#actually. no thoughts head empty only g witch series as a whole
dragonowlie · 2 years
Literally obsessed with the Witch from Mercury Prologue... It's been 3 days since I started the series and I've rewatched it three times already. Oh my god
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nishistravelingblog · 4 years
my full thoughts/feelings on 18if
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i just finished an anime so you know what time it is:
some random thoughts and feelings on the show 18if, which (i dont think) isnt super popular. I found it randomly looking through funimation and i thought it looked interesting.
funimation summary: After going to sleep like normal, Haruto Tsukishiro wakes up to discover something unbelievable—he's stuck in dream world! Here, witches plague the dreamscape and are more than dreamy figments—they're the trapped souls of young women who've rejected reality and are afflicted by the "Sleeping Beauty Syndrome." As he searches for a way out, Haruto will face the witches and their terrifying power.
anyways heres the tweets:
- i really liked the main character which is weird bc in the things ive watched the main character usually is not my favorite but he actually was super cool and i wish we got to learn more of him through out the series but most of the things are surface level information. My favorite part was the fact that he wasn’t super morally driven if that makes sense he believed that sometimes people deserve to die and i agree idk (this is really deep for point one im sorry)
-the opening is G R E A T ive had it suck in my head for days now and its trippy idk i didnt think i would like it but i really do
-honestly all of the characters 10/10 my bisexuality was screaming
-THEY REALLY ADDED IN THIS FINE ASS MF LIKE WE WOULD NOTICE AND HES A DOCTOR??????? NEEDED MORE SCREEN TIME AND I KNOW THERE IS PRO SOME DEEPER MEANING BUT I DONT CARE (this live tweet was  written from the first time i saw a pretty man for like 10 seconds and there he is)
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-story line was pretty good but i wish they bled into each other more
-lily scared me but i liked it
-honestly the whole last episode made me scream laugh for no reason other than the fact that ive been only doing homework for a about a week and my humor has gotten worse
-the animation change in some episodes made me feel like i was tripping on acid (u know the specific one i mean) 
-THE KISS SCENE???? OUTTA POCKET??? MADE ME FEEL SOMETHING??? confusing head empty just anime characters kissing in the air
-ummmm i really wish they had some trigger warnings so be careful if u watch it (nothing huge huge but still wish they added it) but overall the anime is kinda sad soooooo
-i just wanna know. the cat man. why. i wanna know someone explain.
-i. love. women. thats it thats the tweet
-i teared up but im emotionally closed off rn so lol no pain
-lol are we gonna act like the bdsm comment in the first didnt make u laugh bc ur lying
-would fight any of the witches if it meant that they would step on me bc im trying to get into the halloween spirit
overall: i feel empty, i want to be between haruto and eve, sad but decent anime, and honestly just really weird and i liked it. Would recommended it to a gamer person who wants to fight a norse god. lol i probably want to say more but i dont remember everything. also i didnt proof read this lol have fun reading it.
Finished in: one day
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noir-fuel · 7 years
SO i’ve been meaning to join charoix week since before it even started but i’m horribly slow at drawing and writing. also just horrified of posting things in general but thats besides the point - despite this being hella late I’m going to share it ;u; 
Day One | | August 13th, 2017 (Finished on the 15th but hush) | | Past
“ C o n t a g i o u s  
With the semester starting off rather calmly, the new school year was looking like it would be just as it was prior - Croix would be held up in the library every other day with her work done weeks in advance, but still grilling the information as thoroughly as mechanically possible.  The only thing different she had planned for the year was that she’d actually make a point in remembering basic human needs - seeing as the previous year … wasn’t something she’d like a repeat of.
In fact the mere thought alone had her cringing in second hand embarrassment, or was it technically first hand?
Croix sighed under her breath. This year would be better, but not because of the slight change she wanted to put into how she went about things - but because of something even she would never be able to plan.
With the intentions of reading forward in her classes, Croix ran a finger down the spines of various books - eyes scanning for a certain title in particular. Sidestepping the bookshelf, she succeeded in  growing more frustrated as she came up empty handed. Although she knew Luna Nova’s prestige library had the text she wanted - it was nowhere in sight.  Even daring to stand on her toes to reach the shelves above her head; Croix had to bite back a frustrated growl.
Surely she had to be blind! Which, technically she was. But that was besides the point she was trying to make.
Arms crossed over her chest, the lilac-haired witch took a few steps back to try and see the books she couldn’t reach on the shelves; maybe one of those was the one she needed. With the shelves being about eight feet tall at average. She was truly cursing her height. Although the school provided ladders at the end of every shelf - and the basic levitation spell was only a flick of the wrist away - Croix didn’t want to waste any more of her time in either.
Taking yet another step back, Croix hadn’t noticed the ladder behind her. Catching her leg on the bottom step, she let out an uncharacterized yelp of surprise followed by one that wasn’t made by her.
The ladder swayed at the contact of Croix bumping into it, and had she noticed the person at the top of it loosing their balance she might’ve been able to do something about it. But instead, all the young witch managed was to look up dumbly and immediately be thrown to the floor with a rather painful ache to the back of her head where it had made contact with the ground.
Glasses thrown lopsided on her face, even if she hadn’t shut them on impact she wouldn’t be able to see the face of the body sprawled out on top of her. Suppressing a whine, the dull throb in her head worried her of a concussion - but something told her she wouldn't be that lucky.
Risking the chance to look up, Croix cracked open an eye - and although it took a second to be able to perceive the ghosting images of red hair with how her glasses sat lopsided on her face. She had no idea who the girl was.
But that didn’t really matter as her body tensed up, physical touch wasn’t something the girl was all that accustomed to. Croix had no friends at Luna Nova, and honestly it was like she purposely went out of her way to not make contact with others. But here she was;
On her back in a rather compromising position, with the first year just barely gathering herself, sitting up so she straddled Croix, a hand reached to rub at a spot beneath her curly red hair. The girl didn’t even seem to notice that she was laying on the second year, that was until she jolted at the contact of one of Croix’s bent legs. Red eyes flying open - the girl stared openly, either too dazed to speak or too slow to comprehend all of what happened.
“Oh no!” eventually the redhead figured out as she exclaimed, moving her hands in the air as if she had been burned - purposely making sure she wasn’t touching the lilac-haired witch below her. “I’m so sorry! I - I was trying to get a book, I couldn’t reach it. I guess I lost my balance and then I? Oh my God, I’m really sorry!”
Still a bit dazed herself, Croix blinked as the girl animated talked. Though made no motion to speak - the girl had apparently saw this as her being hurt as concern flashed across her face.
“Are you okay? I’m really really sorry!”
“You’re… It’s fine. My fault honestly.” swallowing her own nerves, Croix hummed - refusing to make eye contact seeing as the first year had yet to get off her. “I walked into the ladder.”
“No no! If I had paid attention to falling I could’ve - why are you laughing? Hey!”
The first year sat back, her back leaning against Croix’s knees with her arms crossed over her chest. And dare Croix think, an adorable pout lining her lips. But more importantly - Croix was in fact chuckling at the poor girl’s ramblings, did she really think all this was her fault? It was Croix who stepped into the ladder.
“You know you have a really pretty smile.”
Nearly jumping out of her skin, the complement was unexpected. Leaving her averting her gaze even more as colour collected at her cheeks.
“Thanks?” Croix muttered, clearing her throat out of nerves if anything else. “Could you… ?”
“Huh? Oh OH! I am so sorry!”
With a bit of fumbling, the girl instinctively placing her hands on Croix’s chest to push herself up - there was a series of apologies until the redhead stood standing, her face rivaling the colour of her hair. Tentatively she reached out a hand to help the older witch up, a half smile on her face which only seemed to grow brighter when Croix actually took the offered help. Brushing off her skirt, Croix hummed to herself - finally taking a moment to right the glasses perched on her nose.
“I’m really sorry about - about well, all of this.”
“It’s fine… really it is.” shaking her head, Croix just couldn’t stop herself from smiling.
Something about the girl just bred happiness, and for some odd reasoning that interested the prodigy. For reasons, mostly do to her own antisocialness, it was rare for any student at Luna Nova to talk to her. Aside from the awkward conversation between her dorm-mates, and some peers in classes asking for help. This girl didn’t even seem to realize who she was, and that alone was appealing in of itself. Before she could even process what she was about to say, Croix glanced back to the top of the ladder - assuming that the one disturbed book was the one the redhead was trying to get. Her own search long forgotten as she unhooked her wand from stash at her side, its tip glowing in a light green she whisked the book from its shelf and presented it to the beaming first year.
“Magic pharmaceutics?” Croix inquired, stealing a glance over the book's title. “You know… I could help you if you need an-”
“Would you? Please!” before the words were even out of her mouth, the girl was back to animatedly explaining how she created an explosion in class.  “I don't even know why but I keep messing up on everythi-- oh!”
Croix looked up as the redhead suddenly stopped in her rambling, her red eyes shining brightly as she took either of the older witches’ hands in her own. Causing for the older to flinch, but for some reason the contact wasn’t as bad as she’d expect it to be.
“I’m Chariot by the way! Chariot du Nord.”
“Croix Meridies.”
“Pleasure to meet you Croix!” Chariot beamed, and her enthusiasm had to have been contagious as Croix found herself nodding in agreement.
“Pleasure is all mine Chariot, now how about I help you with that potion yeah? So you don’t explode the classroom this time.”
“It was one time!”
Almost as if they’d known each other their whole lives, the girls fell into an easy banter as their laughs bounced off the library shelves. Croix had lead them to a corner table to study the books, and Chariot stared intently with the idea of drinking in all of the information she could. It was the start of a very fulfilling year for them both, as their friendship only grew.
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