#absolutely livid not a single dude had abs
tribow · 3 years
So I watched 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
This show is animated by Project No 9. It's the first show I've seen animated by them...but this is probably not the best representation of their work.
This show is baaaaad. Like bad bad. I'm honestly surprised it even exists. The anime is adapting a mobile game. The mobile game isn't even anything crazy, it's just a match 3 puzzle game. I guess it was popular enough in Japan to warrant an anime?
So you probably want to know the plot. Well guess what it's a fucking isekai!!! Well sort of...
The main character suddenly wakes up in a world she doesn't recognize where it is revealed she was a very important princess that got banished for reasons never explained. She has suddenly returned for another unexplained reason. Monsters called Dream Eaters have begun causing chaos around the world and the princess is one of the main people who can get rid of them.
So this girl, who has no memory of this world she woke up in, must take upon this responsibility. Her powers are like a support class that gives buffs to the rest of the party, but her buffs just give people extra power to defeat dream eaters.
Who are the people she can give these buffs? Well Princes of course. I expected this story to be a mostly shameless harem where viewers get to see a bunch of hot dudes flirt with this one girl...and that kind of happens, but she's not really the main character in the story for some weird reason.
One of the princes she meets has also lost their memory. The plot revolves almost completely around this one dude's plight. The princess barely even matters outside of being anti-dream eater. I can't even call this a power fantasy because she rarely ever takes the initiative in a battle. Her powers are only relevant to dream eaters so she frequently becomes the damsel in distress if the conflict doesn't involve dream eaters. She's just along for the ride and that's so weird to me.
Story and characters aside, how's the animation? Well it's reeaally bad. It felt like there wasn't someone correcting the animation. Scenes would also sometimes present contradicting information with what's supposed to be happening. Facial expressions lack expression and there's pretty much no sakuga moments to speak of. I can't tell if the production was rushed to hell or just intentionally incompetent. I'm not going to assume Project No. 9 has bad animators since they have a large amount of works. This show likely doesn't represent them well.
Sound? Music meh. The opening is hella boring too. Some of the voice actors actually sound bad, but maybe they weren't really trying I dunno
This show has nooothing really going for it. Sure, there are some weird moments like when there was suddenly a bunch of characters parodying Alice in Wonderland. Sometimes the subtitles would be centered on screen, which is hilarious. The princess sometimes makes comparisons between the fantasy world and video games, but that joke gets dropped pretty quickly.
If this show was a comedy then I genuinely think it could have worked. Almost everything about the characters is just silly, but you just dont get that here. I wouldn't recommend this show at all, there's just better things you could be watching.
They didn't even show any abs. What kinda harem is this.
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