#absolutely unhinged I'm living for it
was that like a. like a planned thing or did he just Do That
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le-panda-chocovore · 11 months
Me : Karma and Gakushuu are Rivals to Lovers ONLY, nothing more and nothing less.
Me : *finds a Karma & Asano are siblings fic* What is this ? I can't imagine Karma being a part of Asano family, it wouldn't make sense ! Also, I want them to be boyfriends, not brothers !!!
Me : *after reading a few siblings AU fic* Oh my god there's so much DRAMA POTENTIAL IN THIS TROPE, THIS IS AWESOME HOLY FUCK- *process to daydream about dysfunctional Asano-Akabane family for one month straight and has at least 3 fanfictions idea*
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chaos-bringer-13 · 22 days
My brain just hit an old hyperfixation (is this what it's called? I hope I used the word right) and oh dear am I losing my mind now. I need to write a story I think. About this one old guy. He's unhinged. There's so much information about him and yet not enough. I want to explore his character so much. He's definitely a criminal - at least he was one - and I'm 95% sure he can do actual real magic, and he's a musician and an artist and an actor and a magician and a philosopher and a traveler and a conman and so much more and also I think he's some kind of immortal. Maybe he just has a VERY long life. It's strongly implied he was a pirate at some point of his life. He started a cult by accident several times. My conspiracy theories about him include him being a secret god.
He's also a freaking round blue raven. Someone save me from my mind.
#seriously why is he so cool#he's like. a ball.#he's ROUND#if no one stops me I'm gonna make an au and introduce all my mutuals to a russian cartoon that lives in my head rent-free#it has an obviously mysterious old man and an old woman who seems to be very normal but actually has some weird past as well#and they're in love you can fight me on this THEY. ARE. IN LOVE.#there's a disastrous scientist who keeps forgetting to sleep and is kinda cute in a nerdy way#there's a mechanic guy who lives a bit away from everyone surrounded by tech and he's actually unhinged#he's a single father btw. he made a robot baby because he was lonely. it's very important for his character.#I WILL ship the scientist and the mechanic because no one can stop me <3#there's a local farmer who was a famous disco dancer an archeologist and a VERY famous actor in the past. he doesn't care about it anymore.#he was like. Captain America actor kind of famous. or Superman.#and then he just committed a bunch of crimes for his new friends and left to live in a village far away from big cities#all those people with very suspicious past raise a bunch of children together#absolutely inseparable adhd and autism best friends boys who I think are capable of destroying the world#and toxic teenagers couple:#a girl who honestly needs to figure herself out first before dating anyone and a poet boy who is SO deeply in love with her it's not okay#the farmer dude also has a rebellious teenager niece who visits him sometimes#and the mechanic's kid is usually in space but sometimes returns and I am not ashamed to admit that I cried during some of those episodes#I am going to think about them. they are so important to me.#I am going insane.#also yes they are all round animals. if you're wondering.#someone just tranquillise me already or something. it's 5 a.m. and I am losing my sanity
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hyperactivewhore · 7 months
Listen I absolutely adore Elena, but it's absolutely insane to me how she was okay with murdering Kol, knowing that would kill hundreds of vampires who did absolutely nothing to her, for a cure that sounded straight out of a fairytale.
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emblazons · 2 years
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When You Finish Saving The World (x)
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fooltofancy · 1 year
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secondary bird son go
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averseunhinged · 3 months
i've been thinking about how possession and i can kill you with my brain powers are typically feminine coded in horror. so, the whole qetsiyah/silas/amara thing rly works for me if i reframe it as a magic sparkle dyke fight. just two bad bitch witches and the random hottie who kicked the whole thing off.
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yeonban · 3 months
I'm so intrigued by the Wammy orphans' subconscious tendency for suicidal behavior and how Watari somehow managed to drill into their heads that dying is a more preferable alternative to losing, and this in turn has led me to think about how Tobias was once shot in the chest at close range (thankfully for him he did have the foresight to wear a bulletproof vest at the time) and how he broke his ribs from the impact but instead of staying down and letting the guy he was pursuing get away while maximizing his chances of not fucking himself over even further, he got up, by doing so startled the guy into shooting him again, and then he bet his life on the 50/50 chance that the guy would be too scared of him not dying despite several shots to the heart to think straight and aim for his head instead of his chest. And that's how he won.
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horrorsequel · 8 months
i'm supposed to be doing something but instead i'm thinking abt how rusty and malcolm are inextricably linked. like. both of them had their fucked up robot dads (who they thought were dead) die on the same night at the same time cos it was the same thing, it was the same incident. rusty and malcolm are the same guy but they're never going to be the same guy. they're brothers but they're not brothers. they're sons but they're NOT sons. not anymore. they both live in their father's shadows in some way, they both take up the mantle, they both kind of suck at it. idk. idk. idk.
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theinfinitedivides · 9 months
i mean. ik Jesus said if you live by the sword you'll die by the sword but ffs why would you take him away from me like that. this is the second time they're pulling this sh*t and with a Jae Wook too i'm getting a lawyer
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mosspapi · 9 months
How do I politely explain to my parents, without getting my shit kicked in, that it seems like they took Covid more seriously back in 2021 when no one in our house had left it for over a year than they're taking it now despite the fact that they know someone is actively contagious with it in their home, and that their holiday plans are not more important than the fact that 2/3 of their children are immunocompromised and the other 1/3 is actively sick with one of the biggest diseases we've had in years.
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attackfish · 2 years
The azula and zutara fandom are so amazingly similar zuko x azula did nothing wrong. Mai aang iroh abd ursa are abusers. Katara has no agency with aang azula has no agency at all both fandoms are sexist to girls thru claim to love
Azula fans act like they're better than the zutara fandom but I find them just as obnoxious and condescending to anyone refusing to agree them with their shitty fanon takes they will assume yoy hate children
. Last i checked a character needing redemption meant they did bad shit not they never did anything wrong and are nothing but a victim .
I want to be very clear here, there are plenty of lovely fans who love Azula, and plenty of lovely Zutarans. This is why I always try to talk about a certain class of Azula fans, or Azula fans who do X, and I don't talk about Zutarins, I talk about Mai-hating Zutarans, or Aang-hating Zutarans, or even just Mai-and/or-Aang haters.
These are subgroups, and for the most part, only involve a tiny handful of really loud assholes. Sometimes their opinions filter through into the wider fandom discourse, and in softened form become popular throughout the larger group, but for the most part it's a handful of loud assholes.
But yeah, I have definitely had very similar experiences with both subgroups, and they are the two subgroups that have both been very willing to fling accusations that I am an abuse apologist, and that my fannish opinions make me a terrible person, and who talk about me behind my back and treat me like some kind of boogyman.
But to be fair, the absolute creepiest and most batshit behavior I ever had to deal with in fandom was the person who on multiple occasions, several months apart, impersonated me to send anon hate to people, and who ended up impersonating several friends of mine to do the same, even going so far as to make an actual tumblr that was one letter off from the main account of a popular blogger. That person turned out to be an anti-Zutara hard core Maiko shipper. Assholes are assholes no matter what they ship.
And actually I think that this idea that we are in some kind of competition with each other, instead of all trying to enjoy the same piece of media in our own way, is not at all healthy. Some of the worst excesses on the part of fans comes from this idea that this is a competition we are trying to win, instead of a place where we come together to enjoy something in different ways.
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pavlovaprin · 2 years
i CRACKED THE CODE i have the biggest brain right now. lots of folds. i planned out dinner for monday night so i'm actually looking forward to a monday like WHAT?!? incredible. genius. i've unlocked the key to the universe
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strangefable · 1 year
sorry for the unhinged spam. promise i'm done, there's no more to reblog in existence
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vulpixelates · 2 years
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• Name: Saga • Race: Goliath • Class: Sorcerer & Paladin • Background: Deserter (Spy) • Deity: Fierna (archdevil, punisher of betrayal) •
• character tag • inspo tag •
Left on the doorstep of a monastery as a baby, sold from Amn to Mulhorand as a young child and broken out by rebels at fourteen, very little of Saga's life has been within her control. So when she was finally free she chose the name Saga to signify that for the rest of her life, she will be the one writing the story - and it will be one worth telling. Now, Saga is on a mission to explore her personhood and this big, magical world that she's been kept at a distance from for so long.
As an exercise in control and as part of a journey to discover herself, she has begun taking up a handful of new hobbies, such as carpentry and embroidery. Her carpentry needs work, but she has developed an arcane technique to transmute raw materials into useable construction products. Next on her list: knot-tying (to help with her sister's next boat), alchemy (to impress her smart new friends), and garment sewing (because she loves soft and flowy fabrics but clothes never fit her the way she wants them to).
Since the beginning of the campaign: At the footnote of a quest, Saga picked up what she now knows to be a cursed staff and has since been having dreams of drowning. Slowly, the pieces have been coming together: the staff seems to be tied to the unhinged archdevil Fierna, who rules over the underwater layer of Hell devoted to torturing those who committed betrayals during their time alive. Saga is mildly terrified and wholly unsure of what Fierna wants with her, but does not seem to be having ill-effects yet other than the dreams.
Saga is a massive goliath woman, standing at just shy of eight feet tall. Though most goliaths have fully stone-like skin, Saga's distant relation to earth elementals shines through differently: veins of pink crystal-like stone cut through her dark brown skin. Her hair is afro-textured and currently shaved on the sides with the beginnings of short locs on top. Since beginning her travels on the open seas with her sister, Razan, Saga has been collecting many piercings.
In terms of real-life ethnicities, she would be a mixture of Middle Eastern and African.
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devourmist · 2 years
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// noah got cancelled for his enjoyment of the ocean and decided to make it everyone else's problem
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