poppyorjewelry · 8 years
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(continued from post before) ...Baby steps, I worked on one piece and then the next, and so on. But to this day, I still find myself periodically sitting at my bench in a dazed state when a piece that I’m working on doesn’t come together as I would like it to. I find myself repeating old tapes from the past, “you’re not the best at what you do.” “This work sucks!” “You should take an (my) introduction metalsmithing class.” When I hear these words repetitively filling my psyche, I stand up, walk away and return another day; looking at the piece with a new lens, a brighter light and then, I finish the piece with more strength than when I began.
. . . #adaywithoutwoman #womansmarch #internationalwomensday #standup #standtogether #chaw @chawindc #womanjeweler #poppypunch Photo by #lesliemansour
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aguscrm · 8 years
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hoy se marcha ✊💙👭 #8m #marchademujeres #niunamenos #adaywithoutwoman #hoyparamos #womensmarch (en San Miguel de Tucumán)
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jojo-hoe · 8 years
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Anything you can do I Can do better, I CAN DO EVERYTHING BETTER THAN YOU 💪🏾💯 #internationalwomensday #adaywithoutwoman
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therecordnerd · 8 years
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Happy birthday to my baby sister Binky!! One of the strongest woman I know, and at 45, still rockin the waves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #nationalwomensday #adaywithoutwoman #birthday #surfsup #surfergirl
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instacarni · 4 years
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Thank you to everyone who came to Facebook HQ to hear me talk about #ADayWithoutWoman on International Mother's Day and to everyone that tuned in online. Your questions were so great. P.s You can watch the whole thing on fundation Facebook page if you missed it. Thank you again for all your support!
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papercrafts4mj · 8 years
RT @MrsCMitch: @SistahScholar : "Everything that women do is powerful and shouldn't be taken for granted." #ADayWithoutWoman @NewsOneNowAP @rolandsmartin
@SistahScholar : "Everything that women do is powerful and shouldn't be taken for granted." #ADayWithoutWoman @NewsOneNowAP @rolandsmartin
— Clarene Mitchell (@MrsCMitch) March 7, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/JazzCrazy March 07, 2017 at 05:05AM via IFTTT
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poppyorjewelry · 8 years
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7am ~ In my second year of college I was in an intro drawing class; the fundamentals of any language, art, science, etc. in important. Seeing that pictures are equally important as words, as a form of communication (see the movie Words & Pictures), I felt that this class was perfect to have under my belt as a student of the arts. As I was sitting there on my drawing horse, the professor came up, and after hardly speaking to me or critiquing my work throughout the course he asked if painting was my major. I said, "no, metals art." His response, "good, because drawing is not for you.” Was this constructive critisim? Nope! Did this quench my appetite to succeed in the fine arts? Absolutely not! But my biggest question was, who are these people and predominately males that continue to push me down? There is no feedback given, no reason, no ‘why’, a plain and simple pound down. However I did pull one single morsel of information from that class, and that was to SEE things as they are, not as you imagine they should be (good advice). I hardly passed the class, but in the end I folded his words up and placed them in my portfolio filled of wobbly free-hand sketches, and traveled on down the road. When anyone says “no, stop,” we need to say, “YES, GO!”
. . . #adaywithoutwoman #womansmarch #internationalwomensday #standup #standtogether #equalityforall #wordsandpictures #artclass #poppypunch
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poppyorjewelry · 8 years
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10:27pm ~ The educators of our world can either give a great deal of care and guidance, or hinder individuals at astronomical levels. Although I should have never had to endure the latter, I will say that the majority of the amazing educators that I’ve encountered, have the gift to guide students through. Beyond the name-shaming harassment that I shared in my last post, I had two more male educators try to deter and derail me on my path and create darkness where it didn’t belong. Next, a high school literature teacher that nearly said verbatim , “I don’t know why you’re here; you really can’t write.” Unfortunately that struck a cord and I carried his words for years. I still hear his voice as I open my computer to compose an email, write a proposal, a blog entry, or begin a poem. All of these creative processes still begin with “you really can’t write.” That said, I have learned to muster the energy and courage to breeze through each written piece with my ears closed to, “I don’t know why you’re here.” Strike 2… Note: As the day closes, I realize that I will have to finish my postings tomorrow; sleep tight. . . #adaywithoutwoman #womansmarch #internationalwomensday #standup #standtogether #equalityforall #poppypunch
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poppyorjewelry · 8 years
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6:37pm ~ The next young woman is someone that I know quite well, however I won't ultimately know her until the end of her life, me. For the next four postings I'll highlight times in my life when I was faced with humility, served on a pewter platter. I did nothing to deserve these words that momentarily soured my soul. You can't call it constructive criticism and definitely can't say any of these exchanges were a playful tête-à-tête. The words that were expressed came from a world where it is Okay for people to speak to others so harshly, especially women, and especially young women. The first story, is of a teacher, an older male teacher. A man who hunted bears as a sport. I can't even remember his name or what he taught, that's the type of positive impression he had. I believe it was my first or second year of high school, we were going through roll-call and when he got to my name 'Heidi', he exclaimed, "well that name is far too pretty for you, shouldn't your name be something more like Helga?" What does that even mean? At that time I was so mortified I quickly sat down. Now years later, I rarely I think of this insecure person, a coward of man, but I do think to my adult self "how dare that man try and tamper with my impressionable psyche"... strike 1 (Photo, high school me with one of my friends ;) . . #adaywithoutwoman #womansmarch #internationalwomensday #standup #standtogether #equalityforall #highschoolisonlymisfits #poppypunch
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poppyorjewelry · 8 years
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5:02pm ~ Jess (Jessica Epperson-Lusty) is a spirit that lights the way for herself and others. She creates warmth where there are chills, she sparks the flame where darkness once conquered. She is a woman, a mother, gaining wisdom and surrounded by her forever loves. A friend to all, with a picnic basket that serves a helping of heart and hearth whoever she is with and wherever she goes. But without darkness, there would be no light. She is a spirit that has faced her down demons and shadows, but she has emerged from this test of life and now guides others as they go through their own transition. She writes today, "Being authentic to oneself in this world is wrought with risks (period). Being a women who is true to herself is doubly difficult (any women reading this and reflective men understand why)! My passions, curiosities, questions and interests have often led me (ever since I was a little girl) beyond the realm of what was deemed acceptable, appropriate, worthwhile and valid. In the last decade, stepping out as a JourneyDance instructor and now as an Astrologist has required me to move through a barrage of internalized proscriptions that were not mine, but nevertheless very powerful in their ability to limit my expressing myself authentically from my soul's urgings. Engaging in these callings that flow from a deep desire to serve healing, growth and transformation has called me to my growing edge, which is exactly where I want to meet others." . . . #adaywithoutwoman #womansmarch #internationalwomensday #standup #standtogether #equalityforall #journeydance #evolvingmindfully #poppypunch
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poppyorjewelry · 8 years
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1:22pm ~ 'S' I can't believe it, I don't even have a photo of of us together! We were roommates as we both launched into our new chapter of DC living. I didn't really get permission to tell her her full story, but if you heard it, you would say "that's one Fierce female!" I'm going to say this all in caps because it's needed to be heard, SHE TRULY FORGED HER OWN PATH!!!!! I say no more. She is strong, beyond strong. Beautiful, beyond beautiful. And intelligent beyond intelligent. Picture Beyoncé if she was an OBGYN. I have no doubt that her patients ask if their baby was just delivered by Beyoncé. This woman literally brings life into this world every day. She brings love and support to her family and although we don't have a chance to catch up much, I'm beyond proud to call her my friend... this beauty of a woman. (photo is of two trees with their Autumn leaves, as S and I we met in the fall of 2006) . . . #adaywithoutwoman #womansmarch #internationalwomensday #standup #standtogether #equalityforall #OBGYN #poppypunch
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poppyorjewelry · 8 years
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2:37pm ~ Lils, Lily (Lillian Erika Grobman) A long-time friend, a soul sister. She too endured great loss at a young age. In her early 20's she lost both her parents. Although coming away from this with the support of family, friends and her love (now husband), she was still left to piece together a whole life with the granular lessons she gathered from her mom and dad; so she forged on. She went back to medical school, became a mother and now a resident of pediatrics. She has a quiet, methodical way of going about life; which always drove me insane, but now I see the beauty of quiet and contemplative. Although she was drawn some dark cards a decade ago, she has continued on, creating space and giving extra bouts of love and faith to families that are facing their own difficult days. She's a breath of air... . . . #adaywithoutwoman #womansmarch #internationalwomensday #standup #standtogether #equalityforall #mama and #pediatrician #poppypunch
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poppyorjewelry · 8 years
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1:53pm ~ Tally, Nat, Tal, Natalia. She, like her mother is intelligent, meticulous, loving and quite a character. Always wanting to help others, especially children and young girls, she began her career at Visions, a place for troubled teen-aged girls. Although her life was peppered with hard work (along with her mom) and seasoned by her experience at Visions, nothing was quite like what came next in her life. She and her husband decided to devote their life, love and home for children that have been pulled from their original familial situations because of the darkness and dangers that surrounded these children; they became foster parents. Legally adopting two young girls, they have given hope and a chance for these two lovely little souls to flourish. Tal brings light into so many children’s lives. Although beyond exhausted at the end of the day (as their adopted and foster children an have a great deal of shadows that they are working through at such a young age), tis friend of mine loves them all with every morsel of her existance. She is bound everyday, yet liberated at the same time, knowing that she is giving others a chance… . . . #adaywithoutwoman #womansmarch #internationalwomensday #standup #standtogether #equalityforall #fosterfamily #adoption #poppypunch
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