#ad noiseam
nineteenfiftysix · 3 months
Drumcorps - Grist (Grist, 2005)
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postpunkindustrial · 1 year
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Abelcain & Cdatakill – Passage
This cd release on Ad Noiseam is a combination of The Six Stigmata EP that was released on Zhark International(not to be confused with the label Zhark)with the remix 12"  Playing With Knives. 
I suppose this cursed lineage is the reason you can’t find it on Bandcamp.
but you find it here. gloomy, atmospheric breakcore.
Get it from my Google Drive HERE
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johnelic · 9 months
聴いた良かったもの、ではなく 「2023年に聴いて」良かったもの、という様な意味です
Lyra - deep purple
ついったーでfuckのリリック貼ってメンヘラ過ぎて草とか言われてるのを見て えーって思った いや他の歌詞でメンヘラって言ってるけど
中身のないヒステリーを求めてラップを聞いてる気がする 中身のないヒステリーはラップかデマかなので アーティストとしてこれを続けられる気はあんまりしない 最近のEPを聞くと危なそうに感じた ヒステリーって基本的には本人に全部返ってきて、貫通して全員に降りかかるという順序だと思います 最初から雨みたいに降るわけではない
現実みろ - アン・ドゥ・トロワ
追ってるVTuberさんのEP オリジナル曲が4曲あるんだけどそれを纏めたものではなくうち2作の作曲者Narumi Helveticaさんとの共作 この時点で結構やられた
Amuxax - endandstart
コンセプトっていうのはハチワレが言う転調みたいな意味だと思う 多分
完全に期待値を飛び越えてくれた感謝の一作 半数が既出曲のアレンジなんですけどまったくそう聞こえない 強い
TrashAngelsの時はかなり独自性で重たい印象が強かったけど 今回のアルバムで何となく音楽的バックグラウンドが垣間見えていてそれも良かった
monolog - Jern
キャリア前半期のピークが Aerodymanic(2010)、Ad Noiseam時代のピークが Conveyer(2017) という感じだと思っていて、正直その後のリリースは重厚すぎてピンとこなかったところある
昨年Murder channelから出した Four Four twenty twenty と本作では初期の音響ジャズエレクトロごった煮感へ急に回帰した感じ 個人的にはとても嬉しい うれしくて泣いた そんな初期作品はほとんどネットから消えてますが
本作のレーベルはウクライナ支援なんだけどMerzbowやMuslimgauzeの再発をしていてちょっと話題になった 見ると面白いと思う
moreru - 呪詛告白初恋そして世界
computer fight - gushagushavinyl
最近自分的にもバンドサウンドがけっこう来てる そういうことがある
関係ないけど去年は一巡したな~と思うことが多かった 主にミソシタ氏がぶいちゅーばに回帰してるのを見てそう感じました
戸張大輔 - ドラム
2009年2nd 実は聴いていなかった 
今だから聞けると感じられる音が詰まっている 本当でしょうか
Local Visions, 長瀬有花 - OACL
その後リキッドルームのライブにも行った これもバンドがとんでもない感じで良かったけどライブハウスなるものに行くのがあまりにも久々でベコベコに疲れてしまった
吉村弘 - Music for Nine Post Cards
回顧展 を見に行って、聴きなおした
自分はComputer Soupをきかなかったら全てがこうなっていないので タージ・マハル旅行団と吉村弘にはすごい恩義がある
ひがしやしき - Nyan Nyan Innovation(Open)
ナードラップというジャンルが日本にあるわけじゃないけれど、ナードコア同人サウンドとHARD GU.W-C.Iとひがしやしきをもってして到達できたアニメ憑依型めんどくさ心象表現がある
コロナ以後の心象の変化とやっていきを示した4巻.zip と本作を聞きながら、その過程を勝手に感じていた 正確に言うと T.M.P のリリパで 空中後攻撃'95 の初ライブを観たときに文脈がバチバチに繋がった感じがした その後でたのが本作 パーソナルな日常感の曲が本当に下らないのがいい 素直
響現 - Mirage
残暑がきっかけで頭と身体がボコボコに破壊されて、さらにコミケの準備で全てを破壊させたりして秋からは音がまともに聞こえる状態じゃなかった気がする 多分
ネタ元にあんまり馴染みがない フュージョン~ジャパニーズピュアテクノ~ 音作りに良い意味でのエゴの無さ、風通しの良さが行き渡っている もうテン年代エクスペリメンタルは終わって、異形より強度の時代になってるんでしょうね
ライブ見たかった 響現さんもπさんも今後どんどん名を上げていくだろうからこの座組で次があるか、わかりません
あとプレイヤーの埋込みできなくて驚きました 要らないと思うけど
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randomvarious · 3 months
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Today's compilation:
Krach Test 2001 Experimental / Dark Ambient / Noise / Harsh Noise / Rhythmic Noise / Industrial Techno / IDM / Abstract
Well…this was certainly a trip, folks; not a trip that I'd probably ever be interested in taking again, but a trip nonetheless. Here we have a 2001 triple-disc from a Berlin-based label called Ad Noiseam, who, true to their name, really seem to have a total preoccupation with the concept of noise as it applies to underground electronic music of many different stripes. Despite what Discogs may claim, this limited edition set—of which there are only 227 physical copies in existence—is far more than just a mix of industrial, ambient, and experimental stuff; there's techno, electro, IDM, drum n bass, drill n bass, and gabber too. And most of it, of course, is slathered in some level of noise.
Now, if you take a wide-angle view of all these songs, you can sort of see this release more or less traveling along a spectrum that starts on the fringes of atonal, amelodic, mostly rhythmless music that challenges our notions of what the definition of music even is, and by the middle of the final disc, progresses towards the other end of the spectrum, where rhythms are full-throttlingly overbearing and wholly unenjoyable to me in a substantially different way 😅. The only thing is that, by the final leg of that third disc, the comp runs totally afoul of this whole spectral idea, and like a snake eating its own tail, finds itself right back where it started.
So, needless to say, I did not like very much of this 3-and-a-half-hour-plus album, but as it continued to unfold towards the center, my ears started to perk up more and more, and when it got to that third disc, I was finally able to find a nice couple of palatable gems:
"Avatar (Version)" by Oakland, California's Dryft is probably one of the least noisy tunes on this comp, overall, and also one of its most conventional too. This is a sweet piece of atmospheric drum n bass with serene, spacefaring synth pads that underlie contrastingly crunchy and distorted kick-and-snare patterns. And when Dryft ladles in a thin layer of some of that warm, softly rumbling sub-bass, particularly, this one really becomes a well-crafted, full-blown bop 😌.
And then not too long after that, we get a song called "Flak," by another Californian who goes by the name of Railgun. This tune's like a piece of industrial techno with a sinister, Prodigy-inspired rock edge to it, and when Railgun drops in a dusty drum break to briefly complete his sharp-edged puzzle in both the middle and end, he really has a nice banger on his hands 👍.
Other than that pair of tunes, though, this comp really just serves as a stark personal reminder that no matter how deep, eclectic, and wide-ranging that I think my own taste in music might be, there is plenty of stuff out there on the extremes, from the nightmare-fueled, experimental and dark ambient, to the brain-mashing gabber, that I just will not only probably ever enjoy myself, but also likely won't ever comprehend how it could possibly appeal to anyone else, either. But that's sort of the inherent beauty in the diversity of our collectively lived human experiences, isn't it? To each, their own, and all of that…um...noise…
Dryft - "Avatar (Version)" Railgun - "Flak"
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rafptn · 1 year
Matta & Niveau Zero "Riot" official video (adn154) from Ad Noiseam on Vimeo.
Official video to the track "Riot" by Matta & Niveau Zero, taken from the EP of the same name (Ad Noiseam adn154)
Matta & Niveau Zero "Riot / Be Real" Ad Noiseam adn154 adnoiseam.net/adn154
Video produced by Hellohikimori & Cosa Digital.
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jpblanco · 1 year
Matta - Release The Freq from Kim Holm on Vimeo.
Official video for "Matta - Release The Freq", from the album "Prototype".
Direction, Design, Cinematography, Editing, 3D & Animation by Kim Holm. kimholm.com
Artist: Matta Track: Release The Freq Album: Prototype Label: Ad Noiseam Release date: November 9th, 2010 Cat#: ADN138 Format: CD
soundcloud.com/matta-music adnoiseam.net/adn138 adnoiseam.net
Thanks to Magne for professional deer management.
Find additional details and images from the project on my website kimholm.com
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bizarrobrain · 6 years
"The Ghost Particle" by Gore Tech - From "Machine Throne" (2013)
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nineteenfiftysix · 2 years
Drumcorps - Incarnate (Grist, 2005)
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gr-und-blog · 7 years
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Car Tuning Techno Autobahn
Saturday 17th march 2018 - 6 pm - 4 am
Car tuning techno Autobahn embraces everything that the modern car tuning scene has to offer. With : Karsten Pflum, DK (Hymen Records, Touched, Mindwaves Music, Ad Noiseam) https://soundcloud.com/karsten-von-pflum
 <¡mper‹ep+:ve-music>, PT (Live) https://soundcloud.com/imperceptivemusic //
RomanGHB  (Strictly Strictly) https://soundcloud.com/splitless-art/rmnrnm
Poperttelli  (Maturre) https://soundcloud.com/poperttelli
Maturre resident DJ's Object Sound Performance :
Till Baumann / the ritournelle project https://soundcloud.com/the-ritournelle-project http://heraudbaumann.com/p/07ritproject/ritproject.html   VJ : Samantha Stress
FB event
RA Event
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amongthefallingstar · 5 years
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das-dekonstrukt · 7 years
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rafptn · 1 year
Niveau Zero feat. Aucan "The Cross" from Ad Noiseam on Vimeo.
Official short-movie for the track "The Cross" by Niveau Zero and Aucan, taken from Niveau Zero's second album, "Jasmine" (Ad Noiseam adn161)
Directed by Frédéric Garcia and Thibault Gleize Created by Frédéric Garcia, Thibault Gleize & Mihai Grecu Camera: Thibault Gleize 3D FX: Mihai Grecu Visual FX & Post Prod: Mihai Grecu & Thibault Gleize Cast: Menotte, Richard Le Quere, Lucile De San Jose, Rémi C., Thibault Gleize Sound Design: Frédéric Garcia Editing: Frédéric Garcia & Thibault Gleize
More information: adnoiseam.net/adn161
Niveau Zero : niveauzero.net Aucan : aucanize.com Thibault Gleize: thibaultgleize.com / bault.tumblr.com/ Mihai Grecu: vimeo.com/user609774 Ad Noiseam: adnoiseam.net Dip prod 2013 - Paris - [email protected]
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belporama · 5 years
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Big Up to Ukrainian TIGHT Mag for featuring me with a really challenging 1h Mix I did 4 them <3
I encourage you to listen to this mix. It features lots of things, including the Scratcha DVA / singlewhitefemale 10" on @version111a ... all time favorites from Aaron Spectre @drumcorps ... DJ Marcelle greatness, "Yuly" from Space Afrika on the recent Alter release together w/ a track from Theresa Winter, Camila De Laborde, the soundtracks of DUNE & The Simpsons in the very wrong places & the wonderful Lisokot ... Igorrr of Ad Noiseam fame, references over references, etc. etc., ... and somewhere in between, Music from my humble self.
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noiseartist-johnraw · 7 years
I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/7H7kINB7Qi Whourkr "Quadruple Plis de Peau (711 Snare Drums)" - Ad Noiseam adn158
— JohnRaw-NOiseARTist (@JohnRaw_NOise) September 2, 2017
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