#ota x baba
hikaruspinktip · 1 year
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Oh..! 😊...
(Im acting like as if I don't say stuff WAY worst than ota said/says)
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eikouxd · 2 months
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Brother's Rivalry: Deleted Scene
I've been meaning to finish this small comic for a while! ( ^ω^ ) I really enjoyed this story, and I loved the three brothers! I hope we get more family stories! I love how Eito has grown up so much but you can tell he loves his family! Yu is adorable! And Kaito is such a kind brother. Anyways hope you enjoy!
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incorrect-otome · 3 months
MC: who do you dislike more? Ota or Baba??
Soryu: hmm...I'll have to go with Mamoru
Mamoru in the background: I wasn't even a damm option, you jerk
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marutsuia · 9 months
the hotel singer. || KBTBB Eisuke x Reader
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Summary: A rewrite of the epilogue!
Word Count: 3.6K
A/N: Here's my first! Thank you for requesting @tokkiostarrs :) I hope you enjoy!
Your life had become a whirlwind. At first, you were just the hotel singer, and you worked most nights, sometimes in the restaurants, sometimes the casino. You recall when you first met your now boyfriend -- if you could call him that. He was brash, bossy and rude as hell.
It was your first year performing at the I.V.C., and you looked classic. It was no mistake that you were chosen for your job because of your looks, your ability to pull off a 40s brush out curly look, and of course, your voice. You had garnered the attention of the male clientele, but always remained professional. That didn't seem to matter on the day of the I.V.C, because when you went to get a glass of warm water at the bar to prepare for your next set, you were held at gunpoint and forced into a secret room in a basement that you didn't know existed.
It seemed as though someone decided to auction you off without your consent, sticking you in a birdcage for someone to buy you. The one who ended up helping you was none other than the hotel owner, Eisuke Ichinomiya. He was a pain in the ass; and you were not afraid to let him know.
Unbeknownst to you, that was part of the reason he fell for you. You were not afraid of him, and you didn't fall at his feet like every other woman did. In fact, you despised him at first, and you always made that very clear. Ignoring him when he paged you, retaliating when he acted like a jerk. He acted all irritated but he found it very amusing from the start.
Regardless, you were together now, which was ironic, given that he used you as a fake girlfriend at first to make a business deal go through. You guessed. It was hard to tell when he treated you like trash most of the time. Granted, that was just his personality, but it wasn't good enough for you. He would change. Or you would leave.
You might love him as well, but no love is worth being treated that way. He seemed to change his tune when he admitted his feelings, but the rest remained to be seen.
You were attending the morning staff meeting, even though you only worked nights, you got your set list and a timed schedule along with the rest of the staff.
After you went up to your room (you don't live in the employee dormitories for convenience), and started going about your day while humming your set list, your pager went off. You groaned.
"You think he'd just call me instead of page me like I work for him..." You paused, "I guess I do work for him though," You mumbled and clicked the button to get it to stop beeping.
After a few minutes, you made your way upstairs at a leisurely pace.
"You're late." Eisuke said with a frown as you entered.
"How?" You quipped.
He glared at you, "Just sit," He ordered and you rolled your eyes, plopping down onto the couch. The two of you sat there for a few moments, just glaring.
"Well?" You asked and he raised a brow, putting his arm on the back of the couch.
"What?" He wondered.
"What did you call me up here for?" You asked, hoping he would say something nice to you.
"You're not working yet." He replied and you smirked.
"I might as well just go back to my room then," You teased and pretended to get up, but he yanked you down by the wrist to kiss you, pressing his lips onto yours.
He trapped you in his arms as you exchanged deep kisses, "You've been waiting for this haven't you?" He asked and you huffed, "Seems to me it's you who's been waiting."
Just as he was about to push you down onto the couch, you heard the voice of Baba and Ota. "Boss, you up there?"
"Is Y/n up there too?"
You tried to push against Eisuke gently, but he wouldn't let you go. So you pulled away from the kiss and turned your head, causing him to scowl, but he finally let you go just as the two men entered.
"Knew it." Baba said and you looked over to them, "Hey." You called casually.
"Sorry to interrupt your fun," Baba laughed.
"You know, you never answered us before... but I wanna know. What made you two fall for each other?" Ota asked, surprised, "I think you two make a good couple, but I don't understand how it happened in the first place."
"If you tell us, maybe I can figure out Boss' secret to getting women," Baba joked.
You rolled your eyes, "From what I can see Baba, I don't think you have any issues."
"Aw. Thanks!" He beamed.
"That wasn't a compliment." You shut him down, causing Eisuke to smirk and Ota to laugh.
"Damn. Straight through the heart, beautiful." Baba put a hand to his chest and pretended to be sad.
"Honestly, Eisuke falling in love with her is the most suspicious thing of all here," Ota made a face.
"What the heck? You wanna say that again?" You asked and Ota looked panicked.
"No! That's not what I meant!"
You glared at him, "Explain."
"I just meant that... You know, you're so likable! But tough, too." He backtracked, trying to clarify what he meant.
"Whatever," Eisuke said.
"Maybe Eisuke is more loving in private!" Baba thought.
You then thought about how he basically never told you how he actually felt. "Stay with me," Is what he said, but he never really told you anything else. You wondered if he ever would.
The next day, you were rehearsing with the band for the hotel's 5th anniversary party at one of the restaurants stages. The restaurant was closed, so it provided you with space to practice. "Ezekiel, the drums are sounding a little rough at this part, maybe lighten it up a touch?" You suggested as you discussed with the band.
You then heard the shrieking of women nearby. You saw Eisuke walking with a group of women surrounding him, trying to coax him to join them at the pool or the restaurant for the evening. He doesn't say anything as he walks past, but he doesn't send them away. It irks you.
You were off that night so that you could keep your vocals on point for the party. Eisuke takes you to the hotel bar. "This place brigs back memories, huh?" He teases and you roll your eyes. "Don't start."
This was where Eisuke overheard Takahiro asking you out, once you were taking a break from being on stage. You were dressed to the nines, in a stunning, form-fitting green dress, which probably didn't help Eisuke's case when he did spot the scene.
"I'm glad the employees make use of the hotel," He commented noting that staff sometimes go there to drink. "What do you think of the bar?" He asked.
"It can be a little stuffy. Sometimes I come get a drink after I'm done with my sets, and it's a bit dark. An aquarium or something would open it up and add some ambient light." You explained.
"It is a little claustrophobic, now that you mention it. I'll mention it to the manager." Eisuke said, "See, you can be useful sometimes."
You raised a brow, "I didn't realize there was any doubt."
Just then, one of Eisuke's groupies approached, "Some of my friends from the business are over there. Why don't you join us for a drink?"
"We're busy," You sharply said, before she even had time to finish her sentence. She looked at you, with a cold smirk, "Come on, Eisuke! It'll be more fun that spending time with your lousy hotel singer."
"Excuse me?" You raise a brow. "Get lost," Eisuke said with a scowl. "What?" She stuttered.
"You're annoying. Disappear." He added. Causing her to mumble, "Another time the," and scurry away.
"I'm in a bad mood, now. Let's go somewhere else and drink." He said and got up to leave, causing you to follow.
He took you to the pool, opening up a bottle of champagne. "I can't believe you asked Takahiro to turn the lights on," You groaned.
"You still thinking about him?" Eisuke glared and you shook your head, "No, but you clearly did it on purpose."
"I don't know what you're talking about." he nonchalantly said and you rolled your eyes. "You just wanted to assert your dominance. Which is rude, by the way!"
Eisuke smirked slightly, "You were wise not to choose him."
"...I was already going to turn him down, and tell you how I felt." You explained, hesitantly.
"I like your dedicated personality." Eisuke said with a warm smile, a glass of champagne in his hand.
You smiled slightly back, dipping your toes in the water. "Do you guys come here a lot?"
"When we have time. Baba comes here on the lookout for women," He said and you laughed, "That sounds about right."
"Let's go," Eisuke said and you looked a little confused. "Already? We didn't even take a dip." You joked and he stared at you, although expecting you to do something. Feeling a burst of courage, you stood up, running over to one end while you took your shirt and pants off. "Hey!" He called as you giggled, running to the deep end and doing an elegant dive in.
You resurfaced in the middle of the pool, pushing your hair back. "Aren't you coming?" You asked and he just stared at you. You got to the edge of the pool, an leaned up as though you were gonna kiss him. Enticed by your appearance when you were undressed and wet, he leaned in. "Gotcha," You whispered against his lips and yanked him down into the pool.
You started laughing as he tried to recover from the surprise attack, "Now you've done it!" He yelled and ran after you in the water as you tried to swim away. You splashed him and he splashed you back while the two of you laughed. He finally grabbed you, and the playful kicks and nudges turned into heated caresses as he pressed his lips to yours.
"Not enough..." He said as he continued to touch and kiss you. He helped you get out of the pool with ease, and wrapped you up in a towel as he carried you to the elevator, taking it up to the penthouse.
It was the day of the anniversary party. You were all dressed up, with your hair perfectly curled and brushed out, makeup done to perfection and jewels adorned on your neck and ears. You were a form fitting red dress, with a slit going high up the side, and gold heels. You had red gloves that reached your elbows, and a ring placed on your finger overtop.
"It's Mr Ichinomiya!" Someone called and you turned to look, seeing Eisuke walking into the ballroom, surrounded by more women than before. Eisuke didn't even look at the staff that are welcoming the guests, and he didn't look at you either as he passed by. It irked you again.
Suddenly, Baba approached, "Hm? Y/n? You're working? I thought you were gonna be a guest?" He asked and you shook your head. "No, not this time."
"Alright, well. Do your best! I'm sure you'll be great!" Baba said and walked off with a wave, you waved back at him. You wished that Eisuke would approach and talk to you like he did. You watched Eisuke disappear into the crowd with his groupies.
You did your job as well as always, attracting a large crowd of both men and women, but it was the men who were ogling you and cheering whenever you hit a high note. At first, you had one eye on Eisuke, but once you got into your set, you forgot all about him, singing your upbeat jazz renditions of pop songs, and it was Eisuke that had one eye on you. That's right. You had groupies of your own. It irked him.
After the party, you lined up with the rest of the staff, thanking the guests for coming. Several men and women specifically wanted to say goodbye to you, and even the most handsome of the gentlemen was blushing up to his ears.
You acted politely, shaking hands and giving graceful and short curtsies. Then, as Eisuke was passing by you, another one of his groupies shoved past you, trying to get his attention, "Eisuke! Wait!" She called and you tripped over, falling into his arms. It was like when you first met, but this time, he wasn't indifferent and he looked down into your eyes as he held you.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" One of the groupies call, "Yeah! Get away from him now!" Another shouted, "You're going to get his suit dirty!"
All of a sudden, the two of you were surrounded by women, one of them looked like she was going to slap you. Hard. You got ready to catch her hand, but Eisuke pulles you close into him, protecting you with his broad back.
"Eisuke..." You said, surprised he didn't just ignore you again.
"Get away from her." His tone was hard, and strict, leaving no room for doubt. The women gasped.
"But Eisuke!" One of them shouted.
"That's right. It's time I make things clear."
He helped you stand up straight, and then wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you to him. "She's the only one allowed up in my penthouse."
"What?!" The groupies shouted. "Stop following me around!" He asserted, an you had never seen his face look as stern as it did in that moment.
"Why are you saying this?" one of the women looked like she was going to cry.
"Is she your girlfriend?!" Another yelled. "She's the one he took to the I.V.C., but I thought they broke up!" One said.
Eisuke started walking you to the elevator, as the lobby filled with chatter. "Eisuke please reconsider!"
"If we did anything wrong, we apologize!"
"Hey, watch it!" One of the guests shoved a groupie who shoved him. The women and guests started quarrelling and Eisuke turned around, "Silence! I'll ban anyone who causes trouble for the other guests from entering this hotel!"
"No!!" The women started crying and falling over as the staff rushed over to them to get them to stop. "Let's go." Eisuke said to you, putting his arm around your shoulder and heading for the elevator.
Just then, Ota and Baba slipped through the crowd. "Here come the busybodies." Eisuke sighed.
"Will you stop calling us that?" Ota asked. "I think it's pretty apt." You teased and Ota put a hand on his chest in mock hurt, "Et tu, Y/n?"
"What a waste, turning down all those women at once," Baba commented. "Only you would think that, Baba." You said.
"If you want them, go ahead and take them." Eisuke said. "Good for you, Baba. You've been wanting Eisuke's sloppy seconds, right?" Ota smiled.
"That's not respectful to women, Ota. I'm just going to rescue them with love." Baba replied.
"That's not respectful to women. We don't need rescuing." You teased.
"OOHHHH!" Ota celebrated, causing you to chuckle.
Baba then leaned in to whisper in your ear, "Boss looked super bored at the party. At first, I bet he wished he brought you."
You looked over at him a little surprised, "Then he kept one eye on you for getting all the attention of the men." Baba teased.
"Yeah, Y/n's about the only woman who can hold a conversation with Eisuke." Ota added.
"He doesn't look it, but he's pretty naive!" Baba continued. Eisuke rolled his eyes. "I can hear you, you know." He then turned his back on the elevator.
"We're going to your room." He said and you raised a brow, "What?"
"I can't stand it here. It's too loud." He replied.
"She's done for the day," Eisuke said to the manager who nodded with a bow. He started walking up the stairs.
"You'd better go," Ota said and you shrugged and followed him to your room. It was out of the way of the guest rooms, because it was outfitted with a small kitchen, but it was just a short walk.
"Small." He said when he first entered. "It's no penthouse." You shrugged, then gestured for him to sit down on a sofa. You then kicked off your heels and walked over to the kitchen. "I'm making some tea, do you want some?" You asked and he shrugged.
You brewed enough tea for the both of you and you squeezed lemon and honey into yours, bringing it over to the coffee table. "My dad sends me this tea. He bought it because someone told him it was good for the throat, so I drink it after work."
"Do you think I came here to talk about tea?" He asked.
"I'm just talking, you don't need to be an ass about it." You said as you sat on the floor tucking your legs underneath you as you began to sip, the warm liquid opening up your throat and refreshing your vocal chords.
It was silent for a few moments, and you debated asking him something based on what Baba said. "Why didn't you take me to the party?" You asked, looking down at your teacup. Your back was straight and your shoulders squared, only your eyes were cast downward, which told Eisuke you might've been a little upset.
"I was going to."
"Why didn't you?"
"...I don't know."
You didn't believe him, but you didn't wanna force him to say anything. "Why are you asking?" He thought.
You cleared your throat and brought the teacup up to your lips, "I was starting to think you enjoyed having all those women hanging off you," You sarcastically said, following your words up with a sip.
"As if. You'd be a fool for thinking that."
"Well, I can't help it. All you do is traipse around, ordering me to do this and that, dragging me around with you, acting like a complete ass... And to make matters worse you still haven't told me how you felt. Do you even love me?" You asked, earnestly, frustration coming across your features.
"Why do I have to say it?" He looked surprised.
"You're kidding," You glared, spitting the words.
"I made you mind. Can't you tell without me having to say it?" He asked, face blank."You went to all that trouble to have me say it, and you don't think I deserve to hear the words from you too? I hate to break it to you, but that's what a couple does!" You nearly shouted, your irritation finally releasing.
He kept quiet, looking off to the side. You sighed, "Forget it." You stood up, putting your cup down on the coffee table. "Where are you going?" He asked as he saw you putting your shoes on.
"Elsewhere." You said and started to leave but he grabbed you, yanking you to press up against him.
"Let go of me," You said, half-heartedly.
"Shut up." He turned you around and pressed your lips to his. He pulled away for a moment, "I love you." He finally said and you took in a sharp inhale.
"I love you, Y/n." He repeated, "Satisfied?"
"Not if you're going to follow it up like that," You shook your head as you whispered, your face completely serious. He sighed, "You think I'd keep around a woman I didn't love?"
You shrugged one shoulder, "Well, you're a sadist, so I thought the women you liked were just made to wait on you. But..." You brought your face close to his, "I'm not one of those women."
"I'm going to make it so you never say anything so annoying again." He smirked. He reached behind your back for the zipper of your dress, picking you up and lying you down on your bed.
"You want me to say it, right? That I love you." He whispered in your ear and you nodded. He saw your pupils get blown wide with lust, causing a soft expression and gentle smile to grace his face, "I had no idea those words were so effective."
He felt your skin as he slid your dress down, "I love you. I'll tell you all night long." His face still looked kind as he showed you just how much his words meant.
The next morning, you left your room with Eisuke, and you saw Baba walking with a big suitcase. "Morning!" He said cheerfully.
You called as you saw him.
"You're so lucky, Boss! You spent the night in Y/n's room? Y/n, invite me next time!" Baba beamed.
Eisuke glared at him and pushed you forward, "Let's go."
"Oooh, are you jealous?" Baba asked. You look over at Eisuke, wondering if he actually was. "Oh, he's the type to get jealous easily. Which is why he put on that little show of getting rid of his groupies after he saw you getting ogled by so many men at the party."
You smiled slightly and looked at Eisuke. "Anyway, I'm gonna be gone for work. Don't forget about me!" Baba said and waved.
"Take care." You waved back. All of a sudden Eisuke gives you a kiss. "Forget about him. Just concentrate on me. Got it?"
You hesitantly nod. "Got it."
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eisukevint · 7 months
eisuke ichinomiya x desi!reader headcanons !!
im so bored so here are some headcanons bec i love being desi
• he hates it when he has to wait and initially when you started dating you tried your best to be on time whenever he paged you but as your relationship progressed, its game over. whenever u have to go out, you ALWAYS leave at the the desi time and he slowly got so used to it, the one and only time punctual eisuke was late to events.
• eisuke has a massive sweet tooth so when you first made him kheer, he absolutely loved it although his only words were ‘not bad’. He definitely asks you to make it again so you feed him other ‘mithai’ (sweets in urdu/hindi) like gulab jamun, rasgullay, JALEBI etc and he loves it so much.
• you make him desi food from time to time and actually requests it like you him ask ‘eisuke what do you want for dinner today?’ and he just says ‘you made nihari last time, it was good. make it again’ he finds it very flavourful.
• he’s very familiar with other cultures since he’s a businessman and often interacts with foreign businessmen. he knows about the clothes and customs of your country. imagine eisuke in kurta or sherwani EISUKE IN A KURTA A BLACK KURTA AT THAT (i would actually die). Whenever you go to family events, you always wear traditional clothes and once eisuke is invited to them, he initially just wears his suit but after some time he starts to indulge you and actually wears your traditional clothes.
• he finds it very sexy when you talk and swear in your mother language.
• eisuke is multilingual (as its mentioned in the story) so if he doesnt know your mother langauge he would DEFINITELY learn and boy his pronunciation would be so good (thats a perfectionist for you)
• he says he hates bollywood movies because theyre so extra but thats a lie. whenever u play something like ‘kabhi khushi kabhi gham’ or ‘kal ho na ho’ he always watches it with you because he’s intrigued but ALWAYS says ‘this movie is so bad i wonder why you waste time watching this stuff’
• you go around singing bollywood songs or songs in your mother tongue around the penthouse and he just enjoys it so much but he definitely wont say it out loud
• eisuke was FLABBERGASTED when you told him or rather showed him a desi wedding like why is everyone wearing such fancy clothes ??? and he’s even more surprised when he finds out there’s actually three days to a wedding and even more pre wedding events.
• he loves it when you wear mehndi on your hands, he sees mehndi as something that adorns your hand and whenever u apply it, he brings your hand up to his face and smells it because he loves thr scent.
• when you told him about all your family and by that i mean family on your mother’s and father’s side, he has to do a double take because why the fuck do you have SO many cousins? he’s trying to keep up but there’s just so many.
• your parents love him more than you. they literally said it to your face ‘oh my, such a handsome boy, how did you ever end up with our incompetent daughter’ you cannot convince me that this wont happen.
• baba asks you to teach him bhangra and other desi dance steps and you, ota and baba have the time of your life dancing to chammak challo and nach punjaban in the penthouse lounge and eisuke just looks at you like youre comitting a crime
a little something for myself bec im a self indulgent bitch (not exactly a desi headcanon but i wanted to add this)
• every eid you spend with him, he makes sure to spoil you thoroughly. he gives you so much eidi (literally) like he straight up handed you car keys once and went ‘eid mubarak ___, i know you’ve been waiting for your eidi’ and then he just smirks while you think what did you do to deserve so much. he enjoys eid festivities with you and eid ul fitr is his favourite eid.
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phoenixriley · 1 year
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➤ Characters: Aihara Hikaru, Ayase Koji, Baba Mitsunari, Hatter Rhion, Hishikura Shuichi, Ichinomiya Eisuke, Inui Ryosuke, Luke Foster, Kisaki Ota, Kishi Mamoru, Oh Soryu, Samejima Koichi
➤ Tags: established relationships, gn!reader with ovaries, mentions of adult activities, period blood and accessories, probably ooc because I haven’t completed everyone’s routes yet (done at least one season for everyone but Rhion, who I am doing next)
➤ A/N: Firstly, I am so late to this series (and Voltage games in general). Secondly, let’s just consider this a shit post. 😂 I wasn’t planning to post anything else like this but... my mind wandered and this was the result. 😂😅
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He either doesn’t know what a period is or is a little confused by the concept. Regardless, he gets really concerned when he finds spots of blood on your shared bed sheets. 
↳  Rhion, RYOSUKE
He doesn’t mention the blood left on your shared bed sheets when you started your period a little earlier than usual. If it isn’t much, he will just let you sleep and deal with it when you wake up. He carries you into the bathroom, where he has an warm bath waiting for you, and tells you to take your time. Meanwhile, he strips the sheets from the bed and deals with the cleaning since he knows how you usually feel during that time of the month.
↳ Ayase, BABA, Ryosuke, Samejima, SORYU
Alternatively, he waits for you to wake up, but you have to change the sheets. Regardless of the reason, he leaves it up to you.
He wakes you up when he notices, when you do spot, and makes you change the sheets immediately.
↳ OTA, Shuichi
He goes out for you, during that time of the month, when you need more period products. He never complains about such a task.
“Do you still want that brand?” He asks, surprising you with how casual he is about it.
When you ask him he frowns. Embarrassing? He doesn’t understand why it would be. Picking up your period products is just another task to him. He is also your boyfriend so this is just something he naturally should be able to do for you without it being a whole thing.
↳ BABA, Luke, RYOSUKE, Samejima, SHUICHI, Soryu
He’s hesitant to go buy period products for you. He may complain about it being embarrassing, but he will do it every time you ask. Even asking when he’s out and he knows it’s that time. His cheeks are as a red as a tomato but it’s for you so he endures.
↳ Ayase, Hikaru, MAMORU, OTA, Rhion
Him? Go buy you period products? Pfft... He has people for that.
↳ EISUKE, Soryu
Why are you concerned about him not being okay fetching period products for you? He’s a doctor, a back alley doctor at that. Something so simple and mundane is nothing to him. 
When you’re having particularly bad cramps, he’ll tell you go lay down and pampers you a little. Brings you some medication, some water, a heating pad, whatever you need. He’ll also lay down with you if he has the time, his hands slipping under the fabric of your clothes to massage your aching body.
↳ Ayase, BABA, Eisuke, Hikaru, RYOSUKE, Samejima, Soryu
He won’t go out of the way to pamper you, but he will gave you massages while the two of you are curled up together on the couch or bed. Don’t bring attention to it though. He’ll most likely stop the moment you point it out.
↳ Eisuke, Hikaru, MAMORU, OTA, Shuichi
He makes a joke about solving your monthly problem for nine months.
↳ Baba, Eisuke, OTA
He isn’t joking. He will do it. Just tell him and he will get started.
↳ EISUKE, Luke, I lowkey see Shuichi too but that could be just me
Want to have sex while on your period? Hell yeah. He doesn’t care. As long as your comfortable then he’s all for it. 
↳ Baba, EISUKE, Luke, MAMORU, Samejima
Goes the extra mile to make it easier on you. Grabs towels to place underneath you, carries you afterward to the bathroom where he gently lowers you into a nice warm bath, etc.
↳ BABA, Hikaru, RYOSUKE, Samejima, Soryu
Want to have sex while on your period? ...I guess? While the blood doesn’t bother him necessarily, he’s just concerned about how you might feel during, the mess, etc.
↳ Ayase, Hikaru, Ryosuke, SORYU
It’s Friday, my dudes, which means it’s sexy time and no period is going to ruin your routine.
He buys you sweets and such each time because he knows they make you feel better, even if it’s only a small fraction.
↳ Ayase, BABA, Hikaru, RYOSUKE
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dealerlin · 6 months
If you're requests are open I'd love to see some angsty kbtbb, especially w eisuke. Sorry if it's vague I've never requested anything before. Hope you're having a good day :)
okay, i can’t figure out who this is. i’m debating on writing two options: unrequited love, where younger reader is crushing hard on eisuke but he can’t return her love because of both age and he’s just not into her like that. or traumatized reader who has a trauma response to maybe a fight, or something along those lines.
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booklin · 2 years
Bidders x Preg! Fem! reader
Fandom: KBTBB
Rating: E-10
Genre: Fluff
Tws: Pregnancy
Notes: If I throw this in as a scene in one of my books and you happen to notice.. NO YOU DIDNT
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Baby Files
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You and the bidders had been dating for quite a while, things had gone smoothly. Sure, there were ups and downs but that’s with any relationship. All and all, things were calm. Except… they weren’t. Not anymore. Despite how much you shamed yourself, you couldn’t stop eating sweets. You had to have a sweet with every meal. Considering you rarely ate sweets, always self conscious about gaining weight, everyone was taken aback. In fact, their looks were causing so much paranoia you stopped eating anywhere near them. Only eating sweets in your room now, they didn’t fail to notice your other new habits, such as sleeping and becoming stressed over everything. Lately, your work ethic has been terrible, constantly falling asleep. Even your boss couldn’t keep covering for you anymore, alerting Eisuke.
“Okay, I think we can all agree Y/n has been acting strange.” The others nod to Baba’s concern. “She’s been eating sweets everyday. I asked the Chef.” Soryu adds, causing Eisuke to chime in. “And she’s been avoiding us. What could be wrong?” They weren’t sure, and putting their heads together didn’t seem to come closer to finding answers. You were frightened by this new change as well. What could be wrong with you? “Maybe you’re pregnant?” Your friend says after listening thoughtfully to you worries, then laughs. Though, you weren’t laughing. “Pregnant?” You repeat, spacing out at the thought.
Immediately, you rush out of the cafe, leaving your friend behind. What if it’s true? It would explain the cravings. And emotions. And tiredness. And now, a new symptom to add. Throwing up when worried. What a nice cherry on top. Despite not wanting to believe it, you, reluctantly, go to a pharmacy. In disguise, wearing sunglasses, a hoodie, wig, and everything else to keep your identity undetected. Then you grab a test and ask to be rung up in a strained whisper. After discreetly exiting, you shove the box in your pocket before sprinting back to your apartment. You have been spending a lot of time there lately. With what’s been going on, staying away from them, as not to explode or do anything else embarrassing was a must.
Anxiously, you rip the box open then, after drinking plenty of water, go into the bathroom. Shaking the whole time, you nervously wait for the results. Two lines… your heart drops, and so does the pent up emotions inside you. Sobbing your eyes out, you fail to notice the knocking at your door. “Y/n? Are you in there? We want to talk.” Nothing, yet the door was locked. They had a bad feeling, after debating on whether your privacy was more important than safety, Baba agreed to pick the lock. Though, Soryu is impatient, deciding to break the door instead. “Y/n, are you here?” They hear a distressed cry suddenly come to a halt. “I- I’m fine-!” Your voice shakes, barely coherent, it was hard to hide. “Y/n, are you okay?” Ota asks, taking a seat next to where the sobs came from, the bathroom.
“Yes…” Your voice becomes quiet, sniffling any residue onto the tissue. “Can we talk?” Shaking your head, you remember they can’t see you and manage another reply. “I don’t want to.” You hear a small sigh, the voice getting close. “Y/n, we just want to know what’s wrong. We’re all worried about you.” At the moment, you were tied between embarrassment and wanting comfort. Was it worth them seeing you like this? A mess? About to side against it, something in you that yearns for their touch breaks loose. Without giving it a second thought, you open the door before you could change your mind. That sight was shocking to see, on their part. A teary eyed, broken down, head hung, nose running, messy hair partner, appearing miserable as she runs out to hug the first person her hands reach.
Rambling incoherently, you sob some more, this time into Soryu’s button down shirt. “We can’t understand you when you talk like that.” Going on, though everything is heard in more of a whine, he manages to make out a few words, however not enough to piece together what’s wrong. “Why don’t we take some deep breaths?” Baba suggests, his tone gentle and face softened. Facing towards him, you quickly turn away, shaking your head no. “Y/n, come on, I know you can do it. I’ll do it with you.” Without hesitation, he begins taking deep breaths and eventually you repeat after him. Steadying yourself, you’re finally able to say all at once, “You’re going to hate me! I’m going to have to raise our kid alone and I’m not going to have enough money to support us, then we’ll be sleeping in a box on the street, eating out of a trash can, and drinking water from some old guys sweaty socks! Please don’t leave me.”
You become worked up, sobbing once more, while you shake Soryu’s body back and forth, continuing to plead. “Wait, what?” Eisuke says, shocked at both the scenario you’ve come up with and the news. “You’re pregnant?” You stop crying long enough to shake your head yes, then immediately begin again. “Woah woah, it’s okay.” Soryu says, rubbing your back. About to pick you up, Eisuke snatches you away, being the one to pick you up instead. “Baby, it’s fine. We’re not highschool boys, we wouldn’t leave you because you’re pregnant.” Ota nods before saying “And how would you end up homeless?” He laughs lightly, “It just wouldn’t happen.” Finally starting to calm down, you sniffle, rubbing your teary eyes before saying “Because I’ve been doing bad at work, and now you’re going to fire me.” Looking at Eisuke, he shakes his head. “I wouldn’t fire you without reason, and even then I would take care of you. Technically, you don’t need a job. You were the one insistent on keeping yours.”
You give a small smile, thinking about the memories when you first began dating. Suddenly, a hand ruffles your hair, looking at the culprit, Mamoru gives a small smile back before sighing. Then, running a hand through his hair, he shakes his head. “Just relax kid, we’re not goin’ anywhere and you’re not in trouble.” The support was all you needed to calm down, shaking your head to acknowledge you heard Mamoru. “If anything, I’m glad you’re not upset with us.” Baba says, to which you look surprised. “Why would I be upset? If anything I’m ecstatic. We’re having a baby! I hope they look like one of you. They’re sure to be beautiful.” Thinking about it more, finally done crying altogether, you show them the pregnancy test. “We should make the gender a surprise! Do you think they’d like bears? Or are bears too scary? Maybe ducks? Oh, I know! Cats! Wait, what if we make their room ocean themed?”
Going on about the endless possibilities with clothes, room design, and how great parents you would be, Eisuke sets you down. “We have to get parenting books! What type of parents should we be? We could be intense, strict, free-range, french, or-!” You just keep going on, and they intently listen to every word, the smile never leaving their face. After that they had you take time off of work, you finally weren’t as embarrassed to eat sweets around them, they were always kissing, holding, or hugging you, saying how much they loved you. Baba loves rubbing your belly while you sleep, and together they get you anything and everything you could ask for. Eisuke is no longer brutally honest about how he thinks you look. He’ll tell you if something looks better than other outfits, but never critiques such as “it makes you look fat.” Overall, they all turned into soft, loving boyfriends who are always worried about you and the baby.
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teecupangel · 9 months
okay, we chatted about Desmond in otome games. Let's me give you one called KIssed by The Baddest Bidder.
Let's say Desmond got burned by the Eye indeed and his body is taken by Abstergo and next thing Desmond woke up, revived and full of rage in an empty operating room. He wants to hide and settle for something normal but the bleeds of his ancestors' tragic life makes him wanna avenge them some way and he disappeared. Thus leading what begun a mysterious purge to those certain people who work in Abstergo, huge headlines in the news and articles about it.
In the global crime underworld, an uprising faceless individual, mysterious and ominous with an alias name " The Grim Reaper". Mafias and criminals can gain a favor from him as long it aligns his goals. After the purge that went for 2 years, he once again disappeared like smoke.
Desmond starts his retirement as a cleaner in the day shift and a bartender at the night shift in the Tres Spades Hotel. He also ended saving a girl from strange men and now he's being sold in a black market auction as replacement for the girl who broke some glass statue. Sold 20 million is that he worth and they are VIPs in the hotel???? so much for peace and quiet.
Love interests in the game:
Eisuke Ichinomiya - mmmmmm. boss x worker that piques his interest. what if Coralina and her father recognizes Desmond a lookalike of a lord in Monteriggioni
Soryu Oh - used Desmond for some sort of escort or servant for Mei Ling. Yet Desmond acts a bodyguard like wtf how can he shoot with perfect accuracy and track people easily.
Mitsunari Baba - master thief x retired master assassin / hitman. Baba found the perfect partner in stealing albeit by force. what's this he walks silently, can find the target treasures easily. Why does his eyes seem to glint gold in the faint light at night? Baba is a flirt and womanizer yet Desmond is unexpected with witty sexual innuendos that makes Baba blush
Ota Kisaki - a scene where that two faced artist might sneak a peek Desmond's small notebook that he dropped accidentally. Ota opened to see beautiful pencil and pen drawn sketches of people and places. A castle, a fortesss, a homestead. People with a cowl and some don't. Cue Ota felt a chill and turned to see Desmond looking at him with a neutral face but his eyes are furious.
Mamoru Kishi - police man x retired assassin. enough said but make it mamoru aware of the a cold case of abstergo purge and look at Desmond's behavior like he can't... can he??????
Shuichi Hishikura politician x retired assassin. Desmond philosophical talks might make him think twice or shock him with small hints of secret history as playful jokes. Jokes right?????
Hikaru Aihara - working assassin x retired assassin. Desmond knows definitely about his work. Would be a nice scene where Hikaru knows the Grim Reaper or had heard or seen him work. Made a positive remarks in the strory telling and Desmond just internally laughs cos that's me but shhhhh
Luke Foster - probably angst and slow burn cos he's a doctor and desmond already have too many bad experiences with doctors and scientists
Rhion Hatter - the mad hatter.....maybe friends to lovers...
Basically just the bidders get a whiplash of what they thought is a normal and simple man named Desmond meets more than the eye HAHAHAHAHA
I’m kinda thinking of how this wouldn’t just end with Desmond going ‘fuck this shit’ and running away from whichever route he is in and the first thought I have is to stop him by pushing into his sense of duty and responsibility.
So we’re going to make Desmond have a desire for vengeance on this one.
He had simply been a retired Assassin, just living his life, when he learned that one of his coworkers died the day before the auction because he had been snooping around to find something.
Desmond learns that the killer is someone connected to the auction.
He saved the girl and agreed to be auctioned because he needs to find a way to get close to these VIPs to learn which of them killed his coworker.
Because his coworker?
… was one of the Assassins of the Japanese Brotherhood.
And that coworker was looking into the auction because one of the VIPs is actually one of the few Templars that escaped the ‘purge’.
When he learned that he was sold for 20 millions by multiple VIPs, he tried to sus them out using his Eagle Vision.
But they all glowed gold.
And that’s when Desmond has to pick one of them.
The idea is: the killer of the Assassin can be one of them or someone connected to them, the killer’s identity changes depending on which route Desmond takes. The Templar also changes into someone in the route, maybe even the main love interest.
The main point is that this keeps Desmond into keeping up the appearance of the being a ‘bought’ man, all the while having his own agenda.
Eisuke Ichinomiya – Carolina and her father are the Templars. To be more exact, her father is a Templar but she’s being ‘educated’ as one. This would have an alternate ending of Desmond being able to get to Caroline and she becomes his ally. Her father knows who Desmond Miles is and mistakes this to mean that Eisuke has allied with the Brotherhood.
Soryu Oh – The Templars would be after Mei Ling and Desmond gets to the bottom of it which ends up being messy af because Simon Lee actually has connection with the Assassins in China for some reason. The Ice Dragon is also connected with the Japanese Brotherhood.
Mitsunari Baba – Mitsunari’s next target turns out to be a POE and his informant is the Templar and killer. Desmond taking the POE instead of him will be the main cause of conflict between the two of them.
Ota Kisaki – This is one where Desmond would probably end up taking a more aggressive role because he’s not going to be a pet after the hell he went through from Abstergo and William Miles. Ota trying to talk to him like an unruly dog (maybe even call him a mutt) would end with Desmond punching him which will surprise Ota but also make Desmond interesting.
Mamoru Kishi – Mamoru is super sus of Desmond from the get go and Desmond thinks of him as a dirty cop so they’re not off to a good start. Part of their relationship arc would be Desmond finding out why Mamoru is more on the morally dubious side than plain dirty and Mamoru’s main conflict would be learning about Desmond’s past as the spree killer that singlehandedly taken down Abstergo and plunged the company to ruins by killing high ranking members after he had already fallen in love with Desmond.
Shuichi Hishikura – He and Desmond gets into debates more often than not. Desmond doesn’t have a good track records with politicians and people in power to govern the people so Desmond certainly pretends to be polite but he’s wary of Shuichi. Shuichi sees him as being bright though and thinks he might have a knack for politics which makes Desmond shiver in disgust.
Hikaru Aihara – This one would be more on Hikaru knowing there’s something more about Desmond but he can’t be sure but Desmond has heard of him. The Brotherhood had actually given him a head’s up because he’s a ‘freelancer assassin’. They were coworkers before he bought Desmond so they know each other and Desmond is suspicious that Hikaru might have been hired to kill the Assassin by a Templar.
Luke Foster – Desmond’s probably going to be flirty with him, might even slip and call him dottore more than once. Since he works in a secretive clinic that does back alley surgery, there’s a high possibility that Luke is actually an ally of the Brotherhood, not that Desmond knew that. He's comfortable with Luke sometimes because Ezio's Bleed makes him remember the doctors who didn't ask too many questions and simply healed him. Luke is actually keeping it a secret from Desmond because he believes Desmond is just caught up in all these because he’s trying to protect a girl and Desmond believes Luke is hiding something which means he needs to be cautious about him (this would be angst + slow burn + misunderstanding galore XD)
Rhion Hatter – considering he’s half English and the son of a duke, we can make him a Templar. If you don’t want a Templar x Assassin drama for this one, his grandmother could be the Templar and he ran away from her which makes him and Desmond have similar… family ‘problems’. XD
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otomefoxystar · 1 year
Unexpected Surprise
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Pairing: Eisuke X MC
Genre : Fluff with a teensy bit of angst
TW: Mentions of wanting to lose weight, pregnancy
She looked at herself in the full length mirror, turning right, then turning left. Her favorite pair of leggings weren’t fitting like they used to. She had gained weight. It was hard maintaining a figure that the Tres Spades CEO deserved, or at least what she thought he deserved. She sighed, “I have to lose some weight.” She said to herself quietly.
She entered Eisuke’s kitchen, immediately starting the coffee. She opened the fridge and took out eggs, onions, and peppers. Preparing to make breakfast. Eisuke came out of his home office looking at his phone; when he looked up, he saw _ _ _ looking displeased. “What’s the matter?” She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, just in a bad mood.” He arched an eyebrow. “You haven’t even been up for an hour. What would put you in a bad mood so quickly?” She rolled her eyes, “I don’t know, Eisuke. Just leave me alone and let me cook breakfast!” She snapped at him, “You don’t need to get pissy with me. It was a question.” She immediately felt terrible.
“Sorry,” He kissed her forehead. “It’s fine.” He went to sit at the table while she cooked. The door swung open and in sauntered Ota, Baba, Mamoru, and Soryu. She sighed. Could she get a moment of peace with her boyfriend for once? Of course, knowing they’d want to eat, she made extra. There were omelets, toast, sausage, fruit, and yogurt when she brought the food to the table. “Is this a special occasion? It’s like a gourmet breakfast.” Baba joked. Soryu shot a glare his way, shutting him up. “I dunno. I figured you’re all here, so I might as well.”
As they talked and ate, she gave herself a small serving, knowing she had to watch how she ate if she wanted to lose weight. As everyone ate their fill, they all talked while she cleaned breakfast, but Eisuke noticed her taking bites of sausage and fruit as she packed everything up. After wiping the table, she left to go shopping. “Have you noticed _ _ _ eating more than normal?” Mamoru asked. Eisuke was swiping through his phone. “A bit” Soryu leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms across his chest. “You don’t find that odd? Maybe she’s stressed?” Eisuke looked up from his phone to his best friend. “Maybe.” Ota was doodling on a napkin. “I would pay attention to her. It could be something serious.” Eisuke scratched the back of his neck. “I’m over this conversation.”
When Eisuke returned home from work that same day, he found her asleep on the couch with the TV playing. Taking off his shoes, he went around the sofa, lifting her up and taking her to the bedroom where she could sleep properly. Her eyes blinked open when he was covering her up. “Eisuke?” He reached up and caressed her cheek. “You fell asleep on the couch.” She sat up and rubbed her eyes. “I’ve been exhausted lately. There’s no reason for it. Not like I don’t get enough sleep.” He kissed her on the forehead, and her stomach growled. “Have you eaten?” She blushed, “I ate. I’m just constantly hungry. It’s irritating.” He smiled.
“How about a snack, then?” How could she refuse when he was being so sweet? “Okay,” She went to stand up and suddenly felt dizzy. Not able to see, she sat down, waiting for her vision to return to normal “_ _ _?” She stood back up. “I just got really dizzy.” Eisuke was quiet as they went into the kitchen. As they gathered food for a nice snack, his mind was racing. Maybe something was wrong? Some medical condition, perhaps? After their snack, she went to bed.
The following day, she entered the kitchen to start breakfast when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned and smiled, but he didn’t smile back; instead, he crossed his arms. “What?” she asked, feeling his stare heavy on her. “There was a bunch of candy wrappers in the trash this morning. Did you get up during the night to eat?” She adverted her eyes. “I felt like I was starving” Eisuke raised his eyebrows. “So you ate a bunch of candy?” She sighed. “I didn’t want to make anything; someone had given me some candy.”
She furrowed her brows. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me! It’s like I can’t stop myself. I’m so hungry all the time. I’ve been trying to watch what I eat to lose weight, but I feel sick if I don’t eat.” He motioned for her to come to him and led her to the kitchen table, sitting across from each other. “Why are you trying to lose weight? You’re fine the way you are.”
“Because I want you to be proud to call me your woman, not when I look bloated and chubby. I hate it.” He put his head in his hand. “You’re fine. You’re more beautiful than any other woman anyways. Stop trying to live up to what you think are my expectations without knowing first.” He looked her over, noticing her breasts looking a little fuller, her face a little swollen. It couldn’t be weight gain; she hasn’t put on that much weight, maybe a couple of pounds, but not enough to make a noticeable difference.
He started connecting the dots as he looked at her. Her insatiable hunger, dizzy spells, exhaustion, and now she tells him she’s bloated. He cleared his throat, and she looked at him, confused. “What?” He swallowed, almost nervous to say what he was about to say. “I don’t think you need to lose weight. You should feed your body if it’s telling you to.” She was confused. “Why would I do that? I’ll gain more weight?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t think it’s just weight gain, _ _ . I think you’re pregnant.” Her eyes widened, and she just looked at him for what seemed like minutes of not speaking. “ _ _?” When he called her name, she came to reality. “Oh my god! I think you’re right. How did this even happen?” Eisuke smirked, “I can show you how if you want?” She kicked him from under the table. “Stop it. This is serious! I’m on birth control.” She looked at him again. “Why are you so calm?!”
He sighed, “Birth control isn’t completely effective in preventing pregnancy. We’d have to use a condom in tandem with birth control, but why would we do that? We’re only sleeping with each other. What does it matter anyway? I can take care of you and the baby. That’s no problem. It just means I get to see the efforts of our lovemaking with your swollen womb. To think we made life. Feels special, don’t you think?” She beamed. “Come here, baby.”
She walked over towards him and pulled her down to sit on his lap, and he put his hand on her stomach and kissed her cheek. “Don’t be scared, be excited. Take joy in the fact that you are growing a life. That’s what you deserve, don’t think of this as a bad thing.” She smiled, “Of course, I would be excited, but you talk about it as if I am. We don’t know till I take a test.” He kissed her again on the temple. “Because you are; I don’t need some silly test to tell me something I already know.” She rolls her eyes at his arrogance.
“Okay, Eisuke. Cause you’re a doctor now? Aren’t I supposed to feel sick?” Eisuke sits back and crosses his arms. “If you’re so concerned, maybe we should call Luke here? Would that make you feel better?” She pondered for a moment. “So indecisive” He picked up his phone, calling Luke without waiting for her answer.
Not long after Eisuke hangs up the phone, there’s a knock at the door. Eisuke gets up and answers it, and Luke steps in with a bag of medical supplies. He places the bag on the counter and looks at both Eisuke and _ _ _. “So what can I do for you?” You cross your arms. “Sexy bones?” He reads your body language. Eisuke clears his throat and stands up. “I need you to see if she’s pregnant.” Luke’s eyes go wide, and he gasps. “Were you trying? I had no idea.” She shakes her head. “No,” Luke smiles, “Accidents are always fun too.” He picks up his bag. “Let’s go in the bedroom so I can examine you.” She nods, following Luke.
Moments later, she walks out with Luke remaining completely quiet. Eisuke looks at her. “What happened?” Eisuke asks. _ _ _ silently sits down, and Luke walks up to Eisuke putting his hand on his shoulder and lowering his voice to a whisper, “She’s pregnant, and she’s scared. It would be best if you were supportive. Stress can affect the baby.” Eisuke nods, and Luke pats him on the shoulder. He takes out a prescription pad. “I’m going to give you a prescription for some prenatal vitamins.” He says as he writes, “Also, let me know if you start feeling nauseous. If you can’t keep food down, I can prescribe something for the nausea, but you might be lucky and not feel sick at all.” He smiles as he hands her the prescription. She takes it, looks at the prescription, and looks at Eisuke worriedly. Luke smiles again, picks up his bag, and leaves the suite, shutting the door behind him.
She turns away from Eisuke, “I’m going back to bed.” She set the prescription on the table and walked to the bedroom, wrapping herself under the blankets. Eisuke followed not long after, not wanting her to shut him out. He sat on his side of the bed, crossing his legs at the ankles. He lifted the blanket so he could see her face. Seeing tears falling. He furrows his brow, and uncovers her head, then lays down so he is level with her. “Do you not want the baby?” He asked as he stroked her hair. “It’s not that. I want to keep it. Of course, I’ll keep it. What if I’m not a good mother? I have no idea how to raise a child. I’ve never really been around children.” His face relaxes. “I think this is a normal fear, but I also think your instincts will tell you how to do the rest. You’re going to be a great mother. You are caring and kind. How could you not be?”
She wiped her eyes. “I don’t know why I’m so upset, it was bound to happen eventually, but I’m really upset.” Eisuke smiled tenderly at her, “It’s probably hormones, baby.” He kissed the top of her head. “Turn over” She gave him a confused look. “Just do it” She turned on her side so her back faced Eisuke, and he rubbed her back soothingly. “You’ll get through this because I will be here every step of the way. Now close your eyes. You need to rest.”
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sophiie2000 · 2 years
She Should Be With Me ~ Ota
Finally getting around to posting Ota's story as part of this mini series. 😊
⛔️Trigger Warning! ~ Heavily implied and talks of violence, DV, self loathing. Please be aware of this before reading.⛔️
I really debated whether I would post this version or completely rewrite this entire fic. It heavily implies DV and briefly discusses the trauma/self loathing that comes from such relationships.
However, today marks 7 years of one of my own family surviving DV and making her break with both her and her child, so as it is a topic that really is close to my heart, it just felt right to keep it how it is.
The thoughts of the characters with how DV makes you feel are based on the emotions and beliefs my family member has described to me.
I do not claim to be an expert on DV or trauma. I am no trained expert. All I am aware of, is my own families experiences. ⚠️
As always, I included the link to the prologue below!⬇️⬇️
So far Eisuke, Mamoru, Soryu and now Ota have been posted, leaving just Baba's story to go! 😊
So this is...
Ota x MC
While there is jealousy, this story has much more focus on helping a loved one out of a harmful relationship.
Disclaimer ~ Characters belong to Voltage Inc
~ 4058 words
Everything fell silent. He could see the others lips moving. He knew they were making sound. Probably shouting various comments, voicing their surprise. Yet Ota could hear nothing. Nothing over the thumping of his own heart. The rapid ba-dums ringing in his ears. A throbbing pain started in his chest, as it tightened.
How long had he cherished MC? She had come to him when he was in such a low place, he guessed it was inevitable she would come to mean so much to him. But for him to have fallen in love? That had been the greatest shock to him. 
Slapping on his usual angelic smile. Ota began to reminisce on the past few years, and how MC had become someone irreplaceable to him.
It had been months. Months since Ota had touched a paintbrush. Months since he could bring himself to look at a canvas. The media were having a field day with his lack of released works. He could still see the headlines now. “ANGELIC ARTIST A FRAUD?!” and “WILL OTA KISAKI, THE ANGELIC ARTIST, EVER PAINT AGAIN?”. 
Despite not painting, Ota still carried a pad and pencil with him wherever he went. Was it habit? Or was it hope that something, somewhere would trigger his spark for drawing. 
Ota was always doodling some sort of design. Nothing he would publish. But just random everyday things he saw. Such as the calloused hands of the food vendor on the street. The silhouettes of the happy couple he had witnessed on their first date. The swaying cherry blossoms, just starting to see their petals drop.
His designs, they were all drawings which to anyone else would be perfect. Yet for Ota… they lacked something. They had no depth. Was it his strict parents who were both top of their own fields that had left Ota with such a perfectionist trait? Or was he just hard on himself because he wanted to show his teacher he had been right when he believed Ota had the talent to be the best during this time?
One particular day Ota had entered a coffee shop a short distance from the hotel. He took a seat in the corner of the café, out of the way, somewhere he would be less likely to be spotted. After his coffee arrived, his eyes roamed the café. 
Until they stopped. 
There, in the opposite corner of the café sat a lone woman. Her hair cascaded down over her shoulder, tucked neatly behind her ear. She was beautiful. To Ota, she was as bright as the sun, or the brightest star in a clear night sky. He was drawn to her like a magnet. He watched as she enjoyed her coffee. She appeared to be doodling on a pad. Her face held a beautifully concentrated focus. Ota felt mesmerised, and before he knew what he was doing, he too was sketching. Forming on his pad, was the beautiful woman who had captured his attention so fully. And for the first time in months, something sparked in his creative mind.
By the time Ota had finished, his coffee was cold and the woman was gone. His shoulders slumped knowing he’d missed his chance to say hello to the mystery woman. But for the first time in months, a genuine smile featured on his face as he gazed at the drawing he had just completed. 
For the next few weeks, Ota had similar experiences. He would casually find himself in the same locations as the mystery woman. It was genuine coincidence that he found her again and again. But to him, it felt like fate. After a few weeks, he had pages of various drawings of the woman he had watched from afar. 
They were all of her completing mundane tasks. Grocery shopping, buying food from the street vendor, sitting on a park bench doodling, picking flowers, texting on her phone. Nothing particularly special, but yet these drawings, to Ota, were the best he had done.
The next place Ota spotted the woman surprised him. He was walking through the hotel lobby when three employees walked in to begin their shift. As always, he plastered on the angelic smile to greet the maids. But suddenly he froze. Were his eyes deceiving him? There with the other two maids, wearing the same uniform, was the lone woman he had been drawing these last few weeks. She was a maid at the hotel?! All this time she had been right next to him?
He raced back up to the lounge where he knew Eisuke was. He had to find out who this woman was. 
When Ota showed Eisuke his drawings, Eisuke seemed pleased. 
“Who is she, Eisuke?” He asked, desperate to find out the name of the woman who had reignited his creative flame.
“Her names MC. She’s a good employee. Why do you ask?” Eisuke smirked, testing Ota.
“Introduce us. Please.” Ota practically pleaded with Eisuke, which made his smirk deepen. He pulled out his phone and after 2 short rings he issued his command.
“Kenzaki, bring MC up here for me immediately”.
Ota sat patiently waiting. The 5 short minutes they waited had felt like hours. When the door opened the lone woman walked in quietly. Ota caught his breath. She was breathtakingly beautiful. A natural beauty. And the brightness he had seen before seemed to have grown. He couldn’t remove his eyes from her.
“Mr Ichinomiya, you wished to see me” she spoke. Even her voice, to Ota, was gentle, sonorous like an angel.
“First, coffee.” Eisuke instructed. MC seemed to be accustomed to this command. She even knew exactly how Eisuke had his coffee, which surprised Ota. How well did they know each other?
“Your coffee, Mr Ichinomiya… Sir.” MC placed a coffee in front of both men before Eisuke gestured for her to take a seat beside Ota.
“MC, the man sat beside you is Ota Kisaki, I’m sure you recognise him as both the angelic artist and one of our VIP guests. He asked me to introduce you both”
“Eis—I mean Mr Ichinomiya, w-why me?”
“MC it is ok, you can call me Eisuke when here. Ota state your business.”
“Do you two know each other?” Ota asked looking between MC and Eisuke.
“Our parents were good friends, when MC’s sadly passed away I brought her here to the hotel so she had work and a place to live. So, you could say we are friends” Eisuke replied, smiling kindly in MC’s direction. “Now, MC came all the way up here Ota, state your business”.
“Oh… yes right. MC, I’m Ota and I’d like you to take a look at a few of my drawings before I ask you something. Please, consider what I have to say before you say anything.” Ota pleaded slightly, and MC, confused, nodded.
Ota showed MC his drawings of her from the last few weeks. With each new drawing, the confusion but also surprise in MC’s eyes intensified.
“A-are they all of me?” MC exclaimed, looking up at Ota.
“Yes… you see, whenever I saw you I just had this urge to draw. I haven’t felt this creative urge in months. So please, please would you consider agreeing to be a model for my drawings? A couple of hours 2 or 3 times a week. We could talk pay?”
Eisuke and MC looked at each other and laughed. Ota was confused. Why were they laughing?
“No, we don’t need to talk pay” MC responded, still giggling. 
“But please--!” Ota began to beg before Eisuke stopped him.
“Ota don’t beg. She isn’t saying no to modelling for you”
“She isn’t?” Ota looked bewildered, both Eisuke and MC smiled, chuckling again.
“No, she’s a nice girl Ota. She’ll help you out, won’t you MC”
“If you really think I’m good enough as a model for your art, I would happily help you” MC smiled.
And that smile was the beginning of Ota’s fall. As the weeks turned to months, and months turned to a year, then another and another, MC did as she promised. She sat and modelled however Ota asked for a couple of hours, 3 times a week. 
As they got to know each other better, their time together wasn’t just spent modelling and drawing. MC had shown Ota her own drawings, and while she hadn’t been too happy with them, Ota could see she was talented, she just needed guidance to reach her potential. 
So, Ota taught her. He showed her better techniques, gifted her better utensils, offering her guidance. During this time, she showed him smiles so full and bright, that falling in love with her was inescapable. 
Ota could feel himself tensing. He had known about Mason, of course he had. But knowing about Mason was never going to be enough to prevent him falling so completely for her. 
And if she was going to move in with him, Ota feared he would lose everything. His best friend, his muse, the woman he loved. All would disappear. All at once.
“No.” One voice sounded above the others. Eisuke’s.
“What do you mean, ‘no’? It is hardly your decision Eisuke” MC responded angrily. She was the only person capable of standing up to Eisuke. Perhaps due to knowing each other since childhood.
“I mean no. MC think about everything you have told us about him. I have tried to be patient and wait for you to end this farce of a relationship, I have kept quiet and kept out of your business. However, if you are serious about moving in with him, then I will step in and prevent that.” Eisuke spoke with authority. He spoke of everything each of the others were thinking but did not say themselves.
The truth was, Mason was controlling and had on occasion been physically violent towards MC. The guys had all at one point had to step him to keep MC from being badly hurt.
Without fully controlling and watching her constantly, they couldn’t stop her from sneaking out to meet him.
The decision to move in together, would prevent them from having any ability to protect her.
It had been Ota who first told Eisuke he suspected MC was being mistreated. Cuts and bruises on her arms, legs and back were visible on occasion when she was modelling for him.
When he asked her about them she brushed him off. “Oh, I’m just clumsy” or “Must have been while I was working”. Typical responses she would give.
“You can’t stop this Eisuke… it’s already happened. Anyway, things will get better living together. He won’t be worrying about what I’m doing all the time because I will be there at home”
“MC… don’t you see how that’s another way he will control you?” Ota tried to intervene, offer a calmer voice. But Eisuke wouldn’t have it.
“Shut it Ota. MC this man has hurt you. He controls you. We care about you MC. Too much to let you go and live with that man. I’m sorry, truly, but I can’t let you put yourself in danger any longer. You are to stay here, until we have spoken about this properly. In one of the suites here in the penthouse. You choose.”
“Dammit Eisuke!” Anger boiled in MC’s eyes, Ota was glad Eisuke was intervening but he hated seeing MC hurt.
“She can stay with me.” Ota spoke up, and everyone looked towards him. MC momentarily seemed to calm down at that thought. “Makes sense, she spends a lot of time with me anyway with the art stuff”
“Fine, I’ll stay with Ota. For now.” MC barked before storming off. Everyone watching after her. 
“She’ll understand, I’m just doing what is best for her.” Eisuke stated, his eyes focusing in the direction she left. 
“You’re doing the right thing.” Ota replied, following after MC.
A few hours had passed since Eisuke had placed MC under 'house arrest'. Ota had sat on the sofa in his suite silently sketching as he waited for MC to come out of the bathroom she had locked herself in. 
His blank page had soon been filled with a silhouette drawing of MC sitting in a windowsill.
He was just beginning to add the finishing touches when he heard the sound of the bathroom lock clicking open.
Looking up he saw MC emerge, looking sheepish. Placing his sketchpad on the table, Ota headed into the kitchen and prepared two coffees. 
“Thank you” MC whispered as she gratefully accepted the drink from him. A satisfied sigh leaking from her lips after the first sip.
Ota noticed she had begun to relax and so he silently continued to sketch. He figured he would wait for her to be ready to speak.
Although, he did not have to wait for long.
“I know Eisuke and you guys are only looking out for me…”
“Mhm” Ota replied, letting her know he was listening. Encouraging her to continue.
“I know I need to be away from Mason… I know how he treats me is wrong. But I’m scared, Ota… he knows where I am at all times. When I’ve been around you guys, his behaviour is worse… I thought leaving was the right thing. I thought… I thought I could help him, make things easier for him” MC stuttered, weeping as she spoke.
“MC… there is no way we could rightly let you go back. We have made that mistake too many times. You aren’t safe there. And you’re telling me you’re scared? That alone tells me Eisuke is doing what is best, not letting you leave.”
“But Ota… if I don’t go… he’ll just get angrier…” MC cried.
“That is why it is safest for you to stay here. He can’t get you if you are here. I promise, you’re safe here with me… *cough* I mean with us” Ota hastily corrected himself, dragging MC into a warm, tight embrace.
The scent of her perfume filled his senses. She smelt like cherry blossoms. The smell warming Ota’s heart. It made him wish to hold on tighter. Although, truthfully, it wasn’t the nostalgic smell that he wished to hold on to so dearly.
It was her.
This beautiful, wonderful woman who had come into his boring life, and filled it with so much joy. So much colour. 
Someone like her crappy boyfriend, who didn’t know how to treat her properly was undeserving of such an angel. He would cherish her. He would love her how she deserved to be loved. Treat her with the care and kindness she warranted. She should be with him, he thought.
As he felt MC return his embrace, Ota placed a tender kiss to her forehead. Feeling her nuzzle into his touch, he lingered. Bringing a hand up to caress her cheek. The action bringing a blossom pink blush to them. A look that made her all the more endearing. 
As MC looked up into Ota’s eyes, he brought his forehead to rest against hers. Everything felt right. In that moment, Ota felt like they were connecting on a deeper level. Her eyes hadn’t left his.
Her wide eyes, beckoned him closer. 
And closer…
And closer…
“I need to go speak to Eisuke!” MC suddenly pulled herself away.
Out of his embrace. Ota was shocked for a moment. Frozen in place. Before he suddenly nodded, agreeing. 
MC hurried from his suite, not before sparing one last glance in his direction. 
Was her heart racing like his? He hadn’t imagined that moment, had he? They were… they were about to kiss?
It had been a few days since Ota and MC almost shared their would-be kiss.
Things had been relatively normal between them. They still spent their free time drawing together, with Ota teaching MC better techniques, while MC modelled for his art.
MC had spoken with Eisuke and apologised for her outburst. She was honest with how she was feeling, and had explained to Eisuke she was actually grateful that they would be helping free her from a relationship which had been making her miserable for a long time. 
While they may have gotten her out of the home she had been in. They were having to keep her hidden away in the penthouse.
Particularly since Mason’s anger at her being taken from him was at its peak. He was sending horrid messages. Angry phone calls. Creating disturbances in the hotel. 
All the while, Ota ensured MC was with him safe, while Eisuke and the others prevented Mason from getting any closer. 
Mamoru had actively encouraged MC to report the harassment she was receiving. However, she blamed herself for his temper and outbursts. 
She was the one who was abandoning him. She was the one who had moved in with him one second, and disappeared the next.
Yes, it was unhealthy. Yes, she knew that it was unsafe for her to return. But logic defied her. Logic wasn’t enough to make her feel like she was doing the right thing. For both her and Mason.
She had almost gone back.
A number of times she almost broke down and returned.
See that’s the hold these people hold over you. They are capable of making you blame yourself. Making you think that they need you, to be ok. When in reality they are taking every ounce of your confidence, worth, belief. Destroying it, until you rely on them solely. 
This was something Ota and the others had been showing MC she was better than. That she was worth something. That she mattered. 
To Ota… she was everything. And he was adamant he would make sure he built her back up. Build her confidence, show her how much she was worth. Help her believe in herself again. 
And he would do it in the only way he knew how. 
His art.
A few months had passed since the bidders had pulled MC out of her relationship.
After a month and a half Mason finally gave up.
He stopped messaging, calling, showing up at the hotel. He had suddenly become eerily silent.
Ota had had to promise MC that Eisuke and Soryu had not ‘taken care of’ Mason. Although, he couldn’t promise that they had not given him a helping hand in encouraging him to back off. 
After 2 months, MC had moved back into the staff dorms. Back into her old room. Ota missed her company in his suite. It was quiet without her. But it did give him the time to work alone on his creation. 
After deciding he was going to show MC exactly what she meant to him, he had begun designing his largest art piece yet. 
He was creating a time lapse piece. Each canvas displayed a different part of the story.
From a young girl falling in love, to the pain of being trapped in a controlling relationship, to finally breaking free, and ending with the beauty of a woman as bright as the sun, walking to her future. 
He was detailing her story. He wanted to show her just how magnificent she had become, how brightly she shone. Show her she was worth so much more than what she had once believed.
He called the piece…
A journey to self-love.
Each stroke of his paintbrush had been filled with his love for MC. Every dab of paint and colour held greater meaning than any piece he had completed before.
Every section had a purpose.
It was his greatest masterpiece. Just as she had become his greatest love.
When Ota had finally completed the piece, he invited the bidder’s to be the first to view it. He could guarantee they would be honest with him. They would tell him if he had captured the essence of what he wanted. 
Especially Eisuke. His harshest critic. Particularly where MC was concerned. 
Everyone was silent as they walked around the gallery. Moving from one canvas to the next. Ota could see in their eyes they were moved. They were impressed. 
Eisuke had stopped in front of the last canvas. His eyes seemed softer as they gazed at the detailed painting of MC. Ota knew he was gazing at her with the care and love of an older brother. 
The other bidder’s left, leaving the pair alone in front of the final canvas. 
Ota waited with bated breath. What would he say? 
“It’s perfect. You truly captured her journey. Thank you.” Eisuke whispered, eyes still focused on the canvas, before he continued. “She’s in love with you, too, you know. She told me, about your almost kiss… that was when she realised” Ota’s breath hitched. He had hoped, but was never certain. “Look after her”.
“I will.” Ota replied, a smile gracing his features. “Do you think she’ll like it?” He asked nervously.
“Mhm” Eisuke nodded, the gruffness back in his voice. Finally, he turned away from the canvas. Placing one strong hand onto Ota’s shoulder, before striding from the gallery.
All that was left for Ota to do now… was show MC. He desperately hoped she would like it, and understand how he feels.
Ota kept his hands covering MC’s eyes. She giggled as he awkwardly tried to lead her into the gallery. He placed her in front of the first canvas. Taking a deep breath, he whispered quietly into her ear.
“This is my greatest masterpiece…” slowly releasing her eyes. 
The time MC took to adjust to the light felt like eternity to Ota, as he waited for some sort of reaction from her. Anything.
He watched as she took in each canvas. Spending time to truly appreciate each, and every one. Each stroke. Each detail. 
The way she always took her time when observing his art always filled Ota was glee and satisfaction. For her, his muse, his love, to enjoy his creations… well, it filled his heart.
Ota noticed the changes in MC’s features as she went from one canvas to the next.
How she smiled in reminiscence at the young couples love blooming. How her features darkened and her smile faded at the young woman being trapped. The way her eyes shook with unhealed pain as she observed the pain the woman in the painting felt too.
And finally, he saw as her eyes glistened with unshed tears, sparkled with joy, as she observed the final canvas. The canvas which showed the woman as bright as the sun, journeying on into a better future.
MC turned to Ota, but before she could say anything he pulled her into a crushing embrace. 
“You are incredible, MC. You have come so far. You are worth so so much. You truly do shine brighter than the sun, and I just needed you to know, just how amazing you are. How much you mean to—” Before Ota could finish, MC interrupted him. 
With a kiss.
A deep, all consuming, kiss. 
The softness of her lips pressing to his own, filled Ota to the brim. A satisfied sigh escaping his lips as he joined her in deepening their kiss. 
Their tongues danced together to the beat of their own song. His hands snaking around her waist to pull her to him. He felt as her body shivered in obvious pleasure.
After what felt like forever, yet not long enough, they pulled away from each other. 
“Thank you, Ota” MC whispered, as she attempted to calm her breathing. A single tear drop rolling down her fevered stained cheek. 
Ota reached up, gently caressing her cheek, as though to dry her tears. He peppered featherlight kisses to her eyelids, cheeks, forehead, nose. The gesture resulting in a soft giggle from his loves lips. 
“I love you, MC” Ota finally breathed the words he hadn’t dared share in the years he had known her. “I always have. Please, please let me continue to love you”
“I love you too, Ota. So much”.
Her honest, heartfelt declaration brought immense joy to Ota. He lifted her up into his arms before crashing his lips to hers once again.
Finally, the angelic artist had captured the heart of his muse. His love. His sunlight. 
And like how his art would remain part of this world, he hoped their love too, would never fade.
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hikaruspinktip · 1 year
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Try not to be fruity challenge! (LEVEL: IMPOSSIBLE)
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eikouxd · 2 years
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It's that time of year again! ^▪︎^
°• Happy Birthday, Eisuke! •°
Hope you enjoy this small comic inspired from the VIP room Birthday story! It was really cute ♡
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lxvescramble · 6 years
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Tangled Love Triangle - Baba
I really thought these two were going to duel for MC.😱
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marutsuia · 9 months
girl, please give justice to the mc of kbtbb 🙏 don't get me wrong, i LOVE how kind and sweet she is ... but i wish she'd stand up for herself more 😭😭 ESPECIALLY in eisuke's route
DID IT!!! Here's the link :3
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shoujoandbobatea · 7 years
My favorite Bromance
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