#ack. having lotsa thoughts!!
anothermonikan · 1 month
feeling very objectum tonight. hello objectums. I love you
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sortavibing · 3 years
hey bb! 🌸 may i request a hq matchup? i would like to be matched with a male character please 🤗
i’m a 5’2 girl with medium, brown hair with highlights. my wardrobe & personal style are like bloomcore x ethereal aesthetics!!
i’m very girly and kind of high maintenance tbh 😳👉👈 but i maintain myself! as an enfj, i’m generally bubbly and cheerful– i like to maintain a chill, happy vibe so i’m more of an optimist too. i want to be that warm and kind friend you have (i’ll be there for you) 🤗 it’s easy for me to vibe with anyone so making friends is quite easy for me! especially if i am interested in that person (either platonically or romantically), i would def approach that person! i have my chaotic moments too!! so, even though i may look demure and all, my behavior can be wild. bite me, and i’ll definitely bite back rawr 😩💗 i’m also very affectionate to my friends, but most especially my crush/bf– i just like to show em my love for em aHHH tho my social battery drains pretty quickly (netflix and chill >>>> partying) tho i am still very open to new experiences as long as they are not extreme sports or anything too exhausting. i like to think of myself as a planner, but when i am already halfway through my plan, my spontaneous side really kicks in!! well, i guess that’s fun too! in my free days, i like traveling or going on road trips or just going to some place new 🤩 i like learning about diff things/places, as well as taking lotsa lotsa photos & videos that’s why i find the joy on going on adventures– no matter how random they may seem!! i’m also creative in a way that i really like aesthetic things/places, and i like to express my creativity through photo books, scrapbooks, and travel vlogs 🌸 lastly, i am very busy in school as i am in the honor roll (#hustle!!), so there are times when i’m just so stressed and would be the big baby 😩💗 my top 3 love languages are: physical touch + quality time + gifts. i have my bratty moments too i’m sorry 🥵 pls bare w me i will snap out of it in no time...
that’s all love! tysm xoxo 🥺💗💗
hello! thank you for the request! omg you are so pretty and your aesthetic is so beautiful ack- anyways, here’s your matchup!
i match you up with yamaguchi!
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what first drew him to you was your heavenly aesthetic, and your bubbly personality. he thought you looked and acted like an angel, so he just had to get to know you better. he was a little nervous to start talking with you when you walked up to him, but your kindness quickly helped him warm up to, and he quickly started to develop a little crush on you.
since yamaguchi is pretty smart as well, you guys will always help each other with upcoming assignments and tests. i think yamaguchi would have really neat notes, and if he was borrowing yours, he would always leave little doodles and notes that say “you look cute today” or “good morning!” on the corners of the pages.
one of the first dates he took you on was to a local art fair, where you guys looked at the handmade products, tried to make a few at the interactive stands, took a ton of pictures, and showed each other things that remined each other of the other. yamaguchi bought you a golden ring that had a jeweled flower on it, and after you guys finished walking through the stands, you went to a local cafe to get drinks and snacks.
yamaguchi’s loves to link pinkies with you if you guys are walking together, and he does the little thing where he swings his arm, and your arm moves with him too and it’s so cute- but his absolute favorite form of physical affection is when he gives you forehead kisses or if you kiss him on the cheek.
he doesn’t really mind if you get a little annoyed after a long day of school, because he understands that everyone is prone to show emotions, so he is sure to give you space if you want it, or just be his normal affectionate self if you wanted that instead. 
if you ever make him a scrapbook- he will be so flustered that he wouldn’t be able to function for a good 15 minutes. to this day it is one of his most prized possessions, and if he is ever missing you, he will look through the scrapbook and remember all of the good times you had with each other. he wants to learn how to make them as well, so he can return the favor and make you a scrapbook too.
yamaguchi also prefers to just vibe at home than go into overly social situations, so every couple of weeks you guys stay home and watch a movie while doing facemasks, talking about life, and attempting to bake something you or yams saw online. the baked goods usually don’t look the best, but they taste pretty good so you guys don’t really care and call it a success.
picnic. dates. you guys go to a local park and bring a blanket and some snacks and desserts you and yams picked up from a local supermarket (or you guys made them), and just spend the afternoon outside having a super aesthetic picnic. you and yamaguchi also do that tik tok trend where you use a wine glass to cut a cake and eat it from there, and he insists that it tastes better that way.
yamaguchi also knows how to make flower crowns, so if you guys are ever outside for a longer period of time, he will just make one because he wants to do something with his hands while he’s talking to you, and when he’s done he will give it to you and take pictures of you for your photo book. he is sure to shower you with compliments because he thinks the crown makes you look like a fairy princess.
overall, you guys are such a cute supportive couple, that are so nice to each other, and it’s obvious that both of you love each other very much. yams is so whipped for you, and he is never afraid to tell you as many times as he sees fit. 
i hope you enjoyed!
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cursedgazetteposts · 5 years
LIVE EXPERIENCE!! WOW SO I flew my ass all the way to the Englands™ for those shits. Me and my friend were planning on finding our other friends in queue at like 9 but one of them went at 4 and was like lol there's ppl so we were there at 8 (I was number 46). I MET RAD SO THAT WAS COOL and all the waiting was actually nice! Met a bunch of ppl, signed lotsa banners, roamed around a bit (we didn't lose our places since numbers). (part 1)
Because we were in the middle of the street and the queue WAS LONG AF every other passerby was asking "oh what's going on" and stuff and ppl were taking?? pictures?? and some people selfies with the queue lol We went in and I was second row and Uruha was such A TEASE and he obviously LOVED IT because the crowd was great at the uk!!! (looking at you, Paris of 2016) Everyone was headbanging AND EVERYONE WAS SINGING AT EVERY SONG idk if the Boyz™ could hear that bc they're wearing earplugs (pt 2)
BUT!! IT WAS SO COOL!! and bc THE electric ballroom is fairly small and everyone was squeezing each other (I could feel sweat... everywhere... and my arms were super sticky and it wasn't just my own sweat..) the security dudes were super nice and came to the rescue EACH TIME anyone needed water!! Like I at least 5 times during the live called the security dude and asked for a glass of water!! I remember crying a lot during Sono Koe (pt 3)
and every time I felt tired and like I can't headbang anymore I looked at Uruha and Uruha kept on hyping us up and headbanging so I found the courage to keep going lol. There was a Polish dude that was my friend's friend near me and URUHA LIKED HIM A LOT??? HE KEPT POINTING AT HIM AND THERE WAS SO MUCH GOING ON IT WAS HILARIOUS we kept teasing him afterwards like "I think u got a date". Aoi came over at some point and he was precious, Reita did too during inside beast and I NUT--(pt 4)
--I mean, that was nice lol. At some point Ruki touched Reita's shoulder (it was all it took and I dived back into that Reituki trash) and I think Aoi sent a kiss to Uruha?? Classic. Kai was visible!! Because the stage was so close and low we could see Kai clearly!! When he came to the front before the encore the SCREAM from the crowd was so big it literally sounded deformed in my ear lol. We tried singing Uruha happy birthday when they came back but he pointed to Reita (pt. 5)
And Reita back at him lol. Cute nerds. URUHA AT THE END OF THE LIVE THREW ME A PICK?? but I wasn't looking because I was like well they ain't gonna throw a pick here so I just looked down bc my nape was dying AND THE PICK LANDED ON MY RIGHT BOOB so thanks for that. But it bounced off and I tried looking for it after the live but a friend of mine found it first and was like "mine now" so like :)) cool. Anyway waiting for the m&g I went to the bathroom and washed my whole fucking arm bc EW
and me and my friends, being almost dead, were almost last so at least we didn't have to hurry at the meet and greet. Thanks to it being after the live this time I wasn't nervous at all, since all the tension left me at the live, and I was able to talk this time. Aoi was confused bc he couldn't understand shit in English, I talked to Reita a bit and brofisted him and he was like "Oh YEAHHH!!" happy nerd, Ruki... (pt 7)
i told Ruki that Im from Greece and he didn't hear me so he leaned in, so I repeated that and showed him the flag that i was currently wearing on my shoulders. But being used to be given flags, he thought I was trying to give it to him... and he tried to take it but I pulled it back bc it wasn't mine and I didn't know if that was okay and like... Ruki must have felt like when you wave at someone who is waving to someone behind you?? yeah.. sry. Kai was such a sunshine and Uruha was Uwuha. (pt 8)
Kai's English is excellent tbh. Well after we were done my legs were literally throbbing, my nape was dying and me and my friend took our shoes off on the train. A mess™. Great experience, 10/10 I recommend. It's weird how I go to so many lives all the time but, gazette lives are always the best. You said short live reports? Oops. Hope you enjoy anyway and you make it next tour!!! (end)
aaaaa yeA thank u so much for sending this :,)))) makes me so happy to read these u have no idea !!!!!!!!! ack idk what to comment on there is so much. i hope the polish guy and uruha had fun together skskksskbcnsjxjan
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mrocknroll · 5 years
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this fabulous week… Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, Cookbooks Galore, and more!
Ack! July is almost over and I just finished my third trip of the month and have one left to go! It’s been super busy, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing August. I’m envisioning lotsa trips to the coast, and yes, I said COAST!
Remember, I’m in Oregon, so we live the “coast life”… not the beach life. We show up with jackets and pants and bring plenty of blankets. The first dip into the ocean is absolutely frigid, but pretty soon, it just numbs your feet right up and you can splash for a few hours! P.S. This is my favorite beach so far! Have you ever been? Our friend, Bev over at Bev Cooks just spent a month there and wrote about her stay. You should definitely check it out.
Want to know what else you should check out? What’s going on with our Simply Recipes Team! It’s so fun to chat with them (virtually, of course) and hear about what they’re diggin’ as humans!
Cool & Collapsible: Megan introduced us to these leak-proof, collapsible water bottles. I may have ordered 328 immediately because they are the coolest things around!
Grilling is thrilling! Have you ever made grilled eggs?! They sound quite interesting, but I’m always up for trying new things! You know what I’ll be doing this weekend!
Meme Mania! Summer stumbled upon Meme Appetit on Instagram—memes from Bon Appetit‘s videos–and has declared it to be the greatest treasure known to humankind.
Blueberries Year-Round: Our contributor Sally Vargas just released a The Blueberry Cookbook and it’s must for blueberry lovers!
Tasting Pennsylvania: Also…. Carrie will soon be releasing her cookbook Tasting Pennsylvania! It looks FABULOUS. You go, girl!
Queen of Comfort: I’ve fallen down an Amazon clothes shopping rabbit hole. I’ve been living in this dress all summer long and have no plans to stop. It’s cute AND comfy, which means you can’t go wrong with that!
Life Before Cell Phones… Just in case you needed a good laugh today, I thought this was pretty funny!
I was shocked when a few people commented on how they would skip the bacon in this guacamole. Hold up. SKIP THE BACON?! I thought bacon was supposed to make everything taste better. Weigh in here about what you think.
Sher commented on our Swedish Meatballs and said:
Fantastic! I have made these three times now, in 5 weeks. I had a recipe years ago and remembered that it included Holland House white cooking wine and dried onions so the last 2 times I prepared this I sautéed 2 tablespoons grated onion, 2 Tablespoons dried onion and I poured in 1/3 cup of cooking wine and let cook a couple minutes, right before I added the beef stock. I love it both ways but do think that the wine adds some zing to the sauce. when I use wine I also cut the sour cream in half. Thank you so much!!! Best Swedish meatballs recipe I have found in 15 yrs.
Making a dish three times in five weeks is definitely something! So glad you loved it, Sher!
Cheers to a scorching weekend. Stay cool!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!" »
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore! published first on your-t1-blog-url
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kristablogs · 5 years
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this fabulous week… Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, Cookbooks Galore, and more!
Ack! July is almost over and I just finished my third trip of the month and have one left to go! It’s been super busy, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing August. I’m envisioning lotsa trips to the coast, and yes, I said COAST!
Remember, I’m in Oregon, so we live the “coast life”… not the beach life. We show up with jackets and pants and bring plenty of blankets. The first dip into the ocean is absolutely frigid, but pretty soon, it just numbs your feet right up and you can splash for a few hours! P.S. This is my favorite beach so far! Have you ever been? Our friend, Bev over at Bev Cooks just spent a month there and wrote about her stay. You should definitely check it out.
Want to know what else you should check out? What’s going on with our Simply Recipes Team! It’s so fun to chat with them (virtually, of course) and hear about what they’re diggin’ as humans!
Cool & Collapsible: Megan introduced us to these leak-proof, collapsible water bottles. I may have ordered 328 immediately because they are the coolest things around!
Grilling is thrilling! Have you ever made grilled eggs?! They sound quite interesting, but I’m always up for trying new things! You know what I’ll be doing this weekend!
Meme Mania! Summer stumbled upon Meme Appetit on Instagram—memes from Bon Appetit‘s videos–and has declared it to be the greatest treasure known to humankind.
Blueberries Year-Round: Our contributor Sally Vargas just released a The Blueberry Cookbook and it’s must for blueberry lovers!
Tasting Pennsylvania: Also…. Carrie will soon be releasing her cookbook Tasting Pennsylvania! It looks FABULOUS. You go, girl!
Queen of Comfort: I’ve fallen down an Amazon clothes shopping rabbit hole. I’ve been living in this dress all summer long and have no plans to stop. It’s cute AND comfy, which means you can’t go wrong with that!
Life Before Cell Phones… Just in case you needed a good laugh today, I thought this was pretty funny!
I was shocked when a few people commented on how they would skip the bacon in this guacamole. Hold up. SKIP THE BACON?! I thought bacon was supposed to make everything taste better. Weigh in here about what you think.
Sher commented on our Swedish Meatballs and said:
Fantastic! I have made these three times now, in 5 weeks. I had a recipe years ago and remembered that it included Holland House white cooking wine and dried onions so the last 2 times I prepared this I sautéed 2 tablespoons grated onion, 2 Tablespoons dried onion and I poured in 1/3 cup of cooking wine and let cook a couple minutes, right before I added the beef stock. I love it both ways but do think that the wine adds some zing to the sauce. when I use wine I also cut the sour cream in half. Thank you so much!!! Best Swedish meatballs recipe I have found in 15 yrs.
Making a dish three times in five weeks is definitely something! So glad you loved it, Sher!
Cheers to a scorching weekend. Stay cool!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!" »
0 notes
foodnetworkusa · 5 years
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!
Food Network: Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this fabulous week… Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, Cookbooks Galore, and more! Ack! July is almost over and I just finished my third trip of the month and have one left to go! It’s been super busy, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing August. I’m envisioning lotsa trips to the coast, and yes, I said COAST! Remember, I’m in Oregon, so we live the “coast life”… not the beach life. We show up with jackets and pants and bring plenty of blankets. The first dip into the ocean is absolutely frigid, but pretty soon, it just numbs your feet right up and you can splash for a few hours! P.S. This is my favorite beach so far! Have you ever been? Our friend, Bev over at Bev Cooks just spent a month there and wrote about her stay. You should definitely check it out. Want to know what else you should check out? What’s going on with our Simply Recipes Team! It’s so fun to chat with them (virtually, of course) and hear about what they’re diggin’ as humans! OUR FAVORITES FROM THE WEEK * Cool & Collapsible: Megan introduced us to these leak-proof, collapsible water bottles. I may have ordered 328 immediately because they are the coolest things around! * Grilling is thrilling! Have you ever made grilled eggs?! They sound quite interesting, but I’m always up for trying new things! You know what I’ll be doing this weekend! * Meme Mania! Summer stumbled upon Meme Appetit on Instagram—memes from Bon Appetit‘s videos–and has declared it to be the greatest treasure known to humankind. * Blueberries Year-Round: Our contributor Sally Vargas just released a The Blueberry Cookbook and it’s must for blueberry lovers! * Tasting Pennsylvania: Also…. Carrie will soon be releasing her cookbook Tasting Pennsylvania! It looks FABULOUS. You go, girl! * Queen of Comfort: I’ve fallen down an Amazon clothes shopping rabbit hole. I’ve been living in this dress all summer long and have no plans to stop. It’s cute AND comfy, which means you can’t go wrong with that! * Life Before Cell Phones… Just in case you needed a good laugh today, I thought this was pretty funny! MEANWHILE ON INSTAGRAM I was shocked when a few people commented on how they would skip the bacon in this guacamole. Hold up. SKIP THE BACON?! I thought bacon was supposed to make everything taste better. Weigh in here about what you think. READER COMMENT OF THE WEEK Sher commented on our Swedish Meatballs and said: Fantastic! I have made these three times now, in 5 weeks. I had a recipe years ago and remembered that it included Holland House white cooking wine and dried onions so the last 2 times I prepared this I sautéed 2 tablespoons grated onion, 2 Tablespoons dried onion and I poured in 1/3 cup of cooking wine and let cook a couple minutes, right before I added the beef stock. I love it both ways but do think that the wine adds some zing to the sauce. when I use wine I also cut the sour cream in half. Thank you so much!!! Best Swedish meatballs recipe I have found in 15 yrs. Making a dish three times in five weeks is definitely something! So glad you loved it, Sher! Cheers to a scorching weekend. Stay cool! Continue reading "The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!" »
0 notes
simplerecipess · 5 years
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this fabulous week… Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, Cookbooks Galore, and more!
Ack! July is almost over and I just finished my third trip of the month and have one left to go! It’s been super busy, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing August. I’m envisioning lotsa trips to the coast, and yes, I said COAST!
Remember, I’m in Oregon, so we live the “coast life”… not the beach life. We show up with jackets and pants and bring plenty of blankets. The first dip into the ocean is absolutely frigid, but pretty soon, it just numbs your feet right up and you can splash for a few hours! P.S. This is my favorite beach so far! Have you ever been? Our friend, Bev over at Bev Cooks just spent a month there and wrote about her stay. You should definitely check it out.
Want to know what else you should check out? What’s going on with our Simply Recipes Team! It’s so fun to chat with them (virtually, of course) and hear about what they’re diggin’ as humans!
Cool & Collapsible: Megan introduced us to these leak-proof, collapsible water bottles. I may have ordered 328 immediately because they are the coolest things around!
Grilling is thrilling! Have you ever made grilled eggs?! They sound quite interesting, but I’m always up for trying new things! You know what I’ll be doing this weekend!
Meme Mania! Summer stumbled upon Meme Appetit on Instagram—memes from Bon Appetit‘s videos–and has declared it to be the greatest treasure known to humankind.
Blueberries Year-Round: Our contributor Sally Vargas just released a The Blueberry Cookbook and it’s must for blueberry lovers!
Tasting Pennsylvania: Also…. Carrie will soon be releasing her cookbook Tasting Pennsylvania! It looks FABULOUS. You go, girl!
Queen of Comfort: I’ve fallen down an Amazon clothes shopping rabbit hole. I’ve been living in this dress all summer long and have no plans to stop. It’s cute AND comfy, which means you can’t go wrong with that!
Life Before Cell Phones… Just in case you needed a good laugh today, I thought this was pretty funny!
I was shocked when a few people commented on how they would skip the bacon in this guacamole. Hold up. SKIP THE BACON?! I thought bacon was supposed to make everything taste better. Weigh in here about what you think.
Sher commented on our Swedish Meatballs and said:
Fantastic! I have made these three times now, in 5 weeks. I had a recipe years ago and remembered that it included Holland House white cooking wine and dried onions so the last 2 times I prepared this I sautéed 2 tablespoons grated onion, 2 Tablespoons dried onion and I poured in 1/3 cup of cooking wine and let cook a couple minutes, right before I added the beef stock. I love it both ways but do think that the wine adds some zing to the sauce. when I use wine I also cut the sour cream in half. Thank you so much!!! Best Swedish meatballs recipe I have found in 15 yrs.
Making a dish three times in five weeks is definitely something! So glad you loved it, Sher!
Cheers to a scorching weekend. Stay cool!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!" »
0 notes
helloiamagoat · 5 years
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this fabulous week… Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, Cookbooks Galore, and more!
Ack! July is almost over and I just finished my third trip of the month and have one left to go! It’s been super busy, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing August. I’m envisioning lotsa trips to the coast, and yes, I said COAST!
Remember, I’m in Oregon, so we live the “coast life”… not the beach life. We show up with jackets and pants and bring plenty of blankets. The first dip into the ocean is absolutely frigid, but pretty soon, it just numbs your feet right up and you can splash for a few hours! P.S. This is my favorite beach so far! Have you ever been? Our friend, Bev over at Bev Cooks just spent a month there and wrote about her stay. You should definitely check it out.
Want to know what else you should check out? What’s going on with our Simply Recipes Team! It’s so fun to chat with them (virtually, of course) and hear about what they’re diggin’ as humans!
Cool & Collapsible: Megan introduced us to these leak-proof, collapsible water bottles. I may have ordered 328 immediately because they are the coolest things around!
Grilling is thrilling! Have you ever made grilled eggs?! They sound quite interesting, but I’m always up for trying new things! You know what I’ll be doing this weekend!
Meme Mania! Summer stumbled upon Meme Appetit on Instagram—memes from Bon Appetit‘s videos–and has declared it to be the greatest treasure known to humankind.
Blueberries Year-Round: Our contributor Sally Vargas just released a The Blueberry Cookbook and it’s must for blueberry lovers!
Tasting Pennsylvania: Also…. Carrie will soon be releasing her cookbook Tasting Pennsylvania! It looks FABULOUS. You go, girl!
Queen of Comfort: I’ve fallen down an Amazon clothes shopping rabbit hole. I’ve been living in this dress all summer long and have no plans to stop. It’s cute AND comfy, which means you can’t go wrong with that!
Life Before Cell Phones… Just in case you needed a good laugh today, I thought this was pretty funny!
I was shocked when a few people commented on how they would skip the bacon in this guacamole. Hold up. SKIP THE BACON?! I thought bacon was supposed to make everything taste better. Weigh in here about what you think.
Sher commented on our Swedish Meatballs and said:
Fantastic! I have made these three times now, in 5 weeks. I had a recipe years ago and remembered that it included Holland House white cooking wine and dried onions so the last 2 times I prepared this I sautéed 2 tablespoons grated onion, 2 Tablespoons dried onion and I poured in 1/3 cup of cooking wine and let cook a couple minutes, right before I added the beef stock. I love it both ways but do think that the wine adds some zing to the sauce. when I use wine I also cut the sour cream in half. Thank you so much!!! Best Swedish meatballs recipe I have found in 15 yrs.
Making a dish three times in five weeks is definitely something! So glad you loved it, Sher!
Cheers to a scorching weekend. Stay cool!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!" »
from Simply Recipes https://ift.tt/32S9rr0
0 notes
evaknowsfood · 5 years
New Post has been published on EvaGalloway.com
New Post has been published at https://evagalloway.com/the-friday-buzz-collapsible-water-bottles-grilling-eggs-and-cookbooks-galore/
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this fabulous week… Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, Cookbooks Galore, and more!
Ack! July is almost over and I just finished my third trip of the month and have one left to go! It’s been super busy, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing August. I’m envisioning lotsa trips to the coast, and yes, I said COAST!
Remember, I’m in Oregon, so we live the “coast life”… not the beach life. We show up with jackets and pants and bring plenty of blankets. The first dip into the ocean is absolutely frigid, but pretty soon, it just numbs your feet right up and you can splash for a few hours! P.S. This is my favorite beach so far! Have you ever been? Our friend, Bev over at Bev Cooks just spent a month there and wrote about her stay. You should definitely check it out.
Want to know what else you should check out? What’s going on with our Simply Recipes Team! It’s so fun to chat with them (virtually, of course) and hear about what they’re diggin’ as humans!
Cool & Collapsible: Megan introduced us to these leak-proof, collapsible water bottles. I may have ordered 328 immediately because they are the coolest things around!
Grilling is thrilling! Have you ever made grilled eggs?! They sound quite interesting, but I’m always up for trying new things! You know what I’ll be doing this weekend!
Meme Mania! Summer stumbled upon Meme Appetit on Instagram—memes from Bon Appetit‘s videos–and has declared it to be the greatest treasure known to humankind.
Blueberries Year-Round: Our contributor Sally Vargas just released a The Blueberry Cookbook and it’s must for blueberry lovers!
Tasting Pennsylvania: Also…. Carrie will soon be releasing her cookbook Tasting Pennsylvania! It looks FABULOUS. You go, girl!
Queen of Comfort: I’ve fallen down an Amazon clothes shopping rabbit hole. I’ve been living in this dress all summer long and have no plans to stop. It’s cute AND comfy, which means you can’t go wrong with that!
Life Before Cell Phones… Just in case you needed a good laugh today, I thought this was pretty funny!
I was shocked when a few people commented on how they would skip the bacon in this guacamole. Hold up. SKIP THE BACON?! I thought bacon was supposed to make everything taste better. Weigh in here about what you think.
Sher commented on our Swedish Meatballs and said:
Fantastic! I have made these three times now, in 5 weeks. I had a recipe years ago and remembered that it included Holland House white cooking wine and dried onions so the last 2 times I prepared this I sautéed 2 tablespoons grated onion, 2 Tablespoons dried onion and I poured in 1/3 cup of cooking wine and let cook a couple minutes, right before I added the beef stock. I love it both ways but do think that the wine adds some zing to the sauce. when I use wine I also cut the sour cream in half. Thank you so much!!! Best Swedish meatballs recipe I have found in 15 yrs.
Making a dish three times in five weeks is definitely something! So glad you loved it, Sher!
Cheers to a scorching weekend. Stay cool!
Continue reading “The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!” »
0 notes
mrocknroll · 5 years
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this fabulous week… Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, Cookbooks Galore, and more!
Ack! July is almost over and I just finished my third trip of the month and have one left to go! It’s been super busy, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing August. I’m envisioning lotsa trips to the coast, and yes, I said COAST!
Remember, I’m in Oregon, so we live the “coast life”… not the beach life. We show up with jackets and pants and bring plenty of blankets. The first dip into the ocean is absolutely frigid, but pretty soon, it just numbs your feet right up and you can splash for a few hours! P.S. This is my favorite beach so far! Have you ever been? Our friend, Bev over at Bev Cooks just spent a month there and wrote about her stay. You should definitely check it out.
Want to know what else you should check out? What’s going on with our Simply Recipes Team! It’s so fun to chat with them (virtually, of course) and hear about what they’re diggin’ as humans!
Cool & Collapsible: Megan introduced us to these leak-proof, collapsible water bottles. I may have ordered 328 immediately because they are the coolest things around!
Grilling is thrilling! Have you ever made grilled eggs?! They sound quite interesting, but I’m always up for trying new things! You know what I’ll be doing this weekend!
Meme Mania! Summer stumbled upon Meme Appetit on Instagram—memes from Bon Appetit‘s videos–and has declared it to be the greatest treasure known to humankind.
Blueberries Year-Round: Our contributor Sally Vargas just released a The Blueberry Cookbook and it’s must for blueberry lovers!
Tasting Pennsylvania: Also…. Carrie will soon be releasing her cookbook Tasting Pennsylvania! It looks FABULOUS. You go, girl!
Queen of Comfort: I’ve fallen down an Amazon clothes shopping rabbit hole. I’ve been living in this dress all summer long and have no plans to stop. It’s cute AND comfy, which means you can’t go wrong with that!
Life Before Cell Phones… Just in case you needed a good laugh today, I thought this was pretty funny!
I was shocked when a few people commented on how they would skip the bacon in this guacamole. Hold up. SKIP THE BACON?! I thought bacon was supposed to make everything taste better. Weigh in here about what you think.
Sher commented on our Swedish Meatballs and said:
Fantastic! I have made these three times now, in 5 weeks. I had a recipe years ago and remembered that it included Holland House white cooking wine and dried onions so the last 2 times I prepared this I sautéed 2 tablespoons grated onion, 2 Tablespoons dried onion and I poured in 1/3 cup of cooking wine and let cook a couple minutes, right before I added the beef stock. I love it both ways but do think that the wine adds some zing to the sauce. when I use wine I also cut the sour cream in half. Thank you so much!!! Best Swedish meatballs recipe I have found in 15 yrs.
Making a dish three times in five weeks is definitely something! So glad you loved it, Sher!
Cheers to a scorching weekend. Stay cool!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!" »
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore! published first on your-t1-blog-url
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mrocknroll · 5 years
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this fabulous week… Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, Cookbooks Galore, and more!
Ack! July is almost over and I just finished my third trip of the month and have one left to go! It’s been super busy, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing August. I’m envisioning lotsa trips to the coast, and yes, I said COAST!
Remember, I’m in Oregon, so we live the “coast life”… not the beach life. We show up with jackets and pants and bring plenty of blankets. The first dip into the ocean is absolutely frigid, but pretty soon, it just numbs your feet right up and you can splash for a few hours! P.S. This is my favorite beach so far! Have you ever been? Our friend, Bev over at Bev Cooks just spent a month there and wrote about her stay. You should definitely check it out.
Want to know what else you should check out? What’s going on with our Simply Recipes Team! It’s so fun to chat with them (virtually, of course) and hear about what they’re diggin’ as humans!
Cool & Collapsible: Megan introduced us to these leak-proof, collapsible water bottles. I may have ordered 328 immediately because they are the coolest things around!
Grilling is thrilling! Have you ever made grilled eggs?! They sound quite interesting, but I’m always up for trying new things! You know what I’ll be doing this weekend!
Meme Mania! Summer stumbled upon Meme Appetit on Instagram—memes from Bon Appetit‘s videos–and has declared it to be the greatest treasure known to humankind.
Blueberries Year-Round: Our contributor Sally Vargas just released a The Blueberry Cookbook and it’s must for blueberry lovers!
Tasting Pennsylvania: Also…. Carrie will soon be releasing her cookbook Tasting Pennsylvania! It looks FABULOUS. You go, girl!
Queen of Comfort: I’ve fallen down an Amazon clothes shopping rabbit hole. I’ve been living in this dress all summer long and have no plans to stop. It’s cute AND comfy, which means you can’t go wrong with that!
Life Before Cell Phones… Just in case you needed a good laugh today, I thought this was pretty funny!
I was shocked when a few people commented on how they would skip the bacon in this guacamole. Hold up. SKIP THE BACON?! I thought bacon was supposed to make everything taste better. Weigh in here about what you think.
Sher commented on our Swedish Meatballs and said:
Fantastic! I have made these three times now, in 5 weeks. I had a recipe years ago and remembered that it included Holland House white cooking wine and dried onions so the last 2 times I prepared this I sautéed 2 tablespoons grated onion, 2 Tablespoons dried onion and I poured in 1/3 cup of cooking wine and let cook a couple minutes, right before I added the beef stock. I love it both ways but do think that the wine adds some zing to the sauce. when I use wine I also cut the sour cream in half. Thank you so much!!! Best Swedish meatballs recipe I have found in 15 yrs.
Making a dish three times in five weeks is definitely something! So glad you loved it, Sher!
Cheers to a scorching weekend. Stay cool!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!" »
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore! published first on your-t1-blog-url
0 notes
mrocknroll · 5 years
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! Up this fabulous week… Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, Cookbooks Galore, and more!
Ack! July is almost over and I just finished my third trip of the month and have one left to go! It’s been super busy, and I’m looking forward to a relaxing August. I’m envisioning lotsa trips to the coast, and yes, I said COAST!
Remember, I’m in Oregon, so we live the “coast life”… not the beach life. We show up with jackets and pants and bring plenty of blankets. The first dip into the ocean is absolutely frigid, but pretty soon, it just numbs your feet right up and you can splash for a few hours! P.S. This is my favorite beach so far! Have you ever been? Our friend, Bev over at Bev Cooks just spent a month there and wrote about her stay. You should definitely check it out.
Want to know what else you should check out? What’s going on with our Simply Recipes Team! It’s so fun to chat with them (virtually, of course) and hear about what they’re diggin’ as humans!
Cool & Collapsible: Megan introduced us to these leak-proof, collapsible water bottles. I may have ordered 328 immediately because they are the coolest things around!
Grilling is thrilling! Have you ever made grilled eggs?! They sound quite interesting, but I’m always up for trying new things! You know what I’ll be doing this weekend!
Meme Mania! Summer stumbled upon Meme Appetit on Instagram—memes from Bon Appetit‘s videos–and has declared it to be the greatest treasure known to humankind.
Blueberries Year-Round: Our contributor Sally Vargas just released a The Blueberry Cookbook and it’s must for blueberry lovers!
Tasting Pennsylvania: Also…. Carrie will soon be releasing her cookbook Tasting Pennsylvania! It looks FABULOUS. You go, girl!
Queen of Comfort: I’ve fallen down an Amazon clothes shopping rabbit hole. I’ve been living in this dress all summer long and have no plans to stop. It’s cute AND comfy, which means you can’t go wrong with that!
Life Before Cell Phones… Just in case you needed a good laugh today, I thought this was pretty funny!
I was shocked when a few people commented on how they would skip the bacon in this guacamole. Hold up. SKIP THE BACON?! I thought bacon was supposed to make everything taste better. Weigh in here about what you think.
Sher commented on our Swedish Meatballs and said:
Fantastic! I have made these three times now, in 5 weeks. I had a recipe years ago and remembered that it included Holland House white cooking wine and dried onions so the last 2 times I prepared this I sautéed 2 tablespoons grated onion, 2 Tablespoons dried onion and I poured in 1/3 cup of cooking wine and let cook a couple minutes, right before I added the beef stock. I love it both ways but do think that the wine adds some zing to the sauce. when I use wine I also cut the sour cream in half. Thank you so much!!! Best Swedish meatballs recipe I have found in 15 yrs.
Making a dish three times in five weeks is definitely something! So glad you loved it, Sher!
Cheers to a scorching weekend. Stay cool!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore!" »
The Friday Buzz! Collapsible Water Bottles, Grilling Eggs, and Cookbooks Galore! published first on your-t1-blog-url
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