#adam parrish is so tasty to me
adamprrishcycle · 2 years
There’s something so magnetic about adam parrish’s ability to be bad. Like.. that line between right and wrong is so thin and he’s so close to the edge at times. I love that he’s so black and white in his decisions and so self-centered (out of necessity). Ok it all leads to his identity crisis down the line BUT I’m talking Whelk’s death, I’m talking dreamt envelope of incriminating evidence, I’m talking horror movie twins, I’m talking break up with my bf even though he’s unconscious and potentially lost forever. He is just the most unhinged of them all and I absolutely fucking love him. Delicious anti hero behaviour, we love. Need him intravenous asap
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Oh hi, neighbor.
Or also known as, the one where Adam and Ronan are neighbors.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Adam was working on a quiet Wednesday morning, the sunlight and its warmth dancing on his bare feet as he sat facing the window, legs stretched on the new and extremely comfortable couch. Fudge was asleep on the carpet, a ball of golden brown fur.
The door knocked on and Adam kept their laptop aside as they got up. It was probably Henry as he had messaged Adam saying he would be here with lunch. They opened the door.
"Ronan Lynch why did- oh, you're not Ronan" "I'm not"
Blue Sargent, out of all people stood in front of Adam. It was a rare occasion that Adam met someone from Henrietta, more specifically from Mountain View High School.
Adam remembered Blue, had talked to her a few times and they had traded notes when Adam didn't show up to school because he was in too much pain or the pain was visible across his body. Or when he gave Blue her notes when she was too tired from her job at Nino's and couldn't get up.
The Blue Sargent currently in front of him hadn't changed much, except that she was a bit taller. Her hair was mostly same, albeit a bit neater and her fashion was as interesting mix of colours and patterns as Adam had always remembered.
He smiled at her, and she was pale and looked visibly embarrassed for yelling at someone who wasn't this Ronan Lynch.
"Hello Blue" "Adam Parrish?" "Yep, that's me"
She hugged them. Fudge had now woken up and was enthusiastically dancing between their legs. Adam hugged Blue back. They were still creeped out by physical touches but this time couldn't help but hug her back. She was one of those people from Henrietta that Adam had somewhat good memories of.
"how are you? Damn, it's been too long" "I'm good. Yeah, I moved away" "just like how you wanted to"
Blue smiled widely at him after saying that. Adam couldn't help but smile. The genuine affection was dripping from her voice.
"yeah" "how have you been?" "Great, I am an ecologist now" "that's very cool" "not when you're stuck in Amazon aka middle of nowhere for two weeks to find an insect"
Adam laughed, Blue grinned. Before he could invite her inside, the door across the hall opened and Hot Guy appeared.
"Sargent, you're too loud for such a small person" "fuck off Ronan"
So Hot Guy was Ronan Lynch was Blue Sargent's friend. Ronan grinned at her before he looked at Adam and glared at him openly. Blue looked from Ronan and Adam and shot him a questioning look.
"guess you knocked on the wrong door, Blue" "yeah, sorry about the yelling Adam" "no problem"
Ronan was still glaring at him, and Adam still found him attractive.
"did the mice patch up your dress, Cinderella?" They asked Ronan, who for the love of God blushed and Adam was ready to throw himself out of the window at the sight. Blue gasped at him before she started to cackle loudly.
"what the fuck Adam?" "Fudge here, 'attacked your friend' Cinderella here and apparently spoiled his clothes. I was just making sure the mice repaired it"
She couldn't stop and laughed loudly again. Adam grinned at her and Ronan was looking like a blushing angry bull ready to stomp. A hot guy hating him was something Adam had experienced a lot in his teenage years so this was manageable. Right?
"fuck you asshole. Sargent you coming in or not?"
Ronan stood there, leaning against the door in his tight black tee-shirt and sweatpants, glaring at Adam.
"well, it was great seeing you Adam. Really. We should catch up soon? If you don't mind?" "It was good seeing you too. And I'd love to catch up and also hear about the Amazon insects" "god you still are studious as hell, aren't you?" "Can't help it"
Blue grinned at him and they bumped fists. They exchanged numbers and Blue proceeded to pet Fudge, cooing at her until Ronan started muttering profanities again and she waved both of them goodbye and left.
Henry did appear an hour later or so with lunch in tow and stories from the firm he worked at, which was thoroughly entertaining. They had Indian for lunch, which was new and tasty and almost burned Adam's tastebuds off but they enjoyed it.
Weeks passed by, with Ronan meeting him in the hallway and sending him glares everytime their eyes met. Adam teased him by calling him Cinderella but stopped because the last time he did, Ronan had the audacity to laugh at them and say "you need to come up with better nicknames man" and Adam had since not stopped thinking about Ronan's laugh or the twinkle in his eyes.
It was two months of half-hearted glares and jokes when Adam was lying on his bed, Fudge lying beside him when his phone rang with a notification from Instagram.
@ronanlynch started following you.
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