lovings4turn · 6 months
becca, my love. i saw that your blurb requests are open, so can i request oscar with "taking off their makeup when they're too tired"? thank you!
ᯓ★  𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 — 𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢
ahhh nora lovely thank you sm for sending this in !!! adore writing for oscar so thank you for giving me the opportunity to 🤭🤭 this ended up being longer than i expected but what can i say i got carried away !!! hope you like this lovely
indistinct dialogue washes over you as your ears tune in to the sound of oscar’s heartbeat, the sound much more preferable to the drama of the characters currently on the screen in front of you. 
curled against your boyfriend’s chest, the glow of the television washing over you both and bathing you in a fuzzy, low light, you find it hard to keep your eyes open for longer than a minute at a time. 
oscar is just so warm, the fabric of his hoodie against your skin so soft, and you had woken up disgustingly early that morning for an eight am class that preceded a long study session at the library. so, it’s no surprise that your exhaustion is quickly catching up to you, a lion stalking its prey.
since his gaze has been resting on you rather than the random sit-com for the past ten minutes, oscar is quick to notice the drowsiness consuming your features. 
“let’s get you to bed, eh?” oscar asks, patting your side twice with the tips of his fingers to prompt you to stand.
“i’m not even that tired,” you protest, words coming out in a low whine thanks to your desperation to remain in the warm embrace of oscar’s arms.
“tell that to your eyes, sweetheart. they’re practically closed.”
almost on cue, you lift your hand to rub at your tired eyes before you stop abruptly, loose fist hovering just in front of your face. a frustrated noise escapes you, and your head falls back against oscar’s chest at the realisation.
“i still have to take my makeup off.”
oscar fixes you with a look of amused pity. though he’s clearly sympathetic to your plight, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t find your theatrics somewhat entertaining.
strong arms wrap around your waist, and oscar gently helps you to your feet, sending you off to bed with the promise that he’ll be right behind you.
curiosity picks at your mind, but you’re far too tired to argue or ask questions. your body operates on autopilot as it leads you down the hall to your bedroom, and you flop down onto the soft mattress without hesitation.
never had you been more thankful at oscar’s insistence that you wear his clothes as much as possible: already dressed in one of his old t-shirts and some pyjama shorts, getting changed into something cosier was not a problem you would have to tackle tonight.
oscar appears a few minutes later, and it seems that he’s brought the entirety of your skincare shelf with him. countless bottles and tubs are piled up in his arms, threatening to spill over as he fumbles towards the bed. 
with furrowed brows, oscar drops the bundle of products onto your comforter and lets out a breath, beginning to survey the many different items sitting in front of him. “right then, let’s see,” he mumbles, picking up one product at a time and scanning the labels with such an intensity that, had you the energy, you would have teased him for.
“moisturiser, no. facial scrub, no. hyaluronic aci- what even is this stuff?”
you can’t help it. a laugh bubbles up in your throat, and though your eyes are heavy with sleep, oscar can see the way that the crinkle slightly at the intensity of your smile.
as fun as it is to listen to oscar grow increasingly confused with each skincare product he scrutinises, you decide it’s best to put him out of his misery sooner rather than later. “purple bottle, babe. might wanna grab some cotton pads, too. next to where you grabbed everything else from.”
oscar follows your instructions instantly, setting your makeup remover off to the side before he scoops the other products up into his arms once more, heading to return them to their rightful home in your bathroom. he soon returns triumphant, holding up the packet of cotton pads in his left hand as though it’s one of his racing trophies.
idiot, you think fondly.
soon, he’s sitting beside you, tilting your face upwards towards him with two fingers. the movement is tender, and you can’t help but lean forward to press a kiss to the bridge of his nose.
with a level of care you imagine someone would reserve for a newborn, oscar begins to swipe away at your makeup, putting a lot of effort into not tugging at your skin.
every so often, he speaks, questions of “feel alright?” and “not hurting you, am i?” filling the otherwise peaceful silence. 
each time your answer is the same: a slight shake of the head with a reassuring hum. you’re convinced that oscar could never be anything but tender with you, and this only adds to your hypothesis. 
a few seconds pass, and you can no longer feel oscar wiping at your face. your eyes flutter open, greeted by the sight of oscar admiring you with an adoring expression.
a light flush dusts the top of his cheekbones, and his lips are pulled up into a foolish, love-sick grin. he doesn’t shy away when he realises he’s been caught, only moves to press a chaste kiss to your lips. “now,” he starts, voice playful. “wanna tell me what the next step is, babe?”
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Neil helps his best friend's sister with Latin. The problem is - he has a crush on her, but knows they could never be together. After all, he couldn't date Charlie's family, it's against the rules. And secondly - Neil is sure Y/n wouldn't have ever talked to him if it wasn't for the tutoring.
Pairing: Neil Perry x dalton!fem!reader
Words count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"Thank you for helping me, Neil." Y/n said as she closed the door of her room. She stopped for a moment and then added, "I didn't ask if you wanted something to drink. Shall I bring tea? Coffee? Juice?"
"Water would be perfect," Neil sent the girl a smile.
As Y/n walked to the kitchen for two glasses of water, Neil unpacked his bag. He had some notes that could be helpful for whatever Y/n could need help with. He was a year ahead, so the things she was learning now, he knew cold.
At least tutoring let him spend some time with Y/n. Charlie wouldn't have a problem with his best friend and his sister having a thing, but that wasn't the problem. The Daltons were rich and that was the problem. If it wasn't for the tutoring, Y/n probably wouldn't even have talked to Neil. Neil's family wasn't poor, they had enough money to send him to Welton, but his father worked hard for this.
"Okay, I'm back!" Y/n announced, setting the cups with water on her nightstand, far away from the books.
"Great, so, what do you have a problem with?" Neil asked, taking a seat by Y/n's desk.
The girl sat down on a chair next to him, smiling. "Oh, you know... Latin." She giggled awkwardly, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Oh, how beautiful she looked in that moment. A bit blushed, smiling awkwardly. Neil was mesmerized and almost forgot what he came here for.
"Yes, but what in particular?" He tried masking his infatuation. And he was good at it so far.
"You know what, the desk feels uncomfortable for two people, doesn't it?" Y/n grabbed the book and tossed it onto the bed. "Let's sit there, shall we?"
And so they did. In front of each other, with their legs crossed. Neil forgot about his glasses, but he quickly reached into his bag to search for them.
Now Y/n seemed to be a little mesmerized. She hadn't seen him wearing glasses before and that was a very flattering model for him. Neil looked so attractive.
"Glasses suit you," the girl complimented, "do you ever wear them, you know, outside of studying?"
"No," he chuckled, "I don't need to." Right after this he said it, he scolded himself, in his head of course, for saying it. To make it less awkward he added, "Although thank you."
"No problem." Was it Neil's brain playing tricks on him, or did Y/n sound disappointed by his reply? "Okay, so let's start."
"What shall we start with? Do you wanna start from the beginning, or...?"
"No, no, not from the beginnings. I understand the basics, but it's get pretty difficult later on..."
"Yeah, languages have that thing where they get harder the more advanced they get."
The joke made Y/n smile. She pushed Neil playfully and he theatrically pretended it hurt him.
"Maybe we should start with ACI?"
"Accusativus cum infinitivo," Neil smiled at the memory of Charlie laughing at the word 'cum' every time, but to Y/n it just seemed like a kind smile sent to her. "Alright, let's start."
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"I don't get it, Neil, I just don't!" Y/n whined pathetically. She felt truly hopeless if even Neil couldn't help her.
"No, Y/n, calm down, please, and listen to me." He ordered in a lower, but still kind voice.
Y/n looked at him with worry in her eyes. Worry and fear, but she wasn't scared of him. She was scared of not passing the class, failing her whole education.
Her eyes are so beautiful, Neil thought, she looks like a lost, little doe.
"I know what your problem is," he continued, "you don't know the declensions."
"Well, have you seen how many of those are there?"
"Yes, there are five. But why can't you remember them? From what I've seen today, you don't have a problem with conjugations."
"There's only four of those. And they just make more sense, you know? They feel natural to me. Meanwhile how am I supposed to remember it's puella, puellae, another puellae, puellam, puella with the funny line above the a and vocativus is the same as nominativus?"
"Not to brag, but I must be a really good teacher because you've just recited the first declension in singularis."
"I did?" Y/n beamed at the realization. "Neil, you're amazing!" She threw herself onto Neil, closing him in a very tight hug.
They were laying down on the bed. Neil was on his back and Y/n was on top of him. This moment lasted a bit longer than it was appropriate.
Y/n raised herself up, she went back to sit in the spot she was. She realized how inappropriate it was. She thought Neil must've felt so awkward right now. So she began apologizing and explaining.
"I'm sorry." She said. "I made it awkward, didn't I? I don't know what got into me. I guess I just- I don't- okay, there's no explanation," she knew she might take the explaining too far, but she didn't know how to stop this stream of words. "There is an explanation, actually. I like you, yes you've heard it right, I like you. More than a friend, I've had a crush from you since I met you."
Neil sat back in the cross-legged position. He was astonished by this confession. Not because he didn't feel the same. The thing was he did feel the same, but had no idea Y/n would, so he never prepared himself for this moment. He didn't know what to say, because it seemed so impossible to him. It was never supposed to happen.
"Oh no," a whine came from Y/n's mouth, "I knew I shouldn't have said that. I'm so sorry, again. The way we looked at each other today, I thought the feelings were mutual."
"Y/n, calm down." Neil tried to keep his voice relaxed. He didn't want to make himself seem too excited, that could creep the girl out. "I do feel the same."
"You do?"
"I do, I just didn't know you would. That's why I've tried to keep it to myself."
His confession gave Y/n a bit of confidence. "You weren't so good at keeping this a secret today, the way you looked at me was... giving me signals, let's say."
When this problem was solved, there arised another. What were they going to do with it?
"So... what happens now?" Y/n asked.
"I'm asking myself the same question."
"Should we tell Charlie?" Tell him what though, Y/n? Y/n asked herself, This confession didn't change anything, you're not suddenly dating.
"No," Neil laughed, "I don't think he's ready. I don't think he's mature enough."
Y/n nodded with a smile on her face, but didn't say anything. So Neil continued.
"Would you like to start going on dates?"
"Sure, I would love that. What's your first date idea?" Y/n gave Neil a cheeky smile.
Neil's hand suddenly happened to be on Y/n's, intertwined by the fingers. "I will take you to my rehearsal. Afterwards, we can go eat something or have ice cream. What do you say?"
Without an answer, the girl scooted closer to him. Eventually, she gave Neil a reply. "I say, it is a nice idea. You must look so good on the stage, doing what you love to do."
In that moment, Neil blushed, but what made him blush even more, was Y/n's next action. She put her hand on his jawline and pulled him in for a kiss.
He didn't hesitate to kiss her back, but decided to let Y/n stay in control of the pace and everything else. It was a slow, very romantic kiss. It wasn't awkward, it felt as if they kissed so many times before, their lips co-worked just perfectly.
Soon, Neil's hands found their way to Y/n's waist to pull her closer. A moment later, the lovers were laying down on the bed again. But it wasn't going to go anywhere further than this kiss. Neither of them were ready, besides they've just confessed their feelings, it would be too quick.
After a while, Y/n pulled away, letting Neil and herself catch a breath. She laid down next to the boy, taking his hand in hers. She felt him rub her hand with his thumb. It felt so reassuring. Whatever happens later, we'll get through it.
If Charlie finds out, then he finds out and there's nothing he can do about it. If he doesn't like it, it's his problem, he should be mature enough to understand it.
If the parents find out, either Y/n's or Neil's (it didn't matter, because whoever found out, they would tell one another), then that would be a problem. But Neil was sure he would do something about it, he would make up a solution. It wouldn't be the first time he went against his parents' will.
In the worst case, Y/n and Neil would have to wait until they finish high school. After that, they would be adults, free to do whatever they wanted to. Whatever was going to happen, everything would work out in their favour.
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thehydromancer · 1 month
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The Evace (Eee Vee Ace) class light cruiser, despite its relatively small size, is the largest dedicated warship, capital or otherwise, produced by the Galatea Shipyards of the First Great Expansion colony system, Acis. The light cruiser isn't the most imposing capital ship, but its the pride and joy of the shipyards and a thorn in the side of Dramstellar whose profit margins are cut into by on the regular. At distance, the Evace class's profile could easily be mistaken for a large frigate, and the triple engine configuration doesn't help. These engines are powerful for their compact size however, and rival more traditional, larger capital ship engines. The engines serve as an excellent analog for the class overall in fact; compact, dense, and bristling with energy. Most of that energy is expelled in an ever expanding sphere as electrons, photons, and other more exotic forms through the vessel's plentiful AESAs, LADAR, and other more exotic sensors. Far less of that energy is concentrated into accelerating missiles through the dual bow mounted casaba howitzers, though the return on investment is truly impressive when the individual missiles detonate their internal fusion bottles to pump a shotgun blast of ludicrous speed particles in a target at distance. The four PDGs are almost mundane by comparison to the rest of the ship systems, leading to rumors that Acis may be reverse engineering Ijad technology in direct violation of Ionian law. Naturally, no such evidence has ever arisen. Perhaps more concerning are the number that have appeared in recent years in the private fleets of more... erratic megacorps, including two in the forces of the Krewstara Consortium who have become outright free colonists opposed directly to Dramstellar's interests. The more savvy naval analysts suspect the Evace class represents not a smaller ship punching above its weight class, but potentially the first in a new wave of miniaturized, yet no less lethal, purpose built ships of war.
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positivelybeastly · 9 months
Hi!! Is me, Stray! After many a trial and error, I now have an RP blog! Just letting you know I'm here and, uh, favorite music genres & favorite song headcanons for Hank?
Welcome to the roleplaying community! There's always a few ups and downs when you're first getting set up, especially if you've only ever set up the one Tumblr for personal use, but there's always room to learn, and I find that people tend to be generally pretty accommodating if you're as polite as you've been on Anon! If you have any questions about roleplay etiquette or the like, feel free to send another ask or just IM me.
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As for favourite music genres and song headcanons for Hank, I generally think he's a pretty open minded fellow? There are a good few bands and types of music we know for certain that he enjoys.
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Jocko Homo, by Devo.
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Dead Man's Party, by Oingo Boingo.
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Chopin's Nocturne.
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60s rock! I can see him being a Creedence Clearwater Revival kinda guy.
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Acis and Galatea!
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The Rolling Stones!
Something you'll often see assumed of Hank is that just because he's a man of the arts, well read, and eloquent, is that he's some kind of music snob, that he only listens to opera, that he only enjoys classical, that he looks down on 'lesser' forms of music. And I honestly just don't believe that would be the case?
Like . . . here's the thing. Hank may talk fancy, but he is still, at best, a middle class farm boy from Illinois. If he has an accent, it's probably closest to a Chicago accent, if he hasn't trained his voice to do something entirely different - he does mention his voice has changed during his feline mutation to a baritone, so it's not out of the question. But he is not (or at least, he should not be) a hoity toity snooty asshole.
This is something even writers often get wrong about him - they assume that he's the smart character, ergo he must be the snooty, elitist character, which is something Ben Percy leans into, but it's not even just him, it's Paul Di Filippo in X-Men Unlimited vol. 2 #8, too. It becomes an asshole trait, and it's just. Not. Accurate.
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Hank likes all kinds of music. In fact, I struggle to think of a kind he's outright stated he hates, though he's been around for 60 years, I'm sure someone can correct me. He's a curious fellow! He likes to explore! He'll consume any media, he quotes 1940s Superman comics, he watches Robin Hood movies with Wonder Man, why in god's name would he be a snob?
As for headcanon? I have tons! I often think, hmm, this feels like a song Hank would like, or a song that feels like a Hank song, when I listen to music, because. You know. Big blue guy's p much always on the brain.
I have a Spotify playlist that I occasionally add to, but currently on there is:
Is She Really Going Out With Him? by Joe Jackson - self deprecating, but also kind of a banger.
Carry on by fun - fun is an amazing band, and I definitely feel the lyricism and scale of their music would appeal to Hank.
Rain on Me by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande - I don't know if Hank would listen to this, but it has his vibe.
Cells by They Might Be Giants - I'm sorry, but have you fucking heard a band that more encapsulates Hank's personality?
Dr. Wanna Do by Caro Emerald - my old Abigail RP partner used to use this as her ringtone for Hank. I think Hank likes some jazz.
Cure for Me by Aurora - again, not one I think Hank would listen to, but again, it feels like Hank to me.
Very Good Advice by Robert Smith - Hank totally digs new wave and the Cure, and literary references mixed in with that vibe? Totally.
Moonshine by Caravan Palace - this song leads into Lone Digger by the same band, which I put on Dark Beast's playlist, representing the continuity between them. It has the right energy.
There Ain't Half Been Some Clever Bastards by Ian Dury and the Blockheads - songs Hank would sing in the middle of the fight if it weren't full of swearing and comics were allowed to do that.
I Want You to Want Me by Cheap Trick - he does.
On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz - this just has exactly the right energy.
I Will Dare by The Replacements - "How smart are you? / How dumb am I? / Don't count any of my advice. / Oh, meet me any place or anywhere or anytime / Now I don't care, meet me tonight / If you will dare, I might dare."
Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift - another one that doesn't feel quite like something Hank would listen to, but I think we can all relate to this song a little bit (does that make me a basic bitch? Maybe), and some of the lyrics are so awfully Hank. "I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror," like, fuck.
Turning Japanese by The Vapors - Iunno, I just think he'd like it. I often think that if I were gonna make an OG X-Factor movie, this is what would start the movie during a fight scene.
I would also like to give @brw a shoutout for their excellent Hank playlist, which introduced me to, among other things, Touch-Tone Telephone, which feels like Hank's theme song.
Oh, also, The Plastic Age by The Buggles. Hank absolutely loves prog-rock, you know he does. Oh, and showtunes! The man just will not stop singing, in the middle of fights or while being filmed for the nightly news, so he totally vibes with some Broadway. I'd also be lying if I said that Dust and Ashes doesn't feel like a New X-Men Grant Morrison Beast vibe all over. And Hank would love it! A musical based on War and Peace? Sign him the fuck up!
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sparksnevadas · 1 year
hi dearest sparks, i just wanted to come tell you that despite what you think you are a REMARKABLE angst writer. I think, maybe, the reason you don't think thats the case is because the vault is made up of people who's angst is big and showy - Midnight, Equinox, Rift au, and Mochi's aus all have this I feel - and you put your angst into the minutae. Into the every day. Something hurts your characters every day and build and builds until one day they snap and break and GOD just. I'm thinking about how you call GIHASM lighthearted and yet ive been on the verge of tears with it so many times. Grumbo finally talking, Grian realizing more and more that the HA isnt good, his desperation to get Mumbo back, Scar's quieter desperation to get Cub back and how those two things parallel each other. Everything you have planned w ethubs....just....you're SUCH a good Angst writer my dude and I just. Wanted to make SURE you knew. <3 okay lov u bye
Hi belle 🥺
This has been sitting in my inbox for a bit and I keep rereading because its really sweet.
I guess you kinda hit the nail on the head: im not as beautifully poetic at describing emotions or angst in my writing as all the talented writers in the vault. My background is in writing scripts for class so im more dialogue focused than thoughts focused in my writing.
Even if I try, i wont come up with beautiful analogies like mochi and void do, or come up with fun character complex backgrounds that are teasingly being pried apart in your and acis writing. This isnt me putting myself down (/gen) its just what ive noticed!
This isnt a bad thing though, i do feel like my dialogue is fun and nice about my writing. i like my dialogue, im proud of it, so thats also why i tend to focus on “gihasm had no angst, that was my embarrassing attempt, go look at bdubs being silly instead!” :)
But this message was really sweet and ive had to sit a few days to even start formulating a response to it… i love u anyways dont kill me in mc over the next chapter haha bye
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dzthenerd490 · 10 months
File: Fullmetal Alchemist - Alchemy
Code Name: Book of Alchemy
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ACI is held at Site-AR within the office of Malcom Wyllt. It is held within a safe that can only be accessed by his fingerprint, retina scanner, and an 8-digit passcode known only to him. The safe's security can only be bypassed by another Level 5 Clearance Foundation staff member. 
Description: SCP-ACI is a normal hardcover book closely resembling ones made in the early 20th century. SCP-ACI itself is not anomalous but instead the inscriptions inside it are what hold the anomalous properties. The illustrations and descriptions of SCP-ACI tell how to create alchemy transmutation circles each one having properties that are slightly different form one another. Please see Addendum X-27 for details
Addendum X-27
The following is a list of transmutation circles found within SCP-ACI and what they are best used for.
Small Circle - self-explanatory for small scale transmutation of matter. such as to create small tools or perhaps create flowers from fertile soil. Normally measures in 20-30 centimeters. 
Normal Circle - most commonly used for larger purposes of transmutation like creating slightly more complex tools as well as creating or fixing furniture. Normally measures in 50-70 centimeters.
Big Circle - Used in more large-scale transmutations for more complex structures, an entire garden, or even more complex alchemy circles as well. The possibilities are only limited to the size of the circle which is anywhere between 90-200 centimeters. 
Large Circle - Largest possible alchemy circle allowing the most powerful, the largest, and the most complex forms of alchemy to exist. Exists in sizes of 4 meters to 10 meters. Often the hardest to create perfectly and thus are rarely used. 
Matter Manipulation Circle - Most basic type of circle able to change the shape of matter such as turning a common stone into the shape of a pyramid as well as being able to turn led into gold.
Chemical Chain Reaction Circle - Releases the common energy of all alchemy into targeted elements and matter allowing instantaneous chemical reactions as the name implies. Most commonly used to make fire and explosions out of air alone. 
Heavy Condensing Circle - Used to heavily condense materials affected by the energy within the circle. It is able to condense any material into any shape desired and is able to condense them as much as physically possible. mainly used for weaponry purposes. 
Organic Manipulation Circle - Considered dangerous if used incorrectly by most sections within SCP-ACI. Common practices include healing, instantaneous blood transfusion, instantly growing flowers or plants in a garden. Great for medical and agriculture purposes. 
Advanced Reconstruction Circle - As the name implies can be used to create complex machinery with all the parts and materials needed. Allows for instantaneous construction of large buildings down to the very last detail. most commonly used in Big and Large Circles. 
Artificial Biology Circle - First of the forbidden sections within SCP-ACI they are used to create chimeras between animals. Most forbidden is how it's shown that its possible for humans to be turned into animal chimeras as well.
Human Soul Resurrection Circle - Considered the absolute worst by many self-inscriptions within SCP-ACI there are even blood written over the descriptions of the circle stating, "THE DEAD CANNOT COME BACK!" all over them. Describes a practice of alchemy on the human soul, more specifically the ability to resurrect the dead. Due to the fact that the circles and instructions on how to properly draw them are scribbled out or drawn over, testing on this particular circle is impossible. Though many Foundation staff argue it's for the best. 
Human Soul Binding Circle - Within the forbidden section. Shows how it's possible to trap a human soul into an object or even an artificial body. Sort of obtaining immortality in a way with no longer having to eat or breath to survive but also not being able to feel or sleep either. Can be used as both a form of punishment as well as a possible weaponization. 
Advanced Soul Manipulation Circle - [data expunged]. All research is being conducted by the Department of Alchemy. All research has been transferred to the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare. 
SCP-ACI has a section that shows the math behind equivalent exchange regarding all forms of matter. Whoever wrote SCP-ACI was able to treat all elements as math problems and can process their ability to transmute into different elements or chemicals through something called "the Law of Equivalent Exchange". In simple terms the law states: something cannot be made from nothing. In order to create something, another thing of equal value must be exchanged and is then lost. Naturally there is no reason to refute this as it is no different to the laws of nature and physics of our world. However, what is surprising is how this Law of Equivalent Exchange is descried as a law of tested science. It's as if the world where SCP-ACI originated form is actually a world where this form of instantaneous transmutative alchemy is commonplace. 
SCP-ACI was discovered in 1940 by Mobile Task Force Tau-9 "Book Worms" during one of their research missions within The Wanderer's Library. One of the agents within a Tau-9 unit found SCP-ACI and was interested by its inscriptions. However, upon testing one circle out as a joke it ended up working turning the lead within her pencil into a nugget of gold. Because of the dangerous knowledge within SCP-ACI and how it can be easily replicated, the Tau-9 units quickly snuck SCP-ACI out of the library and into Foundation custody. 
After reviewing the circles and their anomalous properties on alchemy it naturally fell into the hands of the Department of Alchemy. This of course eventually lead SCP-ACI to the DA's successor the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare when it was established in 1975 with Malcom Wyllt as the director. Naturally the DTASMW used SCP-ACI to increase their knowledge, researching capabilities, and even as the first step to create artificial magic spells. Of course, there were setbacks at first with Alchemy still having limitations the DTASMW wanted to get past but that all changed when Dr. Alvik revealed the hidden possibilities of SCP-AFD-4.3.
By combining the Alchemic knowledge within SCP-ACI and the anomalous properties SCP-AFD-4.3 had on the human body the Foundation finally was able to create its own nearly limitless supply of thaumaturgy, no longer bound to any anomaly or religion. This quickly led to the creation of Mobile Task Force Hecate-Alpha "Real Magic" in 1995 right after Mobile Task Force Delta-3 "Solomon's Hand" was dissolved in 1990. Of course, many of the Delta-3 units that didn't retire came to Hecate-Alpha afterwards to further improve their magical capabilities and knowledge.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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greenoperator · 1 year
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AI-900 (Part 5)
Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals: Explore visual studio tools for machine learning
What is machine learning? A technique that uses math and statistics to create models that predict unknown values
Types of Machine learning
Regression - predict a continuous value, like a price, a sales total, a measure, etc
Classification - determine a class label.
Clustering - determine labels by grouping similar information into label groups
x = features
y = label
Azure Machine Learning Studio
You can use the workspace to develop solutions with the Azure ML service on the web portal or with developer tools
Web portal for ML solutions in Sure
Capabilities for preparing data, training models, publishing and monitoring a service.
First step assign a workspace to a studio.
Compute targets are cloud-based resources which can run model training and data exploration processes
Compute Instances - Development workstations that data scientists can use to work with data and models
Compute Clusters - Scalable clusters of VMs for on demand processing of experiment code
Inference Clusters - Deployment targets for predictive services that use your trained models
Attached Compute - Links to existing Azure compute resources like VMs or Azure data brick clusters
What is Azure Automated Machine Learning
Jobs have multiple settings
Provide information needed to specify your training scripts, compute target and Azure ML environment and run a training job
Understand the AutoML Process
ML model must be trained with existing data
Data scientists spend lots of time pre-processing and selecting data
This is time consuming and often makes inefficient use of expensive compute hardware
In Azure ML data for model training and other operations are encapsulated in a data set.
You create your own dataset.
Classification (predicting categories or classes)
Regression (predicting numeric values)
Time series forecasting (predicting numeric values at a future point in time)
After part of the data is used to train a model, then the rest of the data is used to iteratively test or cross validate the model
The metric is calculated by comparing the actual known label or value with the predicted one
Difference between the actual known and predicted is known as residuals; they indicate amount of error in the model.
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is a performance metric. The smaller the value, the more accurate the model’s prediction is
Normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) standardizes the metric to be used between models which have different scales.
Shows the frequency of residual value ranges.
Residuals represents variance between predicted and true values that can’t be explained by the model, errors
Most frequently occurring residual values (errors) should be clustered around zero.
You want small errors with fewer errors at the extreme ends of the sale
Should show a diagonal trend where the predicted value correlates closely with the true value
Dotted line shows a perfect model’s performance
The closer to the line of your model’s average predicted value to the dotted, the better.
Services can be deployed as an Azure Container Instance (ACI) or to a Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster
For production AKS is recommended.
Identify regression machine learning scenarios
Regression is a form of ML
Understands the relationships between variables to predict a desired outcome
Predicts a numeric label or outcome base on variables (features)
Regression is an example of supervised ML
What is Azure Machine Learning designer
Allow you to organize, manage, and reuse complex ML workflows across projects and users
Pipelines start with the dataset you want to use to train the model
Each time you run a pipelines, the context(history) is stored as a pipeline job
Encapsulates one step in a machine learning pipeline.
Like a function in programming
In a pipeline project, you access data assets and components from the Asset Library tab
You can create data assets on the data tab from local files, web files, open at a sets, and a datastore
Data assets appear in the Asset Library
Azure ML job executes a task against a specified compute  target.
Jobs allow systematic tracking of your ML experiments and workflows.
Understand steps for regression
To train a regression model, your data set needs to include historic features and known label values.
Use the designer’s Score Model component to generate the predicted class label value
Connect all the components that will run in the experiment
Average difference between predicted and true values
It is based on the same unit as the label
The lower the value is the better the model is predicting
The square root of the mean squared difference between predicted and true values
Metric based on the same unit as the label.
A larger difference indicates greater variance in the individual  label errors
Relative metric between 0 and 1 on the square based on the square of the differences between predicted and true values
Closer to 0 means the better the model is performing.
Since the value is relative, it can compare different models with different label units
Relative metric between 0 and 1 on the square based on the absolute of the differences between predicted and true values
Closer to 0 means the better the model is performing.
Can be used to compare models where the labels are in different units
Also known as R-squared
Summarizes how much variance exists between predicted and true values
Closer to 1 means the model is performing better
Remove training components form your data and replace it with a web service inputs and outputs to handle the web requests
It does the same data transformations as the first pipeline for new data
It then uses trained model to infer/predict label values based on the features.
Create a classification model with Azure ML designer
Classification is a form of ML used to predict which category an item belongs to
Like regression this is a supervised ML technique.
Understand steps for classification
True Positive - Model predicts the label and the label is correct
False Positive - Model predicts wrong label and the data has the label
False Negative - Model predicts the wrong label, and the data does have the label
True Negative - Model predicts the label correctly and the data has the label
For multi-class classification, same approach is used. A model with 3 possible results would have a 3x3 matrix.
Diagonal lien of cells were the predicted and actual labels match
Number of cases classified as positive that are actually positive
True positives divided by (true positives + false positives)
Fraction of positive cases correctly identified
Number of true positives divided by (true positives + false negatives)
Overall metric that essentially combines precision and recall
Classification models predict probability for each possible class
For binary classification models, the probability is between 0 and 1
Setting the threshold can define when a value is interpreted as 0 or 1.  If its set to 0.5 then 0.5-1.0 is 1 and 0.0-0.4 is 0
Recall also known as True Positive Rate
Has a corresponding False Positive Rate
Plotting these two metrics on a graph for all values between 0 and 1 provides information.
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) is the curve.
In a perfect model, this curve would be high to the top left
Area under the curve (AUC).
Remove training components form your data and replace it with a web service inputs and outputs to handle the web requests
It does the same data transformations as the first pipeline for new data
It then uses trained model to infer/predict label values based on the features.
Create a Clustering model with Azure ML designer
Clustering is used to group similar objects together based on features.
Clustering is an example of unsupervised learning, you train a model to just separate items based on their features.
Understanding steps for clustering
Prebuilt components exist that allow you to clean the data, normalize it, join tables and more
Requires a dataset that includes multiple observations of the items you want to cluster
Requires numeric features that can be used to determine similarities between individual cases
Initializing K coordinates as randomly selected points called centroids in an n-dimensional space (n is the number of dimensions in the feature vectors)
Plotting feature vectors as points in the same space and assigns a value how close they are to the closes centroid
Moving the centroids to the middle points allocated to it (mean distance)
Reassigning to the closes centroids after the move
Repeating the last two steps until tone.
Maximum distances between each point and the centroid of that point’s cluster.
If the value is high it can mean that cluster is widely dispersed.
With the Average Distance to Closer Center, we can determine how spread out the cluster is
Remove training components form your data and replace it with a web service inputs and outputs to handle the web requests
It does the same data transformations as the first pipeline for new data
It then uses trained model to infer/predict label values based on the features.
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rallytimeofficial · 6 days
Af Sport in cerca di conferme al 9° Tindari Rally con Oieni-Leardi e Garufi-Cardone
🔴🔴 Af Sport in cerca di conferme al 9° Tindari Rally con Oieni-Leardi e Garufi-Cardone
Nuovo esaltante appuntamento agonistico  per Af Sport che al Rally di Tindari, punta a completare la 9^ zona Coppa Italia Aci Sport  in modo concreto e proficuo. (Iscriviti gratuitamente al canale Telegram di Rally Time per ricevere le notizie sul tuo telefono in tempo reale LINK) Giuseppe Oieni che quest’anno ha fatto un  capolavoro vincendo alla grande la classe Rally 4 al Rally dei Nebrodi,…
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amcrasto · 12 days
ZASTAPRAZAN 2133852-18-1 362.5 g/mol, C22H26N4O 1-Azetidinyl[8-[[(2,6-dimethylphenyl)methyl]amino]-2,3-dimethylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-6-yl]methanone (ACI) azetidin-1-yl-[8-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl)methylamino]-2,3-dimethylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridin-6-yl]methanone JAQBO; JP-1366; OCN-101; Zastaprazan citrate – Onconic Therapeutics, UNII-W9S9KZX5MD Originator Onconic Therapeutics Class…
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palavradigital-blog · 1 month
ACI promove encontro de candidatos a prefeito de Itabuna com empresários
Os cinco candidatos ao Poder Executivo de Itabuna apresentarão as propostas de governo à classe empresarial na sede da Associação Comercial e Empresarial de Itabuna, a partir do dia 26 de agosto, às 19h. Um sorteio foi realizado nesta quinta-feira, 15, com representantes dos candidatos para definir o dia em que cada um vai apresentar seu projeto para o mandato de 2025-2028. De acordo com o…
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demystify-2025 · 2 months
The Advisory Board
There are 54 groups listed on "The Project 2025 Advisory Board". While most of them are relatively straightforward, there are a few that I don't truly have the background to understand without doing a deep dive. Those are noted in the summary of the group.
Here we go. I hope you all understand just how confused my FBI agent must be right now. (Hi, Ken.)
Alabama Policy Institute: its mission statement claims it "honors the principles of free markets, limited government, and strong families." Looking further down their About page, they support the right of a person to be protected from "liberalizing social conventions". Their "abortion and adoption" page offers a list of Pregnancy Resource Centers and proclaims the "Pro-Life Legacy". Curiously, I am unable to find anything regarding "strong families" under their 'social policies' section.
Alliance Defending Freedom:The main link on Google takes me to a page asking me to "Become a monthly partner and help defend your God-given rights year-round!" I have to delete everything after the ".org" to see their website and any other page, which is a) terrible website design and b) a violation of Google's Terms of Service regarding obfuscating links. Anyway. The ADF's feature article on 7/15/2024 is about challenging the current Title IX, which would include gender identity as a protected class under sex-based discrimination. They are a conservative Christian lobbying group.
American Compass: A conservative economics group that believes "markets require rules and institutions to work well, that they are a means to the end of human flourishing and exist to serve us". This is a group that I don't have the economic background to truly understand, but their "family" page prioritizes marriage and children. Refreshingly, it doesn't say a word about religion or what constitutes a family. I'll have to dig more deeply into this one.
The American Conservative: A magazine that's exactly what it says on the cover. The blog posts seem reasonably fair; one of the ones I read regarding the dismissal of Trump's document mishandling case took care to note that Cannon, the judge in question, was appointed by Trump. According to Wikipedia, TAC "opposes unchecked power in government and business, promotes the concept of the nuclear family, free markets, and supports realism and restraint in foreign affairs based on America's national interests."
America First Legal Foundation: Quote from their front page: "With your support, we will oppose the radical left’s anti-jobs, anti-freedom, anti-faith, anti-borders, anti-police, and anti-American crusade."
American Accountability Foundation: A group that "deploys aggressive research and investigations to advance conservatism, while heavily scrutinizing politicians, political appointees, establishment organizations, and government policies. Every day, our work is exposing the truth behind the people and policies of the Biden Administration that threaten the freedoms of the American people."
American Center for Law and Justice: A group focusing on legal challenges to unconstitutional oversteps. Their "About" page mentions successes that are examples of clear overreach, like people being banned from the National Archives for wearing a shirt reading "March4Life". However, from their "Life & Liberty Drive" page, their underlying philosophy beomces clearer: "Israel is under violent attack, as Biden betrays our ally. The Left is waging war on our Christian faith, banning Bible studies...And Planned Parenthood is using your tax dollars to expand abortion on demand, as the Deep State shreds the Constitution."
American Cornerstone Institute: Again, the link on Google goes directly to a donation page where I'm unable to access the rest of the website. Terrible design choice; I'm trying to learn more about you and your first step is asking me for money. From their About page: "ACI will remain a non-partisan, not-for-profit institute". Their website prominently promotes faith-based solutions.
American Council of Trustees and Alumni: ACTA's mission is to "promote academic excellence, defend academic freedom, and ensure accountability". Their members have testified before Congress about student disruption of guest speakers that "prevent speakers from voicing disfavored (generally, conservative) viewpoints".
The American Main Street Initiative: The 'about' page of AMSI says they focus on issues that matter to most Americans, but gives no details on what those issues are. The front page list COVID conspiracies and claims "Americans are no longer safe in their cities".
American Moment: AM believes that "he American family, rooted in faith and tradition, is the bedrock of this nation and must be supported" and that "Government has a moral responsibility to foster public virtue". The other 8 priorities they list include immigration, China, law & order, trade policy promoting the middle-class lifestyle, and limiting the power of "multinational corporations".
American Principles Project: The APP bills itself as "America's top defender of the family" and proclaims, "We want to impose a political cost on the Left’s anti-family extremism. If they want to attack parental rights, confuse young children about changing their gender, undermine the ability of parents to protect their children’s innocence, or drive a wedge between parents and children in education, then they are going to be punished at the polls."
Center for Equal Opportunity: CEO claims to promote colorblind agendas in hiring and diversity. In February, they announced that they had sent a letter to the American Bar Association taking issue with the fact that their Diversity Clerkship Program gave preferential treatment to minority groups - POC, women, and people who are queer, disabled, or come from a disadvantaged background.
Center for Family and Human Rights: You already know what they stand for, solely by the name. One of their core values is "Fidelity to the teachings of the Church" (capitalization theirs); their mission is "To defend life and family at international institutions and to publicize the debate."
Center for Immigration Studies: Per their About page, "The Center is animated by a unique pro-immigrant, low-immigration vision which seeks fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted." Their 'topics' menu links to "Biden Border Crisis", "Sanctuary Cities", "Welfare Use", "National Security" and both Legal and Illegal Immigration pages.
That's just the first fifteen! I have to break up the block of bullet points because it turns out Tumblr has a 4096-character limit on these things. Go drink some water.
Center for Renewing America: Their "mission is to renew a consensus of America as a nation under God with unique interests worthy of defending that flow from its people, institutions, and history"; "God, country, and community are at the heart of this agenda."
Claremont Institute: "We take the lead in DC through our Center for the American Way of Life, which is devoted to restoring political liberty by arming the Right with moral confidence, ideas, and new policies, while working to undermine the Left's hold over America's institutions and conscience."
Coalition for a Prosperous America: CPA is "a bipartisan coalition of farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and labor organizations that make and grow things in the United States. Our members believe that America’s strength and well being is based upon growing America’s productive capacity and quality employment more than cheap consumption."
Competitive Enterprise Institute: The tagline is "40 Years of Eliminating Excessive Regulation and Unleashing Human Potential". They don't provide an easily-findable summary of their major positions to see how their actions back up their tagline.
Conservative Partnership Institute: "CPI provides a platform whereby citizen leaders, scholars, and activists who are committed to conservative values and principles can be connected with the conservative movement, and with Congress, congressional staff, and organization leaders in Washington, D.C.  " They're a networking group.
Concerned Women for America: CWA "protects and promotes Biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy".
Defense of Freedom Institute: DFI is another "Constitutional"/"First Principles" group. From their Civil and Constitutional Rights page: "America is facing a historical moment, when many are pushing for policies that violate core constitutional and civil rights essential to a free society. DFI exists to defend the Constitution and the rule of law and protect civil liberties at school and work."
Ethics and Public Policy Center: EPPC works to "apply the riches of the Jewish and Christian traditions" to public policy.
Family Policy Alliance: FPA wants the USA to be a nation where "God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished!" (Snarky side note: Nothing says 'religious freedom' like promoting one religion to be honored above all others.)
Family Research Council: FRC wants to "serve in the kingdom of God by championing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview."
First Liberty Institute: First Liberty "has been leading the fight to reclaim religious freedom in America." You may recognize them from defending the baker who wouldn't make a cake for a gay wedding.
Forge Leadership Network: FLN is a networking group who wants its members to "examine public policy and ethics from a Judeo-Christian worldview".
Halfway there! Just 27 more to go. Now's a good time to stretch it out.
Foundation for Defense of Democracies: FDD is a nonpartisan, nonprofit national security organization. In their individual policy pages, they imply that COVID was a biological weapon.
Foundation for Government Accountability: FGA claims to "advance policies that improve lives." At the same time, they are against ranked-choice voting and claim, "Mail-in and absentee ballot are a big problem when it comes to election fraud and ballot harvesting"
FreedomWorks: FW is a bland website that talks about individual liberty, draining the swamp, and smaller government. They're light on actual policies that they back, and several of their internal links are broken.
The Heritage Foundation: If you're reading this far into a post about the contributors to P2025, you exactly who THF is. Their mission statement: "Heritage’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."
Hillsdale College: A private religious college with about 1400 undergrads that proudly boasts it was the first to admit both women and men. From their statement, "The College values the merit of each unique individual, rather than succumbing to the dehumanizing, discriminatory trend of so-called “social justice” and “multicultural diversity.""
Honest Elections Project: THey describe themselves as "a nonpartisan group devoted to supporting the right of every lawful voter to participate in free and honest elections". They also want "fair, reasonable, common sense measures" in place to protect against fraud.
Independent Women's Forum: They claim to focus on educating women about relevant policy. Their front page prominently displays anti-transgender messaging. They also back JD Vance as Trump's VP pick.
Institute for the American Worker: A group that claims to protect workers' rights. Going into the 'news' section reveals them to be anti-union.
Institute for Energy Research: They believe that "freely-functioning energy markets provide the most efficient and effective solutions" and that "Government policies should be predictable, simple, and technology neutral."
Institute for Women's Health: From their "What We Do" page: "The Institute for Women’s Health is committed to building coalitions that revolutionize women’s access to care." Looking through their op-eds, they are primarily an anti-abortion group.
Intercollegiate Studies Institute: Their header proclaims, "Your time at college is too important to feel isolated or attacked for questioning the ever-narrowing range of debate on campus. Get the education you deserve. Explore intellectual conservatism; Join a vibrant community of students and scholars; Defend your principles".
James Madison Institute: Not to be confused with James Madison University, JMI believes in "free markets, limited government, and economic liberty".
Keystone Policy: A group focused on "bringing leaders together". They focus on education, civic engagement, and tribal policy.
That's 40! We're almost through.
The Leadership Institute: TLI "provides training in campaigns, fundraising, grassroots organizing, youth politics, and communications. The Institute teaches conservatives of all ages how to succeed in politics, government, and the media." They furnish lists of their recruits to other conservative organizations.
Liberty University: A private religious college.
National Association of Scholars: From their about page, "We expect that ideas be judged on their merits; that scholars engage in the disinterested pursuit of the truth; and that colleges and universities provide for fair and judicial examination of contending views. We expect colleges to offer coherent curricula and programs of study."
National Center for Public Policy Resarch: NCPPR is a "non-partisan, free-market, independent conservative think tank" whose mission is "to grow the freedom movement by taking our message to new constituencies to secure liberty now and for future generations."
Pacific Research Institute: PRI claims, "public policy is too important to be left just to the experts." Their mission "is to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility for all individuals by advancing free-market policy solutions".
Patrick Henry College: A "conservative Christian college" that is "equipping Godly leaders".
Personnel Policy Operations: PPO believes "There are many opposition groups to the policy implementation of an America First agenda, such as the radical left, corporate media, tech companies, leftwing NGOs, and other activists". They firmly believe in the America First ideology.
Recovery for America Now Foundation: An addictions recovery group who believes "the Miracle of Recovery should be available to all. Our foundation was born out of our belief that all human beings possess intrinsic value, and that nobody is too sick to recover." They are currently working to repeal IMD, which limits recovery options available to Medicaid subscribers.
1792 Exchange: They work to "develop policy and resources to protect and equip non-profits, small businesses and philanthropy from “woke” corporations, to educate Congress and stakeholder organizations about the dangers of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) policies, and to help steer public companies in the United States back to neutral on ideological issues so they can best serve their shareholders and customers with excellence and integrity."
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: An anti-abortion advocacy group.
Texas Public Policy Foundation: "The Foundation’s mission is to promote and defend liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise" (emphasis theirs). Their front page mocks Democrats for not winning a statewide election in 30 years, then their about page says "The public is demanding a different direction for their government".
Teneo Network: The Teneo Network believes in limited government; a "transcendent order" based on religion, philosophy, or tradition; strong national defense; and free enterprise.
Young America's Foundation: Another group decrying the state of conservatives on college campuses. They want to make sure that American students "understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values."
And that's it for the listed contributors! Next post, we'll be getting into the meat and potatoes of Project 2025.
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aciglobal · 3 months
Lead Auditor Personal Certification in Australia: Elevate Your Career with ACI Global Pty Ltd
In today's dynamic business environment, ensuring compliance with international standards is paramount for organizations across various sectors. A critical component in this compliance framework is the role of a Lead Auditor, a professional tasked with evaluating and ensuring that organizations meet specific regulatory and quality standards. If you are looking to advance your career in this vital field, obtaining a Lead Auditor Personal Certification in Australia through ACI Global Pty Ltd is an excellent step forward.
Why Choose Lead Auditor Personal Certification?
The demand for qualified Lead Auditors is on the rise, driven by the need for robust internal controls and adherence to international standards. A Lead Auditor Personal Certification in Australia validates your expertise and demonstrates your commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and compliance. This certification is not just a credential; it is a testament to your ability to lead audits, manage audit teams, and ensure organizations comply with relevant standards.
ACI Global Pty Ltd: Your Partner in Certification
ACI Global Pty Ltd stands out as a premier provider of Lead Auditor Personal Certification in Australia. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to quality education, ACI Global Pty Ltd offers comprehensive training programs that equip you with the knowledge and skills required to excel in your role as a Lead Auditor.
Comprehensive Training Programs
The Lead Auditor Personal Certification program offered by ACI Global Pty Ltd covers all essential aspects of auditing, including planning, conducting, and reporting audits. The curriculum is designed to provide a thorough understanding of auditing principles and practices, ensuring you are well-prepared to handle the complexities of real-world audits.
Experienced Instructors
One of the key strengths of ACI Global Pty Ltd is its team of experienced instructors. These professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the training programs, offering insights that go beyond theoretical knowledge. Their guidance ensures that you gain a deep understanding of auditing processes and are well-equipped to apply this knowledge in your professional role.
Flexible Learning Options
Recognizing the diverse needs of learners, ACI Global Pty Ltd offers flexible learning options for the Lead Auditor Personal Certification in Australia. Whether you prefer in-person classes, online learning, or a blended approach, you can choose a format that best suits your schedule and learning style. This flexibility ensures that you can pursue your certification without compromising your professional or personal commitments.
Real-World Applications
The training programs at ACI Global Pty Ltd are designed to be practical and application-oriented. You will engage in hands-on activities, case studies, and real-world scenarios that mirror the challenges faced by Lead Auditors in the field. This practical approach ensures that you can seamlessly transition from training to actual audit situations, applying your skills with confidence.
Networking Opportunities
Obtaining your Lead Auditor Personal Certification in Australia through ACI Global Pty Ltd also opens doors to valuable networking opportunities. You will connect with fellow professionals, industry experts, and potential employers, building relationships that can significantly enhance your career prospects. The network you develop during your training can provide support, mentorship, and opportunities for collaboration long after you have completed your certification.
Career Advancement
A Lead Auditor Personal Certification in Australia is a powerful credential that can significantly enhance your career trajectory. Certified Lead Auditors are in high demand across various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and more. This certification not only boosts your employability but also positions you for higher-level roles with increased responsibilities and attractive remuneration packages.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement
ACI Global Pty Ltd is committed to continuous improvement and excellence in training. The Lead Auditor Personal Certification program is regularly updated to reflect the latest industry trends, standards, and best practices. This ensures that you receive current and relevant training that prepares you to meet the evolving demands of the auditing profession.
In an increasingly regulated business environment, the role of a Lead Auditor is crucial for ensuring organizational compliance and quality assurance. Obtaining a Lead Auditor Personal Certification in Australia from ACI Global Pty Ltd is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your professional standing and career prospects. With comprehensive training, experienced instructors, flexible learning options, and a commitment to excellence, ACI Global Pty Ltd is your ideal partner in achieving this prestigious certification. Embrace the opportunity to elevate your career and make a meaningful impact in the field of auditing by enrolling in the Lead Auditor Personal Certification program at ACI Global Pty Ltd today.
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uninets53-blog · 4 months
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What is Cisco ACI?
Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) is a software-defined networking (SDN) solution that streamlines the management and operation of data centers. By providing a centralized point of control, ACI enhances network visibility, automates tasks, and improves application performance. It integrates both physical and virtual environments, enabling seamless traffic flow and robust security through policy-based automation.
Benefits of Cisco ACI
Centralized Automation: Simplifies the deployment and management of applications by using centralized policy management.
Scalability: Easily scales to accommodate growing network demands and complex data center environments.
Security: Enhances security through granular, policy-based controls and real-time visibility into network traffic.
Flexibility: Supports multi-cloud environments, allowing for consistent policy enforcement across different platforms.
Cost Efficiency: Reduces operational costs by automating repetitive tasks and minimizing configuration errors.
UniNets Cisco ACI Training
UniNets offers a comprehensive online training program for Cisco ACI, designed to prepare you for the Cisco CCNP Data Center DCACI certification (exam code: 300-620). Here are the key features of the course:
Detailed Curriculum: Covers essential topics such as ACI architecture, Nexus 9000 hardware, ACI licensing, VXLAN, APIC initialization, ACI tenants, and integration with VMware.
Hands-On Labs: Provides 24/7 access to Cisco ACI virtual labs, allowing students to gain practical experience in configuring and managing Cisco ACI environments.
Expert Instruction: Delivered by industry professionals with extensive experience in Cisco technologies, ensuring high-quality learning.
Flexible Learning: Online classes are available at convenient times for working professionals, with recorded sessions to revisit complex topics.
Comprehensive Resources: Includes a variety of learning materials, such as video lectures, interactive labs, and real-world case studies.
Benefits of UniNets ACI Training
Enhanced Skills: Develop a deep understanding of ACI concepts and practical skills to manage complex data center environments.
Certification Preparation: Thorough preparation for the CCNP Data Center DCACI certification exam.
Career Advancement: Certification and skills gained from this course can significantly boost your career prospects in the networking field.
24/7 Lab Access: Continuous access to labs ensures you can practice at your own pace and convenience.
To learn more and enroll in the Cisco ACI training course, visit the UniNets website for detailed information on schedules, fees, and other resources​. Uninets.com/blog
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
File: OC 7
Code Name: Sarkic Daughters of the Scarlet King/ Elrin and Kasta
Object Class: Euclid/Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β are to be kept in a computer simulated holographic containment cells able to create virtual constructs of any object or organism with almost perfect accuracy. These virtual constructs can only maintain physical manifestation within the containment cell. Both SCP-ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β containment cells are separate with only two doors one leading out into Site Site-AF and the other leading to each other's rooms.
SCP-ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β containment cells are able to holographically manifest anything SCP-ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β desires. Giving them endless entertainment and no reasons to leave Site-AF.
SCP-ACY-Α is allowed to travel around Site-AF whenever she pleases so long as she avoids other SCP containment cells.
SCP-ACY-Β must never leave her containment cell unless given permission by Dr. tutela and at least five O5 council members. Afterwards SCP-ACY-Β must be escorted by at least two MTF Alpha-1 units and SCP-ACY-Α as a safety precaution. Should SCP-ACY-Β ever breach containment, Foundation security are to enter SCP-ACY-Α's containment cell and proceed with protocol "Sisters Forever" to get SCP-ACY-Β to stop her rampage.
protocol "Sisters Forever" states that SCP-ACY-Α must be used as a hostage and her life must be threatened, to get SCP-ACY-Β to fall in line and surrender. Despite her violent nature, SCP-ACY-Β still loves her sister SCP-ACY-Α, as such she is willing to surrender for her. This, combined with SCP-ACY-Α peaceful nature, and their containment cells generating whatever they want, has made containment surprisingly easy.
However, ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β are still separate entities despite being twins and thus have been given the rare instance of a dual Object classification. With ACY-Α classified as Euclid and SCP-ACY-Β classified as Keter.
Description: SCP-ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β sometimes referred to as Elrin and Kasta are twin sisters. Both currently 16 years old and the result of a sexual ritual combining Sarkicism and Scarlet King religion. SCP-ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β were born when a Sarkic woman was kidnapped by a group of Children of the Scarlet King. Being mistaken as a normal woman she was raped and tortured by traditional Scarlet Children rituals. This did cause her to be pregnant with the Scarlet King, but her Sarkic blood line interfered with the connection making it impossible for the Scarlet King to connect with the children. Therefore, though both twins are his children they have no obedience toward him.
SCP-ACY-Α is a spawn of A’HABBAT, the seventh bride of the Scarlet King. As such she is a hero who spreads joy and happiness to all life while rejecting and defeating evil, especially evil related to the Scarlet King. Therefore, even if the connection wasn't severed, she still wouldn't be under the Scarlet King's rule. SCP-ACY-Α has the ability to create flowers from her hands, out of nothing. The pollen in the flowers act as a pheromone that bring calmness and joy to whoever smells it. the pollen pheromones have even been tested and shown that prolonged exposure can cure mental illnesses as well as normally uncurable diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's. SCP-ACY-Α prefers to make her flowers into a flower crown so that people can wear them and spread the pollen wherever they go. 
Side Note: When shown a photo of SCP-999 when she was still six years old, SCP-ACY-Α looked at the photo in joy and shouted "brother!". Interaction testing between SCP-999 and SCP-ACY-Α is pending.
The flowers created by SCP-ACY-Α are classified as SCP-ACY-Α-1 due to their anomalous effects on individuals both during life and after death. As already stated, her flower crowns do spread good health and joy to those who wear them. However, a secondary effect is revealed after the individual who has worn a flower crown made by SCP-ACY-Α dies. When a living organism is exposed to SCP-ACY-Α-1 and dies right afterwards their body starts to decompose rapidly until all that is left is a collection of pastel-colored crystals. Testing has shown that people exposed to SCP-ACY-Α-1 have not biological difference to those that don’t or to themselves even before exposure. The anomalous effects are only visible after death. 
These crystals have been labeled as SCP-ACY-Α-2. SCP-ACY-Α-2 instances are bizarre in that their chemical make-up does not match any elements found on earth and when consumed taste like candy. The exact flavor of SCP-ACY-Α-2 depends on who eats it as SCP-ACY-Α-2 always simulates itself into the favorite flavor of the consumer. SCP-ACY-Α-2 also has healing properties similar if not greater to SCP-ACY-Α-1 healing effects. Such breakthrough results include limb regeneration, necrosis healing, poison healing, organ regeneration, youth revitalization, and [data expunged]. As such the medical division of the Foundation collects corpses of Foundation staff exposed to SCP-ACY-Α-1 in order to always have a ready supply of SCP-ACY-Α-2. 
Update: March 3rd, 2019 - The Ethics Committee has approved exposure of  SCP-ACY-Α-1 to D-Class when they are assigned to tasks with 100% fatality rate. 
SCP-ACY-Α's physical appearance is human with her hair being shaved cut blonde. Her skin color is black, her eyes have a glowing blue color, and she loves dressing in white. SCP-ACY-Α's always has a smile on her face, the only time she frowns is when SCP-ACY-Β harms an innocent human in front of her. The only time SCP-ACY-Α has ever cried was when [data expunged]. Like her sister SCP-ACY-Β has symbols on her body, the symbols are on her back and are like birth marks only they glow blue and tend to grow brighter when she’s happy. However, the symbols seem to resemble the same symbols found on SCP-[data expunged]. Research regarding whether this is a coincidence, or SCP-[data expunged] is actually another spawn of A’HABBAT is ongoing.
SCP-ACY-Β is a spawn of A’NUHT, the fifth bride of the Scarlet King. Thankfully with her connection severed she has no desire to destroy all life like the Scarlet King. However, unlike her sister, SCP-ACY-Β does enjoy destruction and chaos as well as brining fear and harm to innocent lives. SCP-ACY-Β typically likes tormenting those who are innocent or have done little wrong in their lives, as such she actually gets along quite well with Foundation staff. Only on rare occasions does SCP-ACY-Β actually starts attacking Foundation staff; however, as a precaution, she is to never leave her cell. On the rare occasion she does leave, she is escorted by two Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 units as well as SCP-ACY-Α, under orders of the O5 Council. 
Being a spawn of A’NUHT, SCP-ACY-Β is proficient in magic relating to darkness and destruction. Due to her violent nature and methodology of magic she likes to spawn innocent civilians in her computer simulation containment cell and spend most of her time killing and torturing the holograms. Thanks to advanced Foundation technology allowing computer simulated holograms to perfectly mimic life she’s able to find great joy in the suffering of any hologram she manifests despite knowing it's not real. Regardless of her violent nature SCP-ACY-Β does care deeply for SCP-ACY-Α and rarely ever commits violent acts around her sister.
SCP-ACY-Β physical appearance is human. she has extremely pale skin, dark brown straight hair, red glowing eyes, likes to dress in all black and like her sister never stops smiling. However, unlike SCP-ACY-Α's warm and gentle smile filled with joy SCP-ACY-Β smiles sinisterly and her grin widens to unnatural proportions when she commits great acts of violence. Surprisingly, like her sister, SCP-ACY-Β hates the Scarlet King and his children. However, her reasoning is because she wants to overthrow him rather than to stop his evil conquest of destruction. SCP-ACY-Β has only ever frowned or shown anger when people attempt to understand or sympathies with her, her most hated method of this is therapy. Like her sister, SCP-ACY-Β has symbols on her body though hers are on her face and are not glowing birth marks but instead engraved into her skin. These symbols despite being engraved into her face don’t bleed unless she’s angry. 
SCP-ACY-Β has a large array of magical spells and abilities that she uses for the sole purpose of killing and destruction. Due to her Sarkic heritage SCP-ACY-Β can use her magic to manipulate her own flesh, create curses and plagues, and gets physically stronger when she drinks blood. SCP-ACY-Β is immune to SCP-ACY-Α-1′s effect but always refuses to kill or harm anyone who is wearing a flower crown of SCP-ACY-Α-1. SCP-ACY-Α favorite form of magic is red electricity that she produces from her fingers. This lighting is able to make structures explode, burn flesh easily, as well as cause permanent nerve damage to anyone shocked.
SCP-ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β were discovered in 2007 when Mobile Task Force Delta-5 was conducting a raid on [data expunged] considered a potential base of a Children of the Scarlet King cult. However, upon entering [data expunged] all that was found was gallons of blood everywhere and both SCP-ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β crying on the floor, having just been born. Due to the symbols on their bodies, as well as being prime suspects of the slaughtering that took place, they were suspected to be spawns of one of the seven Scarlet Brides of the Scarlet King. As such they were sent to Site-[data expunged] immediately. Due to Dr. Wicked's [data expunged] he personally tested their abilities and potential allegiance to the Scarlet King. It was thanks to Dr. Wicked's tests that we know the full capabilities of SCP-ACY-Α and SCP-ACY-Β as well as the best way to contain them to minimize potential containment breaches.
Testing regarding an interaction between SCP-ACY-Α and/ or SCP-ACY-Β with SCP-682 is under consideration. As well as testing regarding SCP-049, SCP-053, SCP-073, SCP-076, SCP-079, SCP-106, SCP-AAB, SCP-AAE, and SCP-AEN.
"I'm just as curious to know the limits of these girls but that doesn't mean I agree with having this many tests on them. I just hope that if this goes too far and another SCP-3002 or worse gets made, the O5 council knows who's fault it is, because there's no way I'm [data expunged], never again!" - Dr. Wicked.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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shalcool15 · 8 months
Leveraging Azure Cloud and Docker for ASP.NET Core Projects: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking robust, scalable, and efficient solutions to develop, deploy, and manage their applications. Microsoft's Azure Cloud services, along with Docker support for ASP.NET Core, present a compelling proposition for businesses aiming to enhance their project development lifecycle. This guide explores the integration of Azure Cloud and Docker for ASP.NET Core projects and elucidates why businesses should consider this powerful combination for their ventures.
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Introduction to ASP.NET Core, Azure Cloud, and Docker
ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework developed by Microsoft for building modern, cloud-based, internet-connected applications. It's renowned for its high performance, versatility, and modular architecture, making it suitable for developing web applications, IoT apps, and mobile backends.
Azure Cloud is a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services provided by Microsoft, offering a wide array of services including computing, analytics, storage, and networking. Azure facilitates the deployment and management of applications across a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers, providing the scalability, reliability, and security businesses need.
Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications inside lightweight, portable containers. Docker containers encapsulate an application's code, libraries, and dependencies, ensuring consistency across development, staging, and production environments, thereby simplifying the CI/CD pipeline.
Integration of Azure Cloud and Docker for ASP.NET Core
The integration of Azure Cloud and Docker with ASP.NET Core applications offers a seamless development and deployment experience. Azure provides first-class support for Docker, including services like Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Container Instances (ACI), and Azure Web App for Containers, allowing developers to easily containerize their ASP.NET Core applications and deploy them on a highly scalable and managed cloud platform.
Simplified Deployment
Using Docker containers, developers can ensure that their ASP.NET Core applications run the same way, irrespective of where they are deployed. Azure Container Instances (ACI) offer the simplest way to run a container in Azure without having to manage servers or learn new concepts. For more complex applications, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) provides a managed Kubernetes service to automate deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts.
Enhanced Development Pipeline
Azure DevOps services integrate seamlessly with Docker, enabling continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for ASP.NET Core applications. This integration streamlines the development process, from code commit to production deployment, enhancing productivity and reducing the time to market.
Scalability and Performance
Azure's global infrastructure, combined with Docker's lightweight containerization technology, ensures that ASP.NET Core applications can scale dynamically in response to varying loads. This scalability is crucial for businesses experiencing fluctuating traffic and looking to optimize costs without compromising performance.
Security and Compliance
Azure provides built-in security features and compliance standards that extend to Docker containers, ensuring that ASP.NET Core applications are protected against threats. Azure Security Center offers advanced threat protection and security management capabilities for a comprehensive security posture.
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Why Businesses Should Use Azure Cloud and Docker for ASP.NET Core Projects
Cost Efficiency
The combination of Azure Cloud and Docker can lead to significant cost savings. By containerizing ASP.NET Core applications, businesses can optimize resource utilization, reducing the need for excess compute capacity. Azure's pay-as-you-go pricing model further ensures that businesses pay only for the resources they use.
Faster Time to Market
The agility provided by Docker and Azure Cloud accelerates the development, testing, and deployment cycles of ASP.NET Core applications. This rapid deployment capability enables businesses to respond swiftly to market demands and gain a competitive edge.
High Availability and Reliability
Azure's global network of data centers ensures high availability and reliability for deployed applications. Docker's container orchestration in Azure, through services like AKS, facilitates automatic scaling, self-healing, and load balancing, ensuring that applications remain available and performant under varying loads.
Focus on Innovation
By abstracting away the complexities of infrastructure management and deployment processes, Azure Cloud and Docker allow businesses to focus on innovation and value creation. Developers can concentrate on building features and improving application functionality, rather than worrying about deployment and infrastructure issues.
Ecosystem and Community Support
Both Azure and Docker boast vibrant communities and extensive documentation, providing businesses with the resources, tools, and support needed to troubleshoot issues, explore new features, and continuously improve their applications.
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The integration of Azure Cloud and Docker for ASP.NET Core projects offers a compelling blend of efficiency, scalability, and performance, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to modernize their application development and deployment strategies. This powerful combination not only streamlines the development lifecycle but also provides the agility, security, and reliability businesses need to thrive in today's competitive market. By leveraging Azure Cloud's global infrastructure and Docker's containerization capabilities, businesses can accelerate their digital transformation journey, ensuring their applications are both future-proof and aligned with their strategic objectives.
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ovpwebnetwork · 11 months
October 17, 2023
Media Contact:
Danny Wimmer
Michigan Joins Settlements to Resolve Data Security Errors with ACI Worldwide and Inmediata
LANSING – Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced two settlements today involving financial and healthcare technology companies ACI Worldwide and Inmediata. ACI Worldwide is a large-scale payment processing company, Inmediata a healthcare clearinghouse that facilitates financial and clinical transactions between healthcare providers and insurers.
“We must rely on organizations such as these to secure our financial and personal data to a reasonable and robust standard,” said Nessel. “I am happy to join my colleagues in protecting consumers and holding corporations accountable when they violate that trust.”
ACI Worldwide Settlement
Michigan joined a coalition of 48 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico in announcing a $10 million settlement with payment processor ACI Worldwide over a 2021 testing error that led to the attempted unauthorized withdrawal of $2.3 billion from the accounts of mortgage holders. Michigan will receive $246,258.97 from the settlement. A private class action settlement is providing restitution to persons affected by the testing error. Affected Michigan residents who may wish to submit claim forms must do so by November 13th, and more information on the class action settlement is available here.
ACI Worldwide is a payment processor for Nationstar Mortgage, known publicly as Mr. Cooper. On April 23, 2021, ACI was testing its Speedpay platform. Due to significant defects in ACI’s privacy and data security procedures and its technical infrastructure related to the Speedpay platform, live Mr. Cooper consumer data was entered into the system. This resulted in ACI erroneously attempting to withdraw mortgage payments from hundreds of thousands of Mr. Cooper customers on a day that was not authorized or expected. The error impacted 477,000 customers, some of whom were forced to incur overdraft or insufficient funds fees.
State regulators, including Michigan’s Department of Insurance and Financial Services, have entered into a separate agreement with ACI for an additional $10 million. The regulators’ settlement also orders ACI to take steps to avoid any future incidents, including requiring the company to use artificially created data rather than real consumer data when testing systems or software and to segregate testing or development work from its consumer payment systems.
Along with Michigan, the settlement was joined by the attorneys general of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Inmediata Settlement
AG Nessel also announced that Michigan, along with 32 other state attorneys general, has reached a settlement with Inmediata, a healthcare clearinghouse that facilitates transactions between healthcare providers and insurers across the U.S. The settlement is in response to a coding issue that exposed patient information of approximately 1.5 million consumers for almost three years.
On January 15, 2019, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Civil Rights alerted Inmediata that personal information maintained by Inmediata was available online and had been indexed by search engines, potentially allowing sensitive patient information to be viewed and downloaded by anyone with an internet connection.
Although Inmediata was alerted to the breach on January 15, 2019, the company delayed notification to impacted consumers for over three months and then sent misaddressed and unclear notices.
The settlement resolves allegations of the attorneys general that Inmediata violated state consumer protection laws, breach notification laws, and HIPAA by failing to implement reasonable data security.
Under the settlement, Inmediata has agreed to make a $1.4 million payment to the states. Michigan will receive $217,049 from the settlement. Inmediata has also agreed to overhaul its data security and breach notification practices going forward, including:
implementation of a comprehensive information security program with specific security requirements, including code review and crawling controls;
development of an incident response plan with specific policies and procedures regarding consumer notification letters; and
annual third-party security assessments for five years.
Indiana led the multistate Inmediata investigation, assisted by the Executive Committee consisting of Connecticut, Michigan, and Tennessee, and joined by Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
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