#acidwash fic
nimbus-ocs · 1 year
Acidwash, Chapter 1
A/N : i finally got to writing! chapters r gonna be pretty short, so ill hopefully be able to write more lol. enjoy
Summary: When Mary Jo Shirley first met Richard 'Dick' Grayson, she never expected to become a permanent part of his life. Yet here she is, a (mostly) normal person dealing with villains and heroes alike. All she wants is to enjoy her life, with a high paying job she loves and a wonderful boyfriend! But in Gotham City, nothing ever goes how you want it to.
Sometimes, Mary Jo Shirley wondered what event caused her to end up where she was today. Was it when she decided to get a degree in chemical engineering? Maybe when she got the job at Wayne Industries? Or was it when she started dating Dick Grayson? 
She sighed. 
Today was supposed to be her self-care day, for her to go do whatever she wanted, with whoever she wanted! Right now, she was supposed to be at a spa! Not sitting in a dirty, decrepit warehouse, tied to a chair with (very scratchy and uncomfortable) ropes and looking up at the fucking Joker of all people. 
Said clown was currently messing around with… something. He had his back to her so she couldn't quite see what it was. What little she could see, did not look promising to her. There were some vials with some liquid, that was kinda smoking. Great. Besides the table, she noticed some larger tanks of what was probably a gas. 
Damn it, that was most definitely Fear Toxin. Just her luck, she supposed. 
Jo looked around the warehouse, but nothing looked different from when she looked around the first time. Gray walls, gray floor, very tall gray ceiling and a few people standing guard at the one entrance. There were probably also some guards on the other side. No windows. 
Even though she could free herself very easily, she had kept her superpower secret for this long already. Wasn't it more of a loss to let people know about it? 
On the other hand, she really didn't want to experience Fear Toxin again. The first time was enough of it for a lifetime. If only she was immune to poison gas. Sigh. 
She could just wait for Dick to arrive, but he would take some time. Both in discovering she was gone and finding out where she was. It was supposed to be her day for herself. 
Thinking it over, the answer was probably pretty clear. 
Looking around one last time, she assured herself that no one else was looking, before she took a deep breath. The rope around her wrists was high enough that she could just wrap her hands around it. She felt her hands start to generate acid. It made a soft hissing noise when it touched the rope. Not even a minute later, she had the pieces of the rope in her hands. 
Now to escape. 
The Joker was still preoccupied with.. whatever he was doing. Maybe she could just… sneak past him? Yeah, that was probably her best bet. Even if she got caught, it wouldn't be that different from what the Joker was planning on doing to her. 
Jo slowly stood up, letting the rope fall softly to the concrete floor. None of the guards had noticed yet. Neither had the Joker. 
She walked close to the wall. The guards still haven't noticed anything. She got closer and closer to the entrance. How no one had noticed yet, she honestly didn't know. 
Oh no. 
One of the guards had noticed. The other guard turned, looking at her too. In the corner, the Joker also turned, his unnaturally wide open eyes fixing their gaze on her. Shit.
She settled into a fighting stance, thanking herself for deciding to take those self defense classes. The guards pulled out their handguns, which she hadn't noticed before. It really wasn't her day today.
Even though Jo had never been in a real fight before, she had watched Dick fight a lot. And a lot of shows. Which… definitely wasn't the best source of advice, but hey! She needed all she could get. 
The guards weren't shooting yet, seeing as she wasn't moving yet. 
She made a quick decision, and started running towards them, hoping that they'd be shocked enough not to shoot her. 
Finally having some luck, they were. She quickly punched both guards in the face, disarmed them, taking the guns for herself and using her acid to melt them down. Sadly, she never learnt to shoot a gun. Maybe she’d ask if Alfred was willing to teach her after all this was over. 
The guards were on the floor, both having been knocked out. 
Jo looked around. She couldn't see the Joker anymore. But oh well. That's very much not her problem! She pushed the men away from the door, and quietly twisted the door handle open. Not hearing any sort of reactions from the other side of the door, she opened it up all the way. 
Huh. No one. That's.. surprising. Really doesn't seem like the Joker to be so unprepared. But again. Not her problem. 
Now, time to find a taxi and get home. Her clothes were kind of destroyed from the acid, she hadn't had any time for the self care she had planned and most importantly, she was exhausted. 
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shinobicyrus · 1 year
Fic Snippet: “Terra Evangeline”
Been trying to get my groove back with an Evangelion-Pacific Rim fic. Thought I’d post a bit of it to try and shake out some cobwebs:
The residential block Shinji lives in is on the edges of the old town border. He walks in step with the tempo of cello strings, passing by more hastily constructed residences, all identical to his. Crinkled posters about responsible rationing and a promised return to a restored Tokyo molder on concrete walls. Just down the street are traditional two-story family homes.
Shinji arrives early at the train station. The music thrums in his ears, filling his head and the empty time as he waits for the train. Head down, looking at his shoes toeing the scuffed, safety-yellow of the line dividing the platform with the trench of rails below.
The SDAT clicks.
He looks up and sees her on the other side of the tracks, standing alone among the commuters. Slight and dwarfed in a baggy military jacket, skin acidwash white from Blue contamination. Hair dyed the exact color of kaiju blood.
Among all the office workers, bored students, and day-laborers with heads lowered over their phones, she’s the only one staring ahead, looking right at him.
Shinji feels every prickling nerve in his brain. He can’t see at that distance, but he knows her eyes are red.
An approaching rumble startles a flock of birds off the power lines overhead. Shinji blinks.
She’s gone and his head swims, like a sudden change in pressure. In her place is a dark-haired teenager in a school uniform, texting on her phone. The westbound train comes in, blocking that side of the platform from view.
“For your safety, please stay behind the yellow line.”
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astrologista · 7 years
some new return of the joker headcanons because... i just can’t let things go apparently... @starspatter i was reading your fics today and damn they are good...
- when harley talks about her ribbon-bondage-bazooka-thing as “mommy’s little helper”... does that mean she used that thing on tim when he would attempt to run away/escape?
- at one point joker probably attempted to give tim an acidwash bathtime just to make him truly like him. this was one case where harley, despite her other cruelties, intervened at the last second with the excuse that tim has to try on his new clothes that she just made. tim’s aware that harley saved him from a much worse fate.
- just ;_; fuck me up ;_; poor little tim lying there in the moments where they’d leave him by himself, seeing crime scene photos from hundreds of joker victims going through his mind, like valestra and the laughing fish victims... knowing how much danger he’s in... and he curses bruce for making him look through so many photos, whereas bruce could look at them with an adult criminologist’s cold and sterile efficiency, talk freely about “note lacerations on the torso” and “rigor mortis” and “maxillary deformation” tim would just bristle and remind himself to never ever get in the way of the joker’s wrath if he could help it, those images would be haunting his nightmares forever and bruce has no idea, to bruce they’re just another part of the study, part of the job...
- tim knowing full well about stockholm syndrome and trying to avoid it, and attempting to get harley to sympathize with him, establish rapport, and put a stop to things - yet she doesn’t
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