#acachalla house of horrors
evilmagician430 · 2 months
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let me cook guys
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allabouttaleblr · 2 months
some rambles on my takes on the acachallas <333
papa acachalla is very much a tired dad who doesn’t really care all too much about anything. any which way. he’s hooked up with a guy before to experiment, went “eh” and completely forgot about it. sally puts him in dresses and makeup for her tea parties and he surprisingly never complains. he instantly accepted sue as his daughter, even though he did complain about getting another child. sally told him one day she likes girls and he went “huh. well i guess you got that from me” and then took her out for ice cream. he’s perpetually tired and over time, has become hard to phase. billy sprouts wings and flies around? well, that’s to be expected, it’s tuesday after all. sally’s eyes turns black and she starts screaming for waffles? no big deal, he keeps a freezer of waffles for this. he loves gertrude but doesn’t show it as much as he should, but he’s trying. he does the universal dad stance and squints his eyes whenever the kids show him anything on their phones. his idea of a romantic date is going to the nearest burger place on a busy friday night. he got himself a nice comfy couch in the living room and falls asleep on it regularly. he’s such a dad, but refuses to admit it.
gertrude is tall and thin, with slightly bony features and liver spots scattered across her body. her face wrinkles whenever she laughs, smiles or cries. her shoulders are broad and thick, her hips are blocky and her build is stocky but thin, like a twig. she casually mentions her memories of putting on a dress for the first time and realizing she was a girl the whole time. she still tucks her kids in, even though they’re in their twenties, thirties and forties. she buys ice cream for any kid she sees without enough money for the ice cream truck. she watched hours upon hours of youtube tutorials for afro-textured hair when they took sally in, and now she can do dozens upon dozens of hairstyles for her. she hand-sews dresses for sue and repairs billy’s work clothes. she buys a new computer for spencer every two-three years and leaves it at his door with a snack plate. she takes her beloved granddaughter, ivy, out for ice cream and movie dates so maddie and/or billy can have a day off. she pulls a blanket over papa when he falls asleep in his chair, and fixes hot cocoa for everyone on cold nights. she has a self care day every week where she rests and watches her favorite movie/shows.
sue loves everything feminine, and simultaneously embraces everything non-feminine about herself. she wears pink dresses with frilly lace and bows, and proudly displays her thick arm and leg hair wherever she goes. she works out and shows off her thick muscles and abs. she’s not fluent in spanish, but speaks it regularly regardless. she carries sally on her shoulders and clumsily makes little dresses for her niece, ivy (they’re always messy, but ivy loves them anyways). she grows her hair out to her shoulders and ties it up with the same bow sally got her every day. she has a partner, rebecca, who she even tried to learn how to cook for just to bring her goodies (they’re often burnt, but rebecca never complains). she loves chick flicks, romcoms and comedies, and hides at horror movies. she’s set up a really cozy room for herself and rebecca in the house, with all of rebecca’s things in it that she bought with weeks of saved up allowance money. she loves and loves and loves. her hugs are warm and all-encompassing, and she’ll hug just about anyone for any reason. she’s enthusiastic and genuine in everything she does.
billy is much smarter than he lets on. he has abandonment issues and often hides behind a childish, “dumber” facade as a way to cope. he sometimes can’t look in the mirror because all he sees is his mother’s face staring back at him. he’s lanky but not quite tall. he’s close with his twin sister, charlie, despite being separated for much of their childhood. he goes out to movies and aquariums and zoos with her, and is fully fluent in sign language. he’ll do it so naturally that he sometimes uses sign language at home, because he forgets he’s not around charlie anymore. he never even thought he’d want to be a dad but he is so, so utterly taken with his daughter, ivy. he takes lots of pictures of her and proudly displays each and every single drawing she has ever made for him. he carries her on his shoulders and impulse buys clothes and toys for her all the time. he’s grown to find comfort in maddie’s presence, now that the two are in a healthy relationship. he irons his shirt and picked up sewing from gertrude. he’s started watching shows with papa every sunday evening as a way to bond. he’s indescribably close to sally; the two just understand each other in a way no one else does. they’ll sit in silence watching a movie together. he’ll play tea parties with sally every single time she asks without fail. he’s learned how to do her hair just to spend quiet evenings braiding it. he and sue go to zoos together, and he helps coach her on the few recipes he does know- and gets very proud when she outshines him. he prefers to be around people, but often takes an hour or two in the evenings to just have his own time, and he sits listening to music.
sally is larger than life and makes sure everyone around her knows it. she’s energetic, she’s fun, she’s loud and bright and bubbly and talkative and cheerful and so, so much more. she’s as bright and warm as the sun, and simultaneously just as brutal when she slips into her more monstrous form. she likes all things pink and purple and sparkly and glittery. she likes frills and laces and beads and pearls. she likes dresses and skirts and pretty shoes. she likes just about anything and everything pretty. she’ll befriend any animal she comes across, even dangerous ones, and they never harm her. she’s a complete and total optimist through and through, but isn’t nearly as oblivious or naive as she once was; still, it’s something she struggles with on occasion. gertrude takes her out and helps sally build her confidence and as much independence as possible, and sally loves it. she loves going to new places and exploring- zoos, aquariums, art galleries, museums, lighthouses, libraries, everything. she's become incredibly eager to learn and absorb new information, and her curiosity is limitless. she spends so, so, so much time with her siblings and spencer (even if spencer likes to pretend he hates it most of the time). she's almost never without either one of her siblings, or gertrude. she's a mama's girl and daddy's girl at the same time.
spencer doesn't like to be alone nearly as much as he claims he does. in reality, he hates being alone so much and fears being abandoned again- but he would never admit that to anyone. still, gertrude notices, and goes out of her way to do nice things for him and give him quiet reassurances that he belongs here, that he has a home here now. the basement was completely renovated so spencer can have a nice bedroom, and gertrude got him a complete gaming setup too. he plays video games a lot and streams them, and gertrude, sally and billy all watch every single stream he does (unless they're working). spencer has gradually warmed up to the other family members, and can even be spotted on sunday nights curled up on the opposite couch to papa acachalla, intently watching the movie on screen (which he insisted needed to be some mystery, action or horror movie, and papa always lets spencer have the remote). spencer will happily infodump for hours about computers and video games and computer mechanics and everything in between, to anyone who will listen.
maddie is incredibly passionate over anything and everything she puts her mind to. she used to obsess over billy, until she found out she was pregnant and began therapy- now she obsesses over making sure her daughter is healthy, happy, has everything, is learning everything, and can grow up to be a wonderful person. she sews clothes for ivy, cooks her all three meals a day, bakes her goodies for school, crafts and carves toys for her, and heavily researches all the best places nearby to take her. she's an extraordinarily loving mother who always does her absolute best in everything. she did quit her job for a while, but now finds purpose outside of motherhood in crafting furniture and toys to sell to others. she's learned to enjoy having her own time, and has rediscovered herself- she's learned she likes rock music and occasional heavy metal, she's learned she prefers savory over sweet things except on special occasions, she's learned she has a good eye for fashion and that she enjoys window-shopping whenever possible. she goes to therapy every week and has even taken a handful of community college classes purely to learn new things rather than to get a degree. she's loud and super energetic when she's excited. she has incredibly steady hands and surprisingly sharp focus. she's learned asl fluently, and is learning spanish alongside her daughter so they can talk to each other. she likes museums and art galleries because she gets to learn new things and see new things. she's grown into her own person, and has become an incredible mother as well.
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My Sally Acachalla Headcanon Masterlist
Because she won this week's poll, today's character of the day is Sally Acachalla, the voted most terrifying character of the Acachalla family. A title that she very well earned, behind her adorable pink exterior, Sally Acachalla is a tried and true horror.
Between her ability to command an army in an apocalypse and her demonic abilities that comes out when she's mad, she alone is the reason why waffles are so important in this universe. And I adore her for it.
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History HC
(Sally was one of my favorites for a long time so most of this is going to be headcanons with no consideration of canon. If what I mention is said in a video and isn't just from my brain, I'll say it dw)
Sally Acachalla, much like many other Acachalla members, was not always an Acachalla. She isn't even from the dimension she now resides in, originally from the second dimension.
One of the few survivors from it, too.
~ Early Life ~
She can't remember much from before the Acachallas, a cocktail mix of being too young to remember, active damage to the mind, and subconscious suppression. It isn't something that bothers her, she's content with the life she has and the love her family gives her... she doesn't recognize it as an issue like others might.
If she did remember where she came from, she would remember a bustling city, a busy childhood. Her mothers singing along to the babbling songs their stumbling toddler came up with on the spot, laughter and hugs. The way the sky always had stars if you knew where to look, and reflected on the ocean too. the way the air smelled a little bit fresher and the food was a little less sweet.
A little older now, doing yoga with her mothers, cartwheels and pirouettes to herself. The black birds who followed her while her mothers were away, and the people they were underneath. Her father is one of them, a surrogate of course, but the families were always close and they agreed to babysit. They kept her out of trouble, sung songs with her, some did science of the body and other the science of machines. Wanting to learn to fly someday, following the birds as they flew overhead with arms outstretched. Accidentally burning the couch when left alone for once.
The adults shooing her to bed at nine after a party suddenly went sour, whispering about what was just on the television. A little to loud to be ignored, much too soft to be distinguishable. Waking earlier then ever before in her life and leaving the house with her surrogate father's family at one of her mother's discretion. Not knowing how bad things really were until they were too far away to beg her mother to come with her. The start of the apocalypse.
~ End of the World ~
Her preteen years being spent bitterly underestimated and fighting for every chance to be recognized as capable by her father and uncle. A virus that spread like rabies and worked like fiction. It was bad enough what it did to people, the mindless violence, the inhuman behavior... Sometimes it was easier to pretend that they were never human at all, but was never worth the scolding. She was still offered care and affection, but didn't want it anymore. Unless it was her mothers, and they were long, long gone. Losing more people than just them didn't mean much when she still felt hollow from the first loss.
She fought with fire, keeping friend and foe at arm's length with the blaze. Sparks from her machines mirrored the ones from her eyes. Knives were hidden in her coats and she wasn't allowed near matches after another couch incident went way worse. She wanted to make an identity for herself, even if it meant being defined by the carnage and viscera. Her surrogate family coming up with a plan to try to save the world, finally giving them a direction to work in. She was too determined to be left behind and forced herself after them.
She was bit.
I'll stop with the artistry here. Because of her alien body, the virus attacking the world struck her differently. Where the rest of her current family could take the form of birds, she couldn't match it anymore. When trying to change shape, the feathers never came in, and limbs bent at odd angles. She was almost a zombie, but not enough to be tossed to the hordes. Too much of her mind remained for her to be undead, but not enough for her to be familiar.
She was a different person, like she was as a child before it all went wrong. Once more, she danced, she sang, she craved sweets and attention. She was almost innocent... until she was denied something. Her attitude still remained and she refused to be treated like a monster. Impossible to contain, horrifically fast and threateningly strong, no one knew how to control her anymore, and it became disheartening. Even more so when the team realized her memories had been scrambled, to the point where she couldn't recognize the names and faces of her own mothers. Her surrogate father couldn't take it anymore and left Sally with her uncle.
He was not the best at monitoring children, he never wanted one of his own anyways, and Sally wound up consuming the beta test cure for the zombie virus. It neutralized the virus in her, making her bites no longer bring the threat of death, but it didn't make her better. And also possibly doomed the world in the process. Furious, her uncle turned his back and walked away, muttering. He didn't even notice when she was lured away until she was gone.
~ Sally's First Day of High School ~
She's almost fourteen now. If the world was normal, she's convinced she’d be in high school-- something she only conceptually understood from movies and stories. Approached by a tall man when her uncle wasn't looking telling her she would be late for her first day, it made just enough sense for her to follow the stranger with no questions. Away from her uncle and dimension with nothing in the sense of regrets or real memories.
The world was different on the other side of the door. It was brighter, with incredibly green grass and an empty blue sky. There were no sign of monsters or decay, and though Sally noticed she couldn't be bothered to question it. High School was always seen as something magic and far away for as long as she could remember, who was she to argue that it couldn't also be safe?
Of course, this place wasn't safe either, it was just dangerous in a different way.
Before realizing this, Sally managed to find one of the other newcomers to the school, an unnaturally tall teen with a gaping hole for a face. He was scared and shy, avoiding large groups and attempting to find some way away, which only made her want to talk to him more, like a moth to a flame. Upon realizing they were both new and the same age, Sally declared them as being best friends (maybe more), taking him by surprise. The teen was expecting to be seen as a monster if he ever left the house, one who needed to be hunted down or in some other way hurt because that's what he was told would happen. Sally was the first person to see humanity without looking past his face, or lack thereof.
It didn't take her long for her rebellious spirit to come back with a vengeance, realizing that something was wrong with the school without ever really knowing what a school was meant to be. When the owner of the school eventually grew frustrated and ordered for her to have her memory wiped and basically made a sleeper agent, she knew her time to escape was soon. She managed to spin it back around on her escort, forcing him into suffering from amnesia instead and yanking him through the portal they were meant to cross through before anyone could get their baring.
Not only had she escaped with her memories, but she kidnapped the boy who was meant to be her supervisor as well. The lost pair were quickly scooped up by a kind woman with bright eyes, the first Sally had seen in ages. It wasn't long before they were taken in, but Sally still remembers the important faces from the school... though the fact that she left her self-appointed best friend behind still has yet to sink in. It doesn’t bother her— she finally got to live a normal life… well, whatever “normal” means around here.
General Headcanons
Birth Family - Her mothers are Medusa and Cleopatra in the second dimension, with Gregory Gregory. Gregory the second's brother acting as a surrogate. Despite the wiki saying her father is "mister Jenkins", I see her father as Zachary Zachary, since it matches Gregory's naming convention. Her mothers sent her away so that they could attempt to mediate things without worrying about her survival, both of them being powerful in their own rights, but they are not invincible and was eventually overran. Sally takes a lot after both her mothers, even with needing a surrogate.
School - Sally and Billy were enrolled for school when they were taken in by the Acachallas, after a couple of years of tutoring help from Maddie, but they were enrolled at different schools. Billy goes to the same public school that Spencer would eventually go to, but Sally attends the same high school as the creepypastas.
Why Waffles? - I think waffles are a comfort food for her, I think it’s become a thing where she already loved waffles and what they meant to her before she was bit. Afterward, she loves it conceptually, pouring all of her passion into it because it’s something that makes her feel warm and happy and she can consume it quick and easily. It means something to her. That passion can overflow into fury easily if misused, thus the waffle demon. Also, the cure thing that she ate was contained inside of waffles and I think she remembers that— there’s a chance she craves it because her body is conditioned to remember it as a “cure” thing.
General Powers
The Waffle Demon - Actually an incredibly screwed up version of what would have been Sally's bird form, the Waffle Demon is warped by the bite Sally sustained while in the second dimension. Giving her the traits of zombies and removing many of her more bird-like traits, if not all of them. It triggers when she's upset because it's supposed to help calm her down, but that too has been warped, only acting as a way to channel her rage.
Pocket Dimension - I have no idea where she got that, but she probably stole it from Darth Calculus while escaping his school, or somehow created it herself with her own two hands. There's also a chance that she created it right in the moment where she needed it and then deleted it from existence again and that's genuinely horrific (Summary : IDK WHERE SHE GOT THAT AND IT SCARES ME)
Shrinking People - and then selling them as dolls? I have no idea what power that is. It’s honestly really scary that she did this to several normal people first before her parents found out.
Being Death's Boss - HOW DID SHE MANAGE THAT—
Catch-All Explanation - there's a chance that one of her mothers, probably Medusa based on the lore, was a god of some kind. Likely a god of destruction or death, and that makes Sally a demigod growing into developing powers as she ages with little to nothing if anything at all holding her back. That explains the past three things with “Sally is a demigod and has those abilities through that.”
Taming Dinosaurs - See, that last one goes for other things too. Tell me taming an extinct animal would be hard for a demigod of death, because I think it sounds scarily easy.
How I Use Sally In Relation To Other Characters
Sally is a literal social butterfly and I think that’s awesome. She has friends outside of the main family and she hangs out with them a lot, sometimes even texting them while her parents decide to be crazy. She also is able to lead people militaristically in certain situations, and is really good at organizing the people she has with her to keep safe, though she is willing to make sacrifices without warning— as if she’s playing chess!
- Billy Acachalla -
Sally’s first sibling, she and Billy stick together like white on rice!
- Maddie-Friend -
Maddie knows for a fact that Sally saw her working under DC, but wasn’t there for the incident so she doesn’t know how much Sally remembers. Meanwhile, Sally knows everything and is waiting for Maddie to do something stupid enough to give her plausible reasonable doubt. There’s a chance Sally actually harbors no ill will toward Maddie, and she does genuinely find Maddie’s relationship with Billy kind of cute (despite Billy’s protests)— but Maddie is not sure how big that chance is and it scares her a little.
- Poppy Soup -
Sally’s best friend from school, Poppy tends to be a bit reserved and sluggish, but Sally knows how to get through to her. The pair hang out when they can, doing all the things that teen girls are known to do, though Poppy tends to be a bit more rebellious then most people Sally considers a friend. Poppy spent most of her childhood raised by ghosts and the undead in a pocket dimension, and despite being practically human, she also attends the same school as Sally because of it. She finds that long periods of time around the living make her uncomfortable because it gives her an odd sense of cognitive dissonance. Sally completely understands.
Despite this dramatic backstory, Sally and Poppy tend to just act out in small ways. Poppy isn’t a very violent person, and Sally is actually somewhat distilled when causing chaos with her instead of the Acachallas. They’re on even footing in a way she doesn’t usually experience, being the boldest person in the room, and neither has to take care of the other. I do think there’s a chance Poppy could develop a crush on Sally.
- Slendy -
With her experiences with Darth Calculus feeling more and more dream-like, Sally meeting Slendy again was like meeting him for the first time a second time. She latched onto him just as quickly the second time.
- Spencer Acachalla -
One of them is a reincarnated god, the other is the boss of death and has a pocket dimension that bends to her destructive whims. When they team up, they genuinely mean to destroy everything around them and have no mercy. This is good when they’re paired together to fight an enemy, as between Spencer’s direction and Sally’s destruction they make good progress and can practically cut a chunk out of the enemy. This is bad when it’s game night and the pair decide they want to humiliate everybody at the table for their own fun.
Because their relationship is mostly built on being antagonistic as a pair, when they argue things tend to get pretty serious pretty quick. They are the most likely into the family to break into physically fighting each other first, which is kind of reasonable since they’re the two youngest… and arguably the most childish. Spencer is the one most likely not to go along with Sally’s obsessions, too, which can easily piss her off. The pair actually worked together for a large part of the Billion Year War, even after the rest of the Acachalla family split, but something happened to him by the time we see her. Either the two got in a fight and Sally won, Spencer left of his own accord, or he got taken down in the line of battle.
- Sue Acachalla -
Sue is both the oldest member of the family and the newest member of it— not just of the family but of the dimension they live in. Also sheltered in an apocalypse, she tends to be a bit confused and very fragile, but Sally doesn’t see that as a problem at all. Sally lets Sue unwind and have the life that she should have been allowed to have, there isn’t a focus of violence between the two of them at all. They have sleepovers in the living room despite living in the same house, Sally shows her kids movies that she thinks are important to experience at least once, she helps Sue take care of Hurricane and in turn helps Sue play with Freddie and Freddio… it’s nice. Sally and Sue have very similar hair texture, but Sue was always made to cut hers short and isn’t sure how to work with it, so Sally frequently offering to help her take care of it is a relief. Sue may be Sally’s favorite member of the family, she always wanted a sister.
Rapid Fire
Even though she isn't anymore, I remember a time where the character Cleopatra was in the running of being one of Sally's possible mothers (they share player models) and I decided I wanted some wlw out of this.
Following in the footsteps of her character model Alyx Vance, Sally Acachalla is blasian. I don't know all the details yet, but Medusa is canonically from South America and Cleo's page mentions Vietnam, so I'm figuring it out as I go.
Sally does not give her dinosaurs a vegetarian diet, which is good since those are 100% not herbavores, but she does mix waffles into their diets and idk how much better that is.
One of her baby teeth were lost because she bit another kid and she regrets absolutely nothing.
Sally knows how to use guns because of her time in the apocalypse, but had to relearn how to do most hand-to-hand combat because the goal was always to stay as far away from the monsters as possible, so her muscle memory wasn’t very developed.
If the timeline progresses in parallel to her, she's all grown up now! Going off the ages assigned here, she's 23 now and will be 24 on the fourth of July.
Songs and Why
- Do You Like Waffles by Parry Gripp
Considering she would kill for waffles, she probably screams along to this song every time it comes on and then turns it off when it moves on to pancakes. She is a very opinionated lady, yes she loves waffles.
- Animal Cannibal from Possibly in Michigan
Putting aside that she literally got bit by a zombie, meaning an animal cannibal made impressions on her, the song mostly matches her feelings toward Darth Calculus and the people who work under him... Those being feelings of disdain. ‘Have we met before?’
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infectedtale · 4 months
Papa Acachalla
He killed everyone, He's hunting me. I need to
Stardust Sprinkleshine
A magical Unicorn who only wants to spread cheer! His horn glows with the magic of love and friendship! You should be his friend, he needs more friends. Come out. I'm waiting
Health Status
Sparkle meter: 100%
Sadness: 0%
Friendship: 100%
Magic: 100%
Power: 100%
(Story below the cut. Tw for body horror)
What stands outside of the Acachalla household is no longer Papa. The fat bald man is now just a corpse the creature wears. It's bones creak loudly as it steps over the threshold.
It walks on all fours, hands splayed together in a mocking imitation of hooves. It's horn stood tall out of the middle of its forehead, covered in gore and fabric. It tilts its head with a horrific snap. "Gertrude..." it cries out in a crude imitation of Papas voice. "Don't you wanna be my friend? I can share all my sparkles with you!" It laughed cruelly, head clicking back into place.
"I promise we'll be the best of friends!" It called out, spores spilling from it's mouth.
Nearby in the tree house, Gertrude clutches her mouth. Anything to escape alerting the horrific thing that wore her husbands skin. She shook beneath the window, praying desperately. She couldn't continue living with that thing. She had to escape.
[Gertrude and Stardust Sprinkleshine are now open for asks]
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lettuce-king · 5 years
I was looking on my phone and found some notes and a theory for Jimmy Casket. I just want to warn that this is a few years old and does not consider any of the more recent P.I.E. videos.
《Anything that looks like this is new and added now as I Re-Read it》
So without further ado, I present a 2 year old theory and notes:
Dipper mod 1- March 9th 2016
Haunted by cardboard friend- Johnny Ghost gets some of Gregory/Jimmy' s flash backs like remembering the cardboard friend name and this confuses Ghost as he tries to connect the links in his brain.
CBF Theory: CBF is a manipulative entity that attacks and feeds off of the weak (This is proved by CBF attacking Ghost without his partner Toast and when he attacked Gregory because he had no one to interact with and caused them both to go crazy)
[Crossed Out] Babby doll hide and seek (gregory) Sep, 26 2013
[Crossed Out] Murder ep 1- Jan, 12 2012
[Crossed Out] Box friend original- Sep, 15 2013
《I think I was going to do a theory that dealt with the dates but Idk.》
Jimmy Casket Theory/Notes:
1. Tommy/Timothy Casket is Jimmy' s father and not Ghost's.
2. Jimmy Casket likes to win whether it's murder, hide and seek, find it so I can eat it, TTT, or just killing someone.
3. I believe that paranormal entities detect Jimmy Casket/Gregory instead of Johnny Ghost.
4. He is ticked off by not winning, blood, being away from Toast for along time, when Ghost is confused/scared of something, annoyed by people, doesn't get what he wants.
In Gmod murder siblings 11 "Olaf" at 14:05 Jimmy Casket states that his name is Gregory
In KING BONNIE (Gmod castle mod) at 7:49 Ghost said that he grew up on a farm
[Crossed Out] January 8th 2014 "Johnny Ghost" Gmod 4 player prop hunt 27 Ghost and Toast first appearance
《Time for the Big Theory》
Jimmy Casket the world's most renowned murderer. To solve the theory of who is Jimmy Casket? And what is his backstory? We need to go over a few things first. The 1st thing we need to go over before we start talking about Jimmy Casket is how life and death works in the Gmod/VenturianTale world. Clearly life and death in the Gmod world is not normal like it is here in reality. We live and we die, that's how it is and that's how it will always be. But we can still explain why people come back from the dead. I believe the reason people can come back from the dead is Maxwell Acachalla. Now how does Maxwell have any thing to do with Jimmy Casket? You may ask well, I'm getting there. Let me explain why I think Maxwell has to do with people coming back from the dead first. In a bank robbery with Papa Acachalla and the gang, Maxwell was killed by the Bank Teller after they figured out they were trying to steal money. When Maxwell died he met with an evil and VERY powerful entity. Who this entity is? I don't know. It could be someone we haven't met yet, or will ever meet. It could be Satan himself. Or it could be someone we've seen before, but never suspected them to be evil.
Back to what I was saying, when Maxwell encountered the entity he was offered great power as a ghost and since Maxwell was power driven he accepted the gift. When the Acachalla household encountered Maxwell again there was a curse that made them become immortal, Maxwell didn't mind because he wanted to enternally tourture the Acachallas and especially Papa and his gang as revenge for his death. When Maxwell was starting to get out of hand the Acachallas called P.I.E. aka Johnny Ghost and Johnny Toast to get rid of him. When Ghost and Toast encountered Maxwell they were "killed" by him and that caused Ghost and Toast to come back from the dead.
Now, some people in the universe are also not 100% normal, for example Maloney is an alien and some people have special powers which I think is the reason Spooker and Mr. Sviggles can come back from the dead. Now that we have gone over the reason why I think some people come back from the dead, we can discuss the fact that some people aren't immortal and once they die they die. Some examples of this is John, M9KShotgun, and the ginger kid from "FNAF School Roleplay - Gmod Five Nights at Freddy's Animatronics mod (Garry's Mod)", other small one time characters, and Higgly Diggly Hoogen, yes before you start saying "But even if he gets killed he still keeps coming back" and you're kinda right, BUT he doesn't come back from the dead, one of his many other clones are sent. And the government will never run out as long as they keep cloning him. And you're still probably wondering what this all has to do with Jimmy Casket well I'm about to tell you how.
Remember that video "Gmod Cardboard Friend Mod" where Gregory was hanging out with Cardboard Friend and it slowly turned into a horror movie type scenario? Yeah? Well this is a big part of lore we need in order to solve the mystery of Jimmy Casket. Let's talk about what we know about Gregory and CBF then we'll go into what I think happened. We know that Gregory is a young easily manipulated boy that has gone through a lot. He lost his parents at an early age, he's been alone in a really creepy, old house and his only source or communication is CBF which is a ghost. Now let's get into the theories, I believe CBF is an evil, manipulative entity that is up to no good, and only wants to traumatize and kill people (and possibly take their souls). CBF's target was Gregory, CBF planned to slowly steal his soul by making him go mad, and it worked. In the video when CBF was chasing Gregory around the house it symbolized him killing Gregory, and when Gregory was sending CBF into the sky was him accepting the fact that he was dead, and finally Gregory walking out of the yard was him moving on into the afterlife. Now this is when things start to tie together, because when Gregory died he was faced with the same evil entity that gifted Maxwell great power. The entity offered Gregory something unbelievable.
BUT, before I say what the entity gifted Gregory I want to explain why he decided to gift Gregory and not some other random person. Think, this video was probably a flashback of Gregory's life which was in like the 1980s when technology was not at its peak and paranormal invenvestigating sounded pretty crazy, so there weren't many paranormal investigators. Therefore there was no hard cold proof that paranormal entities can kill people EXPECT for the "Bell Witch Haunting" which states that a poltergeist physically killed (in this case poisoned) John Bell in the 19th Centary. So death by paranormal entity was pretty rare. This caused the evil entity to bestow a gift upon Gregory, a boy that died by a paranormal entity at a young age.
Back to what the entity offered Gregory, the entity gave Gregory the chance to rule over personalities. So we're all correct when we say that Gregory is Jimmy Casket, but this goes a lot deeper than imagined...
Gregory is that insane, evil, devious side of you and your OC's when you/they lose at something, is scared, threatened, or confused. And Jimmy Casket is just one of his characters with their own backstory and a little bit of Gregory in it. Gregory is Samantha gravestone, Max Hunter, Melodie Casket, Amy Reaper, Ethan Dager, Karl Coffin, 《These are all people's "insane" OC's I looked up when originally making this》 Gavin Toast, he is even Antisepticeye and Darkiplier.
I also quickly want to mention that this personality can spread into our world too so to explain to you what I mean I'll tell you about the time I was scrolling through the comments of a story I found on WattPad and the users were talking about how they would sometimes feel the urge to stab, trip, or harm/kill people, like Jimmy Casket does, and that made it clear that the feelings they feel becomes a personality. Another thing to notice is how Jordan changes from the fun, energetic, and goofy person he is to an insane, psycopath...even his eyes change. That's right the addicting, fun, evil personality we all love to use today are one of Gregory's OCs .
And now, here we are nearing the end of the theory but there are still some things up in the air that we need to be solve before we go, Questions like Why is Ghost unaware of Jimmy Casket? And why does he act so strange around CBF? Well...I'm gonna solve these questions right now, Let's first start with why Ghost is unaware of Jimmy's existence. This simply deals with how powerful one's soul is. Johnny Ghost has been through a lot of stuff...too much stuff, this has caused his soul to weaken and decay. Since he has a weak soul Gregory's OC, Jimmy Casket had extra room to grow and fill so he added more of his own backstory in there too, in order to have a balance. This caused Ghost's childhood to get mixed up with the other backstories and whenever Jimmy/Gregory takes control it's over whelming and causes Ghost to black out. How I know this deals with how powerful one's soul is and not something else is shown in "Dipper Mod 1" when dipper's evil persona left his body and tried to stab him with an eraser. Dipper seemed to not care or worry about it and in "Dipper Mod 2" Dipper's evil clone was hanging around the store and Dipper was not worried or scared at all, he may have been a bit annoyed but that's all. That showed that Dipper has a strong soul and is very aware of his evil side the side Gregory controls.
And now to finally explain why Ghost acts the way he does around CBF. Johnny Ghost is a Paranormal Investigator which means he investigates paranormal entities wether it be a level 2 apparition or a demon he tries to get rid of it, and CBF is no exception. The powerful and smart entities notice Gregory and not Ghost so when Ghost runs into CBF Gregory starts to freak out because he is aware that CBF is his killer and CBF knows that Gregory is there and wants to traumatize him even further. Gregory acts as Jimmy Casket and not himself because he wants to try to stand up for himself in a more powerful and safer form. And if any other OC were to come face to face with CBF they would have the same reaction because they are all the same person, Gregory. So this solves the mystery of Jimmy Casket, He's just another one of Gregory's made up personalities that Gregory hides behind. And Gregory is just an unfortunate soul that was chosen to die by the hands of a ghost, which caused him to become the evil, mischievous side of everyone.
That's it! That's a theory that I wrote about 2 years ago and never did anything with.
I used to love Venturiantale and finding this and looking back to a few of their videos was a blast to the past. It was definitely one of the better fandoms I was in when was younger and I still don't regret it one bit.
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evilmagician430 · 4 months
concept art/character design for an acachalla centric horror story i've been brainstorming since last school year ^_^ still havent finalized any of these designs, i feel like they need a little more tweaking...
WARNING: blood, body horror, the mangled corpse of a dead animal, guns, crowbars, medical equipment and general medical imagery, and all around just weird and gross stuff
ADDITIONAL WARNING: really fucking long
story and images under the cut:
i imagine the premise is that sue, at the police station, gets a call from the acachallas like in canon. she decides to go to their house to help, alone because her coworkers are all busy/hate her (theyve been in the force long enough to go corrupt while sue still tries to do whats right)
when she goes in she discovers that the acachallas have been dead for like 10 years and their bodies are barely even intact. she also notices that their house is trashed, not only does it seem completely reclaimed by nature, covered in fungus and insects and blood, but a lot of their furniture and appliances are missing. their rooms look like theyre missing all that wouldve signaled the character of whomever inhabited it, and she thinks, well, maybe the house was looted after they died, but that doesn't explain who called...
then she accidentally steps in a pile of fungus. which wasnt there before. she turns around and a man, fully formed, has sprouted out of the ground. he is made almost entirely out of mushrooms and he has 2 shotguns for arms. he tells her to leave his house. she starts to run but then another figure stops her. a very tall woman who speaks in the same voice that called the police department. her form is indiscernible in the dark, but soon sue comes to realize this woman is not human.
she's not even alive.
sue meets the others and, sure enough, they all seem to be amalgamations of various household objects, both inorganic and organic matter, forming crude fascimiles of who they once were. there are 5 bodies and 5 of them, so they must be possessed by the immortal spirits of the acachallas...!
of course, it turns out they never needed help. it was merely a trap to lure sue home.
they accept her and care for her far more than her biological family or "friends" at work ever did. but being with them takes a toll on sue's body. eventually she dies and they build a new body for her. she wakes up as a beautiful monster. she wakes up as herself.
you're going to notice none of these drawings are of sue- that's because she's still just a regular human in this. by the end she might become a horrifying monster like the rest of them, but i havent designed her.
i took inspiration from a variety of sources, but i can only remember some of them off the top of my head:
undertale (lorewise the whole thing about monsters dust being spread on their favorite object so they can live in it, also photoshop flowey designwise was a huge inspiration)
deltarune (largely just the enemy designs)
dont hug me i'm scared (the teacher's designs, general vibes, also lamp's explanation of what happens when someone dies in episode 2 of the tv show)
tipping point (literally just stylistically. i need to learn digital collage to properly portray these designs)
tokusatsu (the costumes for the gorma in gosei sentai dairanger are like. really good. i enjoy their designs severely)
communications era ghost and pals mvs (the collage stuff speaks to my soul)
and thats all i can remember rn. now heres the first pictures i drew of each member of the family (on my world history notes) and the most recent draft of their designs (in mspaint) this is basically all of the drawings of them.
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beginning with spencer, he's the smallest of the family at only 4 feet tall. he is made out of his computer and manga collection basically. on each of these i left a lot of notes in the pictures breaking down what each part of the body is made out of. i wanted to incorporate figurines and action figures into his design too but i decided to keep it more focused. but all these designs are still subject to change. a teacher walked by as i was drawing him and said she liked how it was "very industrial but feminine" or something like that.
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sally! im not entirely sure what that first sketch is but as you can tell i wanted her to be wearing a doll mask from the start. i gave her this big poofy princess dress to conceal where godzilla connects to the shelves that act as her legs because it looked very strange and did not look like the shelves were her legs. the dress turns into curtains which are draped over her shelves. she was very hard to design but very fun. also i just chose random dolls and stuff i know g3 draculaura and kylie and pnp sasha are like recent dolls that wouldnt exist yet. its a mockup ok
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next we got billy who is built out of his own medical supplies. i wanted to make his body one of those IV drip stands, although that means both him and spencer have very similar lower halves, with the wheels. hes the only one who doesnt really wear any clothes because billy doesnt really have an iconic outfit; the only thing i remember he wears is obviously his medic outfit but thats like. a whole outfit. i dont understand the layers of it so i can just put part of it on this thing. maybe i shouldve just given him scrubs. or what i think billy would wear that represents him
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gertrude having a dead cat as her hair is a reference to a really specific one-off joke i read about on the wiki but dont actually remember from any of the videos. i think hair is a very important part of self expression so they would want to recreate their hairstyles with whatever they could find. it was hard as hell getting that cat into a shape that made literally any sense but i think i figured it out. her outfit is a combination of what she normally wore and her old costume as the crowbar, which i was inspired to design my version of as well (will post that drawing later). i think its very interesting how gertrude seems to exist to trap and keep safe or detain/kill various dangerous beings. shes like a shepherd but also an executioner.
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papa acachalla doesnt have a draft cause this was literally the first time i tried drawing him in this story because i was stuck on trying to imagine what hed be made out of and how he would look like. then i remembered fungus comes in all shapes and forms and also works as a metaphor for his connection with his family and his roots. also his arms are guns LOL! i wanted to make him more catholic but i couldnt come up with how while still having him look like papa acachalla. maybe adding that priest collar cause i think father grigori has it anyways but its hard to draw stuff around his neck area.
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overthinkingtaleblr · 2 years
i headcanon that in the headcanon that billy has bird wings (sometimes specifically pigeon wings), johnny ghost is slightly afraid of him.
because. birds scare him
This is a PHENOMENAL Headcanon and it really helps with consistency and drawing the world a little closer together, especially explaining why PIE usually only goes to the Acachalla house when Billy is somewhere else (a coincidence occurring bc HG played most the ghosts). On one hand I absolutely agree and think that makes perfect sense and when I was younger I would’ve implemented it immediately to my own hcs
But now that I know I have phobias and have to deal with how inconsistent they are I’m projecting that onto ghost now. It would make sense if he was scared of Billy because he had wings but from what I’ve experienced, nothing makes sense. I want him to be so inconsistently scared of things that it’s driving him and everyone around him crazy. (I was going to go into detail about it but the long and short is: for me, sometimes the funny things are worse, and sometimes the things trying to be scary are the WORST.)
Anyways I think Ghost would HATE the horror movie ‘the Birds’…
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