blacktourmalinetarot · 9 months
For those that use spell powders in their work (for doorways, mojo bags, foot track magic etc)
What are some that have really become a staple in your practice ?
Mine are..
•Fiery wall (protection)
•Sweetening powder
•Road opening powder
If you don’t use spell powders what are you most interested in incorporating into your practice?
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culturalukumi333 · 1 year
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𓃠Gobierna tus emociones, invierte en ti𓃠 • • • #abrecamino #caminolimpio #caminolibre #proseguir #persistir #perseverar #procurar https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqs9auSrLFy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Right now, and for the first time ever, I have two group rituals coming in the next weeks. For those who have missed the posts about them, they are:
· The Abrecaminos group ritual, happening on February 9, which is focused on Road Opening, removal of obstacles, and cleansing of blockages; for those needing a powerful push of energy to move forward.
· The Love Healing group ritual, happening on February 14, which is focused on Divine Love in all its forms; developing and healing self-love, inproving existing relationships, and of course finding new ones.
Both can be found on my website. You are right, my Spirit Guide group in on fire 😁🌟💖!
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missemymorales · 1 year
Una canción
A veces no pasa nada. El mar sigue calma, las aguas no se abren, no se abren nuevos caminos. El cielo guarda silencio, no hay coros de ángeles anunciando salvación. El frío de la noche puede ser la calma antes de la tormenta o la antesala de un nuevo día. Pero siempre hay una canción. Esta es la mía hoy. «Cantaré yo a Jehová,porque se ha cubierto de gloria;ha echado en el mar al caballo y al…
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magicaguajiro · 4 months
La Bóveda: Spiritually Cleansing Yourself and the Altar
Once you and the altar are physically clean, it is important to make sure you are spiritually cleansed. We cleanse to clear ourselves of any energies we may have picked up, to make the space clear of unwanted spirits who may impede our communication and to perfume the space for our spirits. Whatever way you choose to cleanse the altar and yourself is up to you, but it is important that you pray through the whole ritual. I personally like to pray things like Psalm 23, Psalm 7, Alan Kardec’s Books of Selected Prayers, and La Fe en Oracion. You can also pray from your heart or pray pagan prayers if you choose, but I do recommend researching the role Christianity plays in modern folk practices.
If you are just starting out, try using a spiritual cologne like Florida Water or 1800. It is important to cleanse every object that is part of the table. You may also choose to smoke cleanse with Tobacco, Incense, herbs, and resins like frankincense and myrrh. When using Tobacco, you usually will light the end, flip it around and blow, as if the altar is taking the puff. Blow this smoke all over the entire altar once it is complete and the candle is lit and fill the cups with smoke. Don’t burn yourself! Traditionally, a preparation would be made called an Omiero to wipe down the altar. If you want to put some more energy into it, you can choose to do a series of spiritual baths for yourself. These baths won’t just be cute roses and lavender in a milk tub. It will be consecutive days of blessed and charged baths, using 3, 5, 7, 9 or more herbs as well as things like oils, waters, dirts, resins and colognes. Spiritual baths are a great tool to add to a routine if you can figure out a way to incorporate it. Though, as someone with ADHD I know how hard it can be so don’t feel pressured to if other methods suffice for you.
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[My Go-To Quick Spiritual Cleanses for Bóveda work. From Left to Right: Rue Water, Blessed Florida Water, water from where the river meets the ocean, and blessed Kolonia 1800]
There are many different types of spiritual baths. It should be noted that working with certain materia is dangerous and should be supplied by a professional or elder. Also, some herbs can harm you spiritually if they are poured on your head, like espanta muerte. Also, most baths will need to be “illuminated” with a candle burned in them. I usually use white tapers or novena candles. The baños used for espiritismo include some called bitter baths and sweet baths. Bitter baths use herbs like espanta muerte, agrimony, pepper, wormwood, and garlic. These baths are designed to clear you of any crossed conditions or evil eye, remove obstacles and steer you on course to your path. After that, a sweet bath using honey, romerillo (shepherd’s nettle), basil (albahaca), abrecamino (road-opener), Hibiscus (marpacifico), and Orange. This is to draw in the correct opportunities for your path as well as to increase your personal ‘magnetism’ in a way. This basically makes you more appealing in all ways, even for money and opportunities. But also for negative entities, so remember to wear protective amulets at this point in the process. Finally, a white bath will be prepared using things like coconut water, goats milk, cascarilla, white rum, florida water, kolonia, and camphor. This serves to enlighten you and make you more sensitive to spirits and energies around you. It also draws your spirits closer to you. You may also choose to fast on occasion during the first three days or the final day of this routine.
It can also be traditional to preform a sweeping, where you take a bundle of fresh herbs or a blessed broom and use them to swat away any energies you don’t want to invade your altar and session. This can be hard to do properly if an altar is already set up, so I would suggest doing this on the days you deep clean the bóveda. It is also important on these days and when doing deeper work and sessions at the altar to cover your head. This closes your energy off, and means to connect to your spirits you have to allow them to tap in.
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These are just precautions you have to take when working with the Dead and Disincarnate. In Cuba, the folk magic is inherently tied to the muertos.
Luz y Progreso. 🕯️
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brujaluzdelunablogs · 10 months
Para eliminar de tu vida obstáculos mala suerte y malas energías este baño de despojo abrirá poderosamente tus caminos que están bloqueados y estancados,
Comenzarás con los baños lo antes posible para abrir tus caminos a la felicidad el dinero la suerte trabajo amor es un baño de limpieza espiritual para sentirnos mejor con nosotros mismos he aquí los
1 ramo de ruda
1 ramo de albahaca
1 ramo de Romero
1 un limón partido en cuatro partes
Media taza de sal marina o grano
Vamos a poner a hervir las hierbas y agregamos la sal vamos a menear en sentido contrario de las agujas del reloj para disolver la sal cuando esté tibio polar y enjuagarse con ello después de tu baño normal,
Al día siguiente vas a preparar un baño de hierbas dulces para abrir tus caminos y necesitarás los siguientes
1 ramo de perejil
2 cucharadas de canela molida
1 chorro generoso de miel
15 gotas de aceite Abre caminos
Hojas de granada las suficientes
Hojas de guayaba las suficientes
Vamos a poner a hervir las hierbas el perejil canela y otras y cuando esté tibio colar y agregar las gotas Dell aceite abrecaminos y la miel enjuagarse con el preparado después del baño es conveniente prender una vela blanca o morada al revés y prender incienso de canela sándalo y ruda
Después de bañarte decir la oración de despojo
Yo FULANA DE TAL solicitó al todopoderoso mediante la acción del Arcángel Miguel que se elimine toda negatividad de mi triple ser cuerpo alma y espíritu que se libera en mis caminos de toda atadura que los malas energías estancadas desaparezca así como me lo desean jamás llegué a ni los malos deseos envidias y ataques energéticos yo FULANA DE TAL con humildad y entrega doy las gracias por vuestra acción que ya está hecha amén
Mejor día para hacerlo viernes o sábado
Lo puedes hacer cualquier otro día siempre y cuando sea en luna menguante
Repetir el baño a los 15 días
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angelicalane1986 · 9 months
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Agenda abierta para consultas y otros servicios...
+57 3203606601 servicios internacionales
#esoterismo #abrecaminos #tarot #brujeria
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themountainsays · 2 years
I should probably go to sleep but new holiday tomorrow well today so no school I can stay up a little longer so I can come up with details around de esos que llaman embriones au. So I am guessing for reasons Camilo is at a different school maybe ones his parents teach at so they can send him for free Antonio goes a kindergarten around there and they go to school/work and return home as one. Julieta is nurse and can often be stuck working late into the night and Agustin has office job far away from everyone where around once a month random accident happens usually relating to staples he also teaches piano after work on weekends for some money but more cause he likes it. So this leaves us with 4 left Lusia Dolores Isabela and Mirabel. The 3 adults go to the same university and Mirabel to a school close by Lusia and Dolores have part time jobs they deal with rather far away from uni Dolores does it with Mariano who gets her home and Luisa with a friend who gets her home after she overworks her self being the best student and part time whatever. This leaves us with Mirabel and Isabela who probably has a job on campus like in a lab or something so she needs to stick around there but also she is the only one available to get Mirabel home and keep her safe so she will on days when she has work or something that keeps her late at uni will go pick up Mirabel or when she's really busy send a friend probably one who was at Isa likes them young incident (Dolores and Lusia would not have been there for it) and she would sit Mirabel in say dinning hall or something buy her a snack or french fries and tell her to stay with her friends as they all do homework who Mirabel is getting concernly close to other days when Isa has a lot of homework she'll take them both to the Library and have them do work there and some random acquaintances assume it's Isa's girlfriend and bring it up later to her and Isabela will help Mirabel with homework when she needs it. Also during this Abuela is getting radicalized on the internet mostly facebook back home much to concern of her children oh right burno he does fortune telling for tourists and others with time and money to waste he makes sure not to take advantage of those too dumb or desperate enough to think it's real.
What do you mean, Bruno's stuff is totally legit 😂😂😂 I mean I'm lowkey drawing inspiration from my friends who practice religions like Santería and Candomblé, and ngl none of us is rich lol we could all use some magical help here and there. Now I don't think the family would be poor poor here, I think they'd be... middle class... but in a latin american way, which I think is a little bit less amazing than USamerican middle class, like, they're doing fine, sure the house is breaking apart and Julieta most likely has two jobs and there's probably a huge economic crisis going on atm but that's just ✨ latinoamericacore ✨ Bruno performs amarres (which are a liiiiitle bit like love spells) and abrecaminos, reads your fortune, prays to the saints and lights candles for a living, mostly to help his family and community, but yeah he totally scams the shit out of gringo tourists and gets all of their delicious and juicy american dollars uwu he's the hero we all want to be.
Btw I totally imagine he'd teach Mirabel something, like tarot reading. And then Mirabel goes hang out with Isabela at her uni and all of Isa's friends, who adore her, want her to read their fortunes. At one point they convince her to read Isabela's fortune, who has rejected all relation to Bruno's stuff since getting a very spooky reading about "inappropriate desires" when she was like twelve. She's lucky Mirabel sucks at tarot and doesn't see shit for her in the future.
Speaking of Mirabel at Isa's uni, lol I don't think they'd have a dinning hall, lmao who needs tables to eat. If you're ever hungry while at uni and need to eat somewhere, that's what the floor is for :D the hard, cold, possibly flooded with water from the leaking roof floor. Just sit down in the hallway and eat whatever the colombian equivalent of choripán is. There's probably people selling food around in the hallway or outside the faculty, if not, there's always the student's center's kiosk, but I bet it's expensive there lol. Would be cool if Isabela worked there tho, or at the students' center photocopier(? whatever it's called. I'm sure she'd also be selling empanadas or something around the faculty to raise money for whichever political aggrupation she's with. Also, I hc she likes to paint (totally getting this from her playing with colorful dyes during WECID), so she must be always working on some poster or banner or mural, and she won't let Mirabel out of her sight, so she tells her to sit on the stairs and count the chewing gum and p0rnographic graffiti on the wall, or idk help her sell food. Alternatively, she has her read academic texts out loud because Isabela didn't have time to read them herself and she has a partial coming up ;-;
She totally makes up for it by helping Mira with her homework when she's free. Her friends may or may not help, too, again because they love Mira and have lowkey adopted her as their pet or something. And also because, according to them, Isabela is "super mean" and "never wants to teach her". That's because she's uncomfortable getting super close, but they say "she's just shy when it comes to her baby girlfriend uwu".
Most importantly tho: if Isabela ever ends up taking classes at night during a quarter, and she's still the only person who can take Mirabel from one end of the city to the other, that totally means Mirabel has to stay for a few hours with her, either sitting in a corner in the classroom or waiting outside, chilling in the hallway or something. And she's totally fallen asleep at some point. Isabela had to wake her up but there's always a moment of hesitancy in which her heart begins to race because she looks so small and beautiful all curled up in the corner... guilt intensifies.
Also Alma is out there genuinely believing that homosexuality was a disease invented by yankee imperialism putting drugs in your food or something. She's sooooo proud of her favorite granddaughter for not falling for that twitter tiktok trend or whatever, UNLIKE SOMEONE, a certain less favorite granddaughter who has a bisexual flag in her room and listens to k-pop boy bands ("ay mirabel you and your english music again 🙄🙄🙄" "??? this is very clearly korean???") (Alma is the kind of monolingual old person who thinks every language she doesn't understand is english)
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botanicavirgenmorena · 5 months
El Uso de Hierbas y Plantas en Prácticas De Santería
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La Regla de Osha, también conocida como Santería, es una antigua religión afrocubana que combina elementos del catolicismo y las creencias yoruba. En este post, exploraremos el uso de hierbas y plantas en las prácticas mágicas y rituales de la Santería. El Poder de las Hierbas y Plantas en la Santería Las hierbas y plantas juegan un papel crucial en la Santería. Se utilizan en rituales, ofrendas, limpiezas espirituales y para la preparación de medicinas naturales. Cada planta tiene su propio espíritu y energía, y se cree que poseen poderes curativos y mágicos. Propiedades Curativas de Hierbas en la Santería - Ruda (Ruta graveolens) - Propiedades: Conocida por sus propiedades protectoras y purificadoras, la ruda se utiliza para eliminar energías negativas y promover la claridad mental. - Albahaca (Ocimum basilicum) - Propiedades: La albahaca es apreciada por sus propiedades calmantes y de limpieza. Se utiliza para purificar el ambiente y alejar las malas energías. - Romero (Rosmarinus officinalis) - Propiedades: Reconocido por sus beneficios estimulantes, el romero se utiliza para fortalecer el espíritu y brindar protección contra influencias negativas. - Majagua (Thespesia populnea) - Propiedades: Utilizada en rituales de sanación, la majagua se asocia con la protección espiritual y la capacidad de superar obstáculos. - Abrecamino (Plantago major) - Propiedades: Conocida por abrir caminos y remover obstáculos, el abrecamino se utiliza para atraer buenas oportunidades y facilitar el progreso. Uso de Hierbas para la Salud Física y Espiritual - Infusiones y Tés Curativos - Las hierbas se emplean en infusiones y tés para aliviar dolencias físicas y promover la sanación espiritual. Ejemplos incluyen el té de manzanilla para la calma y el de verbena para la purificación. - Baños de Despojo - Se preparan baños de despojo utilizando hierbas específicas para eliminar energías negativas. Estos baños se realizan con la intención de limpiar el cuerpo y el espíritu. - Herramientas para Limpias Energéticas - Algunas hierbas se utilizan como herramientas directas en limpias espirituales. Pueden ser esparcidas o quemadas para purificar el entorno y la persona. - Amuletos y Talismanes - Algunas hierbas se incorporan en amuletos o saquitos para llevar consigo con propósitos curativos y protectores. La mejor botánica en Chicago Illinois es un lugar donde los practicantes de la Santería pueden encontrar una amplia variedad de hierbas y plantas utilizadas en sus rituales. Esta botánica ofrece una amplia gama de productos espirituales y es un recurso invaluable para aquellos que siguen la Regla de Osha. La Santería en Chicago ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años. La ciudad alberga una comunidad diversa de practicantes y creyentes, y es un centro de aprendizaje y práctica para aquellos interesados ​​en la Santería. Chicago es hogar de algunos de Los mejores santeros en Chicago. Estos expertos en la Regla de Osha ofrecen una variedad de servicios, desde lecturas de caracoles hasta limpiezas espirituales y rituales de iniciación. Son una fuente de sabiduría y guía para aquellos que buscan profundizar en su práctica de la Santería. Read the full article
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brujaluzdeluna-blog · 6 months
Este es un ritual muy potente pero hazlo solo si últimamente tus finanzas se encuentran estancadas y deseas acrecentar el flujo de dinero, movilizar ventas o incluso conseguir trabajo, realiza el ritual del zapato para activar tus finanzas!
Elige un billete de la nominación de que tú desees; este billete lo
ocuparás exclusivamente para tus rituales.
Limpiar energéticamente el billete de la siguiente forma:
Coloca una cucharada de sal o bicarbonato en un vaso con
agua y mete el billete por 3 minutos; sácalo y déjalo secar.
Consagra el billete con tu energía escribiendo con un plumón a lo largo del billete tu nombre completo y tu fecha de nacimiento.
Dobla el billete e introdúcelo en la parte delantera del zapato derecho que es el zapato de la buena suerte, de la prosperidad y abrecaminos financiero.
Apenas te coloques los zapatos, vas a mencionar la siguiente oración:
Abro mis caminos financieros, el dinero fluye de manera perfecta a mi favor, mis pasos me llevan por caminos de abundancia y prosperidad financiera.
Que todo dinero pagado bendiga a quien lo recibe y que se multiplique a la brevedad y de forma materializada en mi vida. Así es, hecho esta!
Gracias, gracias, gracias.
Zapatea fuerte con el pie derecho 7 veces en el piso para activar la energía de la tierra y bendecir tu camino.
Realizarás esto durante 7 días seguidos; el número 7 es un número muy poderoso y efectivo para materializar la abundancia.
El séptimo día, cuando te quites los zapatos, retira el billete y guárdalo o colócalo en tu altar y deja que su energía actúe si no tienes altar puedes ponerlo en la billetera sin gastarlo o en la caja de ventas sin tocarlo para que esa energía de financiamiento quede inyecta hay....
Cuando lo vayas a volver a utilizar, es necesario lavarlo en agua con sal para limpiarlo energéticamente.
Puedes realizar este ritual como hábito energético los primeros 7 días de cada mes.
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pompocho · 6 months
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acuarela-c · 7 months
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Embrujo de abrecaminos.
-Brujas morenas
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culturalukumi333 · 1 year
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𓃠Gobierna tus emociones, invierte en ti𓃠 abrecamino • • • #abrecamino #caminolimpio #caminolibre #proseguir #persistir #perseverar #procurar https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTOkqBrJzi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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If you feel stuck, like no doors are opening before you, like no opportunities appear, you need Abrecaminos magic to open your paths.
If you feel heavy with baggage from the past, in a pointless cycle that never breaks, you need Abrecaminos magic to cleanse and energize you.
If you are starting new jobs or businesses, new relationships, new habits, you need Abrecaminos magic to empower your new beginnings, and push them into realities.
Join my next group ritual, happening on February 9!
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missemymorales · 2 years
Inmigrante de largo recorrido
Hace 10 años tomé una decisión arriesgada, medio suicida. Llevaba años orando por un cambio, intentando que las cosas funcionaran aquí y allá, pero nada. No se abría ninguna puerta. Lo que debió ser un año de espera terminaron siendo 8 en los que al final de cuentas terminé un postgrado, con el plus de descubrir que me gustaba la enseñanza. No fueron 8 años perdidos, solo fueron 8 años de…
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we-iris-love-love · 7 months
Echa un vistazo a esta entrada… "amarres de amor en la ciudad de pereira cel 3124935990 rituales espirituales echizo de amor ".
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