#ace: bts girlfriends
ace-angel-judas · 1 year
Pairing: Yoongi/Estelle
Series: BTS Girlfriends
Genre: FLUFF, Maybe a little bit sad if you squint?
Synopsis: Yoongi is full of surprises but so is Estelle.
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“Marry me,”
Estelle turned her head, brows furrowed together as she looked at Yoongi. He was holding a small box in his band, a serious look on his face. She thought she had misheard him at first, before she walked towards him.
“Yoongi..,” Estelle whispered.
“I love you,” He stated, “I’m shit at showing it but I love you and I want us to be married,”
She sat down next to him slowly, tears beginning to filling her eyes. Yoongi grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together. For once, he was nervous, knees shaking slightly.
“I would love to marry you..,” Estelle whispered, “But..,”
His face fell before Estelle cupped his face.
“But, I think your career comes first, Yoongi,” Estelle explained, “But you’ve just been nominated for Grammy, the group is breaking out in the states and I just don’t want to get in the way of what’s being built,”
Leaning forward, Yoongi pressed his forehead against her own. He could see the reasoning in her words, Estelle always thought before her actions, he loved it about her.
“Okay..,” He sighed, “I’m just sick of hiding you and hiding this when we’re so happy,”
“I know,” Estelle pecked his lips, “One day, I promise,”
Yoongi nodded, “We will get married, okay?”
Estelle laughed, “Yes, we will,”
There was a lot on Estelle’s mind as she stood in the shower, humming to herself. This was more a thinking shower than a cleaning one, thoughts and ideas whirling around her head.
A lot of factors were going into her thought process. They would have to go public now, which meant a lot more attention, Yoongi wouldn’t care though, he wasn’t overly careful about hiding their relationship.
But there was more on the line now than just a relationship.
Estelle was snapped out of her thoughts as Yoongi opened the shower door, standing there in his clothes and hair messy. He’d just gotten home, huffing slightly as Estelle looked at him.
This wasn’t an abnormal thing, he liked to interrupt her showers.
“Are you okay-”
“Marry me!” Yoongi demanded, “I’m not taking no for an answer this time!”
She couldn’t help but laugh at his words before nodding, Yoongi stared at her, processing the action before a large gummy smile broke onto his face.
“You mean it?” He asked.
“Yes, we can get married,” Estelle giggled, “It would be best to get married after the baby comes though,”
Yoongi furrowed his brows together, “Baby?”
She laughed again before his eyes went wide, possibly the widest she’d ever seen them. Yoongi was already pulling off his clothes, stepping into the shower with an exasperated look.
“Are we having a baby?” Yoongi asked.
“And getting married too,” Estelle smiled.
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bubbleonice · 11 months
I can’t log back on to my old account, but I can still visit it with this. So I am going to repost some of my most read posts. Just to give you all an idea about what I do and what I offer here. Keep in mind the following readings I am posting are old and not recent, so energies and things that occur may have changed since then.
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itsjeonjk · 9 months
・   ʿʿ 🐯   ⌁   @ssamou   ⋆  ❛  beat the heat ! * based around the time jk revealed his tiktok
Jungkook has never been a fan of the summer heat, but he seems to dislike it even more the older he grows. It’s not uncommon to have the young male have his air conditioning on blast or have multiple fans running around his apartment and sometimes even having both running at the same time. Simply because the BTS maknae could not stand the heat and he’d openly complained about it on live, to his hyungs, and even his girlfriend.
Chaewon has become the main person to hear his grumbling and whining about how hot it was. She had also bared witness to him lounging around in nothing but underwear, or sometimes, nothing at all when it’s especially hot and he’s in the comfort of his own home after completing his schedules. Today wasn’t one of those days. He was dressed more in nothing but a white loose shirt and shorts, AC buzzing in the background as he lies on his couch with his head propped up on the arm rest and phone held in his hand while he scrolls through his—now revealed—Tiktok aimlessly.
But he soon grows bored, locks the device and sets it aside on his coffee table to instead turn his gaze to the woman sitting close to his laying body on the couch. He’s not sure what she’s doing, but he notices her phone also in her hand and he clears his throat. “Jagiya~,” He says sweetly, hoping to catch her attention. Jungkook had had an idea in his mind for a while, had even ordered what he needed online and had received it earlier in the day. And so, without another word, the male rolls off the couch carefully and disappears down the hall where he cuts open his packages before drawing out the contents inside; water gun blasters, a red one and a blue one specifically. Childish? Yes. Messy? Also Yes. But he doesn’t care, cleaning up is to worry about later.
He’s opening the packages and filling them up one by one, taking them both into his hands when they’re set to march back into the living room where he holds his gun up playfully, almost reminiscent to one of his most recent weverse lives. “So... are you ready to go to war?” He teases playfully, grin on his lips as he stares at her reaction as she stares back at him wagging her red gun in his free hand.
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hongcherry · 3 years
Swinging By a Fine Line || j.jk | masterpost
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Spider-Man’s role was easy: save everyone, fight the criminals, don’t drop out of school, don’t expose his identity, and make time for his girlfriend. What was so difficult?
This is a collection of stories that involve the same characters/environment. You can read them as stand-alone or all together. However, I recommend reading them in the order they appear. I hope you all enjoy the ride... or the swing *wink*! Thank you for reading (even if it’s just one part ^-^). 
🕸️ Pairing: spiderman!Jungkook x girlfriend!Reader(f) [note: reader is short and has medium-long hair; she/her pronouns]
🕸️ Last updated: November 27, 2023 (ongoing)
🕸️ Credits: All banners and story dividers are made by me, unless stated otherwise. Please ask to use.
🕸️ DISCLAIMER: This is all fictional. Characters do NOT reflect their real-life personalities, actions, beliefs, behaviors, etc. Character’s actions are for the plot. I truly love all seven. If I write a member in a “negative light” it’s NOT because I don’t like them. Again, it’s solely for the plot. Please keep this in mind. 
f = fluff | s =  smut | ac = action | ag = angst | c = crack/humor | hc = hurt/comfort
more about sbafl characters | bts masterlist
✨ swinging through the city with a little funk and s(e)oul✨ 
 Feel free to visit my SBaFL survey about future content for this mini-universe. Answers are 100% anonymous and you are not required to answer all the questions. I will be honest and say it’s a little lengthy, but the questions are quick and easy to answer. I’d appreciate it bunches! 
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List order: Oldest  -> Newest
🕷️ Tangled Thoughts (ac / ag) | 10.5k ↳ It wasn’t easy to leave your boyfriend of two years, but the constant lies made you question your relationship. You tried to move on, but you were somehow constantly tangled in his web. After being captured by an unknown, yet familiar, enemy, Jungkook wondered if he was doing the right thing by keeping his secret identity from you. Was it too late to come clean?
🕷️ To Have Known You (hc/f) | 1.6k ↳ You weren’t entirely surprised when Seoul’s masked-hero showed up at your window in the middle of the night–wounded and in need of some TLC. 
🕷️ And if I did? (s/c) | 4.6k ↳ What’s a better way to celebrate moving into your new university dorm than spending it with your boyfriend, who happens to have some tricks up his sleeves...? 
🕷️ Warning Signs (ac/ag/f) | 46.5k (7-part series)  ↳ Spider-Man is a beacon of hope for most residents in Seoul; although, it causes you to feel a little useless to society. With determination to be a change in the world like your masked boyfriend, you find yourself involved in a secluded organization meant to eradicate underground gangs. However, you find yourself deeper than you expected—leaving Jungkook trying to discover who this “new you” is alone. 
🕷️ Sticky Fingers (f/c) | 1.3k ↳ Jungkook believes participating in the egg hunt on campus gives him the excuse for cracking his Easter jokes.
🕸️ webisode: one (f/ag) | 756w ↳ The famous Spider-Man kiss transpires.
🕷️ Priority (ag/ac) | 3.0k ↳ Jungkook's too addicted to the chase.
🕷️ Seeing Double, Prepare for Trouble (s) | 8.9k ↳ It was no surprise to see multiple people dressed up as Spider-Man at the party. You were no exception. The difference was your costume was only meant for Jungkook’s eyes.
🕷️ everywhere you go (f) | 1k Celebration Post! 🎉 (sm au) ↳ Jungkook takes a vacation trip to New York.
🕷️ In Your Web (f/s) | 10k ↳ Jungkook’s nightly patrol should be focused on catching criminals. Instead, he’s too occupied with his girlfriend and his webs. 
🕸 webisode: two (f) | 1k ↳ Jungkook speaks to you for the first time, and the outcome shocks him.
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vernon-s-whore · 3 years
Till Forever Falls Apart Pt.1
Kim Taehyung and Original Male!Character
part 1 2
WARNINGS: stalking, curse words, smut ig?, non-consensual photography, non-con elements, yandere behaviour, obsessive toxic stalker, contains boy x boy so if y'all homophobic then shoo!, gore, drug use/abuse
Summary: You can't expect a horror story to have a happy ending, can you?
word count: 5.5k+
a/n: Been a while since i posted on Tumblr phew- part 2 will be up as soon as i finish it. This is cross posted on my ao3 btw. i don't have a beta so feel free to nicely point out grammar mistakes, if any
All names apart from BTS are fictional.
Link to AO3
The thing about this whole ordeal was how mundanely it started out.
Leaving high school opened a new world to him, away from his home and family and everything familiar. And thrill ran on the tails of unfamiliarity like an incessant kid not wanting their idol to leave them in the dust. So, he went ahead and got himself some friends, some girlfriends, even a boyfriend or two all in the first year of uni. It was fun, his flings never lasted more than a month or two but that was okay, he liked it. Liked that there weren’t any set expectations from him and he could just… enjoy for the first time in his life.
By second semester, he had a set group of friends. Seven boys apart from himself and five girls. All of them were smart and witty and yes, he did end up on the wrong side of the bed with Soyeon and Jimin once but it was all fun and games. They were friends. Nothing more, and everyone in the group knew it.
Namjoon knew that he had issues with commitment and took care of the questions whenever someone tried to set him up for a blind date. His girlfriend Hyunji, who had taken an almost parental role in the group along with Namjoon did worry for their young friend, but didn’t say much since she seemed to understand that he will do things his own way. He did feel jealousy sometimes, looking at Namjoon and Hyunji, Hoseok and Soyeon who got together in Hoseok’s second year, with their daily routines of coffee and dates and working in silence like they were made to fit together like puzzle pieces.
The only time he ever came close to such intimacy was one night in bed with Jimin. They both had gotten drunk and somehow, he had ended up inside Jimin that night, and woken up beside him that morning and felt at peace for the first time in over seven months with his slender sunbae smiling beside him and asking if he slept well.
Jimin had roused him for breakfast and for once, he thought that yes, routine and familiarity could be a part of his life, but then Jimin got together with Jungkook a few weeks later, after months of the younger crushing on his hyung and any hopes he had of maybe getting attached to someone were dashed brutally.
He would’ve dealt with it most unhealthily, if not for Taehyung and Yoongi. Yoongi who had functioned as an outlet for him about his insecurities of ever creating fulfilling relationships and Yoongi’s words sit with him till this date.
The love you feel for people doesn’t always have to end with one in the other’s pants. You have fulfilling relationships. You have us.
He did have them. His seven boys and five girls who he would trust with his life. When Seokjin and Petra got together in the beginning of his second year, he was not really surprised. By that point he had assumed all of them would pair off with each other, leaving him alone at the end.
Seokjin and Petra, Hoseok and Soyeon, Namjoon and Hyunji, Jungkook and Jimin, and Yoongi who finally came out as ace and aro.
Which left sweet baby Taehyung who was just a few months older than him, alternating between babying him and acting like a responsible hyung around him. After his one-sided fling with Jimin, he felt the closest to Taehyung if no one else. The boy who was Jimin’s best friend helped him let go of whatever feelings he still harboured for the dance major with his snide jokes and incessant photos of his Yeontan and dragging him out of bed on weekends for outings and picnics and mall jaunts and whatnot, till they began falling into a rhythm.
Taehyung would initiate everything, and he would follow like a willing puppy, eager to please the boy but at the end unable to display his eagerness, most of it coming out as bored disinterest. Maybe if he had taken the initiative to ask Taehyung out once in a while, things would have gone differently. Maybe if he hadn’t been such a passive person all his life, he could’ve avoided the grotesque distortion of their friendship.
In their third year it so happened that Taehyung got asked out by one of the juniors.
Lee Eunso.
She was everything Taehyung could have wanted. Tall but not too tall, slim hips and long legs, tits that wouldn’t quit, straight brown hair and a face perfect enough to rival Taehyung’s himself. She was smart, and polite and confident in herself, which was appealing to Taehyung’s ideal type which he had talked about in their first year.
And while Taehyung was getting asked out and probably entering one of his real, serious relationships, he was watching on the side-lines and feeling that sense of abandonment again which, he had last felt with Jimin two years ago. The metaphorical wound in his chest throbbed again, the same way it had done when he saw Jimin kissing Jungkook in the cafeteria two years ago.
Over the next few weeks, unknowingly, he began distancing himself from Taehyung who spent more and more time with Eunso and less with the group. The others understood this, understood that one of their maknaes was branching out and developing his own social life and network out of their friend group. Soyeon and Hyunji would pester Taehyung for info on his girlfriend but he would just flash one of his adorable smiles and let go of the topic.
But he couldn’t look at Taehyung without hurting himself. From the wrist that Eunso would grip delicately to the cheeks she would kiss every morning in the hallway, he couldn’t bear looking at Taehyung anymore, withdrawing into a shell without knowing he was even doing it.
And since he wasn’t looking at Taehyung, was actively avoiding looking at his friend’s face, he didn’t notice that the moment Hyunji turned away from him, the smile dropped from Taehyung’s features, replaced by a carefully calculating blank look. And who else was he assessing but his lost best friend, who was going through his SNS but not really paying attention to it, thumb moving mechanically over the screen till Eunso arrived and sat beside Taehyung and kissed him hello, much to his chagrin.
That weekend, Eunso invited the whole of Taehyung’s group over to her fraternity house for a birthday bash. The friends went as a whole unit to the mansion-like place, grouped off in twos and threes till he was left standing and wondering where should he go. The solitude which had been an old friend now felt like a looming presence, branding him black and singling him out from the neon lights which glared everywhere.
A rich girl’s party, that’s all this was. A rich girl and her rich friends, and her rich friends’ rich boyfriends.
So, what am I doing here? He thought to himself before going to the kitchen and getting himself a beer, fear like a trapped bird thrashing against his ribcage.
It was an odd feeling, this fear. That something was about to change monumentally as electro pop thumped around him, beat heavy and echoing in his sternum till he felt he was walking in a psychedelic dream of smut and degradation, of people making out on the living room floor to a few snorting lines of coke in a washroom. The extremely rich kids who could afford the drugs.
With each cup of alcohol downed, the mansion seemed to grow alive, a sentient being growing out corridors and staircases and attics and basements only for him to discover, stumbling from one room to another to find one filled with the smoke from pot, another where a couple fucked against the wall, one which was blissfully empty.
But he had no idea how he got to this gorgeously empty and silent room- in a basement? In a second basement? How many floors under am i?- which was like a paradisical sanctuary from the headache blossoming at the base of his skull.
He stumbled forward at a slight nudge from behind him.
Alcohol was instrumental that night. Because that night, he didn’t drink to get drunk and have fun. That was the first night he drank to kill something. To kill the sorrow taking root in him like a poisonous weed. Prior to entering the room he’d only been drunk, good old sir alcohol warming his belly and lungs but doing nothing to warm his soul. But after entering the room, the weight of the past few months came crashing down now that all the walls he had carefully built between him and his emotions were dismantled brick by brick by a simple chemical compound.
The lights in the room were off. He could still hear the loud music, but it all felt distant, in another world. He should go back to his friends, really, but the silence and the darkness was so good and the bed. The bed in the room was so inviting.
He put one wobbly foot in front of another and walked into the dark room, not realising something was behind him. Someone was behind him. The someone walked into the dark room along with him, on footsteps that were quieter than a mouse’s and he didn’t realise in the dark of the room that he is not alone.
The plastic cup of alcohol in his hand was gone now, dropped to the floor, and rolled off somewhere on the bare tile as his body collided with the mattress and his face fell on soft pillows smelling like someone’s shampoo. He inhaled deeply, not caring whose smell it was, not knowing that there was a someone in the room with him, only wanting the headache to disappear.
He was too far gone to care as someone kneeled next to the bed, watching his prone form intently in the slight light entering from the windows. They reached out a hand and touched his hair softly, brushing away strands and wondering how many other people had done the same thing.
How many people had touched what was theirs and dirtied him? How many has slept beside him and thought he belonged to them?
Too many. That’s what.
Someone ran a thumb over his cheek before pressing their lips to the cheekbone. Warm. So warm.
And all mine. They smiled satisfyingly before tugging off their shoes and lying next to him, curving their body around him so they could feel all of him in his arms, drunk and passed out and completely unaware of the someone beside him who held him like glassware.
Fragile and precious. Someone thought that night in that room as their lips slid across his cheekbone and down his neck, leaving perfunctory bites and bruises, staining, marking, claiming.
The black shirt he was wearing was unbuttoned gently, so as to not wake him. He wouldn’t wake for another four hours, and in the light of the morning, he would look at his bruised body and wonder who he spent the night with. But it would all be a clean blank in his memory.
They trailed their fingers from his collarbone down to his chest, marking the smooth skin in the dark, hands marking a path down his body where soon lips would follow right after. He still slept soundly as they looked up and admired his sleeping face, highlighted by the moonlight, thrown into stark relief by shadows and ran their mouth along the thin line of hair that ran from his navel and down to the waistband of his pants. They stopped there.
It was enough for tonight.
They took out their phone, opening the camera and arranging him carefully, shirt open, smooth marked skin of torso up for display and straddled his hips, positioning themselves to take the pictures.
Blue and purple and red bruises blossoming on skin, rendered to life by a special someone and made immortal digitally, they went through the photos they clicked and chose a few, before getting off his lap and tugging on their shoes and exiting the room, leaving him sleeping behind.
“Where did I put it..,” he muttered riffling through the racks of clothes looking for a certain black shirt.
“Hey man, it’s no problem if you don’t have it,” Hoseok replied, “I’ll ask Gguk or someone to lend it.”
“I think you should call them, cuz for some reason the fucker’s gone missing,” he answered back, frustrated at the loss of one of his favourite clothing items.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll show up in the laundry,” Hoseok clapped him on the shoulder and walked outside, dialling up Jungkook to lend him a black shirt for a dance performance since his own got torn during practice.
He sighed and sat down at his desk, hoping his roommates would finish their band practice quickly, because the drumming was developing into a pounding headache.
He was bunked in with two first years and was now regretting rejecting Taehyung’s order to move in with him. Taehyung had gotten his own apartment finally, raking in money from modelling gigs. With a face like that and a voice like his, he could have been accepted in any idol company, but he chose to pursue a degree in art and sculpture. He sighed. One of the younger boys must have taken his shirt by mistake. And one of his jeans. And a pair of shorts he loved sleeping in.
He got up from his desk and rolled onto his bed, weary to the bone, literature assignments pending but he couldn’t bring himself to write the 10k word short story their teacher had assigned them as their final project. He wanted to be a little experimental and write romance this time. But the thing was he had no idea what romance is like.
Smut? Sure. Murders? That’s cool. How two people fall in love? Oh, dear lord, someone save him.
A buzz in his pocket alerted him to a text.
Jungkook. Asking if he wants to go clubbing.
Who else? He texts.
Tae hyung, Jimin hyung and Hyunji noona. Rest are busy. Jungkook replies.
I’ll be there at 10.
He decided to take a nap and set an alarm for 9 p.m. That would be enough for a decent two-hour nap. Sighing and not bothering to shut off the lights in his room, he curled around his blanket and closed his eyes.
When he woke up, he felt overly warm. He should have undressed before sleeping, really. Now sweat ran down his spine and his clothes were soaked. The blanket was carefully tucked around him instead of tossed onto the floor as per usual.
He frowned. He didn’t remember doing it. He never tucks the blanket around him all the way like a cocoon, that’s only reserved for when he has a cold and Taehyung or Jungkook or Yoongi do it for him.
Maybe one of the dongsaengs did it. He shook his head and tossed the rest of the blanket away and noticed the table lamp. It was off.
He distinctly remembers leaving it on.
Leave it, maybe Jinsung came in. He thought to himself. Lee Jinsung was the most caring out of the three occupants of the shared apartment but even he didn’t barge into people’s rooms to tuck them in and turn off their lights. Nevertheless, he just shrugged it off, too groggy and in need of food to pay attention to the possible electricity bill that comes from leaving a damned lamp on.
He switched on some of the brighter lights in his room before leaving to wash his face in the bathroom. For a mild second a sense of being watched ran down his spine. But then it was gone and he went along his merry way, splashing water on his face and into his mouth, flushing out the taste and smell of sleep from himself.
An hour later he was slow dancing with Hyunji noona, who was recounting how Namjoon wants to go on a trip to Europe. He was making good money from the seminars and classes he was taking as a career guidance counsellor and they planned to leave on the trip just as soon as Hyunji’s graduation was wrapped up.
He liked listening to his noona talk about all the plans she was making with his hyung. It was a strange sort of comfort wishing what he wanted for himself on others. And under the cover of dark, he liked how she was trusting him with bits and pieces of their future, hopes and dreams conveyed in little words and smiles and squeeze of hands on his shoulders.
Later, he and Taehyung were reclined on one of the couches in the corner of the club, feet propped on the table in front of them which was cluttered with empty shot glasses. His head felt fuzzy but not that bad. He was nowhere near as drunk as he had been at Eunso’s frat house.
He felt someone’s hand on his thigh and looked up to see Taehyung grinning at him, “Yah! It’s been so long since just us hanging out!” He yelled over the thumping beats as their companions danced in front of them, Jimin teasing Jungkook by running away with Hyunji noona occasionally before his boyfriend would catch him.
He looked at Taehyung and couldn’t help but see Eunso’s face in the eye of his mind.
However, he yelled back, “Yeah man! Kinda missed you.”
“You better, you asshole!” Taehyung said before ruffling his hair in a hard brotherly way. He ignored the way his chest tightened at the contact with Taehyung’s hand, stifled the way a lump formed in his throat as Taehyung pulled away.
If only Eunso didn’t exist, then maybe, just maybe Taehyung could have been his. But she did exist and all these cravings for Taehyung were just cravings for love, not Taehyung himself.
He didn’t stop himself from relishing Taehyung’s grip on his thigh though, long beautiful hand resting casually on the black denim. He wanted to hold that hand but instead held a glass and poured alcohol down his throat.
“God this test was terrible,” he groaned, resting his head on his forearms as Soyeon rubbed circles on his back. Hoseok and Namjoon had graduated with flying colours and meanwhile the third years were giving their final exams. He was still left to submit the short story for literature but he was sure he was going to flunk it. Romance was just not his thing… and he didn’t have the means to redo the assignment again in two days.
“What’s wrong?” Taehyung asked, sitting across from him with a tray of food. He had wanted to visit Taehyung’s sculpture display, but he didn’t want to go there with a sullen face when his hyung was so happy with his work. “You didn’t come by this morning.” There was sadness in Tae’s voice.
His heart clenched painfully at seeing the hurt reflected in the older’s eyes and in that moment even Soyeon’s comforting hand could do nothing to lessen the pain in his chest and stomach.
“Sorry hyung,” he muttered, eyes downcast. “Scheduling conflict.”
“It’s okay you and I can go together in the evening,” Taehyung said, reaching over and patting his forearm gently. “Take a nap when you go home, you look like shit.”
He chuckled and nodded, “I will, hyung.”
“Hyung… this is amazing,” he breathed, looking at the display Taehyung had created with clay.
Two bodies, genderless, androgynous, intertwined with each other so you couldn’t see where one ended and the other began, twisted together in love, but if you looked closer, there were ropes on their wrists, tied to their abdomens, hooks digging into skin, crafted carefully from pieces upon pieces of clay, chains holding them close, forcing them close, melding them together till they were smelted into being one.
What he initially thought were their mouths agape in the act of pleasure now seemed to resemble gaping screams as their individuality was ripped from them.
“Hyung?” He looked at Taehyung who was staring ahead.
“Yes?” He kept looking ahead not meeting the younger’s eyes.
“Why did you make this?”
“It was my term project.”
“No I meant… why this?”
Taehyung thought for a moment, inhaling deeply before letting loose a slow breath, turning his face to the younger. His eyes were hard, glinting dangerously in the lighting of the exhibit.
“What is love according to you?” He questioned the younger, voice velvety smooth.
“L-Love?” He started, not expecting to be interrogated. Taehyung simply nodded, “You wrote a romance for your term project, what do you think is love?”
“Love… when people fit together like puzzle pieces...? When they are made for each other and complement each other…” he trailed off looking at the two humans twisted around each other rendered in clay, who fit like perfect puzzle pieces, literally crafted to fit each other.
He didn’t notice Taehyung’s fists clench, didn’t see the slow smile that crept onto his hyung’s face on hearing these words from his dongsaeng.
“Then this is love,” Taehyung answered, pointing ahead of himself at the screaming, hurting people. “See how they fit together?” The slight smirk on his face was unsettling as he admired his creation.
He could see what Taehyung meant. He really could. But this was not… love. Was it? This was not what love was. Love was Namjoon hyung bringing photos of turtles to show Hyunji noona. Love was Soyeon delivering lunch to Hobi hyung. Love was Jungkook and Jimin holding hands sneakily in the corridors.
Love was not this… was it?
He winced at the stutter in his voice, but he needed to say it. “This isn’t love, this looks like obsession.” He said, referring to the hooks and chains and ropes and pins holding the figures together.
“Love is obsession, aegi,” Taehyung said, chuckling darkly. He didn’t like how his hyung sounded in that moment, so he just blurted what came first to his mind.
“Well to be fair, I have no idea, I haven’t had a single proper love,” chuckling nervously he looked around, anywhere but at the tortured victims. “Love could be anything, I guess. Hell, there are different kinds of loves you know?” His voice was taking a slightly panicky tint. “Platonic and romantic and all that bullshit-“ he was rambling. He knew he was rambling, but something was unsettled in the pit of his stomach.
Something to do with Taehyung. The hurt in Taehyung’s eyes, the lead in his voice, the mania which underlined his words about love. Love is obsession, aegi.
“You are correct, there are many different loves,” taehyung smiled. And just like that, the dark frightening man was gone replaced by his bubbly hyung who was just showing him an unsettling piece of art. “Do you need help with your story? I heard you complaining to Soyeon the other day.”
His heart unravelled in relief as Taehyung’s voice softened and he sighed.
“Yeah… I actually have no idea what to write and I think I wrote something very cliched,” he admitted, partially ashamed.
“Well let’s fix it then, come on,” Taehyung clapped him on the shoulder and turned away from the exhibit, walking away. Giving one last look to the sculpture, he followed right after his hyung, heart still uneven from the weird tone that Taehyung had used.
They sat till late that night on his bed, Taehyung going over his story and making suggestions. Cliches were fine but language could be improved on. He added phrases and cut over explanation. He realised however, that with Taehyung’s additions the story was starting to take a much darker undertone. What had started out as a simple college romance/coming of age story was now morphing into a psychological analysis of love and stalking punctuated with moments of gruesome violence and desperation.
By the time they were done, it was three in the morning and he was ready to crash, mind overflowing with words and paragraphs.
“Stay the night hyung,” he mumbled sleepily, as Taehyung went over the final draft once again.
“I will,” Taehyung nodded, scrolling through the words upon words. Taehyung glanced at the younger one who had a tired smile on his lips, eyes nearly closed. Taehyung waited and watched as he fell asleep, head lolling against the headboard.
He removed the younger’s outer clothes and tucked him into the blankets before slipping out of his own shirt and getting under the blankets too, sleeping peacefully with his dongsaeng’s warmth barely six inches away.
Three weeks later, he knew someone had been in his room. Not one of the dongsaengs, because Jinsung and Dagam were gone on a trip with friends to celebrate the term end.
Nothing was out of place in the apartment, but he just knew someone had been there. The door was partially ajar when he came in and he remembered closing it properly after him before leaving for school. So, who was the creep who entered his home?
He found a vague answer on his desk.
A sticky note attached to his laptop.
Welcome home, love.
“Maybe it’s one of the hyungs’ pranks,” he thought to himself, studying the note carefully. It didn’t match anyone’s handwriting as far as he could remember though. He felt unsettled knowing his privacy had been invaded so easily when he was gone.
Someone had placed it there between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. when he was at school.
The question was who?
Three days later Dagam returned from the trip without Jinsung and he was sure something had gone wrong before the younger even opened his mouth to say anything.
“Jinsung is dead,” he whispered. “Someone killed him.”
For a full whole minute he didn’t understand what Dagam was saying. Jinsung is dead. What? Jinsung. Dead. Hyung? He’s dead-
He caught Dagam before the younger collapsed onto the floor sobbing heavily and clutching at his sweatshirt crying, “ Hyung he’s gone and th-they think it was an ac-accident,” Dagam sniffled.
He had never seen his junior show such emotion so he wasn’t sure what to do except let Dagam cry into his shoulder, half screams half sobs falling from his mouth.
“What do you mean? Someone killed him?” He whispered to Dagam once the younger quietened a little, breathing punctuated only by an occasional sniffle.
Dagam nodded against his chest, seeming smaller than his actual 6 ft height, curled up in a messy ball of grief.
“I saw someone go in-into his room,” Dagam whispered, as if the walls had ears.
Maybe they did.
“Someone went in his room b-but the cameras… the cameras hyung!"
"What? The cameras what, Dagam?!" He shook the younger by his shoulders, gripping them tightly to ground the panicking boy.
"The cameras were blank, hyung," he finished softly." Entire folders cleared. No one saw Jinsung's killer."
His eyes widened as Dagam's explanation came to a halt. Jinsung dead. The note on his desk.
Someone in his home. Someone killed his dongsaeng.
But why would someone target Jinsung?! He kept racking his brains till Dagam's subsequent bout of sobbing stopped and he passed out in his arms on the living room floor.
They held a memorial service for him. Jinsung. Only his mother came. She fainted halfway through the ceremony. Most of the art and sculpture department was there to offer condolences. Jinsung's father was a no-show. His younger brother of twelve did the religious rituals for his hyung. The boy looked paler than milk as he finished the funeral rights and subsequently was found throwing up in the men's washroom crying for his older brother.
That night another note was taped to his bedroom door.
I love you, I did it for you. I'm sorry.
So his suspicions were confirmed. His stalker was the killer. He decided to go to the police but hail the police force of South Korea, they refused to investigate.
The case of Jinsung being killed was a closed case and out of the jurisdiction of the local police. The mountains where Jinsung and Dagam had gone with his friends were a different prefecture all together.
Besides, he had no hard evidence apart from a sticky note and even that didn't explicitly state what was it that the stalker had done. Since no physical harm had been caused to the one being stalked they couldn't take any action yet, especially since they had no lead on who might be the stalker.
He double checked all doors and windows before sleeping including Dagam's and changed the pass code on his door.
Sleep didn't come that night, though.
Three days later, he received another note, this one on his window. His fucking window. The damned apartment was seven floors up so how?!
Thankfully, the note was on the outside which gave him some sense of safety that the stalker/killer hadn't entered his house again.
I will have to do it again, I'm sorry. You can stop me though, if you want to. Remember, I love you so much.
The pale yellow sticky note went up in flames as he flicked his lighter open and burned the damn thing to ash.
He approached Dagam, who was reclined on the couch playing games.
"Dagam you need to move out," he said, trying to keep his voice gentle. "As soon as possible. You need to get out."
Dagam looked up, flustered, eyes rimmed red from too much screen time and also from crying day and night. "Hyu-"
"You have to leave. You can't stay here anymore," he said, pulling the younger one to his feet. "If you don't want to end up like Jinsung, do as I say."
"Hyung what are you-"
"You need to get out by tomorrow morning. No arguments. Ask Namjoon hyung to get you a dorm on campus and do not roam around alone, especially not at night."
Dagam looked like he wanted to argue but they didn't have time for it so he stopped barking orders at the younger and gave him a one-line explanation.
"I think the person who killed Jinsung is the same one who has been stalking me," his throat caught on the word 'stalking'.
But at least, on hearing this, Dagam understood why he was being thrown out. By that night, his packing was finished and a motel room had been arranged till he could find a dorm.
Two days later, Dagam moved in with three other first years of his major. Hopefully  this would be enough to keep him safe.
He received a note that night, on his dining table.
Good job, love. You saved him. I have a gift for you.
And next to the notes a discreet grey square box. He eyed it apprehensively, the silence of the empty apartment weighing on him too much. He felt like someone was watching him, keeping an eye on his reaction. So he schooled his features into a mask and opened the box.
Inside was a single photo of him, bruised and half naked, passed out on a bed taken from an angle that showed every single detail of his torso.
The scary thing about it was how closely the photo had been clicked. It wasn't some wide angle lens kinda shit, it was a plain old photo from a plain old mobile phone and his stalker had been close enough to click this picture.
Jinsung's killer had been inches away from him while he had been unconscious at that damn frat party.
He tore the photo into pieces before dropping them back into the grey box.
The stalker had been inside his house again. For fuck's sake-
He went to check the security cameras and after much pleading, got access to the one near the elevator. The stairs and elevator had a blind spot but right around the end of the video which was timestamped 2 p.m. today, he saw a flicker of black at the edge of the screen. The tip of a shoe and a leg before those too disappeared from sight.
He changed the passcode again and checked every single window in all three rooms, before locking the two rooms shut with the master key and then heading to his own bedroom. But nothing would remove the sense of being watched.
He could tell his friends. Jungkook and Jimin and Taehyung and Yoongi and the Noonas and Soyeon… they could all help. Maybe even Eunso could help.
"I'll tell them tomorrow," he said out loud, as if saying it out loud will make it concrete. "I'll tell them tomorrow and everything will be fine."
With that resolution, he crawled under his covers and tried to sleep. But he still felt like someone was in the room. There was no way he would be able to sleep with the lights off. So he turned on the light and froze in horror as his eyes shifted to the window.
His stalker stood in the balcony holding a camera.
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my thoughts on episode 3 of season 2 of euphoria:
they are making me work hard as a rue apologist, i am out here sweating and shaking
do i sympathize with cal's backstory? yes. do i still hate him with a passion and felt glee watching ash beat the shit out of him with a gun? fuck yes
i know this isn't going to last but i kinda liked the friendship between elliot, jules, and rue. the scene of them playing truth or dare was fucking hilarious
i love lexi's part of this episode. the part where it became a bts of her fake show where she was the director was so great and relatable and i have definitely felt like i am just an observer in life, and would imagine it playing out like a book
fuck nate jacobs
cassie, sweetie, this isn't you, don't look for self-worth in a man. cassie, nate jacobs does not love you, he's using you. cassie, look at me, this isn't you
maddy is s t u c k in that toxic relationship with nate and its so frustrating because you want better for her but she doesn't think she's worth better. i'm not surprised she went back to him, no one is helping, like genuinely helping her break out of this toxic mindset
also watching maddy babysit is so precious i love her and theo
being a fan of rue in season 2 feels like being a fan of judas before he betrayed jesus
rue started being a bitch to ali and i almost gave up my "#1 rue defender" badge. the writers really said, "it gets worse before it gets better" with her character arc
i'm sorry but i love ethan and kat together and if they break up i will die
listen, i know rue and jules aren't good for each other but seeing them inevitably drift apart and break up because rue is prioritizing drugs over her girlfriend will cause me so much emotional damage
also i have been headcanoning rue as asexual since season 1, or at the very least on the spectrum, and hearing elliot say he thought she was gay or ace validated me. like, based on her past sexual history and how she and jules are probably now on third base, i would headcanon her as demisexual. (also don't castrate me but i also dont think she's attracted to men at all)
also shout out to all my trans girls who wear binders you are valid and i love you
honestly, seeing jules and elliot get closer while rue spirals alone with drugs will also break me
i don't know who but someone is overdosing this season
fuck nate jacobs. he didn't even do anything that terrible other than treating cassie like shit and seeking out maddy again, but i still fucking hate him
lexi, jules, maddy, ash, ethan, and fez ilysm my babies
cassie and rue you are on thin fucking ice
also, side note: i am madly in love with bobbi
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txvbios · 2 years
kin-assigning songs on my spotify radar to one piece men pt. 1
(DISCLAIMER: this is based on my personal opinon + that of my girlfriend’s, and was compiled while taking the song’s vibe and/or lyrics in mind)
Includes: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Sabo, Thatch, Marco, Brook, Franky, Katakuri, Cracker, Enel, Crocodile, Bellamy
if this gains enough traction i’ll make a pt. 2, i guess
monkey d. luffy
INDUSTRY BABY - Lil Nas X, Jack Harlow [vibe + lyrics]
Bumpy Ride - Mohombi [vibe]
Black Mamba - aespa [vibe + some lyrics]
Cake By The Ocean - DNCE [vibe + lyrics]
roronoa zoro
Reserve - Egzod, Leo The Kind [vibe + lyrics]
Samurai - TH3 DARP, Godmode [vibe + lyrics]
Champion - Neoni [vibe + lyrics]
SCOOP - Lil Nas X, Doja Cat [vibe + lyrics]
vinsmoke sanji
Aristocrat - Poppy [vibe + lyrics]
Papaoutai - Stromae [lyrics]
Santé - Stromae [vibe + lyrics]
Je te laisserai des mots - Patrick Watson [vibe + lyrics]
portgas d. ace
DONT WANT IT - Lil Nas X [vibe + lyrics]
The Heat - The Score [vibe + lyrics]
freckles - Grady [vibe + lyrics]
Solo - Prismo [vibe + lyrics]
Me Necesita - PRETTYMUCH, CNCO [vibe]
Come My Way - PLVTINUM [vibe]
Revolution - The Score [vibe + lyrics]
Blood // Water - grandson [vibe + lyrics]
C’est La Vie - Siine, Frank Moody [vibe + lyrics]
Shut Up and Dance - WALK THE MOON [vibe + some lyrics]
The Heart of Life - John Mayer [vibe + lyrics]
Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz [vibe + lyrics]
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy [vibe + lyrics]
First Generation - Unlike Pluto [lyrics]
Phoenix - FPX, Chrissy Costanza [lyrics]
Talking To The Moon - Bruno Mars [vibe + lyrics]
Replay - Iyaz [some lyrics]
rock + roll - EDEN [vibe + lyrics]
The Boys Are Too Refined - The Hush Sound [vibe + most lyrics]
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel [vibe + lyrics]
Careless Whisper - George Michael [vibe + lyrics]
Bakamitai - Takaya Kuroda [vibe + some lyrics]
Epic Sax - JR Serpent [vibe]
Get Lucky - Daft Punk, Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers [vibe + lyrics]
charlotte katakuri
Candy Shop - 50 Cent, Olivia [vibe + most lyrics]
Venom - Eminem [vibe + most lyrics]
The Best - Future Royalty [vibe + most lyrics]
ALPHA - Layto [vibe + lyrics]
charlotte cracker
Bad Things - Machine Gun Kelly, Camila Cabello [most lyrics]
Roses - SAINt JHN [vibe + lyrics]
Superior - Nick Lutsko [vibe + lyrics]
Choke - I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME [vibe + lyrics]
GOD COMPLEX - KO Aka Koala [vibe + lyrics]
Roman Holiday - Nicki Minaj [vibe + some lyrics]
Thunderous - Stray Kids [most lyrics]
Heartless - The Weeknd [vibe + lyrics]
Crocodile Tears - Unlike Pluto [vibe + most lyrics]
Revenge, And a Little More - Unlike Pluto [vibe + lyrics]
I’d Kill - Chloe Tang [vibe + most lyrics]
The Devil is a Gentleman - Merci Raines [vibe + lyrics]
Dreamin - The Score, blackbear [vibe + lyrics]
No More Dream - BTS [lyrics]
Contrail - MoonMoon [lyrics]
Choker - Twenty One Pilots [vibe + lyrics]
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Hi. Can we get also sexual fantasies reading for superm please. The one for bts was soo good!
☞ these cards did not hold back :’)
DISCLAIMER // there is no guarantee for accuracy. believing in tarot is a choice. all portrayals are speculative and for entertainment purposes only.
⚠️ warnings - adult content
baekhyun⎡ KNIGHT OF WANDS ⎦⇁ Angry sex. Fast sex. The expression of the knight on this card looks very determined and rugged. Baekhyun fantasizes about lots of rough scenarios. He’s so turned on thinking about how things get down to business, all the grabbing and stormy approaches. Maybe even leashes since the knight seizes the reins in the imagery. Lot of sex toys involved here, and harnesses. Lord have mercy, this is one athletic card, too. It’s sex for sport, with all the screaming and sweating and muscles at play. It’s gotta be uncouth, he loves to imagine fucking all crude. And one position in particular, it’s one person riding the hell out of the other.
lucas⎡EIGHT OF SWORDS ⎦⇁ Oh oh oh, oh my god. This card is vibing BDSM like nothing else. Blindfolds, bondage, heavy crying kink. One partner completely surrenders to the other, emotionally as well as physically. The emotional part is the most arousing to Lucas in particular. But it could also mean he feels sad about something he fantasized about? Mixed messages here. What I can say is that he’s certainly not keeping it vanilla in his mind. Xuxi is up for some bedroom drama as well, he fantasizes about riling each other up, chaining each other up. Even caging someone up is what I’m seeing with the swords forming a prison on the card. Wow Lucas. His fantasies are borderline extreme and full of restraints. 
kai⎡ JUSTICE ⎦⇁ Something else right here! I always find this one hard to interpret in sexual readings. It has such an official, neutral theme to it. It’s more about legal contexts and bureaucracy. But! Maybe he fantasizes about exactly that strictness and that sterile tone. As a roleplay, imagine that. Either him being strict on his partner or vice versa. This is highly structured sex we’re talking about. The justice card is always about having discipline involved. This could be something like orgasm control now that I think about it. Edging all the way, it’s in line with what we see on the card, a sword’s edge. Punishments are fascinating and thrilling to Kai, he’s guaranteed to replay this in his head often.
ten⎡ JUDGMENT ⎦⇁ Nudity gets him going, exhibitionism, stripping for your partner. Simply the naked body turns him on. He finds it beautiful. All shapes and sizes, this card is about community activities. Group sex, huh. We get it, Chittaphon. The poly vibes are the strongest here, no other member has as many people involved. Everybody drops their inhibitions in Ten’s mind. And this card is about a blaring declaration so you can bet that loud sex is Ten’s thing, at least in his dreams. The JUDGMENT card also depicts the sea or water in general so I’m guessing it plays a huge role in his imagination. Pool sex, making out in the bathroom, meeting up in the ocean waves, something of that calibre, we’re getting super wet in here. 
taeyong⎡ THE EMPRESS reverse ⎦⇁ He’s so mad for this, oh boy. Said card is a punitive dame, she’s going hard on him. I dunno, the tarot is all in for Taeyong’s femdom dreams of getting roughed up. Didn’t he write lyrics about how he wants to get beaten up by a girlfriend who treats an whips him like a nerd? That’s exactly the spirit. Taeyong enjoys sex without sweetness and any mercy, it’s the exact opposite to Taemin’s reading. A temper is what he enjoys. He also doesn’t want to be babied, but handled without any respect whatsoever. If she’s spitting on him, he’s thriving. The style of sex could be totally artless, it’s very messy coordination. A lot of risk and bossing around is going on. Like he wants to be destroyed reckless abandon. Chapeau.
mark ⎡ KING OF CUPS reverse ⎦⇁ My my, what’s going on with the rap line. Mark is dreaming of absolutely mean sex 😅 He just really wants to mess with someone or get messed with. One party is being selfish, takes what they want. Mark enjoys thinking about ruthlessness and total chaos. Brutality, it’s his thing. Mark could be out there doing his daily business but he’s thinking about sex where you fuck each other up. Dropping all morals and inhibitions, we’re going raw. He doesn’t wanna calm it. Sex should shake him up and be impolite, Mark fantasizes about the most humiliating dirty talk. All up in Mister Lee’s mind is some pretty hardcore degrading shit, whew.
taemin⎡ACE OF CUPS ⎦⇁ And who’s the odd one out? It’s Taemin. Here we have romantic, high-spirited first times. Tres cute I’m thinking. This card is pure, he lives up to his maknae image. Whether that’s about a virgin kink or simply sex with someone fresh and new in his life, both is possible. Another card (QUEEN OF CUPS) fell out so that’s your indication he thinks about the loss of virginity of or with and older female partner. Interesting. It’s very sweet sex he’s thinking about there. Taemin’s sexual fantasies are all very rose-colored and very affectionate. There are lots of compliments and looking out for each other, great chemistry. Cups two times, we know for a fact he’s the most emotionally invested in his fantasies.
tarot mlist
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
Surprise Confessions
Pairing: Yoongi/Estelle
Series: BTS Girlfriends
Genre: SMUT
Synopsis: Yoongi is very blunt..
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The schedule in front of Estelle made no sense to her, brows furrowed together as she tried to make sense of the jumbled up squares. She really should not have any time from work, the other assistants made no sense of the schedules.
At the very least, Yoongi’s studio gave her the privacy and comfort to not be interrupted while she was trying to get work done. Estelle turned back to her laptop as she placed down her ipad, typing a quick email before sending it off.
Yoongi glanced at her, looking at the concerned and worried features on her face. She was always stressed whenever she came back from a holiday.
“What is it?” Yoongi asked bluntly.
“The other two assistants have completely screwed the schedule,” Estelle grumbled to herself, “Grace is very particular in the way things get done and they don’t understand that,”
Yoongi chuckled, “Maybe they don’t know how to do it because you always do it, you never tale breaks,”
“I just.. don’t know how to,”
He knew what that was like, sometimes you get so invested in things and it makes things harder to walk away from. It becomes a part of your way of thinking after a while.
“At least stop and have an orgasm or something,” Yoongi shrugged, “It does help,”
“Uh, no, I’m a virgin?” Estelle answered in English before switching back to Korean, “I haven’t had sex before, I haven’t really done any thing,”
Yoongi’s eyebrows raised at the confessions, finally distracted from his work. Something about just knowing that Estelle was untouched, almost completely, had his dick hardening.
“Never?” He questioned further, “What have you done?”
“Kissed?” Estelle shrugged, “I’ve never been naked in front of anyone, never been touched like that by another person, I just never connected with anyone,”
Yoongi almost felt lightheaded by the amount of blood that was rushing to his privates. He could be the first one, he would be the first one.
Softly grasping Estelle’s hand, Yoongi tugged her towards the couch he was sitting on. She looked up from her paper, an innocent look on his face.
“Do you trust me?” Yoongi asked.
“Yes?” Estelle tilted her head to the side.
He turned her to face away from him, hands already brushing up her skirt and trailing along her soft, warm thighs. Even just seeing the exposed skin had his cock aching.
His fingers hooked around the band of her underwear and pulled them down, Estelle startled slightly but she didn’t shy away.
“Is this alright, kitten?” He whispered.
“Yes..,” Estelle whispered.
The look of the plain blue panties had him smirking as they dropped to the floor. They just matched what he imagined she’d wear, nothing provocative or sexual yet still cute.
Yoongi’s hands worked on freeing his own self, belt coming undone and zipped sliding down as he was all too eager to pull his cock from its confines. The cool air of the studio made him twitch slightly.
He spat into his hand before spreading the saliva over his aching cock and stroking it a few times. Estelle shifted on her feet slightly before Yoongi roughing grabbed her hips, pulling up her skirt.
“Like I said before, do you trust me, kitten?” Yoongi purred.
“Yes?” Estelle glanced over her shoulder, “Yoongi-“
Her voice was lost as she was guided down onto his cock. A gentle moan left her lips as the hot member was pressed into her heat, stretching her and filling her.
Yoongi let out a strangled breath, arms wrapping themselves snuggly around her waist and face pressed into the back of her neck. Estelle’s legs were spread by his own, she could feel the pulse of his cock in her heat.
“Y-Yoongi..,” Estelle whined.
“I have to have you..,” He whispered as he kissed her neck, “Had to make sure I was the first,”
There was the Yoongi she knew. Possessive and demanding in the best kind of way.
“D-do I move..?” Estelle asked in a deep breath.
“No..,” Yoongi groaned, “Just stay on my dick, let your pussy remember it’s shape,”
Estelle’s cheeks turned pink, her hands shaking as they rested themselves on top of Yoongi’s. He was never someone who hinted at things, his opinion was always spoken and his words always clear.
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my-kpop-youniverse · 3 years
Introducing BTS’s 8th Member
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General Information -
Stage Name: Luna → 한글
Birth Name: Luna Valencia
Korean Name: Ho So Young → 호소영
Place of Birth: Medellín, Colombia
Ethnicity: Colombian-Korean
Birthday: 31st October, 1993
Zodiac: Scorpio
Languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish
Sexuality: Bisexual (female preference)
Relationship Status: Dating
Family -
Mother: So Min Valencia b. 1965
Father: Nicolas Valencia b. 1963
Older Brother: Samuel Valencia b. 1990
Younger Twins: Andres & Veronica Valencia b. 1998
Best Friend: Kwon Ji Yong (G-Dragon) b. 1988
Girlfriend: Gong Min Ji (Minzy) b. 1994
Career Information -
Company: Big Hit Entertainment
Group: BTS
Position: Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, Visual, Center
Age Order in the group: Seokjin, Yoongi, Luna, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook
Age when they debuted: 19
Physical appearance -
Face Claim: Jennie Kim (BLACKPINK)
Voice claim: Moonbyul (MAMAMOO)
Height: 180cm (5’11”)
Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Blonde
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Facts ↴
Was a trainee at YGE before she joined Big Hit
Namjoon often considers her as the ‘second leader’ because she’s always there to help him
Knows how to play volleyball
Is closest with her brother Samuel
Learned Mandarin in school
Fans consider Luna and Yoongi the twins of the group due to their almost identical behavior
Ace of the group along with Jungkook
Has been dating 2NE1’s Minzy since 2014
Their relationship was revealed after Minzy left 2NE1
Some more pictures -
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || You’re A Biology Major [Request]
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A/N: If anyone gets the reference in Taehyungs I officially love you more than anyone else in my life.
Jin was on stage for the night and you were backstage at one of the desks in the changing room, you'd learnt to drown out everything around you. You had to whenever you were on tour and you had an exam coming up, you wanted to be the supportive girlfriend with Jin but you also had to put your studies first and he understood there. At first, he'd tried to keep everyone in the changing room quiet but it was never going to happen because of who they were. They were naturally loud but you told him you didn't mind. The background noise made you feel like you were back in your college classroom trying to work with all the distracting people around you.
"You've been staring at that same paragraph for a long time, coffee break?" One of the stylists - Jihoo - asked when she saw you struggling with something in the textbook.
"Please. It's like my brain won't suck anything up into it." She handed you a brown cup and sat next to you staring at the page, reading through it all and humming to herself, your spirits lifted. If someone else could understand it maybe they could explain it to you but then she slammed the book shut.
"I've got no idea," You groaned and laid your head down on the hardback cover wanting nothing more than to bash your head against it and pray that the words fall into your brian,
"What's wrong babe?" Jin's hands were on your shoulders, rubbing at the knots in your muscles and you whined out at how nice it felt to have his fingers on you taking away all the tension you had.
"I should be giving you a massage, how was the concert?" He sighed knowing that that was your way of avoiding things, quickly trying to switch to another topic.
"Babe," He said in a warning tone and you looked up at him,
"I can't get this chapter into my head, it's like I've broken my brain. Reached a point where I can't remember anything anymore." He chuckled at you and shook his head,
"It's because you've done nothing but study for the last week straight. You need a break, one night off won't hurt okay? I'll go shower and then we'll go to dinner at the hotel and go for a swim?" You thought back to the pool he was in a couple of nights ago, the hotel was stunning and you'd been dying to go swimming there since you arrived.
"One night." You told him as you got more and more excited about the pool.
"One night." He promised, kissing the tip of your nose before standing up straight.
"Then you can go back to being my biology nerdy girlfriend." You stuck your tongue out at him and he rushed off towards the showers while you packed everything up into your bag and waited for him.
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The whole day you'd been a nervous wreck. From the moment you woke up you'd been on edge and so had Yoongi, both of you were waiting for the phone to ring and whenever it did you would both jump before answering it. None of the phone calls being the results you wanted. You were waiting for your biology final grade to come in, it was the grade to determine whether or not you had a career in your dream field. You'd thought you'd aced the test on the day you took it but the longer the results took to come in the more you began to freak out. All of your other classmates had received their results weeks ago and you were told yours could take a few more days, and this was the final date they'd given to you.
"Here, you have to eat." Yoongi slid the sandwich in front of you but your eyes never moved from the phone, scared to look away in case it rang and you didn't hear it. Which seemed impossible since it was on loud.
"Thanks." You mumbled taking the sandwich and biting into it, he sighed looking at you. If he'd known you'd be zombie-like he would have taken the phone away from you but he was just as nervous as you were to get the results, he knew how much this meant to you.
"Hello?!" Your voice came out panicked as you picked up the phone but Yoongi stared at you wondering what was happening on the other side of the phone, your expression was blank and unreadable.
"Thank you, Sir," You laughed down the phone,
"No, yes, I understand. Thank you." You hung up and he stared at you wanting answers but just as you were about to explain what had happened over the phone the front door to your shared apartment burst open and in walked the boys.
"CONGRATULATIONS!" Jungkook screamed blowing on a noisemaker and cheering loudly as Jin carried in a two-tier cake with your name on it, on top of the cake was a microscope and a string of DNA made from the candy you giggled at the sight of it.
"You don't even know what she got," Yoongi said and you giggled turning to look at him.
"I passed, he said it took so long because they wanted to make sure I hadn't cheated. They'd never had someone get 100% on one of their tests before-" You grunted as you were engulfed in a seven-man hug,
"You hear that! She's not only smart she's super smart!" You began giggling as Yoongi pulled away and started kissing all over your cheeks,
"I have to call my mum." You laughed at him and the boys all continued to congratulate you again.
"Thanks, guys, give me some of that cake though. I'm starving."
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Hoseok was just as nervous about the exam as you were, you'd never had to do something like this before. You were so used to going into a classroom and taking a final exam but you have stuck in Korea thanks to the lockdown rules and couldn't get home for the exam.  The college board understood your situation and were allowing you to take the exam there, but sitting in the dorm's kitchen with a laptop and a paper felt weird. A tutor was on the screen watching you and many other people on a zoom call to make sure you weren't cheating, the boys were all silent in the living room while they waited for the next two hours to pass by. This was the written paper which was fairly easier to do from home than the practical exam was going to be. You knew they were just going to arrange that for a later date but you had no idea when that later date would be or how it would work.
"You think she's passed?" Jin whispered to Hoseok, two hours were up and they could hear you talking to your tutor as you packed up the finished exam paper into an envelope no one would be able to reopen once it was closed.
"She's smart, she can pass anything," Hoseok whispered back to him, since staying with them he'd done nothing but brag about how smart you were. Always making your cheeks heat up whenever he'd do it in front of you but he wanted to show you off, show off just how proud of you he was to everyone. The door to the kitchen slid open and you came out holding the envelope.
"I have to post this right away." Hoseok nodded grabbing his keys more than happy to take you to get it done,
"How'd did it go?" You nodded at him and he wondered what it meant, they all did.
"It went okay, I won't know until they grade it." You giggled at them and they all sighed wanting to know now.
"Results will take a month, I swear you'll be more on edge than me." You laughed at them and Hoseok took you towards the front door, eager as ever to post the test off for you.
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Namjoon wasn't worried at the start of the day but as more time passed the more he started to worry. You hadn't answered any of his texts or his calls. He assumed you were too busy studying for your finals that were coming up but it was getting late and you'd normally called to check in with him by now but you hadn't.
"I'm just going to check she's okay and then I'll come back out," Namjoon told Jin as he pulled into your driveway, your car was still there which meant you were home. Namjoon took the spare key you'd given him for emergencies and walked up the front door and let himself inside.
"Y/n?" He called out through the dark and empty apartment, he shut the door and listened out for any sign of you. He could hear the soft lofi music coming from your bedroom so he headed up to try and find you, he pushed the door open and you were asleep at the desk. Blanket wrapped around your shoulders with your head in a textbook, highlighter in one hand and post-it notes in the other.
"Oh shit," He whispered rushing back to JIn to tell him to go back to the dorms,
"She's asleep but I need to move her." Jin nodded and left him there, Namjoon headed back inside and went back up to you. He took the blanket off your shoulders and then picked you up carrying you to the bed where he laid you down and laid the blanket back over you.
"Goodnight baby," He kissed your forehead and headed downstairs to clean up the apartment and make sure you'd at least eaten something that day.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of food floating through the air, you headed down the stairs to see Namjoon standing in front of the oven and cooking,
"You sure you aren't going to burn my house down?" You teased going up and kissing his cheek,
"Morning, how'd you sleep?" You hummed and rubbed your neck,
"I ache." He chuckled at you and handed you a fresh cup of coffee,
"That'll be from sleeping at your desk."
"I completely crashed, I'd stayed up the night before and thought I'd make it, I was wrong." He sighed and kissed the top of your head.
"I love how smart you are but you need to learn how to take breaks baby." He whispered to you as he began plating up food for you.
"I will when I pass." He knew there was nothing he could say to change your mind so he was just going to have to make sure he was there to remind you to take breaks as you did with him.
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"Jimin I can take myself," You giggled as he handed you a cup of coffee in bed. He'd woken up extra early so he could make you breakfast in bed and bring it up to you. It was results day which meant going down to the college to pick them up in front of everyone. Everyone would be exchanging what they got and talking to one another about what was next for you all,
"Well, I wasn't there when you took the exam or had your first-year results so I'm going." He kissed your head and you didn't fight him on it. You didn't want to upset him by telling him you didn't want him to take you because you did. You wanted him to you were just nervous what other people would say. They were the nicest to you in class when they found out you were dating him and they'd never really spoken to you after they found out either, not that it bothered you. You wanted to keep your head down and work instead of getting involved in childish-like drama, you were supposed to be adults in college not teenagers in a classroom. Jimin knew that they hadn't been the best to you which was one of the other reasons he wanted to take you, he wanted to show his support of course but he also wanted to show them how much neither of you cared about their opinions on him.
The silver Porsche rolled up into the carpark and immediately all eyes were on you, you weren't stupid you knew what Jimin was doing. He got out of the car and wrapped his arm around your shoulders,
"Let's go get your results." You shook your head at him and he smirked at you, you already knew what results you'd gotten this was just protocol to go and collect them.
"What? Nothing wrong with this is there?" You ignored all of the stares you were getting as you walked through the courtyard and towards the main entrance.
"No. Not at all. But just remember that they already hate me, I don't need them thinking I'm with you for the money." You quipped back at him and he laughed bringing his arm around your waist and pulling you closer as you walked through the halls.
"Let them think what they want, I'm just showing my support to my beautiful and smart girlfriend." You scoffed at him,
"Wait here, I have to go in alone." You stood him beside a wall where he couldn't get in trouble and headed into the room for your results, ignoring all of the looks once again.
When you finally came back out Jimin was surrounded by guys and you assumed he was talking about the car but as soon as he spotted you,
"There she is! My brainiac." You groaned at him playfully and he continued bragging to the boys about how smart you were.
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Taehyung knew how smart you were and he didn't need the benefit that your research facility was throwing to tell him that but he went along with you anyway. It was being held in a giant hotel, it looked like something the boys would stay in when they went on tour.
"Dr Brennan, let me introduce you to Taehyung. My boyfriend." The lady who owned the building turned to you and Taehyung and bowed before talking to Taehyung in Korean. She was gifted in every language and subject which was one of the reasons you'd wanted to work for her for years. She was exceptional, the very best.
"I'm very proud to be working alongside Y/n on a lot of our projects here." While they were in an in-depth conversation you walked away to get another drink for you and Taehyung. The facility held these events so the beneficiaries that helped the place run could meet the people that they were paying, it was also an excuse to dress up really fancy and show off your husbands, boyfriends, wives and girlfriends for the night.
"Hmm Hi," You giggled as you felt Taehyung wrap his arm around you from behind, your leant your head back against his shoulder and he smiled,
"Dr Y/l/n." His arms dropped and you turned to look at another co-worker,
"Hi, this is Taehyung, my boyfriend, Tae this is Dr Addy another brilliant biologist at the lab."
"She's too kind. She's the brilliant one." You smiled softly and looked down at the wine glass in your hand as they began exchanging stories about you with one another. Taehyung's smile growing wider and wider as he heard more and more stories about you that he hadn't before, each of them making him prouder of you with every passing second. He couldn't wait to get home and tell the boys everything about it, they knew how proud he was anyone but now he had more stories to tell which meant more bragging rights about how you were the smartest one out of them all.
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At first, you thought it was just your imagination playing tricks on you. You were just too focused on your studies to even realise but now you'd finished all of your exams and had your results you realised that Jungkook was getting distant with you. He'd spent all of his time at work and then his free time was spent with the boys, when he eventually did come back to your shared apartment you were either asleep or at work and barely had time to see him. It was worrying you. Your graduation was coming up and you'd asked him to go with you but he told you he was busy and couldn't, but he wouldn't tell you what you were busy with though.
"You're probably just overreacting. Isn't comeback season soon?" One of your best friends in your class asked as you lined up to get your diplomas, you knew she was right but it still didn't make you feel any better about it.
"I just wished he'd come, it would have been nice."
After graduation, you headed home to find Jungkook on the sofa. You took off your shoes and walked towards to kitchen without greeting him.
"I don't get a hello?" He chuckled but you didn't find anything funny,
"I thought you were busy today?" You didn't mean for your tone to come out so harsh but you were upset that he told you he was busy when he clearly wasn't.
"I was. Come with me?" You stared at him and he nodded over to the front door,
"I'm tired Jungkook-"
"Just come with me." You sighed at him and followed him out towards the front door again, you slipped into your shoes and he took you over to his car.
"Where are we going?" He stayed silent and sat you down in the passenger seat before going to his side and started up the engine.
"Jungkook! We're not allowed in here! It had a sign-" You were cut off when bright lights came on and people screamed surprise at the top of their lungs.
"What- Jungkook did you do this?" You looked around the room, it was filled with all of your classmates, teachers and tutors from your college and banners along the wall.
"I've been planning a graduation party for a while,"
"This is why you've been so distant?" He nodded sheepishly at you,
"I can never lie to you. I figured I'd been distant for a while and it'll all make sense." You wrapped your arms around him and he started laughing as you cried softly against his shoulder.
"This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." You whispered to him, pulling away from the hug and giving him a long lingering kiss.
"I have to show everyone how smart my baby is don't I." He winked at you and kissed you once again.
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negrowhat · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Lets take a moment to appreciate a few couples that actually take their time to talk to each other. If you're looking for healthy main couples look no further!!!
Gene and Nubsib from Lovely Writer
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Solo and Gui from Oxygen the Series
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304 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 16:36:09 GMT
We Love A Sweet Himbo
It’s me again y’all. Let’s talk about some of our beloved Himbo Boys.
Fighter from Why R U? the series
This man’s tiddies are never covered, his eyebrows have a life of their own, and apparently he’s packin 9 inches. He had everyone simping, but he was simping for ONE man. He’s a loveable man who would do anything for his beloved Tor, literally followed Tutor around like a puppy.
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Xiang Hao Ting from History 3: Make Our Days Count
Man jumped from a girlfriend to a boyfriend so fast my neck snapped. And how many times did he talk about wanting to eat Xi Gu up complete with props? BUT he realized how good a person he was and he loved Xi Gu with every fiber of his being and wanted nothing but a bright future for them both.
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308 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 06:28:50 GMT
Like y'all they were really fucking there! Incognito, but they're there.
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332 notes • Posted 2021-05-17 15:09:53 GMT
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Tag your fave BL chef
348 notes • Posted 2021-09-16 05:02:18 GMT
He’s...Fond, Your Honor
These quiet boys are just quite fond of those not so quiet boys. Here enjoy this appreciation post of our favorite quiet boys who were silently in love way before anything was confessed.
Tang Yi from History 3: Trapped
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Chief Phupha from 1000 Stars
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404 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 04:53:46 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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hongcherry · 4 years
BTS Masterlist ♡
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Hiya! Welcome to my imagination x bts! 
I hope you enjoy my stories and thank you for giving me a chance! ^-^ Feedback is always welcomed.
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Last updated: September 4, 2023 All Rights Reserved © hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, AND/OR FORM.
* Mature/smut stories are meant for viewers who are 18+ years old. Please refrain from interacting with them if you are under 18.
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♡  Series  ♡
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♡  One-shots  ♡
Tonight (f / ag) | idol!Seokjin ↳ People say your duty is to your heart rather than your head, but what happens when Seokjin’s heart is torn in two?
moments with you (s / f) | baker!Seokin, est. relt. ↳ With Christmas being one of the busiest holidays for Seokjin's business, you cherish all the small moments you have with him.
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unnamed (s, ag) | fwb ↳ Jealous Yoongi teaches you a lesson. [request]
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♡  Series  ♡
None yet
♡  One-shots  ♡
With You (s / f) | idol!Hoseok ↳ What’s a better way to surprise your boyfriend—who's been gone on tour for five months—than to hide in his hotel room after one of his concerts on his birthday?
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None yet
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♡  Series  ♡
Drifting (ag / f) | dancer!Jimin ↳ After being assigned different partners for your midterm routine, your and Jimin’s relationship starts to deteriorate when you both begin spending more time away from each other and with your assigned partners instead.
♡  One-shots  ♡
eleven (ag) | exes2lovers au - ღ ↳ After you and Jimin break up to pursue your separate goals to achieve life’s success, Jimin tries to rekindle the spark that’s been flickering ever since the split.
Touch of You (s) | idol!Jimin x fwb!Reader  ↳ Jimin has never let you touch him until tonight, bringing on a storm of emotions you both had tried to suppress.
unanmed (s/f/) | bff!Jimin x virgin!Reader ↳ Jimin takes reader’s virginity [request]
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Forever (s / f) | drifting couple, dancer!Jimin ↳ After an emotional practice, you find comfort in Jimin’s presence. [request]
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Enlaced (ag) | enemies2lovers au ↳ “A familiar face walks into your bistro and you are torn between deciding to say hello or to remain hiding in the back.” [request]
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♡  Series  ♡
Swinging By a Fine Line mini-universe (ac / ag / f / s) | spiderman!Jungkook - 🖊️ ↳ Spider-Man’s role was easy: save everyone, fight the criminals, don’t drop out of school, don’t expose his identity, and make time for his girlfriend. What was so difficult?
Warning Signs (ac / ag / f) | spiderman!Jungkook, SBaFL au - ღ ↳ Spider-Man is a beacon of hope for most residents in Seoul; although, it causes you to feel a little useless to society. With determination to be a change in the world like your masked boyfriend, you find yourself involved in a secluded organization meant to eradicate underground gangs. However, you find yourself deeper than you expected—leaving Jungkook trying to discover who this “new you” is alone.
everywhere you go (f) | 1k Celebration Post! 🎉 (spiderman!JK; sm au) ↳ Jungkook takes a vacation trip to New York.
♡  One-shots  ♡
A little sand never hurt anyone (s / ag) | bff2l au ↳ Happy anniversary! Oh wait, it's just a friendship anniversary. You and Jungkook decide to dedicate your anniversary day to each other by visiting the beach and its shops. Luckily for you and Jungkook, you find a secluded spot on the beach that allows you plenty of privacy.
Stains (f) | established relationship au ↳ Spending Valentine’s Day with Jungkook usually meant venturing out of your home; however this year, you decided to stay indoors. Just you, Jungkook, and a few paint supplies.
Save You (ag / ac) - angel au, Angelfall (book) au- ღ ↳ You're supposed to be at war with the angels, but you can't seem to abandon a certain sarcastic archangel during the battle. [request]
♡  Drabbles  ♡
Once Was (ag) | arranged marriage au  ↳ The arranged marriage forces you and Jungkook to realize the promise you made to each other is not as unbreakable as it seems. [request]
Here for You (f) | established relationship au ↳ A bad day at work results in you crying and Jungkook cradling you to his chest. [request]
Your Light (f) | roommates au, enemies to lovers ↳ Being stuck in the dark with your annoying roommate was not ideal, however, maybe it wasn't so bad in the end. [request] — Part two
my type (f) | nonIdol, est. relt. ↳ For some, having a whiny, needy partner may be annoying. For Jungkook, you're just his type. [request]
unnamed (f, hc) | bf!Jungkook, est. relt. ↳ “yn is on her period and she starts crying because of how caring and beautiful jungkook is” [reuqest]
How I See You (f/ag) | idol!Jungkook, est. relt. ↳ Jungkook eases your mind about your insecurities. [request]
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♡  Series  ♡
None yet
♡  One-shots  ♡
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♡  Drabbles  ♡
12 Days of BTS masterpost - ✓ ↳ List of fics for the 12 Days of BTS event for the 2021 holidays 
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syms-things-5 · 4 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Fifteen (Part Three)
Previous chapter here
Warnings: language, some suggestive sexuality, and some good old angst
Tags: @jennmurawski13 @kelbabyblue Thanks for the support!
Notes: Hope you enjoy this, and apologies for my poor spelling and grammar.
Chapter Fifteen: Part Three
She woke up earlier than him.
It was half six when she stepped into the shower having given up on her sleep. It had been a hot, rather uncomfortable night and the aircon barely broke a chill through the suite.
It was taking some getting used to, this sharing a bed, especially with someone who insisted on snuggling into the back of her. Sarah wasn’t much of a cuddler and Chris knew this. She would much rather wrap herself up in blankets and drift off to sleep but it didn’t stop him from slowly inching his body towards her throughout the night. It was a case of putting up with it for fear of falling off the end and breaking something.
She barely moved under the shower head except to allow the water to rain down on her skin and hopefully liven her up for the day. She was anxious, more anxious than she anticipated she would be. She was always able to keep her cool under test conditions, probably why she became a nurse in the first place, but something about this particular exam was hitting differently and she wasn’t sure why.
She eventually got dressed and went back into the bedroom to sort her hair. He would be annoyed she’d woken up before him now that he had decided he was single-handedly responsible for all her breakfast needs that week. Admittedly, though, it felt nice being looked after in this way. Really, really nice. It was like having her own PA.
He was sleeping flat on his stomach, one leg poking out from underneath the covers. He had wrapped his arms around a pillow and his low snore was rumbling through the warm air in the room. It was confusing how anyone could find that position comfortable and not wake up having lost all feeling down one side of his body. His back muscles were relaxed but still resembled something Michelangelo could only dream of painting. He was, in all honesty, a ridiculous specimen of a man. A man that told her he wanted her to get some good rest and sleep as much as possible. Who had closed her textbooks, ran her a hot bath, and climbed in behind her to massage her shoulders. Potential lingered in the air last night but he was going to stick to his word and not get in the way of her work. He told her he was glad he was with her and happily settled for stroking her hair as she fell asleep. Her head was lying on his chest but when she felt his heartbeat settle and his arms loosen around her, she softly rolled away from him like he knew she inevitably would.
At various times, they found themselves getting into a very comfortable and, dare she say it, enjoyable routine. It was surprisingly easy to do so when the door was locked. He had used the hotel gym to give her some peace for a few hours each morning. He had kept her fed and hydrated when she would have most likely forgotten both having had her nose stuck in her books for hours on end. He had watched daytime television in the bedroom and failed to hide his tears when a charity had rebuilt an elderly man’s home following a flood. When she asked, he had helped to test her using the notes she’d prepped for the exam. He read scripts as soon as they had landed in his inbox. His team was politely shocked at his new-found efficiency.
When they weren’t fooling around on the sofa in the evenings, she had taken a break to read over some lines with him. While at first he was very kind and promising with his notes, especially with some kissing scenes he’d invented, they both knew she was definitely not suited for a life in front of the camera.
“Don’t overthink it too much. Just go with your instincts.” he encouraged her to continue reading with him for fun but she had given up when he had fallen into a fit of laughter as she attempted to arrest him.
“Yeh, no, my brain doesn’t really work like that.” she responded, holding up her hands in defeat.
“Please? I’m sorry, I promise I won’t laugh.” he pleaded. “Again.”
It was easy to get used to having him around but she finally realised how and why women fell for him hard. There was something very childlike about him, something innocent even if he was anything but when they dimmed the lights. He was gentler and quieter than she knew him to be, less sure of himself at times than perhaps the impression he wilfully gave away to the public. She heard the criticisms he levelled at himself when reading his lines out loud and saw first-hand the pressure he placed upon himself where his career was concerned. But for every committed step them took forwards as they learned more about each other, even after all these years, something started to pull her back.
She was broken from her contemplation by his groggy drawl. He turned on to his side and laid his hand in the space she had previously occupied. One eye had yet to open and his hair was pointing in all different directions.
“It’s far too early to get up, y’know.” He stretched his arm out to connect with her leg curled up underneath her as she looked back at him. “Oh shit. I forgot. Is it really this morning already?”
She stayed looking at him from where she was sat before nodding. “I should only be a couple of hours but I’ll swing by that bakery down the street and pick us up something nice for lunch. They do those almond croissants you like.”
He sighed, taking her in and smiling. She’d tied her hair in a side plait and was wearing a slightly fluffy striped sweater that he wanted to run his hands over. “Yeh, that sounds really nice, Bernette.” He didn’t miss a beat. “I could meet you afterwards? We could go for a walk through the Park?”
“I might just want to come home and cry.”
“Hey now, you’re gonna ace this test. I can feel it.” He was fully awake now, purposeful in his movements towards her to help put her mind at ease. “if I was your patient, I would be ecstatic to have you working on me.”
She chuckled to herself. He was always so confident expressing himself. She was jealous of that. She wished she could be as confident and as sure of herself, like the rest of the family were. It was one thing in her that stood out in stark contrast.
“What have you eaten? I didn’t hear any room service.” He probed, a serious look now glazing over his features.
“Oh it’s fine, I’ll grab something on the way. I’m not all that hungry to tell you the truth.” She tried to brush off his protests but it only served to make him more concerned.
“You’ve got time yet, let me order something up.” He made for the phone but was stopped as she got up from the bed. “You need to eat something, Sarah. You’re gonna be sat there for hours. I don’t want you passing out.”
“Alright, thank you, Dad!” she laughed. “It’s fine! This is not my first exam. I know what it’s like and I promise you I will get something from Starbucks on somewhere else on the way.”
“You’re going now?!”
“Yeh, I could do with a walk to clear my hear. I always found that helpful when back in school.” She was talking from the lounge as she tried to locate her boots. Something else Shanna had chucked into her suitcase without her realising, but she wasn’t as annoyed with this one.
“Give me ten minutes and I’ll come with you.”
She re-entered the bedroom to find him rifling through his bag for new clothes. “Why?”
“Because I wanna support my girlfriend! Jesus!” He was sharper than he had intended but carried on with his search for fresh boxers, throwing out some old stuff in haste like he was searching for long lost buried treasure.
She just looked at him. He’d never used that word before. They’d never talked about it. He acknowledged her silence and stopped to look at her, jeans in hand. He saw her awkward stance and instantly felt like shit. This was not the morning to lay this on her. He knew the very next words out of his mouth would determine how they moved forward.
He paused before chucking his jeans on the chair in front of him. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright,” she responded but she wasn’t sure it was.
“If you wanna head off, that’s totally cool. I’ll be here if you need me. Just text me when you’re done, yeh?”
She nodded at him, offered him as reassuring a smile as she could manage before leaving the bedroom to gather her things. He didn’t follow her; she heard the bed creak slightly so he must have chosen to stay put instead. It was probably for the best. She didn’t want the image of his pitiful face to be her last memory before sitting in silence for 90 minutes, trying in vain to concentrate as hard as she could.
The test went about as well as expected, if what she had expected was to doubt her basic entry-level abilities. She was one of seven that morning, six if you discount the gentleman that walked out fifteen minutes after he sat down.
It was multiple choice. It really shouldn’t have been that difficult. The answer was hiding in plain sight after all. She was reminded of something her tutor once told her and her graduating class before they left the relative comfort of their college:
“There will always be someone who knows more than we do.”
He didn’t mean it in a disparaging way - at least she didn’t think he did - but more that you go from being one of the best in your class to being surrounded by people who are equally as bright and as intuitive as you may be, and who will all have had different experiences. He wanted to say that sometimes, there is no one right answer. It was more than passing a test and qualifying; you have to adapt. You had to soak everything up like a sponge or else you risk becoming redundant in the very profession you devoted your life to. No wonder Medicine had the highest quit ratio. Boy, had she been naive.
Shanna 11.41am: OK OK I kno ur probably still super busy bt i’m dying to kno how it went?? Txt me when you get a sec babe xxxxx
She smiled down at her phone before typing a series of vomiting emojis. That should just about sum up her feelings. Scanning her phone again, she found a couple of messages from Audrey but none from Chris. She was surprised but would be lying if she didn’t admit to being relieved.
She meandered down the street towards the subway, thoughts swaying between reliving stupid mistakes she had convinced herself she had made, to what kind of mood Chris might be in. She texted him that she was finished and heading back like she promised she would, then the train was bang on time so she didn’t even have the luxury of blaming delays. Her legs weighed like lead as she approached the suite doorway, her lack of sleep the night before finally catching up with her.
Everything was deathly quiet when she entered. She paused after shutting the door behind her but still couldn’t hear anything. Certainly no trace of another person being present. Confused, she walked into the bedroom and found a note left on the comforter. He’d gone to the gym and told her to message him when she got back. This might give her the excuse she’d been seeking to grab five minutes alone.
She flopped on to the bed and turned to the side to catch the pile of notes and textbooks he’d shoved there the night before. So much promise contained in those few pages. So much knowledge that it felt like she had no business attempting to absorb it for her own personal gain. Many highly accomplished physicians and scientists had bound their entire lives to the duty of finding answers to the human body’s potential for extreme trauma. What exactly would a young, angst-ridden girl from Michigan bring to the table?
The door went a few moments later and she realised she had closed her eyes. She was lying on her back with her legs hanging off the end of the bed as he walked in, slightly sweaty but nevertheless a sight for sore eyes. Seeing him in this state was the nicest thing that had happened to her all day and she regretted their tense conversation earlier.
“Dude...” he muttered as he dropped his towel on the chair by the door and joined her on the bed. He flopped down alongside her with a heavy sigh.
“Good workout?” she finally offered.
“Yeh, all good. Nothing too strenuous.” He replied like it was the most normal conversation in the world. “Good exam?”
“Oh yeh, same.” she replied just as casual as him before they both fell into a fit of giggles.
“Wanna talk about it?” he asked after they had both calmed down.
She took a deep breath. “Not really.”
“You want me to guess?”
“What?” his voice was a little whinier than he would have liked at this particular time. “I know you. You’re writing yourself off before you know what’s happened.”
“Who said I was writing myself off?” She pushed back. “It’s normal to feel like this. It’s just...nerves or whatever.”
“Yeh, well, there’s no point worrying about something twice.”
She didn’t want to talk about this right now. She was silently hoping he would make a move on her after refraining from touching her the night before when she was definitely in the mood for him. “It’s just...it’s hard to explain.” She got up from the bed and shuffled into the bathroom to remove what little make-up she had put on that morning.
“Try and tell me about it. What was it like? How many questions were there? How many people turned up?”
She threw the face wipe in the bin and ran the tap water to wash her hands. She knew he wasn’t going to budge from his trajectory. She knew he wasn’t going to stop picking at her to talk about it. She leaned her hands on the marble top and took a deep breath.
“It was harder than I imagined it would be. I think I just froze. Like, basic stuff I do day in and day out just wasn’t coming to me.”
“If doing auditions has taught me anything it’s that you always think you’ve done worse than you have. It’s just natural. The brain works in strange ways sometimes. It can trick you.” he reasoned, finally moving into the bathroom but not daring to reach out to her. He settled for backing up against the wall inside the doorway.
“I’m pretty sure it’s not going to be a good result, thought.”
“You don’t know that for sure.” He spoke softly, comfortingly. “You’re so smart and so capable of doing this. You just gotta believe in yourself.”
She nodded in acceptable of what he was trying to say and looked at him face-on. His brow was defined with those worry lines again which made feel a little crap, but he still had a boyish shine about him, no doubt because of the glow from his workout. She would have been a heaving red mess.
“What are you thnking about?” he asked.
She continued studying him, trying to arrange her thoughts. “Is this all there is to life?” she asked after another moment had passed. “You find something you like to do and that’s it, you just coast for 40 years?”
He contemplated her question for a second. “Yeh. Pretty much.”
Sarah huffed out a laugh, not fully appreciating his brutal honest at this moment in time.
“But not everyone is lucky to even get that far.” He moved into the bathroom to stand closer to her. “People can go years with no real clue of what it is they wanna do. You’re one of the lucky ones, Sarah. You figured it out when you were young, you did what you had to do and now you’re doing it for real. That’s less common that you think.”
It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate what he was trying to do, it’s just that often she had multiple anxieties convincing her of the opposite. It’s easy for him to say this, he’s already at the top of his game. He doesn’t have to other with the real world if he doesn’t want to. Most people don’t have the financial luxury of stopping to retrain as something different and Chris had always alluded to quitting acting while he was still young in order to take up something else, like carpentry or simply staying behind the scenes. He always figured he would stop when he had his first child but the reality for everyone else couldn’t afford them that same privilege.
“You are where you’re supposed to be.” He continued. “I don’t believe there is anyone better qualified at what it is they do than you. I believe that and I believe that you know that, too, deep down. You just gotta find the other stuff that keeps you happy in the meantime. Whatever it is that keeps you going.”
“What makes you happy?”
He smiled at her. “Well...what you see if what you get. Family, football, beer. Not necessarily in that order.” He was glad she was smiling again. “Spending time with the people I love. Recognising that I love them and that they love me back and that that love is wonderful.”
“You’re so lucky you don’t second guess yourself all the time.”
“Oh, believe me, I do.” he impressed. “It’s just that I learned some things a few years ago that helped me now. Like taking a deep breath and letting it wash over you. It’s natural to feel doubt but it’s what happens afterwards that really matters. It’s how we choose to perceive the things that happen to us, and how we move forward.”
“Anything has gotta be easier than feeling like this.”
“It’s not always a good thing. Sometimes you have to wait for other people to catch up.” He leaned onto the counter next to her, the mirror in front of them spotlighting them both and making them both appear a little pathetic in their current gait.
“I should start packing.” She whispered after a few more silent moments had passed by.
Neither of them made the effort to move but check-out was 2pm at the latest if Chris had bought it and she was almost certain he had. She would eventually need to make her way to the station and presumably Chris would simply head home in his car. Back to Boston. Back to reality.
“We still have some time. We could order up some lunch if you want to? I’m not entirely convinced you ate anything this morning.”
She watched him in the mirror as he turned to face her, a sterner look in his eyes. He was pretty certain he could read her face this time and her lip-bite told him he was right.
“Or we could do something else with the little time we have left.” He reached out his hand to touch hers, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. She didn’t more away so he chanced his arm and pulled her closer to him before kissing the inside of her palm and wrist. “It was so hard last night.”
She smirked at him before it dawned on him. “I mean...you know what I mean.” He rolled his eyes. “It was hard for me to lie so close to you and not touch you. I really meant what I said, about you getting a good night’s rest but fuck me, it was difficult.”
“I know. It was hard for me, too.”
“We don’t get this kind of time together,” he looked down at her hands, held tightly in his. “And I’ve really, really enjoyed myself. I feel more normal around you. I can’t explain it.”
“It’s OK. You don’t need to say anything.”
This was the type of conversation Sarah would ordinarily run a mile from had it been with anyone else. Chris seemed to understand as well as he stopped himself from talking some more. She was being held in place by the literal limited space around her as he planted himself in her way. He looked down at her causing her to freeze up and, mentally, she began checking if she could feel her feet.
She slowly ran her hands up and down his arms in an attempt to sooth him. She saw him glance down at her lips and she hoped he would end the silence by kissing her but there was no such luck. He was trying to figure something out but what, she didn’t know. He was waiting for her next move.
“I don’t think we’ve thought this much about what happens, when...” he paused, gauging her for a response or an indication that she was OK with what he was about to say. Perhaps even anticipating it in some way. “Sarah, I have these feelings for you and they’re getting stronger and these past few days have told me that I’m right. Do you know what I mean?”
She did know. She didn’t much want to know, but she did. “Let’s pause this and figure it out another time, yeh?” He hands rubbed up to the rest of his shoulders. “Let’s just enjoy this while it lasts. There’ll be another time for talking.”
He wasn’t convinced but assuaged enough to kiss her again, a little harder this time. His hand slipped into her hair to hold her to him and she responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. They had time.
She should have known he would have had the idea to drive them both back home. Yes, there was no need for her to sit on a busy commuter train for three hours but still. She did almost say yes but she would feel awkward asking him to drop her off blocks away from her home and he would inevitably disagree and they’d argue. Not argue per se. They never really argued, but it would become a thing and she didn’t have the heart to disappoint him a third time that day.
They were in happy moods by the time they checked out. All ideas of having a more serious conversation had evaporated quickly after she pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him. He had them both naked in record time even for him, and she made a point to memorise his face and the rush of red through his skin when she watched him cum hard underneath her.
She’d bought him a coffee from the cafe bar inside the reception and he’d thanked her with a gentle peck on the lips before slipping away via the underground garage, ball cap pulled down low over his eyes. She felt the light bruises form on her thighs and smiled to herself at the memory of where his hands had been when she walked into the apartment to find Shanna in tears. She froze on the spot.
“Oh my god, what the hell happened?” Finally finding her voice when registering the scene in front of her. Sarah dropped her bags and ran to the couch to wrap an arm around her friend. “Why are you crying?”
“I didn’t think you’d be back so soon. Sorry, I’m...” Shanna tried to gather her thoughts. “It’s stupid really. I don’t even know what I’m crying.”
“Well, it’s not stupid. It’s obviously something because it’s made you upset.” She pulled her hand inside the sleeve of her hoodie and used it to wipe away her tears. “Do you wanna talk about it? Is it something I can help with?”
“Not really.” This wasn’t the feisty Shan Sarah knew. “Turns out Robbie wasn’t interested in me after all because he’s asked somebody else out. I should have known really. He definitely wouldn’t be interested in me.”
“Oh love,” Sarah empathised.
“It’s not even like I was really all that bothered about him, honestly.” She continued. “It’s just, it’s been a while since someone decent asked me out on a date, y’know? Someone smart who had potential. Normally, they have to be drunk to even approach me and they just end up being dickheads. All of them.”
Knowing Shanna as well as she did, she knew Shanna wouldn’t appreciate an empty platitude. “I think it happens to the best of us. You should hear some of the tales Audrey has. She’s experienced some crazy shit.”
“Yeh? How did she meet Michael?”
“She didn’t make it easy for him that’s for sure!” she chuckled and felt relief at the grin now showing on Shan’s face. “The way she tells it, she stopped looking. Just stopped going to bars and clubs, spent more time doing the things she enjoyed and more time with her friends and family. Randomly met him at a march in the city, can you believe that? He wasn’t even supposed to be there but his brother dragged him along apparently.”
“I think she was right to concentrate on her friends and family. I should take a leaf out of her book. At least you can count on them to keep you sane.”
A sense of unease found its way into Sarah’s head. “Yeh, definitely. You never know when a good thing will strike and maybe this shows you that you know what you don’t want anymore. That’s gotta be a positive thing, right?”
“Yeh, it just feels a bit crap but I’ll probably feel better in the morning.” Shanna got up from the couch and Sarah sense it was more so to hide a few more tears. “I got some wine earlier, do you fancy a glass?”
“Uh yeh sounds good. I’ll just go and sort my stuff out.”
“Oh fucking hell!” Shanna smacked her hand to her face. “I’m so sorry! How did it go?”
Sarah held her bag loosely in her hand, her attempt at making a quick getaway to her room without discussing the exam a failure. “Oh, it was what it was. I won’t find out for a little while so no point worrying about it twice, right?”
“Huh, you sound just like Chris.” Shanna said before walking back into the kitchen. “I’m sure you did great, though. You always do.”
“Thanks.” She carried on to her room to dump her stuff. She would sort it out tomorrow. Right now, she figured Shan would want to get a little bit drunk and Sarah was on a late tomorrow anyway, so...it wouldn’t do them any harm.
“Hey, Sarah?” Shan called from the kitchen.
“Who did you have coffee with?”
Confusion set in as Sarah tried to figure out what Shanna was talking about. She peered her head round the door. “What?”
“Coffee today?” Shanna responded, holding a crumpled piece of paper in her hand. “This dropped out of your coat, I think. Coffee for two?”
Confusion quickly turned into full-blown panic as she realised what she had done. Fuck. “Oh, um, I just...” She stumbled over herself and felt her skin redden and get hotter. She must have looked a sight. “Um...it wasn’t...”
“Hey, listen, you don’t need to explain anything.”
“Oh no that’s not what it is-”
“-At least one of us is having better luck in the romance department.”
“Shan, it’s not-”
“-I’m so glad you and Greg are getting on well.” Shanna handed over the receipt to Sarah before regarding what must have looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights. “I mean that. He seems nice and you absolutely deserve to have some fun for a change. I know I haven’t been very supportive of this whole thing with Charlotte but I worry about you a little bit sometimes. After everything that’s happened, I guess I just didn’t wanna see you hurt again.”
Sarah was frozen to the spot. Numb. Shanna had put two and two together and thought the best of her friend. Sarah didn’t deserve that.
“He seems like he’s being really supportive right now and being the person that I should perhaps be. I will try to be better, I promise.” Shanna apologised.
Sarah looked down at the slip of paper in her hand and then to the floor, a little bit of feeling starting to return to her legs. “Shan,” she started quietly, so quietly that she missed it entirely and when she looked back up, Shanna was walking back into the kitchen.
“I mean it. You’ve always been amazing to me. Picking me up when I need it and looking after me. Everyone says I take you for granted sometimes and they’re absolutely right so I just wanted to say that I will back you up 100% from now on. No excuses. You and me against the world, right?”
Shanna flashed her a broad and hopeful grin and all Sarah could do was return a limp version in response. 
“Let’s get that wine opened and you can tell me all about it.”
Shanna disappeared into the kitchen again. If she had stayed a second longer she would have seen tears form in Sarah’s eyes at the knowledge that she screwed everything up. She and Chris had diverted a conversation on the promise of having it another time but that was never going to happen. Not now.
How could it?
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
omg yea that one opinion ab the gay kpop stans is sooo true. ofc not all gays are like this but i’ve seen a lot who bash ppl for being straight,bi,ace,basically not gay. like i thought the lgbt community was supposed to be welcoming and loving why are y’all being so hateful and giving us a bad name😭 also the projecting your sexuality onto idols is sooo true omg just cause an idol isn’t gay doesn’t mean they’re a bad person or you can’t stan them. they’re not your personal boyfriend/girlfriend..
yeah and let alone the amount of transphobia that exists in the community, I feel like alot of stans use their identity to be like “I'm gay so you can’t say im wrong and if you do you’re homophobic” like even today, i saw a girl on tictok being all like “just because hoseok wears nailpolish- doesn't mean he’s gay, he could just like it” and she got torn apart for being homophobic- but like- allowing straight men to partake in feminity without being gay isn’t homophobic,  (assuming someone can’t like feminine things without rejecting attraction to women is just misogynistic)  
this is really true in kpop- its really hard for idols to feel free in general- let alone with they overanalyze and sexualize everything they do, let alone the difference in beauty standards and stigmatization of affection in western cultures. there is a lot to unpack- especially the way that western sexuality doesn't always apply to places that aren’t the united states. im just thinking about like- when i went to Thailand in 2016 and there where just so many beautiful transwomen walking around? like all the time? so much more than I’d ever seen in the us
 it’s easy to forget that some of bts have already confirmed they’re not straight too! like yoongi saying he had crushes in middle school on one of his classmates, while going to an all-boys school, or saying “my ideal type isn’t limited by gender” and all of them collectively agreeing to keep bt21 gender neutral. like- it’s clear they know a lot about lgbtq issues, and i mean- tae’s favorite movie for a long time was call me by your name.
 we should let the boys speak on this themselves and keep in mind that sexuality is something that changes for a lot of people and that they won't come out until they’re ready to do so. 
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wannableahgase · 4 years
Ship Guidelines
This account is now closed
 You can give me feedback on my ships here  🌌
I will post here every kpop/anime ship I do, for which groups and how to submit a request for them^^ 
⭐️ If requests are closed but you send one it WON’T be deleted but it’ll probably take me a bit of time to get to it. If you’re patient then it’s no problem to send requests even if they’re closed ✨
⭐️ If the group has units you can specify which unit/s, you can also request separate ships for more than one unit or you can request the whole group.
⭐️FOR ANIME SHIPS (idk about this but) Haikyuu, Fullmetal alchemist are the only anime I have seen that I can actually ship you with lol All the other ones I have watched I feel like I wouldn’t be able to think of ships ( e.g. When they cry, future diary etc.) sorryyy...
🌙 every ship can be private and by private I mean : Pictures not shown, username not shown, information you have given me not shown. 
🌙  Submit an ask ( They can be anonymous ) if there are no pictures and you don’t mind the information you have given to be shown
🌙 Submissions are for when your request has a picture and/or you want the information and/or username private.
🌙 Please specify which things you want to be private. ^^
Selca ships : Open
🌙 Submit a picture(or a few) of yourself, filters are fine just nothing that hides your face too much.
🌙 Specify which groups you would like
🌙 I ship based on pictures. I could add some comments om why but no long descriptions
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Exo(all units), Nct (all units+wayv), ACE, Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit), ikon, Winner, MCND, The boyz, Oneus,The rose, Pentagon, TXT, YDPP, Nex7 (not  groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, Everglow, Oh my girl (all units), Dreamcatcher, CLC, Twice, Itzy, IOI(+ot7 sub unit), Pristin(+ Pristin V sub unit), Hinapia, Loona(all units)
Personalty ships : Open
🌙 Give a description of yourself^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, hogwarts house, mbti, pets or anything you can think of that makes you who you are.
🌙 No picture needed for this one I will ship you based on personality 
🌙 I will also give a short description on why I chose that person 
🌙 Up to 3 groups per request but you may request as many times as you want!
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Exo(all units), Nct (all units + wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line) 
⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC; Dreamcatcher, Pristin(only Pristin V sub unit)
Picture +personality ships : Open
🌙 I will ship you based on both your description and picture
🌙 Submit a picture/s of yourself
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Exo(all units), Nct (all units+wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
🌙 Give me a description of yourself ^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, hogwarts house, mbti, pets or anything you can think of that makes you who you are.
🌙 3 groups per request but you can request as many times as you want!
⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC; Dreamcatcher, Pristin(only Pristin V sub unit)
BBS/GBS ships : Open
🌙 I will give you a boyfriend/ girlfriend, best friend and a sibling like member (who will act like you’re their sibling). 
🌙 Give me a description of yourself ^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, hogwarts house, mbti, pets or anything you can think of that makes you who you are.
🌙  Pictures are optional
🌙 Up to 3 groups per request but you may request as many times as you want! 
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Nct (all units+wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit I can just choose what both of them fit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
  ⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC, Dreamcatcher, Pristin(+ Pristin V sub unit)
Hogwarts ships : Open
🌙 Pictures are optional
🌙 Give me a description of yourself ^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, mbti, favourite hogwarts class, if you would like to be in the quidditch team etc.
🌙 Tell me your Hogwarts house or I can try to sort you based on the description you give me ^^ 
🌙You can decide what you would like or I can choose from boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend/s(friend group works too if the groups you gave me have a lot of members), magical pet, Blood status, first person who befriends you, Yule ball date, enemy, enemy to friends and if you think of something you would like just tell me^^ If I like it I may even add it to this list.
🌙 up to one story per request which can contain as many groups as you would like. For example if you say two groups I will use members from both groups for one ship. You can always request multiple times with different groups.
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Nct (all units+wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit I can just choose what both of them fit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
 ⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC, Dreamcatcher, Pristin(+ Pristin V sub unit)
I will probably add more ships in the future so please stay tuned^^^If you have any ideas or ships you would like me to do feel free to text or send me an ask any time^^
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