Dyscalculia culture is reading an article or something but then just [bhghdhvb] through your brain as you’re skipping over a statistics portion or one of those “scientists show their work and it’s very numbers” parts.
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Dyscalculia culture is *Gets 5 questions right* "Maybe I don't have dyscalculia!" *Gets hit with 93728 other equations that make no fucking sense* "Never mind."
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Dyscalculia culture is half-assing math tests because they show you things like [(3•-2) x (1⅓ *35)] and the most complicated thing you can multiply successfully is 12 x 12 and even then you still need to use fingers
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Dyscalculia culture is when you realize you don't know when any historical events happened because your brain would just skip over the dates mentioned every time 💀
"this happened 7366 years before this!" I literally don't know what that means 💀
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Dyscalculia culture is accidentally being good with money because you have no understandable concept of math
This wasn't supposed to happen? Mission failed successfully?
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undiagnosed dyscalculcia culture is actually knowing how to do math pretty well when i was in school but the numbers just get mixed up and I make absurd mistakes, but bc I lived in the southern Bible belt and nobody believed me I just ended up becoming terrified of math to the point you now panic if you have to do basic addition as an adult and didn't realize it was probably a disability and not being "stupid" until I was 20.
on good days I could get As. but most were bad and I just ended up hating it and they'd never help me or let me fix my "silly/stupid mistakes"
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Dyscalculia culture is not being able to get a job as a cashier :c
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dyscalculia culture is still having to repeat those little songs and mnemonics from elementary school in your head every time you do something math related
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Dyscalculia culture is tearing up your maths book with your pen and drawing on your hands because you'd rather set your brain on fire than do your maths work
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Dyscalculia culture is panicking when it's your turn in a board game with two dice because oh shit I'm supposed to solve this in my head and say it out loud but I cant just stare at them too long because no one has to think about adding two numbers together and somehow every combination equals seven
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Dyscalculia culture is bringing a calculator to play Dungeons and Dragons.
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dyscalculia culture is having a certain dream job in mind, but realizing that it probably requires math so you get too scared to pursue it
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Dyscalculia culture is seeing a long division problem and forgetting how to exist
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dyscalculia culture is trying to see an already incomprehensible page through a haze of tears and burning rage because someone's been hovering over your shoulder for fifteen minutes and it's a no calc test and you did one (1) addition question correctly and they said "see! you can do math! you just gotta try!"
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Dycaculia culture is staring at numbers in a formula that it won't ever make sense and crying.
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When I read equations it's like reading in a forgien language but everyone thinks it's my native tongue
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