#addy z nation
topazy · 6 months
Inside, outside
Pairing: 10k x reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood and brains
Chapter: 5.06
After bringing the quad bike to a complete stop when you spot a deserted-looking warehouse, 10k jumps off the back first, and immediately you’re missing the warmth of his arm wrapped around your waist. With the sling of his gun over his shoulder, he offers you his hand to help you climb off. If 10K wasn’t a gentleman before, people would probably be catching onto how protective he was being.
You, 10K, Warren, Murphy, and Addy had gone to find the source of bizkit’s and why they seemed to be low rations of it, while Doc and George headed back to Altura to keep an eye on Dante’s trial.
“Is that the bakery? The place looks abandoned.”
“It doesn’t mean nobody is home,” Warren points out.
The five of you stand on the edge of a small hill that leads down to the pathway into the building. The side of the hill was mainly covered in rubble, preventing any vehicles from driving on it.
Murphy looks lost in thought; a look of distress appears on his face. You lightly hit his arm to gain his attention. “Are you okay?”
“I smell brains.”
“This must be the place, then.”
When the five of you started making your way down the path, you were being extra cautious not to trip while walking on such a rocky surface. 10k stays in front of you and continues to glance back, ready to catch you if you do fall.
Murphy walks by you at a normal pace and scoffs, “You two make me feel sick.”
“Just keep walking, Alvin.”
“My biggest fear is losing you. When you were kidnapped, I realized how much I loved you and that there was nothing I wouldn't do to find you,” Murphy says mockingly. “You're my best friend, Tommy, and there's not a line I wouldn't cross to keep you safe.”
10k glares at him and warningly snaps, “Shut the hell up.”
Addy, who’s standing at the bottom, already looks up in confusion. “What is he talking about?”
In a high-pitched fake girly voice, Murphy says, “I knew our fates were intertwined.“
“I swear to god!” You knew Murphy was looking for a reaction, and usually you wouldn’t take the bait too easily, but he had been teasing you since you left for this new task.
“Don’t get wound up; he’s not worth the reaction,” 10k says calmly, but as soon as you reach the bottom where the others are waiting, he presses the long side of his rifle against Murphy’s collarbone, pushing him into the wall. “Lay the fuck off Murphy.”
“Jeez, lighten up, kid.”
10k steps back.
Warren clicks her fingers. “All of you, focus.”
Once you checked, nobody else was in sight. You round the corner, and Addy breaks the lock on the door, giving you all access to the building.
The inside of the building stinks of rotten meat, which is explained when you find human skulls and parts of rotten brains scattered across various baking trays.
The group had split up, but you could see both Addy and 10k going to check out the same area. It saddened you that they no longer had a close relationship, and you felt partially responsible for it, but then it was your sister who left. Since they last saw each other, Addy had lost an eye, and 10k had lost his hand, and they could have leaned on each other for support.
“Astra, I’m really sorry, but it looks like she left during the night.”
You shake your head, refusing to believe it. “No, no. Something is wrong; Addy wouldn’t just go without leaving me. She wouldn’t do that.”
When you awoke in the morning to find Addy gone, you assumed she had gone hunting, but when she never returned, a couple of hours later, you, 10k, and Red went looking for her, but you couldn’t find her. You returned to your home to see if she had returned.
Red links her fingers with yours and gives you a sympathetic look. “All her stuff is gone.”
You squeeze your eyes shut to hold back tears. Addy only found you in the first place while looking for someone else. “She’s gone to find Lucy,” you say, clearing your throat. “We should go and let Tommy know; I don’t want him out there looking for someone who doesn’t want to be found.”
You aim your gun in the direction of something being crushed and slowly make your way over to a large mixer, which appears to have turned on itself. You look inside it and almost gag at seeing more skulls.
“You guys seeing this? This place is gross.”
When you don’t get a reply, you spin around to see Warren staring at something with a concerned look on her face. She notices you looking and waves you over. When you do, you see what the problem is.
“Eh Murphy, are you good? You’re practically drooling over a skull?”
“Yeah,” he quickly shrugs your comment off. “This place just gives me the munchies.”
All of a sudden, a man appears and starts firing at the three of you. Quickly, you jump out of the way to avoid being shot and accidentally scrape your stomach on something sharp. You duck behind one of the metal tables and, taking a few deep breaths, look down to see blood appearing on your top.
No, no, no.
Murphy crawls over beside you and says, “What the hell are you doing? We gotta keep moving.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know I just—fuck.”
“Did you get shot?”
“No, I’ve just cut my stomach.” The cut wasn’t deep, and you were sure it hadn’t harmed the baby, but it gave you one hell of a fright. Between deep breaths, you start mumbling to yourself, “Tommy is going to freak.”
Seeing how afraid you are, something clicks in Murphy, and he gives you a look of understanding. He knows. Quietly, he says, “Stay behind me; we are going to make a run for it.”
You nod, and the two of you manage to run behind a different spot without being shot.
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you try anything stupid.” You say, aiming at the man who was previously trying to kill your head.
While he chases Murphy and Warren off from either side, the man seemed to not care that much about weapons being so close to his head. “It looks like we’ve got ourselves a zombie standoff. You have me; I got him, and my brothers got all three of you.”
You glance around the room; it was more than likely that 10k or Addy had gotten to his brother first.
“We are looking for bizkits,” Warren says. “We have starving talkers that are starting to turn.”
“We are just trying to survive ourselves, and it’s crooks like you who have shut down the bakery and turned us into a bunch of dirty dogs. So lower your weapons and kindly waltz out of here, or we’re all going to be crawling brains.”
“Look, I don’t know who you think we are, but we aren’t them.”
“That’s what the last bunch said before they started shooting.”
You didn’t doubt the man’s story for a second; the bakery was covered in a red mist of blood. A door creaks open, and Addy and 10k bring out another man, whom you assume is the brother with a gun at his back.
“Listen,” you lower your weapon slightly, “your brother is still human, and I know you want to keep it that way. Just tell us what we want to know, and nobody else will get hurt.”
The man gulps down, “So, you're in need of some help?”
While the older man, Gilly, looks at his younger brother, Skull's nose, which was cut by your sister 10K, pulls you aside and grips a hold of the bottom of your top, “What the hell happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine; it’s just a cut.”
He holds your gaze. “Are you sure?”
“We’ll be fine.”
You return to your group just in time to hear Gilly explain that it was their mom who invited bizkits to save their brother, who had been bitten, but then the brother bit the mom when they ran out. And since the bombing, someone has been attacking the bakery so they won’t continue making them. Their mom had turned two weeks ago, and she was the only one who had the recipe.
You look up at the window of the office overlooking the rest of the bakery and see multiple talkers that have turned.
Murphy stands up a table, holds up a radio, and turns the music up to distract the talkers while Skull sneaks inside to get the recipe. The plan was going well until Skull tripped and fell and was bitten by their zombified brother right after their mom ate the recipe.
“I hate to say it, but the only way to keep them from turning might be to feed them actual brains.”
From the doorway at the far side of the room, multiple heavy footsteps can be heard, along with snarling and hissing. All the noise must have attracted the nearby Z’s from outside. Thankfully, only a small number of them came into the building.
You run up behind one of the Z’s and stab it in the head before shooting another two. You notice Addy and 10k working together to take out Z's, which makes you smile.
Warren cuts the head off one and tosses it to Gilly.
You stand behind 10k and bury your face into his back, not wanting to witness Gilly crushing the skull, then cutting up the brains, and then feeding them to the walkers.
When the talkers return to normal, the mom flirts with a creeped-out Murphy, kissing him on the cheek before continuing to help.
Sitting with your legs dangling over the edge of a table, you watch as the brothers bag up the last of the bizkits. Hearing a whistling noise, you look over to Murphy, who was trying and failing to be discreet by waving you and 10k over to him, then looking away.
You and 10k stand on either side of him. “What’s going on?”
“I just wanted to say...” he trails off while tracing patterns in the flour scattered across the table with his finger. Murphy's jaw clenches slightly. “I don’t like either of you, but I do think you will be great parents, even lefty over here.”
With that, he turns and quickly walks away. You share a confused look with 10k. “Did you tell him?”
“No, but I think he figured it out.”
Ultimately, you’d need to tell the others the truth sooner than later. 10k smiles and brushes strands of hair out of your face. “Go for it.”
“Uh, guys, we’ve got something we need to tell you.”
Warren and Addy step a little closer, and you try not to laugh, seeing the worried look on their faces.
“Tommy and I are having a baby.”
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freyawaves · 1 year
Z Nation is one of those shows that's shitty if you take it too seriously. In order to enjoy Z Nation, you have to embrace the chaos.
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vexfulfolly · 20 days
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HELLO Z NATION FANS‼️ are we still alive out here?
I humbly offer some s2 fanart in these trying times.
I’ve also got an informal sort of question: Would anyone be interested in a z nation fanzine?
I’ve been thinking about recruiting for one, but I wanted to gauge interest and if other folks would want to participate.
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dumb-zombie-girl · 19 days
Badass with colored hair and a spiked bat
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peculiarist · 8 months
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zaynmirrors · 11 months
Fire on Fire: Part 20
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A/N: Getting close to the end guys! Does anyone have any ideas for another series or blurbs? Open to suggestions.
Chapter 20
10k stayed in and out of consciousness, so much to the point I was starting to worry. Eventually, by luck, we met up with Warren and the others. 
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this” Warren spoke, glancing back at me in the rearview mirror. 
I shook my head, “All good” though I’m not sure it was. 
“How’s your little girl?” She smiled fondly at the memory of her. 
A small smile tugged on my lips, “She’s good, talking, being a menace” which earned a chuckle from Warren. 
“Where is your daughter now?” Hector, who I managed to learn they had beef with for a while but was now on our side. 
I winced, “it’s a long story, but she's with this couple that took us in. Very fortified place”
Hector nodded and mumbled something about that being nice as Doctor Sun Mei glanced back at 10k who slept, she said nothing but looked skeptical. 
“What can you tell us about Murphy town?” Warren asked. 
I shook my head. “Not much, there’s a lot of security, a zombie moat, and these people just listen to him”
“Now that’s odd” Warren grunted, I nodded. 
“That’s all I got before he knocked me out” I stated 
Hector raised an eyebrow “knocked you out?”
I nodded, “yeah, woke up in a psych ward, that’s how I met up with doc and 10k”
“Oh you’re gonna wanna hear this!” Doc piped up and went on to tell the whole story, I snorted, laughing at some of the funny parts. 
“Sounds like you guys have been up to quite a bit” Addy pipes up. I nod. The ride continued swapping stories of zombies, family before, and just what we wish the world was now. 
Warren pulled to a stop at a lookout that gave us a good view of Murphy's little village. If it came to a fight I don't know if I'd be able to go down swinging. I promised I'd make it back to Em. 
I sighed quietly, taking a look at 10k who was still passed out. Good, sleep it off. The more time I have to plan out this conversation the better. 
Warren decided to set up camp here, so we sat around a low-burning fire eating beans Maggie packed for me. I stood taking what was left of my bowl over to the opened trunk of the car where 10k lay. Though instead of asleep, his eyes were open staring at the roof of the car. His head turned my way. Fuck. 
“How long have you been here?” He asked, voice still groggy from sleep, or drugs, or Murphy, hell maybe a combo. 
I took a breath, “been here a while” he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the trunk. 
He looked at the bowl in my hand and then back up to my face. “Come to really put a knife in my chest?” He deadpanned. 
No emotion was shown in his eyes, I glanced over to see if anyone was listening, if they were they were doing a good job hiding it. 
“I came to apologize, and save your ass” I offered up the bowl of beans, he crossed his arms over his chest in rejection so I set it on the edge of the trunk beside him. 
He stayed silent, either not wanting to listen or telling me to continue. Regardless I continued. “I was selfish, I chose Emma over you and the mission and I’m sorry.”
He loosened the tightness of his arms but his face remained stoic so I just went on, “Every waking moment I think about you, about us. fuck you’re in my dreams too. I was stupid and you can hate me all you want, I deserve it.” 
He remained silent, as tears threatened to spill. Heat ran its way up from my cheeks to the tops of my ears. I could tell he was in contemplation, I knew him all too well. “I would’ve gone with you,” he said, firm and truthful. “You could’ve just said something, everything could’ve been okay. All you had to do was just fucking say something!” His fist hit the carpet inside but still made a loud enough noise that made me jump. 
He went on, “The little savior act isn’t going to fix things. I should’ve known you would’ve picked that thing over me. I was happier thinking you were dead” 
I couldn’t stop the tear that fell down my cheek but I wasn’t about to cry in earshot of everyone else. I simply nodded and walked away, noticing we had gathered an audience. 
My feet carried me past the group, ignoring Warren calling out for me. This is exactly how I figured it would go. I should’ve just stayed at the farm. Crawling into one of the tents we set up, I laid on the sleeping bag and sobbed, Not caring about anyone hearing me. 
I sobbed, knowing you fucked up was one guilt but hearing it was a whole other level. I almost hadn’t heard Addy enter the tent. “Y/N, you wanna talk?”
Shaking my head earned a sigh from her, then some rustling and a sudden warmth at my back. I didn’t stray from her touch when she wrapped around me.
Addy rested her nose on the top of my head. A hand in my hair, rubbing in soothing circles. “I don’t think he means what he said,” she said lowly. So they had heard. 
I shook my head but she just shushed me, “Give him time, it’s obvious he’s not in the right mind at the moment”. It didn’t matter to me, somewhere deep in his mind he meant that. She held me, soothing me as I cried. Even as I fell asleep. 
That morning I woke alone, not that it bothered me. I was becoming used to waking up alone. I didn’t want to leave the safety of the tent. Leaving meant facing the group. Facing 10k. I couldn’t do that, though there wasn’t much choice in that matter. I’d have to leave eventually. 
Before I could even think about getting up Warren made her way into the tent, biscuit in hand which she offered out to me. I took it with a small smile. 
“He ran off” was all she said, I knew though. I just nodded and so she continued “We’re gonna fight, it'll be messy. I know you got that little girl to take care of so if you wanted to leave” Did I want to leave? I felt indifferent about fighting.
“If you find yourselves out our way, stop by,” I said, she nodded. I’m sure she knew what my choice was going to be. I told her how to find us, “when 10K gets fixed-“
She smiled, “I’ll send him your way, give that little girl a hug for me” I nodded and smiled, turning on my heel to face the tent. 
I didn’t waste time gathering my stuff. When I was done, I went to say my goodbyes but saw Addie talking to Warren who held a sullen expression on her face. 
Doc grabbed my attention as he said “I hate to see you go again” I turned to look at him. 
“I know, I want to stay and make sure he’s okay but I can’t.” He held his hand up as if he understood, “If I would’ve just stayed-“
“Hey, don’t. None of us could’ve known that Murphy was going to do that.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “Murphy set that whole thing up, he knew what he was doing, it wasn’t your fault”
It was like everything clicked together, he truly had planned it all out. Fucker. He deserves everything that’s coming. “You bring him home to me,” I said, pulling Doc into a tight hug.
“We’ll be right behind you kiddo,” he said into my hair, slowly loosening his hold on me. With that, I left. 
Chapter 21
@whenmypartysover @multifandomlesbianic @isimpfordanielpark
@ophelia-nightt @peezbabey @lizzardgreene @lizx13 @nohemi2500
@missricecrispy @nightowlgirl
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scifipinups · 5 months
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Anastasia Baranova Z Nation (2014)
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dazedstarr · 1 year
10k is so babygirl and i don't think i even need to elaborate
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topazy · 2 years
SPOILERS for anyone who hasn’t started reading season four yet!!
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more-hats · 2 months
My one major complaint is that these characters do NOT hug each other enough!!!!
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that-milo-kid · 2 years
bc 10k learned most of his pop culture knowledge through him and addys hangouts (fuck you it's canon to me) i like the idea that he knows nothing about what teenage boys care about, but knows EVERYTHING about the things teenage girls care about. he knows nothing about cars, but can recite the names of all the kardashians. has never heard of rick and morty, but actively participates in outdated gossip about long-dead celebrities. this is a man who actively searches for old one direction cds to play in the car
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artemisresources · 2 years
anastasia baranova in z nation s2 ep5-15
by clicking this link or the source link, you will find #648 gifs of anastasia baranova as addy carver in z nation season 2, episodes 5-15. and here is a link to the zip file, where you can pay what you want.
trigger warnings: gore, blood, smoke, weapons, zombies, flashing lights, violence, pregnancy, smoking, illness, dead body
birth year: 1989
ethnicity: russian
use in roleplay
use in edits/fanvids/oc content
use in edits/fanvids about the celeb
tag or credit me (optional)
use in taboo or celebrity roleplay
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harlstiel · 2 years
In honor of a show I love geting taken off of netflix, here’s to Z Nation. Probably my healthiest cping mechanism tbf. 
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alyssaforevermore · 1 year
Rewatching Z Nation and I just love Addy and Cassandra’s friendship so much 🥹
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bvbblegumheart · 1 year
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by clicking here, you will find 300+ gif icons of actress Anastasia baranova as her role of Addy during Z-nation!  
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zaynmirrors · 2 years
Fire on Fire: Part 19 (10k)
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I can’t fucking believe Murphy, well actually I can. He would find the only functioning correctional institute and then drug me and throw me in here in the middle of the fucking apocalypse. I’ve lost count of how many days I’ve been here, I should’ve started counting the medicine cups that are filled with fucking peanuts.
You want to know what he told them? I was a grieving widow, that had tried to commit suicide. Nurse Ratched “diagnosed” me with severe depression, and postpartum psychosis because he also told her my child died and I hallucinated a girl named Emma. He really covered his fucking bases. That nurse will never let me leave now. 
I stayed locked in this padded cell day in and day out. Nurse keeping me doped up enough to sleep majority of the day. Keeping track of the days were impossible even if I tried. I think one day I was conscious enough to hear them struggle putting someone in the padded cell next to me but also at the same time I could’ve imagined it.  
The door to my room opened, fucking nurse. “Get up Mrs. Gonzalez you’re moving to gen. pop.” Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention he gave them Angels last name to really twist the knife. How he knew Angels last name was beyond me but regardless he knew it. 
I stood with the nurses help. She walked around me to stop at my back, carefully undoing the straps to the straight jacket that kept me contained. I could break her neck easily, that would be if it weren’t for the sedatives that still lived in my system. 
She led the way down twisting pale walls, to a common room where a mix of nut jobs walked around. She introduced them, all except for the one in the straight jacket. Who in all honesty kinda looked like Doc. Holy shit that was Doc. 
Now play it cool y/n, I sat down in the seat next to him, hearing him groan softly. A couple other patients following suit. We all sat there staring at one another until Doc awoke. Of course she mistook him for an actual doctor though I guess he really is one with his PhD. 
He looked over at me keeping his face stoic. How we seemed to end up together was beyond me but I’ll gladly have the universe on my side. She of course made him diagnose patients to prove his skill was true. 
“Mrs Gonzalez is our second newest patient, dropped off by her poor uncle. I was hesitant to take her in but once he said she had lost both her husband and child and was trying to join them, I knew I had to take her on.” oh spare me the righteousness act. “Would you join me Doctor to look at the newest intake?”
“Uh sure” Doc got up and went with her. I sat there alone counting down the seconds for that familiar face to show back up. Nothing against the other patrons but they weren’t my cup of tea. When Doc came back his face was unreadable. 
He spoke with the nurse, I could hear bits and pieces about the patient needed meds. I stood walking closer to listen in. Doc was needing to run recon into an infested ward to get this poor patient meds. 
Nurse Ratched tried to talk him out of it, saying it was a death march but Doc denied, said he’d be okay. So we all took a field trip to the infested ward that you just had to walk through to get the medications. Doc grabbed a broken IV pole as I said “I’m going with you Doctor” before Nurse Ratched had any time to detest Doc handed me the other half of the IV pole. Nurse Ratched sighed heavily and opened the door.  
Once the doors shut behind us we headed down the hall. “How the hell did you get here” Doc started but stopped before asking anything else as a Z came toward him. He easily piked it. “Murphy” was the only answer he needed before he sighed and said “Damn Murphy, hey kid not to freak you out but we’re getting meds for 10K” 
I paused, every emotion I could think of running through me at once and just landing in the pit of my stomach. “He’s here?” Doc nodded, I pushed the feelings that threatened to spill out of my throat down. “What’s going on?”
Doc sighed entering the pharmacy, “I don’t know, he’s all kinds of fucked up right now” opening the cabinets he began taking bottles of medication and putting them in the pillow case. “He’s mumbling about you and Emma, hell murphy too.” Guilt panged in my chest, this wasn’t going to be easy. Seeing him and explaining everything all the while he’s for a lack of better words dying. 
I stayed silent as we made our way back, Pete the OCD patient letting us back in. Doc made off to the surgery suite they held 10K in. I stood at the door watching as Doc started mixing medications together and making some fucked science concoction. He pulled it up in a syringe as 10k started seizing again. “A little help!” Doc shouted towards me. 
I lept into action pulling him over to the side making sure he wouldn’t choke to death. Doc shoved the needle into his ass and injected him. 10K lolled back and laid there for a moment before julting up. “How you feel?” Doc asked. 
“I don’t know” He said before falling back against the gurney and immediately snoring. I walked out after that, not being able to see him like that and not being able to the thought of him waking up and seeing me. 
I sat in the common room after that, away in a corner with a book even though I’m wasn’t reading it in the slightest, just stared at the pages until they looked like alphabet soup. “Y/n” Doc said my name softly pulling me from my daze. I looked up at him to see Elvis holding onto a conscious 10k. “He’s still really out of it but we gotta get out of here” I couldn’t agree more. 
While they’re doing their recreation time we sneak out the back. “There’s bus over there” Doc says holding up 10ks almost dead weight. I run over and start hot wiring the bus and drive it as close to Doc and 10k as I can. 
Doc gets 10k louded and takes over the driver's seat, I take the seat behind him. 10K slept a couple seats behind us. “I literally have no idea what to say when he wakes up”
Doc sighed “Just tell him the truth, be honest with him. The kid loves you and I’m sure he’d understand” I could only hope he did. Only hope he didn’t resent me for what I did. I also hope that Emma was still doing okay. 
@whenmypartysover @isimpfordanielpark @multifandomlesbianic @ophelia-nightt @peezbabey @lizzardgreene @lizx13 @nohemi2500
Part 20
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