#ac kleon
blue-mono · 1 year
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Tag yourself : AC Odyssey NPCs
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moghedien · 7 months
I also don’t remember picking up on the fact that Kleon was sending a messenger to Mytilene and LET ME TELL YOU I NOTICED THAT THIS TIME
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ilovecuntyoldladies · 4 months
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mimbotomy · 10 months
I am high on weed and NyQuil and yet am still awake because a bad cough and a fever and for some reason decided it was a good idea to read the AC Odyssey Novelization! Here are some random things that stuck out that I think you should know:
Kassandra’s hears Nikolaos’ lessons in her head throughout the book.
She also loves Phoibe so much but tries so hard to pretend she doesn’t because her mother told her that love is weakness when she was a kid.
Kassandra finds Ikaros as a hatchling taking shelter among the bones at the bottom of Mount Taygetos.
It’s mostly from Kassandra’s POV but there’s some other brief POVs too. The Cult POVs seem to exist pretty much make sure that the reader knows they’re like super fucking evil and Stentor’s few POVs are mostly to bitch about Kassandra.
In one of his less bitchy POVs it’s revealed that a Spartan soldier in Megaris tried to grab Kassandra and kiss her and she either full on broke or just badly bruised his jaw
Building off that sorta, the only person Kassandra even kisses is Alkibiades at the symposium, and mostly to get information.
Nikolaos’ fate is left ambiguous for a long time.
Someone mocks Barnabas’ storytelling in line to see the Oracle and Herodotos later sets the guards on him to provide a distraction so Kassandra can sneak back and talk with the Oracle more.
The Cultists are way less protective of their identities in Delphi and way more obvious with their plans to get rid of Deimos. Also, Kassandra kills a lot of them on accident.
Aspasia keeps Kassandra from drinking poisoned wine, courtesy of Hermippos, at the symposium and helps her escape Athens
Chrysis is killed by her own biological son, the priest Dolpos who helped Myrrine, in revenge for both taking his tongue and killing countless children over the years.
Kassandra and Brasidas’ super badass warehouse fight doesn’t happen. Instead they are discovered by the Monger and taken captive and rescued by two heterae prisoners after the Monger burns Kassandra’s legs with an iron poker.
Phoibe dies playing hide and seek with Kassandra as they escort Perikles to see the Parthenon one last time and Kassandra first realizes something is wrong because she can’t hear Phoibe’s giggles anymore 😭
The first time Kassandra cries after that night on Taygetos is when Phoibe dies.
Aspasia only fully decides to leave the cult after Perikles’ death.
Pausanias’ super secret cult nickname is the Red Eyed Lion and he is uncovered because of a wine stained map or letter or something and a ring seal of a lion and some other super circumstantial evidence.
When they return to Sparta, Barnabas and the crew somehow temporarily sink the Adrestia in a cove to keep from being spotted by Spartan scouts.
The Kos and Arkadia storylines don’t happen at all and the Olympics happen after Kassandra and Myrrine already got their house.
At one point, Kassandra refers to her new family as Myrrine, Barnabas, Herotodos, and Brasidas, which made my shipper heart happy. Then in that same paragraph she refers to Herodotos and Brasidas as something like proud uncles, so we’re pretending that doesn’t exist
Kassandra is imprisoned in Athens for months and like in the game, is “rescued” by Barnabas and Sokrates. Barnabas still has his shovel but Sokrates has a broom instead of a pitchfork.
Also, there’s a small subplot about the woman Barnabas has a fling with on Naxos and her husband who Herodotos met that visited Thera. He’s being tortured by the Cult when Kassandra is imprisoned in Athens and is brutally murdered when he refuses to tell them anything.
Kleon was 100% planing to kill Deimos at Amphipolis.
Brasidas basically dies telling Kassandra how happy he is to see her what the fuck???
A lot of the confrontation on Taygetos is the same as the good ending of the game, where Deimos tells Kassandra that he’s done terrible things. But he also tells her that he can’t change no matter how much he wants to while preparing to throw a knife at Myrrine so she kills him.
Nikolaos and Stentor watch Alexios’ funeral at a distance until Kassandra and Myrrine invite them to join them for dinner.
Kassandra doesn’t fight the Minotaur and Co. but is just given the staff by Pythagoras, who talks to her after his death through the pyramid.
Aspasia’s fate is somewhat left ambiguous in the end because Kassandra’s focused too much on the vision from the pyramid.
Overall, it read a little bit like a weird fanfic! I saw glimpses of the characters we love from the game but since the author cut out such big pieces of the plot and every side quest - which makes sense since it was a very short book - we didn’t get to see too much of them either. Except for Kassandra, who is a lot more no nonsense than I imagine her as. There’s no flirting or and very little joking, but I really liked her resourcefulness and unique fighting style. And her love for Phoibe and her family that shines like a beacon throughout the entire book, from the very beginner where her mother tells her it is unspartan to love. Of course, our lovely Kassandra is a lover and a fighter and that does not change no matter what ❤️
Hope this list helps some of my fellow lovely wonderful odyssey fic writers I love you all so much you beautiful souls 😘😘😘
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arcanescionmoved · 1 year
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I WANT TO! You know I want to, I just have to figure out how to fit Caitlyn with Kassandra since you haven't watched Arcane yet.
In terms of AC Odyssey, I'm not sure how I would fit Caitlyn in there. Perhaps she was part of a noble household in Athens but she doesn't trust Kleon and probably wouldn't trust Aspasia either. So she's trying to figure out the corruption within Athens, and in turns maybe figures out the corruption goes deeper then just Athens.
Or she would fit into the Syndicate timeframe too. Since Arcane has a lot of Victorian aesthetics and designs, I could see her fitting there.
If not in that, I know we talked about hte Superhero verse, Caitlyn has the powers gifted to her by a dragon when she visited japan with her family.
I haven't made a dragon age verse yet, but I can see her being a Orlesian Chevalier who's gone against the crown because she starting to question things, specially with the struggles between templars and mages, and the whole fight between the empress and Gaspard.
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master-of-the-stars · 3 years
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I’ve been so bored all day and I’ve been drawing the whole time. Has anything been good? Nah. But I just need to post something to feel valid. Haven’t posted Odyssey stuff in a fat sec sooooo.... sorry I didn’t render anything. I’ll stop. I hope you like it!
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diorione · 4 years
Can we be happy like Kleon?
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grafdumbass · 2 years
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Kassandra: unarmed combat
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no-barbarians-here · 3 years
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lostwithoutdoubt · 3 years
A savage backhand and rightfully so!
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kalincka · 4 years
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modern au in which herodotos is the only thing keeping the adrestia from docking at every mcdonalds they sail past
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ilovecuntyoldladies · 4 months
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observer-kadac · 4 years
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The bow Kleon used was 'Paris' bow', the weapon of cowards. I like these details in odyssey.
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mimbotomy · 1 year
writing ask game: 1 (for aco), 2, 13 (unless it has spoilers for the last chapter of there is no escape!!)?
Questions found here!
1: Which is your favorite of the fics you've written for the AC Odyssey fandom?
The Children of Kephallonia! It’s what I think Odyssey should have been in a lot of ways, specifically in that Phoibe joins Kassandra on the Adrestia and is (mostly) happy and healthy at all times. Also I nixed the Isu, made Kassandra the daughter of Zeus, and am trying to give Deimos the proper tortured backstory he deserves. Mostly following canon, at least for now, but I got some fun stuff planned for later chapters! For example, the Battle of Pylos is going to go very differently 👀
2: Favorite piece overall?
Since I already said the Children of Kephallonia, I’m going to go with my crossover Not a Malákes Ravenclaw, which is very fun to write and hopefully very fun to read. I really did not expect to get so invested in this story when I first started, but I think it might actually be pretty good for having started out as a mostly incoherent outline and a bunch of explanation points. The two sets of characters mesh together a lot better than I could have ever dreamed!
13: Are there any things that might have happened in any of your stories, but you changed them at the last minute?
Okay I got a lot lol so buckle up here’s some that aren’t spoilers, broken down by fic and below the read more because it’s a lot 😂
Rebirth: Kassandra and Alexios weren’t originally going to split up in Act I because I was already planning on sending Kass off on her own to hunt the Order in Act II and I wanted the family together as much as possible. And then once I decided to split them up and send Kass to Korinth and Alexios to Mykonos, I seriously considered killing Kyra. The idea was I wanted to remind Kassandra and the reader that not everyone is totally safe bc Kassandra has all her power and knowledge of the future, and I did end up seriously injuring Herodotos and killing a bunch of OCs in the attack of the Adrestia in Chapter 40 for that same reason. And I’m still seriously debating killing off a semi important canon character at some point in the future to really drive that point home but who knows 🤷‍♀️ Also, Kassandra was originally going to kill either Kleon or Aspasia or both with the Blood Eagle. But I have something more fun planned for Kleon now and while I’m still debating Aspasia’s death, I think I’m starting to get something figured out.
The Children of Kephallonia: I can only really think of one change from my original outline that isn’t a giant spoiler - originally Kassandra was just going to be a descendent of Ares and not the daughter of Zeus, but I was inspired by a clip of Melissanthi Mahut in the Sandman and also making her a true demigod is fun.
Not a Malákes Ravenclaw: Same deal with the Children of Kephallonia, a lot of my changes are spoilers but I got a few! First off, the Kassidas was going to be a slow burn before I decided that was dumb bc they already had a slow burn it’s called canon. Second, the Greek crew was originally going to stay at Hogwarts longer before moving to the Burrow instead of Grimmauld Place, but I actually changed that pretty quickly. Lastly, and this is a relatively small one plot wise but pretty fun IMO, Phoibe was going to be a little wary of Brasidas at first despite Kassandra vouching for him, having both gained some trust issues after learning Aspasia was a cultist and spent the last year and a half of her life in Athens where Spartans were the enemy. This was going to be quickly solved, however, when Snape either insulted or threatened Kassandra (I can’t remember tbh) during their meeting in Dumbledore’s office and Brasidas broke his jaw. He immediately became her second favorite person in the world after that.
There is No Escape. . .: Originally, this fic was going to take place sometime in the middle of the Hades’ storyline so Zag was going to be down to help Kassandra from their first meeting to piss off his dad. Eventually, this changed because I felt like it worked better to have a more mature Zagreus, one who took pride in his work and understood the rules and responsibilities of the House, deciding to break them all to do the right thing. Second, and a much smaller change, since Zag told Cerberus that Kassandra was a friend, Cerberus was originally going to let her pass without any treat and so Zagreus was going to interrupt Kassandra’s fight with Theseus and the Minotaur. And I actually have a few changes that are spoilers for Chapter 5 if you are interested in hearing once you finish!
And last but not least - Assassins, Atlantis, and Avengers: The interlude was supposed to be a lot shorter and Kassandra was going to rob the British Museum.
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thepreciouspurrsian · 3 years
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Kleon, minding his own business XD
Honestly tho, what is he doing with the herbs? 🤔
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