#actually I think she and jaiden would be such an iconic duo
iolypse · 1 year
has anyone petitioned for niki nihachu to be invited to the qsmp if new members ever get added because I think she would be an absolutely fantastic addition
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accirax · 6 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 7
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very notable that this was within the context of being about "love" specifically. (at least) one-sided trevek canon? (i'm not even a huge trevek shipper i just think this whole plotline is funny)
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okay, so Yul's foot injury IS real. or at least, he's using it as an excuse to complain. still, the fact that it was brought up again an episode later makes me think that it's going to have SOME relevance to the plot.
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any time that Yul has to parrot something in Emily's "you go girlfriend ;D" manner of speaking i cackle. he didn't choose the home decor saying any time is wine time lifestyle, the home decor saying any time is wine time lifestyle chose him.
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Grett i am... genuinely confused. how can you possibly think that Yul is actually in love with you? did you really receive THAT little love in your home life? you have no ability to distinguish catty and fake praise for your accomplishments from real ones because your family gave you THAT little recognition? man. now i made myself sad :( ily Grett
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okay, confirming that 1) it was Tom's trap, 2) they are willing to eat squirrels, 3) Tom is serving as the provider for the Cyan tribe. all things to take into account for any upcoming Cyan eliminations.
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and how does said boyfriend feel about you kissing another man on television, Tom? this is a stupid lie.
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again, why? it's probably already apparent from my earlier comments, but i changed my mind; i'm fully with Jake in this argument now. sure, Jake is really insecure and overly emotional, but what the HELL is Tom doing? making up a boyfriend is a really shitty thing to do, whether Tom had a legit reason for not calling Jake these past two years or if he didn't contact Jake due to his own mixed feelings/indifference. in either case, he should have told Jake the truth. at least when Jake was acting immature in S1, he was 24. Tom is a nearly 30 year old man. ACT LIKE IT.
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Fiore slay
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this is a really interesting response due to how vague it is, including in the vocal performance. was he taken off guard by his boss being nice to him? does he believe that she's telling the truth? does he feel bad for Trevor, or will he come to believe that he IS way better than Trevor? i'm glad that they're continuing on with the concept of the hosts having a plotline, because imo that was one of the highlights of S2, but they aren't doing it in a way that eats up as much of the screentime as it did in S2.
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if Will was out of the picture i would be shipping these two so hard. who am I kidding, i kind of still am anyways.
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Ally's other gf is here :,) glad that they got to reconnect (and neither of them were eliminated for it)
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Fiore slay
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the confirmation that Aiden thinks that the idea of him having any attraction to Tom is laughable and disgusting is HILARIOUS to me. bro really said, "why the hell would i be into YOU when i have JAMES lmao" straight to Tom's face. tbf, James and Tom are like... opposites in terms of personality and appearance (beyond being generally handsome and athletic young men).
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"silly me, i keep forgetting that not everyone met their super cool and attractive boyfriend on reality TV. my bad!" (/pos)
(i tried to type "hubby" instead of boyfriend but i spared you all. it was too cringe even as the one subjecting others to the cringe.)
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okay this was very fitting for her. iconic.
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honestly, Alec and Riya's villainous alliance/friendship is really fun. leave it to Alec to always find himself in the least likely but most entertaining duos. Riya really benefits from being paired with a legitimate strategist, and someone who won't just let her totally get away with stuff.
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we had to get in one last Fiore taking unnecessary damage for the road :,(
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feeling like Jaiden is going to be winning the starting couples' survival roulette. and Wishley, to the extent they count.
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now i'm no physicist, but how did this work? shouldn't the ball be a fast and heavy enough object at this point that it would jump over the log, not ricochet off of it? i suppose if the ball is made of something more like wicker than yarn, it could be a bit more likely to do that. but then why is it going to the side? it hit the log straight on!
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... are you not allowed to help him anymore? what?
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ellie is going full villain mode fr. if her and gabby's relationship gets messed up, that would definitely be karma. but, i suppose she survives this episode...
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this is funny because nobody strikes me as the pizza and soda loving type. Alec, Grett, Yul, and Riya all seem like people who would want to eat something that's both fancier and healthier.
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communication W (for both of them)
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Fiore is such a best girl that she's not even a salty juror. she's not mad at them for so long that she can't use her final moments to throw a wrench in the works for everyone else. the grind never sleeps, clowns <3
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and she even conquered her greatest nemesis, the bus, this time. fly high, queen. i'll miss you.
well, as a Fiore stan, this episode was a bit sad for me. but, i do totally understand why Magenta would both vote for Fiore and lose the challenge. (damn you, Ellie...) Fiore already did super well in both S1 and the original Adventure Camp, so i understand why they wouldn't have her go super far again in this season, especially when everyone knows she's such a threat.
i just hope that we can still get a little more closure for her and Alec than we got already in this season. all it has to be is, like, him being sad at her elimination for reasons other than pure strategy and maybe a nice conversation at the finale. it doesn't have to be Alec finally adopting her... even if i did want that to happen... i'd just prefer to know that they leave things on good terms.
anyways, another really solid episode! i look forward to the next one. thanks for reading!
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pingustuffings · 6 months
for the qsmp ask game!! :D maybe 6, 10, and/or 11?
6. Who's your favourite duo?
Would I be too predictable if i said spiderbit... but other than them, I actually really enjoy Foolish and Roier! I think foolish being so keen on learning spanish and roier speaking spanish regularly to english speakers just makes an amazing duo! I love whenever roier is teachoier and teaching foolish spanish!!
10. Who's your favourite cubito?
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11. What's been your favourite arc so far?
I have two that are tied.. Cellbits whole like infiltration arc? Chefs kiss. 10/10 LITERALLY CINEMA!!! That was so good, and it ended with felps being saved and SPIDERBIT PROPOSAL???? LITERALLY PEAK QSMP!!!
But also Jaidens and cucurucho whole thing at the start?... girl... that reworked my brain chemistry.. Starting with Jaiden showing roier bobby's fields.. people not trusting jaiden.. THE BLUE BIRD MISSION?? AND IT ENDING WITH THE REVEAL THAT JAIDEN HAS A PAST WITH THE ISLAND AND CUCURUCHO AND THE 100% CONFORMATION THAT THERES MORE THAN ONE??? She was an icon!
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survivorjordanpines · 7 years
Episode 5: It's time to put my game face on - Ruthie
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What a telling tribal. Gage is a whole liar. He and David both lied to me about how the vote was going. Now I definitely know not to trust them. Jaiden was mad that I voted for him, but I think we patched things up in PMs. However, I feel like this tribe swap will do me wonders. Chrissa is definitely someone who I want to align with. I hope we can get either Ari or Casey on our side so that Gage can be voted out as that seems to be in my mind, best case scenario. He's playing really well and that needs to go sooner rather than later.
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So we voted out Adam and it was messy as fuck like planned but then A SWAP Not just a swap but The three blue people are PEOPLE I LOVE AND WOULD WANT TO WORK WITH SO WE CAN EASILY JUST TAKE OUT THE GREENS IF WE WANTED. Unless of course RTP doesnt think Emma and Cole can get along. I think whaatever happens on this tribe, im going to at least survive the first vote??? We can pray we can pray
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I... like this swap? I think? I'm glad Jessica is with me and not Ari, I'm not sure if Ari would feel bitter about the vote or not. I hope Emma is okay, I miss her. I'm glad to be with Charlotte- I'm just nervous to see if anyone else would vote me out if given the chance, I LOVE Drew but I don't trust him, I was hoping not to see him until later on. For now I'm going to stick close to Charlotte and Jessica and just see what else happens. 
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Jaiden and I have definitely patched things up! I think we could be a dynamic duo that really shakes up the game! On NuSenip, I'm going to actually make an attempt to be social with the other members. This is where my game takes a turn for the best! I know Chrissa and I are already working together. She told me she has an idol from the isle of pines which I'm thankful for. I can definitely use this to my advantage. If I even catch a scent of being in danger then I could probably just ask Chrissa to use her idol on me. I've already started talking with Ari so I hope my charm can get her on my side. Jaiden said that we need to stick with Gage and LA. I, however, do not plan to ever stick with them for long. I want to definitely vote out Gage! Liars can get gone! However, I do not have the power for that kind of move yet. Plus, Jaiden seems to be on the boat where he doesn't want to vote out Gage. Hopefully, he's not just lying to me so that he can vote me out. I really do hate this.
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WHEW OKAY do we know what the fuck just happened?? i certainly don't! so honestly all i wanted to do was save casey and cole because they're cute, but apparently i accidentally started world war three up in here, so whoops! to be honest i knew i fucked up the minute i told cole that andreas was targeting him, i still am not really sure why i thot that was a good idea but there was no turning back once i said it. and of course fifteen minutes later andreas messaged me "Can I ask you a question?" and i knew i was dead. but i did what i could with it, which was ignoring the problem and going to see a movie and telling everyone i had no idea what was happening and counting on my friends to not betray me. and hey, it worked out! anyways i was gone like 3/4 of the day, jessica really covered my ass and i owe her my life and also the other two who didn't stone cold betray me. i'm looking forward to andreas coming back and murdering me for real. i decided to start a fight in the tribe chat for no particular reason except it was funny to me and i don't feel like holding myself back anymore! i'm not here to win, i'm here to have fun and make some memories on the way. so no regrets. and this new tribe i'm on??? basically a dream. i have never met 4/7 people, i'm with someone who voted with me so i don't have to worry about my dirty laundry being dropped in the fire, and jaiden is here which is gonna be so much fun. and that's about all you missed on glee! i'm gonna go forward with my newfound strategy of not giving a f*ck and see where it takes me. wish me luck.
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Fuck Karen. This bitch is literally letting a past game control her thinking. And it was ONE TIME. I didn't even tell Cole about it. I told Dom who told Leah who told Cole so like back the fuck off my dick. She needs to go because I don't think I could stand her in merge or in another tribe. God her and Regan think they are sooooooo smart but once I come into the picture? They better keep their wigs tight because I'm coming for them. Gage telling me all this information  is really interesting though. He must actually want to work with me despite lying to me this whole time. I truly think he wants to work with me, but the majority on Senip prevented him from doing so. However, now that they are gone, he can work with me freely. I told you my social game would help me make allies in the future. I do think this swap will do wonders for me so I pray that it all works out in the end.
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DREW MESSAGING ME LIKE HE'S EXCITED I'M ON HIS TRIBE. I love Drew so much, he's one of my favorite people in the community but he just scares me and I like trying to out think him but I literally CANNOT.  I just want him to go before me in this game, the days where I try to save Drew are OVER it's time to put my game face on and stop caring who I try to take out. 
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Episode with triple tribal 11/25- https://youtu.be/2kHbejXxdN8
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so we swapped and i love this tribe but then jordan gave winterbells because he loves hell and being satan huh?
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I hate winterbells
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winterbells is winterhell
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winter bells is the worst. i wish we hadn't swap yet, i feel like i was in a decent spot. i haven't really talked to many people yet so rip. thankfully i still have gage who is turning out to be my closet person? also working 24 hours in three days sucks.
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First of all, BITCH!!!! What a fuckin bitch move, taking me out right before the swap. Like I actually liked our tribe and then everyone gotta act all sketchy and vote me out. Like 4 people suddenly coming up to me to make sure the vote was Raf? Sketchy. They were probably worried I had an idol which, sadly I did not. Because those fucking trees. But forreal, everyone on that tribe is either a bitch or an idiot. Except Karen, who if I ever get out of here can have my loyalty. But Jaiden? Bitch. LA? Bitch. Rafael? Idiot. More of a drama queen but like there's only two options. Regan is either a bitch if she voted against me or an idiot if she didn't vote me cuz like it was clearly either me or Raf so you're either betraying me or just plain stupid. Karen was the only one who voted with me and like, we were both just like idgaf who it is as long as it isn't me. But as we all know....  Whatever. The annoying thing is like I had no idea until the very end, when I'm talking with a few of them and I'm saying like "well if it was me like no one would tell me, I guess that'd be a blindside" and then immediately I'm like... huh, you know it very well could be one. Not like I had any power to stop it. I just would've looked desperate. But now I'm on redemption and it's time to flex some real power. Like this is where I thrive. No more of this pussy-ass tribe challenges where I gotta rely on everyone's dumb ideas. Now it's just me, and pure determination to fuck them up. They'll all burn for this, and I'm an eternal flame 🔥 
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Hell yes... I'm throwing these challenges espICALLLYYLLYLYLY when I can be immune duh. Also lmao at my serpent tongue flipping the script on ari and andreas last tribe.... Y'all aren't as good as me.... Like it's me Cole... the beauty honey.. Also the OLD SCHOOL HOES WILL WIN OK, WE MAY HAVE  3 WINNERS ME JESSICA CASEY and well king RYAN but we got this... WE ARE BETTER....!! JORDAN LOVE ME IM PLAYING THIS GAME REALLY VILLIANIOUS OKURRRR.
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A rant why i hate the tumblr survivor community where alot of people are snowflakes who get offended and a rant why i kind of like it and a rant where these people are stupid in this game. I really dont get why they voted off Andreas it was like Ari was thinking like a bitch.... 1: THEY HAD JESSICA AND RYAN who wouldnt have probably voted them off! 2: Why say we wanted cole out i would of probably destoryed my game for cole 3: I was sleeping until 2pm 4: I never thought Ari was messy and also i wanted to not vote them off ever even though were two opposites i am not a good person while Ari is very pure and smart while im not!!!! After that they were being a little cocky you are so lucky that ryan and cole were on my tribe and not you because i would of thrown you under the bus so hard to Sarah who is like Andreas best friend and i would enjoy seeing you pre merge Ari! That was aggressive but the more i think about it now i can stay with Cole as long as i want and now i dont have to worry about voting off my friends and feel bad about it unless if people want to take the game personally but im just gonna do what ever i can to win honestly! Also ruthie and jessica are the best two people in this game ill be so MAD if they dont do well because they deserve everything. I also felt bad not aligning with Casey at first because shes one of the people in the tumblr survivor community who i love. Lily is boring and Madison is okay i would go  with sarah all the way because i hear shes iconic i love her already.
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COLE if youre reading this WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! Him trying to get the lowest score all of the time is going to bite him in the ass one of these times. Anyways the rumor currently is Sarah wants Madison out which Im fine with but lets hope its stays that way
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Have I done a confessional lately? No one knows. In case I forgot to talk about it in the last confessional, I found a hidden immunity idol at the Isle of the Pines. I used my second search to get receipts that I could provide to my tribe to make it look like I didn't find anything but turns out? I didn't need them. We tribe swapped and now I'm on a completely different tribe AND we won immunity this week. WHEW. Let's do first impressions on NuNadroj Jessica: She seems pretty cool. I know she was in an alliance with Ryan before so having her around is kind of nice because a) she can tell embarrassing stories bc they've met before, and b) that gives us a reason to put a target on her if we do lose the next challenge. Liam: I think I like Liam? He seems really cool and he's probably the person I've talked to the most since we swapped. I think I need to talk to him more to make sure that we work together when / if we lose a challenge in the future. Can't make it look like I'm scrambling when the time comes. Drew: I LOVE DREW. I was allied with Drew in a side season we played once and it was fun playing with him. We all flopped, so I'm hoping he doesn't hold that against me and we can try to work together on NuNadroj. Karen: Admittedly we ... did not get along that well on Senip. I'm not super happy that we're still on the same tribe. LA got along with Karen way better than I did but I'm hoping she'll want to stick together since we were both penises. Regan: I still don't know what to think about Regan. I think it'll be easier now that we're Jaidenless to try to work with Regan. Again, because we were both on Senip, I'm hoping she'll want to stick together to keep our numbers strong. Ruthie: RUTHIE! I also love Ruthie so this is great!! I'm hoping that potentially Drew, Ruthie, and myself ... or maybe Jessica or Liam could have an alliance?? I feel like it's too early to start throwing the idea around but I'm going to try to plant some seeds and see if we can make this happen.
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At first when I swapped with Ruthie, I was like “oh no! The only person who didn’t say that they have a right alliance with me!” And I was worried she’d go against me. She still might do that but I don’t care because she’s so nice and I want only good things for Ruthie. This tribe is cool so far, I don’t know anyone well which is a really nice twist. That hasn’t happened for me in a while and I like playing with new people! I am worried because apparently Adam got voted out for having “too many friends”. This is hilarious, adam only has one friend, her name is samrah and she is not in this game. But it is worrying because we have basically the same connections so if people were worried about Adam, they are definitely worried about me! But anyways, who cares. I am putting more thought into this than I want to. I can’t believe I took the effort to make a confessional. Gross.
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i am so glad we won! jaiden's score omg that was insane. I never thought anyone could get that good, i envy that alot. But that was amazing. Also glad to be on the same tribe as raffy! 
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ihositalianbread · 8 years
Rites of Passage
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As we approach our finale in just a couple of days, we come to the fallen colosseum, though deteriorated by ware, it has been the site of marvelous battles for the entertainment of the crowd, just like you all have been this season.  So lets pay tribute to the many housemates lost this season...
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Elijah-Leah I didn't expect you to leave the game this early? You're very well liked and extremely popular but I am sad I didn't get to work with you that much in this game bc we were in Trashy4 together and obviously we clicked there so I wouldn't see why we wouldn't work together until you started becoming a bit inactive in the community which I completely understand bc irl shit comes first but much love to you hun <3 I just couldn't help getting you out bc you're popular as fuck and the combo of you and Luke felt like a threat to me and my allies
Logan-Leah! Robbed icon! I have no clue what happened here because I never got to know you, but I’ve heard you’re pretty rad. I hope you’re doing good!
Nick-You are an exceptional player in the games that youve played and it was sad (yet refreshing) to see you become a target so soon. I really wanted to have another chance to get to know you a bit better this time around. However, when I saw Christine walk through that door... I knew that everybody was going to be royally screwed with two of the most well liked people in the whole community in a popularity contest. All in all, I hope we eventually do get another chance to play together in an ORG and maybe in a situation where we can work together. Love you girl ♡
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Elijah-I wasn't really surprised when you were evicted I think you're fairly new to the community and it's really hard for people to get to know your name , but honestly ngl I thot you were kinda fake to me (lkflqkdkw sorry if I'm assuming) being that you wanted me out in (not using this an an excuse) this org and a different one which made me really question working with you this entire game but you fell short and I would've be willing to work with you and Casey at first but I don't really remember you speaking up other than asking for my vote to stay soz , I just couldn't risk me doing a favor for you for you to turn on me last minute and nom me/vote me out it was in my best interest to evict you
Logan-We all know. That’s all.
Nick-Although I worked with you for the short period of time you were in the game, it has came to my knowlodge that youre basically the worst entity in this entire community. Not only do you perpetuate hate online, but you also bring it to the real world. You need a reality check, because if you think that any Ivy league is going to take a racist, transphobic, misgendering, problematic biggot to their university... you are strong mistaken. Do you really think that this world needs more hate and bullying than it already has today? You being a member of the LGBT+ community should be a beacon of acceptance and hope for everybody. I hope you wake up and start loving yourself and the people around you... realize that people actually have feelings and that your words do you have reprecussions.
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Elijah-Luke king! I'm super sorry you got evicted early in the game I really did enjoy talking to you even tho you backstabbed me in a different game (not an excuse to target you plus you're forgiven bc I like u as a person) alfkwkfjwj that was a long time ago so I forgot about it I honestly just tried my hardest getting you out due to the simple fact you were probably one of the most well liked out of this entire cast ,you would have an extremely amazing chance at winning this game if you were sitting where I am
Logan-LUKE! MY LOVE, MY LIGHT, MY STAR IN THE DARKNESS! So you know how much I love you, and I’m so happy to have gotten to know you and be your friend - you are so amazing, and you’re gonna get a man who loves u to fucking death mark my got damn words. You kept me going and kept me playing in this game. Thanks for that, sweet pea <3
Nick-Working with you was both really messy, but really fucking fun. Now looking back, I really do think the only reason I wanted you gone is because youre gameplay reminded me a bit too much of myself. You appeared to talk to everyone and have many connections in the game. The one week where you legit gave Sam and I five different names of people that you wanted to have nominated for eviction not only allowed me to build trust with every person's name you threw out, but also let me see how much of a wild card you were going to be in the game... something I did not need. Overall, I had an amazing time playing with you and I hope we will eventually play again some time down the road.
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Elijah-MOM... that vote was so close for you to stay :( I wish you could've stayed longer bc I really enjoyed our talks (whenever we did talk lol we were both rly inactive) but honestly you're the sweetest and kindest person I've ever met in an org willing to put your BB life at stake for mine not 1 person I know would do that for me in this game other than you and I want to thank you for always being nice to me and helping me thru the game while you were here <3 love ya 
Logan- I never knew you, but you were sweet!
Nick-When I saw that you were cast for this game I was ECSTATIC. Not only are you one of my favorite people in the community, but you are also incredibly cute, funny, loyal, and smart. I was so happy that I finally got a chance to play with you in a game and I really do wish you made it further. You are fucking RAD. Also, can you do youre hair pinkish-purple next time?
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Elijah-I'm super sad we didn't get to work together in this game bc I know we're played other orgs together before and we did manage to work in those before and I was a bit iffy on whether or not to message you and offer you an alliance bc I wasn't sure if you trusted me or not in this game due to me backstabbing you in a different one but overall I'm super happy we got to be in another game together !
Logan-A sweetheart, a child, the face of young innocence. I adore you even though I never really got to know you.
Nick-You were one of the people I trusted the most in this game. I had an amazing time working with both you and Emily this season and I promised you when you got evicted I would watch out for her. You leaving in turn started the best alliance of the season..  the "Queef Queens" which included Samantha, Emily, Elijah, and I. I really wish we could have had this alliance start before you left, but you leaving deffinently drew some lines within the house and let me better secure Emily and Elijah's anti-Christian/Victor mentality... something that helped me and Samantha get further in the game without getting nominated every week.
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Elijah-tbh I didn't see myself working with you this game bc I hosted you in Johto and knew you weren't a person I could align myself with and depend on when I needed something ... you were expecting me to save you US week of this game but little did anyone know I had an alliance with Nick, Emily, Sam and myself and we diverted a major plan for your own alliance members to backstab you and somehow we managed to pull thru with it , I do love ya as a person but game wise I couldn't keep you!
Logan-Jay, honestly, you are one of my #faves. The week you went was so messy but it was sooooo much fun. You were sorta robbed but you gotta give Christine credit for the #moves she pulled.
Nick-Sadly, you just ended up being one of those people I straight up never spoke to. I found out partly throught intuition and party through Christine that you were somebody who was close to Christian and Victor... an asset if duos were to end. I worked with Christine and through her and Logan to make sure Jaiden put you up that week instead of people in my alliance (Emily and Elijah). I am truly sorry that we never spoke, something which is partly my fault. I hope that we may have another oppurtunity to play with one another because Ive heard good things about you.
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Elijah-icon? I think yes. TBH I wasn't sure about working with you in this game due to the simple fact I know you're so good at them and needed to get you out as soon as possible with the least amount of blood on my hands . I hope you can understand I'm super sorry :(
Logan-I like you as a person, and you were so strong in this game. #hateu in festive though. You scare the fuck out of me if I’m being quite honest.
Nick-ROBBED. I was soooooo beyond glad that I had a chance to work with you in this season and it was really sad to see you leave the way you did. However, without you leaving nobody in this game really had a shot at winning (or getting second because that's the new first place this season). I hope we can work together in another game. Also, I am super excited to watch you come back for Ultimate.
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Elijah-mom you wanted to work with me this entire game but you truly knew where my loyalties were . Again I'm super sorry for "backstabbing" you and Victor even tho we were never an official alliance . I am really just a loyal hoe and I couldn't backstab nick, Emily and Sam bc they had my back more than anyone else did. You tried getting me out but better luck next time ! Love ya 
Logan-YOU SCARE ME but you’re really cute and I guess you like me? So? Yay for that? I love friends.
 You are rude as fuck, get over yourself.
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Elijah-king ilysm even tho others hate you , I waned to work with you but then again I did you dirty multiple times I'm so sorry I'm messy af qofjwofbajjd best of luck to you outside the house and I like you so much as a person you're funny and messy aka me 
Logan-My duo. All I have for you is love. Game wise, I’m glad you finally kicked that bucket, cuz I got farther, and I’m sitting at finales. I hope outside the community is treated you well, say hi to Kat for me.
Nick-I really do have no hard feelings torwards you. You played the best game you could and we just ended up on opposite sides of the game. You really should not say thigs that could possibly be misunderstood, such as calling a certain somebody a "sexual harassing hill billy", but I like to think youve learned your lesson. At least you arent an asshole to Logan.
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Elijah- queen of floaters? I think floating is an excellent strategy no matter what anyone says it got me my first and probably only ever org win! I honestly can't thank you even for the small talks we had about boys and weed it was quite fun and ngl if I ever go to Maine I'm chillin w you and Logan icon !
Logan-Queen! of floating truly iconic for making it as far as you did barely submitting anything at all. My 16% both votes I was up against you? Truly iconic.
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Elijah-another mom? Yes. TBH my loyalties were to you nick and Emily the entire length of the game and I wanted to thank y'all for being my meat shields! Y'all were so much fun and that was the best alliance in org history that ever lived we pulled big moves and all that mess! Either way gotta love ya Sammy <3
Logan-Also my love, my light, my star in the darkness. You were the most surprising evictee - I thought I was going to be here, at finals, losing to you. I can’t wait to talk to you tonight and hear all about your camp experience. I can’t believe you put points on me twice and admitted it so soon. Icon.
Nick-I fucking love you so much. We were such a power duo in this game and ended up being not only the last duo nominated, but also the lest dup standing. We worked and fought through every twist and turn Steffen laid out for us and prevailed. You should still be here in the finale and im really sorry that you had to leave like that. But I cant wait for you to comeback for Ultimate and win :), hopefully Christian will have finally retired by then. Love you tons.
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Thanks housemates evicted and finalists for making this such a great season, we will be posting the finale vote momentarily.
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