#actually Cersei should be a terrible corporate girlboss
15-lizards · 9 months
Wedding dresses!!!
Cersei! Seylse florent! Cateyln and Lysa Tully! And maegery pleasssseee
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Cersei wore red and gold to her wedding absolutely no question. I couldn’t find any gaudier Tudor-esque gowns but just imagine a skirt two times bigger, a waist three times smaller, and about a thousand more embroidered lions. Sleeves that drag the ground and big shoulder puffs, and a thousand little rubies stitched in
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Stanlyse probably had the most flop noble wedding in all of Westeros. Seylse was allowed to pick one plain fitted kirtle and a loose sleeveless surcoat/tabard to go on top of it and that’s it. And everyone in the Sept saw her in her wimple/veil and was like why is she getting married she should be at the motherhouse
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Do you guys think Cat and Lysa had matching dresses during their dual wedding…cries. Typical flowing riverlander gowns with long trumpet sleeves and knotted belts, with a white veil and circlet to top it all off, but each dress is quartered with Tully colors and the house they were marrying into.
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Margaery is soooo wearing the latest fashion from the reach to her wedding. Not just to assert Tyrell dominance over the Lans she just thinks they’re cuter. High high waist and puffed sleeves and so much skirt, and all of it has floral patterns or embroidered in silk trim if the dress isn’t made of pure silk already. Princess Diana of Westeros
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