Wildest Dreams
‘He said, "Let's get out of this town. Drive out of the city, away from the crowds' 
“Ready to go?” Shiro asked as he closed the back of the vehicle. 
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Adam kept his arms crossed over his chest. A friendly smile on his face. 
Shiro grinned at his boyfriend, taking a couple of steps toward him. “That is classified.” 
“You want me to spend our spring break in an unknown location? Are you trying to murder me?” Adam played back, his eyebrows raising in playful suspicion.
Shiro rolled his eyes, “I have told everyone that we are spending break together. Why would I kill my boyfriend of six months during this trip? I would be the number one suspect.”
Adam clicked his tongue, “touché.” 
Shiro released a deep laugh. “Okay get in the car we need to go.” 
“Okay okay, don’t rush me.” Adam opened the car door. Quickly sliding in. 
‘Nothing lasts forever’ 
‘He's so tall and handsome as hell’ 
Fingers snapped in front of his face. “Adam! Stop ogling your boyfriend. We have work to do.” 
He waved his hand to his friend. His eyes not leaving Shiro once. “Skin-tight shirts should be criminalized at the Garrison.” 
Shiro was wiping his forehead with a rag. His black shirt clinging to his skin with sweat. Perfect eye candy for Adam. 
Shiro met his eyes, sending him a small wave. Adam waved back, his friend groaning as they dragged him out of the training deck. “I know he’s hot but we still have work to do.” 
Adam let his collogue drag him. He was hot. How did he manage to score Takashi Shirogane? 
‘I can see the end as it begins’
“It’s terminal.” 
Adam closed his eyes, trying to stop any tears from falling. He wasn’t the one that needed to break down right now. He needed to be there for Shiro. 
He took a shaky breath. His heart shattered into a million pieces as he forced the next question out. “How long?” 
Shiro sighed. His body curled into himself as he squeezed his hands closed. “Two to five years.” 
Anger formed in Adam’s gut. Two to five years is nothing when you want forever with someone. “This is bullshit!” He found himself standing, the room blurring some due to unfallen tears. “Fucking bullshit!” 
Shiro looked up at him, his face holding an expression of heartbreak and exhaustion. “Adam.” Even his voice was tired. 
Adam found himself pacing. Words spilled from his lips. “Our lives just started! We just graduated what do you mean two to five years?! There's nothing they can do to help? No treatment or medicine?”
“The only medicine they have will simply prolong it. It won’t cure it.” 
Adam’s knees hit the floor, sobs threatening to consume him. “This isn’t fair.” His voice broke on the words. 
Shiro slowly moved toward him, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. “I know. I know it’s not.” 
“You can’t leave Shiro. We still have so much to do.” 
“I know,” his voice rumbled in his chest, pulling Adam even closer. “I’ll be here as long as I can.” 
‘I said, "No one has to know what we do.” His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room. And his voice is a familiar sound.’ 
Adam stared up at the ceiling, the only sound filling the room was Shiro’s breathing. His fingers trace random shapes on his exposed skin. Trying to memorize every aspect of him. The feel of his skin, the curve of his body. Everything that made up Takashi. 
It had been half a year since his diagnosis. Since he was told that he wouldn’t live to thirty. He would be lucky to make twenty-eight. 
Adam did his best to remain happy. To move through his everyday life pretending that the love of his life wasn’t on borrowed time. Pretending he wasn’t pissed at whatever sick being or universal thing did this to Shiro. 
He knew Shiro saw right through him. But he remained so calm. So collected. He was the one sick and yet he seemed at peace. Adam was envious of his calmness. How he never seem to worry about how many days he had left. That he was content as long as he was with Adam. 
Shiro stirred some, lifting his head up. Blinking sleepily at his lover. 
Adam smiled at him, running his hand through his hair. “Morning.” 
Shiro leaned into his touch. “Morning.” 
Adam stared at him a bit longer. His heart filled with a mix of love, admiration, and comfort. Feelings Shiro always brought him. “Will you marry me?” 
Shiro's eyes widened, “what?” 
Adam repeated himself, his fingers gently playing with the end of his hair. 
“Yes,” Shiro grinned, pressing his lips to Adams. 
‘Nothing lasts forever.’ 
‘Someday when you leave me I bet these memories follow you around.’ 
“I’m going. Everyone cleared me. The doctors said I can!” Shiro took a deep breath, trying to keep his anger at bay. 
“You could die out there!” Adam raised his voice, not caring who could hear them through the walls.
“I’m going to die here! At least let me do something with the time I have left.” 
A tense silence filled the room. Both of their chests rose and fell quickly. Fight after fight had occurred in the last couple of months. Since Shiro put in his application for the Kerberos mission. 
But they had never felt like this. Never felt like it was teetering on the edge. The fragile class they surrounded themselves in finally cracked. 
“It’s the mission or me. You can’t have both.” 
Shiro’s eyes filled with heartbreak, “Adam. You can’t make me choose.” He pleaded. His voice cracked as tears threaten to consume him. 
Adam looked at him with sternness, his mind was made up. No matter how much Shiro begged, he wouldn’t change his position. “Pick one.” 
Shiro closed his eyes, sucking in a tight breath as a couple of tears slipped down his face. “Please.” 
Adam moved, grabbing his bag as he stepped closer to Shiro. A gentle hand cupping his face. “I’ll never forget about you Takashi.” 
A small piece of metal was pressed into his hand. Familiar lips pressed against his cheek. Footsteps moved through the room, a door opened, and then silence. 
Shiro opened his eyes, looking down at his palm. A ring glared back at him. He allowed his body to crumple, releasing screams he had held in for so long. Allowing himself to break. 
 ‘Say you'll see me again even if it's just pretend.’ 
“Good work Champion,” a Galran threw him into a cell. Closing the door and waking away. 
Shiro rested his head against the wall, hugging his knees into his chest. He closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing. Letting his mind wander.
He smiled to himself as an image of Adam filled his mind. The way he smiled at him, how he said his name. The way his face scrunched up when he was stuck on a problem. The spice of his cologne, how he faintly snored when he slept but never admitted it even when Shiro recorded it. 
He moved his hand against his chest, gripping the two rings that hung on a string. He was going to get home and see Adam again. He was going to make things right. 
Sorry :/ 
Not really this was spinning in my mind for daysssss 
This is also a low-key prequel for my upcoming Adashi fic. That fic will go into more depth with flashbacks and things like that but this does set the tone and stage for how things will start. 
This was based on Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift, I don’t own any aspect of the song, all credit goes to their proper creators. 
Thank you for reading <33333 
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moonflower16 · 6 years
I know it's old news but...
I kinda got this idea of a new scene of 'takashi, how important am I to you?' where they are both hurt and it's just like a longer version of the original scene. So I created something pre-kerberos and post-kerberos... Yeah...
Also, my first language is Spanish so there could be some mistakes, if you like to help me out and comment it please do it in a respectful way, the username that I reply from is @littleguardabarranco, it would really help me to learn more grammar and stuff:)
That'll be all Little Ghost <3
Takashi Shirogane had two goals in his life. The first one was to marry the man he loved, and the second one was to be part of an important space mission, but Takashi Shirogane had bad luck, such bad luck that he was running out of time, such a bad luck that once accepted into the Kerberos Mission he had to choose between his two dreams.
"Takashi..." Shiro, as everyone called him, was sitting on their dinner table working on some papers when he heard Adam's voice from behind him
"Yes?" He said without turning around to face the man, but feeling his urge at the calling and his strong presence just a few feet away from him.
"Don't go..." Takashi knew it was about that subject, otherwise Adam would have used some pet name or moved around the room while talking, so Shiro faced him, to looking at some sad eyes behind the glasses that covered it up just about a little bit. "Please."
"Adam..." He began to say but was cut off by Adam's rambling.
"I'm sorry." Adam cut in. "I'm sorry I ask you to do this, but don't go," he crossed his arms in a defensive way as he had seen Shiro's new friend, kind of adoptive brother, Keith do "you have beaten every record that there is to break and if you go... If you go and you don't come back... What if, what if something happens to you out there and I am over here? I love you and if you go-"
"Adam." Shiro stood up and that was when he began to walk towards his fiance, who was still laying on the door he initially was. "I have to do this, please I-" he cut himself off. "I can't just, not do this. This is a one in a lifetime big shot and if I don't take it then... Then I'll die regretting it." Shiro took both of his arms and reached for his fiance's shoulders while he averted his eyes from Shiro "I love you, but I need to do this."
"You'll die..." Adam replied without facing him "And you don't even care." With this Shiro took his hands off Adam out of shook for the words that came out of his lips. Adam on the other hand regretted the words that left his mouth the moment he said them because he knew it was unfair, but he couldn't care at the moment, he was angry at him because he was leaving him, and he was angry at himself because he couldn't support his fiance's dreams and he couldn't stop his hurtful words "You're not unstoppable, Takashi... You're like Icarus, and one day your wings will melt too."
At this point Shiro was out of words, he knew Adam was right, he wanted to flight as high as he could so when he leaves, he leaves a memory, a record, he wanted to leave being someone worth remembering. "I'm sorry." was all he could say "But I need to do this." Shiro hated himself because he was leaving. Shiro hated himself because he was hurting who he was going to married. But most of all, Shiro hated himself to be so weak that he couldn't reassure Adam he'll be back to marry him.
Adam on the other hand, hated himself because he couldn't stop his love, Adam hated himself because some part of him didn't want to stop him, Adam hated himself because he knew the end of this discussion and yet, he wanted to try, try to bring the warmth of Takashi back to him "Takashi... How important am I to you?" But Adam hated himself more because of the words he just said.
"Adam don't do this..." Shiro turned to face Adam with a broken heart on his eyes, and Adam just wanted to let this pass, to hug his fiance and talk about their wedding. But both men already made their mind.
"If you go to that mission, don't expect me to be here when you come back." Shiro's eyes were way beyond shocked and hurt, tears were forming in both men's eyes, especially since both men's mind were made up.
And there was nothing to say after that, since that was the last time they saw each other.
The next time Adam saw his love, he was on the news when a smiling Takashi appeared on the screen of every Garrison's TV to let out the heartbreaking news of the disappearence of the crew's ship, the fact the three men were most likely dead, the fact that his fiance was dead and the last time they saw each other was the worst way of saying goodbye. Because what he most feared was true and Takashi was dead, they would never get married, and he will never see Takashi's smile again.
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kurara-black-blog · 6 years
Date: 7/10/18
Words: 887
Warning: Langst, Adangst, Adance (in the future if I ever continue this).
Tag: @moonsworllld ; @xarphay ; @skydisneylover
“What happened to this world?”
“Humans happened.”
Adam diverted his attention from the defeated form of Matt Holt to look at the boy that saved their lives. To look at the boy that couldn’t be older than Keith. To look at the boy whose eyes let the truth be seen.
Bluest blue.
Burning with determination.
Dimmed with exhaustion.
Bluest blue.
Wise. Knowing.
“Humans are one of the most powerful creatures I have ever seen. And, yet, the weakest. Volatile, in their entirety. Unstable, somewhat.”
“Before… Before you saved us…”
“They won’t remember.”
Adam knew he should have expected it. The glassy eyes of his fiancé—ex-fiancé, he guessed—weren’t the result of grief. For Takashi Shirogane had nothing to grieve for when he took Matt and Adam to their certain death. If he closed his eyes, he could see Keith—the boy he once considered a little brother—staring at him with nothing more than the cold disdain of a cop, watching a criminal finally get what they deserved.
Adam didn’t want to close his eyes.
“Katie won’t ever remember me?” Matt’s voice came rough and shaky, the want—the need to cry noticeable to whoever heard it.
“No, I’m afraid not.” The dark skinned boy threw him a sympathetic glance before turning to Adam once more. “They made you all look up so you wouldn’t ever see what’s down here. You looked down. You’re dangerous for their delicate system.”
“How did you end up here?”
“I fell.”
Bluest blue. Filled with pain. Adam took a good look at the boy. The long hair was a mess of tangled curls. His face, sharp, angular, was caked with oil and dirt. A long scar ripped his neck, as if someone tried to separate the head from the body. His shirt maybe had been white once, then more of a dirty brown, open in the chest enough for the small scars painting his skin to be seen. The black vest with white buttons was plain and simple. The black pants were skin-tight, making his long legs stand out, a large belt with various small chains, all leading to either a clock or a tool, held it in place. The boots were a dark brown, though the dirt had splashed it with different shades of gray. They were bigger than the boy’s feet; that was for sure. The trench coat, definitely heavy and warm, had many pockets sewed in it, some of them visibly full. Googles atop his head and a backpack on his back. There was a striking difference between him and them.
With their Galaxy Garrison uniforms, clean—well, after all that, not so much—and fitting. They really were from a different world than the boy. Adam wondered how he could’ve just fallen there. Maybe a failed mission? Maybe a faulty ship?
“My name is Adam. This is Matt.”
“I know. We’ve met before.”
“We have?”
“Yes, Matt. You know my sisters.”
Flashes of memories came to Adam’s mind. A big family. Loud and warm. A mother and a father. A son. Another son. A daughter. Another daughter. And… Nothing. Nothing? Nothing. There was no one else. A daughter-in-law, niece and nephew. Yes, that was the whole family. Veronica was a delight to be with, even if sometimes she would stare longingly at the nothingness. Rachel was very fun to be near, even though she randomly cried at some random moments. Oh, and there was—
There was—
There was someone.
There was someone important.
“Veronica and Rachel? You’re their brother?” Matt had reached the same conclusion. “They don’t have a brother…”
“That they remember of.”
Adam focused once more in the boy—the man—in front of him. He clearly had been down in that dystopian nightmare for a long time. The way he carried himself left no doubt. He was someone who had been surviving on his own for a very long time. He was someone who had seen his fair share of horror. He was someone who was already used with the weight of his burdens.
“Name’s Lance, by the way. Make sure to not forget it this time, newborn.”
“New… born?”
“Both of you are considered dead up there, buddy. This is your life now!” With his arms open wide, Lance twirled, as if showing them his new garden instead of a wasteland of sand and metal scrap. “Ah, you might want to mark the date down to remember later. It is easy to lose memory while you wander around. Now come, a meal and a bed might do some good for you two.”
That said, Lance turned to leave, fully knowing they would follow him eventually. Moreover, they did because what more was there for them to do? They were hunted and almost died by the hands of the people they loved most. Matt would no doubt have nightmares about Katie’s blank stare when he called desperately for her. Adam still didn’t want to close his eyes and see Shiro and Keith glaring at him.
“Lance?” The boy hummed to let Adam know he was listening. “You said they did that because we looked down. What about you? What did you do to end up here?”
The man stopped, turning to look directly at the “newborns” and answered simply:
“I fell.”
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