#adam noshimuri fanfiction
0A few years had gone and come around
We were sitting at our favorite spot in town
And you looked at me, got down on one knee
Take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle
Our whole town came and our mamas cried
You said "I do" and I did too
Take me home where we met so many years before
We'll rock our babies on that very front porch
After all this time, you and I
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Complete 💯
Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams
Kono Kalakaua/Adam Noshimuri
It's the middle of the night when Steve whispers to Danny, "Hey, Danno? You awake?"
Now, Steve calls him 'Danno' for three reasons: one, he needs Danny to 'book 'em'; two, he's teasing him; and three, there's something serious he needs to say. They're in bed, so no one's getting booked and they haven't said anything in the past several hours (of Danny going in and out of sleep and Steve being... Steve), so Danny doubts he's getting teased.
Which means Steve has something serious to say.
"Please don't ask me if water is wet to fish. It's too late for that, Steven," Danny says, trying to break the tension he already feels building in himself. Steve snickers, a puff of breath behind Danny's neck.
"Nah, I was saving that for the morning," Steve responds. And then, "But seriously."
"What?" Danny asks, wary.
"Uh, well. I think..." Steve trails off and Danny hears him take a breath to steel himself. "I want a baby."
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas
Danny goes too far; Kono tells him off and defends Steve and comforts Steve.
Steve goes undercover as a stripper. He needs Kono's help covering up his tattoos and scars. In order to not be recognized, he only uses outfits that have hats or masks, and he keeps those on and just takes off everything else. Outfit ideas: construction worker, cop, firefighter, sailor, sheriff, soldier.
Steve is stressed and/or sore; Kono gives him a massage (can be SFW or NSFW). If you want to add some humor, you can have Steve fall asleep in the middle of the massage.
Kono finds out Steve gets carsick (prior to the therapist appt with Danny). She promises him that his secret is safe with her.
Steve has abandonment issues.
Steve and Kono are married. Steve gets redeployed. After he leaves, Kono finds out she's pregnant. Not deathfic. The kid ends up being named Freddie. If you want, you can make it twins, and one can be named Frederick (Freddie) John and the other Daniel Joseph (for a boy) or Daniella/Danielle Joanna (for a girl).
Post pilot – Kono goes to Steve's house to check on him.
Steve gets sunburned really bad on his back. (ik this is a cliché; sorry, not sorry) (Can be NSFW or SFW)
Post 3x01 AU – Steve tells Kono he has feelings for her. She feels the same way, but she tells him they can't be together bc he's her boss. Understanding but heartbroken, Steve decides to go back to active duty bc it hurts too much to see Kono every day and know that he can never have her. While away, he realizes he's not Kono's boss anymore.
NSFW 🔞: Adam, Kono, and Steve have a threesome
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thatfanficstuff · 2 years
Fantastic - Adam Noshimuri
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Pairing: Adam Noshimuri x Male!Reader
Warnings: nope
A/N: Flirty and Fluffy
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There was no question that Adam Noshimuri was devastated when his marriage to Kono fell apart. After everything they had gone through to be together, he couldn’t believe it was over. He’d made the decision to return to Hawaii because it was home, but more importantly because it was far away from the life Kono had made for herself without him noticing he was no longer a part of it.
Five-0 had pulled him from his drunken stupor, cleaned him up and put him to work. That turned out to be exactly what he needed. Something to keep his mind occupied. To keep him from sitting home alone night after night.
It took him longer than it should have to realize that his co-workers had a rotation of who was spending time with him, asking him to hang out after work hours. He hadn’t thought anything of the invitations. Five-0 had always been a tight knit group, more like a family than anything else. They tended to spend their free time together frequently.
One such invitation had brought him to where he was now, sitting at a table with you and Steve at a little bar you recommended near the beach. Steve grinned at the story you just finished before standing. “Well, it’s time for me to go,” he said while patting his pockets looking for the wallet he never seemed to have on him.
“I got it, boss,” you said after a moment with a shake of your head.
“Thanks. I’ll see you two tomorrow.” And a beat later he was gone leaving Adam alone with you.  
Adam ran his gaze along the line of your throat as you tilted your head back to take a long swallow of your beer. “I wonder how much money he’s saved by always having someone else pick up the check?” you asked once you’d sat the bottle down.
He huffed a laugh. “Oh, thousands at least.”
The two of you sat in companionable silence for a long moment. One of the things Adam liked most about you was that he never felt like he had to fill the silence. Just being near you brought him a sense of peace he had been missing for some time. He clenched his teeth and worked a muscle in his jaw. He wanted to spend time with you, but he didn’t want you to feel forced into it.
The day Adam realized he had feelings for you took him by surprise. Not because you were a man. He’d known he was bisexual since his late teens. He was surprised because he’d honestly thought he’d never feel that way again after Kono shattered his heart. The time he’d spent with you had gone a long way toward piecing it back together. That was the day he realized that it was no longer Kono that filled his every waking thought. It was you.
“I know what you’re doing, you know,” he finally said to break the quiet that had fallen between you.
You turned in surprise, eyebrows furrowed in question. “What?”
He nodded and sipped his beer. “All of you. I’ll grant you it took me a bit to figure it out. You guys have it down to a fine art.”
You were completely and utterly lost. “What in the hell are you talking about, Noshimuri?”
He gave you that smile that was almost a smirk that drove you crazy. “Inviting me out all the time. Hanging out after everyone else has gone.” He gestured to the table as he said the last. “I don’t need a babysitter anymore.”
You gave him a blank look. “I have no recollection of these events.”
He leaned back in his seat as he laughed. “I hope that’s not how you testify in court or we’re all screwed.”
A grin crossed your face. He didn’t laugh freely like that often and you were glad to be the one that caused it. “Seriously though. We stopped that ages ago.”
Adam arched a brow and gave you a look that clearly said he didn’t believe you.
You shrugged. “Once Steve figured out you weren’t going to drink yourself to death if we left you alone, he told us to stop. Now it’s just us being us.”
He licked his lips. “So why are you here then?”
“Um…I’m having a beer.” You lifted your bottle to emphasize your point.
He shook his head and pointed one finger at you. “No. You always stay longer than anyone else and try to get me to hang out with you if I’m going to be alone. You still feel the need to babysit me.”
“It’s not babysitting.” Your heart raced and your stomach churned with nerves. Were you really going to make this confession.
“What is it then?”
You sighed and laid a hand on top of his. “Sometimes you can be a little dense, Noshimuri.”
His brow furrowed in thought. You caught the moment he figured it out as his eyebrows lifted and his eyes went wide. “Oh.”
“Oh.” You pulled your hand away and gave him a cockeyed smile. Standing, you drained the last of your beer and tossed several bills on the table to cover the tab. “Have a good night, Adam. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He still seemed a little dazed as you left. You were lost in your own head berating yourself for revealing your interest in your friend. Work was going to be so awkward now. You pulled out your keys when you got to your car only to be stopped by a hand on your arm.
You turned in surprise to find Adam smiling at you. “I called your name like three times.”
Your cheeks heated as you shrugged. “I was thinking I guess.”
He stepped closer to you. “Thinking about what precisely?”
You swallowed past the lump in your throat. “Don’t remember.”
“Hmm. That’s too bad.” He moved even closer and you stepped back only to find yourself up against your car. Noticing your predicament, Adam smirked. He rested one hand on the side of your face and traced his thumb along your cheek bone. “Because I know exactly what I’ve been thinking about for months.”
Your eyes searched his looking for any dishonesty. “Months?”
He nodded once. “Months.” His free hand found your hip as he eliminated any space remaining between the two of you. His gaze darted down to your lips and back again. “Can I?”
Instead of answering, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. Tasting. Familiarizing. Memorizing the feel of him. His tongue traced your bottom lip and you gasped allowing him entrance. Your hands gripped his hips as your thumbs ran back and forth wishing there was bare skin beneath them. Finally, the two of you pulled away, both trying to catch your breath.
“Holy shit,” you said after a moment, your voice breathy in surprise and need.
That made him grin again. “Let me take you to dinner?”
You nodded. “I’d love that.”
He moved backward away from you. “Tomorrow?”
You mirrored his grin. “Tomorrow.”
He kept his gaze on you for another minute before turning around and walking away. You watched him until he reached his car when he sent one more look in your direction, that grin still on his face. This was going to be fantastic.
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shittykawagirl97 · 3 years
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Phoenix (6/6)
Words: 3582
Pairing: Steve McGarrett/Danny Williams, Chin go Kelly/Malia Waincroft, Kono Kalakaua/Adam Noshimuri
Summary: Malia's Funeral. Chin and Alyssa philosophically drink. Danny and Steve bickering.
⚠ Set during and after 3.02 ⚠
Funerals, whiskey, and tears.
Alyssa hated death.
She loathed it with all her heart, not because of death per se or the gigantic hole someone left in your life without knowing it, she hated death because of the consequences that it had on the living.
The loneliness, the sorrow, the tears, the cold, the heartache, the mental and emotional breakdown; Alyssa abhorred seeing the people she cared for in that kind of pain because she felt and saw it too many times. Any professional would have said it was kinda unhealthy, at that point.
Death was Alyssa's solo, steady, companion in her life and she despised it.
At the first funeral she attended, she was six and no one had to explain to her what had happened or what was happening. She knew that her Nonno Alberto wasn't sleeping in the casket and she felt like she would have never been able to talk to him ever again, but she was okay with that in a strange way.
She was sad, obviously, but after her mother and sister talked to her, she accepted that it was a fact that no one could change.
What had broken her into a pathetic whine was the devastation that she could see on her parents and sister's faces; she didn't want them to feel that way, she wanted them to smile, to laugh, to enjoy the food it was passed around, but she was six and she couldn't do anything to help.
That broke her spirit and her little heart.
In the mare eight years after, Alyssa attended other four family funerals. The last one, when she was fourteen, was her mother's.
For the first time, she didn't just saw the agony in her grannies' faces or her dad's or her sister's; Alyssa felt it, felt the voidness in her chest, the crack in her soul, the ultimate clusterfuck of emotion that her brain was, one moment she was crying for her loss and the next she was hysterically laughing.
Everyone was telling her to be strong. To be courageous. To be there for her dad, but she just wanted to disappear, to stop feeling, to lose herself into the void.
Everything was too much and she didn't know how to copy. The sun was too bright, the sorrow of the people gathered too fake, the emotions too troublesome and Alyssa just turned it all off.
It took hours, a panic attack at the thought of never being able to feel again, and a hurtful headshot with her cousin's forehead to evade the nothingness and being able to feel again. Years later she would have learned that she had her first emotional overload that day.
But death wasn't done with her.
Her mother's cousin, her mother's aunt, her two grannies, her father's aunt, all died before her twenty-second birthday.
Death wasn't a stranger to Alyssa but she now could handle the aftermath.
At least, that was what she thought before Danny's call.
It had been a long work night. She had just finished examining a young boy that was brought into ER at an hour where you can't tell if it is too late or too soon when her phone ringed. Danny's voice cracked when he told her about Malia's death.
Alyssa was so out of it that she breakdown in the middle of ER. The nurses had to take her phone and tell Danny to come, take her home. Her blond friends didn't leave her alone that night: he brought her to his home and tackle her on the couch, under soft sheets. Told her to wake him if there was anything she needed.
Alyssa the world became blurred after that.
Danny was always present. Showing up on her doorstep every time he could, bringing her something to eat or drink; they passed the hours sitting on her couch silently drinking their sorrow away. She knew Steve was away for a few days – this time the idiot told them – and when one afternoon Danny showed up with his brunette partner, she just buried herself in the hug that Steve was offering.
It was only a couple of hours later and a call away that Alyssa learned that Doris McGarrett was alive and being watched by Catherine, Steve's ex. That afternoon she learned that Danny had to thought for Grace once again, too.
It took Chin a couple of weeks to organize Malia's surfer funeral ceremony and he asked for her help. He knew how strongly tied Alyssa and Malia had become during the past year and it would be offensive to not include her in it.
They met at a twenty-four hours diner and set together almost all nights; they needed someone to talk to, to mourn and cry with. Someone that could understand the hole Malia left behind at a hundred per cent.
Sometimes Steve showed up, no words, just a cup of coffee and his presence - the worst nights his strong arm could have been found over Alyssa's shoulders. Other times Danny followed him and there were a lot of words included, but they were soft and warm. She found herself smiling softly at the couple more and more times alongside Chin.
And then the day came.
The sky was impeccably blue, no trace of clouds, and the sun could break a stone. Alyssa, wearing her most elegant black suit, was standing on the beach barefoot; in the water, a few meters away, Chin was releasing Malia's ashes. Her eyes were burning because of the tears but she stood rigid, head high, paying her silent respect to one of the best women she ever met in her life.
At her right, Danny was squeezing her forearm to remind her that she was not alone in that. Alyssa breathed shakingly and throw a rapid glance in his direction.
Danny's expression was contracted and his jaw was rigid, tightly closed; his eyes were dark and shiny, a little tear had escaped his left eye but he wouldn't wipe it away: one hand closed around her arm and the other was tightly buried into Steve's suit.
Steve, on the other side of the blonde, had an arm around his boyfriend's waist and was whispering things, trying to console the other man. For all the things that had happened in the last few days, Alyssa was really happy that at least these two were finally together.
Kono was at her left and had taken residence against Alyssa's shoulder, hold protectively by her arm; the woman hadn't yet won against the demons that were telling her that Malia's death was her fault and for that, she hadn't been able to be at his cousin's side in the water. Alyssa had promised Chin to keep an eye on her.
Behind them, a little distant, there were Adam and Cathrine.
Alyssa had yet to meet Kono's man but she knew was told that between him and Chin there wasn't a good relationship; that alone explained why, even though Adam wanted to be there for Kono, he was standing respectfully away. Everyone was pretending he wasn't there – no one wanted to witness a fistfight at a funeral – but now and then Kono would look back and waved a hand to tell him she was alright. Alyssa looked at him only a handful of times, their meeting every time and she nodded, just once, to tell him that his girlfriend was alright.
Cathrine was an entirely different story: she wanted to help Steve but stood back a little from them because she didn't know Malia personally and didn't want to intrude.
In the water, the surfers started shouting and splashing the water.
Malia was gone.
The wake had been good. A lot of people passed by for condolences and even more arrived armed with alcohol.
Alyssa, Kono, Danny, and Steve helped Chin in every way they can – from taking the food from a newly arrived woman to greetings people when Chin hid for a moment – but when their common friend would bench them because "I'm suffering not an invalid", Danny had an entire argument against that, they would find themselves in a corner of the room mourning and sharing stories about Malia.
Alyssa brought the glass to her lips and sipped the brown beverage. She wasn't a whiskey woman – rum, rum was her go-to for the sourest nights – but it was the strongest alcoholic drink that had been left around.
Not even two hours in and Five-0, minus Chin, was called away for a case. Alyssa found herself alone, with not a lot of booze left around: the Kelly-Kalakaua clan turned out to be composed of pro-drinker.
Snatching away a glass, and the last but already opened bottle of whiskey, she went outside and sat on the porch's steps. It was only two weeks and she already missed Malia as she would have missed a limb.
There was a huge void in her life, in her work, in her daily activity by now. It was said that you understood what you had after you had lost it; Alyssa always thought she had understood what she had in Malia – a coworker, a friend, a sister – and yet she felt like she had just lost a piece of who she was.
She felt desperation, rage, sadness, and numbness; she felt it all at once or nothing at all.
God! She felt precisely the same as at her mother's funeral. This time, though, she had booze to drown herself in.
Her phone vibrated again but she ignored Steve's text: the brunette wanted an update on her and Chin, every five minutes. Yeah, she was starting to understand why Danny was always in yelling mode.
She sipped again at the whiskey – no but seriously, why no one had brought rum? – and looked nowhere and everywhere.
«Are you okay?» Chin's voice asked her. Alyssa looked over and watched the man stumbled towards her and slumped (fell) next to her (almost on her). When had he become so drunk?
«Shouldn't be me to ask you that?» She retorted, settling him the best she could.
«Meh. I am good for now: the Okolehao helped». He raised his still full glass. «But you are not drunk, not speaking, and starting at nothing».
Alyssa smirked and sipped from her glass.
«What are you? A policeman?»
Chin's elbow found a new home in her left side. Hard. Ouch.
«I'm not so gone that I can't see you burying your emotion under your scary amount of sarcasm», he warned. «I had worked with Steve and Danny for over two years now, I am trained. And Malia complained about it. A lot. And loud enough».
Alyssa snorted. Gosh, that woman!
They settled in comfortable silence for a few minutes.
Chin knew that Alyssa was dangerously similar to Steve when it came to coping mechanisms: where his boss coped from trauma with an insane dose of recklessness, the woman used a foolish amount of sarcasm.
Just like Danny... A lot like Danny.
Chin looked at the dark-haired woman and couldn't stop himself from thinking that she was what Steve and Danny's child would have been like. Grace had saved herself from becoming that thank to Rachel.
«I thought I become good at managing it», Alyssa's voice brought Chin back to the present.
«Managing what?»
«Death, mourning... The void». She answered with a tight tone before dipping the whiskey, trying to force down the knot that was forming in her throat.
«Death is death, Lyss, there is no way around».
She snorted before drinking again. «Didn't I know that».
Chin cringed at her level of sarcasm. Malia, during a rare night spent on the couch with Netflix and ice cream, had confessed to him that she was preoccupied with her new co-worker's coping mechanism. Steve and Danny hadn't yet become her patients at that point.
The two women weren't even friends but, because Malia was the only one that Alyssa respect enough to not insult, their boss had asked Malia to talk to the younger woman. She had made a nurse cry that day, after blowing up for a stupid reason; Alyssa had probably been at her breaking point because she opened up to Malia the instant she asked her what was wrong. The unhealthy amount of sarcasm used during the explanation – it had been her mother's death anniversary – had left Malia on edge for the rest of the day.
«I'm sorry», Chin mumble apologetically.
Alyssa winced.
«God, Chin. No!» She exclaimed, passing a hand on her face. «Don't ever apologize for something like that. Your sorrow isn't less real than mine cause I had a lot of people taken from me! That is a very, very wrong idea to have!»
«And yet, you're undermining your own only because you attended more funerals than me!» He threw back at her. «Losing a loved one is never easy! Even after fifty damn funerals».
Alyssa shakingly breathed in and filled her now empty glass. She needed a lot more alcohol in her to be able to survive that discussion.
«Death touched me when I was a baby, Chin», she gulped down a good amount of the brown beverage, burning her throat. «I grew up with death breathing down my neck. Wherever I look there was death in a way or another. That scars you for life; the only way out of that ache is accepting.
Accepting that death is real. Death is everywhere, at any given moment, and we can't do shit about it. Life's meaning is death and that's it».
Chin watched her eyes puffing and reddening with unleashed tears, he drunk.
«I understand what you mean but I think you are wrong on two things».
«Enlight me, please», Alyssa's tone was sarcastic but her face was grim: she honestly grew up thinking that she hadn't any more rights to feel the loss of a loved one because she had lost too many.
Chin's heart strung at the revelation. He wanted to kill every idiot that made her feel that way and then protect her a lot more: she was a beautiful person, with a gigantic heart; she didn't deserve all the suffering she had been through.
«First», he choked out, «I think that we can do something about death. Yeah, we can't save anyone and death is the destination of everyone's life... But we can help to make their life a little bit longer and a little bit safer. I become a cop cause of that and you wouldn't be such a good doctor if you didn't think the same. At least, subconsciously».
«Second», his voice lower, careful and full of affection, «I think that death can help us understand life better. Can let us appreciate what we have a lot more, never giving someone for granted. I thought that I had the rest of my life to spend with Malia and I feel that I hadn't told her enough how much I love her».
Alyssa shook her head vigorously.
«Malia knew how much you loved her, Chin. She never questioned your seriousness or your resolve. She comprehended how much you were giving her and she worshipped it.
«Never, ever guilt yourself with her death. Please, please, believe me when I tell you that Malia loved you with every inch of herself, despite knowing that one day you could have died in action or that your work could have followed you home. She knew what she was going up to and she never regretted any of that. That was the kind of love she was willing to give you and the kind of love she knew you were giving her every single second of your life».
Chin sipped from his glass and closed his eyes, trying to contain his tears but losing miserably when one ran down his sharp cheekbone. He didn't even try to wipe it away, too tired.
«I wasn't the only one she loved, Lyss», he remarked. «She thought of you as the little sister she never had. She cared about you as much as you cared for her. Yeah, maybe you didn't know her for long, but you have the same rights as me to be upset. To be angry. To be sad.
«She was your friend and you can be broken because of her death. No matter how many people you lose or how many funerals you attended».
Alyssa felt her eyes stung like bitches and didn't fight the tears or the emotional breakdown. She sobbed loudly, hiding her face with her free hand, letting herself honestly mourning her best friend for the first time since she had been told she had died.
Suddenly, a weight was left from her shoulders, and Chin was there to keep her together. She didn't know what he had done to deserve such good friends but she was thankful for them all.
Chin embraced her for what felt like forever, encouraging her to let go of everything, before the sobs subsided and she stopped crying. They stayed like that – her head on his shoulder and his arm around her shoulders – a little more afterwards, just to know that they were not alone.
The only sound was the neverending buzz of her phone.
«Are you going to respond to Steve's text?» Chin asked after the umpteenth notification.
«Nope, he should learn a little bit of patience». Alyssa responded truthfully. «And I am enjoying my mental picture of Danny bitching at him at every new text».
Chin snorted.
«I think you forget who you are talking about in that bottle of whiskey you stole».
Alyssa scuffed and admitted to herself that she was starting to feel a little tipsy; it was a good feeling. For the first time in days, she felt the void inside her subsided a little bit.
«He has a job to do and he should stay focus on it», she smirked. «We have alcohol to keep us at bay and each other, obviously, because misery loves company».
The dark-haired man laughed at that.
«You would have been right if you were talking about anyone else, but you talking about Steve McGarrett here. He will terrify someone for life just to being able to return here immediately and smother us with worries. If you think that Danny will not partner up with him on this, I will say you drunk too much».
The woman rolled her eyes and was ready to retort that yes, Steve and Danny were practically insane and unstoppable when worried for their ohana but this was different because they knew where they were; when the rumble of an engine tore the quiet air in half and suddenly a silver Camaro was stopping in front of Chin's house with a dangerous screech.
The car went silent a moment after and the first thing the two cuddling friends heard was Danny's scared-pitched ranting. Immediately, they couldn't understand the single words – obstructed by the car door – but then Steve swiftly got out of the vehicle and Danny followed him.
«I was screaming for my life you Neandertal animal!» He was wailing, waving his hands everywhere after closing the car door. «You went up to the red zone of the speedo and never come down! You are officially insane and I should have dragged you to a psychiatrist some time like yesterday!»
«I was preoccupied!» Steve ranted back, now at Danny's side with an I-can't–understand–why-are-you-shouting-at-me face. «She isn't answering her phone! Everything could have happened!».
Danny made a large and circular gesture with his hand and ended up indicating Chin and Alyssa.
«They are drunk, you shmuck! They are at a wake, they are grieving the loss of a very special woman in their life, they are crying, and they are drinking an unhealthy amount of alcohol! Just look at them, they are fine!»
Steve let his gaze follow Danny's hands and he finally noticed that the sources of his concerns, cuddling on the front step of Chin's house. Their glasses were half empty, the whiskey in the bottle was dangerously close to the bottom, and their cheeks were stained with dried tears.
No dangerous whatsoever.
He felt his face flush and shyly waved a hand in their direction.
Alyssa laughed out loud at that because, yeah, Chin was right and she had forgotten who Steve was: a closet mother hen. Hell, if she didn't love him for that.
Chin joined in her laugh and she caught the shitty smut grin that Danny was giving his boyfriend.
Alyssa felt alive and at home. She felt secure like she could be herself even in the worst moment of all with her Ohana around.
She hadn't to hide her sadness and sorrow anymore because now she had insane, lovely people that would help through all of it.
Part (1/2/3/4/5/6)
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h50europe · 4 years
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“You expect me to watch you die right in front of my eyes? Without lifting a finger? ARE. YOU. NUTS?” Danny’s voice was a tad higher than usual.
“I expect you to bring me home.” Steve’s voice was calm and soothing. “Of course, there might be a chance that things are going south. We both know it.”
“No, Steven. You’ve never done that before. Not like that. You were always conscious and in control of your actions. If you die, you hand over your fate into someone else’s hands. Someone we don’t know. It will be his world and its rules.” Danny fought the tears that stung his eyes.
McDanno/H50 AU - Drag Me To Hell - it has been a while since I was writing a supernatural plot so I decided to revisit this genre and came up with some crazy ideas. Uploaded chapter 1 to AO3
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pepperpip · 6 years
I need more ffs
I really NEED more The Umbrella Academy, The Magicians, Royal Pains (Boris x OC), One Tree Hill and Hawaii 5-0 (Adam x OC) fanfictions.
Like really there is so little amount of them or like none and yeah I'm trying to write some myself but it's not the same and I just need more of them because sjfjfjfkfkdke I LOVE THOSE SO MUCH!!!
So please I beg you!!
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Dreamt I got spank on my butt and saw Steve McGarrett talking about a case. 😂😂😂😂🤣
I admit it was a nice damn dream. Not the first time I dreamt of familiar characters because I dreamt of Adam Noshimuri the other day 💜
Maybe I been watching too many replays episodes in Hawaii Five-0 lmfao
I am still going to do the mini writing of random episodes to do just as like a test run
Think I am going to continue writing and I will leave for work stuff later.
Anyone realised how tall Megatron is compared to Knockout when they were talking about decoding in the episode of Toxicity for Transformers Prime? And the fact Rafael always remains behind compared to his friends Jack and Miko?
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itsmrvlxh50 · 4 years
Chapters: 22/22 Fandom: Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve McGarrett/Danny “Danno” Williams, Lou Grover/Renee Grover, Junior Reigns/Tani Rey, Clara Williams/Eddie Williams Characters: Steve McGarrett, Danny “Danno” Williams, Grace Williams, Charles “Charlie” Williams Edwards, Adam Noshimuri, Lou Grover, Tani Rey, Junior Reigns, Eddie the Dog (Hawaii Five-0 2010), Eddie Williams, Clara Williams, Stella Williams Russo, Bridget Williams, Catherine Rollins, Mary Ann McGarrett, Joan McGarrett, Noelani Cunha, Quinn Liu, Lincoln Cole (Hawaii Five-0 2010), Duke Lukela, Nahele Huikala, Kamekona Tupuola, Flippa (Hawaii Five-0 2010), Nicky “The Kid” Demarco, Kawika (Hawaii Five-0 2010), Duane “Dog” Chapman, Keiko Mahoe, Tamiko Masuda, Eric “E-Train” Russo Additional Tags: Angst, Major Character Injury, Fluff, Fix-It, Travel, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, New Jersey, Hawaii, Wheelchairs, Sad, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Physical Disability Summary:
Another finale fix-it.Steve risks his life to save Danny’s and he gets shot.He dreams the whole 10x22.When he wakes up he’s paralyzed.We follow the whole year and maybe more in his life and how he deals with it.
I did it,I finished my first fanfiction(not one shot)for Hawaii 50.I hope you liked it
Mahalo to my IBFF Chiara and BFF Eva @jjkhaikyuu for helping me with ideas and writing this.I love you girls and mahalo for everything.Stay strong and safe and I love you.I want to dedicate this whole story to you💖
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Hot scenes always made me want to write smut scenes especially when I was watching Adam Noshimuri and Kono Kalakaua together. Gosh those couple sold my heart that makes me be able to write a love story into my current projects. Love those couple. They're a rare pairing. I did a little bit of writing particular for Rogue Alliance
Got to say my heart is very full for Optimus x my own personal OC. There's a reason why they suit each other big time and I just taken it to a whole new level. I'm so damn mean. Lmfao. 💜 I also have huge idea with Dreadwing x my OC. Imagine that he turn good, lost his way once and lost his way twice as a romeo juliet theme just got even more juicier in the plot. 😏
And I made Silas super evil in my crossover novel. I think if I ever reach an end of my crossover nov I'm gonna cry. 💜😅 But we are way off from being near the end. So many good flashback scenes I written as well. I found myself scrapping some scenes and re writing until my heart feels full.
Can anyone imagine a sweet kiss from Dreadwing to a female human? 😂 I'm feeling very lovesick right now. Lmfao. 💜
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ao3feed-hawaiifive0 · 6 years
Ka Heluhelu Ma Ke Wā
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2AtLhqa
by lailah
Ka Heluhelu Ma Ke Wā translates to Reading In Time. This a collection of Steve McGarrett x Reader fanfiction that I have only recently started to do. It was prompted to me by a follower on tumblr and since then I've really enjoyed working on it!
These will mainly be oneshots, however some will have follow ups and additions, but I will always add links to the previous work if they're not following each other! Hopefully you enjoy all enjoy these as much as me!
Words: 3568, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve McGarrett, Danny Williams, Kono Kalakaua, Chin Ho Kelly, Reader, Adam Noshimuri, Grace Williams, Rachel Edwards, Lou Grover, Jerry Ortega, Tani Rey, Junior Reigns
Relationships: Steve McGarrett & Reader
Additional Tags: Angst, Humor, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Character Death
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2AtLhqa
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ao3feed-hawaiifive0 · 2 years
An Ocean Away for Three Hundred Days
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/tKb7j0Q
by jack_hunter
[You do not need to have seen Hawaii Five-0 to read this fanfiction, but there will be spoilers for the show. There are no spoilers for 5b in this fic] --- The team put their gear away and began to climb the stairs. They were all starving and lunch smelled wonderful. As they climbed up to the loft, they continued their conversations but as they got to the top of the stairs, they all went quiet as they heard Buck speak.
“You want me to come and work for you? Me?” Buck said. Once he was in everyone’s sight, they saw that Buck was in the kitchen with his back turned to them. He had a phone pressed between his ear and shoulder, one hand stirring a pot on the stove and the other shaking in some herbs. “That is… Wow, okay that is a huge honour, man!” --- Evan Buckley is offered a chance to work with his old SEAL buddy, Steve McGarrett, on his task force in Hawaii. The problem is, it means leaving the 118 for a year. Leaving behind his friends and family for work. After being encouraged to go, Buck finds he loves the work he does in Hawaii and the rest of the 118 are left wondering... will he want to come back to Los Angeles when the year is up?
Words: 7137, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Fandoms: 9-1-1 (TV), Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Howie "Chimney" Han, Maddie Buckley, Ravi Panikkar, Carla Price, Steve McGarrett, Danny "Danno" Williams, Lou Grover, Tani Rey, Junior Reigns, Grace Williams, Charles "Charlie" Williams Edwards, Jerry Ortega, Adam Noshimuri, Kamekona Tupuola
Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Family Fluff, Family Feels, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Established Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, U.S. Navy SEAL Evan "Buck" Buckley, Christopher Diaz Has Two Dads, Christopher Diaz is a National Treasure, Evan "Buck" Buckley is Christopher Diaz's Parent, BAMF Evan "Buck" Buckley, Hurt Evan "Buck" Buckley, Minor Injuries, Minor Violence, Marriage Proposal, Evan "Buck" Buckley Has ADHD, Protective Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Athena Grant and Bobby Nash are Evan "Buck" Buckley's Parents
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/tKb7j0Q
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Ended up dreaming of Adam Noshimuri yesterday night. It was really a nice dream 💜😂
Don't asked
Though I might end up writing a Hawaii Five-0 fanfiction 🥰 who knows maybe depends if I have time
It's sad to see when people decide to attack writers. I cannot stress enough that leave my writers be
I feel like whenever I come online is like there's an explosion? I don't know. But please, treat people with kindness. You never know what people are going through. It's okay to vent b/c venting is a safe place when people have trouble to opened up to
Sometimes I got scolded in past when I was posting something and people don't like it. If people do that to you, ignore it. We are not obliged to even fit into others ways. Not our obligation. If they're not happy they can go the other way and leave us be.
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One of my main OC for Esther Tseo I was about to change to Esther Nomura, inspired by my favourite TV series of Hawaii Five-0
{ If you are a creative writer, give me a follow. I only follow fanfiction writers only or archive of our own or wattpad etc. I'm a fanfiction crossover writer and individual writing projects. If you're a Roleplayer, I really won't follow you either.
Please note this page is only dedicate to my writing projects for fanfiction. Read the rules before following my page. Thank you. I can be very picky to who I follow as well. }
I really wished that show was continued and I'm a big fan of Adam Noshimuri. I can think a lot of plot twist. But the projects that I desired included debating between Avengers or Transformers was doing my head in. Though, I really enjoyed doing OCs.
I might accidentally write a main OC for my following favourite series: NCIS Los Angeles and Hawaii Five-0 singular series, not crossovers. I think I have way too many projects in my head. You see that's the problem with fanfiction. Once you get started, you will forever keep going.
But I do adore my current favour pairs:
• Optimus x OC wedding bells was very tempted for Valentine's. I might do a random scene for it but I did have a bloody draft of them being married, hence in relation to Rogue Alliance. Of course, is not published because I been so damn busy with my studies. Never enough time! I can literally scream all day!
• Jazz x OC a relationship totally accepted by each after, after an event by Megatron that promised to break him or Optimus and plan to break his right hand man. I do plan to bring Dreadwing into my series. He is my hero always will be but with the faceclaim of Liam Neeson 😂 don't ask me why he suits for Dreadwing especially when I see Dreadwing as a daddy to an adopted girl
• Dreadwing x OC for my third series but a little bit sad for Valentine's day and parting of ways to the series dedicated to Until Death Do Us Apart.
First thing first, I would totally feel better when all my damn work is finished. You know I been up since god knows what time. Please kill me, because my head is hitting against the wall because I'm so self conflicted right now 🤣 whoo, my writing juice is going crazy again. But I got to find time because I'm usually always working. I hate this assignment so much!
I have some surprises coming but let us see how I deal with time. It is literally like 3:00am 🇦🇺 and I do feel like writing romance fic suddenly. 💜 I'm a big fan sucker of angst/family/adventure and a real twisted plot. I can be really mean when I want to
I am still taking a break but I need to deal with a lot for real life first. Honestly, I can chuck my papers at anyone right now 😂😂😂 I'm sorry!
I'm a mad hatter for crossover projects 🤦🏻‍♀️😂💜 shitting myself. I would have done multiple if I have all the time in the world. If I ever do create another OC just for the Avengers but also from X-Men universe, whoo...my ideas have gone mad 😂
Thanks all for your patience.
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