#ace go burrr
crossroad-of-fate · 3 years
Enlightenment of The Ace of Hearts
You softly thanked Professor Crewel as he handed you your test results, an eighty-five was written on the corner of the paper in red ink. The same red ink you had despised for the poor numbers in past tests that were returned to you. It used to look menacing in your eyes, but now you looked at it proudly.
And the smiley face that was drawn below the number made you beam in happiness even more, a smile now plastered on your face. That was until someone slid their test results on top of yours. His name piqued your interest and the number stated on his paper made your smile turn upside down.
"I win~" Ace announced in a sing-song voice, enjoying your crestfallen face. He got a 93. How was that possible? This was Ace and you refused to admit that he is smarter than he acts.
"Did you chea-"
"No." Ace laid his elbow on the desk, resting his chin on the back of his palmed hand, looking smug. "I learned my lesson from last time."
You didn't believe a single word that came out of his mouth and continued to gaze at him suspiciously. He returned your unbelieving stare with a playful one, not a single bit offended by your claim. You don't take his insults to heart so why should he. And he liked seeing your angry face too.
A sigh passed your lips and you lowered your head in defeat, "What do you want?" You groggily asked, already feeling pity for your wallet.
Ace's arm was slung around your shoulders whilst you two walked to the cafeteria. Your hips were touching but neither of you paid attention to it, you were busy sulking and he was basking in his glory. He patted your shoulder in, what he considered, consolingly, in truth it only added more weight to your frown.
"I regret making a bet with you." You expressed.
"You were the one that made the bet, Prefect. All I did is win." He winked and chuckled when you turn your face away from him in shame.
Ace pulled away from his arm in favor of pushing you towards the end of the patisserie line. "Get me 2 chocolate croissants." He commanded jokingly.
"Yeah yeah.." you responded weakly, still upset that you had to spend your money on him. The Heartslabyul student walked towards an empty table and took out his phone to pass the time. He was in the middle of a puzzle game when he felt a pair of eyes boring holes onto his skull.
You were glaring at him, he could tell. So he glared at you back. It wasn't anything serious, you aren't angry at him but you still stuck your tongue out at him in a childish manner. He pressed his jaw down onto his neck; exposing his double chin and raised an eyebrow at you.
You giggled at his funny face and smiled at him in reflex. It was unexpected and Ace felt something in his stomach flutter, he was glad you decided to turn your back on him so you wouldn't see the red starting to flush his cheeks. But even in his flustered state Ace was hit by a painfully obvious realization.
Oh no.
Not this again. Ace stared at his reflection on the screen of his phone, noticing the embarrassed expression looking back at him. He wanted to deny it, he does but the signs were all there. The funny feeling in his stomach, his inability to make eye contact with you at times, the unnecessary physical contact, his teasings-
The most surprising thing to him wasn't that he developed a crush it's that he developed a crush on you. Okay sure he does mock you a lot but he acknowledges the good parts of your personality, and he does admit you were charming in your unique way, and oh great seven- how is he supposed to hide this from you?
Is he even supposed to hide this from you?
He found himself glaring at your back, he wasn't angry at you he was just..upset. You made him into a mess and you didn't even know. Yeah, this is your fault! He didn't ask to fell for you!
And you didn't ask him to fell for you.
You just treated him the same way you treated your friends, patiently. And he was into that.
Two small brown paper bags were set on the table in front of him and you sat beside him with a plate of french fries in hand. "There. Eat up before I change my mind and wrestle you for the croissants."
The confused expression Ace had quickly vanished and was replaced with a smirk, he took out a chocolate croissant and bit into it before saying,
"You should study harder next time." You scowled at him while you put a single fry in your mouth, "You were just lucky."
"You don't need to be so angry at me for getting a 93, (Y/N). Just accept that compared to me, you're dumb."
"Haha, am I now? I think you're forgetting who out of the two of us got an anemone stuck to his head-"
"Oh, come on! That was one time!" Ace cut you off, he scrunched his nose as the memory of being overworked by the Leech twins played in his mind. He would sometimes feel the chill on his back when remembering their laughter.
"But I gotta say.." he looked at you in visible discomfort, trying to prepare his ego for another strike-
"Congratulations on getting a 93 on the test. I'm proud of you." The croissant fell from his hands. You didn't think much about your compliment and continued to enjoy your french fries. Meanwhile Ace had to go through another mental crisis.
He was expecting you to destroy his pride but you complimented it instead. Were you just joking or were you genuine? A genuine compliment..well this is a first. The tip of his ears turned red once more. Ace was flattered but he couldn't let you see him blushing like a fool over one praise so he shook away that feeling and pushed the paper bag towards you. (Y/N) questioned him about it.
"You can have it, I'm already full with one."
"Really? Are you sure? You can't take this back."
He nodded surely so you smiled and picked up the paper bag. Pulling out the chocolate croissant you took one bite before saying, "I bought this with my money so it's rightfully mine."
"I'm surprised though, just one praise and you generously gave it away. I'll have to start praising you every day then." He turned his head towards you so fast you could've sworn you heard a whiplash. His cheeks were flushed red once more and he slapped the table harshly with his hands, it startled you and almost made you choke on your croissant.
"Hey! I could've dropped my croissant.." you complained. Ace lifted his hand to take it away from you but you saw his sudden movement and raised the bread away from his reach.
"I changed my mind! Give me back the croissant!"
"I told you, you can't take it back!"
It was ridiculous how Ace stood up from his seat just to try and have his fingers graze the tip of the croissant but he'd rather die than have you stare at his red face. Your palm was pressed against his cheek, pushing him away from getting to your precious snack. The fast beating of his heart was new and he hoped you can't hear it because of his yelling. Honestly.. you might as well give him a heart attack while you're at it.
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