#academic rivals to lovers has like 5 scenarios max but yes
vrmxlho · 1 year
—university rival! sae who saw you struggling to write your research paper due that exact night because you had procrastinated once again. you had gone to the library hoping to pour over journals that could help validate your findings but when words would usually flow effortlessly, today didn't seem to be your day. he saw this and mocked you for being so disorganised. but what you didn't know was that he had in fact found all the useful journals and checked them out. so when you drifted off to sleep after a long day of bullshitting your way through the paper he took your computer and wrote out your essay for you. it's not because he likes you! no, of course not! he just wants to see if he can beat his own grade.
—university rival! sae who buys you the wrong drink on purpose and leaves it on your desk every morning with a flirty message. you never found out it who it was but you had a feeling it was him. and if it was him you knew the flirty messages meant absolutely nothing. he was just doing this to distract you. however, he was foolish to think that his stupid flirty messages would do anything but make your heart palpitate a bit. nothing special...
—university rival! sae who hates when you bother to help out fellow classmates. he understands that you're a sociable and friendly person but he can't stand to see you so close to other people. no, it's not that. he just hates how you're getting extra tutoring experience that could help you in the future! yes, that's definitely it! so he pushes you aside with an arrogant remark telling you how he's better at that subject so he's probably also a better tutor. right??
—university rival! sae who purposefully kisses up to your professor so he can be paired up with you for a group project that's worth about 40% of your entire grade. no, it's not because he likes you?? it's not because he wants to spend time with you?? how absurd, it's obviously so he can sabotage your grade and finally be the undisputed number 1. after all, he is a horrible person.
—university rival! sae can't stop thinking about you every waking second. does he like you? god no. you're just so annoying, always debating with him in class. always trying to prove your points and speaking your mind. why would it be an admirable quality as your professor puts it? you're so annoying, always annoying him. gosh what's happened to his vocabulary. why can't he stop thinking about your annoying face, and annoying laugh, annoying everything?
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star-puff · 4 years
ok here i am Again w a submission … so i think suga and yams would be Drawn to the Sweet Girl Surface … not to say they wouldnt like the rest of you but thats the thing that catches their attention!!! they see the like …… controlled chaos ykwim? suga would rlly vibe w it and tho yams is more controlled than chaos i think hed also appreciate the capital-F Flavor 😈💯 take him to flavortown, guy fieri 🗣🗣
another person i rlly see is shirabu (but would you like him Back ….) . i think he likes people who are competent and have Standards for what they consider quality work so i think that he would be kinda Interested 🙈 you bond over bitching over the other ppl in the group project and it turns into a friendship that goes Beyond the grade…only problem is hes um . kinda looking forward to your texts now and he doesnt know what to do.
i typed this whole thing abt suguru out but it was kinda incoherent so heres me trying again: its kinda like . dependent on which side he shows you . bc theres the part of him thats willing to do Whatever It Takes to win and is kind of um . An Asshole but its kind of that shirabu type where he knows you in a diff light than the Sweet Girl Surface . a quiet rivalry as you duke it out for being top of the class (a quick look at the wiki says hes in class 6 so you know he has A Brain) and its kinda like begrudging respect (and perhaps 👁 the realization that You’re Not So Different After All)
but if he Does know you as The Sweet Girl its different. my god is it different. you know the way he acts w mika …. the Good Boyfriend Suguru ….. even tho theres a panel where they go out to eat and she tells him she KNOWS hes a slimy bastard NSKDFSD i think if he isnt competing w you hes trying real hard to woo you …… if i were you id let him idk 🙈🙈 the grass jelly lookin kinda good tonite idk idk 🙈🙈🙈🙈
and finally its a bit situational but i do see makki 😈😈 the hard part is befriending him to the point where the Surface Layers you both have get peeled away but i think once they do theres a lot of laughter to be had …. its good times with good energy and Yes . bonding over shared opinions (and complaints)
this is obnoxiously long but i hope . i have answered the question 
nsdflksdf ARI YOU NEVER DISAPPOINT . ok let’s go through this one by one shall we .
suga and yams - I’M STILL CRYING OVER  “take him to flavortown, guy fieri 🗣🗣”. BUT SECOND OF ALL. this one actually . fits so well . i indeed radiate Controlled Chaos energy esp underneath the Sweet Girl exterior . i think i would send suga a keysmash and he just Knew that there was more than what it seems in Meg Town
shirabu - shirabu…sorry babe maybe after timeskip since you’re a doctor and i think my parents would be happy about that but! not with that 2am quarantine haircut 💔 But Yeah . bitching over groupmates does seem like my MO LMAO. we’d be doing a group project and we’d decide to split up the slides for like, 2 per person, but Shirabu’s and mine are the only ones that actually look good and not 1) 5 words max on a slide or 2) a copy-pasted wikipedia article. but he’s prbly gonna be left as an ig mutual only once our project is over 💔 maybe a convo every other month 💔💔 but he was a great groupmate and companion 😀👍
suguru - oh my god rivals to lovers . but onesided . honestly though i feel like . if it’s any class regarding Language (aka syntax, spelling, the objectively correct subjects) i would be So Competitive. like, obnoxiously competitive SDLFKD, but we would definitely have a Rivalry going on . (i’m going to pretend for a quick min that i’m Not a dumbass in regards to academics but its For The Scenario .) AND NSDLFKSDF i cannot see myself acting as the Sweet Girl to suguru . i just can’t. he’s the type i would shade nonstop to my friends i just know it . rivalry it is 🤝🤝🤝🤝   
makki - MAKKI 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 i think the same too. like if we Somehow got close enough to text daily i think we would vibe very well . i feel like we share the same sense of humor too SLFKS like. just make fun of Everything & not take life Too seriously. yeah . sigh. i just want a makki to liven up my day is that so much to ask 💔
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