lesbiangummybearmafia · 10 months
Ok so 1953 was 70 years ago... 2053 is only 29 years away. This is my point the conservatives and Republicans in this country want to drag us all back 70 years ago if they had their way. I chose 1953 out of thin air, but pretty much any year of 50s. Because white men controlled everything back then. It's the 21st century for fuck sake, we're closer to 2053 now, are we all going to sit idly by allow them to this? Y'all realize we could easily vote all those old white bastards out of congress if enough got up off our butts and actually went out and voted, no matter what it takes. The only reason they stay in Congress and everywhere else is because more old conservatives and Republicans get out and vote. And I get those fuckers make impossible in alot of places to vote if we aren't one of them. But we gotta be fuck you, we're stronger, smarter, better, younger, more determined to have a better future. So we're not going to let their bullshit trickery and straight up cheating stop us from voting we'll get it done. Even just to piss those motherfuckers off. Vote for people of color, lgbtqia+ candidates, trans candidates, vote for not Republicans or Democratic candidates (if they get enough votes they'll win), vote for candidates that are younger then 50!! Just fucking vote, because even if think it does nothing, if dislike/hate conservatives/republican/fascist politicians voting against them will piss them the fuck off, prove them wrong about all of us, make them look stupid (which is always fun) and hopefully save our democracy. Because those motherfuckers are chipping away at it, it now huge fucking pieces their taking off not little pebbles. Just look at all laws they've passed at the state level to restrict our civil liberties, control free speech by banning books, passing laws to control women's reproductive rights, first the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade now having state after state passing insane laws banning abortions. In every case is a clear indication how much conservatives man don't care about women or our lives. Then the onslaught of laws targeting the trans community, limiting their access to health care they need and unleashing a wave of transphobic all over ourcountry. Also laws targeting the lgbtqia+ community, banning drag shows, that in theit history never hurt anyone. There a celebration.
We the people, remember there are way more of us then any political party, any amount of politicians, no matter how much powerful they think they are. We our number them! We are louder, we are angry, we are feed up, we are tried of the lies, we are tried of all the bullshit, we done being told what America should be like. Because that definition doesn't work anymore, we're gonna give America a new definition for right now! For the 21st century, for 2023 because we're not going the fuck backwards no fucking more. The only direction is forward, into the future, we want to know what America can be in 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now. That is not some conservative, Republican, fascist, authoritarian old white man wet dream!!! Nope, not happening not on our watch assholes!
We will not go gentle into that good night! We will rage, rage against the dying of the light!! In other words will not allow our democracy to be killed by traitors to our country that even now spit fascist ideals in Congress, in Governor offices, state legislators, mayors officials, city councils, school districts. Just look at horrors that been unleashed on Florida because of Ron DeSantis who is without doubt a fascist and an authoritarian!
That why the next elections are so important. Why it's so important to register to vote at
And go out vote or to make it easier if your state allows voting by mail, that what I do. I'm in Arizona, they send me a ballot in mail, I fill it out. I can either mail it or drop it off. It's great!! To see if your state has voting by mail go to.
Some other voting resources:
(Helps if your homeless and want to vote)
(Helps people with disabilities to vote)
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iminthesandwichclub · 9 months
The Imperative Need for Long-Term Care Insurance
Executive Summary: Long-term care insurance (LTCI) serves as a crucial financial tool to mitigate the substantial expenses associated with extended care services in aging populations. This white paper highlights the imperative need for LTCI, emphasizing the financial implications of its absence, and underscores its importance with references from reputable sources.
Introduction: Long-term care insurance addresses the escalating costs of extended care services, which are often inadequately covered by traditional health insurance or government programs like Medicare and Medicaid. This white paper delves into the necessity of LTCI, offering insights supported by documented references.
The Escalating Cost of Long-Term Care: Long-term care costs are on an upward trajectory, making insurance coverage indispensable. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average annual cost for a private room in a nursing home was $105,850 in 2020.1 The burden of these expenses without insurance can quickly deplete personal savings.
The Financial Consequences of Inadequate Coverage: The absence of LTCI can result in profound financial hardships, including:
Depletion of Savings: Uninsured individuals often resort to depleting their retirement savings or selling assets to cover long-term care costs.
Family Financial Strain: Family members may bear the financial and emotional burden as they become caregivers or contribute to the uninsured individual's care.
Limited Care Options: Without insurance, individuals may have restricted access to quality care, compromising their well-being.
Benefits of Long-Term Care Insurance: LTCI offers multiple advantages, such as:
Financial Security: LTCI ensures that policyholders can access necessary care without exhausting their savings, as noted by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance.2
Choice and Control: Insured individuals have the autonomy to choose where and how they receive care, preserving their independence.
Relief for Family: LTCI reduces the financial and emotional strain on family members, allowing them to provide emotional support rather than serving as primary caregivers, as affirmed by AARP.3
Challenges and Considerations: Challenges related to LTCI encompass:
Premium Costs: LTCI premiums can be substantial, requiring individuals to assess their needs and budget carefully.
Eligibility and Underwriting: Eligibility often hinges on factors like health and age, necessitating prompt acquisition of coverage, as noted by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.4
Policy Variability: LTCI policies exhibit significant variations, underscoring the importance of understanding policy terms, benefits, and limitations.
Conclusion: Long-term care insurance is imperative in an aging society where healthcare costs are spiraling. The financial repercussions of its absence are substantial. Despite the challenges, informed planning and the selection of an appropriate LTCI policy can ensure a secure and dignified future for individuals and their families during their later years.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2020). Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Americans: Risks and Financing. Retrieved from https://acl.gov/sites/default/files/programs/2020-12/Risk%20and%20Financing.pdf
American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. (n.d.). LTC Insurance Claims. Retrieved from https://www.aaltci.org/long-term-care-insurance/learning-center/claims
AARP. (n.d.). How Long-Term Care Insurance Works. Retrieved from https://www.aarp.org/caregiving/financial-legal/info-2019/long-term-care-insurance.html
National Association of Insurance Commissioners. (n.d.). Long-Term Care Insurance. Retrieved from https://content.naic.org/consumer/l_consumer.htm
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autisticadvocacy · 3 years
“[Community Engagement Coordinator Noor] Pervez has some simple advice...to learn more about the autistic community and the needs of autistic people: ‘listen to autistic people … and when I say listen to autistic people, I mean all autistic people.’“
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karenparentrealtor · 3 years
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Long Care Options for Senior Living
“Mom/Dad is starting to get older and needs help, and I’m not sure what we should do for them.”
This is a statement that I’ve heard several times over the last few years from my parents. My grandparents are beginning to reach the end of their life and are struggling with increasingly worsening physical and mental health. The issue in my family is that all my grandparents are fiercely independent, and don’t wish to leave their homes. This has caused issues with my family as we question how to keep them in their homes while keeping them safe without intruding on their privacy. Thankfully there are several long term care options available for elderly people such as my grandparents.
The Medicare website advises that family members talk to a social worker, healthcare provider, or counselor  about their options before making any drastic life changes.
Long-Term Care Options to Consider
Home and Community Based Services
Respite care
A service that family members can utilize to help prevent caretaker burnout 
Home Healthcare
Nurses, physical therapy
Subsidized Senior Housing
Residential Care Communities or Group Homes
Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Individual homes or apartments
Assisted Living Facility
Retirement Home or Long Term Care Facility
www.https://acl.gov/ltc is a great resource for any families looking into long-term care for their loved ones! They even have resources that you can use to locate long term care facilities and Area Agencies on Aging.
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servicedogforum · 3 years
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National Family Caregivers Month Celebrated every November, National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM) is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. It offers an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate communities, and increase support for caregivers. The national observance is spearheaded by Caregiver Action Network (CAN), a nonprofit that provides free education, peer support, and resources to family caregivers. CAN announced the 2021 theme, # CaregiverAnd which encourages family caregivers to celebrate the passions and interests that enrich their lives. This is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. Learn more at: https://acl.gov/news-and-events/downloads-and-multimedia/NFCM #caregiver #caregiverand #caregiversupport #caregivers #caregiverlife #care #health #disabled #disability #disabilityawareness #disabilities #disabilitiesawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CV-xI8ALTWX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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daaconnections · 3 years
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National Family Caregivers Month Celebrated every November, National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM) is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. It offers an opportunity to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate communities, and increase support for caregivers. The national observance is spearheaded by Caregiver Action Network (CAN), a nonprofit that provides free education, peer support, and resources to family caregivers. CAN announced the 2021 theme, # CaregiverAnd which encourages family caregivers to celebrate the passions and interests that enrich their lives. This is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. Learn more at: https://acl.gov/news-and-events/downloads-and-multimedia/NFCM #caregiver #caregiverand #caregiversupport #caregivers #caregiverlife #care #health #disabled #disability #disabilityawareness #disabilities #disabilitiesawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CV-xHOprpqw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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How to Empower the Elderly!
Have you ever wondered? What will it feel like to see your grandma or grandpa after ten years? Your memory of them might have faded then. But she will forever remember the apple of her eye – In just one glance.
Let us be honest - most of you reading this right now may have had this question at least once – "Where will I be in 25, 50 or 75 years?"
Can you imagine spending holidays like CHRISTMAS at a care home? Just look at the grandma in pink! I bet you would either be as furious as her or solemn like the grandpa with the bright red travel pillow.
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According to the US Census Bureau, a third of all elders live alone and that there will be a significant increase in the ratio of those institutionalised.
Certainly, because we will not be the young college freshers or new employees forever. With time, human health deteriorates physically and mentally. As much as you hate to hear this, we become a burden to them. So they will pack your bags and ship you off to a care institution. While the daring ones move out and live by themselves.
A study published in the Journal of Gerontological Social Work says, "You Never Get Used to Loneliness". Transitioning between the various stages of life is not easy. The elderly feel lonely; especially, among those of their age group. At this stage, they either find it challenging to socialise, are grieving the loss of a loved one or yearning for a confidante. They try to rediscover life and uplift their spirits by signing up for activities such as Summer camps.
Now, what?
Well, you have the opportunity to turn the tables and have some fun like them!
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Photos by Ananya Saraf
Start today!
If you have elderly at home - Cherish them If you have sent them away - Go and meet them If you do not have anyone - Volunteer and get in touch with one Be someone's solace and confidante.
Your small act of kindness would mean the world to them! Just like the cycle of life, this can change the transition experience for not only your parents, mentors and loved ones but also yours!
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Created using Canva, Quote by Jim Rohn
“A Profile of Older Americans.” https://acl.gov/sites/default/files/Aging%20and%20Disability%20in%20America/2017OlderAmericansProfile.pdf
Journal of Gerontological Social Work. "You never get used to loneliness." https://doi.org/10.1080/01634372.2019.1687633
Staff and residents by michael_swan https://flic.kr/p/2ipZBsN Providence healthcare residents by michael_swan https://flic.kr/p/2ipXjNB
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ligiaonwlz · 4 years
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21 years ago today the Olmstead Act was passed. Even though it stated that individuals with disabilities were to be granted the right to live independently in community settings and not institutions with services and supports that would influence their success many people are still institutionalized due to the lack of in-home care, unequal education, lack of housing accessibility, inadequate medical care, the inability to make a living wage, and other not only systemic oppressions, but ugly stereotypes and assumptions that still permeate in our society about individuals with disabilities. There is still a long way to go, we have to continue to keep fighting for everyone in our communities that are still not free!
(The image below says, "the Olmstead decision... Is a landmark towards the integration of people with disabilities in community life. In the 1999 case called, ” Olmstead vs. LC.,"the Supreme Court ruled that unnecessary segregation of people with disabilities in institutionsis a form of discrimination in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.)
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bvciltexas · 4 years
Use the IRS Non-Filer Tool found at: https://ift.tt/3e9akkt by Tuesday, May 5, for full payment as soon as possible. Updated IRS Guidance for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients with Qualifying Dependents ________________________________________ Use the IRS Non-filer Tool by Tuesday, May 5, for full payment as soon as possible ________________________________________ The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued updated guidance for SSI recipients with qualifying dependents eligible for COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments. SSI recipients who did not file a tax return in 2018 or 2019 and who have qualifying dependents must submit additional information using the IRS’s Non-Filer tool by Tuesday, May 5, 2020 to receive the full amount of their Economic Impact Payments as soon as possible. Eligible SSI recipients will start receiving their automatic payments directly from the Treasury Department in early May. Please note that Direct Express account holders may use the IRS’s Non-Filer tool, but they cannot receive their and their children’s payment on their Direct Express card. They may only enter non-Direct Express bank account information for direct deposit, or leave bank information empty to receive a paper check by mail. ________________________________________ Learn more about Social Security and COVID-19 ACL.GOV/COVID-19
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tndidd · 4 years
ACL Disability Employment Challenge
The Administration for Community Living, HHS invites businesses to compete for cash prizes to help them expand their recruiting and retention programs to better include workers with disabilities. Through this challenge, ACL seeks innovative models that can be shared to help businesses across the country reach a wider talent pool and to create more opportunities for employing people with disabilities.
Why should you take on this challenge? A diversified workplace is good for the bottom line, yet businesses don’t always have plans that create talent pipelines that include people with disabilities. Research shows that firms that employ and support workers with disabilities have 28% higher revenue and 30% higher profit margins than peer businesses that do not. Inclusive employers report higher overall employee morale and lower turnover rates of workers with disabilities. Research also reveals that people with disabilities are healthier and happier when they have the opportunity to work.
Hiring and retaining workers with disabilities is good for everyone!
The Challenge: ACL believes that businesses are best suited to develop innovative solutions for hiring and retaining workers with disabilities. There will be three phases of the competition with cash prizes awarded at each phase. The cash prizes will serve as seed money to help winning entrants refine, develop, test, and implement their initial concepts.
The Grand Prize is $100,000. All winners will receive travel to Washington, D.C., mentorship from experts in the field, and promotion of their business innovation models. Participating businesses will receive feedback on their proposals and permission to use the “Administration for Community Living Inclusive Talent Pipeline Partner” logo.
The Deadline: Submit a proposal by February 14, 2020. Visit acl.gov/challenge for more details.
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autisticadvocacy · 3 years
“It is important because I am a self-advocate and I want to see people have the opportunity to receive fair treatment. I think individuals who are susceptible to get the virus should have the opportunity to receive the vaccine and get it sooner.”
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vide1974984 · 7 years
Caregivers need help, too
Are you caring for an aged, ill, or disabled family member? If so, you’re one of about 43.5 million Americans who care for loved ones with a chronic illness, disability, or frailty. Family caregivers provide an average of 24 hours of care per week – when you’re the caregiver, that can make it hard to care for yourself.
November is National Family Caregiver Month – a perfect opportunity to reach out for help if you’re caring for someone with Medicare. If you’re a caregiver, here are 3 things you can do this month to help you help your loved one:
Visit Acl.gov to find programs and resources that can help support you.
Make sure your loved one’s Medicare coverage still meets their needs. Medicare Open Enrollment is from now until December 7, and it’s important to take a few minutes to review coverage and pick a plan that works for your loved one.
Find resources near you by visiting the Administration on Aging’s Eldercare Locator.
This month is also a perfect opportunity to make sure you are getting the care you need for yourself. If you or someone you’re caring for is uninsured, learn more about the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Filed under: Uncategorized from Doctors Who Take Medicaid http://ift.tt/2iDI7Xg via Doctors Who Take Medicaid in Colorado
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ource1943703 · 7 years
Caregivers need help, too
Are you caring for an aged, ill, or disabled family member? If so, you’re one of about 43.5 million Americans who care for loved ones with a chronic illness, disability, or frailty. Family caregivers provide an average of 24 hours of care per week – when you’re the caregiver, that can make it hard to care for yourself.
November is National Family Caregiver Month – a perfect opportunity to reach out for help if you’re caring for someone with Medicare. If you’re a caregiver, here are 3 things you can do this month to help you help your loved one:
Visit Acl.gov to find programs and resources that can help support you.
Make sure your loved one’s Medicare coverage still meets their needs. Medicare Open Enrollment is from now until December 7, and it’s important to take a few minutes to review coverage and pick a plan that works for your loved one.
Find resources near you by visiting the Administration on Aging’s Eldercare Locator.
This month is also a perfect opportunity to make sure you are getting the care you need for yourself. If you or someone you’re caring for is uninsured, learn more about the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Filed under: Uncategorized from Doctors Who Take Medicaid http://ift.tt/2iDI7Xg via Doctors Who Take Medicaid Aurora
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bigbuffchicks · 7 years
Caregivers need help, too
Are you caring for an aged, ill, or disabled family member? If so, you’re one of about 43.5 million Americans who care for loved ones with a chronic illness, disability, or frailty. Family caregivers provide an average of 24 hours of care per week – when you’re the caregiver, that can make it hard to care for yourself.
November is National Family Caregiver Month – a perfect opportunity to reach out for help if you’re caring for someone with Medicare. If you’re a caregiver, here are 3 things you can do this month to help you help your loved one:
Visit Acl.gov to find programs and resources that can help support you.
Make sure your loved one’s Medicare coverage still meets their needs. Medicare Open Enrollment is from now until December 7, and it’s important to take a few minutes to review coverage and pick a plan that works for your loved one.
Find resources near you by visiting the Administration on Aging’s Eldercare Locator.
This month is also a perfect opportunity to make sure you are getting the care you need for yourself. If you or someone you’re caring for is uninsured, learn more about the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Filed under: Uncategorized from Doctors Who Take Medicaid http://ift.tt/2iDI7Xg via Doctors Who Take Medicaid Auroa Co
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grinern · 7 years
Caregivers need help, too
Are you caring for an aged, ill, or disabled family member? If so, you’re one of about 43.5 million Americans who care for loved ones with a chronic illness, disability, or frailty. Family caregivers provide an average of 24 hours of care per week – when you’re the caregiver, that can make it hard to care for yourself.
November is National Family Caregiver Month – a perfect opportunity to reach out for help if you’re caring for someone with Medicare. If you’re a caregiver, here are 3 things you can do this month to help you help your loved one:
Visit Acl.gov to find programs and resources that can help support you.
Make sure your loved one’s Medicare coverage still meets their needs. Medicare Open Enrollment is from now until December 7, and it’s important to take a few minutes to review coverage and pick a plan that works for your loved one.
Find resources near you by visiting the Administration on Aging’s Eldercare Locator.
This month is also a perfect opportunity to make sure you are getting the care you need for yourself. If you or someone you’re caring for is uninsured, learn more about the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Filed under: Uncategorized from Doctors Who Take Medicaid http://ift.tt/2iDI7Xg via Doctors Who Take Medicaid Doctors Who Take Medicaid
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