#ace: jungbella
ace-angel-judas · 2 years
Pairing: Jungkook/Arabella ft Yoongi and Estelle
Series: BTS Girlfriends
Genre: FLUFF
Synopsis: Jungkook and Arabella go on their second date.. to Japan.
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Estelle furrowed her brows together as she looked at Jungkook, who had sat down next to her with an innocent look on his face. Even Yoongi was suspicious, leaning forward and looking at the maknae.
“Why are you sitting next to my wife?” Yoongi asked.
“You’re not even married yet,” Jungkook stated, “Estelle, hello, I have a question,”
Yoongi glared at the maknae while Estelle nodded gently, “What is it?”
“What’s Belle’s favorite food?”
Eyebrows raised, Estelle stared at him, “Jungkook, Grace will kill you before you get a chance,”
“We’ve already been on a date,” Jungkook smirked.
“Oh..,” Estelle mumbled, “Well, she likes ramen, she always asks Grace to take her for ramen whenever they go out to eat,”
“Okay.., does Belle have a passport?”
Giggling softly, Arabella tapped her feet on the floor as they sat in the ramen shop. There were some okay places in America but nothing could be better than actual Japanese ramen.
Jungkook watched her, smiling to himself as she watched Arabella look around in awe.
“I feel like I’m going to get in trouble,” Arabella laughed.
“Why?” He asked.
“We just suddenly came to Japan?” Arabella explained, “I’ve never just left and not told anyone where I’m going,”
Jungkook laughed, “You’re an adult, they can’t do anything,”
Arabella nodded, he did have a point. She was an adult, she could do anything as long as it was within the law.
“Okay but why Japan?” Arabella asked, “Do you take all the girls you date to Japan?”
He shook his head, “Actually, I don’t usually go anywhere without one of the other members, this is new to me too,”
A soft look appeared on her face, “That’s really sweet..,”
“So, do you go with Grace everywhere?” Jungkook asked, “You two seem really close,”
“I guess?” Arabella answered, “I mean, since coming to Korea, yeah but, I suppose I was always closest to my dad,”
“Your dad?”
Arabella nodded, a distant look on her face, “But I don’t where we stand now, he sent me to Korea because I didn’t get into college,”
“Asshole,” Jungkook stated, “What, why would he do that?”
“I don’t know,” Arabella shrugged, “I’m sure he meant well or something, he’s not an easy person to read,”
“Yeah, I don’t like him,” Jungkook pursed his lips.
“You haven’t met him,”
“I’ve made up my mind,”
She blew a raspberry at him and scrunched her nose, something Jungkook couldn’t but find utterly adorable. Even as her eyes lit up when the food was placed in front of them, Jungkook just stared at her.
“It smells so good,” Arabella whispered, “I almost don’t want to eat it,” 
Before he could respond, Arabella was already shoving a chop stick full of noodles into her mouth, cheeks puffed out at the fullneess. He laughed again, picking up his own chopsticks.
“Most girls are scared to eat during dates because it doesn’t make them look pretty,” Jungkook stated.
Arabella rolled her eyes, “Food is food, everyone eats it, no man or woman will stop me from enjoying a meal,”
The words had Jungkook grinning. What wasn’t to love about this woman?
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
Pairing: Arabella/Jungkook
Series: Solo Artist AU
Genre: Fluff? I dunno, she puts him in a friendly headlock.
Synopsis: Jungkook visits Arabella’s room and gets his ass kicked
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Walking into the apartment, Arabella quickly looked around before she nodded, welcoming Jungkook into the apartment. Grace would probably bury her alive if she found out she had a boy over.
Jungkook had an amused look on his face as he stepped into the apartment. It looked really modern, white marble floors and a fancy kitchen as soon as you walked in.
“You seem nervous,” Jungkook chuckled.
“If my Aunt knew I invited a guy over, I think she’d ship me back to America,” Arabella explained, “Or tell my dad and uh, I’d rather not think about dying young,”
He laughed at her comment, following her down the hallway. Jungkook always imagined that Grace lived in a haunted house just from how dark she dressed but apparently that wasn’t the case.
Arabella’s room was very different to the rest of the apartment, there were a few clothes on the floor in a pile and a desk with different books and papers stacked up. Her bed was also unmade.
It was cute.
“Here,” Arabella pulled out a box and sat it on her bed, “There’s a mix of English and Korean CDS, some of them used to belong to my dad and he gave them to me,”
Jungkook nodded as he flicked through a few of the CDS, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you had cassette tapes along with these,”
Arabella placed another box on the bed, a sheepish smile on her face. Jungkook laughed again, looking at the other box. Everything was scribbled in a mix of English and Korean, making him furrow his brows together.
“Who wrote on these?” He asked.
“My dad, he writes in Korean and English,” Arabella explained, “Grace can’t read or write Korean, Estelle normally translates for her,”
“I really think Joon is right about Estelle, she has a Korean soul,” Jungkook explained, “Can you read Korean?”
“Yeah, I just can’t write it,” Arabella explained, “I can read your texts after all,”
Realisation made itself obvious on Jungkook’s face, nodding slowly. He didn’t think about that, but it made sense as to why she always responded in English. Jungkook quickly glanced around the room before his eyes landed on a pair of black boxing gloves.
“Do you box?” He asked, pointing to them.
“Not really, but I know how to fight,” Arabella explained, “Do you?”
“I do boxing,” Jungkook smirked, “Do you really know how to fight?”
“Yeah, I was taught self defence,”
“Show me then,”
Jungkook stretched his arms as he stood up, watching how Arabella took a relaxed position across from him. He made note to throw her on the bed when things went south.
“You ready?” He asked, arms up.
“Yeah just don’t cry,”
Before he could throw a punch, Arabella’s leg kicked his ankle and she grabbed one of his arms, twisting him around before her arms wrapped themselves around his neck. He was now on his knees, in a head lock.
A loud footstep made both of them look up, eyes wide.
Donghae stood in the door way, eyes wide as he looked at the two of them. Jungkook’s brows furrowed together in confusion, while Arabella was smiling innocently.
“H-hey..,” Arabella mumbled.
“I won’t tell Grace..,” Donghae nodded, grabbing the door handle and closing the door.
Her hands released Jungkook, instead he stood up, surprise on his features.
“Why is he here?” Jungkook asked.
“Him and Grace are dating, I know, it’s crazy,” Arabella explained, “Now do you believe I can fight?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook rubbed his neck slightly, “I think you need to teach me that,”
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
Pairing: Grace/Arabella
Series: BTS Girlfriends
Genre: Kind of Angst? Kind of Fluff?
Synopsis: Grace finds out about Arabella and Jungkook dating.
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Arabella jumped slightly as she found her aunt sitting at the table, arms crossed over her chest and her laptop sitting in front of herself. Arabella glanced at the clock, it was eleven in the morning meaning she had slept in quite a bit.
"Um, good morning?" Arabella whispered softly.
"Anything you want to tell me?" Grace stated firmly, "Anything at all?"
Pursing her lips, Arabella slowly shook her head, "Uh..., no?"
"Arabella Park," Grace stated, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"
Great, she was serious. Arabella slowly tapped her fingers together, very slowly sitting on the far end of the table.
"I was out late last night?" Arabella questioned.
"With a boy..,"
"Oh you mean, Jeon Jungkook?" Grace asked.
Arabella sat up, eyes wide as she looked at her aunt. Maybe living in a family of lawyers and police officers wasn't all that great sometimes.
"How..," Arabella whispered.
Grace shook her head, "I have an email from Dispatch that has some photos of you two on this date, Arabella, do you know how dating can affect things here in Korea?"
"..Yes..," The word came out a whisper as Arabella looked down in shame, "I know..,"
"Your lucky that HYPE has already handled this," Grace stated, "And there a bit more flexible about the members dating, you have Estelle to thank for that, but the issue is-"
"There your business partner," Arabella answered, "You work with BTS a lot and it could affect that,"
Grace nodded slowly, Arabella might have been young but she wasn't stupid.
"Do you like him?" Grace asked, "And does he like you back? This isn't just some fun the two of you are having?"
"No!" Arabella shook her head, "I... I have a connection with him, I don't really know how to explain it but, I do really like him, I don't love him but I think I will if things keep going,"
Nodding, Grace spoke, "As your manager and the leader of the company you are signed with, I have to warn you to proceed with caution, Jungkook is a member of the biggest group at the moment, I'd can affect a lot of things,"
Arabella nodded slowly.
"But as your aunt, I'm happy you've found someone that you connect with," Grace smiled softly.
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ace-angel-judas · 4 years
Idk it reminded me of Jungbella 🤷‍♀️ they’d fuck like that, okay?
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