movie. Glutton for punishment, I guess. And with that said...
It all starts with a newscaster, speaking the lines of the Prologue in the guise of a newscast, which is...very neat, actually! That’s followed by...Pete Postlethwaite saying the whole thing over again, backed by a hell of a lot of fast cut editing.
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...Oh God, it’s a Luhrmann movie. I forgot. Also, uh...really trying to stretch out that runtime to make that 2-hour mark, huh, Bazzie? I admire that you’re trying to stick to that “two hour-stage” quote from the Prologue, really I do...but you had to repeat the Prologue TWICE to do that?
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As the lines flash on screen, we’re also introduced to out major players, whom I’ll just introduce as they come up. After a little montage of the movie to come, and a confirmation that the ancient grudge has broken out into a gang war on the streets of Verona Beach (clever), we jump in the car of a few Montagues: Sampson (Jaime Kennedy), Benvolio (Dash Mihok), and Gregory (Zak Orth).
At a gas station, they meet some Capulets, specifically Abra (Vincent Laresca) and a few others. After some thumb-biting, they all draw their swords. Which are guns that have sword written on them. Well, that’s just silly.
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This standoff is interrupted by the arrival of another Capulet: Tybalt (John Leguizamo). This, of course, leads to a swordfight (ugh), during which all players are, just...REAL dramatic with their movements, holy shit. In the process, Sampson’s shot (or...stabbed, I dunno), and the gas station explodes.
It’s war in the streets now, as Tybalt and Benvolio are eventually intercepted by Captain Prince (Vondie Curtis-Hall), the chief of police for Verona Beach. He reads out his rage upon the heads of the families. For the Montagues, these heads are Ted (Brian Dennehy) and Caroline (Christina Pickles); and for the Capulets, they’re Fulgencio (Paul Sorvino) and Gloria (Diane Venora). Is...is the grudge taking place because one of them is named “Ted,” and the other is FUCKING “FULGENCIO”? Because that’s one hell of a dichotomy.
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Captain Prince lets them all off with a warning (I mean, no, they should ALL be arrested), and Caroline and Ted question the whereabouts of their melodramatic emo son. That son is, of course, Romeo (Leonardo DiCaprio), who laments poetically about how fucked up his family is.
Hanging out at a decrepit carnival (because of course he is), he’s soon found by Benvolio, and he laments on the lack of love between their two families. They bond over talk of women, and decide to secretly go to a party held by the Capulets that night to check out some girls.
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Meanwhile, Fulgencio is speaking about this whole mess to Dave Paris (Paul Rudd). D...Dave? Really? We’re keepin’ fuckin’ Benvolio and Balthasar, but we had to name Paris DAVE? Guys, a little consistency with the name shit, PLEASE! Anyway, Dave (uuuuugh) is the governor’s son, and very wealthy, while also being a suitor for Fulgencio’s daughter.
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That daughter is, of course, Juliet (Claire Danes), who’s being attended by her vain mother and kindly Nurse (Miriam Margoyles). As her mother’s preparing for the party, she talks up Paris as a suitor, although Juliet doesn’t seem SUPER into it. And s the Nurse tells her to “seek happy nights to happy days,” we go to Sycamore Grove, and to another party.
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And this is where we meet my favorite character (everybody’s favorite character, let’s be honest): Mercutio (Harold Perrineau). Mercutio has been invited to the Capulet’s party, and invites Romeo to come along, in disguise. In the process, he gives one of the play’s most famous monologues: Queen Mab’s Speech. It’s truncated here, ad to be frank, Perrineau’s performance is a bit...over the top. But, it ends up to be fairly effective.
Also, Queen Mab is ecstasy. Yeah, that kinda dulled by enthusiasm for the whole enterprise, I ain’t gonna lie. But Romeo lies with Queen La, and they head to the Capulet’s party. And we’re about to hit PEAK LUHRMANN, people.
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Look, I’m lame, I’ve never really done drugs, ecstasy included...but it FEELS like I’ve taken something now. And Romeo’s now trying to sober-up a bit. He dunks his head into a sink in the bathroom, and looks at a tropical aquarium that’s in there. And through that aquarium...
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However, Juliet’s quickly spirited away by Nurse, and brought to dance with Dave. Romeo, meanwhile, gives his “Did my heart love till now” speech, and DOESN’T SAY THAT SHE DOTH TEACH THE TORCHES TO BURN BRIGHT??? Seriously, the beginning of that speech is completely deleted. That line, in and of itself, should’ve been left in.
Anyway, Romeo and Juliet speak, and the teenagers kiss...a lot. And yeah, they do kiss in this scene in the ply, but not that much. Immediately afterwards, they discover their family alliances, and Romeo and Mercutio flee the party. Romeo heads back soon after, and, well...you know the line. But soft...
This movie...LOVES water, huh? We see both Romeo and Juliet from underwater at separate points, they see each other for the first time through an aquarium, they’re making out in a pool right now. I mean, I’m sure there’s some symbolism to that, but I’m not sure what it is yet.
Anyway, the two starcross’d lover come just short of crossing stars, and they IMMEDIATELY get engaged to marry.
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After a bit of ‘90s music whiplash, we meet Father Laurence (Pete Postlethwaite), a botany-loving priest, and soon-to-be ally to the young couple. Romeo asks Laurence to wed them, despite the fact that Romeo actually was in love with a woman named Rosaline. But, yeah, she’s one of the unseen casualties of this play, only sometimes making it into adaptations. As Romeo speaks to the Priest, I think this is a great time to mention that there is a FUCKTON of Jesus and Christian imagery in this movie. Water and Jesus, goddamn.
The Priest agrees, believing that a marriage between the two could bring peace to Verona Beach at last. We also get a bunch of quick edits showing various parts of the Luhrmann Shakespeare Cinematic Universe, all backed by a choir boy singing “When Doves Cry.” This is an...unusual movie.
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It also seems that Tybalt has issued a challenge against Romeo, which Mercutio and Benvolio muse upon. They meet with Romeo on the beach, and as they hang around, their revelry is interrupted by the arrival of the Nurse. She gives him a warning not to fuck with Juliet’s heart, which he says that he won’t, as they’re planning on marrying. She appears to approve, but Mercutio seems not to. Definitely going with a more superficially mercurial take on the character, which fits. But that’ll be more apparent later.
Nurse goes to Juliet, and...OK, is she supposed to be Italian or Hispanic? Because I feel like I’m supposed to be mildly offended, but I don’t even know what she’s going for here. Anyway, the wedding time approaches, and the two get wed in secret. But on the beach, Tybalt has come to go after Romeo. Romeo tries to make amends, even giving up his “sword” to him, much to Mercutio’s anger. Which, uh...he’s not gonna stand for.
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And, of course, Mercutio’s fatally stabbed while defending Romeo’s honor. He lays A PLAGUE O’ BOTH THEIR HOUSES, and dies. Romeo’s PISSED, and immediately goes to kill Tybalt. That leads to Romeo’s banishment, although they consummate their marriage before he takes off. Also, Juliet KNOWS that he KILLED HER COUSIN...but it’s Leo, I guess, and...hormones.
Romeo’s banished and goes to Mantua, AKA a trailer park in the middle of the desert. Juliet, meanwhile, is commanded by her father to marry Paris, although she REALLY isn’t into it now! She goes to Laurence and, yeah, threatens to kill him AND herself if he doesn’t have an idea. Hormones, man. They’ll fuck you UP.
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Laurence’s solution, of course, is to have Juliet pretend to have killed herself by drinking a potion. No idea why he comes up with this idea, or has the skill to make the potion, but some questions aren’t meant to be asked or answered. He also says to that he’ll send a litter to Romeo, to let him know what the deal is.
Juliet pretends to kill herself, and it interred with her relatives. Meanwhile, Romeo’s cousin Balthasar (Jesse Bradford) comes by the desert, having just gone to Juliet’s funeral, and tells him that Juliet’s dead. And since Romeo never got the goddamn letter, he’s decided, “Well! Guess I’m gonna kill myself.”
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He gets some poison, then goes to Juliet’s tomb, which is...decked in neon crosses. I mean, it looks nice, even it’s very, uh...over the top. Goddamn.
And, at this point, you know how this goes. Romeo drinks the poison and dies, Juliet wakes up JUST after, then kills herself as well, and the parents of both parties arrive to see them both dead, along with the Prince, who says “Y’ALL ARE DICKS,” and bounces.
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That’s Luhrman’s Romeo + Juliet. And it’s a movie. Yeah, that I’ll give you. What did I think? What rating does it get? Well...I’ll elucidate in the Review.
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ashlipizazz · 4 years
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Just launched my Romeo & Juliet (1996) Digital Coloring Book, now for sale on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/802944075/romeo-and-juliet-digital-coloring-book
 "And when I shall die, take him and cut him up in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will fall in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun." - Juliet
Details: -Romeo & Juliet (1996) Digital Coloring Book -Printable PDF format -300dpi - High Resolution -Hand Drawn -8.5 x 11 design for easy print -19 coloring pages (includes cover page) ****Remember, this is a digital file and not a physical book that is mailed to you*** You'll get to color: -Romeo    -Juliet    -Mercutio    -Balthasar    -Benvolio    -Sampson -Nurse    -Lady Capulet    -Lord Capulet & Tybalt    -Abra -Count Paris    -Friar Laurence    -Apothecary
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tybaltcapuletslove · 2 years
Let's not forget to appreciate this man 🥴
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