#acting like tsuderes like hikaru
hikaruspinktip · 1 year
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Oh..! 😊...
(Im acting like as if I don't say stuff WAY worst than ota said/says)
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teddystrap · 5 years
Drama CD: [幽幻ロマンチカ・有頂天] ~Baku: Utashiro~
I didn’t sleep well last night, a mosquito was using me as a blood bag >;(... So thanks to that I was wide awake and had time to listen to another drama CD.
Character #2 in the Yuugen Romantica series, Utashiro (cv. Kimura Ryouhei), is a baku: a mythical creature that survives by eating dreams and helps people get rid of their nightmares that way. It’s too bad he doesn’t eat unwanted insects in my room as well.
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‘Sorry dude that’s not part of my regular diet.’
Anyway, going back to Nanagiri High School. This time there is a rumour about the only stairway that leads to Heaven the rooftop. Usually there are only 12 steps, but if you get to the 13th step, that means that you are on your way down into Utashiro’s nightmare territory...
After you try (unsuccessfully ofc) to escape, Utashiro takes possession of your body and makes you solve some hard maths problem in 5 seconds, threatening to eat you if you fail. Thankfully he stops possessing you, and you grab a mop nearby to defend yourself. With the mop handle you push him into a row of lockers, and he is forced to end the nightmare to prevent them from falling on him - which allows you to escape.
Gotta admit that’s pretty badass for an otome heroine. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ“ファイティング!!
The next day he seeks you out disguised as a human boy so you don’t recognise him. He’s been looking everywhere for you for revenge for your counterattack yesterday. He throws you back into the nightmare high school world but you still don’t recognise him Orz. So he changes back into his demon form. And this time he got rid of the cleaning equipment so you can’t attack him lolol.
Instead, he has prepared a bed, where he lulls you to sleep. He plans to frighten you with monsters hiding under the bed, but... his brilliant plan backfires because you fall asleep sooo soundly that even demons screaming in Hell can’t wake you up. XD
Turns out you have been sleep-deprived lately because of a mosquito recurring nightmares. In fact that’s why you went to the stairwell in the first place - to investigate if it is related to the Seven Supernatural Wonders of the School. After some further failed attempts to intimidate you, Utashiro finally gives up and gently rocks you to sleep, swearing that he will get you next time. Lmao.
Next day you go and thank him for helping you sleep and he is still feeling salty. After school you stay to prepare for the bunka-sai (cultural festival) exhibition, and he tags along. You class is planning to make a haunted house, and he warns you that it might attract unwanted spirits,... but you cheerfully invite him to come and visit too ^_~.
Utashiro tells you that the state of the Seven Supernaturals has been changing due to the fickleness of humans. E.g., the Youkai with the Flowers in the Toilets [*voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru... I haven’t listened to his discs but I have a hard time taking this character seriously...] has disappeared, and he himself has emerged (since the original series). There is also a strange rumour going round that the nightmare on the 13th step is killing people in their sleep, and he’s offended that people think he’s that kind of demon.
You stupidly agree with him. To show you that he’s not all nice, he possesses you and touches and kisses you, knowing that you can’t fight back/react since you are in public and he is in invisible mode. So you run off to hide in a dark corner, secretly hoping that he will rip your clothes off and have his way with you. (ฅωฅ`)テレルー♥
But alas Rejet is trying to keep it safe for the kids here so nothing happened calm your tits woman!! He ends up walking you home and carrying your bag for you (how sweet is this guy seriously). As he’s leaving he senses a... supernatural energy from you. So at night he sneaks into your house and, sure enough, you are having night terrors.
He consumes your nightmare, and is about to leave when you wake up. To hide his identity, he changes into his chibi-baku form. But you know it’s him anyway. You are scared to be left alone, so he becomes your reluctant dakimakura ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ). As he watches your sleeping face, he realises how he used to live for people’s happiness, before he became this yakuza demon from the ‘hood who terrorises people for fun.
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Ok yeah Utashiro is that Moomin-looking thing from the Hifumi picture.
One day you bring him lunch on the rooftop as a token of your gratitude, but he seems to be having... indigestion pains from eating your nightmares every night. #youkaiproblems. He tells you that he used to do this for people regularly and they would come and visit him, but now times have changed and they don’t need him anymore, and all his friends are dead, but for some reason he’s still alive. He has remained in Nanagiri High School because of rumours that there might be another fellow baku lurking around.
At night you tell him not to eat anymore. He wants to insist, but his body is almost at its limit. He tells you there’s another way to end your nightmares - which is to confront the demon behind them directly. To protect you, he enters your dream along with you.
The demon uses the same haunted school grounds as his backdrop. However, there is an abandoned dried-up well in the courtyard which doesn’t exist in reality. As you approach, a baku emerges from the well and tries to kill you both despite your goodwill.
Turns out this thing is a youkai-kuzure, the remnant form of a demon that has been neglected, but still maintains a strong will to survive and holds a lot of resentment towards humans. Utashiro thinks he will end up the same way and sinks into a bout of “look kids, this is me in 20 years’ time” nihilism.
He begs you to run away but you refuse. You want to let the youkai-kuzure baku use your body and regain its energy so that Utashiro can restore his faith in humanity. In the end Utashiro ends up possessing you, and diplomatically talks the youkai-kuzure into exorcising itself. Basically what he says can be summarised as follows:
‘You are not alone. Me and this human girl are here for you... Now fuck off R.I.P.’
And so fuck off R.I.P. it did.
Then both of you wake up from your nightmare. Utashiro is about to leave but you stop him. So then he asks you if he can stay with you forever, because he has nowhere to go now anyway, and he doesn’t want to become that troll that lives under the bridge and throws rocks at people’s shins and glances at porno magazines through the konbini window.
[Thoughts] Very important update: The mosquito that was biting me is now dead now, too. And I killed it by force instead of using diplomatic exorcism.
This disc was really entertaining, I actually laughed out loud several times throughout. Kimura Ryouhei has a way of drawing out your emotions, idk, I mean most otome games/dramas are meant to do that, but his voice is just more... vivid to me in some way, I guess.
Utashiro is a totally adorable character. The way how he acts all tough and threatening but immediately panics and surrenders when the heroine is upset. Kimura-sensei calls him a ‘cute clumsy tsudere’ and thinks that he could be a good sleeping aid/pillow for people who... need that I guess.
[Reminds me of Tsuda Kenjirou’s commentary on Yomei Kareshi (a series where your guy has a terminal illness), where he’s wondering if we actually listen to it before we go to sleep. YES TSUDA-SENSEI WE DO I use drama CDs to help me sleep. With Vol.1 I was new to the series and cried buckets when the boyfriend was dying, but by Vol.7 I had got used to it and was already numb to all the tragedy. Yeah sorry.]
Actually I really enjoy listening to the Free Talks because they give you a glimpse into the cast’s personalities. I got the feeling that Kimura-sensei doesn’t really think through his replies and just blurts things out, and the spontaneity gave me a kind of a Mukami Kou vibe (in a good way though, I don’t think/hope he has Kou’s split personality lolol). I also get the feeling that he and Tsuda-sensei have similar temperaments and would get along great...
But anyway, back to the main story. Utashiro is really pretty tsun and he didn’t reveal very much romantic feelings until the very end, where it felt almost like he suddenly went from zero to sixty. It’s really different from Hifumi’s original story, which had romantic moments steadily throughout, like the date and the star-making/gazing event at night. But I think Kimura-sensei makes up for it with his very 色気のある voice.
I also liked the heroine’s personality better in this one. Hope she keeps up the epic-level KYness in the later stories.
...Aaaand now I really need to go get some sleep.@_@
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nammyfanficsblog · 8 years
Card war avengers : Characters info
Main Characters info --> see the fanart here and here
Akira Akatsuki - Cheerful, Hot-blood, strong sense of justice boy. Ammeter at dueling and later decides to take summer course for improving it. His ace partners are Iron man (Xyz) and AG.(Asgardian) Trickster Lord - Loki (Synchro)
Iron man/Tony Stark - Genius billionaire playboy philanthropist as always + talkative, ego , can't stand when someone (especially Loki ) don't agree with him. One of Akira's ace partner. always come up with arguing with Loki.
Loki Odinson - Calm, Smart,Prideful but these change when he's with Tony...,can't stand when someone (especially Tony) saying bad about his magic and tricks ,hates when Thor (and his family) thinking that he's still a child. One of Akira's ace partner together with Tony.
Note =
- Akira's deck is mixing between Machine and Spellcaster monsters. also, Akira isn't kind of "think before he leaps"
- He seems to be a little more diligent than his original such as during his free time, Akira will do his homework and even read a book (but always interrupted by Tony and Loki's argument)
- Tony and Loki always having argument (more violence than with Cap) and like to challenge each other. Their relationship is rival.
- Loki isn't a bad guy here (sorry Loki's fanboy/girl) since he always get what he want (and enough tsudere-love from his (foster) father making him doesn't want anything)
- Tony and Loki don't know that they used to have a childhood memories together.
*Spoiler* When Tony and Loki combine their power, they can form something really powerful...
Hikaru Akatsuki - Older brother of Akira, Calm, caring, mature than every member of the team. He is the synchro duelist (not the riding one yet) He takes summer course with Akira to watch over him. His ace partner is AG. Thunder mighty - Thor (Synchro)
Thor Odinson- Despite his god-like appearance, he is the Kind-heart, strong, fluffy, gentle (adoptive)brother of Loki. He really loves his brother and his teammates and always be seen with smile and gentle personalities.
Note =
- Hikaru uses Beast-Warrior and Beast monsters deck which focus on blocking monster's effect.
- Thor is much more being "caring brother" to Loki (and more fluffy warrior than prideful one). and always count Tony as his brother as well (he says Tony and Loki like two peas in pod) and end up get beat by them...
- Thor doesn't like when someone talking about his brothers in the bad ways. (he just stares at them violently...)
Christ Taylor - Riding duelist (since he is the oldest) who often being a cynical type, doesn't seem to care about anything. In fact, he's kind at heart and willing to help others when they need. Although he always be seen eating vegetables, He has a soft spot for sweets. He has to take the summer course because of his problem. His partner is Captain America (Synchro)
Captain America/Steve rogers - Strong sense of justice, serious at almost of everything. Although Cap always seems to have argument with his partner (Cap is being too much parental-like to everyone, especially Christ.) he really trusts and believes in his partner. He seems to hide his past memories about his old friend...
Note =
- Christ's deck contains Warrior monsters which focus on defensing and blocking monster from attack or card effects (well, he's captain america's partner)
- Captain america taking a main role of breaking argument between Tony and Loki but seems they don't care about his warning...
- When Christ eats sweets or something that taste sweet, He will turn into another personality ( "Sweets hunger" as his family says) who seeks to eat/lust over the sweets. (and don't remember anything about it lol). * spoiler : this personality also effect to his dueling, making him become more insanity, aggression and sadist, his monsters also affected by this personality too...*
Edward Grant - Despite his timid and very shy personalities, He is a youth duelist champion who master at magic and trap cards. He takes summer course to study more dueling skill since he is interested in action dueling and other “special reason” His partner is Hulk (Fusion)
Hulk/Bruce Banner - Calm and Quiet personality, doesn't talk as much. Obey to all of his master command. (Hulk seems to be OOC in here, lol)
Note =
- Most of Edward's deck contains magic and trap cards (mostly continue one) which focus on countering other monster's attack, card effect and preventing them from using monster to attack. also using them as his monsters as well.
- Edward afraid of using his monster to attack or being attacked by opponent's monster.
- Edward takes serious personality when dueling.
- Instead of knowing about every heroes/villains, Edward knows almost everything about cards.
- All of 5 children, Edward is the one whose deck has the least monsters.
Jessica "Jessy" Shannon - Naive and Cheerful Young action duelist from french rich family, She takes summer course to kill her free time. Her partner is Wasp (Pendulum)
Wasp/ Janet van Dyne - Only Heroine of avengers. She always support her partner to be herself and quit hiding her alter ego. Always be seen enjoy doing action duel with Jessy.
Note =
- Jessy's deck focus on Pendulum summon and summon a lot of monsters in a few turn. Most of her monsters are mix type of monsters.
- Jessy is very hot-blood and eager to duel when there is action duel occur. Though, she hates to lose with action duel.
- Actually, Jessy, the action duelist, is her alter ego. She has to keep this secret since her parents don't want her to be an action duelist (When being with her parents, she behave really good.)
- Jessy doesn't have only Wasp as her ace partner. She also has other 2 monsters which are S.A. (Shield's agent) Black widow and S.A (Shield's agent) Hawkeye too, which are used for pendulum summoning Wasp.
Manino Giordani - a part time chef who has to take the full time role of summer course teacher. He always act like a gentleman but he is really sensitive and his emotion is easily broke. His deck is focus on easily summoned cooking-related monster so that, he could teach his students how to do every methods of summoning.
Note =
- Manino is the villain,one of celebrity five, in the original story but in this, he's good guy and just a "normal" part time chef.
- He always dreams to be a chef in luxury restaurant.
- His emotion easily broke when someone complain about his cooking skill. (though he has really good cooking skill, he just don't have confidence in his skill.)
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