#ace attorney stage plays
freebagels · 3 months
This gem gag from Ace Attorney plays
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apollolewis · 5 months
One of my favorite underrated ace attorney media is the stage play. I don’t know how to describe it, but all you need to know is that Gumshoe break dances.
The some of the stage plays are up on YouTube with English subtitles. If you want to watch
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gloucesterroad · 5 months
i was just watching the ace attorney stage plays and oh my the characterisation, the costuming, the humour - it all hits the mark so perfectly it makes me want to cry
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yuri-cosmos · 10 months
my toxic trait is that if you were to show me a photo of yorkshire belgian from ace attorney id recognise him immediately but if you showed me phoenix i think it would take me a second to remember who you’re on about
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Ok so here’s the deal. There’s one actor for Phoenix that I love (and I love him with all my heart!) It’s….drumroll…Kentarō Kanesaki from Turnabout Spotlight. This man understands what it is to be Phoenix Wright! Every other version I’ve seen has tried to make him goofy! Phoenix is not goofy, he’s the universal straight man (so to speak), he can be funny but it’s in a relatable way. Kentarō plays Phoenix as a Very Tired man who lets people drag him around and complains about it, and he’s not really sure why he’s there, but damn if he’s not going to try to help anyway! His performance literally recontextualized Phoenix’s character so much for me (the scene at the end where he makes fun of the bad actors is priceless!!) and anyway this is just a kentarō kanesaki appreciation post. Thank you for being the no 1 Phoenix understander king
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prommytheus · 2 years
need a mug with a picture of godot and the phrase “lets olympic” on it
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lawghable · 2 years
Ace attorney fans, je fais de mon turbo mieux pour finir la trad cette année Si j'y arrive vous la voulez pour Noël, entre Noël et nouvel an ou pour nouvel an ? (compte tenu que je suis en Europe et que je poste les vidéos vers mes 10h du mat)
Genre nouvel an ça veut dire poster la vidéo le matin du 31 comme ça vous pouvez choisir quand la regarder pour le nouvel an Noël c'est le 24 au matin Entre les deux c'est faire plouf plouf pour choisir une date
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lawghable · 3 years
Aussi pour la pièce de théâtre (Turnabout Spotlight/Volte-face Projecteur) que je suis en train de traduire, je la posterais sur le compte de @lupintraduction (vu que je suis en charge et que le compte Youtube est déjà mis en place pour pouvoir poster de longues vidéos).
et oui désolé, j’ai pas trouvé meilleur titre
Aussi y’a 2418 lignes donc ça va prendre du temps.
Tumblr media
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lawghable · 3 years
AA Plays
Stage Plays
Turnabout Spotlight (2013) (En | Fr) (Flashing warning from 11:55 to 12:03)
Farewell, My Turnabout (2015) (Flashing warning (34:28-34:43 and 1:14:39-1:14:50), suicide (talked), sexual assault (around 51:00-52:30))
Turnabout Teleportation (2016)
Turnabout GOLD MEDAL (2019)
Turnabout Parallel World (2020) [Postponed/Not Found]
Musicals (by the Takarazuka Theater Troup)
Ace Attorney: The Truth Reborn (2009)
Ace Attorney: The Truth Reborn Once Again (2010)
Ace Attorney: Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth (2013) (No subtitles) (Chinese subtitles)
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