#acupuncture boulder
davidscrimgeour · 1 year
Discover the healing power of Acupuncture in Boulder! Explore how this ancient practice can restore balance, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. Join us as we delve into the benefits of Acupuncture and its transformative effects on health. Unlock the secrets of holistic healing in the heart of Boulder. For more details visit David Scrimgeour website!
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innerpalaces · 25 days
The Doting Love Story's Female Supporting Role Has Quit - 21
Chapter 21: What She Should Do
Nian Chaoxi, with a sullen face, pressed Yan Weixing against a huge rock nearby.
Yan Weixing was lying on his back, seeming a little uneasy. He moved slightly and tried to get up.
Nian Chaoxi immediately stretched out a hand and placed it on his shoulder.
"Don't move," she said.
Obviously the force she exerted was not very strong, but Yan Weixing froze in place immediately, suppressing his uneasiness and not moving. His eyes, dark as the eternal night, looked at her almost helplessly, and the red circle outside his pupils dilated, as if he didn't understand what she was doing.
It was at this time that Nian Chaoxi realized that his eyes, which were filled with a cold and animal indifference when he looked at the demonic beast, were actually almost innocent.
This made her feel inexplicably guilty.
She took a deep breath, suppressed the feeling, and once again warned Yan Weixing not to move. Then, before his confused gaze, she pulled open the collar of his outer garment with a calm face.
Yan Weixing: !
This time his reaction was quite dramatic, and he almost sat up from the boulder.
Nian Chaoxi took a deep breath and put her hand on his shoulder again.
Yan Weixing seemed to have been hit in his acupuncture points. He stopped all movements, looking up at her helplessly.
Nian Chaoxi barely suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, pressed his shoulders and pushed him back little by little.
She lowered her voice and said, "Don't move."
Yan Weixing suddenly stopped moving and obediently let her push him back onto the stone.
Nian Chaoxi took another deep breath, prepared herself mentally, then reached out and quickly opened the collar of Yan Weixing's shirt.
Yan Weixing only moved slightly this time, but soon remembered Nian Chaoxi's warning and stopped immediately.
Nian Chaoxi was completely stunned.
There was a huge wound on Yan Weixing's chest.
The wound started from his left shoulder, crossed his torso, and extended all the way to the right side of his waist, crawling across his abdomen and clinging to his entire upper body like an ugly centipede.
The injury was extremely deep, almost penetrating the bone.
If this had happened to someone else, it would practically split a normal person in half.
And more importantly, this was not a new injury, but an old wound from who knows how long ago. The entire wound was covered with traces of healing and reopening, as if it had been repeating that cycle for a long time, over and over again, and has never really healed.
The reason why it could not heal entirely was probably the demonic energy lingering on the wound.
The demonic energy was extremely strong, even surpassing that of ordinary big demons. It lingered on the wound, constantly corroding the flesh and blood, causing it to fester.
Nian Chaoxi was terrified when she saw it.
More importantly, this demonic energy did not come from the outside, but radiated from the inside.
When fighting against demonic cultivators or being injured by demons, the demonic energy on a wound would usually quickly be dissolved by one's own spiritual power and would have no chance of invading the body. It was even more impossible for the demonic energy to permeate from the inside out like Yan Weixing's case.
Unless he had actively devoured some demonic creature and the energy condensed in his body, which became demonic poison.
In Nian Chaoxi's vision, Yan Weixing's whole body seemed like a huge container for storing demonic energy, and the wound was a crack on the container. The demonic energy continued to seep out from the crack and then dissipated into the air.
Nian Chaoxi could almost imagine that under the influence of this devilish poison, Yan Weixing's wound healed and split again and again. When it healed, his container was intact and looked normal, but when it split...
How painful must it feel to have the demonic poison licking your wounds.
How did Yan Weixing become like this?
Was his sudden loss of sanity related to this demonic poison?
Nian Chaoxi subconsciously reached out her hand and touched the wound tentatively.
Yan Weixing's whole body suddenly stiffened and a low groan came from his throat. The demonic poison surging in the wound also paused.
Nian Chaoxi thought she had hurt him and subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand.
However, the demonic poison seemed to have consciousness and immediately clung to her fingers.
Nian Chaoxi was shocked.
But before she could feel the pain, Yan Weixing, who had been lying there motionless, suddenly reached out and grabbed the hand she was about to withdraw.
The slight demonic poison wrapped around her fingers quickly dissipated at his touch.
Then the young man stretched out his hand and roughly pulled the lingering poison off the wound, as if he were filled with anger.
This must have been very painful, because although his expression remained cold and calm, his muscles began to tremble subconsciously.
Nian Chaoxi was about to stop him, but the next moment, he grabbed her hand and pressed it on the hideous wound.
Nian Chaoxi: "!"
This looks very painful!
She wanted to let go immediately, but Yan Weixing kept pressing her hand. She didn't dare to struggle or move. She could only grit her teeth and whisper, "Yan Weixing, are you crazy? Don't you feel any pain?"
Yan Weixing did not show any sign of pain, and even said slowly: "It doesn't hurt if you touch it."
Nian Chaoxi didn't believe it at all: "How could it not hurt!"
She tried to struggle slightly, but as soon as she moved, Yan Weixing groaned.
Nian Chaoxi stopped immediately, feeling a little panicked, and said fiercely: "Look, you said it doesn't hurt!"
But Yan Weixing still didn't let go, instead he pressed her hand down and said word by word: "It doesn't... hurt."
Nian Chaoxi: "Hmm?"
Yan Weixing: "It doesn't hurt, yes, it's comfortable."
Nian Chaoxi was stunned, feeling that these words were a bit strange.
But she couldn't figure out what was strange.  After a moment, she sighed slightly and didn't believe what he said at all. She just said softly: "Don't move, be good. If this is a demonic poison, I may have a solution."
She paused, then slowly added: "There may be a way in the God of War's Manual that my father left behind."
Yan Weixing was now completely irrational, so she didn't need to explain anything to him. This addition was more of an explanation to herself than to Yan Weixing.
Yan Weixing looked at her for a moment. It was unclear whether he understood or not, but he  slowly let go of her hand.
Nian Chaoxi looked at his hideous wound and murmured, "There should be a way in the God of War's Manual."
Nian Chaoxi stood on the edge of the cliff, and on the huge rock behind her lay Yan Weixing, who had fainted.
His shirt was still open, but the demonic energy on the hideous wound had completely disappeared.
Nian Chaoxi tried to help him suppress the demonic poison for the first time and succeeded.
Before this, she probably never thought that she would have the chance to use the knowledge in the God of War's Manual in her life.
Or in this way.
Whether it was during his lifetime or after the death of the God of War, the legend of "Manual of the God of War" was enough to make every ambitious cultivator in the world yearn for it.
However, as the only daughter of the God of War, Nian Chaoxi had never been exposed to the so-called God of War's Manual during her father's lifetime.
She had been weak since childhood, and the martial arts her father practiced was not suitable for her at all, which meant that she was destined from birth to have no chance of inheriting her father's martial arts.
So she never expected that her father would leave the God of War's Manual to her in this way before his death, and she never expected that when she opened the jade pendant that sealed the Manual, it would go straight into her sea of ​​consciousness.
It was as if her father had never intended to let anyone other than her touch the God of War's Manual, based on everything from the fact that only his bloodline could get the key, to the method of directly stuffing it into her own sea of ​​consciousness after unlocking the Manual.
She also didn't expect that the God of War's Manual was not just a book of martial arts.
In other words, the exercises were only a very small part of it.
In Nian Chaoxi's sea of ​​consciousness, the God of War's Manual unfolded as vast as the ocean, and included everything her father had studied, learned, and mastered in his life.
The martial arts technique that everyone coveted was actually the most insignificant aspect of it.
At least, that's the case for Nian Chaoxi.
This naturally includes records about demonic poisons.
Her father's legacy was recorded in the Manual, and the demonic poison could only be suppressed but not eliminated.
Moreover, people with demonic poison in their bodies, even if they are cultivators, will generally not live more than five years.
Nian Chaoxi turned her head and her eyes fell on the wound on Yan Weixing's chest.
But judging from the signs of repeated healing of the wound, it has been more than five years.
Jingwang's words flashed through Nian Chaoxi's mind again.
——He just has old injuries.
At that time, Jingwang looked indifferent. Who could have thought that the old injury was something like this.
Nian Chaoxi turned her head back, pinched her brows with her hand, and felt heavy in her heart.
If things were normal, Nian Chaoxi would definitely help him find a solution to the poison, but now...
Nian Chaoxi raised her head and looked at the sky.
Overhead, the barrier of demonic energy became even thicker. Nian Chaoxi looked at the barrier, and what emerged in her mind were the scenes she had just seen in the dream.
The city gates were breached, the city defense formation was broken, and the ground was littered with severed limbs and blood, some of which belonged to cultivators, but more were from mortals.
All through the streets, deformed monsters were slaughtering children only a few years old. The demonic cultivators were enjoying this and stood by laughing.
The Demon Lord Fentian stood on the high walls and ordered the massacre of the city with an arrogant look.
Thus, the peaceful Yuejian City in her memory suddenly turned into a hell on earth.
The cries, roars, and screams condensed into a single sound called despair.
In this sound of despair, the vow she had sworn to her father when she was young echoed in her ears.
——Since I am the lord of Yuejian City and the daughter of the God of War, it is my responsibility to protect it.
Her  father at that time raised his hand and touched the ends of her hair, and said in a light voice: "There is no such thing as what you 'should' do. The daughter of the God of War is just an identity, not a shackle. I want you to live as you wish, instead of doing what you 'should' do."
How did Nian Chaoxi respond at that time?
She said: "But I love this place. I love Yuejian City, so it is my 'should'."
This is what she "should" do.
When she was young, she followed her father to many battlefields. Later, the old lord of Yuejian City was seriously injured and died soon after. As the old lord's best friend, her father promised to take care of his young son after he died.
Mu Yunzhi.
From then on, she settled down in Yuejian City, and a hundred years passed in a flash.
This is what she "should" do.
So, how could she watch Yuejian City be breached and massacred like in the book, while she exhausted her life and only protected a few people who were insignificant compared to Yuejian City!
Nian Chaoxi suddenly took a few steps forward and walked to the edge of the abyss.
The heavy breathing of the dark dragon curled up from the abyss, which seemed to be a threat and fury.
Nian Chaoxi looked down with deep eyes.
Maybe there was another way. Nian Chaoxi thought about it.
A method that her father recorded in the God of War's Manual. A method that he didn't want her to know, but had to.
Nian Chaoxi seemed to be bewitched. She took two steps forward and almost jumped into the abyss.
It was a life-or-death struggle, but when she saw that method, she knew that she had to use it this time.
At the same time, she also understood why her father's attitude towards the God of War's Manual was so contradictory.
Giving her a jade pendant that cannot be opened, and leaving her with such a tortuous key.
He didn't want her to open it, but he had to.
Nian Chaoxi smiled and stepped out...
"What are you doing!" Yan Weixing's voice suddenly came from behind her, and Nian Chaoxi stopped abruptly.
After a moment, she retracted her foot that was dangling over the abyss, turned around as if nothing had happened, and said, "You're awake. Have you regained your sanity?"
Yan Weixing did not answer, but just looked at her steadily: "What were you doing just now?"
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nice-bright-colors · 2 years
Taking some good advice.
I’ve just been advised to slow down a little bit, and not try to squeeze everything into one weekend.
Then it dawned on me that I’m not traveling anywhere next week. So everything doesn’t need to be done and wrapped up before Sunday Night.
So this weekend:
We’ll get some tea at this tea house in Boulder
Then we’ll hit a favorite brew pub of ours
Sunday is the Botanic Gardens and dinner at one of our favorite restaurants
Next week, since I’ll be here:
Haircut & Shave - since I look a little worn
New tires for my Subaru
Christkindl Market
Street Photography
One work meeting in the mountains
Quality journal writing time
Mindless pattern drawing & sketching
Hot showers not in some cold hotel room
Walking in the cold morning sunshine
Cooking food together
Loud, and rampant sex all week long, I hope to bother the neighbors. Or at least confuse their dogs
Even when I don’t want to do it, my life just becomes a never-ending list. Now I’ve just learned about my OCD behavior, and it’s called Glazomania.
I do this for personal things, work related responsibilities, future goals, etc. I even write this style in work related emails to make it easier for people to understand and read. Electronic calendars, small sized note jotting books, journals, bullet-task journals, monthly habit trackers…it goes into everything I do.
When I don’t make a list, I become filled with stress and anxiety. I find relief when I check that box for a completed task. I use an elaborate set of arrows when a task migrates to another day. All this to just diagram out my hand-eye-brain coordination and memory.
So now I can understand and label my mania, somehow I feel better knowing this.
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atlaschiropracticco · 2 years
Business Name: Atlas Chiropractic
Street Address 1: 2305 Canyon Blvd
Street Address 2:
City: Boulder
State: Colorado (CO)
Zip Code: 80302
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (303) 442-5911
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: http://www.alisonbremner.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Atlaschiropracticboulder/
Description: Patients come to Atlas Chiropractic from around the world seeking specialized chiropractic neck and shoulder pain treatment. That's all we do, and we do it best. At least, that's what our clients' rave Google reviews tell us! Whether you live in or near Boulder or need another reason to visit northern Colorado, don't put off your chance for a pain-free, productive life.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=17404523445413208662
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 10:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-6:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-6:30pm Thursday 8:00am-6:00pm Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Saturday 8:00am-1:00pm
Services: Acupuncture
Keywords: Boulder Chiropractor, Boulder Chiropractic, Chiroprctor Boulder, Chiropractor Boulder CO, Chiropractor Boulder CO, Boulder Chiropractor near me
Service Areas:
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alisonbremnerco · 2 years
Business Name: Atlas Chiropractic
Street Address 1: 2305 Canyon Blvd
Street Address 2:
City: Boulder
State: Colorado (CO)
Zip Code: 80302
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (303) 442-5911
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: http://www.alisonbremner.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Atlaschiropracticboulder/
Description: Patients come to Atlas Chiropractic from around the world seeking specialized chiropractic neck and shoulder pain treatment. That's all we do, and we do it best. At least, that's what our clients' rave Google reviews tell us! Whether you live in or near Boulder or need another reason to visit northern Colorado, don't put off your chance for a pain-free, productive life.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=17404523445413208662
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 10:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-6:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-6:30pm Thursday 8:00am-6:00pm Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Saturday 8:00am-1:00pm
Services: Acupuncture
Keywords: Boulder Chiropractor, Boulder Chiropractic, Boulder chiropractor near me, Boulder Back pain clinic, Boulder best chiropractor, Boulder Chiropractor shoulder pain, Chiroprctor Boulder, Boulder back pain clinic, Chiropractor Boulder CO, Chiro now of Boulder, Boulder Chiroprator Clinic
Service Areas:
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Exploring Ozone Therapy in Boulder: A Natural Approach to Wellness
In the pursuit of natural healing and holistic therapies, ozone therapy has gained attention as a promising treatment for various health conditions. Particularly in Boulder, a city known for its embrace of alternative and integrative health practices, Ozone Therapy Boulder is becoming a sought-after option for individuals seeking to enhance their well-being. This article explores what ozone therapy is, its benefits, and why it's gaining popularity in Boulder.
What is Ozone Therapy?
Ozone therapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses ozone gas (O3) to promote healing in the body. Ozone, a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms, has been used in medical treatments for over a century. In medical settings, ozone is introduced into the body via various methods such as injections, insufflations (through body cavities), or topical applications to treat a wide range of conditions.
The therapeutic effects of ozone stem from its ability to enhance oxygen utilization, stimulate the immune system, and reduce inflammation. These qualities make it particularly useful in addressing chronic infections, autoimmune disorders, and various degenerative diseases.
Benefits of Ozone Therapy
Boosting the Immune System: Ozone therapy helps activate the immune response, making it effective in combating viral and bacterial infections. It has shown promise in managing conditions such as Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even some forms of arthritis.
Improving Circulation and Oxygenation: Ozone enhances oxygen delivery to tissues, which can improve overall energy levels and speed up recovery from injuries or illnesses. It also helps break down arterial plaque, promoting better circulation.
Detoxification and Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Ozone therapy aids in the detoxification of the body by neutralizing toxins and reducing oxidative stress. Its anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial for those suffering from chronic pain or inflammation-related conditions.
Wound Healing: Ozone therapy is widely used to treat stubborn wounds, including diabetic ulcers and post-surgical infections, thanks to its antibacterial properties and ability to promote tissue regeneration.
Why Boulder is Embracing Ozone Therapy
Boulder is a hub for holistic health and wellness, making it a natural environment for alternative therapies like ozone treatment. The city’s health-conscious community is drawn to therapies that offer natural solutions to health issues without relying solely on pharmaceuticals.
With the presence of clinics and wellness centers specializing in ozone therapy, Boulder residents have access to qualified practitioners who can safely administer this treatment. Many individuals seeking to optimize their health or address chronic conditions find ozone therapy to be a viable alternative that complements other holistic approaches such as acupuncture, naturopathy, and herbal medicine.
For more info:-
Eswt Treatment
Acoustic Shock Wave Therapy for Cellulite
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Can auto injury chiropractors help ease nerve compression symptoms
Your nerves are like delicate cables running through your body, sending messages faster than your morning coffee can kick in. But sometimes mishaps of an auto injury can get these cables pinched or squeezed. This is when the nerve compression drama begins. Nerve compression can be slightly irritating and sometimes can be severe. Auto injury chiropractic care in Tallahassee is the answer you need. Read this post to understand the effect of chiropractic adjustments on nerve compression symptoms.
What causes nerve compression?
The trauma from an auto injury can get these nerves compressed. An impact of a car accident can put pressure on these delicate nerves. As a result you get to experience unpleasant symptoms.
What are the signs of nerve compression that you may get after a Car Accident in Tallahassee?
Nerve compression is not exactly subtle. It tends to make its presence known loud and clear. Here are some common signs that nerve compression might be crashing your party:
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Pins and Needles: Tingling sensation like your arm or leg fell asleep is when your nerves are throwing a tantrum.
Numbness: Your body hit the mute button on certain parts. Coldness in your limbs is a bad news so get to a chiropractor to get your nerve compression checked.
Burning Pain: You bend over to tie your shoe and you notice a lightning bolt of pain shoots down your leg. This radiating pain which is a common sign of nerve compression.
Weakness: You used to be able to lift a gallon of milk with ease, but now it feels like you're hoisting a boulder. Weakness in your muscles is nerve compression that is also lowering your strength.
Can the best chiropractor near me help against nerve compression?
Auto injury chiropractors are best for restoring balance to your nervous system. 
Spinal correction: Think of spinal adjustments as the superhero cape of auto injury chiropractors. Gentle spinal realigning can reduce the pressure on those pesky compressed nerves. 
Soft Tissue Therapy: Sometimes, the muscles surrounding your spine can get tight and cranky, adding to the pressure on your nerves. Auto injury chiropractors employ techniques like myofascial release to offer relief.
Correct posture: Remember how we talked about your spine being the highway for your nerves? Well, sometimes, poor posture can create roadblocks along that highway. Auto injury chiropractors can help you fine-tune your posture to ensure smooth sailing for your nerve messengers.
Health Education: Auto injury chiropractors teach you how to take control of your own healing journey. They suggest ergonomic tips for your workspace or exercises to strengthen your spine. They can be your wellness partners at every stage in life.
Nerve compression might disturb your plans but if you want get stronger again then you should search the best rated chiropractor near me. If you want to treat those annoying symptoms of nerve compression then choose at Pragle Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Auto Injury Clinic. Here you can get best in class treatment from the best Chiropractor in Tallahassee Fl. 
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uccboulderco · 9 months
Understanding Neck Agony: The Job of Chiropractors
Neck torment is a typical infirmity that influences individuals, everything being equal, always causing uneasiness and restricted versatility. People approach specific chiropractic benefits that can actually resolve this issue. Chiropractors assume a vital part in diagnosing and treating neck torment, giving help, and working on general prosperity.
Chiropractic care offers various advantages for people encountering Neck Pain in Boulder, CO. The painless idea of chiropractic medicines makes them a favored decision for some. Through spinal changes and controls, chiropractors can lighten pressure and reestablish appropriate arrangements in the neck and spine.
One of the critical parts of chiropractic care for neck torment is spinal changes. By applying controlled power to explicit regions of the spine, chiropractors can assuage tension on the nerves and diminish irritation. This assists with easing torment and working on the scope of movement in the neck.
Notwithstanding spinal changes, chiropractors might coordinate corresponding treatments like acupuncture. Acupuncture has been viewed as compelling in overseeing neck torment by advancing relaxation, lessening muscle strain, and animating the body's regular recuperating processes.
Tending to Neck Wounds in Dynamic Ways of Life
People with dynamic ways of life, like sports and outside devotees, are especially helpless against neck wounds. These wounds can essentially affect their actual presentation and general prosperity. Luckily, chiropractic care can play a crucial part in supporting their recuperation and forestalling future wounds.
For sports and outdoor enthusiasts, chiropractic care offers fitted recovery methodologies to address neck wounds. Chiropractors work intimately with these people to foster customized treatment designs that reestablish versatility, fortify muscles, and work on general capability in the neck and Back Pain Clinic in Boulder.
To know more about Back Pain Clinic in Boulder, please visit our website: uppercervicalboulder.com
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localizee · 2 years
Patients come to Atlas Chiropractic from around the world seeking specialized chiropractic neck and shoulder pain treatment.
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elcitigre2021 · 2 years
Cientistas explicam a misteriosa energia que os humanos emitem
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Quais são as 'auras' em torno das pessoas vistas nas fotos? 
Em algumas tradições espirituais, diz-se que as pessoas têm “auras” ao seu redor. Às vezes as auras são descritas como sendo de várias cores ou em vários níveis de intensidade, dependendo das características da pessoa.
As fotos tiradas usando métodos especiais mostram uma luz ao redor dos corpos das pessoas, que se diz ser a energia que essas pessoas emanam.
Alguns entendem isso como uma energia espiritual, alguns entendem como uma energia relacionada a propriedades físicas mais mundanas do corpo.
O inventor russo Semyon Kirlian estabeleceu este campo da fotografia em 1939. Ele descobriu que quando um campo elétrico de alta voltagem é criado em torno de uma pessoa ou objeto e esse objeto é colocado em uma chapa fotográfica, uma imagem é produzida na chapa que mostra uma luz emanada em torno dele.
Aqui estão algumas teorias sobre o que essa luz pode ser:
Doença Dr. Gary Schwartz e Dr. Katherine Creath da Universidade do Arizona conduziram um estudo sobre emissões de biofótons em plantas, relacionando essas emissões com auras.
Estudando milhares de imagens ao longo de mais de dois anos, eles descobriram que “lesões (como cortes) e tecidos não saudáveis ​​estão associados a um aumento da emissão de biofótons claramente visível”.
Dr. Schwartz recebeu seu doutorado em Harvard, ensinou psiquiatria e psicologia em Yale e agora é professor na Universidade do Arizona. Dr. Creath é professor adjunto de ciências ópticas da Universidade do Arizona.
Dr. Victor Stenger, da Universidade do Colorado-Boulder, observou o que chamou de “explicação criativa” das auras – uma que ele não dá muito crédito: vírus e bactérias têm campos eletromagnéticos que afetam as células de um corpo e as danificam. . Bactérias e outros tipos de células são conhecidas por usar ondas eletromagnéticas de alta frequência para se comunicar e enviar e armazenar energia, de acordo com o MIT Technology Review , mas outras teorias sobre o eletromagnetismo das bactérias permanecem controversas.
Em um resumo da história e das técnicas de fotografar auras, John D. Zakis, da Universidade Monash, na Austrália, declarou : “A doença aparece em um padrão perturbado de erupções muito antes de se manifestar no corpo físico em qualquer forma diagnosticável. Os padrões das erupções são substancialmente alterados pelo clima, dia e noite, distúrbios cósmicos como erupções solares e estados psicológicos como estresse. As chamas mais brilhantes do corpo aparecem nos pontos da pele conhecidos como pontos de acupuntura.”
Zakis citou o livro de 1973 “Galaxies of Life: The Human Aura in Acupuncture and Kirlian Photography”, de Stanley Krippner, psicólogo da Saybrook University, na Califórnia.
Terence Hines, professor de psicologia da Pace University em Nova York, disse que a aura vista ao redor do objeto é causada pela umidade.
“As coisas vivas… são úmidas. Quando a eletricidade entra no objeto vivo, produz uma área de ionização de gás ao redor do objeto fotografado. … Essa umidade é transferida do assunto para a superfície de emulsão do filme fotográfico e causa uma alternância do padrão de carga elétrica no filme”, escreveu Hines em seu livro “Pseudoscience and the Paranormal”.
Ele disse que, especialmente quando a pessoa está emocionalmente excitada, sua.
Calor corporal
Dr. Stenger disse que o brilho percebido nas imagens tem a ver com a temperatura. Ele escreveu: “Esta luz é o resultado dos movimentos aleatórios de todas as partículas carregadas no corpo que são causadas pelo calor. O corpo do cavalo está cheio de partículas carregadas e o calor do corpo do cavalo faz com que essas partículas se movam como pipoca no topo de um fogão. O tipo de luz emitida por um corpo vivo tem uma forma característica que é completamente especificada pela temperatura absoluta do corpo. À medida que a temperatura aumenta, você pode começar a ver a 'aura'”.
“Se os campos bioenergéticos existem, então cerca de 200 anos de física, química e biologia precisam ser reavaliados”, escreveu o Dr. Stenger. Ele descarta quaisquer padrões vistos nas auras como ilusões ou como resultado da tendência das pessoas de ver padrões “onde não existem”.
Meios de comunicação
Dr. Schwarz e Dr. Creath levantaram a hipótese em seu estudo de energia “semelhante à aura” em torno das plantas que esta energia pode ser usada para comunicação entre plantas. A energia parecia mais forte quando as plantas estavam próximas umas das outras.
Eles escreveram: “Essas imagens, e milhares de outras registradas em nosso laboratório, revelam não apenas que as plantas 'brilham no escuro', mas que os padrões de luz emitidos pelas plantas se estendem além delas, criando estruturas 'semelhantes a aura' semelhantes a aqueles relatados por curadores de energia e sensitivos. Além disso, a complexidade dos padrões visualizados entre as partes da planta sugere que existe uma potencial 'ressonância' se não 'comunicação' entre as plantas, como previsto pela teoria contemporânea do biofóton.”
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Campo de Bioenergia? O bioquímico John Norman Hansen, Ph.D., da Universidade de Maryland, encontrou evidências do que ele acredita ser um campo de bioenergia em torno dos humanos .
Em vez de usar sensores de fótons, como costuma ser feito na busca de auras, ele decidiu ver se a “aura” tem poder suficiente para empurrar um pêndulo. Ele usou um pêndulo de torção, que pode ser movido por força sutil, e descobriu repetidamente que seu impulso mudava quando colocado acima da cabeça de uma pessoa.
A sinestesia é uma condição na qual os sentidos de uma pessoa estão interligados, por assim dizer. Alguém pode ouvir azul ou cheirar uma sonata, por exemplo.
Um estudo publicado por pesquisadores da Universidade de Granada em 2012 mostra que os curandeiros que dizem ver as auras das pessoas às vezes têm sinestesia.
Por exemplo, eles descobriram que um curandeiro local conhecido como El Santón tem sinestesia da cor do rosto: “A região do cérebro responsável pelo reconhecimento do rosto está associada à região de processamento de cores”.
“Nem todos os 'curandeiros' são sinestesistas, mas há uma prevalência maior desse fenômeno entre eles”, disse um dos pesquisadores ao Science Daily. “O mesmo ocorre entre pintores e artistas, por exemplo.” Fonte
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Boulder Acupuncture Clinic in Boulder Colorado. Innovate Acupuncture offers a natural and holistic approach to medicine.visit for more info-Chinese Medicine Boulder.
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davidscrimgeour · 1 year
Unlock the Path to Parenthood with Boulder Acupuncture for Fertility by David Scrimgeour! Struggling to conceive? Discover the holistic approach to boosting your fertility at our serene Boulder clinic. With years of expertise, David Scrimgeour offers personalized acupuncture treatments that enhance your reproductive health naturally. Join our community of hopeful parents who have found success through the healing power of acupuncture. Take the first step towards your dream of parenthood today!
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themassagelounge · 3 years
Advanced Massage Therapy Training
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Most massage therapy training courses teach a few common types of massage such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and sports massage. Some practitioners choose to learn advanced techniques to use with their clients. Some of the more popular advanced massage techniques have been discussed here.
Hot Stone Massage
Hot stone massage is simple in principle. The therapist performs the long strokes of Swedish massage holding smooth, heated stones. Chakra work may also be incorporated. Training is necessary to ensure that the therapist does not accidentally burn the client or apply too much pressure. Most massage therapy training schools offer weekend workshops in hot stone massage and online courses are also available.
Craniosacral Therapy/SomatoEmotional Release
Craniosacral therapy, developed by Dr. John Upledger, involves gentle touch to the head and neck with the goal of bringing the fluids that cradle the brain and spine into balance. According to the Upledger Institute, craniosacral therapy may help to alleviate migraines, fatigue, nervous disorders, neck pain, etc.
Although some massage therapy training programs claim to offer classes in craniosacral therapy, it’s best to choose classes offered through the International Alliance of Healthcare Educators (IAHE). These classes have been developed in conjunction with the Upledger Institute. Before starting out to obtain your CST/SER certification, make sure you’ll have a broad client base—you’ll need to take several four-day courses, and each one will run you over $700.
Rolfing involves manipulating connective tissue (referred to as myofascial structures) to bring them into alignment with gravity. When Rolfing first became popular, it had an unfortunate reputation for being painful, but increasingly gentle techniques make pain during Rolfing a thing of the past. Massage therapy training programs can teach you about Rolfing, but the only way to become a certified Rolfer is to attend the Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Certification generally takes one and a half to two years. Again, if you go into this expensive endeavor, you’ll need to ensure that you have a client base to support you after your training is complete.
Shiatsu involves using stretching and pressure to manipulate the body’s energy flow, much like acupuncture or acupressure. Those who practice Shiatsu claim it can be helpful in reducing stress, improving circulation, regulating blood pressure, and bringing about an overall increase in energy. Many massage therapy training programs offer a brief introduction to Shiatsu, but to become certified, you must take around 700 hours’ worth of classes.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 18
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Straight to your room you went stealing the chance to let him in for once luring out his grin again at your amusement in the task. At the hall past the main living area you split up in the hall and his hand reluctantly left your side.
Behind closed doors nerves were still there at having to strip, even in private. Your formerly untidy bed now made up with an odd colored toffee on the pillow next to a fish keychain you smirked at the little puffer fish that when squeezed and it’s eyes lit up. Adding that to your bag you started with your shoes, socks followed after and in a slight wiggle you lowered your jeans after emptying our pockets on the bed.
A tug over your head had your shirt off and added to the folded pile you returned to your suitcase and in just your bra and panties in a tempting lace coated black bra with cute boy shorts to match you pulled your hair tie out and wound your hair up into a high bun hoping to keep it mainly out of the way. From the foot of the bed you lifted the embroidered fish coated robe waiting there and eased it on and slid your feet into the slippers coated in colorful embroidered fish.
Tying the sash you crossed the room and let yourself out with phone in hand after locking your wallet in your satchel inside the suitcase with your goody bag. Out into the living room you walked and sat on the edge of the couch wondering how this would go. After all it would be your first time next to naked with not just him but any man that wasn’t a physician doing a check up.
And in his exit from the hall it seemed he had caught your nerves or found some of his own by his timid blush and throat clearing to say, “Just a small walk now. Then we get to rubbing.” At that his brows inched up and he said, “Not, us, but-, we’re getting rubbers.” But that only made him inhale as you giggled to yourself and stood.
“Come on, before all the blood goes to your head and your feet go numb.” You said taking a step to him claiming his hand leading the way to the door, by which you had left your key and picked it up to pocket ensuring you wouldn’t forget it. “Let’s go find our rubbers,” you murmured, giggling at his next sharp inhale.
“At least you find my verbal blunders amusing.”
“How could I not? What a thrill make a guy like you blush.”
To himself he muttered, “Guy like me…” within sight of the door to the spa with golden fish blowing jets of golden sculpted water forming the frame to the screen like white door revealing the lights from inside with golden letters on the door naming it he spa center for your floor.
A grin eased across the face of the woman at the desk as well as the pair of masseuses who walked around a half wall bowing their heads and naming themselves as Bo and Jo.
Bo, “I see you are from #,” motioning to the room number on the pin on the collar of your robes.
Jo however said, “Miss, if you are uncomfortable with a male massaging you we do have a Dam available to swap with me.”
You shook your head to the sweet seeming burly probably could blink a Boulder in half hunk of a Dwarf beside his identical brother, in all but a couple inches in the belly and his darker chocolate hair. “A male is fine.”
At that their hands motioned to the side, saying together, “This way, if you please.”
A spacious orange tinted room filled with the scent of grapefruit welcomed you and Bo said, “Now we have chosen the lavender free room, it is not uncommon for some to have an aversion or irritation to the supposedly calming scent. Are there any injuries or tender spots we should be aware of?”
Thorin said, “My left hip, had a bad dislocation once and it might give off a bad pop but other than that I should be fine.”
The pair looked to you and you said, “My left shoulder is a bit tender, well it’s more along he collarbone really, and my right hamstring doesn’t flex as much as the left. Pulled or tore something ages ago, and it just hasn’t been the same.”
Jo smirked saying, “I will certainly see what I can do about that.”
Bo stated in his turn for the covered tables a couple feet apart, “If you would remove your robes and stretch out on your bellies please.”
The pair turned with towels in their hands and lowering your eyes you turned to the table easing off your robe you had loosened the sash to feeling the Dwarf eyeing the scattered former nicks and cuts across your back.
Jo, “Do you play contact sports?”
“No, I was an engineer for naval carriers.”
“Wow,” the Twins replied.
“Used to be the go to one for all the tight places.”
Up onto the table you climbed and shifted to lay out on your belly reaching back to unhook your bra you shifted your shoulders free from the straps while he covered your backside wondering at the brand like scar on the back of your thigh just under your butt cheek halfway hidden by your underwear.
Bo asked as Thorin laid out on his, “Did you serve as well?”
Softly you said holding your bra over your cleavage in settling flat, “You know I’ve never asked you that.”
After a weak chuckle he said in a glance at you, “Tank mechanic mostly. Me and Dwalin, Balin has just retired, not much action but we did get to work on a HailBird Jet once. Couldn’t find anyone else around so they settled for us, but it was amazing.”
“Not much action is a good thing,” you said laying flat aligning your face in the cushioned pocket while he did the same and the brothers guided your arms back how they wanted them at your sides. From your shoulders down the pair worked and slowly you could feel your eyes trying to droop at the combination of their healing chants to help relax your bodies and hidden aches. Though as soon as his hand touched just above your right knee your eyes shot wide open at the intense shooting pain you felt in your knee. In biting our lip you kept quiet, only deepening your breaths to show your pain and Jo said, “Ah, that’s what it is. You’ve got a Mburr knot.”
Bo said, “Nasty things.”
Jo reached over grabbing a small set of acupuncture needles he warned you and tapped his finger where each was going. A simple count down later and you felt the pricks of the needles and the pain simply circling inside the barriers of the needles. Below the needles he worked his thumbs down to the heel of your foot he pressed on hard sliding his thumbs down into the arch of your foot dissipating the pain steadily. Down to your toes he curled back his hand molded then slowly he raised your leg to bend back. A few simple rotations of your ankle and it popped loudly making you lift your head only to lay it down again at Bo’s saying, “Should be eased out now, Miss.”
Jo lowered your leg and removed the needles and began to rub your leg again instantly making you realize the tension was gone. “See, all better.”
“I got no clue how the doctors I’ve seen on that couldn’t fix it before.”
Jo, “Mainly Dwarves get them. Did you have a bad fall?”
“My carrier was attacked. It came when it tipped over, tried to stop myself on a wall.”
Bo, “That’ll do it.”
Carefully after your other legs were done the pair lifted the towels and Jo raised the second above the one covering your hips to lay over your chest in their instruction for you to turn over. After securing your bra strap again you shifted to turn onto your back stealing a glimpse at Thorin’s tiny adjustments to be in the center of the table and dark hair coated chest rising in a deep breath. In your look back he stole a glimpse of his own at your arms shifting allowing the momentarily stunned Jo to fold the towel over your chest you laid your arms over. Clearly both brothers had seen your piercings and in a rubbing of their palms together they said, “Alright, starting at the top again.”
Carefully inspecting your left shoulder Jo said, “Nice tattoo,”
“Thank you, Thorin’s,” you looked at Thorin on your right, “Dwalin and Bilbo aren’t married yet, are they?”
“Not yet, no. Still partners.” he replied catching your eye, having already been looking at you still when you turned your head.
Looking back to Jo you said, “His cousin’s partner helped to cover some old scars.”
Jo nodded, “It’s incredible work, couldn’t tell there was a scar there.” Lowering his hands to smooth his fingers around your shoulders to do a slight adjustment on your head to trail his fingers around your neck and work his way down. Feeling how serious the scars are. Carefully working each arm to the fingers then moved onto the other. Skipping your pectorals his hands eased to your ribs below the towel and over your belly he worked down to your hips and made slight shifts of your legs to press his way down them. Trailing his fingers firmly over the tops of your feet he worked around your ankles and the bottoms of your feet asking, “You like bunnies?”
“They are adorable.”
Bo feeling the swirling tension growing in Thorin stated, “You know our sister had a vicious bunny when we were little. Couldn’t do anything with it, not even pet it, used to try to bite and claw at us.”
“She must have had a hare then, domestic variations are less hostile in cages.”
Bo, “She did find it hurt in our yard and patched him up. That explains a lot.” Before his brother could speak he said, “I think it’s time for some hot rocks and meditations.”
Across your bodies hot rocks were placed with comments to alert them if they were too hot then the pair left the room and you couldn’t help but giggle and ask near to a whisper, “So we just lay here? How long are they gone for?”
Thorin hummed back, “They were gone for 673 Khazad-Dum’s last year by Dwalin’s count.”
Again you giggled making him chuckle again, “I can’t imagine how relaxing 673 would be. Probably more unsettling than relaxing.”
“Not really. I usually try to name as many of a thing as possible.”
“I can’t imagine how thrilling your family gatherings are with you at the helm.”
Lowly he chuckled trying not to laugh too hard and shift the stones or alert the pair you were not relaxing as planned. “I am rarely at the helm.”
“Keep teasing and you’ll find yourself at ample.”
“Oh I don’t doubt I’ve been penned into several already even before your threat. Or did you forget how your cousin simply put my name on a ticket and bought me a shirt for this without even you knowing.”
“He truly didn’t want to leave Frodo, I don’t doubt that.”
“Who would want to? Adorable big blue eyes, those curls and adorably big footed little sunflower. I got one hug and I almost didn’t want to let go, so sweet.”
“Do you want kids?”
With a smirk you teased back, “Depends,” that had his head turn to glance your way, “Are you offering or asking for someone else?”
Thorin scoffed and rumbled back with a cracked grin, “I’m asking to ask. Dis wanted one, she’s will having three and four now, Amad wanted seven, was only gifted three, Balin’s wife was told she couldn’t have any, they were blessed a bit ago with their girl.”
“I don’t know. I helped with my sisters, so I’ve successfully minded them for vacations for Naneth when they were toddlers. I could handle the, bad term, but work for it. I don’t know. For Elleth’s it really isn’t uncommon, until you meet someone that sort of lights that, yearning for a nest and a family. I know she was scared when she had me she wouldn’t be able to love me.” That had him look at you again, “Most women face that, I’ve read, when they conceive unwillingly. I don’t harbor resentment for that, I understand, she said the moment of the first flutter she was enamored, fears just melted away. Prayed to the Valar so hard for guidance and strength, then she felt it.”
“I doubt she could have done anything else.”
“So, I don’t know. Though I’d always assumed I’d either have one or a whole herd, no medium ground.”
“You mean middle.” You glanced at him, “The phrase, middle ground.”
“Is it?” he nodded and you turned your head, “Hmm. Very odd. Doesn’t taste right.” Making him smirk in his try not to laugh. “You?”
“Do I taste right?”
It was your turn to giggle but you didn’t and fired back, “Well I haven’t tried, but you certainly haven’t offered permission.”
Again he chuckled and rolled his eyes, “Pebbles, yes, I want pebbles.”
Giggling to yourself you muttered, “Pebbles.” Deepening his smirk, “Suppose you can really say chip off the old block then, huh?”
“Yes, you could.”
“It’s figurative stone, right?”
“I mean, and I wouldn’t, but, if I say cut off your arm there wouldn’t be actual stone, in you?”
Again he chuckled and replied, “Elves have a sort of misty, glittery substance, similar to Hobbits’ and our bones are sort of like that. If you looked at an xray of us our bones, sort of, pulse on the image. It seeps into our blood, which inside us, glows.”
“I always wanted a big hoard of Pebbles. Even Gran hoped I would, assumed more like.”
“Your Hobbit Gran?”
“They tend to do that, get a feeling.”
“She had a lot of those.”
“They do. How many Moria’s do you think that was?”
“I think we’re close.”
“Have you been to Moria?”
“Yes, clan insists on it, pay our respects to Durin. You?”
“Couple times with Thranduil,”
“Yup, art based charity events mostly. Though, and you can’t tell anyone this,” he glanced at you again with an expecting smirk, “I have a jar of Mirromere water.”
Softly he faked a gasp then rumbled back playfully, “So do I. It glows in the moonlight.”
“I’m tempted to add it to my fountain, but I think that might give me away. Legolas actually filled two, just little ones, like travel shot glasses, he was just so small I couldn’t turn him in. So proud of his jar of starlight, just like in the stories.”
“Frerin asked me for my paint jars I’d emptied the day before on our trip, after he’d already taken them. Showed me and Dis later that night, ‘our little secret’ said Durin wouldn’t mind, us being his heirs and all that.”
“Devious Durin boys.” Making him chuckle to himself and steal a glimpse and grin wider seeing you grinning to yourself.
In a hum he replied, “Amad didn’t name me Darer for nothing.” Making you giggle again then fall silent at the door handle turning.
The rocks were removed and coated in a sprits of oils you eyed the pair as they said, “Your nail team is ready if you wanted to get back into your robes.” Claiming the towels the pair brought over your robes and once you were on your feet, and had looped your arms back into your bra straps and eased your arms back into your robe.
In tying your sash again Jo flashed you a grin, “Leg feel better?”
“Yes, thank you.”
His eyes scanned over you and he said, “Well if you need anything, you can call here and ask for us.” You nodded and took in his hinting tone in their joint path to the door not giving you or Thorin a chance to say anything.
Playfully to Thorin, fully blocked from view by his chest you mouthed, “Us,” making him smirk again in the duo of Hobbit ladies wheeling in their pre stocked carts with supplies for the treatments Dwalin had given them over the phone.
Into the lounging seats you were guided at the joint uv equipped tables and from filing, cuticle trimming, buffing a simple base coat was laid beginning the swapping of your green coating to your nails. Thorin however was getting a fuller hand massage ending in the final segment of your nail process with a simpler manicure for his nails finishing just as yours did. A simple layer of lotion came with your being moved over to the pedicure chairs. The one with heavy cushions in it clearly yours enabling you to sit back and relax as Thorin did while being pampered. Simple clear coats were for you both and with some more lotion slicked on and given a moment to settle in you sat chatting about what you might watch while waiting for the dinner you would have to decide on once you got back.
“Seriously, we’re meditating again?”
Thorin couldn’t help but chuckle and run his hand over his eyebrows at your soft whisper after the pair of Hobbits had gone.
“The creams have to soak in.”
He glanced at you and said, “So you both enjoy and have little patience for being pampered. Intriguing notion.”
“I mean they could leave a puzzle or something. I don’t have much downtime. Even then I have hobbies or chores.”
“You watch tv.”
“Yes but that’s my nestling time. It’s designated do nothing time.”
“We’re meant to clear our minds and relax fully.” Your brow inched up and his grin split wider, “Alright, I can’t stand it either, Dwalin and I usually make up games. I seriously debate on trusting people if they can really clear their minds. Every time I’ve cleared mine it seems like I’m snapped back into every horror film ever and any tiny noise just drives me insane. I need some rambling or elevator music in my head to be calm.”
“Exactly. Naturally silence is more of a trigger for panic than anything. I mean you take nature for instance, you should hear birds or squirrels or tiny little toads, the odd deer and bugs in the woods, lizards and buzzards and sand bunnies and foxes in the dessert. Even in snowy places they have bears and foxes and seals and such. Dead silence means everyone’s watching the big bad guy come down on somebody.”
To himself he chuckled and said, “So, what was running through your mind then in the pedicure?”
“I think I’m gonna order that tree desk and table when I get paid.”
“That’s good.”
“Not really.”
“How so?”
“You know about my father and his family,” he nodded, “Well, I’m the only living heir, legally public one at least. So I inherited everything. Billions, I have, billions, do you have billions?!”
Chuckling thorough his answer he replied, “With a b no, with an m yes. My own inheritance in a trust set up from a relative when I was born. We all got the same amount to help us start.”
“It’s so freaking odd. Just having money.”
“You could buy a car now.”
You pointed at him, “Don’t even, I don’t need to be blowing money. I need to be sensible.”
“How is a car not sensible?”
“I just bought a house! A house! Which I could pay off much sooner...I might double my payments each month maybe...but I think a desk and a table would be an ok start.”
Curiously he asked, “Is it the money or who you got it from?”
“They wouldn’t even let me touch their furniture, now I have the liquidated assets from everything all of them had. Everything Even those fake books with bills and rolls of gold and silver coins tucked inside, full trunk of them the lawyer’s sending my way. More money than I could ever spend.” After a pause you added in a disheartened tone, “Right when I was going to make my own money, build my own little hoard.”
Instantly feeling the meaning of your words he said, “You could start a scholarship fund or something. Or maybe one day you’ll need a wad of cash for a building or, home base for a business venture you might like. You don’t have to touch it if it bothers you.”
“I know.” In a sigh you said, “I know I shouldn’t complain...”
“You have no reason to apologize. I understand, with my family it’s hard to be set apart and find your own stride and wealth, even I have my own funds set apart from my trust. For what you’ve managed alone in spite of their efforts is astounding to say the least. To manage alone, especially in Dwarven territories is spectacular, you have to know that. Please don’t ever apologize for being proud of what you’ve earned on your own. I understand completely. Just, think of better things for now, like dinner,” he said with a smirk at your creeping grin coming back out again.
The pair came back in and aided in your climb down off the recliners saying, “We do hope you feel refreshed and will be able to sleep well for tomorrow’s portion of the expo. We will show you out.”
The same halls wound in reverse finding you back at the lobby staring at the other side of the double doors. Behind the wall again Bo and Jo perked up seeing you again and said, “Sleep well, and if you need anything to help you sleep we’re a call away.”
You nodded and turned, “Will do, and thank you again, for fixing my leg.”
Jo beamed looking you over in your plushy robe and slippers, “Any time.” Holding his expression in the closing of the door behind you that Thorin has opened.
In the hall you smirked turning to take an extra step to be at Thorin’s side. Until you rounded the first corner you held in your giggle, the one that had Thorin looking down at you curiously snapping out of his mental spin at the pair that had been waiting to say goodbye to you. Lowly you whispered, “I wonder what they might have had hidden away to help sleep. Hopefully not more meditations.”
Lowly Thorin chuckled and smiled facing forward again shifting his arm back at your step into his side avoiding a dinner cart with a man who nodded his head and greeted you both kindly. In the next turn he replied, “Probably tapes of whale sounds or something.”
“Great, wailing mammals, that really knocks me out,” You said sarcastically making him chuckle again. Bumping your elbow into his when he brought out his card key for the door he turned his head to find you looking up at him, “Thank you, again.”
“I’m glad even in their flirting you got some help out of it. Your leg feels better?”
Inside the door you raised up on your toes and lowered again bending your leg at the knee and rotating your ankle, “Still a bit sore, but it’s nowhere near at tight as it was. Finally let up. How’s your hip?”
“Hip’s good.”
“Did you want me to try rubbing your leg? Maybe without the meditations and needles it could help.”
“I’ll be fine, can’t have you pay for someone to rub me down then do it yourself.”
“Why not? If you’re in pain and I can help-,”
“It’s sore, that will fade. Focus on dinner Mr Mug Dealer.”
Through a sigh he gave you a plotting narrowed gaze and turned for the smaller couch by the phone he sat down on with the menu on his lap that when you sat down he shifted for you to see as well. At the crossing of your sore leg over the other he smirked and waited through deciding on what you wanted and his calling in the order and the one for breakfast the following morning. While he hung up the phone you turned on the tv at his saying you could choose the channel only to glance at his arm dropping over your crossed legs his hand folded around. Easily they were shifted to lay across his lap and he chuckled to himself at your scoff. “Just can’t help yourself.”
“Or you apparently without a fight.” Easing his palms against the back of your leg feeling where the muscle was a bit tense still but loosening up while he smoothed pressure across it.
“I just realized something,” he said in your shift to lounge sideways easing his task luring your eyes back to him, “That first stop into the shop you said you pulled a stunt at the station, then the next day you said you got put on a new project, I never asked what the project was. Said it came with a raise.”
“You haven’t figured it out yet?” His brow inched up, “You listen to it four days a week.”
His lips parted, “Ah, so you got put on the Bunny show. One of the voice actors? I read online you’ve done voice over before on a show that lasted three seasons, they are in the mail still so I haven’t exactly been able to see what you can do yet.”
To yourself you giggled and said, “That show, ya, wrote, drew and voiced for it.”
“So you’re one of the voice actors?”
“You could say that, ya, one of them.”
Playfully his eyes narrowed at you in his smirk, “I can’t imagine which, they all sound so-,”
“You’d be surprised who I can sound like if I put some practice into it. Could even fool a Dwarf or two with some Khuzdul. Certainly had the time to practice.”
“I bet, especially after learning Raven tongue.”
With the channel the topic changed and it wasn’t till the food had arrived and well into your first glasses of the raspberry wine you dared to try tonight over the last where you stuck to tamer drinks that the topic shifted again.
“Could I ask you something probably a bit painful?”
“Sure, what’s on your mind?” You said lifting your glass to finish the last of it off.
“Growing up we obviously studied the wars, and Ruun came up. There are pictures, it was a deserted junk heap from our view, but you lived there and I’m curious, what was it like?” He said refilling your glass.
“Well, it’s hard to say exactly.”
“No, I understand, I know the carrier attack must have been terrifying, to think back to that time, I shouldn’t have asked.”
“That’s not what I meant.” His eyes snapped to yours from his glass he was reaching for to finish off his own bit of wine washing the taste of regret for asking out of his mouth had been his intention.
“The carrier was sinking, and these arms would just come down out of, I don’t know what to call it, not a drone, but bigger, attached to their own ship and your names would be read and they would decipher who was worth keeping or not. We got thrown into these pitch black tubes, clinging to one another till they tore us out for processing. Cutting our outer robes off us, taking our weapons if we had any, tearing off the sleeves to our tunics and then hurl us into the tagging benches. And my arm was already so badly damaged from the blast,” at the crack in your voice his chest clenched only to see you give a slight shake to your head to keep going. Lost if he should move his chair closer to try and hold one of the hands you were wringing on your lap.
“And they had such little security, so I found a way to try and stop it all. I was so scared of what my Naneth would read about how I was taken and what they might do. I got this idea she could just start over, no me to look to the mailbox for, no reason to look back again. But they found me and they dosed me, the others said we were in that place for weeks, but I woke up in that cage when the shoot opened, falling to the ground.
They had these books on Ruun, mountains looked like, just thousands of them just bleaching in the sun. They would raid libraries and cast the unusable ones on Ruun. And I found this book on Durin the Deathless, in bits and fragments I learned what I could about anything.” A faint grin easing across his lips at your arms rising to cross on the table in front of you marking your returning ease on the subject.
“I would burrow under this large tree in this mini cave I found to sleep since the others wouldn’t let me near their camp without arming themselves. Through the day I would take breaks on the beach between books, you can go three weeks without food, and they would drop it every two weeks. The others got first dibs, but by the first one I found this stretch of land where this seed canister had exploded and there was carrots and wheat and corn. They were small sprouts but I got the encyclopedia on planting and fixed their positions and they just exploded. Wasn’t hard to work up pots and utensils and a makeshift stove. Between planting and reading I had found this typewriter that I worked on, and between working that back into shape and hearing the ocean lapping and reciting old interesting tidbits from the book I met the Countess.”
“She’s real then?” He all but hummed out.
“She was to me. Growing up with laws, no art, no stories, no dreams, then they drop me on that island and it all just exploded. She showed up next to me on the breeze and said,”  At once his grin deepened seeing the glow in your eyes growing and spreading grin with his lips just barely parting as you spoke in the Countess’ voice flawlessly, “‘You look like you need a story. Well have I got one for you Darling.’” Snapping out of the voice his tongue darted out to wet his lips as things started to fall into place for him. “You can learn a lot about someone in 48 years, and she told me it all. From Wolsey and their first meeting, him bleeding every time they met, my comment of my Naneth told me an ounce of blood for an ounce of love and she fired back, ‘Well then Darling I had love by the gallon.’” Again you had flinched in and out of her voice so fluidly it stunned him.
“Your Naneth truly said that? Ounce of blood for an ounce of love?”
“What wouldn’t you sacrifice for the ones you love? She sacrificed and endured for hers.”
“She must be phenomenal if you are in her likeness.” Seeing your bashful blush and hint of glancing away in another sip he asked, “What happened next? With the Countess?”
“After a few months of mental noting of the stories I started to take the bleached books, once the typewriter was fixed, and I would apologize, tearing the pages out to write out the first draft. There were some spots where the old letters and new ones would bleed together, and it always seemed to be in the sad parts, like tear drops. I still have them, and some of the others used to come and double check I wasn’t building weapons or anything but they started to listen to my drafts and word spread I was writing stories. They needed a distraction, and we started to talk. I was more than my name for once.
I got back and I had my typewriter and these stories and every doctor my father sent my way tried to say I had a break with reality, but it was something so much more powerful than that. It’s like, the most vivid daydreams and imaginary friends and worlds. I know they weren’t there, they would pop up and then pop off. And I came home telling my Naneth about these stories and she was so happy, she knew I was ok, a bit sad, but I made it through. So no, other than the crabs trying to run me out of my bed Ruun was fairly amiable of a place, at least for me.”
Seeping in slowly the notion began to settle, and he couldn’t tell if it was the day together or the wine that had eased this truth out of you, but all this time he’d known the elusive Bunny. You had said days prior it was your show that got picked up by Gorgo, hinted to Balin you knew the tale best and seems to be the only one around not reciting or commenting about the show at all.
And it all made perfect sense, you had stolen that first spot of dead air and hooked the world on your tale of freedom. Why the tale was so perfect and fully fleshed out, over 700 years you had perfected it and it showed in every addictive word leaving you hanging on for more. From the moment you landed on that island you realized you were free to find yourself and do as you wished for once, found yourself in a wasteland turned haven by your words. With a pride bolstering hint of help from a book on his ancestors. No doubt those tales had helped to guide your fellow soldiers through the harsh day to day. No doubt the internal explosion you felt enough to have imagined all this up to where you could actually picture them beside you as your very first true friends out for just you and your happiness without any remorse or regrets. You became Bunny on that island, and he had no clue how it had taken him this long to see.
It was casually slipped in, mention of the book, and in a glance at the empty wine bottle he would wait on delving in for details on the book, waiting to see if you remembered telling him, if and when you would show full trust to show him this side of you without being bashful. 800+ years could be borderline passion or obsession, and by the glow in your eyes, joy in your tone and the beaming smile on your face in the fleeting topic he found your balance to his tea.
This could work. He kept reciting it in his head. He had shown his passion and you were easing out yours, tea and a great story go hand in hand and it really did seem dated to be that the day you walked into his life his little shop that had nearly grown stagnant in interest for others had blossomed into so much more. It was more than financial or work based coexistence, there was a true friendship there that could only grow from here, now all he had to do was to be patient and let you in your exuberant yet timid glory come out full tilt as you gained more confidence that you were free. Free to set down roots, to have friends, to choose him if you were so inclined. It had been hinted and boldly stated that you found him attractive and post, still in your robes and undies dinner, off to separate beds you went with a statement to see one another at breakfast.
It was the most grueling thing to say goodnight with that natural candlelit glow reflecting off you and your tipsy adoring smile being sent his way he no doubt was a beet red idiot beaming right back. But he had to wait and not allow himself to ruin your friendship by taking advantage of you being alone or ever making you assume anything physical was his intention in bringing you here.
Sprawled across his bed he couldn’t stop thinking about the nonexistent candles you put to shame. You were glowing, sparkling ever so slightly like moonlit snow and his brain just equated it to candle light he clearly hadn’t noticed wasn’t there. He hated hearing about Elves glowing. Expecting mothers glowed, giggling babies glowed, that was true, but from years of hearing Frerin then the boys in their dabbles with Elves in their dating lives he had heard way too much about this fabled glow blissful Elves gave off. Even Hobbits seemed to have their own aura of loveliness according to Dwalin, a fact he knew to be true seeing his Hobbit relatives and most recently his love struck cousin and soon to be cousin in law and young nephew he absolutely adored as well. Dams were also said to glow when in love, but deep in his pit of denial for years he loathed hearing about a glow he never saw on his ex who clearly had her muffin boy to glow for while all he got was her shrewd left overs.
Yet staring up at the ceiling all his mind could circle on was how unabashedly ethereal you looked in that light shimmering and radiating off your exposed bits of skin under that plushy robe and your equally as radiant hair slipping free from its messy bun just beckoning him to tie it back into as many braids as his heart desired. And damnit all didn’t he ache to have that sight of you like that across the table from him each morning and night. All his, for no one else, decades eased before his eyes in leaving his robe at the foot of the bed he crawled into ignorant of the stiffness underneath him with the clouds he was floating on to be in the presence of an angel like you.
Contently sighing you sat on your bed you had just pulled the covers back on and turned with lips pursed a moment in search of your ringing phone you brought out of your pocket. A grin eased across your face as you answered your friend’s call. “Millie Mal! There you are!”
Blinking in confusion at the nickname Mal shifted on her bench of her vanity as if there had been another she could share an odd expression with, bolstering her former point she wet her lips saying, “What is this I hear that you’re in Rohan?! From my uncle of all people in passing through my shift at the shop.”
“Well Dwalin planned it.”
“My point being, you’re in Rohan with Thorin and you didn’t tell me! You’ve been there a night already, now on your second and this is the first I am hearing of it! Now you spill everything.”
“I didn’t plan it. Not much to tell, other than I go for tea, and there’s a ticket with my name on it and Dwalin gave me the shirt and then I have luggage now, with these cute phrases on them and white corners and handles, oh you have to see them! There was the plane then a long drive over a lake into this mountain and the walls here are aquariums, the beds are dreadful but I suppose Men have their flimsy bones to protect...and these fish keep staring at me. Why do fish always stare at me,” you rambled not realizing your natural glow and shimmer had grown as you were closer to dozing off.
“Jaqi are you drunk? You don’t drink and you sound drunk.”
“No, if I were drunk I would be naked. I’m in my underwear, and this robe, it’s so soft I think I’m gonna keep it, they’re gonna charge fifty for it but it’s got fish on it and Thorin keeps trying to encourage me to shop. Not a fan of the slippers though, but they are a set I suppose.”
“Where is Thorin?”
“He’s in bed.”
“With you?!”
“No, there’s another one, that way.” You said pointing in clearly the wrong direction by mistake haven climbed into the bed on the opposite side from the night before.
“Jaqi go to sleep.”
“But we’re talking, and you sound like you’re pretty tonight. Fixed your hair or something..”
Mal trying not to cry while grinning at her actually having fixed her hair for herself in a fancy braid that night her fingers smoothed over as it laid across her chest feeling accomplished at having mastered the style from a video online. Saying again, “Jaqi go to bed I’ll text you tomorrow.”
“Ok, night night pretty lady.” You said laying out across the bed stretching out your legs with eyes easing shut already in your body wiggling out of the open robe.
Giggling her reply she said, “Goodnight yourself, lovely lady.” Hanging up at your content sigh turning to glance at her mirror again she stole a few more pictures of the style she had told the boys about and would send to them tomorrow when they were off their flight.
Pt 19
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shesakillerkween
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac​
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momtemplative · 4 years
Once Upon a Time.
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Once upon a time, not so long ago, there lived a Grammy and a Grampy who lived in a wonderful house in Boulder, Colorado. Two young girls, who happen to also be my kids, would come to visit them every Wednesday afternoon. Grammy would meet them at the front door with big hugs and their favorite lemonade in the fridge and their favorite snacks and fruit in bowls on the table. Their mom, who happens to be me, would then go to work massaging old people and then have the rest of the night to herself, time she would fill with heavenly kid-free activities—she would often see a movie in the theater or meet a friend for a drink, or maybe have an acupuncture appointment or hit the library for some writing. Such luxuries! Their dad would bring the girls home and put them to bed, and it would all seem so balanced and beneficial for everyone.
Then, abruptly, most of the parts of that simple paragraph were no more, as are most of the parts of many of the paragraphs for most people. No Grammy and Grampy’s house. No old people to massage. No movie in the theater or friends to chat with in-person or acupuncture or library. Two months later, we ask ourselves, is this the new normal?
Last week, I visited my in-laws for the first time since early March. Opal (she already visited them the previous week with Jesse) and I drove to their house in North Boulder, parked on the street out front, and sat on the sidewalk next to my car, using it for shade. It was toasty in the sun. The maple tree in their front yard still had no leaves to soften the emboldened springtime rays. Grammy brought a chair out into the yard that looked like it belonged in the lobby of a haunted hotel, wooden and upholstered—a benign artifact when out in the light of day. She plopped down. She mentioned the warmth a number of times, while wearing a thick yellow sweater, dark pants and heavy, black shoes.
Opal pulled her booster seat from the car and used it as a pseudo-stool while I sat on the sidewalk with my legs in a V (while Opal concerned herself with the red ants circling my bare knees). We joked that if this went on for much longer, we’d have to equip ourselves with more advanced accouterments for front yard hang-time. I just read about how people are now starting to use masks as a form of boutique expression—sewing sequins and affixing the fabric with dried flowers, like facial art. COVID lawn furniture could be the same: custom-made social distancing party goods—fancy awnings with RV lights, swanky travel chairs and shag-carpet lawn rugs. Kanye could develop his own line. There could be catalogues to order from.
For now, though, the front yard presented more classic, minimalistic furnishings. Grammy brought us a plate of fresh cookies and placed them at the halfway point between us on the lawn. Then she returned to her chair to sit down. I got up and put the goods in my front seat. Then, a moment later, Grammy remembered a few more things. She disappeared into the house, returned, and placed a bag of spicy chips from Trader Joes and a loaf of fresh local sourdough bread at the halfway point, and sat down again.
Nothing like this can happen with Ruth in the equation. She’s four. She would block, slow and question every minuscule action with a sort of stop-motion interrogation. Why are you doing it like that? Why does it look like this? Why is everyone acting so weird?
Ruth hasn’t seen her grandparents since early March. She doesn’t understand social distancing and masks are for Halloween. As for hand washing, well, she still picks her nose constantly. So we’ve kept her visits to video chats only.
While at Grammy and Grampy’s, our time went on like this, with Grammy dropping off merchandise for us in the yard before our very eyes, at least five times, like a part of some wonderful off-tempo choreography. We laughed and chatted as it went. When Grampy came too close with the oranges for Opal, she said— “Freeze! Leave them there on the grass please and my mom will pick them up.”
To that, all the grown-ups shared a sweet, impressed look. My expression said: Wow, the ten-year-old has more confidence and command around protocols then the cotton-picking president.
All the while, bees circled the hundreds of dandelions; they’d land, relocate, land, and relocate. The peony bush just began to launch forth. I know what glamorous blossoms it will grow up to have—soft pink ruffles like a doll dress growing upwards. But for now, it had a dozen stalks with finger leaves reaching, unabashedly, for nourishment.
Tiny purple flowers peppered the lawn, less like the star of the show and more like shading for a backdrop. Opal picked one and handed it to me, and it struck me as a tiny cluster of purple balloons.
I considered for a moment what kind of fairytale world would support a tiny purple balloon cluster. Then, Grammy sat down another pile of goods for us on the lawn. This batch was arts and crafts to take home for the girls to play with, together, and without her.
Everyone is doing the Grandparent Experience differently. It’s a supremely individual thing. Some friends have grandparents living in the same house with them and their children. Some friends continued to visit with grandparents, even as the other compartments of their social lives shut down. Some, like us, agreed with the grandparents on the importance of keeping our distance. (My parents live in Ohio, 2,000 miles down the road, so distance is built in to the equation. Insert sigh here.*)
Our little family-of-four has, for the last eight weeks, spent the lion share of our time in the house. We are (presumably) not little fleshy vectors of contagion. Hell, we are more pristine and untouched by the outside world as we have ever been or likely ever will be. Even if Ruth cannot keep her distance (or her fingers out of her nose), now seems to be a pocket of time when the stars are aligned for us to be the safest to come in contact with.
Add on the fact that Trump is determined to ‘liberate’ the world—May 1 was his target date—and that many local businesses are lighting their OPEN signs (though I don’t plan to get a haircut anytime soon), it does seems like the next conversation to be had is, when’s the grandparent party and who’s bringing the sangria?
I checked in with the oracle of the internet to see if I was on the same page as the rest of the country. But, as per usual for the duration of this craziness, I found myself searching for answers from a vacuum of uninformative noise. I keep hearing, “Let the states decide,” but there is nothing from Polis except that he is joining the republican governors to reopen many non-essential businesses, and that he has a plan. There was much written about taking precautions with grandparents at the beginning of the story, back in March. Lifetimes ago. 
The only thing I could find that has been posted since March (and it’s May!) was an excerpt from a larger article from April 21, from a website called CNET. (—?) Two small paragraphs about visiting the elderly—“While the decision to hang out with your grandparents is a personal one to be made by your family, just remember that these are the people who are most at risk at developing a serious and potentially fatal illness if infected with the novel coronavirus.” Buzzkill.
A few things to consider:
1.  We could all be silent carriers. From the Associated Press: “A flood of new research suggests that far more people have had the coronavirus without any symptoms, which means it’s impossible to know who around you may be contagious. That complicates decisions about returning to work, school and normal life.”
2. With the impending re-opening of businesses and retailers, comes more exposure for all of us. Flash forward to fall, when schools start again and the kids are on top of one another, we’ll be much more likely to be silent (or loud) carriers than we are now. What this all says to me is, we better get on with it! Knowing full well that we will likely need to dial back the interactions and reinforce more social distancing come fall and the presumed second wave.
3.  It’s been proven that the virus is much more likely to be contracted while inside, and that outside is a much safer option for (socially distant) meeting. Seems obvious but good to consider. And thank god it’s spring.
The conversation across my in-laws’ lawn veered in numerous directions. It was the most satisfying of small-talk bits, precious little morsels that, during a typical era, would have likely gone overlooked. We were catching up, which is something you don’t typically have a chance to do with local family. (Also to be noted, we were without the fantastic but impressively distracting Ruth.)
Grammy asked if she could come and park on our street and watch the girls play in the front yard from her car. 
Grampy said, “Yea, I wonder when we can start doing Wednesdays again. I miss Wednesdays.” Then, he rolled down the driveway on his bike, a white scarf around his face that, with the shades, made him look like an outlaw.
“Soon,” I said. “Hopefully, soon.”
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When Shane the therapy dog was hit by a Jeep, life changed for him and his guardian, Taryn Sargent.
The impact tore through the cartilage of Shane's left shoulder. Arthritis and scar tissue set in. Despite surgery, acupuncture and several medications, he transformed from a vibrant border collie who kept watch over Sargent on long walks to a fragile pet who needed extensive care.
"Sometimes he would just stop walking and I'd have to carry him home," recalls Sargent, who has epilepsy and relies on her walks with Shane to help keep her seizures under control. "It was a struggle to see him in that much pain."
Today, 10-year-old Shane's pain and reliance on medication have been dramatically reduced and he's bounding around like a puppy again, 18 months after receiving a single shot of an experimental gene-therapy invented by CU Boulder neuroscientist Linda Watkins.
Thus far, the opioid-free, long-lasting immune modulator known as XT-150 has been tested in more than 40 Colorado dogs with impressive results and no adverse effects. With human clinical trials now underway in Australia and California, Watkins is hopeful the treatment could someday play a role in addressing the nation's chronic pain epidemic.
"I'm hoping the impact on pets, their guardians and people with chronic pain could be significant," said Watkins, who has worked more than 30 years to bring her idea to fruition. "It's been a long time coming." (Read more at link)
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