flcmes · 4 years
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Look, it’s JOHNNY STORM from earth-2327! I hear they go by THE HUMAN TORCH and they’re currently AN ACTOR/MECHANIC AT THE ACADEMY. I noticed they’re CHARISMATIC, but also kinda IMPULSIVE. I can’t wait to see what they do next!
Pretty much entirely 616 canon.
Johnny grew up in Glenville, New York, a suburb in Long Island. His mom passed away when he as a kid, and his father, devastated by this loss, eventually was arrested after falling into a life of crime. Johnny was raised by his older sister Sue. 
When he was 16, Johnny took a now infamous space flight with Sue, her then-boyfriend Reed Richards, and Reed’s best friend Ben Grimm. On this flight, Johnny and the others were exposed to radiation which gave them superpowers. Johnny then became the Human Torch, and could set himself on fire, project fire, and fly. The first tenure of the Fantastic Four officially began.
Johnny continued attending Glenville High School. He tried to maintain a secret identity at first, but he was not very good at it. People in Glenville figured out pretty quickly that he was the Human Torch. Eventually, he ditched the secret identity concept altogether. He also dated Dorrie Evans during this time, but they broke up after she got tired of his constant life-threatening jobs.
Johnny had a rivalry with another student at his school, Mike Snow. During a tussle, Johnny accidentally burned him with his powers. After that incident, he spent considerable time learning how to master his powers.
After graduating high school, Johnny went on to study engineering at Metro College. He continued acting as the Human Torch on the FF team. For a while he dated Crystalia Amaquelin, but it didn’t work out. He eventually dropped out of college.
After the (not real) death of Ben Grimm, the FF temporarily dispersed and Johnny worked as a mechanic for a while. When it was revealed Ben was alive, the team came back together to fight various enemies such as Dr. Doom, Annihilus, and Wizard.
While fighting protecting his niece and nephew from aliens from the Negative Zone, Johnny appeared to die. During this time, he bequeathed his place on the Fantastic Four to his close friend Spider-Man. 
But surprise! Johnny was not actually dead. He was, however, trapped in the Negative Zone for (from his point of view) two years. He eventually escapes, rejoins the Fantastic Four, and reunites with his family. 
For a while everything was great, and then Reed and Sue disappeared. The FF disbanded again for a while, though Johnny continued acting as The Human Torch in their absence. Johnny and Ben search the multiverse for Reed and Sue, but are ultimately unable to find them. 
But surprise! They eventually return. The Fantastic Four are back in action. Ben and Alicia get married. The Baxter Building is now the base of operations for the Fantastix, so they now operate out of Ben’s home on Yancy Street. Everyone -- Reed, Sue, Ben, Johnny, Franklin, and Valeria.
As in the comics, Johnny was pretty staunchly against The Registration Act. I assume he and the FF would’ve aided in the effort against Thanos.
In addition to working as a mechanic at the school, Johnny has been acting as one of the leads on a moderately cheesy but widely watched Netflix drama. Right now they’re in the off-season. 
He has a decent singing voice and has probably been made to perform a couple numbers on said cheesy Netflix drama.
Johnny loves fixing and driving cars. When he was younger he used to street race and land himself in Glenville county holding semi-frequently.
He’s a rich bitch who loves fashion and expensive things. 
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crowbcr · 4 years
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Look, it’s JASON TODD from earth-2327! I hear they go by THE RED HOOD and they’re currently UNEMPLOYED. I noticed they’re QUICK-WITTED, but also kinda TEMPERAMENTAL. I can’t wait to see what they do next!
CW: substance abuse, violence, death, PTSD
In 1995, at Gotham Presbyterian, Jason Todd is born to Willis and Sujata Todd. Willis is a career criminal, in and out of jail for most of Jason’s childhood. When Jason is 10, his father is killed in a job gone wrong. Jason’s mother turns to drugs to numb the pain of this loss, and eventually loses her life to substance addiction.
At age 11, Jason is living on the streets and stripping cars to survive. One evening in Crime Alley, he attempts to steal the tires off the Batmobile. After getting caught by Batman, Jason comes to live and train at Wayne manor. He is formally adopted and dons the Robin costume six months later.
Jason acts as Robin for three years before receiving communication from a woman claiming to be his biological mother. Without telling Batman, he goes to meet her in Ethiopia, only to discover the woman is participant in a ruse orchestrated by the Joker. At 15 years old, the Joker beats Jason to death with a crowbar.
However, when Superboy Prime causes a series of reality shifts in an alternate dimension, Jason is miraculously brought back to life. He digs himself out of his own grave, and is found and taken in by Talia Al Ghul.
Against her father’s wishes, Talia restores Jason’s memory and mental faculties with the use of a Lazarus Pit. For the next 4 years, Jason trains with a variety of masters all over the world, learning the techniques that were too violent and too illegal for Batman to ever have taught him.
At 19 years old, Jason assumes the vigilante identity “Red Hood” and returns to Gotham with the plan to kill Batman, who has failed to avenge Jason or to permanently lock up his killer, the Joker. Jason’s thirst for vengeance is exacerbated by the mental effects of being revived by the Lazarus Pit.
Ultimately, however, their former father-son relationship and Jason’s lingering affection for Bruce stops him from going through with the plot.
It has been six years since Jason first returned to Gotham. His Lazarus sickness has faded, and as such he is less prone to impulsive and excessive violence. However, he still does not have the same qualms regarding murder as Batman, and he will end a life if he believes it to be necessary.
Jason is currently operating as Red Hood - he infiltrates and brings down crime rings, cartels, mob families, and more. 
He was anti-accords, also fought against Thanos.
He doesn’t currently teach at the school but idk that might change??? Perhaps Uncle Jason will come in to teach marksmanship 1 day a week. Right now he occasionally drops by to visit/give a mission report to family members/friends that work there.
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lexixqueen · 4 years
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NAME: Alexandra “Lexi” Queen AGE: 23 FACE CLAIM: Nicola Peltz PARENTS: Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak BASE UNIVERSE: N52 POWERS: Genius level intellect ABILITIES: Hacker POSITIVE: Friendly, loyal, brilliant NEGATIVE: Stubborn, absent-minded, easily distracted
Not many people can claim their parents met after their mother had been hired to assassinate their father, but that’s pretty much exactly what happened with Lexi’s parents.  Her mother, Felicity Smoak, had been a hacker-for-hire who had - in her own words - “done questionable things” but had no intention of leading a hero to his death. So, after proving her credentials by giving Green Arrow - Oliver Queen - quite a few of his own personal details, she ended up joining his team to save his city.
Things spiraled from there and eventually the two of them fell in love.  In the course of natural events, Lexi came along.
It didn’t take her parents long to realize she’d inherited the genius IQ - especially when she started taking apart things just to see how they worked.  Being born a Queen paid off - she received an excellent private education, but also learned how to socialize.  Well, mostly.  Lexi tends to be absent minded - she’s the friend that might forget to call you back for days . . . and never realize just how much time went past.  She’s also easily distracted by new technology or just something interesting that she didn’t already know.
However, she could hold her own when dealing with reporters - and they did like to follow her around.  Though she also learned that getting technical about computers and technology could run them off when she’d finally had enough.
While she loved her mother and eagerly learned everything Felicity could teach her, everyone knew Lexi to be a daddy’s girl.  She adored her father, trying to follow Oliver everywhere.  Both parents did their best to protect Lexi from the hero/vigilante worlds - and she was willing to let them.  Sure, she might enjoy doing some hacking to help out, but she really didn’t want to be on the frontlines.  Research girl?  She was there!
Earth 2327 - Lexi wants her family back, but she also worries about whether or not returning home would increase the instability of the multiverse.  As much as she wants to go home, she can’t justify the possibility of endangering everyone.  That goes against everything she’s ever been taught.  A computer expert and hacker will always find a way to make it - whatever world she’s in - but . . . how does she face the strangers wearing her parents’ faces?
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dghterofiron · 4 years
( maia mitchell, 24, she/her ) Look, it’s [PIPER STARK] from EARTH-[487]! Aren’t they the child of [TONY STARK & PEPPER POTTS]. I hear they’re currently [AN UNDERGRAD STUDYING SOFTWARE & MECHANICAL ENGINEERING]. I noticed they’re [INTELLIGENT and RESOURCEFUL], but also kinda [ARGUMENTATIVE and IMPULSIVE]. Their file says they have [GENIUS LEVEL INTELLECT, SKILLED IN OPERATING HIGH POWERED ARMOR, WELL TRAINED IN SELF-DEFENSE]. I can’t wait to see what they do next!
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Piper was born with a thirst for knowledge and she loved to learn, she’d sponge up anything her dad taught her or talked about around her, she had a habit of taking things apart for the fun of it, and she was quite the busy body and in fact, still is.
When Thanos came it was a real changing moment for the family, terrifyingly so as Piper lost her father at ten. Deeply affected, like her siblings, by losing her Piper took time to heal. She would always go to her father when she had bad dreams and sleep on the couch in his workshop, she played with DUM-E and the bots all the time and she could always count on her father to show her something new and exciting to learn whenever she was restless with school when it wasn’t challenging enough for her. It was heartbreaking for a young Piper to lose him and all the time they would have had left to spend together.
During the years of losing her father figure, Piper looked up to her older siblings and mother for support or anything else she felt like she needed. She started to idolize her mother a lot more then she had before, of course, she knew her mother was an amazing and incredible woman beforehand but Piper started wanting to be a lot like her when she started becoming a teenager.
She wanted to be strong like her mom like she wanted to be inventive like her dad, so she aspired to be so. Piper started taking more leadership roles in school, got a job as her mother assistant wanting to work in the RnD shop but also wanting to be business savvy for any other roles she decided to take on in the company. She loves being in charge and has actually planned a lot of the Stark family-related charity events.
Piper’s school career has skyrocketed as well, it seems she loved being busy. She’s mostly engrossed with her two loves and that software and mechanical engineering but she has plans for bigger things to get under her belt. 
She’s currently building AI’s like her father did off of what he left behind and she’s already made her own suit, a version of his original one but more updated and fitted for her. PIper’s lived with heroes most of her life, its no surprise that she’s decided to take up her father's mantel as soon as possible. It probably one of the things she’s most talked about doing with her life much to her mothers worrying. Which is probably why she waited so long to actually step into the suit, for her mother’s sake. But she feels she’s more than ready now and she eager to get into the action of it all.
Piper does not have powers, however, she did inherit her father's genius intellect. Piper’s very skillful with fixing almost anything and has a very resourceful nature so she tends to think a little outside the box with her ideas. Piper is trained in martial arts and can hold her own in a fight. Piper also has her own arc reactor powered armor, she calls it, The Iron Maiden, and that what she likes to go by when in the suit.
Any birthday party or holiday is meticulously planned out by Piper. She takes over and decorates, plans meals and drinks, decorates accordingly and she has a blast doing so. It's one of many things she loves doing so she’s the official party planner in her family.
Piper is a sore loser. Sad to say, she loves arguing especially when she knows she’s right on something and the other is wrong. She just likes being right when she knows she is, but there are times when she has been proven wrong. With party games, her soreness is less of her being an actual ass of herself for losing but its a little more playful because she doesn’t take games too seriously. But she definitely pouts and mumbles curses under her breath.
Her first AI is named Alpha. He’s a bit of a handful, he doesn’t act like FRIDAY and often will get into arguments with people and Piper, however, he’s very protective and was designed to be so as the AI that piolets her suit.
So this is very short and not well written probably, it's late but tomorrow I’ll hop on and edit it so it flows better but hopefully, this little look into Piper is okay for now!
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fastcstman · 4 years
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Look, it’s WALLY WEST from earth-2327! I hear they go by THE FLASH and they’re currently A MECHANIC AT THE ACADEMY (sometimes). I noticed they’re BRAVE & LOVING, but also kinda STUBBORN & VINDICTIVE. I can’t wait to see what they do next!
so i’m going to try and keep this very short & sweet because wally’s a character with a lot of very confusing history.  i’ll hit the highlights, talk about where wally is in his life right now, and then if anyone wants to flesh out a connection, we can explore his history a little further. 
- he’s the fastest man alive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hello, ladies. when he was a kid he had an accident similar to the one that barry had and was struck by lightning.  hello speed force.  he has a particular connection to the speed force because he later spent a lot of time stuck in it but back to that in a second. 
- he grew up w/ abusive/neglective parents but loved spending as much time as possible with his aunt iris and uncle barry!  they were such a huge and kind influence on him at a young age. 
- shortly after developing powers and hanging out w/ barry for a while, wally joined the teen titans as kid flash.  the og teen titans / titans were his first team and sort of the team he feels most at home with!  the team went thru some drama and death, and when barry died, wally left to take his place on the justice league. 
- in his early twenties, wally met, married, and had a set of twins with linda park -- the first great love of his life.  without retelling all the thousands of comics that encompassed the thing, eventually wally had to choose between losing his family or going into the speed force w/ them. linda chose to come with wally.  together they left this particular reality and lived a life together elsewhere. 
- after some multiversal collapse issues, wally got stuck in the speed force.  about five or six years ago, wally ended up back in THIS reality but without his family. so as he began to remember them and understand what happened, he formulated an idea to go back in and get them. so when he did, he was gone for about 8 more months in real-time, but they are back!  that was about two years ago.  his twins, irey and jai, are about eight years old now! 
- multiple stints WITHIN the speed force for extended periods of time have strengthened wally’s connection w/ the speed force significantly.  he has a deep understanding of it, and is able to channel it more effectively than most other speedsters. 
- he’s sort of transitioning back to working with the titans, but he’s still pretty attached to his JL friends, so he’s splitting his time.  wally isn’t super comfortable teaching, so he works with anyone at the academy who needs cars and whatnot repaired.  he spent a while as a mechanic of the police department in keystone, so he’s happy to lend a hand where needed.  
- his kids, irey and jai, are about eight years old, though age is a bit tricky w/ how much time they spent not around.
- since we’re in a crossover marvel / dc universe please do not be at all nervous about approaching me for pre-established connections. i love friends, mentor/mentee dynamics, exes, rivals, enemies, literally everything!!!  
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juneparkcr · 4 years
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Look, it’s JUNE PARKER from EARTH-12041! Aren’t they the child of PETER PARKER AND JOHNNY STORM?. I hear they’re currently a BIOLOGY T.A. I noticed they’re INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE, but also kinda IDEALISTIC & UNPREDICTABLE. Their file says they have SPIDER LIKE ABILITIES. 
they moonlight every night as the vigilante hero- spidergirl !!
they are biologically both peter & johnny’s daughter, a mix of their dna carried by a surrogate they hired. ( gotta love that rich dad money )
her parents were married before she was born and they lived in a modest townhouse in new york, having decided it would help give their daughter the most opportunities while providing a sense of security to with their hero lifestyles. 
her relationship with peter was strained at times, often feeling like he chose his work over her once she hit middle school. it wasn’t until after she graduated college that they became close again, june finally realizing the responsibility and weight that comes with donning the spider personality. 
when she turned seventeen, june started to act as spidergirl. with her father’s help she had designed her own version of webshooters, though he had explicitly told her *not* to begin hero work. however, it wasn’t long before her fathers put two and two together and they had a long conversation about it. 
while they didn’t demand she stop, knowing from their own childhoods that it would only further push her into the work, they did request she not put it before her schoolwork. she respected this wish and graduated from university with a bachelors degree in biology. 
since coming here, june has focused on adjusting and finding a way home because seeing her fathers so young and just different, hurts her heart 
her outings as spidergirl have slimmed down considerably, not entirely sure how it would go over with the current heroes of this universe and worried about ruining her dads but not her dad’s reputation
uses parker more than storm in this universe as it raises less questions
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bellexlebeau · 4 years
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NAME: Isabelle “Belle” Lebeau AGE: 22 FACE CLAIM: Jade Thirlwall PARENTS: Remy Lebeau & Ruth Bat-Seraph BASE UNIVERSE: 1476 POWERS: Electrokinesis ABILITIES: Paints, models, & sings POSITIVE: Outgoing, friendly, free spirit NEGATIVE: Picky, sardonic, impulsive
In a world trapped in an ongoing battle between monsters on one side, hunters on the other, and the normal humans in the middle, where do mutants fit in?  Isn’t that a question for the ages?  They fell - as all beings do - in the lines of good, bad, and in between.  Some assisted the nightmares, others followed the hunter’s path, some wanted to carve out their own territory, and still others walked the lines between all of them, just wanting to live quiet lives.
In New Orleans, a family of thieves managed to thrive in the middle ground of the fight between vampires, hunters, humans, witches, and so many other forces. One of their best, a son named Remy proved to be more than just a thief when his mutant powers manifested.  He walked all sides of the web, whatever worked best for him and those he considered his.  
Through an unexpected - and highly unlikely but still true - series of events, he found himself working with a group of mutants who tried to rescue mutant kids before they could get pulled into the war without a chance to grow up.  Often they worked side by side with the hunters.  An odd place for a thief to be, but something kept him there, helping them to track down mutants and hunting the horrors that haunted all of them.
While working with them, he had a whirlwind . . . well, it wasn’t a romance as he and Ruth had no intention of staying together, but they did enjoy themselves and ended things as friends.  Or tried to end things, but accidents do still happen, even to the best.  Less than a year later, a bright-eyed baby girl came into the world.  As her mother intended to return home, they discussed the safest place for their daughter and came to the conclusion that Belle should remain with her father.  Remy took his daughter home - splitting their time between his family home in New Orleans and his team’s home in New York.  
Belle learned the family history - and many of their tricks - as well as getting to know her father’s mutant teammates.  She ran around with their kids, none of them knowing for certain who might or might not manifest themselves.  They went to school together and she began to show some talents in art and music.  
Then at thirteen, frustrated with a piece of art that would not come out right, Belle tossed her hands in the air . . . and sparks arced between them.  Like her father, she had a mutant talent with energy, but instead of being able to charge objects, they determined she possessed electrokinesis - basically the ability to create, shape, and manipulate electricity.  That meant new classes and more training, but after accidentally causing a blackout that endangered everyone during an attack, Belle applied herself.
By the time she reached adulthood, she’d gotten a good grip on her powers and even had a few art showings.  More than that, she began doing some modeling and singing - entertaining people as she worked with her father and his teammates.
Earth 2327 - Belle’s a little weirded out by this new universe.  She’s used to dealing with the battle between hunter and horror, not this . . . amalgamation of the multiverse.  And to live in a place not dominated by Dracula and his power plays?  She’s putting on a good show about being on top of her world and in control, but she’s still figuring out where she fits now that she’s not hunting on a regular basis.  Can she really live in a ‘normal’ world?
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spiidered · 4 years
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Look, it’s [PETER PARKER] from earth-2327! I hear they go by [SPIDER-MAN] and they’re currently [AN ENGINEERING AND CHEMISTRY TEACHER]. I noticed they’re [RESILIENT], but also kinda [INDIVIDUALISTIC]. I can’t wait to see what they do next!
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bro, i honestly don’t know what to put here.  peter has such a rich and complicated history in the comics, that i could write for a year and never cover everything that might come up in playing him.  we’ve all seen the fifteen adaptions of peter’s origin story. 
i stick to 616 canon as much as possible, tho i may take a couple influences here and there from other mediums.  that being said, i’ve ready a lot of peter stuff but no where near all of it.  so i’m learning all the time and adjusting my characterization accordingly! 
so, worth noting is that my peter has nothing to do w/ mcu peter.  so the only thing i ask is that if you play an mcu character and you want to plot, you just talk to me first instead of assuming things about how our characters know each other.  chances are, we can figure something out that works for both of our characterizations. 
peter is vaguely associated w/ the avengers, but he prefers to work solo!  in fact, he’s teamed up briefly w/ the avengers, the fantastic four, the new avengers, secret avengers, future foundation, the x-men.  he’s done it all.  he’s taught before at an incarnation of xavier’s school ( while it was going by the name of jean grey’s school ), so he’s pretty familiar w/ the job! 
here at the academy, he teaches engineering.  he’s pretty adept at chemistry, biology, and the practical application of all those things in medical fields.  ya boy is pretty smart, but also 10000% a dumbass. 
peter is stubborn and uncompromising and very much set in his ways, but he’s also the kind of person who’d give a total stranger the shirt off his back.  but because he’s a pretty deliberate person, he truly believes that he’s in the right about 99.9% of the time, so getting a proper apology from him is an uphill battle. 
typically speaking, i keep most major spider-man comic events/arcs canon, but there’s too many to list out, so ask if you have specific questions.
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fcrymaximoff · 4 years
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Look, it’s LUKAS MAXIMOFF from EARTH-1610! Aren’t they the child of WANDA MAXIMOFF & HANK MCCOY, ADOPTED. I hear they’re currently A GUIDANCE COUNSELOR AT THE ACADEMY. I noticed they’re responsible and empathetic, but also kinda stubborn and workaholic. Their file says they have SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH.
here’s some basic facts 
a child made from magic by wanda, in the image of hank more than the image of her- though they do share a few similar features. 
however, he was not gifted any mystic powers- instead, inheriting hank’s original mutation of superhuman strength and giant feet that act like hands almost. 
he did have an almost emotional connection the powers of the universe, contributing things to an almost sixth sense where he can sense in his gut when things have shifted and no longer are ‘ right ‘ in the universe. 
in his universe, he was raised alongside his grandfather mostly, having a close connection with the man and the brotherhood. while he doesn’t hate humans, he does agree there is a clear bias and that mutants need revolution. since moving universes, he’s kept these views a bit more closely guarded to his chest, unsure of how they will be received. especially in a world where he isn’t entirely certain who he can trust. 
due to always having a huge sense of empathy, he naturally was drawn to therapy and helping young mutants find sense in the world and work through trauma. when he ended up at the academy, it seemed only natural to use his degrees and experience to start helping young heroes make sense of this new world without their families or friends around. 
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nextfuturist · 4 years
( gregg sulkin, 26, he/him ) Look, it’s LEONIDAS “LEON” STARK from EARTH-487! Aren’t they the child of TONY STARK & PEPPER POTTS. I hear they’re currently GRAD STUDENT & ENGINEERING TA. I noticed they’re INTELLIGENT AND GENEROUS, but also kinda ARROGANT AND GUARDED. Their file says they have GENIUS LEVEL INTELLECT & HIGHLY TRAINED IN SELF-DEFENCE, EXCELLENT SKILL AND PROFICIENCY IN USING THE IRON MAN SUIT, AND FIREARMS USE. I can’t wait to see what they do next!
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as not only the eldest stark, but the eldest child of two incredible and legendary parents, leon has had a world of pressure on his shoulders for as long as he can remember. pressure he takes all too seriously, despite making it appear as though he didn’t.
from a young age, leon took after his father. he didn’t know tony as the great tony stark, or as the superhero iron man, not at first. he just knew his dad, this incredible man who always made him laugh, always made him feel loved, always understood when leon wasn’t quite right but didn’t know how to say it. to him, tony was just an amazing father, who saw the pieces of him no one else seemed to.
the closeness to his father lead leon to spend as much time with tony as possible as a child, which fed into his natural intelligence and interest in engineering and sciences even when he was young. but tony died when leon was 12, and it changed everything.
in their world, infinity war panned out the way it did in the movies. thanos wiped out half of the universe’s population. endgame happened - they had to restore everyone, but stopping thanos a second time came at a price tony’s children weren’t prepared for. and while he died a hero, died saving everyone from being wiped out, it wasn’t so easy for his oldest son to accept. 
leon struggled like you wouldn’t believe with losing his father - with losing the one person he felt understood him in any way. as a child, losing someone so strongly influential in his life, it definitely left a mark on him and made that pressure to be the next Tony Stark that much worse.
over time, with the support of pepper and the other avengers, leon was able to move through his grief, but he’s never really gotten over the death of his father, and never quite found someone who really sees all the pieces of him the way tony did.
the older leon got the more like his father he seemed to be. cocky as hell, charismatic, saw at least five steps ahead and drew people in like you wouldn’t believe. after a while, it became a mask more than anything else, to always be confident, always be arrogant enough not to have too much questioning but not enough to make people hate him, most of the time at least. and to always be the smartest man in the room, no matter what room he was in.
the upside of the pressure is that leon has always overachieved. strives to be the best at everything - sports, engineering, science, just about any class he takes he can figure his way through it. he’s already got two doctorates under his belt purely because he can’t stop, can’t let himself be anything but the best - and because he needs to try and live up to tony’s name. behind the mask of confidence and overachievement, though, there’s a kid who’s just worried he’ll never be good enough to protect everyone he loves like he couldn’t protect his father.
powers and abilities:
leon doesn’t have any powers, but he does have his father’s genius intellect and knack for engineering, not to mention the advantage of strength and a lot of training from family, friends, and the countless aunts and uncles who are all heroes of some kind. so he’s pretty well proficient in martial arts and can more than defend himself. he can also use the iron man suit quite well, but hasn’t stepped into the big boots of a superhero as a full-time gig just yet.
being the oldest of his siblings, leon very much feels responsible for his brothers and sisters. it all stems from this whole idea that he’s so like tony, that he’s the next tony - he can’t shake the concept that he’s supposed to do what tony did, and protect everyone
he suffers from bipolar II - a form of bipolar disorder where he gets the highs and the lows, but the highs are rarely quite as high as full blown mania. he’s had a couple of full manic episodes in his life and it’s never ended well, but for the most part now his highs tend to land him in a lab working on tech of some kind so he can actually do something productive and keep away from anyone he could potentially drag into trouble with him
leon has a dog, a big black german shepherd named wolf. wolf is almost always with him. and i mean always. wolf is also a bit of an unofficial therapy dog, helps leon with the highs and the lows, and is also basically leon’s best friend
tbc! i will add to these as I go!
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supcrhunter · 4 years
( alex landi, 24, HE/HIM ) Look, it’s NATHANIEL “NATE” ROGERS-WILSON from EARTH-1476! Aren’t they the child of  STEVE ROGERS (BIOLOGICAL) AND SAM WILSON? I hear they’re currently A SECURITY GUARD ON CAMPUS. I noticed they’re COMPASSIONATE AND INSPIRING, but also kinda IMPULSIVE AND . Their file says they have SUPERSOLDIER ENHANCEMENTS AND ARE SKILLED IN HAND TO HAND COMBAT AND WEAPONS HANDLING. I can’t wait to see what they do next!
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full bio with more general universe info here
in nate’s universe, there’s no superheroes and supervillains. they all exist, of course - but it’s a world were dracula reigns from the shadows. the rogers, the starks, the romanoffs - name your favourite superhero family, and in nate’s world? they’re hunters. protecting the human race from dracula, from all vampires and demons and hoards of horrors you can imagine.
but the hunters did their job, they kept people safe, and the world kept turning. major events still happened. world wars still hit, but they weren’t the same. creatures of the night had more freedom to get involved, to try and influence the wars to tip a certain way.
nate was born to one of the most well-known hunters, steve rogers. in steve’s time, they were on the brink. WWII was pushing the world to the edge, and they needed saviours. not just to fight the demons and the vampires and the creatures normal soldiers couldn’t, but to ensure victory. and so, the first successful supersoldier was born. and curiously enough, in this war, dracula wanted the allied forces to win. and so, a truce was made. for a time.
steve still defeated hydra and froze in ice, the world’s best hunter, best chance at ending the hoards of the night once and for all lost. he still woke up decades later, to find the same battle with the same hoards of the night continued. his work wasn’t done. and this time, dracula - once a tenuous ally - was on the other side.
in nate’s world, steve and sam fell in love - sam was a fellow hunter, a man steve admired, grew close to. they wanted a family together, but steve wanted to rebuild the rogers line as well, in hopes that they can finish what his family started so long ago. so nate is biologically steve’s, but he’s never viewed anyone but steve and sam as his parents.
nate grew in his fathers’ footsteps, following both steve and sam as closely as he could. he knew how important it was, to protect the human race, to take on the mantle of a hunter from them. and he’s worked hard to be second only to steve - to become one of the best hunters the world has seen.
powers and abilities:
nate has all of the advantages of a supersoldier that you can imagine - superhuman strength, speed, durability, enhanced healing and senses. in battle, there’s no one else you would want by your side - his in-battle analysis and tactics are second to none but steve, and not even the most horrifying threats would make him flinch. he also has an very high tolerance for pain and incredible stamina and willpower.
OKAY SO nate is battle-smart, he’s tactically a genius in battle and he can win almost any fight you put him into. he’s been training for this life since he was a child. he’s a master of moo gi gong - the ability to utilise any object as a weapon in battle (think roy’s abilities), though he specialises in certain things. out of battle? he’s a bit of a clumsy idiot with a huge heart. he will trip over the simplest things, he will struggle with simple problem solving, and he’s certainly not a genius by any stretch of the imagination but he tries
he’s lived a hard life, growing up watching horrors of a world that can barely contain the monsters nate faces. even and sam are a little rougher in their world than he is here. at the same time though, they were both still loving and warm parents who wanted the best for nate, and nate grew up with a lot of love in his life so he has a big heart and a lot of capacity for second chances. he also has a lot of hope that things can be better, even after the nightmares he’s seen.
nate is not fantastic with words, but actions are totally his thing. small gestures to try and make people feel better, observing actions and reactions to get a feel for how he can help and what he can do to make people feel a little more at ease, nate’s good at that.
to be updated as i think of more !
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