#ada mesmer layouts
hisivan-archive · 1 month
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❝ ♡ Ada Mesmer layouts ₊
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hrtcheri · 4 months
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ada mesmer rentry graphics ♡
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no f/o tags.
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del1very · 2 years
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ADA & EMIL - layouts, with dark academia.
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momkiddies-blog · 5 years
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Latest Post On https://momandkids.fun/2019/03/05/the-scientific-method-in-picture-chapter-books/
The Scientific Method in Picture & Chapter Books
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Get your kids excited about the scientific method with engaging picture books and chapter books like these. This science inquiry process is beneficial because it teaches kids to think: to make observations, ask questions, form hypotheses, experiment, analyze, fail, try again, and draw conclusions. Children’s books like these make this process fun & exciting using memorable characters and engaging plots.
You can find the scientific process in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Framework for Science & Engineering Practices.
The Scientific Method in Picture Books
Mesmerized: How Ben Franklin Solved a  Mystery that Baffled All of France by Mara Rockliff, illustrated by Iacopo Bruno This picture book narrates a little-known part of Ben Franklin’s history. We see him use the scientific method to figure out what the unsavory Dr. Mesmer is up to. Is he doing magic, science, or fraud? Excellent images, design, and writing will mesmerize young readers.
11 Experiments That Failed by Jenny Offill & Nancy Carpenter This science-loving heroine tries 11 unusual experiments which go through the entire scientific process. Let me give you an example:
Question: Can a live beaver be ordered through the mail?
Hypothesis: A live beaver can be ordered through the mail.
What You Need: Five-dollar bill, envelope, stamp
What to Do: 1. Fill out mail-order beaver form. 2. Attach five-dollar bill. 3. Place form in stamped envelope. 4. Mail.
What Happened: Allowance withheld until further notice. House declared No Beaver zone.
You can imagine the illustrations showing these steps, right? This book cracks me up!
Charlotte The Scientist Is Squished by Camille Andros, illustrated by Brianne Farley Get ready for a charming STEM story! Charlotte is squished in her very big family so she implements the scientific method to solve her squished problem. She asks questions, hypothesizes and experiments. And decides …to move to outer space. (Bet you didn’t see that one coming.) There, she observes that she misses being squished. Using the scientific method again, Charlotte discovers the perfect solution that allows her to be near her family but not as squished as before.
Rosie Revere Engineer by Andrea Beaty, illustrated by David Roberts Rosie is an exuberant inventor who uses things around her to invent wonderful contraptions — like the flying machine she makes for her great-great-aunt Rose. When it doesn’t fly, Rosie thinks she’s failed. But her wise Aunt Rose shows Rosie that failure is a success — and that failure only happens if you quit.
Scampers Thinks Like a Scientist by Mike Allegra, illustrated by Elizabeth Zechel When an owl shows up in the garden, the mice can’t eat the garden’s yummy food anymore. But Scampers  has an idea. She doesn’t tell readers her idea (hypothesis) so you’ll have to infer but we see her experiments. First, she uses a rag-doll mouse, then a marching band, then a catapult. But the owl never moves. Scampers decides to try her experiments on another owl — one in the woods. Which moves! She makes a deduction and shares her conclusions with the other mice — that the garden owl isn’t a real owl. Now they can all eat from the garden again!! I loved Scampers’ growth mindset and curiosity! And what a fun story to model the scientific method.
The Scientific Method in Chapter Books
(ages 6 – 9) This is an entertaining and well-written story with the coolest mix of science and magic, a diverse main character, and fantastic illustrations that will get kids reading and learning. Zoey, like her mom, can see magical creatures and is tasked to care for any injured creatures that might need help. In this story, she uses her science skills (including research and the scientific method) to figure out how to care for a sick baby dragon.
Franny K. Stein by Jim Benton (ages 6 – 9) Franny is not a normal kid but a mad scientist. We love her wacky, laugh-out-loud stories that show her using the scientific method — usually with disastrous results.
When Ada moves to a new neighborhood, she looks out her window to observe her surroundings. But when she notices a distraught neighbor whose dog is missing and ask her new neighbor friends to help her find the missing dog. The friends use science and technology to solve the mystery of the missing dog.
If you like kooky books, this book fits the bill. Olga finds an unusual, unknown creature whom she names “MEH” after the sound that it makes. She uses her deductive reasoning to figure out what it is (something new!) and what it likes to eat (olives)! But what will she do when Meh disappears? Here’s what I love about this book… One, the illustrations rock! Two, the narrator’s voice is believable and funny. Three, the plot includes mean girls who aren’t so mean after all.
The Science of Breakable Things by Tae Keller (ages 9 – 12) This children’s middle-grade book touched my heart so deeply. Natalie wants to figure out how to help her mother, who we infer is depressed. (She’s in her bed all day long, no longer working.) As Natalie prepares for an egg drop contest with two other kids, she tries to solve her mother’s situation with the same scientific process zeal. Her ultimate plan is to win the contest then use the prize money to take her mother away on a special trip. Throughout the story, we see Natalie’s friendships develop as well as the difficult understanding that life, and depression, not an exact science. It’s a beautiful, well-done story and a compassionate look at depression.
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Best STEM Chapter Books for Kids
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Download my “Can’t Put ‘Em Down” book lists for your kids ages 3 – 13.
Also, I’ll send you a bonus “23 Reasons to Read” printable poster!
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hisivan-archive · 1 month
Haiaiaiiiaai ^_^ can i gett uhmmgmhhmhm ada mesmer ( identity v ) tumblr layouts ? Thank u so much in advance and feel free to declinee (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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maybe... here they are....
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