#adam noshimuri x male!reader
thatfanficstuff · 2 years
Fantastic - Adam Noshimuri
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Pairing: Adam Noshimuri x Male!Reader
Warnings: nope
A/N: Flirty and Fluffy
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There was no question that Adam Noshimuri was devastated when his marriage to Kono fell apart. After everything they had gone through to be together, he couldn’t believe it was over. He’d made the decision to return to Hawaii because it was home, but more importantly because it was far away from the life Kono had made for herself without him noticing he was no longer a part of it.
Five-0 had pulled him from his drunken stupor, cleaned him up and put him to work. That turned out to be exactly what he needed. Something to keep his mind occupied. To keep him from sitting home alone night after night.
It took him longer than it should have to realize that his co-workers had a rotation of who was spending time with him, asking him to hang out after work hours. He hadn’t thought anything of the invitations. Five-0 had always been a tight knit group, more like a family than anything else. They tended to spend their free time together frequently.
One such invitation had brought him to where he was now, sitting at a table with you and Steve at a little bar you recommended near the beach. Steve grinned at the story you just finished before standing. “Well, it’s time for me to go,” he said while patting his pockets looking for the wallet he never seemed to have on him.
“I got it, boss,” you said after a moment with a shake of your head.
“Thanks. I’ll see you two tomorrow.” And a beat later he was gone leaving Adam alone with you.  
Adam ran his gaze along the line of your throat as you tilted your head back to take a long swallow of your beer. “I wonder how much money he’s saved by always having someone else pick up the check?” you asked once you’d sat the bottle down.
He huffed a laugh. “Oh, thousands at least.”
The two of you sat in companionable silence for a long moment. One of the things Adam liked most about you was that he never felt like he had to fill the silence. Just being near you brought him a sense of peace he had been missing for some time. He clenched his teeth and worked a muscle in his jaw. He wanted to spend time with you, but he didn’t want you to feel forced into it.
The day Adam realized he had feelings for you took him by surprise. Not because you were a man. He’d known he was bisexual since his late teens. He was surprised because he’d honestly thought he’d never feel that way again after Kono shattered his heart. The time he’d spent with you had gone a long way toward piecing it back together. That was the day he realized that it was no longer Kono that filled his every waking thought. It was you.
“I know what you’re doing, you know,” he finally said to break the quiet that had fallen between you.
You turned in surprise, eyebrows furrowed in question. “What?”
He nodded and sipped his beer. “All of you. I’ll grant you it took me a bit to figure it out. You guys have it down to a fine art.”
You were completely and utterly lost. “What in the hell are you talking about, Noshimuri?”
He gave you that smile that was almost a smirk that drove you crazy. “Inviting me out all the time. Hanging out after everyone else has gone.” He gestured to the table as he said the last. “I don’t need a babysitter anymore.”
You gave him a blank look. “I have no recollection of these events.”
He leaned back in his seat as he laughed. “I hope that’s not how you testify in court or we’re all screwed.”
A grin crossed your face. He didn’t laugh freely like that often and you were glad to be the one that caused it. “Seriously though. We stopped that ages ago.”
Adam arched a brow and gave you a look that clearly said he didn’t believe you.
You shrugged. “Once Steve figured out you weren’t going to drink yourself to death if we left you alone, he told us to stop. Now it’s just us being us.”
He licked his lips. “So why are you here then?”
“Um…I’m having a beer.” You lifted your bottle to emphasize your point.
He shook his head and pointed one finger at you. “No. You always stay longer than anyone else and try to get me to hang out with you if I’m going to be alone. You still feel the need to babysit me.”
“It’s not babysitting.” Your heart raced and your stomach churned with nerves. Were you really going to make this confession.
“What is it then?”
You sighed and laid a hand on top of his. “Sometimes you can be a little dense, Noshimuri.”
His brow furrowed in thought. You caught the moment he figured it out as his eyebrows lifted and his eyes went wide. “Oh.”
“Oh.” You pulled your hand away and gave him a cockeyed smile. Standing, you drained the last of your beer and tossed several bills on the table to cover the tab. “Have a good night, Adam. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He still seemed a little dazed as you left. You were lost in your own head berating yourself for revealing your interest in your friend. Work was going to be so awkward now. You pulled out your keys when you got to your car only to be stopped by a hand on your arm.
You turned in surprise to find Adam smiling at you. “I called your name like three times.”
Your cheeks heated as you shrugged. “I was thinking I guess.”
He stepped closer to you. “Thinking about what precisely?”
You swallowed past the lump in your throat. “Don’t remember.”
“Hmm. That’s too bad.” He moved even closer and you stepped back only to find yourself up against your car. Noticing your predicament, Adam smirked. He rested one hand on the side of your face and traced his thumb along your cheek bone. “Because I know exactly what I’ve been thinking about for months.”
Your eyes searched his looking for any dishonesty. “Months?”
He nodded once. “Months.” His free hand found your hip as he eliminated any space remaining between the two of you. His gaze darted down to your lips and back again. “Can I?”
Instead of answering, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. Tasting. Familiarizing. Memorizing the feel of him. His tongue traced your bottom lip and you gasped allowing him entrance. Your hands gripped his hips as your thumbs ran back and forth wishing there was bare skin beneath them. Finally, the two of you pulled away, both trying to catch your breath.
“Holy shit,” you said after a moment, your voice breathy in surprise and need.
That made him grin again. “Let me take you to dinner?”
You nodded. “I’d love that.”
He moved backward away from you. “Tomorrow?”
You mirrored his grin. “Tomorrow.”
He kept his gaze on you for another minute before turning around and walking away. You watched him until he reached his car when he sent one more look in your direction, that grin still on his face. This was going to be fantastic.
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thatfanficstuff · 6 years
Crime Shows Masterlist
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