#absolutely disgusting everything surrounding mages templars elves qunari
berrymeter · 2 years
took a minute to think about dragon age & my blood pressure has successfully risen again. imagine if they wrote the games good
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pirateisabela · 6 years
INQUISITOR ASK THING!! For Ven, Jaras and Miri: 5, 6, 11, 16, 23, 24, 25, 36, 38, 39, 40 You're welcome
Thanks for all the asks, as usual x) 
5. What are their religious beliefs, if they have any? 
Jaras believed in the gods as a child, but as he grew older and shit happened, he started to lose faith in them. Now, he has developed an Agnosticism view because he’s not even sure if any god or gods exist, let alone if he believes in them.
Miri wholeheartedly believes in the Dalish gods and goddesses. Her faith is a bit shaken after the Temple of Mythal, but it doesn’t take long for her to realize something and for it to be reaffirmed.
Venowen believes in the Maker. She grew up in the Denerim alienage so she was taught about the Maker as a child, but even after she learned about the Dalish gods, she didn’t feel any connection to them.
6. What is their opinion on the mage/templar war? 
Jaras and Venowen both lean towards mages, but they aren’t major advocates of mage rights or anything. Miri, on the other hand, hates the human Circles and how mages are treated by the Chantry. 
11. How do they feel about the dalish?
Miri, of course, loves the dalish. She accepts that her people have faults, but she’s a very fierce defender of them. 
Jaras used to care a lot about his people, but he doesn’t feel the same about them anymore. He was happy to leave his clan and go to the Conclave, and he wasn’t sure if he was going to go back (he ended up visiting, but never for long).
Venowen heard stories about the dalish as a child. She was fascinated by them and heard stories about people leaving the alienage and finding a home with them in the forest, but it was always just a fairy tale to her. Even after she met a dalish clan, Venowen had no desire to reconnect with “her people.” She acknowledged that she and they were all elves, but she didn’t really care especially for them beyond that.
16.  when are they the happiest?
It’s cheesy and a bit cliche, but Miri loves being in the forest with the trees and all the green. It reminds her of her clan and home. She feels safe there. It’s even better when she can convince Cassandra to come with her and just enjoy the fresh air and the silence around them.
Venowen is happiest in her home or tavern or wherever, surrounded by the people (and dog) she cares about most.
Jaras is happiest sitting around a campfire with his friends (usually Sera, Dorian, and Iron Bull), laughing and drinking after a long day of adventuring.
23. Are there any creatures in the wild that they refuse to/are reluctant to kill? Why?
Miri absolutely refuses to kill any animal but especially halla. As long as the animal doesn’t attack her, she doesn’t see why it is fair for her to attack it (in other words she has absolutely no problem killing bears, spiders, dragons, etc). Halla are important to her people, though, so she especially doesn’t like to harm them.
Venowen doesn’t like killing nugs because they are harmless and cute. If anything, she’d smuggle one into her bag and bring it to Leliana.
Jaras prefers not to kill halla because again they are important to his people and he just doesn’t see a point in killing them tbh, but everything else is pretty much fair game. He was a hunter with his clan, so it’s not really a big deal for him.
24. What is their opinion on blood magic? Would they ever use it, if given the chance?
Miri practices blood magic, though that causes some tension between her and several people close to her. She only ever uses her own blood and doesn’t believe in using the life force of other people, though. Miri tends not to use blood magic until she absolutely needs it because of how tired it can make her, but she doesn’t think blood magic is bad or anything. Just like any magic, it’s how you use it that decides if it’s “bad” or not.
Jaras also doesn’t believe that blood magic is “bad,” though he isn’t a mage so he doesn’t use it. He does believe that using sacrifices is despicable, but his Keeper taught Miri and the Hahren taught the rest of the clan that blood magic is beneficial as long as it’s used right.
Venowen grew up being taught the Chantry’s way of things, so she’s distrustful of blood magic and anyone who uses it. She was taught it was always terrible and bad, no exceptions, and even if someone explained to her why it wasn’t, she’d still have a hard time accepting it.
25. What is their favourite place within playable regions?
Miri probably likes the Emerald Graves because of all the trees. She’d probably like the Forbidden Oasis, too, because she likes solving puzzles and mysteries.
Jaras would probably like Val Royeaux the best because he could look at all the shops, and then he would also have a large variety of people to prank for calling him “knife-ear.”
Venowen (without memories) would probably the Hissing Wastes the most. There’s few enough enemies there that she could travel there for missions and be by herself and just…think.
Venowen (with memories) would like the Hinterlands the best. It includes Redcliffe village and her house actually isn’t far from there.
36. Are they especially protective of certain inquisition members, even those capable of defending themselves?
Miri would literally die for Cole. He’s too good for this world, too pure. She’s also particularly protective of Dorian and Cass, but she doesn’t worry about them as much as she does her tiny spirit child.
Jaras can’t help but worry about Dorian because he’s a mage and how is that stick supposed to protect Dorian and what would Jaras do if Dorian died too? He also cringes watching Iron Bull fight because the man could take a sword to the chest, with the blade fully sheathed up to the hilt, and it would probably just make him angrier.
Venowen is also protective of Iron Bull because he’s reckless (even though he really doesn’t need it), but she also keeps an eye on Varric because he’s just so short. She’s glad that he doesn’t move around a lot, but there’s such a contrast between him and Iron Bull. She fears.
38. Are there any insults they find to be especially offensive? (i.e. “knife ear”/”rabbit” for elves, “oxmen” for qunari, ect.) 
Miri hates her or her people being called “savages.” 
Jaras particularly hates “halla-rider” because some people pretend that it is actually a compliment when he knows they meant it as an insult.
Venowen dislikes “rabbit” more than any other elven slurs because while she doesn’t like being compared to a rabbit in the first place, there some terrible implications with it among nobility, especially Orlesian ones.
39. If Varric gave them a nickname, what would it be? 
Jaras: Trouble (Cassandra was making disgusted noises at him all the time, even before Sera)
Miri: Swan (basically the “looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you” thing)
Venowen: probably just Your Inquisitorialness (because she has a lot of titles which is kind of daunting but without her memories she’s more chill and relatable so “Inquisitorialness” is basically the normal seriousness but with a bit more chill to it)
40. Do they enjoy being the inquisitor? 
No, I’d say none of them do x) Venowen is used to being the one expected to save everyone, but that doesn’t mean she likes it. Miri doesn’t like the pressure she’s put under, especially to help a bunch of humans who hate literally everything about her lol. Jaras doesn’t like being in a position of power nor does he like making big decisions. He has cried at least once to trick Cass into deciding something for him.
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