#ac pearson
stoopsmagazine · 3 months
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Stoops Issue 12 (DIY Issue) is now available!
So I've been doing this magazine for 9 years now and you would think I would have streamlined the process for releases, but being that it is still mostly a one person operation over here with no real industry support or ad dollars, I'm still just doing my best. Each issue hinges on whatever time and money I have to throw into it with hopes of breaking even but mostly coming to terms with the reality that I am spending what others may spend on mortgages, or cars, or alcoholism to put out a skateboarding publication for my own sanity, grasping for a sense of purpose, and for the few of you actually appreciate it. One day I will come to my senses and give it up, but for now, it is somehow still moving along with no drop in quality. And while I know this seems like a pity party of one over here, it is really my segue into the theme of the new issue. Issue 12 has a Do-It-Yourself theme where we explore the concept of creating spots out of nothing. Just as I am creating a magazine with my own resources, accepting the loss of funds to produce something that brings me joy, skateboarders have been doing this for years. Every spot built by skaters using their own hard earned money has no monetary pay off but brings them joy, as well as netting some happiness for others who get to enjoy using the product of that labor. This issue explores the DIY mentality in skateboarding and its importance.
You can order it here!
Articles: First Words, Brett Sube Interview, In Brief: Dead Dave, In Brief: AC Pearson, Life & Death of Eastland DIY, Max Murphy Interview, Pop-up spots, One-Offs, Barrier Kult
Photographers: Seu Trinh, Mike Heikkila, Marco Hernandez, Reece Leung, Fabien Ponsero, Masa Yoshimoto, Eby Ghafarian, Clément Harpillard, Tadashi Yamaoda, Bradford Bishop, Dharam Khalsa, Isaac McKay-Randozzi, Judah Oakes, Dave Smith, Sam Fidlin, Liam Annis, AC Pearson
Skaters: Deerman of Darkwoods & Ba. Ku., Max Murphy, Dead Dave, Cody Chapman, Brett Sube, Charlie Munro, Josh Wilson, Chris Russell, Elijah Akerley, Mathias Torres, Michal Juras, Justin Andenrian, Zach Riley, AC Pearson, Jace Cooney, Jermaine Whittaker, Haruto Yoshimura, Jiri Bulin, Leo Spartacus, Tom O'Driscoll, Joe Gavin, Faro Phiri, Alder Wilson, Resse Barton, Taylor Lark, Julian Furones, Alex Hallford, Justin Reno, Simon Berton, Yusuke Shirakashi, Ana Vela, Muskellunge of Dark Island, Statue of the Black Crow, Depth Leviathan Dweller, Permafrost Corpse Eating Hraesvelgr, Jon Akers, Jamel Marshall, Presley Sweat, Marcel Pawlowski, Rae Holmes, Steve Barrett, Ethan Kaplan, Dyshon Whidbee, Justin Ganey, Curt Reefe, Jaeson Manzanares, Kent Summers.
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acetyzias · 1 year
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AU where Dan has a dissociative disorder and Dan*/the Imposter really is an alter of him, a commission for a friend.
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dreamhot · 1 year
oh god are you still can't leave??
oh fuck NO SORRY YES I AM HOME NOW !! but it /did/ take almost two extra days for that to happen 💀💀 here's a little summary of how our flights went down:
wednesday, may 31st: departure flight @ 12pm(ish). around 8am, they tell us the flight has been cancelled due to technical issues. fortunately, they find a new plane within the hour and the original flight proceeds as expected
saturday, june 3rd: air canada warns us that there Might be issues with our return flight on sunday and offers us the chance to change our tickets. we don't, because it's not like any of the alternatives would be any better
sunday, june 4th: returning flight @ 915am. as we're waiting at the boarding gate less than an hour before the flight, we're informed it's been cancelled due to crew constraints. the rebooking this time is for 245pm... on june 6th, two days from then. i'd booked off monday to recuperate, but i was supposed to be back to work by tuesday
recourse - air canada gives us a free night in a nearby hotel and twenty bucks each for food (whee). they tell us to come back tomorrow (the monday) to see if there's any new flight availability, and if not, they'll give us another hotel voucher. the hotel was gorgeous and the staff there were awesome and we got a fancy meal, so that was a plus at least
monday, june 5th: we return to the airport in the morning before hotel checkout just in case we need to keep the rooms. somehow, they've found four spaces on a 230pm flight. we're all suspicious but like, okay cool! we take the tickets, check out of the hotel, and come back to the airport to wait. early afternoon, the flight gets delayed to 430pm. no one is shocked, whatever. 408pm, the flight is cancelled. again. everyone in the terminal is basically laughing at this point (i went to the bathroom to have a mini breakdown cos i was SO fucking tired and it was like I AM NEVER . GETTING HOME)
fortunately they found a new flight for 445pm, but the crowds were so whack that it took forever to sort who'd be flying that evening and who got bumped to the next day. by the time the plane left, it was after 6pm, and considering time zones, i got back home around 930pm monday night ... to go back to work for 9am the next day
AS IT STANDS, air canada ostensibly has a policy that enables you to seek compensation for cancellations or delays to your travel, with the amount varying based upon how long you waited. for 9+ hour delays, you're supposed to get $1000 - if it's AC's fault. and given that the reasoning behind the cancellations was plane shit and crew constraints, i'd wager that's ENTIRELY their fault, considering that they're a cost-cutting piece of shit company that refuses to fairly compensate their employees and ensure adequate staffing
so yeah ! that went on longer than i expected but it felt nice to write down the whole sequence of events. please keep your fingers crossed for me as i would LOVE to have my trip entirely paid off by AC for their dumbfuck incompetency
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pollyna · 10 months
I love how every time I rewatch Travelers Philip and Trevor come out as more asexual than the previous rewatch. And how much i want to just give everyone in the squad the most queer experienced of their life once they arrive in the XXI century.
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Total Eclipse #3
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Pencils: Bo Hampton with Larry Marder (Beanworld characters)
Additional Pencils: Jim Ritchie & Mark Pacella
Inks: Rick Bryant
Colors: Sam Parsons
Letters: Bill Pearson
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Ace of Cups. Art by Stephanie Pearson, from the Taylor Swift Eras Tarot Deck.
is this the end of all the endings? my broken bones are mending with all these nights we’re spending up on the roof with a school girl crush drinking beer out of plastic cups say you fancy me, not fancy stuff baby, all at once, this is enough
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wyndford-dekarios · 1 year
🌞, 🐳, and 🐚 for Pearson!! (I hope that's their name. The aces and kings one!!)
YEAH THATS PEARSON (he/him) also hi. hi. we dont talk a lot do we hi nice to meet you.
🌞 - Are they a morning person? // I'd wager not by choice, but by force. Man who loves his coffee.
🐳 - What's their favorite animal? // Cats :3
🐚 - Do they collect anything? // Money making schemes that do Not work out <3 but in my heart he collects silly little pins like the clover one on his lapel.
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freeptetest · 1 year
The Pearson Test of English (PTE) is a widely recognized English language proficiency test that is accepted by universities, employers, and immigration authorities around the world. If you are considering taking the PTE, you may be wondering what strategies you can use to succeed on the exam. Here are some PTE Exam Strategies and tips that can help you prepare for the PTE:
Familiarize yourself with the format and content of the test. The PTE exam is a computer-based test that consists of four main sections: speaking and writing, reading, and listening. Each section is designed to assess your English language skills in a different way, and you will need to complete a variety of tasks and questions within a set time limit. To succeed on the PTE, it’s important to understand the format and content of the test and to practice the types of tasks and questions you will encounter on the exam.
Use official practice materials and online resources. The PTE exam is administered by Pearson, and the company provides a range of official practice materials and online resources to help you prepare for the exam. These resources can include practice tests, sample questions, and study guides. By using these resources, you can become familiar with the format and content of the test and develop the skills and strategies you need to succeed on the exam.
Take a test preparation course. A test preparation course is a structured program that provides guidance and support as you study for the PTE. These courses are usually offered by test preparation companies or schools, and they can be online or in-person.
Review and practice English language skills. In order to succeed on the PTE, you will need to have strong skills in speaking, writing, reading, and listening. To improve these skills, you can review and practice English language concepts, such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. You can also practice speaking and writing in English to improve your fluency and accuracy.
Manage your time effectively. The PTE exam is a timed test, and you will need to complete a variety of tasks and questions within a set time limit. To succeed on the exam, you will need to manage your time effectively and work efficiently. This means pacing yourself and focusing on the tasks and questions that you find most challenging or time-consuming.
Use effective test-taking strategies. There are a number of strategies you can use to improve your performance on the PTE exam. For example, you can:
Read instructions carefully and follow them closely
Plan your answers before you start writing or speaking
Use transitional words and phrases to link your ideas
Check your work for errors and mistakes
Use your time wisely by prioritizing tasks and questions
Get plenty of rest and stay healthy. To perform your best on the PTE exam, it’s important to take care of your physical and mental health. This means getting plenty of rest, eating well, and staying hydrated. By taking care of yourself, you can improve your focus, concentration, and memory, which can help you succeed on the exam.
Practice test-taking skills. In addition to reviewing and practicing English language skills, it’s also important to practice test-taking skills. This means becoming familiar with the format and content of the test, as well as developing strategies for managing your time and answering questions effectively. You can practice these skills by taking practice tests and reviewing sample questions.
Stay calm and focused. The PTE exam can be stressful, especially if you are not prepared or feel unprepared. To succeed on the exam, it’s important to stay calm and focused. You can do this by practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, and by reminding yourself that you have studied and prepared for the exam.
Seek support from a tutor or teacher. If you are struggling to prepare for the PTE exam on your own, you may benefit from seeking support from a tutor or teacher. A tutor or teacher can provide you with personalized feedback and guidance, and can help you develop a study plan that is tailored to your needs and goals.
Practice speaking and writing in English. The speaking and writing sections of the PTE exam are designed to assess your ability to communicate in English. To succeed on these sections, you will need to have strong speaking and writing skills. You can practice PTE Exam Strategies by speaking and writing in English as often as possible, and by seeking feedback from a tutor or teacher.
Use mnemonic devices to improve your vocabulary. To succeed on the PTE exam, you will need to have a strong vocabulary. One way to improve your vocabulary is to use mnemonic devices, such as acronyms or rhymes, to help you remember new words. For example, you can create an acronym by taking the first letters of a group of words and creating a new word or phrase. You can also create a rhyme by linking a new word with a word you already know.
Summary of PTE Exam Strategies:
Familiarize yourself with the format and content of the test.
Use official practice materials and online resources.
Take a test preparation course.
Review and practice English language skills.
Manage your time effectively.
Use effective test-taking strategies.
Get plenty of rest and stay healthy.
Practice test-taking skills.
Stay calm and focused.
Seek support from a tutor or teacher.
Practice speaking and writing in English.
Use mnemonic devices to improve your vocabulary.
By following these PTE Exam Strategies, you can improve your chances of success on the PTE exam and demonstrate your English language skills to universities, employers, and immigration authorities.
Check out our Web Story at https://freeptetest.com/web-stories/12-essential-pte-exam-strategies/
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ruben-the-cowboy · 2 months
Rip Van Der Linde gang 😔you would’ve loved:
Pt 2
Abigail Marston- pioneer woman dish sets, Apple AirTags (for baby Jack)
Arthur Morgan- dates to an art museum, watercolors and watercolor paper
Bill Williamson- Crocs, Sunday Night football
Charles Smith- Ethel Cain, Adopt an endangered Animal websites
Dutch Van Der Linde- Group chats, silk linens (I was going to just say pillowcases but sheets too)
Hosea Matthews - white noise machines, Broadway Musicals
Jack Marston- Minecraft, Breyer horse toys
Javier Escuella- Garage Band, terrible box dye
John Marston- Impractical Jokers, AC / DC
Josiah Trelawney- Pajama sets, Streaming services (the whole gang uses his subscriptions)
Karen Jones- Rupaul’s Drag Race, Party line-dances (particularly the wobble)
Kieran Duffy- Botanical Legos, Pokémon
Lenny Summers- a Nintendo Switch, Minute Maid lemonade
Leopold Strauss- Bitcoin, Starbucks Coffee
Mary-Beth Gaskill - Tumblr, Pinterest
Micah Bell - Just for Men beard dye, Twitter
Molly O’Shea- Lana Del Rey, Coquette style
Rev, Orville Swanson- Christian Rock, officiating weddings (yes Ik he probably could do that back then but he doesn’t)
Sadie Adler- Spotify podcasts, calling every get together/party a “function” (apparently not a lot of ppl do)
Sean MacGuire- inappropriately timed memes, being competitive with kids with carnival/rodeo games
Simon Pearson- crockpots, KFC
Susan Grimshaw- Yankee candle, Duolingo
Tilly Jackson- spas, viral baking hacks/recipes (she actually tries them)
Uncle- Roombas, Saturday Night Live
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Brink’s, Inc. has filed a lawsuit against Air Canada (AC) for failing to provide safe and secure handling of shipments of 13,612,696.75 in Swiss Francs and gold bars valued at US$1,945,843.00 (an approximate total of C$23 million).
In April of this year, the valuable shipments landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport and were stolen shortly thereafter.
A subsequent police investigation has not turned up the goods or the culprits. Brink’s, meanwhile, has decided to pursue the matter in the Federal Court, filing a Statement of Claim in Toronto on Oct. 6.
This shipments were handled by AC Secure, states the claim. Quoting the AC Secure website, Brink’s says it’s an Air Canada service intended to provide enhanced safety for “high-value shipments”, such as “secured holding areas” supervised by third-party security guards.
The shipments took shape in April 2023, when Raiffeisen Schweiz, a Swiss retail bank, contracted Brink’s to transport a shipment of banknotes with a value of$1,945,843 USD, from Zurich to Toronto. Valcambi SA, a precious metals refining company based in Switzerland, also contracted Brink’s to transport a shipment of gold with a value of 13,612,696.75 Swiss Francs, from Zurich to Toronto. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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punisheddonjuan · 3 months
Pearson Vue GED Testing Service, the company behind the test, is ending service in Canada after this month. "It's ludicrous," Feliciant said about the program ending and the tight deadline. When the end of the program was announced last year, provinces were left to find their own solutions. In the meantime, people who miss the deadline to schedule a test this year won't get another chance — and without any alternative right now in some provinces, such as Ontario, adults wanting to get the equivalent to a high school diploma will face barriers. "We were completely blindsided by that, as were our students … this is just another roadblock for them," said Steven Lobodici, a professor and assessor at Mohawk College, adding he first learned of the change in August 2023. [...] Alternative to GED sorely needed: instructors Jamieson said she was "so sad" to hear the GED is ending. "I know there's so many people who want an education and are striving to do better." Lobodici said there's currently "no adequate replacement" for the GED. He mentioned the Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC), which is still in development in Alberta. He also noted there's an Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) certificate, but it isn't widely recognized across the country.
This is ridiculous. Full disclosure, I decided to pursue a GED instead of finishing high school. Being chronically ill as an adolescent meant I missed a huge amount of school. Some years I totaled over 90 recorded absences (roughly half of the total school days in a year). I couldn't stay in a normal high school, so I bounced around a few different alternative schools over the next few years but never stayed in one place for longer than two years because I simply wasn't there often enough. I even tried online correspondence high school for a year in between two of those alternative programs and that was alright, but by the time I was eighteen I had maybe seven or eight high school credits total, well short of the thirty needed to graduate.
So when I was nineteen I wrote the GED. I passed with perfect or near perfect scores in almost every subject area (except math, I only managed a 75% there) which isn't too shabby when the only studying I did was scanning through the study guide fifteen minutes before the test. Based on those GED scores and the strength of my audition to the music program on classical guitar I was accepted as a mature student to a university with a very good reputation. One change of major later, I wound up graduating Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. (Hons.). Then after earning my B.A. I applied and was accepted into a graduate program at the top university in the country. We all know what happens next (my health takes a nosedive and I have to drop out of grad school), but that any of this was in any way even possible was thanks to being able to get my GED. Not having anything to replace it with is a real travesty, and it's closing the door on so many people, but especially the poor, disabled, racialized, and marginalized.
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acetyzias · 1 year
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dan vs dissociative identity disorder.....2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now with biff wellington
first one here
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hanukkahbingo · 6 months
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!חג אורים שמח
It's the first night of Hanukkah and the first night of the Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo! We have a lovely selection of fics and fandoms already this year, and I'm so excited to see what else we receive in the next seven days!
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Alone in the Dark by josiebelladonna/@feverinfeveroutfic | AO3 | tumblr
He found himself trapped out in the wilderness during a power outage, and his meeting with that one strange girl proved to be a stroke of fate for him. A fic that asks “what if Alex and Christine had met in another period?”
baby namings by aelisheva | AO3 | tumblr
"She's beautiful," the nurse coos, turning to a proud Seth and Summer. "What are you going to name her?"
Bring On the Light: Snowed In by melbelle310/@perfectpurls | AO3 | tumblr
Ace had hoped to make it home for the first night of Channukah, but when a blizzard rolls through town, he and Nancy have to make do in their apartment.
broken memory (of you and me and something) by JustGail/@evilwickedme | AO3 | tumblr
“I haven’t celebrated Hanukkah since I was a very small child. Younger than you.” Jason sat down on the chair he’d taken before. He was strangely restless and excited, but he still forced himself to say, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” “I already said I’m fine with Christmas,” Bruce said. “No, Hanukkah,” Jason said. He wouldn’t have been able to explain his stubbornness on the issue even to himself, let alone to Bruce. But he knew this is what he wanted this year. “I want… You don’t have to. But it looks nice.” // The first time Jason celebrated Hanukkah, and the first time Bruce celebrated Hanukkah in oh… two decades at least.
Eight Nights by genuineformality/@genuineformality | AO3 | tumblr
On the first night of Chanukah, Viktor lights a chanukiah for the first time in a long time. On the subsequent nights, Viktor and Jayce explore a lot of complicated feelings.
Generations by Hollie47/@hollie47 | AO3 | tumblr
Amanda is more than happy to have Spock and Jim home for Hanukkah.
H1. Dreidel - Scott Lang by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Scott is a terrible winner.
H2. Judah Maccabee - Mike Wheeler by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
They will outlive this.
H3. Music - Poe Dameron by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
The gas giant of Yavin hangs low in the sky, red tendrils of almost-dawn unfurling in the sky above the Dameron ranch.
H4. Tradition - Pepper Ann Pearson by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Every year, Milo eats more than his fair share of latkes and spends the next three hours lying on the Pearsons' living room floor, moaning. Every year, Nicky brings over some concoction made primarily of beets, and maybe wheat germ. Every year, Pepper Ann thinks it's the best Hanukkah yet.
H5. First Night - Snap Wexley by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Everyone else can keep their Life Day celebrations. Snap prefers this.
Hopeless Situations by abby_gaytes | AO3 | tumblr
Russians don’t wear ugly holiday sweaters. But arguing with Marcus Cole’s infuriating, ineffaceable enthusiasm has always been a hopeless situation.
Keep a candle burning by dharmashark | AO3 | tumblr
Bucky has been sitting cross legged on the floor with Steve Rogers for three hours. He feels giddy on two donuts too many, his ribs tight and hot from laughing. But mostly he feels smug as hell: he cannot wait to tell Clint how wrong he was when said this was a terrible idea. Well, what Clint had actually said was, “Are you out of your mind? Steve, as in Steve, is going to spend Hanukkah with you, in your studio apartment?” — In which Bucky can totally, definitely last eight nights without falling for his childhood best friend. Again.
miracles happen (once in a while) by aelisheva | AO3 | tumblr
By some interdimensional Hanukkah miracle, two versions of Annabeth and Percy are able to meet. The older pair proceed to embarrass the two middle schoolers as much as they can.
Pretty Hanukkah Wrapping For A Even Prettier Pussy Cat. by IndigoSun/@sweetwithheatwriting | AO3 | tumblr
May Parker was well aware that there were countless Jewish people around the world who experienced a relatively mellow and very happy cozy Hanukkah with their family and a few friends every year. She didn’t get to experience that as a general rule of thumb. I mean, don’t get May wrong, she was definitely Jewish and got to celebrate Hanukkah with the joy and company that was supposed to come with it, except her typical Hanukkah was usually brimming over with the barely mitigated chaos that came with celebrating it with her family and dozens and dozens of her friends on the world saving spectrum, Peter, Erik Lehnsherr, and the memory of what kissing Kitty Pryde had tasted like and what her dark silken curls felt like in her hands as she shakily arched her back and pleadingly mewled at he- Well. May was a bit haunted in the best way by that. She might just end up getting the girl this year if the stars aligned and she stopped sabotaging herself.
season of miracles by BettyRose/@yellingabouthistory | AO3 | tumblr
Padmé Naberrie and Tsabin Dolan have been best friends since they were international pen pals in middle school, so it was a dream come true when Tsabin came to spend a semester at Padmé's college in America. But when Padmé brings her home for the holidays, people keep jumping to the wrong conclusion. Padmé definitely loves her best friend, but not like… loves-loves. At least, she's pretty sure. Okay, so she's… maybe not sure beyond a reasonable doubt. But that's not the relevant burden of proof, because having a friendly little girl crush isn't a crime! And Padmé would know, she's president of the Otelia College Pre-Law Society!
something has to give (but not today) by skylarkblue/@skylarkblue | AO3 | tumblr
Peter Parker is struggling to juggle his family responsibilities and his duty as Spider-Man.
That We Are Alive by americanhoney913/@americanhoney913 | AO3 | tumblr
Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, shehecheyanu, v'kiy'manu, v'higiyanu laz'man hazeh. --- Shehecheyanu (Debbie Friedman melody) *** Eddie's whole family comes together to celebrate the first night of Hannukah with their newborn.
What Callie Kept by abby_gaytes | AO3 | tumblr
There are many things Callie Spengler was happy to abandon in her attempts to distance herself from the family and father who had caused her such pain in her life. Like her curly hair, and her briefly-budding interest in science, and her residence in New York City. But there are also a few things she kept - like her last name, and her Jewish identity, and the Hanukkah traditions she shared with Egon during their all-too-limited time together.
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the-malewife-ever · 1 year
its 5am. i am very tired. i do not want to go through and pick out all the best responses when i have a test today. so what youre getting now is:
every single character that was submitted [unless i didnt feel comfortable adding them to the data]
^ this includes:
- i didnt feel comfortable putting them in [they are a kid is the most likely answer]
- they break the rules
and goodnight everyone im going back to bed you get your pairings later today. feel free to demand your malewife be in the pairings in the notes of this post all you want but be nice
and sorry to the ppl checking the tags in the search bar for ANY of these characters
read more because we got 301 and then some submissions:
The Top Submitted Characters:
Crazy Dave [Plants Vs Zombies] - 14
Kazuki Kurusu [Buddy Daddies] - 8
Hero [Omori] - 8
Saul Goodman/James McGill [Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad] - 7
Tatsu [Way of the House Husband] - 7
Thoma [Genshin Impact] - 7
Laszlo Cravensworth [What We Do In the Shadows] - 5
Percy de Rolo [Critical Role/Vox Machina] - 5
Ron DeLite [Ace Attorney] - 5
Brett Hand [Inside Job] - 4
Puss in Boots [Puss in Boots] - 4
Sanji [One Piece] - 4
Spamton G. Spamton [Deltarune] - 4
Got 3 Or Less Votes:
9 [9 (2009)]
Adrian Graye Vernworth [The Owl House]
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Alador Blight [The Owl House]
Alistair Theirin [Dragon Age]
Andre Legris [Innocent/Innocent Rouge]
Asgore Dreemurr [Undertale]
Axel Summers [Lemon Soda and Coffee (Webcomic)]
The Baker [Into the Woods (1991)]
Bandit Heeler [Bluey]
Barry Draxum [Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]
Beacrox Molan [Lout of the Court’s Family]
Benny [Fallout: New Vegas]
Bilbo Baggins [The Hobbit]
BJ Hunnicutt [MASH]
Bob Belcher [Bob's Burgers]
Briefers "Brief" Rock [Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt]
Brock [Pokemon]
Bruno Buccerati [JoJo's Bizzare Adventure]
Bruno Madrigal [Encanto]
Calculester Hewlett-Packard [Monster Prom]
Caleb Wittebane [The Owl House]
Cardan [The Folk of the Air trilogy by Holly Black]
Cecil Palmer [Welcome to Night Vale]
Chakotay [Star Trek Voyager]
Charlie Kelly [It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]
Chisaki Kai (Overhaul) [My Hero Academia]
Chris Pearson [Dan Vs.]
Chrom [Fire Emblem Awakening]
Clay Rockridge [The Sexy Brutale]
Colin Robinson [What We Do In the Shadows]
Connecticut Clark [FlorkofCows/The Saga of Clark]
Cove Holden [Our Life: Beginning & Always]
Cyclonus [Transformers (IDW1)]
DaLey Vigil [The Great Ace Attorney]
Daniel Cain [Re-Animator]
Darius Deamonne [The Owl House]
Dedue Molinaro [Fire Emblem Three Houses]
Dick Grayson [DC Comics]
Dick Gumshoe [Ace Attorney]
Do Hyun Soon [Flower of Evil]
Ed [Our Flag Means Death]
Eddie Munson [Stranger Things]
Elliott [Stardew Valley]
Faria [Thrilling Intent]
Flex Mentallo [Doom Patrol]
Fox Mulder [The X-Files]
Fukuo [Kiki’s Delivery Service]
Furio Giunta [The Sopranos]
Gao Yizhi [Iron Widow]
Garmadon [Ninjago]
Garry [Ib]
Geto Suguru [Jujitsu Kaisen]
Gilbert Nightray [Pandora Hearts]
Gomez Addams [The Addams Family]
Grover Underwood [Percy Jackson Series]
Hannibal Lecter [Hannibal]
Harrier du Bois [Disco Elysium]
Hazama Masayoshi [Samurai Flamenco]
Heinz Doofenshmirtz [Phineas and Ferb]
Herlock Sholmes [The Great Ace Attorney]
Hordak [She-Ra (Netflix)]
Howl Jenkins Pendragon [Howl's Moving Castle]
Hugh Neutron [Jimmy Neutron]
Hugh Test [Johnny Test]
Ianto Jones [Torchwood]
Ignis Scientia [Final Fantasy XV]
Ingo [Pokemon]
Izzy Hands [Our Flag Means Death]
Jake Sully [Avatar]
James [Pokemon]
Jason Todd [Batman]
Jesus Christ [The Bible]
Joel Hammond [Santa Clarita Diet]
Johnathan Harker [Bram Stoker's Dracula]
John Silver [Treasure Island (1988)]
John Watson [BBC Sherlock]
Jonathan Byers [Stranger Things]
Kaiden Alenko [Mass Effect]
Kai Satou [Your Turn to Die]
Kaito [Vocaloid]
Kakashi Hatake [Naruto]
Katsuya Serizawa [Mob Psycho 100]
Ken [Barbie]
Kermit the Frog [The Muppets]
Kim Dokja [Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint]
Kim Gongja [SSS-Class Suicide Hunter]
Kingsley [Papa Louie Games]
Kisuke Urahara [Bleach]
Klavier Gavin [Ace Attorney]
Kojiro “Joe” Nonjo [Sk8 the Infinity]
Laurance Zvahl [Minecraft Diaries]
Lazarus Bleeze [The Hex]
Leon [Pokemon]
Lestat de Lioncourt [Interview with the Vampire (TV Show)]
Lieutenant Columbo [Columbo]
Light Yagami [Death Note]
Link [Breath of the Wild]
The Lobby Boy [The Hotel Podcast]
Loid Forger [Spy X Family]
Luigi [Mario Franchise]
Luo Binghe [The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System]
Mac McDonald [It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]
The Man in the Yellow Hat [Curious George]
Manolo Sanchez [The Book of Life (2014)]
Mario [Mario Franchise]
Marshall Eriksen [How I Met Your Mother]
Marvin [Falsettos]
Mendel Weisenbachfeld [Falsettos]
Me [The Mod]
Michael [The Good Place]
Miles Edgeworth [Ace Attorney]
Min-Gi Park [Infinity Train]
Minato Namikaze [Naruto]
Momo [Stray]
Mr. Mime [Pokemon]
The Narrator [The Stanley Parable]
Naven Nuknuk [Epithet Erased]
Oliver Queen [DC Comics (Green Arrow)]
Olruggio [Witch Hat Atelier]
The Onceler [The Lorax]
Palamedes Sextus [The Locked Tomb]
Paper [Inanimate Insanity]
Peeta Mellark [The Hunger Games]
Percy Jackson [Percy Jackson Series]
Peter Nureyev [The Penumbra Podcast]
Preminger [Barbie: Princess and the Pauper]
Qifrey [Witch Hat Atelier]
Quirrel [Hollow Knight]
Ramsey Murdoch [Epithet Erased]
Randy Valentine Jade [Dialtown]
Redd Rockridge [The Sexy Brutale]
Reigen Arataka [Mob Psycho 100]
Ronaldo [The Vampire Dies in No Time]
Rouxls Kaard [Deltarune]
Roy Mustang [Full Metal Alchemist]
Ryoji Kaji [Neon Genesis Evangelion]
Ryuuji Takasu [ToraDora!]
Samwise Gamgee [Lord of the Rings]
Sasuke Itachi [Naruto]
Satan [Puyo Puyo]
Satoru Gojo [Jujitsu Kaisen]
Seven [Zero Escape]
Shinya Fujikawa [Corpse Factory]
Sig Curtis [Full Metal Alchemist]
Silco [Arcane (Netflix)]
Sojiro Sakura [Persona 5]
Sokka [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
Soldier [Team Fortress 2]
Spirit Albarn [Soul Eater]
Spongebob Squarepants [Spongebob Squarepants]
Steve Harrington [Stranger Things]
Steven Grant [Marvel]
Suoh Tamaki [Ouran High School Host Club]
Sword Boyfriend [Transistor]
Tanjiro Kamado [Demon Slayer]
Thomas Sharpe [Crimson Peak (2015)]
Tohru Adachi [Persona 4]
Tom Wambsgans [Succession]
Travis Matagot [Campaign Skyjacks]
Tsukasa Jinguuji [Fabiniku (Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout)]
The Tumblr Boyfriend [Tumblr]
The Twelfth Doctor [Doctor Who]
Tyrell Wellick [Mr. Robot]
Vanitas [Vanitas no Carte/The Case Study of Vanitas]
Vash the Stampede [Trigun]
Victor Nikiforov [Yuri on Ice]
Waymond Wang [Everything Everywhere All At Once]
Whizzer Brown [Falsettos]
William "Spike" Pratt [Buffy the Vampire Slayer]
William “Dex” Pointdexter [Check Please!]
Yeza Brenatto [Critical Role]
Yoo Joonghyuk [Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint]
You [The Voter]
Zagreus [Hades]
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steelbluehome · 2 days
The Hollywood Reporter
A Different Man’ Review: Sebastian Stan Drops the Mask in a Provocative Dark Comedy With a Heart0
Renate Reinsve ('The Worst Person in the World') and Adam Pearson ('Under the Skin') co-star in writer-director Aaron Schimberg’s twisted New York-set fable.
JANUARY 21, 2024
Looks can be deceiving in A Different Man, writer-director Aaron Schimberg’s endearingly twisted take on actors, playwrights, egos and the plight of the profoundly disfigured.
Like the famous “Eye of the Beholder” episode of The Twilight Zone, in which humans turn out to be society’s freakish outcasts, this dark comedy suggests what happens when an aspiring thespian afflicted with neurofibromatosis manages to find a miracle cure, only to long for the life he had when he was still deformed.
The thesp in question — a nebbishy New York actor named Edward, or Ed — is played with tongue-in-cheek gravitas by Sebastian Stan, who dons several layers of prosthetics (courtesy of ace makeup designer Mike Marino) until peeling them away to reveal his true face. But that hardly gives Ed the life he bargained for, in a film that piquantly questions how others look at us and, more importantly, how we look at ourselves.
The fact that Pearson is stricken with neurofibromatosis, and that Stan wore tons of makeup to mimic that condition, may raise a few eyebrows. And yet A Different Man is very much about art imitating life and vice-versa, contemplating the different masks — whether real or artificial — we put on when going out into the world.
At first, the story plays out like your typical NYC indie dramedy, with Ed living in a grubby one-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn while trying to make it as an actor. He has a nosy super, at least one neighbor who hates him, and there’s a leak in his ceiling that grows so big it risks swallowing him up. The catch is that Ed’s disfigured state makes him completely stand out, at least to the viewer. For those who already know him, he comes across as just another shy and curmudgeonly New Yawka.
Things start looking up when a new neighbor, the radiant Ingrid (Renate Reinsve, The Worst Person in the World), moves in next door. Like Ed, she’s an aspiring artist — a playwright, in fact — and the two soon hit it off, even if Ed is very much inhibited by his looks. Ingrid is more open-minded and curious, and one novel aspect of Schimberg’s script is how, unlike in David Lynch’s The Elephant Man, nearly everyone Ed meets treats him with respect and compassion.
Schimberg explored a similar theme, albeit in a more artsy fashion, in his 2018 behind-the-scenes drama Chained for Life. That film co-starred Adam Pearson, who many may remember from his haunting sequence opposite Scarlett Johansson in Jonathan Glazer’s Under the Skin, and who winds up stealing the show here as a totally charming and nonchalant threat to Ed’s newfound existence.
The failing actor’s humdrum life takes a major turn when he agrees to participate in an experimental drug program that could cure his condition. After several scenes of Cronenberg-esque body horror, he starts peeling away his tumors like a snake shedding its skin, transforming into a brand new person with Stan’s well-defined face.
You would think this would all be for the better, but as A Different Man goes on to reveal, things actually get worse. Ed soon comes to miss the man he once was, especially when Pearson’s character steps into the picture and very casually hijacks his life, including Ed’s burgeoning love affair with Ingrid.
That and other plot mechanics in Schimberg’s screenplay can seem a bit over-the-top, particularly when Ed begins to lose his mind in the third act as everything unravels. Still, the story’s twists and turns maintain our interest throughout, with the narrative taking on a cleverly deconstructed play-within-a-film format reminiscent, at times, of Charlie Kaufman’s Synecdoche, New York.
The antics are captured in grainy naturalistic visuals by Wyatt Garfield (The Kitchen) and backed by a score from Umberto Smerilli that shifts between indie vibes and the classic melodies of Hollywood B-flicks. A Different Man shifts between several genres as well, but Schimberg manages to tie things neatly together by asking the same question, in various ways, until the very last scene: What’s in a face?
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comparativetarot · 1 year
Tumblr media
Ace of Pentacles. Art by Stephanie Pearson, from the Taylor Swift Eras Tarot Deck.
all I know is we said, ‘hello’ your eyes look like comin’ home all I know is a simple name and everything has changed al I know is you held the door you’ll be mine and I’ll be yours all I know since yesterday is everything has changed
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