#acupuncture doctor in chennai
chennaiacupuncture · 16 days
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Best Acupuncture treatment for Stomach Ulcers in Chennai.
Best Natural Treatment for Stomach Ulcers in Chennai - Jayanth Acupuncture Clinic. Find the best natural acupuncture treatment for stomach ulcers at Jayanth Acupuncture Clinic in Anna Nagar and Chetpet, Chennai. Our experienced acupuncturists provide effective relief from ulcer pain and promote digestive wellness. Book your session today!
Best Acupuncture treatment for Stomach Ulcers in Chennai.
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acupuncturenazir · 1 year
Nazir’s acuheal a Traditional Acupuncture, Acupressure and Cupping therapy Centre for Migraine treatment in Chennai and Healer Nazir a best Traditional Doctor for Migraine treatment
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healernazir-blog · 2 years
Nazir’s Acuheal  a Complementary therapy for IVF Treatment
We ensures Higher success rate
Our treatment minimizes usage of Medication in IVF
As it is Natural, No side effects.
5 important stages  in IVF process
(1) Ovarian Stimulation  ( complicate stage)
(2) Egg Retrieval
(3) Sperm Retrieval
(4) Fertilization
(5) Embryo Transfer  ( complicate stage)
Nazir’s Acuheal – a Chennai best Acupuncture in Chennai is most effective in 5th Stage of IVF
Full-term pregnancy to an endometrium that is neither too thin nor too thick. This allows the FET Successfully (between7mm to 10mm).
Nazir’s Acuheal  helps to regularizing needed level  of Estrogen and progesterone to induce characteristic and predictable morphological changes in the needed level of endometrium.
Nazir’s Acuheal– Chennai best Traditional Acupuncture Centre for natural fertility treatment
Nazir’s Acuheal a Traditonal acupuncture Centre can be a tremendous solution in addressing a growing number of women’s health issues.
These are the six most common, but there are many more so be sure you talk to We (Nazir’s Traditional acupuncture clinic ) when filling out your health intake so you can get each of your questions answered.
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sara2399 · 2 years
Best treatment for Psoriasis
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Psoriasis is one of the major skin diseases which causes skin redness and dry patches. Effective Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis in Chennai is available at Chennai Natural Treatment Clinic
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nathuropathy · 1 month
Beyond Birth India: Elevating Pregnancy Wellness with Naturopathy in Chennai
Pregnancy is a miraculous journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and joy, but it also comes with its unique set of challenges and concerns. At Beyond Birth India, located in the bustling city of Chennai, we understand the importance of holistic care during this transformative time. Our clinic is dedicated to supporting women through every stage of their pregnancy journey, offering specialized Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment that nurtures both mother and baby.
Understanding Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment:
Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment at Beyond Birth India takes a holistic approach to maternal health and well-being, focusing on supporting the body's natural processes and promoting optimal health for both mother and baby. Unlike conventional medical approaches that often rely on medications and interventions, naturopathy emphasizes natural remedies, lifestyle modifications, and holistic therapies to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of pregnancy.
The Benefits of Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment:
Nurturing Maternal Health: Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment aims to support maternal health by addressing common pregnancy discomforts such as nausea, fatigue, and back pain. Through gentle, natural remedies and lifestyle adjustments, pregnant women can experience relief from symptoms while promoting overall well-being.
Supporting Fetal Development: A key focus of Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment is to support the healthy development of the fetus. By optimizing maternal nutrition, managing stress levels, and promoting relaxation, naturopathy helps create an optimal environment for fetal growth and development.
Promoting Natural Birth: Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment encourages natural birth by preparing the body and mind for labor and delivery. Through techniques such as yoga, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques, pregnant women can cultivate inner strength and confidence, empowering them to navigate childbirth with ease.
Reducing Risk of Complications: By addressing underlying imbalances and promoting overall health and vitality, Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment can help reduce the risk of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and preterm labor.
Enhancing Postpartum Recovery: Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment extends beyond childbirth to support postpartum recovery. By promoting hormonal balance, supporting lactation, and addressing postpartum challenges, naturopathy helps mothers transition smoothly into the postpartum period, promoting healing and well-being.
The Beyond Birth India Approach:
At Beyond Birth India, we take a personalized approach to Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment, recognizing that each woman's pregnancy journey is unique. Our team of experienced Naturopathic Doctors works closely with expectant mothers to develop customized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs and preferences.
Our Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment may include:
Nutritional Counseling: Guidance on optimal nutrition to support maternal and fetal health, including recommendations for prenatal vitamins, nutrient-rich foods, and dietary supplements.
Herbal Medicine: Utilization of safe and effective herbal remedies to address common pregnancy discomforts and promote overall well-being.
Lifestyle Modifications: Recommendations for lifestyle adjustments such as regular exercise, stress management techniques, and adequate rest to support a healthy pregnancy.
Mind-Body Therapies: Incorporation of relaxation techniques, meditation, and visualization exercises to promote emotional well-being and reduce stress during pregnancy.
Acupuncture: Utilization of acupuncture to alleviate pregnancy-related symptoms such as nausea, back pain, and fatigue, and promote overall balance and harmony.
Why Choose Beyond Birth India for Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment in Chennai:
At Beyond Birth India, we are committed to providing compassionate, evidence-based care that empowers women to embrace pregnancy as a transformative and empowering experience. Our team of Naturopathic Doctors brings extensive experience and expertise in naturopathy and maternal health, ensuring that expectant mothers receive the highest quality care throughout their pregnancy journey.
By choosing Beyond Birth India for Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment in Chennai, expectant mothers can expect:
Personalized Care: Customized treatment plans tailored to individual needs and preferences, ensuring that each woman receives the support and guidance she deserves.
Holistic Approach: A holistic approach to pregnancy care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of pregnancy, promoting optimal health and well-being for both mother and baby.
Comprehensive Services: A wide range of services and therapies designed to support every stage of pregnancy, from preconception to postpartum recovery, ensuring that women receive the care they need throughout their journey.
Empowerment and Support: Empowering women to take an active role in their pregnancy care, providing them with the tools and resources they need to make informed decisions and embrace pregnancy with confidence and joy.
In conclusion, Naturopathy Pregnancy Treatment at Beyond Birth India offers a unique and holistic approach to pregnancy care, empowering women to embrace pregnancy as a transformative and empowering experience. Through personalized care, compassionate support, and evidence-based therapies, Beyond Birth India helps women navigate pregnancy with confidence, promoting optimal health and well-being for both mother and baby.
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Maximizing Your Chances of Success with IVF Treatment: Tips from Fertility Experts
For couples struggling with infertility, IVF treatment can offer a glimmer of hope. However, the process can be overwhelming, both emotionally and financially. It's no secret that IVF success rates are not always guaranteed, but there are steps you can take to maximize your chances of success. That's why we've sought the advice of Chennai best Fertility Hospital experts to provide you with tips on how to increase your odds of a successful IVF journey. From lifestyle changes to choosing the right clinic, our experts share their insights on everything you need to know to achieve your dream of starting or expanding your family. So whether you're just starting to consider IVF or you're in the midst of your treatment, these tips will help you stay informed and empowered throughout the process.
Understanding the success rates of IVF treatment
IVF success rates vary depending on several factors, including a woman's age, the cause of infertility, and the quality of the embryos. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the success rates for IVF in the United States are as follows:
39.6% for women under 35 years old
32.3% for women aged 35 to 37 years old
23.2% for women aged 38 to 40 years old
13.6% for women aged 41 to 42 years old
5.0% for women aged 43 to 44 years old
1.9% for women aged 45 years and older
It's important to note that these success rates are based on national averages and may vary depending on the clinic and the individual's circumstances. It's essential to discuss your specific situation with your doctor to get a more accurate idea of your chances of success.
Factors that affect IVF success rates
Several factors can affect the success rates of IVF fertility center in Chennai. These include:
Age is one of the most significant factors affecting IVF success rates. As a woman ages, the quality and quantity of her eggs decrease, making it more difficult to conceive. Women over 35 years old may have a harder time getting pregnant and may require more rounds of IVF treatment.
Lifestyle habits
Certain lifestyle habits can also affect IVF success rates. For example, smoking can reduce fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact sperm quality and decrease the chances of success.
Underlying health conditions
Underlying health conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, can also affect IVF success rates. These conditions can make it more challenging to conceive and may require additional treatment or medication.
Tips from fertility experts to maximize IVF success
While there's no guaranteed way to ensure IVF success, there are steps you can take to increase your chances. Here are some tips from fertility experts to help you maximize your chances of success:
1. Choose a reputable clinic
Choosing the right IVF clinic can make a significant difference in your chances of success. Look for a clinic with a high success rate and experienced doctors and staff. It's also essential to feel comfortable with the clinic and its approach to treatment.
2. Prepare your body
Preparing your body for IVF treatment can help improve your chances of success. This may include making lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress levels.
3. Consider alternative therapies
Alternative therapies such as acupuncture or chiropractic care may help support IVF treatment. These therapies can help reduce stress levels and improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, increasing the chances of success.
4. Stay informed and involved
It's essential to stay informed and involved throughout the IVF process. This means asking questions, understanding the treatment plan, and advocating for yourself. It's also essential to have a support system in place to help you through the emotional ups and downs of IVF.
Preparing for IVF treatment
Preparing for IVF treatment in Chennai involves several steps, including:
1. Discuss your options with your doctor
The first step in preparing for IVF treatment is to discuss your options with your doctor. Your doctor will likely perform a thorough evaluation of your fertility and recommend a treatment plan based on your individual circumstances.
2. Understand the process
It's essential to understand the IVF process and what to expect. This may include medications to stimulate ovulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer.
3. Make lifestyle changes
Making lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress levels can help prepare your body for IVF treatment.
4. Consider alternative therapies
Alternative therapies such as acupuncture or chiropractic care may help support IVF treatment. These therapies can help reduce stress levels and improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, increasing the chances of success.
Lifestyle changes to improve IVF success
Making certain lifestyle changes can help improve your chances of success with IVF treatment. Here are some tips to consider:
1. Eat a healthy diet
A healthy diet rich in nutrients can help support fertility and improve IVF success rates. This may include eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
2. Get regular exercise
Regular exercise can help improve overall health and reduce stress levels, both of which can positively impact IVF success rates. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
3. Manage stress levels
Stress can negatively impact fertility and IVF success rates. Finding ways to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises, can be helpful.
Alternative therapies to support IVF treatment
In addition to lifestyle changes, alternative therapies may also help support IVF treatment. Here are some therapies to consider:
1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. This therapy may help improve blood flow to the reproductive organs and reduce stress levels, increasing the chances of success with IVF.
2. Chiropractic care
Chiropractic care may help improve spinal alignment and reduce stress levels, both of which can support IVF treatment.
3. Mind-body therapies
Mind-body therapies such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being, which can positively impact IVF success rates.
Coping with IVF treatment and its outcomes
IVF treatment can be emotionally challenging, and it's essential to have a support system in place. Here are some tips for coping with IVF treatment and its outcomes:
1. Seek emotional support
Seeking emotional support from friends, family, or a therapist can help you cope with the emotional ups and downs of IVF treatment.
2. Practice self-care
Taking care of yourself is essential during IVF treatment. This may include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and finding ways to manage stress levels.
3. Stay informed
Staying informed and educated about IVF treatment and its outcomes can help you feel more in control and empowered throughout the process.
FAQs about IVF treatment
Here are some frequently asked questions about IVF treatment:
1. How many rounds of IVF should I expect to undergo?
The number of rounds of IVF required varies depending on the individual's circumstances. Your doctor can provide a more accurate estimate based on your specific situation.
2. How much does IVF treatment cost?
The cost of IVF treatment varies depending on the clinic and the individual's circumstances. On average, IVF treatment can cost anywhere from $12,000 to $15,000 per cycle.
3. What are the risks associated with IVF treatment?
IVF treatment carries some risks, including multiple pregnancies, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, and ectopic pregnancy. It's essential to discuss these risks with your doctor before undergoing treatment.
IVF treatment can offer hope to couples struggling with infertility. While success rates are not always guaranteed, there are steps you can take to maximize your chances of success. From choosing the right clinic to making lifestyle changes and considering alternative therapies, these tips from fertility experts can help you achieve your dream of starting or expanding your family. It's essential to stay informed, involved, and supported throughout the IVF process, and to remember that you're not alone on this journey.
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acuheal · 1 year
Best Acupuncture Doctor Nazir Sheriff - Chennai Best Clinic
The essence of Acupuncture Doctor Nazir Sheriff, provide for the wider services, traditional Acupuncture clinic in Chennai and Kelambakkam
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prwizard · 1 year
Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards 2022: Meet the Winners
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Hypedge Media awarded healthcare professionals and hospitals nationwide during the 2022 edition of the Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards 2022. This was held on the 19th of November 2022 at the WelcomHotel by ITC, Chennai.
 The Chief Guest of the program was Padma Shri Dr. Vijay Kumar Shah, and the Guest of Honors was K. Pushpaleela (Ex-Minister, Women and Social Welfare Department ), Dr. R. Kannan (Chairman, Prime Indian Hospitals ), Prof. N. Balaji (Director & Trustee, Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre), Dr. C.J. Vetrievel (Director. - Be Well Hospitals), Sanjay Kumar Singh (Vice President, Sales Marketing
Rusan Pharma Ltd) and Gaurav Gautam (Founder of I CAN Foundation and CEO of Hypedge Media). They shared their wishes with all the selected awardees of GHWA 2022.
 Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards are conferred on the outstanding / highest achievers in International Healthcare Industry. This most awaited global platform is bringing eminent healthcare experts together from the health world to understand the health revolution, market dynamics, the impact of digital technologies on the masses, and the future of health & healthcare in India. The platform would also recognize and felicitate massive efforts of various health initiatives, healthcare professionals, hospitals, institutions, and initiatives benefiting India through a technology-enabled healthcare ecosystem.
  Here's the list of this Year's (2022) winners for the Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards:
 Dr. Sangita Motiram Gavit
Excellence in Medical Education
Dr Narendra Singh
Excellence Award in Cardiology
Dr. Manasi Wakankar
Award for Leadership And Management in Healthcare
James Aruldas Silvai
Medical Innovation & Leadership Award
Dr. Ekta Shrivastava
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr. KVNN Santosh Murthy
Excellence in Diabetic Foot & Burns Management
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Akula Laxmi
Award for Excellence in Research
Dr Deepti Mankad
Excellence Award in Mental Health & Counselling
Dr Sujit Kumar Satpathy
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Reshma Khan
Excellence in Medical Education
Alfred Goodwin
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr.Arunkumar H
Best Diabetes and Diabetic Foot Care Specialist
Dr Deepika Goswami
Excellence in Medical Education
Dr.Nirmal Kumar Veeraragavan
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
Dr. Mankads' Homeoclinic
Best Homeopathy Centre
Arogyadeep Healthcare Pvt. Ltd
Excellence award in Acupuncture & Yoga Naturopathy
Dr Meghanad Meher
Excellence Award in General Medicine
Dr. Md Imteyaj
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Dr. S.M. Shariq
Excellence Award in Orthopedics
Ryan Varghese
Medical Innovation & Leadership Award
Dr. Santosh Swathi Lakkoju
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Pradeep Kumar
Social Work Healthcare Award
Dharmendra Kumar Parihar
Excellence Award in Rural Healthcare
Dr. Harnoor Singh Pruthi
Excellence Award in Cardiology
Excellence in Hospital Quality Management
Dr. Laila Beegum
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Ajil Abdulla
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Dr Jayendra Narang
Excellence Award in Neurosurgery
TNB Aesthetic Secrets
Best Cosmetic Clinic
Dr Nancy Burat
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Bahar Yawazy
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr. Chaitanya Seshu Babu. G
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Capt G. Dhanan Jaya Rao
Life time achievement Award (Veterinary Surgery)
Dr Amanur Rahman Zaka
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Srinivas Reddy
Best Hospital Administrator of the Year
Dr. Kumaragurubaran
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Scholar Overseas
Best Overseas Job Placement for Doctors and Nurses
Dr. Ayush Garg
Excellence Award in Oncology
Dr S.N. Lokesh Kumar
Excellence Award in Orthopedics
Mohamed Qutbuddin
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr. Supriya Munganda
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr Nibedita Sahoo
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Sourav Kumar Das
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr. Mantri Venkataswamy
Lifetime Achievement Award
Excellence Award in Cardiology
Best Hospital – Cardiology
PHYSKRAFT Superspeciality Physiotherapy Clinic
Best Physiotherapy Clinic
Manoj Shivaji Wakhare
Social Work Healthcare Award
Asha Mahila Milk Producer Company Limited
Leading Milk Producer Company
Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Limited
Leading Milk Producer Company
COVID Response Award
Dr.Arunkumar H
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
Shri Vishnu Shri Hospital
Best Emerging Multi-Speciality Hospital (Madhya Pradesh )
Be Well Hospitals
Best Multi-Speciality Hospital
Dr Ashwani Mudgal
Excellence Award in Orthopedics
Dr.Hemapriya Jayapal
Medical Innovation & Leadership Award
Best Hospital for Wellness & Healthcare
Dr.Kavita Sudersanadas
Excellence in Nutrition and Dietetics Education
Dr. Karuna M S
Excellence Awards in Medical Nutrition Research and Education
Dr.Lesil George
Award for Best Psychologist
Dr. Raj Deokule
Award for the Best Diabetologist
Prof Dr N. Junior Sundresh
Excellence in Medical Education
Dr. Muneeb Ahmed M K
Excellency Award in Sexual Health
Dr Pradeep Thomas
Excellence Award in Accident and Emergency (A&E)
Dr. Sneha Shamkumar Londhe
Excellence Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr Mustafa Murtuza PT
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Dr Anu Jacob
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Dr. Kartikeswar Jena
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
PM Medical Centre
Best Hospital – Diabetology
Dr T Vadivel
Excellence Award in Regenerative Medicine
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year'
Dr Raviram.S
Excellence Award in Laser Proctology
Best Functional Rehab Specialist
Dr. B. Kalpana Kosalram
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Kiran Kumar Varma K
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Yuva Dental Clinic
Best Dental Clinic
J. Benedicta Colleen
Social Work Healthcare Award
Excellence Award in Public Health Dentistry
Dr Renu Kumar Watwani
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Dr.Swarupa Rani K
Excellence Award in Radiology
Dr. Syed Ahmed Ali
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
Prof. N. Balaji
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Farooq Ahmed Manur
Excellence Award in Accident and Emergency (A&E)
Dr Praveen H Jain
Excellence Award in Dentistry
Dr Jeswanthmal Khatod
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr. Ramesh Kumar
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Kosmoderma Healthcare Pvt. Ltd
Best Cosmetic Surgery Clinic
Excellence Award in Rural Healthcare
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Excellence Award in Forensic Medicine
Dr. P. Senthil
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Riya Sara Mathew
Excellence Award in Nursing
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Dr. Amit Mehta
Excellence in Homeopathy
Best Diagnostic & Imaging Centre
Dr. Sunil Babu K C
Excellence Award in Ayurveda
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lakshmi07-blog · 5 years
Acupuncture Treatment in Chennai
Here is your one stop solution for all your body pain at Lakshmi baala hospital, with exclusive acupuncture treatment, the doctors help you relief your body stress.
Acupuncture Hospital in Chennai Diabetes Specialist Doctor in Chennai Podiatrist Doctor in Chennai Ozone Treatment in Chennai
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spinecarechennai · 3 years
chronic back pain
Any back pain which extends more than three months is considered to have reached chronic state. Chronic back pain is age prone and is more cumbersome when one could not decipher the cause of pain. Besides occurring due to previous injuries, chronic back pain can also happen owing to arthritis of spine, spinal stenosis, disc problems including herniated disc and unexplained muscle pain or myofascial pain syndrome.
Overuse, poor posture, injury in the muscles, ligaments and discs that support the spine cause pressure on the spinal neves which complicate back pain. Need to visit the physician is signalled by symptoms such as sudden spike in pain, loss of bladder function, high fever, intense stomach pain, unexplained weight loss and pain after severe fall.
Kidney, pancreas, appendix and large intestine influence back pain. Kidney stones which result in difficulty during urination or blood in the urine can cause lower back pain and fever. Inflammation in pancreas and appendix may create pain in upper and lower abdomen respectively that radiates to the lower back. Inflammation in large intestine also causes low back pain.
The doctor initially suggests physical therapy for back pain which is customized to suit the conditions or symptoms.
Exercises such as walking, swimming and yoga have proven to be efficient in treating back pain. Cycling which is considered as a form of aerobic exercise is good option for treating back pain because it is less jarring to the spine compared to other exercises.
Physical therapy, mindfulness and meditation, diet, lifestyle, injection based treatment, alternative treatments and pharmacological treatments are non surgical methods to treat severe back pain.
Exercise for back pain is customized because all exercises do not fetch results for everyone. Exercise options include retraining posture, testing limits of pain tolerance, flexibility exercises, aerobic exercises and core strengthening.
The emotional stress that is attached with back pain results in frustration, irritability and depression which are dealt by rehabilitation psychologists through cognitive and relaxation therapies such as yoga and tai chi so that mind relieves itself from focus on pain.
Highly inflammatory diets which are rich in trans fat, such as refined sugars and processed foods must be avoided by patients suffering from chronic back pain. Lifestyle measures include listing activities that enhance back pain and refraining from the same.
Injections such as nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections and nerve ablations can be used only when source of back pain is deciphered. Analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and medications are also useful in controlling chronic back pain, but could cause side effects and are not suitable for prolonged use.
Acupuncture, massage, laser therapy, electrical nerve stimulations are other non surgical spine treatments which could be considered for chronic back pain. However these treatments must be carried out by the recommendation of physician and under supervision.
Chronic back pain cannot be left unattended lest it should result in permanent disabilities including narrowing of spinal space, severe nerve pain and nerve damage. Back pain also promotes spinal trauma and spine cancer.
Dr Karunakaran S Spine Center in Chennai is a one stop solution for all spine related problems. With more than 22 years experience, Dr Karunakaran is expert in minimally invasive spine surgeries.
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Doctors are those human beings on earth surface whom we treat as next to god. Whenever we lose our entire hopes only doctor is the last hope of our survival.Acupuncture doctors find the specific point for the insertion of needle to make us free from deleterious diseases. For pre-eminent cure we need to visit the leading acupuncture doctors in Chennai. And this leading acupuncture doctor for rapid treatment of diseases is only available at Acupunctureavuva clinic.  
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chennaiacupuncture · 17 days
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Best Acupuncture treatment for Dry Eyes in Chennai.
Chennai's Leading Dry Eyes Acupuncture Treatment - Jayanth Acupuncture Clinic Get the best acupuncture treatment for dry eyes at Jayanth Acupuncture Clinic in Anna Nagar and Chetpet, Chennai. Our experienced practitioners provide holistic care to alleviate dryness and enhance eye health. Book your appointment today for natural relief.
Best Acupuncture treatment for Dry Eyes in Chennai.
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besthospitalravina · 4 years
Accident Care Hospital in Chennai
Ravina Hospital, Chennai is a multi-specialty hospital that offers preventive and curative healthcare services. Established with a vision of “Care to Cure”, it combines the finest medical minds and advanced technology to provide superior quality healthcare services with a multi-disciplinary approach. The hospital has become one of the best multispeciality hospitals in Chennai when it comes to providing quality health service as it offers an array of medical services ranging from preventive to curative to consultancy.
Ravina Hospital, located at one of the prime areas of the capital city Chennai, is managed by a group of distinguished senior doctors and efficient young professionals to provide quality healthcare to the general public with utmost care. The hospital is designed to have a patient-friendly environment and aims to meet all healthcare needs of the patients through customized treatment plans and wellness programs.
The hospital specializes in gastroenterology, obstetrics and gynecology, aesthetic and cosmetic surgery, orthopedics, pediatrics, internal medicine, hair transplant, dental services, trauma care and minimalaccess surgery.Ravina Hospital now moves on to expand its services to the more demanding areas of joint replacement,accident care, pain managementand dialysis care.
Hip replacementand knee replacement procedures:
The hip and knee are two of the most important and maximum weight-bearing joints of the body. With continuous wear and tear, the cartilage covering them and the underlying bone can get damaged leading to severe pain, stiffness and restricted movement. With the remarkable progress in medical technology and research, it is possible to partially or complete replace the knee joint and hip joint with an artificial material (implant) which is long-lasting anddurable. These surgical procedures will correct the abnormality, strengthen the joint and help to improve the quality of life. At Ravina hospital, such hip replacement and knee replacement procedures are performed with utmost care to help one get back on their feet at the earliest.Ravina hospital is one of the best joint replacement hospital in Chennai.
Arthroscopy Centre:
Arthroscopy, also known as keyhole surgery, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed to diagnose and treatjoint problems. The procedure is most commonly recommended for the knee, hip,ankle, shoulder, elbow and wrist related problems.Hip arthroscopy, knee arthroscopy and other arthroscopic surgeries are some of the commonly performed arthroscopic procedures at Ravina hospital. The hospital offers very high standards of arthroscopic services under the guidance of its medical experts and surgeons.
Critical care unit:
This unit helps to give special and undivided attention to patients who are acutely unwell and need critical care. This wing in Ravina hospital is well-armed with a state-of–the art infrastructure with 15 beds which is equipped with ventilators, ABG machine, vein finders, defibrillators and crash carts.  The critical care unit incorporates the expertise of professionals, consultants, experts, patient care physicians, respiratory therapists, physical therapists and registered dietitians.
Accident care:
As one of the best accident care hospital in Chennai, Ravina hospital assures you topmost levels of skill, expertise, infrastructure and technology in trauma care. The hospital is equipped with most advanced emergency medicine and trauma care facilities to provide immediate medical intervention. The unit is managed by highly qualified, skilled and trained doctors and nurses who work round the clock and understand the value of time in such critical situations. The goal of this expert team is to provide treatment within the first 60 minutes (golden hour) and avoid any further damage to the affected area as much as possible. The trauma unit is supported by well-equipped advanced life support ambulances which help in transporting patients to hospital in an emergency.
Pain management:
If you are looking for pain management hospital in Chennai, then your search ends here. Pain management department at Ravina hospital provides services to both inpatient and outpatient individuals and helps them to deal with acute or chronic pain. These include back pain, neck pain, joint pain, headache, trigeminal neuralgia, neuropathic pain and so on. The pain management team includes pain andpalliative care specialists, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, mental health specialists, massage therapists, assistants and nurses. As a first step, the pain management team sits down with the patient and family and provides expert consultation and counseling. After finding the root cause of the problem, a suitable pain management method is adopted. This may include medication, acupuncture, radiographically guided injections, neuromodulation, cognitive behavior therapy and so on.
Dialysis care:
Suffering from kidney issues and looking for Dialysis care in Chennai? Dialysis is a life-saving procedure commonly performed in individuals with acute or chronic kidney failure. It helps to remove waste and extra fluid from the blood, a function normally done by the kidneys. Dialysis care at Ravina hospital is performed by a team of highly skilled professionals which include nephrologists, certified hemodialysis technicians and trained nurses.A renal dietitian is also part of this team who can do nutritional counseling for individuals with kidney disorders and take care of the nutritional needs in such individuals. The main motto of the dialysis care team is to relieve stress and improve the quality of life of the patients.
Patient experience and satisfaction at Ravina hospital is of great importance to the management. Hence the services offered at the hospital are holistic, cost-effective, accurate, highly reliable and involve individuals who are specialized in their core services.A positive patient experience is a goal that the hospital collectively works for and hence each and every stakeholder at Ravina hospital works with the motto"Care is all we provide". Visit at https://www.ravinahospital.com/uro-surgery/urologist-in-chennai.html
orthopedic center in chennai, spinal surgeries in chennai, hip replacement hospital in chennai
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healernazir-blog · 2 years
Nazir’s Acuheal Acupuncture and Wellness Centre has served Chennai and the surrounding communities since 2010. We strive to provide our patients with high quality Traditional acupuncture Treatment.
We truly care about our patients and strive to help them achieve their health goals. We deliver personalized Traditional Acupuncture services to our patients, each time they visit us. It means every time We use to analyse Traditional pulse condition of the patient and will decide the Acupuncture points need to be treated for their ailment.
We recognize that many diseases and disorders may be prevented. We educate our patients on incorporating lifestyle changes and self-care techniques into their everyday lives in order to keep them as healthy as possible.
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sara2399 · 2 years
Best fertility hospital in Chennai | Best fertility doctor in Chennai
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Chennai Natural Treatment Clinic offers authentic, traditional ayurvedic treatment for fertility whether it is male fertility or female fertility.
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priyamclinic-blog · 4 years
Best Health-medicine center in Chennai - priyam clinic.
Priyam clinic are perhaps the best center they give treatment to Homeopathy, Siddha, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Varma, Acupuncture, and Posture arrangement treatment. Our score is to treat the patient's curly and then experience it wholly. We have top best specialists they give medications to the patients. In excess of 1000 patients were cheerful by giving medications in these emergency clinics.
Homeopathy is perhaps the best treatment which helps us to acquire benefits with little endeavors. There are no reactions by utilizing this treatment, however, the illness will fix gradually. Because of, this treatment more than many individuals was upbeat. By, utilizing homeopathy treatment a large portion of the individuals was cheerful.
Siddha is the perhaps the most established treatment which is utilized for the individuals who are having nerve-ailment, memory-misfortune patients, and so forth. A Priyam clinic gives the best treatment to Siddha in the light of the fact that through this treatment more than trillions of people were copped up with their life, and then they are experiencing apprehensive issue, resting affliction, visual impairment. Priyam clinic give the best treatment to jaundice patients. It is perhaps the best treatment to fix ailment normally.
Ayurveda Moreover, Siddha treatment Ayurveda likewise one of the most established treatments which is follow by the large portion of the individuals in focal and south Indian countries. Antiquated Indians utilized the Ayurveda treatment to acquire benefits throughout their life. Priyam clinic give the best treatment to Ayurveda for the patients the individuals who are having tension, asthma and joint inflammation. We give the best specialists to Ayurveda they will assist you with treating well indeed. Priyam centers are having adequate spot for giving treatment to the asthma understanding. Priyam clinic is extraordinary compared to other medical clinic can be accepted by the great many individuals in India.
Naturopathy is a Popular treatment in a peninsula country. Naturopathy gives the drugless prescription to the individuals who are having a serious issue. Naturopathy treats the patients without drugless. Along these lines, a large portion of the individuals utilize the Naturopathy drug. A Priyam clinic helps the individuals who are having the sickness of asthma, discouragement, cerebral pain. The greater part of the specialists in Priyam clinic treats the patients with the valuable way. Priyam clinic have numerous branches in India for Naturopathy treatment reason.
 Acupressure is the fabulous healing process who is experiencing the apprehensive infection, and ailment experiencing the anxious and so on. The utilization of weight (similarly as with the thumbs or fingertips) to equivalent discrete focuses on the body animated in needle therapy that is utilized for its remedial impacts, (for example, the help of strain or torment).
Acupuncture is the best drug of individuals experiencing the anxious infection. Priyam clinic give the best specialists to treat the Acupressure drug effectively. Billions of individuals in TamilNadu accept a Priyam clinic is useful for Acupressure treatment. Acupuncture is the most important healing process for the people who are experiencing on kind of infection. It is the disastrous one who can treat the disease with doctor is important. With the utilization of knife/sharp equipment we can treat the patient. Acupuncture is a corresponding restorative practice that involves animating certain focuses on the body, regularly with a sharpen-point infiltrating the skin, to alleviation from the torment or to help treat different well-being conditions. One of the astonishing actualities is with the assistance of Acupuncture treatment patient can have the option to forestall the ailment like disease. Priyam clinic give the best Acupuncture medicines in Chennai.
Posture Alignment Therapy
Postural Alignment Therapy sets you up to draw in yourself to manage your special signs, powerfully lessen your distress and restore your body's regular postural plan eventually. ... Postural Alignment Therapy can be obliged, anyone — paying little heed to what size, shape, age or level of anguish. Appropriate body course of action can help thwart bounty strain on your joints, muscles and spine — helping torment and diminishing the likelihood of harm. As a touch of a bonus, the correct position can bolster your benefit and disposition, similarly as help you with using your muscles even more gainfully. Priyam centers give the best Posture Alignment treatment to guarantee the patient life best in the future. Best Health-medicine center in Chennai.
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