tsuyahandmade · 4 months
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unacunatura · 6 months
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eyes of Lina
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giantstoe · 1 year
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illidraws · 5 months
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Credit 暮宙シュン for the bases
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treepyro · 1 year
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you guys ever had harsyra (oxalis acetosella) before?
it tastes sour kind of like a very sour apple and it's a very common plant in swedish forests
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ravi0ll · 2 years
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deathtek · 4 months
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SE Milport Road and McBrod Ave, Milwaukie, Oregon
From top to bottom: geranium (Geranium sp.), sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), changing forget-me-not (Myosotis discolor), subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), common vetch (Vicia sativa)
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Not 100% on the ID but I thiiink it might be Raununculus acris, the common buttercup, and Rumex acetosella, red sorrel. No idea what the purple ones might be.
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angelsintheforest · 2 years
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Morning surprise! My first Cranberry Hibiscus flower.
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tsuyahandmade · 5 months
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mossfroot · 1 year
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Wood Sorrel Oxalis acetosella
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giantstoe · 1 year
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Oxalis acetosella, known for its sour taste and heart-shaped leaflets
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illidraws · 7 months
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Jion Mel, Kader, Kalieth, Ki Lael, Mitial, Raven, Rei'jean
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francescointoppa · 6 months
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Oxalis articulata Savigny – Acetosella rizomatosa (Oxalidaceae), nel parcheggio
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dendro80 · 4 months
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An adventure in the part of the forest that I am not very familiar with. An old fire tower that I visited once before. Springflowers called harsyra (Oxalis acetosella).
May 2024
Brovallsskogen, Avesta, Dalarna, Sweden
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