tea-and-liminality · 3 years
So, I have a full-time job starting August 25.
Of course, it necessitates me relocating 100+ miles away from MAFM and the kids (who are now 16 and pushing-14), and I'm having all the anxiety about this, but OTOH not enough to not take the job. So, we're in the middle of buying ANOTHER house for me to live in (because, and I quote, "Renting is just throwing money away!" - MAFM, whose printer obsession has succumbed to the lure of the second-hand laptop, of which we have legion), and it's stressful because I'm 200% conflict avoidant and MAFM is 200% make sure everything in the contract is EXACTLY how we want it no matter how much back and forth we have to do, and folks, I am TIRED.
Anyway. New job. Long distance mother. Half riddled with guilt, half looking forward to doing laundry without having to wade through MAFM's junkyard office.
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amethystineprose · 8 years
After watching Sherlock in 2010, I started searching the web for slash fic. I definitely found it, but more importantly, I found meta on tumblr. In the ~30 years I’ve been following fanfic in various fandoms (much of it pre-internet, obviously), I’d never encountered anything like the analyses being posted by Sherlock fans. I was hooked; I couldn’t find new meta fast enough. And that wasn’t just because Sherlock was fascinating--I was learning about lit crit and film crit, lighting and cinematography, set design and (must never forget) wallpaper. The way literary analysis was being applied to Sherlock was much more engrossing than it had every been in college courses.
So I want to thank all of you who have greatly enriched my leisure time and awakened my scholar’s brain for the past six years. Especially @loudest-subtext-in-tv, whose content made me actually register for Tumblr, or become a member, or whatever the proper phrasing is. (I strongly resist registering for anything online because I’m paranoid about giving personal information.) And also @abundantlyqueer (no longer active), @skulls-and-tea, @ivyblossom, @mild-lunacy, @mildredandbobbin, @acafanmom, @marsdaydream, @archipelagoarchaea, @destinationtoast, @drinkingcocoa-tpp, @emmagrant01, @madlori, @earlgreytea68, @finalproblem, @hesaiddangerous, @hiddenlacuna, @involuntaryorange,  @captainsjm, @professorfangirl, @prettyarbitrary, @penns-woods, @sherlockbbcficrecs, @songlin, @urbanhymnal, @wellthengameover, and many others I can’t remember at the moment.
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the-winnowing-wind · 8 years
Sean boom guy - https://twitter.com/manatee73/status/818295032641974273
david - https://twitter.com/Moondancer1626/status/819217541109350402
TF - A: https://twitter.com/filmscalpel/status/818508224437583872
general info - check total film entry: https://twitter.com/khaleesi_101/status/816773692311080960
Mads Mag: https://twitter.com/hideo_kojima_en/status/816493090831618049?refsrc=email&s=11
audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5veS2VarYs&sns=em
Mads Hear the world Calendar - https://twitter.com/mike_dittmann/status/816799149979037700?refsrc=email&s=11
Vulture - (bryan confirmed his words) - https://twitter.com/vulture/status/817003287115366400?refsrc=email&s=11
Escape game: https://enigmaescape.co.uk/escape-games/
pins: http://badinfluencepress.storenvy.com/products/18835633-eat-your-heart-out-pin
buttons: http://allionne.tumblr.com/post/155383274738/rdc3-button-designs-5cm-check-if-and-which-one
Spread the fannibal word - https://twitter.com/lunggwai/status/818188834101952513?refsrc=email&s=11
dlc - https://twitter.com/delaurentiisco/status/818309052681723904?refsrc=email&s=11
hugh about s4: https://twitter.com/TVLine/status/818566874363367424 / http://cartermatt.com/238640/hugh-dancy-gives-possible-timeline-hannibal-revival-still-interested-returning / https://twitter.com/daily_express/status/818876565094154241?refsrc=email&s=11 
Titan new tweets - https://twitter.com/TitanBooks/status/818547904784629760
merch - https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B012IXYREG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
NEtflix - https://twitter.com/YINZERELLA/status/817040772075753472
FHF/makeup = https://twitter.com/KayKaida/status/818539899653672961
rdc3 swag - https://twitter.com/GearhartAnnzie/status/818521245994123265
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154749302126147&set=gm.1874440239456556&type=3&theater  / 
kojima - https://twitter.com/yunhaiiro/status/818594796361187328
fannibal positivity - https://twitter.com/WalkingFannibal/status/818842157884837888
TF - Hannibal scripts - https://twitter.com/hannibal_script
galen toy - https://twitter.com/arianna_ahri/status/819139939824762880?refsrc=email&s=11 (look up places to buy)
BAFTA nom for Doctor Strange - https://twitter.com/ComicBookNOW/status/818822536263847937
Music/audio mix -  8tracks: http://8tracks.com/alizarin/hannibal-megamixYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe0X5nuv3Uwne4Tjc_gud6Zn_cxw01agz + get yoav tumblr link
twitter threads - https://twitter.com/thehanniballook/status/818588297333239808
news - https://twitter.com/Moondancer1626/status/819222770290749440
fannibals helping fannibals - https://twitter.com/FrostyLeeGraham/status/798749966323707904
horror con efforts - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1t_fmIXwUU
TF - recaps http://ozgeburcaka.tumblr.com/tagged/My-Hannibal-recaps
recent Mads pics - https://twitter.com/0101je/status/820114076449665024?refsrc=email&s=11
bryan birthday fanbook - https://twitter.com/najdafannibal/status/820048989592711170/photo/1
Check twitter for italiannibal trip! 
musical kickstarter - check mae fb chat - https://twitter.com/solamentenic/status/819911446473674753?refsrc=email&s=11
hannigram manga - news? https://twitter.com/wilecter/status/820492076748079105?refsrc=email&s=11 / https://twitter.com/wilecter/status/820514187290013696?refsrc=email&s=11 / https://myreadingmanga.info/neko-hakushaku-boku-no-mama-chan-43-kaihatsu-nikki-jp/
news - https://twitter.com/ivoryandgoId/status/820973998070755330
#fannibalpride - https://twitter.com/feedinghannibal/status/820854211055325184?refsrc=email&s=11
online fic magazine - https://twitter.com/fanslashfic
FOTP: https://twitter.com/smd/status/823555958504767488?refsrc=email&s=11 get tumblr
hannibal ace - https://twitter.com/aceofhannigram/status/823300770485239809?refsrc=email&s=11 get tumblr
merch - https://twitter.com/hannahfannibal/status/823328452476600321?refsrc=email&s=11 / https://twitter.com/hannahfannibal/status/823420040976461824?refsrc=email&s=11
rdc3 swag - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1585105581723358/permalink/1880684528832127/
tattoo - https://twitter.com/bunburyist101/status/822864910723870720?refsrc=email&s=11
hannibal shoutout - https://twitter.com/mihatrochael/status/823223527809675265?refsrc=email&s=11
Danish Mads event - https://www.facebook.com/danmarksindsamling/photos/a.278855278839584.64273.114022008656246/1293469024044866/?type=3&theater
news: http://www.geek.com/culture/happy-birthday-hannibal-lecter-and-your-many-iterations-1685938/
rdc3 tips: https://twitter.com/Sirenja_/status/822552340427374593
radiotimes: https://twitter.com/dan_dresdner/status/822475203594821632
kojima: https://twitter.com/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/status/822449717237850112
news - https://twitter.com/TheMattFowler/status/822281803570495493
#fannibalfluff https://twitter.com/thehanniballook/status/822087984648454144
Cosplay deviantart group - http://hannibal-cosplay.deviantart.com/
netflix - https://twitter.com/meduszoa/status/821735847565398016
news - https://www.buzzfeed.com/whitneyjefferson/mads-mikkelsen-master-of-dancing?utm_term=.btpLgRgRrV#.smxzEvEvkV
mads projects xtb- https://twitter.com/0101JE/status/821101883024502784
Taiwan excursion - https://twitter.com/Rola_fanarts/status/821376555511255040
youtube efforts - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC30euaVcSblZiZ1VrZLYmFA / https://www.facebook.com/groups/FannibalMovement/permalink/929545543846906/
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jobsforfans · 5 years
Jobs For Fans Posting
@jobsforfans https://t.co/pOGBJ8XSur
— lori morimoto (@acafanmom) February 26, 2020
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daltongraham · 10 years
Shout out to acafanmom who inspired me to take a shower yesterday.
(Depression can sometimes make it hard to even get up and take a shower; that can be a major accomplishment.)
(Argh, I can't remember your new tumblr blog name, acafanmom! Sorry!)
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porcupine-girl · 10 years
acafanmom replied to your post:merlyn4401 replied to your post “DAMN IT. I...
If this is Paul Booth’s thing, you should go! In addition to being a really lovely man, he’s very invested in fan-scholar interactions.
I literally cannot go, I will be performing in a play in Cincinnati that evening. It's a 6 hour drive, and I'm guessing call will be at like 5 or 6pm. :(:(:(
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imetyouonljpodcast · 4 years
Tumblr media
This Week In Fandom History → January 11, 1949
The first network TV broadcast airs on this day, connecting KDKA-TV in Pittsburgh, PA, to Midwestern airwaves to show a live variety program. For the first time, friends across state lines could watch TV together. I really love imagining the phone calls that people shared with their faraway friends and relatives after watching the same TV program at the same time, for the first time, together.
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tea-and-liminality · 3 years
I've noticed that there's not as much blogging about IRL stuff as there was awhile back on my timeline, but I wanted to just say that I've really enjoyed seeing so many familiar names on my TL and in notifications - I've missed you all!
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thetimemoves · 10 years
acafanmom replied to your post:27” of snow have fallen so far, according to the...
That’s lovely of your neighbor. I HATE it when the plows block the driveway - you know it has to happen, but those things are boulders by morning. Hang in there!!!
It really is! I don't know if just saying 'thank you' is enough, but I'm not sure what else to do. We're not close to these neighbors, but he's done this before once or twice.
Damn plows. I mean, I love what they do otherwise but the worst is finally, FINALLY getting the end of the driveway opened up and the fucking plow comes by one more time just as you finish up.
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professorfangirl · 10 years
Great stuff here...
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tea-and-liminality · 3 years
TFW you're all new to a fandom and not entirely ready to just go all-out but the pretty is SO PRETTY it hurts but you don't know where the fault lines are and want to tread carefully but THE PRETTY OOOOWWWWWWWW.
Tumblr media
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azriona · 10 years
acafanmom replied to your photoset “Buttermilk rolls all done!”
Those look very, very good. :)
Sadly, not as yummy as they appear.  Recipes keep trying to convince me potato flour is delicious, and my palate remains unconvinced.  
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thetimemoves · 10 years
acafanmom replied to your post:We decided to live it up tonight and eat INSIDE...
"Dangerous sneezing" OMG yes.
I thought the upside to infertility and never giving birth would be skipping this particular malady, but noooo.
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siochembio · 10 years
acafanmom replied to your post:Once again, I don't normally post personal stuff,...
Thank you so much! IAMSOHAPPY!!!!!
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acafanmom replied to your post:I've just read your recent meta, and I was hoping...
I like this a LOT.
I am just relieved that it made any sense. Thank you for saying so -- it means a lot, coming from you. :-)
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