the-music-maniac · 2 years
I think I'm gonna fuck around and draw Shiro x Adam x Matt fanart out of spite for voltron season 7 and 8
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aftonfamilyvalues · 1 year
ai generated adamatt driver-smith their belovéd son a manmade horror beyond human imagination
could be worse, could be matt smith and paul dano
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shiroganetakashi · 5 years
I've seen a few buzzfeed unsolved AUs over the years but honestly the only valid one is Adam as Shane and Matt as Ryan
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shiroganetakashi · 6 years
I know I make a lot of niche posts but anyways please just consider:
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU with Matt as Ryan and Adam as Shane
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shiroganetakashi · 6 years
gimme those sweet adam/matt or shalluratt headcanons (or both?? ot4 as well??)
One of the best parts of ot4 is that there’s so many different dynamics within it to explore so y’know what pal? We’re gonna do all of this (and it’s LONG)
Adam/Matt (adamatt?)
Two people you’d never expect to be together
Matt is open and enthusiastic and openly affectionate, Adam is quiet and closed off and has a harder time connecting with people
That said, they end up bringing out the good in each other; Matt’s confidence and uplifting nature help coax Adam out of his shell, where Adam helps slow Matt down a bit and relax, and helps him focus and was actually super helpful in breaking Matt of some bad study habits he’d developed in high school
Sometimes, when Matt gets super excited about something, he’ll start rambling, and Adam always sits with rapt attention
They accidentally grab each other’s glasses all the time even though they look nothing alike
Adam has three sisters (two older, one younger) and it’s something he and Matt kinda bond over
Adam’s a pretty heavy sleeper, which is good since Matt pretty much flops over him in the night and usually wakes up like 3/4 on top of him
Matt honestly only just barely avoided getting into SO MUCH trouble at the Garrison and a good 75% of that credit is owed to Adam bailing him out/holding him back
Adam: Matt no / Matt: MATT YES
Shiro: Matt yes but only if we can get a good alibi
I have never seen an episode of the X-Files but based on memes, Matt is the Mulder to Adam’s Scully
Adam grinds his teeth a lot, especially when he’s stressed, and when he notices, Matt will come over and ruffle his hair because it ALWAYS takes Adam by surprise, and Matt will kiss his cheek or squeeze his hand and maybe it doesn’t make the stressful situation away but it does make Adam smile and that’s important
(the rest under the cut because it got so long)
Cuddles and makeouts in the Black Lion are a Thing to the point where the other paladins have learned to never barge in on Black when she’s in the hanger
Matt misses them a lot when he’s away with the rebels, but he always makes sure to call and check in at least once in the evening so everyone knows he’s ok
He also sleeps better after hearing Shiro’s voice
Allura can be a bit of a worrier sometimes and once or twice she’s convinced Shiro to take Black and teleport over to wherever Matt’s stationed just because she missed him (Shiro did too so it didn’t take too much convincing)
Matt loves playing with Allura’s hair and she loves having it played with
On a bad day, she’ll seek him out and just kinda lay her head in his lap and he Knows, and he’ll comb his fingers through it and gently scratch and massage her scalp
Shiro is a 100% certified Terrible Cook but that doesn’t stop him from trying, every year, to make them something special during the holidays
It’s always terrible but Shiro and Allura are touched every time
Shiro LOVES picking Matt and Allura up and spinning them around because it always makes them giggle and it’s adorable and he loves hearing them laugh
Sometimes Allura will pick Shiro up and spin him around too. The first time she did he wasn’t expecting it and he freaked out for a second but every time after that he loves it
and he may or may not get a little flustered thinking about how his tiny and adorable girlfriend can pick him up like he’s a couple of grapes
Allura isn’t huge on earth makeup but she does love leaving lipstick kiss marks on her boys
Shallurattam bc we need that good ot4 content:
When Adam first meets up with the three of them back on earth, he’s a little intimidated
The three of them had been through so much, individually and together, he doesn’t feel like he can have a place in that
After some very long and emotional conversations with Shiro, they start to move forward, because no matter what happened, they both still love each other and want to be in each others’ lives
Matt is soon to follow, after he’s sure Shiro is ok
Allura meets him in one of the observatories one evening and they talk. She tells him how much Shiro talked about him and how much she knows he means to him, and he tells her he can tell how much Shiro loves her just by the way he looks at her, and how she clearly feels the same
It’s slow, careful, and hesitant, very aware of past mistakes, but eventually Adam finds himself neatly falling into place in their relationship
While he can’t fly it himself, Adam is fascinated watching Allura fly her new Castleship, the Atlas, he asks her to show him
It’s basically her having him put his hands over hers while she flies, and talking to him about all the subtle movements and how the energy flows between her and the ship
Shiro, Adam, and Matt all work together (with some help from Coran) to design a new circlet for her
Allura absolutely steals all of her bfs’ hoodies
In the winter she likes to lounge around in Shiro’s hoodie, Adam’s sweatpants, and Matt’s fuzzy socks
Adam’s parents live overseas and Shiro’s passed away when he was a teenager, so they spend Thanksgiving and other holidays with the Holts (who are more than happy to set an extra seat or two for their new kids-in-law and Coran)
Pidge and Keith, crying: WE HAVE SO MANY SIBLINGS NOW
Adam and Shiro trade off braiding Matt’s and Allura’s hair (respectively) each night before bed
if they don’t they WILL wake up with a mouth full of curly Altean hair
(Matt’s isn’t as bad he just wants in on the fun)
Adam is the party pooper who just says he’s going to sit on the towel under his umbrella
The other three take this as a challenge and forcibly yeet him into the ocean
(was this a scheme to get a wet, shirtless Shiro to carry him around? Perhaps)
Allura still thinks human ears are hideous but she loves her boys (and they love her) so she thinks she can let it slide
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