#absolutely terrified of my dyslexic ass mixing up desert and dessert
simplepotatofarmer · 15 days
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Dream & Technoblade - Desert
The map was useless; never ending brown stretching out to the edges of the cream paper it was printed on. Dream would have thrown it away but there was some comfort in looking at it, trying to piece together the location he was currently and where he was supposed to be going. A security blanket that probably would've been more helpful if it had been an actual blanket.
He wiped his hand across his brow, careful not to get sweat or the tiny grains of sand that clung to him in his eyes.
"This is so stupid," he said and the desert swallowed his words in silence. For a brief moment, Dream shivered, cold.
Hours ago, he had removed his armor. It was heavy and dark and trapped heat and he would have more of a chance against an opponent without armor than he would against the beating sun. He trudged on.
And he trudged on, only stopping when the sun was high in the sky and there was a small mound of sandstone to press his back against. There was terracotta mixed in and Dream checked the map once more, looking for any landmark that could match up to whatever this had once been. Nothing. He should head back, he knew that, but somewhere out in this desert was an old village and in it was a library and, possibly, a book.
If it's still there, thought Dream, not wanting to speak out loud again.
Using his overshirt as paltry shade, Dream closed his eyes, the cold bones of the sandstone lulling him to sleep.
He woke when a shadow fell over him.
He stared up, trying to make sense of what he was seeing, wondering sluggishly if he had died or gone crazy from the heat. Either was possible and more plausible.
"You alive there, man?" asked Techno.
Blinking, Dream pushed himself upright, hands slipping on the sand covered stone. The tiny granules digging into his palms felt real. He pulled his shirt down and wiped his face with the hem.
"What the fuck?"
Techno crouched down, the brim of his wide, floppy hat almost hitting Dream. He wore no armor, no bright red cloak like usual, but a loose white shirt and baggy tan pants.
"Hullo to you, too, Dream."
"What-- What are you doing here?" His brain felt like it was slowly beginning to move but in the wrong direction, the question not the one he really wanted an answer to.
"I can't make sure a friend doesn't die of heatstroke?"
Techno shifted where he was crouching, hooves leaving marks in the sand. He glanced out across the desert, away from the rocky mound. Dream frowned. Confusion and relief and a little bit of fear all swirled around in his chest.
"What- Wait. How did-- How did you find me?" he asked, closer to the question he really wanted to ask but not quite. Maybe he was afraid of that question and the answer.
"Ah." Techno sat next to Dream, his back also against the sandstone. "I have my ways, I have my ways... Also it wasn't that hard when Tommy wouldn't shut up about seeing you head out this way."
It made sense. It was even funny and Dream grinned. Next to him, Techno was watching him with concern but chuckled when Dream let out his quiet huff of laughter.
"Yeah, he thinks you're up to something but apparently the only thing you're up to is gettin' lost and dyin' of dehydration," Techno said.
"I'm not dying," said Dream and rolled his eyes, ignoring how dry they felt.
"Oh, sure, sure. You just normally look like a corpse."
Dream tilted his head.
"Well, to be fair, after the prison..."
The laugh Techno gave was choking, surprised, and he shook his head. Strands of pink hair stuck out from his braid and he flicked one of his ears.
"Alright, you got me there, man."
Dream leaned his head against the rock. The sun was lower in the sky now, waves of heat visible off the sand. There was silence but it didn't feel as ominous now.
"D'you find what you were lookin' for?"
With a sigh, Dream brushed some sand off his pants.
"No. You- You could help me."
"I dunno." Techno frowned, looking over at Dream. "I only brought enough water to get across this stretch of desert then back. Speakin' of, you look like you could use a drink."
"Right," said Dream, as he pulled out his canteen and took a sip, the first one he had had in hours. It made sense; from Techno's perspective this was a rescue mission and nothing more. Or it was Dream's subconscious telling him what he already knew. Both scenarios led to the same conclusion. He took a deep breath. "Are... Are you real?"
"Heh? I'm real." Techno held out his arm in front of Dream. "You wanna pinch me and make sure?"
"No." Once more there were two answers that led to the same outcome and either Dream could make the trek back alone or with company, real or imagined. "Alright. Let's go."
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