#actually just look at jesc
under-the-ladder · 2 years
I'm so happy that Hey Jude gets some attention since the contest is being hosted by Liverpool <33
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Hi! Do you know why the nordic countries don't compete in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, or don't anymore?
It's an interesting story actually, cause the Scandinavians were originally the ones who created junior eurovision.
In 2002, Denmark, Sweden and Norway decided to host a singing competition for kids. So every country had their own little contest and then picked out 2-3 kids to perform in "MGP nordic", where one winner was announced. This got super popular, so the next year they were like "Hey, what if we take in other countries?" and they created Junior Eurovision, with 15 countries competing in 2003.
Also, for V-lovers reading this, DIEGO DOMINGUEZ actually was competing to represent Spain in jesc that year. He didn't win, but here is his number.
Anyway, the scandinavian countries always got really low scores in jesc. They were always down at the bottom half. So feeling like it wasn't any idea to try, they pulled themselves out from jesc and went back to doing MGP nordic (I also think they let Finland compete during these years, so there were 4 countries with 2-3 songs each)
Though I don't get why they didn't like them, just look at Sweden's entry from 2003
This is peak performance wtf was Europe on /hj
Anyway, we had MGP nordic until like 2009/2010 I think, then they stopped with that too.
Sweden did continue to compete in jesc as well, but it was another channel taking over the try-out competition for it, so we competed in both. Though, we had our final entry in 2014 and then we just stopped. What is sad about it, is that the fun part of it was "lilla melodifestivalen" which was the competition where the winner would compete in junior eurovision or MPG nordic (depending on the year). They just stopped with that.
The only country still having the singing competition for kids without them competing in jesc is Norway. They even had a 20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY MEDLEY
There's some real bangers, and I recognized some that was in mgp nordic. Fun fact, the 2007 winner sang the norwegian intro for Violetta. It's not relevant, but everything I say has to relate to Violetta somehow
I wish lilla mello continued, then maybe we could've had a medley too
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aijamisespava · 1 year
Super JESC Weekend Day 3
You heard that right! After Albania revealed their song on Friday, and then the Netherlands revealing their song just yesterday, we are back again with yet another song reveal! This time, Poland called and had their National Final!
Maja Krzyżewska joined the growing list of contestants with her song titled "I Just Need A Friend," becoming the 4th song announcement and 3rd song released in full.
Once I pressed play, I was taken aback at how acoustic it sounds. This isn't a bad thing at all. I listened to the live version, and I can hear some nerves, which actually helps give the song life. This song stands out already from the rest because of the vibe. I kinda like this a lot. I also like the song is titled "I Just Need A Friend" but it isn't so lonely feeling. It feels...comforting.
So, all in all, I really liked this song. I can't wait to see how it looks on the stage in November, as there are many different ways to make her stand out. Her voice was great (especially at the note towards the end), so I think that she stands a good chance in Nice!
Congratulations, Maja!
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lil-scout-precure · 2 years
My thoughts about the JESC 2022 songs. Part 2:
(This will be in order of release of the videos at the official JESC YouTube channel)
🇦🇱 Kejtlin Gjata "Pakëz Diell":
From the dancing rhythm songs we now go to the JESC ballads with this entry of Albania. But don't leave, please, this one hits as hard as possible with its purpose, considering the actual situation we all know about, and the song's tune is something good.
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The videoclip really takes the title of the song almost seriously: A bit of Sunshine to illuminate a monocrome world, a ray of hope for those difficult times and for those who feel alone. And Kejtlin's voice is something astonishing to join the ethereal soft melody. I can understand that most of the JESC fandom are not rooting for this one, but at least we can give Albania a chance to shine with this song and place it at Top 10 at least. It's something good, indeed.
🇰🇿 David Charlin "Jer-Ana":
Kazakhstan: The country we can say "Why aren't they competing at the official adults' Eurovision Song Contest?". They share their potential at Junior and THEY HAVE IT: One example, before this entry, is their 2020's entry "Forever" by Karakat Bashanova. If the live version has not been strong enough with the lyrics and emotions, the studio version and context behind the song (Karakat sings this to her dead father) can make it heartbreaking and say "again, how did this not win?". (I can't hear the fricking song in any version once without crying at least a bit. I loved "J' Imagine" and France as a JESC host, but this was a winner too)
Now, to this year's entry. They want to avenge their failed good attempts to win every JESC they competed with a strong ballad and a strong message: a boosted and less groovy version of "Green Forces" with a touch of "Pakëz Diell" with the vibes of "Everything I Need" from Skylar Grey. And they don't dissapoint.
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While it's not as heartbreaking as Karakat's song, it is something strong both in melody and message. Most of the videoclip visuals talk for themselves. And again, singing one portion in English and then hit it hard with their native language, something that is becoming less common in both ESC and JESC but reinvindicated slowly recently. One of the songs not into my "greatest" favorites, but if David wins or enters the Top 3, this can be not only surprising, but also give Kazakhstan their boost to enter the adults' ESC and the victory they could have had years ago.
🇷🇸 Katarina Savić "Svet Bez Granica":
Serbia at JESC. If there's something they like to do well, regarding their rhythm and their place at the voting results, is to send their melodies in their native language. And if I expected my thought of "Jovana and Dunja are JESC's Hurricane but only two of them and more into a ballad" to be the only "JESC-ESC" coincidence I imagined, this year's JESC song was something that made me say "This is the Molitva (Serbia's ESC winning song at 2007) of JESC..."
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Calm, orchestrally soothing, moving vocals and graceful movements at the videoclip...The song (after researching a bit) talks about the feeling of finding your true love, not letting anything to diminish it, and telling it in a poetic way to everyone. And THE TROMBONE, FROM ALL THE INSTRUMENTS. Katarina plays the trombone in a way that surprisingly complements the song well. While again, not into my "greatest" favorites, this song is soothing for relaxing you and help you rest well. I could give her a chance :D
🇫🇷 Lissandro "Oh Maman!":
Now returning to your scheduled moving songs...
France giving quality JESC songs 4 times in a row? Yes, it's not an illusion. From Carla's "Bim Bam Toi" to Valentina's "J' Imagine", followed by Enzo's "Tic Tac", and now succeded by Lissandro's "Oh Maman!". And each one not dropping the quality of the other, regardless of the rhythm.
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This is, in my POV, what happens when one mixes Enzo with "Hamilton" with a portion of "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "I'm Still Standing", and luckily, it resulted fantastic! Look at him, just vibing and imagining himself being a superstar at the stage, living his dreams and telling everyone about them. :3 Not for my "podium" favorites, but let's be honest, with that French tone and happy vibes, he can get easily into the Top 5!
Ps. Stupid Pokemon X/Y-related random thoughts in my mind. I know Lissandro is derived from Lyssandre and so on, but please, this kid is NOTHING like said villain!
🇵🇱 Laura "To The Moon":
After their second place at the podium of last year's JESC, Poland had to put their bar higher or at least the same Sara James left for this year's JESC. And MY GOSH, this electronic space-vibing song got the spot BY FAR!
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The setting of the videoclip could not be more futuristic than ever, and reminds me of Malta's entry by far. Laura's imagination and curiosity come true, even for just some minutes, complementing the song's vibes. She is one of the strongest contenders in this edition, competing with the Netherlands, Malta, UK, Spain and so on with such good moving vibes! Not the "greatest" favorite of mine, but hey, maybe Poland could get a second victory or Top 3 in a row? :o
Ps. Finally, an accurate depiction about how some folks like me are like in an interactive museum: a neurodivergent playground to explore and be curious and imagine! ;w;
The third part will come soon!
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borisbubbles · 3 years
ESC 2021 Preshow: 08. France
Barbara Pravi - “Voilà”
France going from 3rd last on my ranking / likely last place in the finale to 8th place in the ranking / probably top 3 in the Grand Final. 😍 WHAT A GLOW-UP.
So, “Voilà” is epic, obviously. Yeah I will skip the theatrics, each and every one of you know this song and we all know it’s probably the best French entry in ages. 
Funnily enough, I didn’t care for “Voilà” when I first heard it lmfao. It felt similar to the song Patricia Kaas went to Eurovision with and while “Et s’il faillait le faire” has its fans, I was never one of them. Worse, the internet immediately resorted to refering to “Voilà” as a “masterpiece” which is probably the pretentious statement you can make about Eurovision songs. Guys, it’s an Edith Piaf-inspired tribute act. Calm the eff down. Still, even at this early a stage I was instantly charmed by Barbara’s introspection and pluck even if I didn’t care for the music at first. After all, Barbara was the mastermind behind jesc HITS “Bim bam toi” and “J’imagine” and if she wants to bring a song that puts HER SELF at the forefront, she’s perfectly entitled to do so. About fucking time. On top of that, I thought the ending was sublime, even in studio version. “Why can’t the entire song be like that”, I thought. And then, E:CVQD arrived and Barbara SERVED, OUTSOLD, SLAYED, etc every superlative under the sun. 
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So remember when I aired my critique regarding Gjon? “Tout l’Univers” is an “Objectively Strong” composition in that it employs music theory to conjure up a song that sounds impressive on first listen. But behind that academic skill lies virtually nothing of interest. I cannot connect with it beyond a base level because what does it tell me about Gjon or his story? Technique without a heart or a soul is merely pretense. But I suppose it can sound sophisticated to someone who doesn’t know what “sophistication” is. 
Barbara, however. Her personality just SPRINGS FORWARD on an approachable level from the first note. “Voilà”s’s technical expertise and Barbara’s own perfomance talents carry this vibe, this SERVE of personality, through the full three minutes without ever getting boring or tedious and they leave me craving for another listen. ALL OF THESE ARE AMAZING TRAITS IN A EUROVISION SONG. And this is just from the studio version, the live stage show makes it even better. 
So yeah, homeboy’s got his work cut out for him because if this is his competition he’ll have to graft hard for his victory.
NF Corner -  C’est Vous Qui Décidez
In what would become a running theme amidst countries this year, France led the charge in a personal project called #OperationForget2020, in which every trace of last year would be subsequently memory-holed. To acheive this, they revived their NF, gave it a new name and pretended it was ~The First NF of Its Format~ (so basically doing what Lithuania did last year when they rebranded Atranka into PiN).
INCIDENTALLY, this would also wind up the best NF of the year, pretty much by default because France had the most to win. Even though Barbara was the obvious winner from the instant the songs were revealed, the French had some excellent back-up options in their arsenal. Let’s rummage through them shall we?
LMK - “Magique”
R&B Trap wench <3 “Magique” starts off pretty and cute for fifteen seconds, before whiplashing hard into kick-ass tropical house territory. Her Slovene spirit mothers Raiven and Lea Sirk are so proud of her <3 She definitely deserved much better than the result she got (being NQ with the audience O_O), but lol it’s France, they ain’t NEVER crowning a sexually confident sassy woman, let’s not kid ourselves. 
Céphaz - “On a mangé le soleil”
This Hat God had me at that title. “We have eaten the sun” 😍😍😍😍. More songs should adopt a fatalistic environmental angle by using consumption-related metaphors à la “we’ve devoured out planet :burp:, MOAR”, and then set this suuuuper cynical and depressing text to an upbeat and optimistic soundtrack <3 The “Hey ya” tease of it all. 😍
Amui - “Maeva”
So cheerful it turns a surly cretin such as myself into a blundering mass of uwu. It’s like a nillies Eurovision semi NQ’er suddenly wandered into the set, so derivative and repetitive and tacky but SO fun and happy-go-lucky <3 The entire premise of “Maeva” is basically like: “VISIT FRENCH POLYNESIA, WE ARE THE MOST HOSPITABLE PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH” <333 using this message in the middle of a worldwide viral pandemic <33333333 Normally fun-trash like this would be murdered at first sight by any jury, but whoops “Maeva” turned out a massive televote hit HEHEE 😛 and finished third in the televote despite being last or second last with the jury. Those Tahitian diasporia votes coming through <3
Adriamad - “Allélujah”
TACKY EUROTRASH <3 Lol when I think of it, did I like this NF because it was good or because it was so fun-trash. Anyway, this display of diversity would normally be on my shitlist but it’s honestly SO OTT in its ~People Of The World Of All Colours Are Equal~ message it circles back into funny. The eye gimmick, the hammy choreography, the obnoxious fusion of several cultures into a nondescript ethnotrash hodgepodge, the fucking LYRICS everything is so funny and so entertaining it’s giving me LIFE. 😍 I’d say it deserved better but “Allélujah” stranding in the demifinal (not a typo) is honestly a much, much more satisfying result <3
Predicted Journey - France
Barbara is going on that Mahmood trajectory, I see. Early fave who gets near unanimous critical acclaim, rules solely on top until the other contenders show up and is then put on the backburner because she’s an autoqualifier and therefore isn’t a part of the “who will qualify?” discussions. Then, the rehearsals will happen and everyone will remember “hey, that French chick we almost forgot about is actually REALLY good” allowing her to pick up momentum again, catapulting her into the top five. So it is written, such it shall be.
The question is... Can she win? 
The answer is: yeah, possibly? At this point we have three potential contenders: Gjon for Switzerland and Destiny for Malta are the main rivals and I’d say Barbara has one big advantage over Gjon and Destiny: She already has a great live performance to back up her potential winner status. In fact, Barbara is a fave to win because we know what she’s going to bring in Rotterdam.  Gjon and Destiny could theoretically still bomb if their staging is off (and both are getting theirs done by Sasha Jean-Baptiste, soooooo) and their contenderness is based on things such as hype and expectation. Barbara meanwhile already had her baptism by fire when she competed in E:CQVD, which she handily won.
The problem though is Gjon Muharremaj. For the average eurofan, France and Switzerland have similar entries and it will result in a tug-of-war between which of them has the better song. Either could win this televote bout, and whoever does could beat Malta.. .but that would require Malta to have a disappointing televote result and with each passing day this is starting to look less likely. (Jury results matter less because they’re probably the top 3).  Personally I don’t really have a preference between Barbara OR Destiny as a win for either would push Eurovision in a better direction (A Gjon win though... I am TERRIFIED that may result in a 2022 contest filled with Vincent Bueno’s and Vasils), but if these three are indeed the top three, Barbara’s position is the most secure although she’s probably also the least likely one to actually win. Pray that I’m wrong though and we can all meet at her flat in Montmartre for a covid-proof afterparty. 
Projected placements:
> Grandfinal: 1st-5th (predicted Runner-up)
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01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. FRANCE - Barbara Pravi - “Voilà” 09. BULGARIA - Victoria - “Growing up is getting old” 10. LATVIA - Samanta Tina - “The moon is rising” 11. GREECE - Stefania - “Last dance” 12. SWEDEN - Tusse - “Voices” 13. IRELAND - Leslie Roy - “Maps” 14. CROATIA - Albina - “Tick Tock” 15. MOLDOVA - Natalia Gordienko - “Sugar” 16. ITALY - Måneskin - “Zitti e buoni” 17. ALBANIA - Anxhela Peristeri - “Karma” 18. UNITED KINGDOM - James Newman - “Embers” 19. LITHUANIA - The Roop - “Discoteque” 20. ESTONIA - Uku Suviste - “The lucky one” 21. FINLAND - Blind Channel - “Dark side” 22. AZERBAIJAN - Efendi - “Mata Hari” 23. the NETHERLANDS - Jeangu Macrooy - “Birth of a new age” 24. CZECH REPUBLIC - Benny Christo - “Omaga” 25. DENMARK - Fyr og Flamme - “Øve os på hinanden” 26. SLOVENIA - Ana Soklič - “Amen” 27. SWITZERLAND - Gjon’s Tears - “Tout l’Univers” 28. ROMANIA - Roxen - “Amnesia” 29. SERBIA - Huricane - “Loco loco” 30. POLAND - Rafał - “The ride” 31. ISRAEL - Eden Alene - “Set me free” 32. GEORGIA - Tornike Kipiani - “You” 33. PORTUGAL - The Black Mamba - “Love is on my side” 34. SPAIN - Blas Cantó - “Voy a quedarme” 35. NORWAY - Tix - “Fallen Angel” 36. CYPRUS - Elena Tsagrinou - “El Diablo” 37. AUSTRIA - Vincent Bueno - “Amen” 38. NORTH MACEDONIA - Vasil - “Here I stand” 39. GERMANY - Jendrik - “I don’t feel hate”
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balkanballad · 5 years
Eurovision 2020 ranking
welcome to another year and another ranking. the last few years I used to put the songs in different categories, but this year I did that (from top 💐 to flop 🥀) AND gave every song an actual number AND added a comment. wow, so brave, I know. it’s a bit long, but here we go:
Norway: it was love at first sight and listen with this song. I connect with it, I love the lyrics, the instruments, her, everything about the nf performances. this is my very strong number one this year and, btw, the studio version is so much weaker than the live version
Switzerland: this song makes me very emotional and I love it. his voice is so lovely and with this one I, again, enjoy and feel the lyrics. I am very curious to see what they will do on stage
Australia: I wouldn’t say that I am always a huge fan of the songs with more goofy vibes and staging, but this one is a fave. I wasn’t in a great mood when I listened to this the first time and I remember crying because it was just very fitting to my personal situation. so, me and this song have an emotional connection now. also, I enjoyed the contrast that the staging in the national final gave it. it’s just.. same to everything about this song and performance. it’s also my favourite entry from Australia so far
North Macedonia: my only ‘dance’ song in this favourite category. it makes me wanna dance but in a tango and dimmed red lights way. I would also say that it made me think a bit of Switzerland last year, but I like this better
Croatia: another favourite entry that won a national final! I didn’t have a terribly bad year with national final faves. I might even say that I had a good year. anyway, a Balkan ballad :) with nice lyrics :) a bit sad and great violins :) of course I am into this. I love it
Portugal: I had this saved as a favourite before I saw the live performances and I really like that it won the national final. it’s super sweet, pastel pink vibes and my cup of tea
Finland: sweet! this makes me tear up a bit and I see a pattern this year for my personal preference: songs that make me melancholic and cry a bit. although, no one should be surprised because nostalgia and melancholy seem to always be with me
Denmark: while I was making this ranking and listening to the songs over and over, I think this song moved up the most. this is very sweet. last year was too sweet for me and I think this one is better, but on the edge to crossing that line. however, I love that we have a duet. I’m a big fan of duets. is someone going to propose this year again? this song would be at least perfect for that occasion. or maybe a bit too pushing actually.. 
(no. 9) Israel: maybe a tiny little bit too much going on in a 3-minute song and something about it reminded me a bit of JESC songs, but I love the rhythm and I think this performance will be fun 
(no. 10) UK: it’s a good song. the breath! part makes it more interesting and I have this song in my car playlist, which means that I am not skipping it usually. however, I also came across the BBC recording and I am not very convinced that the staging and everything will be enough to secure it a high placing in the end
(no. 11) Romania: oh look, I once again connected to a song because I feel the lyrics. that is probably not the best sign with this song but oh well. I am not the biggest fan of the live version here and prefer the studio recording. maybe another bad sign or maybe it’s just the weird screaming in the back and low quality of the equipment etc.
(no. 12) The Netherlands: I don’t think that they are trying to win another time this year with this, but it’s a cute and sweet song and everyone will cheer anyway. I listened to one live recording and there he sounded amazing
(no. 13) Armenia: maybe this would be a guilty pleasure, but it’s 2020 we are just enjoying songs. I think the staging for this song will decide how it goes because the song itself is definitely.. different and not for everyone. the studio version is a lot better than the live performance, the lyrics are a bit repulsive to me and I feel like this could slip in the category ‘cheap’, but the whole song also gives me a weird kind of self-confidence boost when I listen to it 
(no. 14) Azerbaijan: okay, so the song title made me very excited. the lyrics are.. there. I don’t think I was looking for something relatable in this song, but they are just very random to me. funny enough, I think this will be competing with Armenia because of similar vibes and because a lot depends on the staging. however, I think that this might do better because it’s more esc mainstream and has a better flow, but then again, maybe don’t rely on me when I say such things  
(no. 15) Greece: this sounds a bit like a JESC entry to me and I have mixed feelings about it. with this I am also not sure what the message is supposed to be, but I really like the instruments  
(no. 16) Estonia: hm. I must admit that I like this song more than I want to, but I don’t love it. I like the dramatic touch, but it’s not relatable at all, which isn’t necessary a factor for a good song of course. I just like having my emotional support songs and this is not one of them 
(no. 17) Poland: this and Albania are in the same semi and sound too similar, so my prediction is that only one of these two will go through. personally, I like Poland better, but even if none of them makes it, it won’t break my heart I think
(no. 18) Spain: this song feels a lot longer than 3 minutes and it might be because it’s repetitive, but I can listen to it still. just not too often
(no. 19) Lithuania: this is a fan fave, right? personally, I’m just.. not in love. I like the message, but I don’t feel the need to listen to it regularly 
(no. 20) Iceland: it’s alright. it’s there. I can’t really think about things to say about this  
(no. 21) Italy: a ballad. in Italian. ground-breaking. just kidding, I think the fact that it’s in Italian saves it a bit, but I don’t really listen to this. I don’t mind it playing in the background, but it’s also not in my car playlist
(no. 22) Ukraine: I feel like I should technically like this more than I do, but I don’t really listen to this, sorry
(no. 23) Belarus: just like with Ukraine: I think I should like this a lot more than I currently do. I also find this song a bit boring
(no. 24) Georgia: not a fan of the screaming, but I see why it fits the song. I am not sure, though, whether this will be the year that they make it back to the final 
(no. 25) Albania: did anyone ask for the English revamp? I don’t think so, but they did it anyway. it is too forgettable for my taste and reminds me of something that they sent already in the past few years, but now it’s in English, so even less original. it isn’t a bad ballad though
(no. 26) Ireland: I know what this song is trying to tell me, but it is trying very hard to make sure we all understand it. it also reminds me a bit of a song that they would play in a disney channel film and it annoys me a bit
(no. 27) France: I might not skip it always, but it’s very repetitive and I still stand with my association of the Netflix show YOU and this (sorry, Tom)
(no. 28) Austria: my friend said that this song sounds like it should be by Sweden and I think that she is right. I never really was into that kind of vibe though, so I am not the biggest fan
(no. 29) Germany: not terrible, but also kind of strange vibes. I don’t like the lyrics (I will tell my mama whatever I want). I also think that Germany took inspiration from Switzerland last year and who knows, maybe they will finally start playing their own songs on the German radio stations and stop playing Sweden’s 2016 entry
(no. 30) San Marino: San Marino is once again bringing the disco vibes, thanks. I can’t watch the video twice in a row because it makes me feel like I’m on a trip, but good for her! I should definitely also get a little more freaky myself sometimes
(no. 31) Sweden: I’m not a fan. I was a fan of other Melfest entries though.. anyway, this is not a bad song of course, but definitely a bit boring to me
(no. 32) Moldova: I don’t hate it, and some very few parts of the melody I even like, but this is my least favourite Kirkorov produced, or written or bought or pushed through or whatever he does, song
(no. 33) Bulgaria: if everyone should find a similar partner then Bulgaria could team up with Romania this year. I find Bulgaria to be a lot more boring though
(no. 34) Cyprus: keep on running and keep on running and keep on running.. etc. etc. etc. this is how I feel when I make myself jog once a year 
(no. 35) Malta: sounds very familiar, but I haven’t figured out yet which generic pop song it reminds me of
(no. 36) Belgium: yet another year and I am sadly bored by Belgium’s entry yet again
(no. 37) Czech Republic: to this song I imagine the scenario of a school mate, that you aren’t too close with, but he is friendly, so you listen to the songs he made himself and uploaded and then you assure him that it sounds cool and you will add it to your music collection, but then you don’t ever listen to it again. this never happened to me, but that’s the vibe somehow. it’s just not really my kind of song and it also misses a bit of a real concept and flow because, even after the revamp, to me it still sounds a bit unpolished
(no. 38) Serbia: nop. I am very much for wmn pwr but I don’t like this. I get very strong mean girls vibes from it and I don’t say this as a good thing because I would rather not get bullied. I despise the lyrics and overall, everything, but I see why one would call it a ‘bop’ perhaps
(no. 39) Russia: when they were announced I looked them up and already was skeptical. most of the time this simply isn’t my kind of genre, humour and taste, and I was right. it annoys me. I am sure, like with every song btw, there is an audience for this, but I am very far away from being that audience
(no. 40) Slovenia: I’m sorry, but I really don’t like her voice, which is not a good thing, obviously, when ranking songs. I also find the song quite boring and it is another example of songs that somehow feel longer than 3 mins
(no. 41) Latvia: this gives me a headache. I don’t understand the lyrics, the music makes me want to leave the room, it’s a no from me and my last place
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Reasons why I’m gonna watch jesc again next year
1. It is so wholesome???? NONE of the drama that comes with adult Eurovision 
2. A good nice way to spend my sunday morning (shhh I’m American) 
3. Songs and singing voices are actually quality even though the kids are no older than 15. I could play some of these at a party and no one would think its kiddie music 
4. Despite that though, it’s kids just having fun and the shows and outfits and performances are for the most part age appropriate (if anyone looks mature, it’s only because of their genetics) 
5. Small children singing about climate change and actual issues instead of adults singing about like...hot bodies and break ups and stuff 
6. Voting was a roller coaster but still a lot less stressful. Also Jesc voting actually makes sense and the juries aren’t nuts out their heads! 
7. The part where all the children sang a song together was so cute 
8. A lot less annoying filler and unfunny jokes and stuff from the hosts compared to adult Eurovision 
9. JESC gives you a hint as to what artists we’ll see in future adult Eurovision since some of the kids will be on it wen they grow up 
10. I got to vote even though I’m American!! I can’t with adult Eurovision!!
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akihsulkaz · 5 years
Junior Eurovision 2019 Pre-Show Top 19
So this is my first time looking forward to JESC since back then I couldn’t care less but like, hey why not for once? So here’s my top 19 before the show! It was unfortunate I didn’t end up posting my ranking for ESC 2019 but this is what you’ll get for now. 
Do remember that I’ll probably have quite different opinions than what others have. So please don’t go shitting on me for how I ranked/commented on the songs. Honestly the rankings from 7-12 feel quite interchangeable for me since I can’t really decide which I love more. But here goes my top 19 (with shitty commentary that’s probably outdated)!
19. Erin Mai - Calon yn Curo (Heart Beating) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 I’m gonna get so much hate for this. I just found it utterly boring. Other than that, the percussion seems too soft? And the strings are too loud. I just found it boring and near unlikeable for me for some reason.
18. Joana Almeida - Ven Camigo (Come With Me) 🇵🇹 When the first part of the song came in, I thought this was going to be some Electra Heart rip-off. But then the rest of the song came in and I knew this was definitely getting low. While I know this is Junior Eurovision, Joana's voice is just too…childish for me. Maybe I’m being too harsh since I’m typically not watching JESC. Other than that, I generally didn't like the melody nor the instrumental. The only thing I liked was the lyrics. Which is weird since I usually kinda like these types of songs? But it just didn’t come off as good.
17. Liza Misnikova - Pepelny (Ashen) 🇧🇾 This song reminded me a lot of "Like It," to be honest. Though funnily enough, I prefer Zena's vocals, but prefer this song's instrumentals. I actually enjoyed the instrumentals, the vocals and melody itself not too much. Though overall I'm not too much into it anyway, so yeah.
16. Isea Çili - Mikja ime fëmijëri 🇦🇱 I like the story/concept of the song though the lyrics itself seem pretty eh to me. Albania has some pretty good vocals in general so it's unsurprising even Isea has some, too. Though the song itself is also pretty bland for me, just like the singing itself.
15. Marta Viola - La Voce Della Terra 🇮🇹 I feel bad for putting it this low, especially when I usually rank Italy so high. I personally find it boring. That's not to say it's a bad song. But yeah, it's not that great for me. Marta's voice is good for the song, however. But it just doesn’t stand out that much for me.
14. Tatyana Mezhentseva and Denberel Oorzhak - A Time For Us 🇷🇺 Seeing the title, I was like, "What, like the mass song?" That was just random though, lol. I…actually liked it, and somehow unlike some others' opinions, I actually kinda like Denberel's voice. Though it has a weak start. I personally just really liked the last part and mostly just that, which is why it’s lower than I probably would’ve given.
13. Jordan Anthony - We Will Rise 🇦🇺 No offense to Aussies, but for some reason I don't really have high expectations for Australia's songs. But this song was actually really good in my opinion. Jordan's voice fits in with the song and it's overall just a nice song. Problem is, it's not overly nice nor does it stand out as much. But I think this might end up doing well.
12. Giorgi Rostiashvili - We Need Love 🇬🇪 I'm seeing that this song seems quite underrated. I personally enjoy it. It's a nice "feel-good" song. I always end up swaying my head to this song. Though I don't expect it to win, it's a personal favourite of mine and it's probably the song in the list I would listen to when I just want to sit down and get myself happy and stuff. Just overall a nice vibe.
11. Eliana Gomez Blanco - We Are More 🇲🇹 Me ranking the songs starting with “We” is pure coincidence. Anyways,wWhile I adore this song, it doesn't have as much kick as I would've probably liked for this. Especially for the chorus. The rest is good, and I really like her vocals. Though sidenote, Eliana looks really mature for her age, she probably looks older than I am haha.
10. Yerzhan Maxim - Armanyńnan Qalma 🇰🇿 This is an overly unpopular opinion. But boy, this song comes straight outta a Disney movie. And Disney songs are hella rad. I don't see people liking this song enough. Though that's fair seems it would feel more like a typical ballad. But this kid managed to make me like it. This is one of the songs I definitely don't think will win, but still deserves some love all the way.
9. Matheu - Dans Met Jou 🇳🇱 I have a feeling this song would do great in the televoting because a lot of people will probably get tired of the "SAVE THE WORLD!" message and just want a song about a guy and his dudes chillin' and dancin' with the girl he likes. And while I love the damn other songs, I can't help but liking it because it's such an upbeat and carefree song.
8. Karina Ignatyan - Colours of Your Dream 🇦🇲 This is a really catchy and upbeat song which pretty much says to colour your life with happiness and stuff. The vocals are nice and the beat definitely gets your groove as it stays true to its lyrics of feeling great.
7. Darija Vračević - Podigni Glas (Raise Your Voice) 🇷🇸 Okay, I heckin' love this one. Lyrics are nice, the song is quite consistent throughout, and I just really love the last part where they all drop down and didn't continue the line to say, "Oh look, it's too late now." And just hhhhhhh, I didn't have this as my favourite because while I have high praise for this song, it doesn't seem like a song people would vote for. Plus I feel like it won't stand out enough, plus Darija needs some little bit more improvement in her voice.
6. Anna Kearney - Banshee 🇮🇪 I feel like I speak for everyone when I say this song is probably better than most of the songs Ireland has recently sent in the ESC. I like this song as well, but I have fears that people might sleep on this. Plus I have a soft spot for fantasy-esque songs so lol. Anna’s voice is great and the message itself I find really nice.
5. Mila Moskov - Fire 🇲🇰 The chorus was stuck in my damn head the entire day. I love a good lot about this song, and I wished it was longer. But unfortunately, it isn't. I honestly don’t know what else to say about this, other than maybe the lyrics would’ve been nicer, but it’s still decent.
4. Carla - Bim Bam Toi 🇫🇷 I think everyone liked this song. And I agree. It's super duper fun and catchy and I actually like the dance in the music video and how much fun and enjoyment Carla has. It's a personal thing that I'm not too much of a fan of the non-singingish parts, but that's really only because I can't sing them without sounding/feeling too awkward. And I like singing the French songs since I actually can read partial French so yeah. Overall, really neat song, but not my winner.
3. Sophia Ivanko - The Spirit of Music 🇺🇦 This song is the number one candidate of "songs that need to be longer." I love it. It's a nice and simple song and boy, I just love those "hoo"s. Maybe because I just like birds and to that owls, but I really do. It's my favourite part of the song.
2. Melani Garcia - Marte 🇪🇸 A lot of the entries this year pertains to saving Earth, but Marte focuses more on saving the ocean in line to saving the world. And can I just say how much I love the high notes? This kid can sing! I was actually contemplating if I would put this in first, but ended up putting it at a close second.
1. Viki Gabor - Superhero 🇵🇱 You know what always ends up being such bops? Pop songs about saving the world, that is! This was one of the songs I instantly loved from the moment I began listening to it. I can definitely feel myself dancing along to the song and such. This was also one of the songs I wished was just longer.
So yeah that’s all! Good luck to everyone^^
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Slovenia to Eurovision with a dreamy couple
Oh boi, now here comes another NF I wasn’t interested in. I don’t hate EMA as a thing, it’s just that it’s infamous for not listening to what people want most of the time, often axing their faves (BQL, Raiven, Nika Zorjan, even going as far back as Saša Lendero and Nina Pušlar...). This year it seemed like Raiven finally had what it takes with her post-dubstep-era dubstep tune, “Kaos”. BUT did she go? Oh nope
Instead we got possibly the best thing that ever happened to Slovenia. That thing is this one entry sung by a cute crossover of Lorde and that trombone fetus thing from Courage the Cowardly Dog (well, at least she looks better than him, hence why ‘cute’), Zala Kralj, and she has her 2-year-long partner Gašper Šantl by her side too, to make up the musical part for the couple’s Eurovision 2019 entry for Slovenia, “Sebi”.
Let’s start reviewing this by complimenting its atmosphere. It’s cosmic. It’s pure. It’s pleasant. I feel like I’m floating among the stars... in the same way as if someone is projecting a star backdrop on a wall and I’m just against the projection, dancing silly. I feel like I’m covered in stardust. This is achieved by the composition of the song, which is very melodic, although a bit background-music-like. It incorporates a lot of those softened hi-hats, soaring synth waves and harmonious additional backing vocals (I think I heard those? whatever that was that adds more depth and gorgeousness to the song...). The lyrics are also cute, the poetry here is pretty fascinating, and I love the hints of intimacy and nature. The chorus reminds me that you have to stay true to what you are and who you stand for, and you don’t need to apologize for being different. Something along the lines of this. And Zala sounds like a person that could do a vocal ASMR therapy - and I imagine that as something that gives tingles to my neck everytime I hear it. You just need to strip the melody away and let me listen to more of those silent, soft-spoken, eerie whispers, and usually I feel creeped out and want it to stop, but at the same time it’s seducing and oddly enough I want some more.
This song has its faults though - it’s supposedly the song being repetitive (look at that chorus’ lyrics, just repeating 3 lines during it doesn’t really suffice, especially with the song being composed like THAT), Zala’s vocals being so hauntingly chill they even sound too calming or too monotonous, and this song is a simple electronic track with it just flowing all so well? Like, it’s something you’d find more on an unknown project’s Bandcamp page and that project usually has 1500 views or so on their videos. It’s a soothing ocean, it’s a galaxy, but sometimes the silence overwhelms you too much you just want to fucking scream... or fall asleep and miss the beauty of it all.
So as a whole it’s a stellar ride through galaxies and supernovas: the song. Great production, slight lo-fi vibe (idk how to explain it but everything here feels so... hmm... soft tune and quiet vocals make it to be something of the more indie-er side of a lower-cost production I suppose?) and sparks of pure bliss raining down on me whenever I remember or hear it. Truly, truly some indie goodness.
The most interesting part? The guys seem too overwhelmed about their Eurovision experience! Sure, Eurovision doesn’t require a too-laidback approach from the participants, but there always are Eurovision non-enthusiasts (seriously, don’t yell at Eurovision participants on Youtube comments when they fail to recognize a language of a song’s from a previous year! Just because they didn’t hear it and/or forgot the language, doesn’t mean they need to be put at stake), or those who just didn’t expect to win their NFs and then are like “shit um now I need to do something about that Eurovision thing I guess”. Salvador never really watched it before, AWS didn’t really hope to participate in Eurovision at the early stages of their NF, now we don’t really hear much Eurovision news and shit from these two Slovenians... well except of them releasing a shortened version of their song so it could comply to Eurovision’s lenght rules (giving it an apt sub title - “Dare to Dream Version”), declaring that one line of the song’s will be sung in English so that everyone not speaking in Slovenian could understand it better (just like Lea sang the end of “Hvala, ne!” in Portuguese because... well we all understand either of them, do we? lol) and that their staging will be similar to the one they had in EMA, and that their stage clothes won’t be the same but of a similar light color. They do have Eurovision in mind, but not quite as much as some other participants, and that’s perfectly fine. As long as they do their job right, that matters.
Approval factor: I may let you in on a little secret here - this is, in fact, my absolute favourite Slovenian entry this decade, if not overall. I have a hard time approving Slovenian entries because they end up lacking something at the end. This one... kinda fits in well with me, so Zala and Gašper did enough of THAT to warrant a big fat thumbs up for me.
Follow-up factor: Wasn't a big fan of Lea's song, BUT I can confirm that she started something good for Slovenia in Eurovision, especially after qualifying. And the couple certainly continued it, so it moves on well! ^^
Qualification factor: Now that's an interesting question... I might be wrong but a part of me fears for them to become the fan favourite duo/couple with a really pretty song that doesn’t qualify, like it already happened to Norma John and ZiBBZ before. They even have been drawn to semifinal 1, ffs. But maybe there’s still a spark of hope somewhere for the two, and I’d be inclined to believe that there is. I don’t wanna see sLOVEnia flop on the year I like their song, ffs. So I’m seeing a borderline result for thee, you the nation of usually fairly-underrated songs. Maybe this cosmic sea beauty will be in them finals.
So, EMA 2019, eh? I guess that was a thing that happened. I at least admire the fact that they used dancing robots for their “not-so-postcards-but-postcards” that played before each performance (I mean, you’d get camera shots of the stage being set up for the act to perform next with their info graphic in the NF’s LED background and next to it there was a re-creation of The Creation of Adam with the other hand being one of a robot’s <3, then cut to EMA’s visual design of the year and the dancing robot person, another shot to the performing act, and then lights out). They had a good time there. And there was a duet singing Salvador Sobral’s ESC winning song, one of them performed by a person who had to be Salvador for a TV show. Ah, fun. I wasn’t all in up for the she-bang (instead I watched A Dal Semi 2 and Supernoval final on that night), but I got some other goodies that I noticed that people noticed before me, for y’all to reminisce. Here are some moments and some songs that lost to this lovely pair:
• So what’s the deal with Raiven, anyway? She’s on the show for her third time, and has already firmly grasped onto the iconic NF partaker’s status, together with.. well... other NF 3-timers (that are mostly from Sweden). This time she went all her way out to prove y’all that “dubstep’s not dead in 2019!!!1″ with her song, “Cows” “Kaos”, and a rather interesting effect show taking place on her face. I don’t know why but Raiven’s and Aly Ryan’s from Germany stagings remind me of each other, maybe because of them being so interesting? Anyway, like as usually, this multicolored songstress failed to grasp the victory of her country’s national final, and honestly, good for that to happen because in my irrelevant opinion, the dubstep in “Kaos” is ridiculously unnecessary and it doesn’t make the song flow very well. Just rework the chorus to make it more suited to the song and maybe it could have worked, as the last 30 seconds and the verses actually rock! I love me some songs that make me feel like I’m listening to sunset transcribed to actual melodies and sounds.
• The 2015 entrant couple, Raay and Marjetka, are incredibly restless for some reason, and it’s that because they have co-written quite a few songs over the past few years even since their eventual victory as themselves in 2015. Maybe they’re the Slovenian Stig Rästa, probably as in “we loved the Eurovision green room experience so we always want some more!” kind of way. This year they did 2 songs: an electro-swing inspired number about Fridays and “spending some quality time with one’s girls” for the Slovene JESC debutee Ula Ložar and a radio-pop-esque track for a lady named Kim (not Verson). The one that I gravitated towards more will have its video down below and it is probably obvious a bit now. And if it was my will, I’d’ve replaced Raiven with the below lady in the superfinal because... frankly, yet again, I’ll restate that imo it wasn’t Raiven’s year even without the eventual winners having participated...
• For a country of whose NF’s I didn’t seem to care about, they indeed had quite a few nice numbers. I already shed my thoughts on 2 of them, now here’s another one. Somehow, most countries out there shied away from having rock songs (well except Hungary because I don’t really see any other NF with more than 3 of those clearly audible rock/metal tracks, maybe has to do with the fact they already sent one last year), and as a result, none of the actually submitted ones won because things didn’t really go well with even the slightest rock-sounding songs last year (except one of them almost got into top 10). So one of the rock gems we happened to lose came from Slovenia. INMATE brought the 00s American alt-rock sound that was popular with uncomfortable teens that acted outrageous with their song “Atma” (which somehow means “soul”??). And man they were banging.
• There’s not much I want to say about the rest of the NF’s gems that you missed. Well, there was one song about horses that is considerably well-received by the fandom, perhaps because of the slow and relaxing ballad sound that surrounds it (but they don’t know the lyrics enough to start hating it). And a song co-written by last year’s Svenskfloppen winner that, as he was destined to, flopped in Melodifestivalen as well. And a decent club track that was actually one of my other favourites, together with “Atma”. And some 00s teen sitcom theme song performed by a completely-careless-about-their-image-band (they call themselves Lumberjack but they dress nothing like ‘em, I assure you) with chill-surfer-attitude-bearing, long-haired lead singer. They brought in a nice vibe at least with their color-splashing LED images and slightly energetic performance. And like I said about how the lead singer looked... well just look at him and try to not see him as a troublemaker teen archetype from a high school rom com or at least irl that can’t score a date:
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Damn, Manel Navarro really let himself go.
• Lea Sirk, besides performing the ESC winning song from two years ago in a duet with someone, and obviously re-appearing to be a honourable guest after having won EMA last year after like 4-5 tries, also served her part as a jury member. Y’know, one of those people that maybe visibly or not visibly tried to push Raiven to her eventual EMA win after her 3 tries so that she wouldn’t become an annoying NF hogger for years on end. Well that didn’t happen because the televoters went for the Zalšper couple! You gotta love it when the teleaudience picks that song for Eurovision that is performed by those that didn’t specifically submit it because they wanted Eurovision, right? Well apparently, Lea took the loss of Raiven as a small stab to her heart and was heard complaining about the unexpected outcome (simply not being able to believe Raiven lost), out loud, to the viewing audiences at home and in front of computer screens. Yep, THAT happened... And I couldn’t be bothered to find a clip of it anymore, so instead I’ll post some pictures of a visibly shook Lea with her new hairdye on fleek (I guess that was to reflect Raiven’s love for hair dye?):
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noooo why do I have to give a trophy to those whom I did not support to win... well fine I will
With all that out of the way, I just really hope for this lovey-dovey duo all the best possible with having to carry the responsibility of representing a country in a very big European music competition on their shoulders. They aren’t seemingly stressed out themselves from the looks of it (if they were in a Brantsteele’s Hunger Games simulation, they’d be those people who’d pick flowers all the time), but you know what happens when you’re given such a big honour but you let what the honour stands for down, upsetting the others who look up to the honour somehow. Terrible, terrible things. Hope the haters don’t grind these two down if anything happens. Srečno!
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
2017 - final
originally posted 5/19/20
Italy Francesco and his gorilla went all in on this stage. The performance is full of energy, even if the message went right over people's heads. I really vibe with the song, but I think it suffered from the revamp it underwent after Sanremo. The second verse that got cut down was one of my favorite parts of the song and I haven't been able to see the song the same since. The psychedelic staging, although relevant to the lyrics of the song, isn't nice to look at, and also pulls this down in my personal ranking. Spain I had forgotten about the catastrophic voice crack. Manel might look good for the cameras, but the song is boring and repetitive and the surferboi staging is ugly and unappealing. I find it hard to believe anyone actually liked this - if memory serves, it was a shock when this won the national final (I believe I was rooting for LeKlein myself). United Kingdom Beautiful song (written by one of my all time ESC favorites, Emmelie de Forest), sung amazingly by Lucie and with better staging than the UK usually sends. Gosh, the staging... it was so beautiful, the lights and the use of mirrors too. I don't remember how I felt about this song way back when, but I really love it now. Germany The song is boring but relatively inoffensive. My real problem here lies with Levina. She's not engaging onstage at ALL. I followed the German NF pretty closely that year and Levina with Perfect Life was literally my last choice. I enjoyed Wildfire, the other song, over this one, and thought that Helene Nissen or Felicia Lu would have been better choices to represent Germany in Kyiv. The funny thing is that Germans really like the song. I have a friend who lives in Germany whose family likes the contest and she says that they really don't understand why they all score so badly. I mean, if that's their taste, then it is what it is, I guess... Ukraine  Not the biggest fan of rock in Eurovision, but this is all right I guess. I still think they should have sent Melovin or Tayanna. France Good song, Alma is lovely to watch. While the staging isn't bad, I feel as though it could have been a lot better and could have been more creative. My top 42
United Kingdom
North Macedonia
San Marino
Well... some surprises here, certainly. I'm not sure how Macedonia or Belarus ended up that high. Eh. I put my trust in the ranking website, so I guess this is what it's gonna be.
Voting/Intervals God, I love Mans, the sketch he did with the hosts is so fucking funny. Having Mariam play host was also very cute. That year's JESC is the only one I've watched and I really loved her song. We need to talk about the actress who plays Verka's mom, she's just as funny as Verka herself at times! John Karayiannis: "Now, I'm sure everyone is curious to find out how Cyprus voted." [cue audience laughter] Cyprus has really leaned into the whole giving douze to Greece thing lol Timur: "Hi, Mr Sand!" Jon Ola: Jon Ola: Jon Ola: Jon Ola: "Hello, Timur." Thoughts after watching I really hate Salvador as a winner, he's such an asshole about it. "Music is not fireworks, music is feeling" my ass. And he was so pretentious throughout the voting too, each time Portugal received 12 he was just like "oh okay, that makes sense". Luisa was much more excited about it, I think the contest meant a lot more to her. I also like her version of the song better... if Luisa had sung Amar Pelos Dois I would have liked it a lot more. She seems like a great lady. Everyone always hates on the Ukrainian hosting, but I think Oleks, Vova, and Timur did a good job. They're a really funny group of guys who put on a great show together and all seemed happy to be taking part. The stage design, logo, and intervals were all really fun as well.
0 notes
sapphicsurveys · 7 years
1. Air Conditioning: At what level or temperature is it on today? Too cold!! My parents always keep it freezing because they're New Yorkers. (I was born there, but I moved here to Florida when I was two, so it's like I was never there.)
2. Pet: Where does your pet sleep at night? I always want her to sleep on my bed and cuddle with me, but she always whimpers, so I always have to bring her back to my parents’ room.
3. Laptop: Is it in your lap, on the table, or somewhere else? Is it plugged in/charging? On my stomach, not charging at the moment.
4. Cell phone: Name a person that you only use your cell phone to talk to (no texting or otherwise)? Nobody.
5. Pillows: How many pillows do you actually use while sleeping (not just on your bed)? One.
6. Candles: What is your favorite scent that you own? How often do you light it? I don’t have any candles at the moment, but I’m pretty much a fan of most scents, just not so keen on beachy scents, woody scents, or fresh laundry scents.
7. Cigarettes: Who in your house smokes? Nobody. Both of my parents used to. My dad quit years ago, and my mom did, too. Then she started again about a year ago, but has since quit again.
8. Couch: How many people could sit comfortably on it? Like, two.
9. Glasses: Who wears glasses in your house? Are they near-sighted or far-sighted? I do. I have trouble seeing things far away unless I’m wearing them.
10. Toothpaste: What brand do you use/like best? Crest.
11. Pencils: Do you prefer using regular or mechanical pencils? Regular, because mechanical pencils’ lead always snaps off in the middle of using it.
12. Coffee mug: What kind of hot beverage do you drink the most? Tea?
13. Television: What is your favorite television channel? What are the best shows that air on it? I mostly watch things on Netflix. My favourite Netflix original is probably Master of None.
14. Chapstick: Do you get chapped lips a lot? When was the last time you had them? Yes, right now.
15. Musical instrument: What instrument is your favourite and who plays it? If it’s you, what is your favorite song to play on it? Electric guitar is my favourite. I have one, but I still have no idea how to play it.
16. Trashcan: Whose responsibility is it to take out the trash at your house? My dad’s.
17. Plants: What kind of plants do you have in your house? How often are they watered? I think we have some on the windowsill, but I really have no knowledge of them.
18. Hair dyer: Who in your family has the longest hair? How long is yours? Me. Shoulder-length.
19. Chocolate: What kind is better: milk, dark, or white? Easily dark. Plus, it has health benefits.
20. Shoes: The last time you went out, what shoes did you wear? Sneakers.
21. DVD player: What do you have more of, VHS tapes or DVDs? Neither. We used to have a lot of both, but mom got rid of them.
22. Insects: When you find an unwanted insect inside of your house do you kill it, take it outside, or leave it alone? If it’s a cockroach or a fly or something similar, I kill it. Otherwise, I’ll lead it outside.
23. Razor: What are all the areas of your body that you shave? Underarms.
24. Webcam: When you go on webcam, who do you chat with the most? Do you use any specific sites or programs? Technically, my Georgian tutor, since I have her every Saturday. We use Google Hangouts.
25. Refrigerator/freezer: Does yours have an automatic ice cube maker? Do you prefer cubed or crushed ice? Yes, but I hate ice and never use it. It seems dirty to me.
26. Sunscreen: What SPF do you use? I don’t use it.
27. Sibling: Do you get along with your sibling(s)? If you have more than one, which one are you closest to? I technically have siblings, but they’re half-siblings, way older, and they live in other states.
28. Cereal: What kind of cereal is in your house right now? Is it your favorite? If not, what is? Chocolate peanut butter Cheerios. My favourite cereal is Honey Bunches of Oats.
29. Pain relievers: What kind of pain reliever do you use when you have a headache? Tylenol.
30. Monopoly: When you play Monopoly, what game piece do you choose to use for going around the board? I forgot what they are, I haven’t played it in a while.
31. Bookshelf: What books (if any) have you read more than once? None.
32. Deck of cards: What is your favorite card game? Cards Against Humanity.
33. Umbrella: Do you mind walking in the rain without one? Yeah, I never use umbrellas.
34. Mood ring: What mood(s) are you in right now? Sleepy, hungry, nervous.
35. Hoodie: Do you prefer the kind with or without the zipper? With.
36. Calendar: What is the picture of on your calendar for this month? I don’t have a calendar.
37. Pajamas: What do you usually wear to sleep in? Are you comfortable falling asleep in jeans? I usually wear pajamas at first, and then wind up stripping in the end, anyway. Yeah, I always fall asleep in jeans. In fact, I did last night.
38. Backpack: Are you in school this year? If so, what grade are you in? Not in school anymore.
39. Alarm clock: What time do you have to get up tomorrow morning? I’ll get up at a decent time, because I’ve gotta work and then check out JESC second rehearsals/vote for them. (12 points to Italia!)
40. Jewelry box: What is your most expensive piece of jewelry? If it was a gift, who got it for you? I don’t like jewelry.
41. Game console: What is your favorite video game to play by yourself? I don’t have a console, and I’m not a fan of video games.
42. Mirror: How many times a day do you tend to look in the mirror? Zero.
43. Basement: Is your basement used just for storage, or is it used as another room? I have never been in our basement. I’m kind of scared to see what I’d find up there.
44. Sports jersey: What professional teams do you and/or your family root for? Nobody in my family watches sports.
45. Dictionary: What was the last new word that you learned? What does it mean? Some legal term from MINDHUNTER.
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Since I can remember I have loved buying special presents and also presents for the people in my lifestyle. Offering your daddy a much bigger and more beneficial gift currently may certainly not be actually as helpful as your desires just before to encourage him as well as take your thanks whole-heartedly. For the first time I ever before keep in mind, my daddy informed me he adored me. Thank The lord our company were given this possibility as he died only weeks later on. Michael's mama passed away in a cars and truck accident when he was in preschool, as well as after years his daddy fulfilled as well as wed Samantha. As well as if such a guy is actually additionally timid and also intends to set about his business hidden, he may merely pull down http://niematojakforma.info/cwiczenia-fizyczne-programu-usun-brzuch-mniej-jesc-piekny-wyglad/ his hat-brim a bit-as my dad commonly performed.
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Merely more than happy along with the ultimate draught and also ensure to carry out your dad justice along with a speech full of joy as well as up lifting satisfaction, and you in the end will be sure to really feel some what far better and happy. The implication of Daddy's Day is actually related straight to the placement of a daddy in the household in addition to in the culture. These last end results respond to the suggestion, as gone over in the previous part, that the Views concerning the Papa domain is certainly not individual of the Sensations concerning the Papa domain. If you avoid coming from climaxing concerning 5 times before your female starts to ovulate, that is actually quite reliable to be a daddy. When their connection finished, she stated she was still crazy with Father Noel. Unlike other milestones having said that where he is merely a viewers, a daddy at this exclusive time, is generally offered the chance to earn a speech for the couple.
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I began analyzing psychological science given that, if anyone had a right to be curious, it was I that needed to know just what makes individuals do the things they do. Also, I still wanted to know why my dad should dress up. At the time there wasn't a bunch of premium media, mostly online vomit on the net, worrying transvestites- graphic pictures and also tasteless terms I might have gone my whole lifestyle, as well as the following, without seeing- this was actually Two Decade ago. He will certainly like that. When our team invest time along with him as well as thus does our conceivable papa, our incredible daddy likes that. By doing this, Dad Ted kept a darker looking glass as much as 'civil' behavior and revealed all of us one thing unsavory about our blinkered planet. I experience that Red didn't lie when he expressed Lizzie that he wasn't her father brown and the twist in the story is that Berlin is Lizzie's father brown. When my father was actually still active however sick-abed, she used to appoint roaming spirits off of my daddy through reaching all edges from our house along with the sweeper. Permit's analyze Thy will be actually done in planet, as this is in heaven." Our team are actually discussing the can from the Dad. Consequently we emotionally increase in Him as we discover much better during time how to abide by The lord as the Son abided by the Father.
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blockheadbrands · 6 years
How Cynthia Nixon Changed the New York Cannabis Game
Tricia Romano of Leafly Reports:
On a balmy summer night in late June, the lobby of Galvanize, a chic urban workspace in New York City’s SoHo neighborhood, was filled with young, fashionable women, many donning high heels, sharp dresses, and clutching stylish purses. They were there for a fundraising event for Cynthia Nixon, hosted by a group of cannabis industry leaders in New York City.
'I am Cynthia Nixon,” said the actress-turned-politician, 'and I am the cannabis candidate for New York governor.'
If you squinted, it looked like the kind of crowd that Miranda, her character in Sex and the City, would have hung out with. In reality, though, it was the kind of a celebratory meeting of two rising forces in New York: the city’s hip, young cannabis entrepreneurs; and the television star who suddenly became a serious candidate for governor of New York.
Stars of the industry circulated around the buzzing loft-like space: Lynsey Ayala, creator of the Brooklyn craft botanical line BreadxButta; Marta Freedman and Charlotte Palermino, founders of the cannabis media startup Nice Paper; Mae Karwowski, founder of the marketing tech firm Obviously; and Women Grow pioneer and former CEO Jazmin Hupp.
Unlike some of the other “Cynthia for New York” events I’d attended over the past few months, the crowd had a real energy and excitement to it. Many of the organizers and attendees were women, and there was an upbeat buzz about a female candidate on the side of the cannabis industry. If there was any doubt about that, Nixon erased it with her opening line.
“I am Cynthia Nixon,” she said, taking the microphone to raucous cheers, “and I am the cannabis candidate for New York governor.”
That’s something her opponent, two-term Gov. Andrew Cuomo, has never said. It is a phrase that has likely never crossed the lips of any serious candidate for governor in the 230-year history of the Empire State.
She may not beat Cuomo in the Democratic primary on Sept. 12, but Cynthia Nixon has changed New York.
Four years ago an obscure law professor and political activist named Zephyr Teachout challenged Gov. Andrew Cuomo in New York’s Democratic primary. She had a surprising modicum of success, garnering 34 percent of the vote.
Teachout’s performance opened a wormhole in progressive circles in New York. If a no-name (if oddly named) challenger could cut into the base of a powerhouse like Cuomo, who many regarded as being too satisfied with the status quo, maybe a well-liked celebrity with rich friends could do her one better.
Using celebrity to get past the gates is a move straight from Donald Trump’s playbook, of course. But instead of using her star power to inflate her ego, Nixon has used it to illuminate causes that many traditional politicos would not touch.
High on that list is the legalization of cannabis. Though New York state passed a highly restrictive medical marijuana law in 2014, it has yet to go the Full Monte and legalize it for adult use. When asked why the famously liberal state lagged on the issue, most observers pointed to one person: Andrew Cuomo.
The Gov’s Old-School Thinking
An old-school Democratic tough-on-crimer out of the Clinton mold, Cuomo has long been an icon of past-generation liberal thinking on cannabis. New York’s voters and state legislators had to drag him kicking and screaming to allow an ultra-strict medical marijuana system. He didn’t like it, he doesn’t want it, he barely tolerates it. Adult-use legalization? Fuhgettaboutit.
Then, in March of this year, Nixon announced her candidacy. Almost from the beginning, she hammered away at the injustice and nonsense of New York State’s cannabis laws. “I’m absolutely for the legalization of marijuana,” Nixon told Wendy Williamson April 11. “Let’s capture some of that revenue.” When she got knocked for advocating on fiscal grounds alone, she posted a YouTube video to clarify her position:
‘Stop Putting People of Color in Jail’
“There are a lot of good reasons for legalizing marijuana, but for me, it comes down to this: we have to stop putting people of color in jail for something that white people do with impunity,” Nixon said.
“Eighty percent of the New Yorkers who are arrested for marijuana are black or Latino despite the fact that whites and people of color use marijuana and roughly the same rates. The consequences follow people for the rest of their lives making it harder for them to get jobs or housing and for non-citizens putting them directly in the crosshairs for deportation,” she said, pivoting and putting Cuomo in the crosshairs.
“If there was more political courage coming out of Albany we would have done this a long time ago. The simple truth is for white people the use of marijuana has effectively been legal for a long time isn’t it time we legalized it for everybody else.”
In response, Cuomo said—and did—nothing.
Who’s the Progressive Champion?
In April, New York Magazine put Nixon on its cover, declaring that “Cynthia Nixon Has Already Won.”
She repeated the line that would become etched as a campaign mantra: Cuomo “presents himself as a progressive champion, but really nothing could be farther from the truth.”
Nixon continued to hit Cuomo on the issue, on Twitter and in the media. As late as 2017, Cuomo proclaimed cannabis a “gateway drug,” even as more states proved out the success of legalization—and more than 20,000 New York State residents suffered arrest and incarceration due to prohibition. In early 2018, Cuomo signed off on a Department of Health study of legalization, due at the end of the year. “It is a hotly debated topic, pardon the pun,” he said, despite the absence of a pun, “and it would be nice to have some facts in the middle of the debate.”
Nixon preferred straight talk.
“Most Americans now agree: the war on drugs is racist and expensive. If we can admit that, then we can admit that it’s on our government to repair the damage done to communities of color across our country,” she wrote on May 7.
Cynthia Nixon✔@CynthiaNixon
 · May 7, 2018
Hey, @thereval. I hear you. Let me share my thoughts on the issue. https://twitter.com/TheRevAl/status/993481594198519808 …
Cynthia Nixon✔@CynthiaNixon
There's no way legalizing marijuana would be a remedy for the legacy of slavery & Jim Crow. But when it comes to repairing the wrongs of a racist drug war, we've got to make sure black and Latino communities are prioritized in the new legalized industry. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/15/legal-marijuana-industry-racism-portland-jesce-horton …
3:29 PM - May 7, 2018
 A billion-dollar industry, a racist legacy: being black and growing pot in America
What does it take to succeed as a young black entrepreneur in a sector largely dominated by white men seen as daring trailblazers?
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As governor, she vowed, it wouldn’t be just “rich white men who make billions off a product that sends thousands of black people to jail. We’re going to create jobs and opportunity in the communities most devastated by the racist War on Drugs.”
The Nixon Tour: Hit-n-Miss
Over the summer, I went to a number of “Cynthia for New York” events in New York: one in Bronx which was supposed to be a launch for her thousands of volunteers setting out to collect signatures; an unveiling of her education policy (24 pages long) at the Borough of Manhattan Community College; and a multi-group rally outside the New York Public Library advocating for affordable housing. Some of the events lacked the energy and buzz that would be expected from Nixon’s glowing press. At the event in the Bronx, which was, politely speaking, underattended, I asked a reporter if Nixon had grassroots support, and he replied… “—ish.”
Nixon’s public events were tightly orchestrated by her handlers. Groups of people showed up more to see the TV star and hear what she had to say, and less to show their unabashed support. I didn’t get the feeling that New York loved the prospect of Cynthia Nixon as governor, so much as the state’s denizens were meh on Cuomo.
At the cannabis industry fundraiser in SoHo, many of the curious and the skeptical came away impressed.
When Tanya Osbourne, founder of CannaDiva and the New York market leader for Women Grow, said that when she heard Nixon was seriously running, “I had a little puzzle face on.” She had initially written off the former Sex and the City star as just another trying on a role in politics. But Osbourne got on board after hearing Nixon talk about cannabis.
Cannabis isn’t her only issue.
“What really struck me for her was her language,” Osbourne told me. “She was using language that other people weren’t using. It was just really forthright about the disparity between black people in the industry and non-black people in the industry,” which resonated with Osborne as a woman of color.
Nixon was “talking about how this market is going to be eaten up by the people who can afford it the most without saying the obvious.” The obvious being the fact that rich white men in legal states are now getting richer doing what poor black men have been arrested for doing since the late 1930s.
“She was just speaking the truth,” Osbourne added, “and I could get behind somebody who was actually using the language that is just the truth. Black people are underrepresented in the market and if you are rich white male you will probably be able to own a dispensary, have a billion companies—and then the people that are in jail look like me.”
Cannabis: Political, Not Personal
For Nixon, cannabis legalization isn’t a personal crusade.
She talks easily and openly about how she’s sampled it in the past. “I tried it twice when I was in college,” she told The Cut. “It wasn’t for me, but I promised a number of people that when we legalize it in New York, I will give it another shot.”
Instead, she works in the tradition of legalization advocates like Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Rep. Tom Garrett (R-VA), politicians who work to end prohibition based on a variety of principles including social justice concerns, libertarian values, fiscal responsibility, and just plain common sense.
Like Blumenauer, Nixon unabashedly embraces the cannabis connection. Earlier this year she showed up at a 4/20 parade on April 20, added a 4/20 button to her site, and even gave away a Broad City bong with the help of Ilana Wexler and Abbi Jacobson, the two stars of the show.
Cynthia Nixon✔@CynthiaNixon
Here’s a sentence I never thought I’d be typing: You could win a bong signed by @BroadCity's @abbijacobson and @ilazer! This may not be a serious contest, but legalizing weed is no joke. So enter now: http://bit.ly/BroadCity4Cynthia …
1:20 PM - Jul 8, 2018
Going Where Cuomo Wouldn’t
For those staking their money and their careers on the cannabis industry in a state where it’s still not fully legal, Nixon’s outspokenness is personal. It’s a vote of confidence from a public figure who created the role of a strong, bold character on TV—Miranda was in many ways the least retrograde and most relatable of the Sex and the City characters—and then embodied that courage and strength in real life.
In June, Nixon spent much of her time on the campaign trail listening to people of color speak.
And she’s campaigning in ways that always seem to highlight the divide between herself and Cuomo. She uses her white privilege to speak out on behalf of people whose voices are rarely heard.
In June, she spent much of her time on the campaign trail listening to people of color speak. At one event in Bushwick, Brooklyn, Nixon sat in on a roundtable featuring about a dozen high school age kids at The Center for Popular Democracy. Though there were more members of the press than participants (one reporter from The Root remarked that the scene reminded him of covering Trump), it was one of the more compelling campaign events that she held in those early summer weeks.
The kids were all mostly high school aged, a diverse bunch in terms of race and gender. A few identified as trans and went by “they,” their pronouns carefully marked on name tags. (“Cynthia, Her/She.”)
Kesi Foster, a coordinator at Urban Youth Collaborative opened the floor. “Our school systems have put in place policies and practices that criminalize the normal behavior of young people. And that results in young people losing hundreds of thousands of days of instructional time because they’re being suspended. In the most kind of visceral stark outcome, it literally results in young people being pulled out of a classroom and pulled into a courtroom or pulled into our jails and prisons across the state.”
He rattled off statistics—black students represent only about 17 percent of the students across New York state, but they represent 44 percent of students that are referred to law enforcement, and concludes, “We know that having police officers in schools, it makes it more likely that students are going to be referred to law enforcement for normal youthful behavior as disorderly conduct and other minor infractions.”
Real Life in School
One by one, the students told Nixon about how they have to go through metal detectors to get to class, how they have to wait 20 or 30 minutes to get inside, how once inside it feels like they are in a jail, because the police are inside, eyeballing their every move, how their belongings are searched, how they need permission for the smallest things, to get something from the car, for instance. They tell stories about how roughhousing can viewed as a criminal activity by the police and how demoralizing it school as a whole is.
The students' stories illustrate Nixon’s point: Being caught with cannabis as a person of color leads to a domino effect that can hurt for the rest of their lives.
One student explained the psychological effects of so much police presence.
“If your first interaction is a police officer yelling at you to remove things or yelling at you saying,’ you should know better,’ all the rest of your day and sometimes the rest of your week—there’s just a lot of trauma that you’re holding in your body all day long.”
Nixon, wearing a dress with a suit jacket over it, listened intently, and nodded her head earnestly.
Anooj Bhandari, who works with Make the Road New York as a Restorative Justice Coordinator, told a story about two students who were given summonses at school for marijuana possession. To fight the charges, they needed to be in court the same day as an exam required for graduation.
“When we think about the options that are given to young people in those moments, it’s choose: do you want to either have a warrant out for your arrest or do you want to try to move closer to graduation?” he said.  “If those are the options that we’re providing for young people, like we’re failing that as, as a system of education.”
It’s a concrete example of Nixon’s point about marijuana and legalization—how being caught with cannabis as a person of color leads to a domino effect that can hurt a person for the rest of their lives.
Optimism in the Air
At the SoHo party, which is more glitz and glamour than Social Justice Warrior, there’s a hum of optimism in the air. Yes, some of that optimism is due to dollar signs—if cannabis is fully legalized, there are a million potential avenues for revenue, new businesses and new technologies to be developed. But, the difference is that in a state like New York, that money, and all that possibility can actually go to the communities of color that Nixon has vowed won’t be left behind under her watch, should she be elected.
'Her vision for New York is beautiful.'
Lulu Tsui, Co-founder of cannatech company Revel
In many of the legal adult-use states, the majority of the population is heavily white. Washington and Oregon, for instance, have populations are more than 80 percent non-Latino white. In Colorado, white people comprise 69 percent of the population. But New York state and New York City, where many of the business owners in a legal market will be located, is much more diverse, with more than 64 percent of the population comprising of people of color —black, Asian, Latinx, and Hispanic.
It’s unlikely that Nixon will overcome her tremendous disadvantage in the polls, despite a scrappy debate against the governor last week. But in early summer, there was still a glimmer of hope in the crowd at Galvanize.
One of the hosts, Lulu Tsui, a cofounder of the cannatech company Revel, was impressed with Nixon’s solutions. Those included pushing for automatic expungement of cannabis arrests, for instance. “I think it was a really great first introduction to having a conversation about cannabis, “ Tsui said. “Just having that time and have her speak and tell us what she believes in, what she envisions.”
“And,” she says, “her vision for New York is beautiful.”
Tricia Romano is the former editor in chief of The Stranger. She previously worked as a staff writer at the Seattle Times, and has been published in the New York Times, Elle.com, Rolling Stone, the New York Post, New York magazine, Slate, Grantland, Spin, and Salon. She covered underground culture in New York City for the Village Voice for eight years in her column “Fly Life.”
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borisbubbles · 4 years
Alicja Szemplinska - “Empires”
Sigh, we’ve entered *that* portion of the ranking where the songs are mostly slogs we have trudge through, as opposed to actually interesting, complex songs. Well, then...
Song Analysis
So yeah, today we complete out wonderful, exciting triad of Fall from the sky / Looking back / Empires. Three ballads in the second semifinal. Three songs that in my opinion have no discernible or even vaguely interesting traits and probably would’ve bombed in Eurovision proper. 
What can I even write about “Empires” what isn’t already abundantly obvious to any of you? It’s a lowest common denominator bond song, a paint-by-numbers power ballad that at no points grabs or maintains interest. Alecja is a living breathing blank canvas, brought in solely to provide a voice for her insipid song.
I also find it highkey offensive that Alecja and the team behind “Empires” insist that their song had a  “Socially” “””””Relevant””””” message. Alecja, your song was fucking WRITTEN BY -who fucking else- little miss LAURELL FUCKING BARKER. 
Laurell Barker, who constantly thrives off the intellectual capital of more talented musicians, such as Corinne and Stefan Gfeller? Laurell Barker, who is only capable of producing ‘quality’ by xerox’ing more popular entrants, such as “Fuego”?  Laurell Barker whose lyrical trademarks are blatantly splicing African American Vernacular English into songs performed by white people, to create an illusion of sass, such as “Wild” (and this will be the *ONLY* reference to Failee in the entire ranking, girl you lost a televote to Kristin Husøy)  Laurell Barker, who loves combining words not based on their meaning, but based on their phonetic proximity, because it sounds cool to ESL listeners, which we see in “Empires” in fact!!!  (”like moths to a flame, like birds to a pane... of... glass???”  ¿que?) Laurell Barker, who introduced the world to the horror of Małgorzata Jamroży (WHAT has Margaret been up to, even? I cannot wait for her to show up in Melfest 2021, as Dolly Style’s new Holly)
Wokeness my ass.  Don’t insult my intelligence. 
NF Corner
Poland sought to copy their JESC successes by using their JESC selection format to select their ESC entrants as well. Except, they completely forgot to add in good songs? or tell their contestants it was an NF in the first place? 
Lake Malawi - “Lucy”
Such a blatant B-side filler album track lmfao <3 Apparently, Albert had no clue he had enrolled himself into a functioning eurovision NF, which is hysterical given that he almost won (and would have won if he hadn’t expessedly told the Polish press he DIDN’T want to win <3). Imagine if “Lucy” had won tho. The trio that represented Czech last year returning for Poland with a song about their 2019 ESC experience, a song named after one of the 2019 host, via *accidentally* winning the NF they mistakenly believed to be a talent show. This is legit one of the silliest sentences I’ve ever typed out on this blog and we were *this* close to it coming to fruition. WHAT IS THIS FREAKY FRIDAY YEAR????
Eurovision 2020 vs Eurovision 2021
“Empires” would’ve NQ’d for aforementioned reasons, yeah? forgettable ballad not many people liked, drawn into the first half of a semi filled with similarly tepid lowtempo humdrum. Things weren’t looking too hot for Alecja. 
However, redemption is on its way, because I do believe TVP will just select her again for 2021 (In fact, OGAE Poland already said they will, so what are TVP even waiting for? It’s common knowledge Alecja will return, just... announce her?) 
Hopefully with a better song, tho. 🙄 Can someone give her Pierre Dumoulin’s phone number? I’m sure he has a few demo’s she can work with...
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If Lake Malawi had won this would have EASILY been a score of at least 4 senheads, but sadly the boring tepid ballad won and well... that ain’t exciting. I do live for the persistent rumours that Szansa was allegedly rigged FOR Alecja by her rich-ass dad, but let’s be honest she won because she was the best vocalist and because Albert muerde-me’d his own winning chances, and ain’t nothing Freaky! about that. 
Score: 1 Senhit out of 5. 
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curtkeen48882-blog · 7 years
How To Bring up A Little one As A Remain at Property Dad.
Dylan Redwine disappeared coming from his papa's house on November 2012 and also it took nearly a year for private detectives to find his continues to bes. Throughout learning I was brought in to commercials in TV, their ideas as well as their style of sharing the suggestion in friction of your time consistently tempted me. I discussed along with my papa my passion from producing a profession in the imaginative industry. It is actually normal to have disputes between dad as well as child for this aids both personal to discuss their viewpoint and also recognize that they are heard and also respected even though some of them disagrees with the other for the capability to not have this individual and to be able to talk after is actually the exam from a solid partnership. Participating in ensures the child's attunement to the father-feeling near and understanding him, recognizing him-and coming from that comes an openness to various other fathering determines in one's lifestyle like coming from daddy characters, authorization characters, as well as, finally, an acknowledgment from a supreme being actually or even Higher Power as papa. Because for most of human past, humans resided in households along with a grown-up lady and an adult guy, it is achievable that the individual little one has behavioral devices as well as emblematic designs that incline him/her to develop a connect along with the father in addition to the mother. Recruiter: And also I know like 2014, you've performed the file as sayin', Well Yams performed a meeting along with XXL and also was pointing out exactly how you recognize, 2014 was actually a tough year in society as well as you men just weren't definitely that inspired, and afterwards you actually had tweeted out that you thought this was actually a terrible year in oneness, culture, and music and that 2015 is the regeneration from all of it and also the year from the longshots, symbol my words. I would certainly state there is actually an other type of connect between a mother and child compared to there's in between a daddy and also child, however I would certainly not point out that a youngster loves one much more than the various other. Discontentment seatsed musingly on a childless fireside, thinks along with rivalry of the daddy who yield is actually greeted by younger voices-seated at the dish where the little heads climb one over Http://Niematojakforma.Info/Cwiczenia-Fizyczne-Programu-Usun-Brzuch-Mniej-Jesc-Piekny-Wyglad an additional like nursery plants, this observes a black treatment hovering behind all of all of them, and also believes the impulses through which men abandon independence, as well as seek for connections, are actually undoubtedly nothing but a short madness. His testament offered looks from a man that possesses each relished the name he was born into and also distanced herself from it, who has actually looked for a lifestyle different off his father and carbon-copied his rodomontade, who has actually constructed dueling characters of a brass-knuckled, slick-haired, win-at-all expenses New York millionaire and also simple, realistic United States everyman. Nevertheless, there were actually many individuals that disagreed with these followers of 'Yondaime is actually Naruto's father theory' because they could not know why a daddy would certainly seal off something like the Kyuubi inside his very own child. The first couple of hrs passed uneventfully along with both Hennigan as well as daddy McLeod being in their particular office chairs inside the utility room, the previous practicing choosing a padlock to maintain himself awake and also the latter going through a worn copy from The Lost Planet by Arthur Conan Doyle, both of them topped up along with coffee raised by sibling 'Connell previously.
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