villyvespertine · 5 months
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I love when Adelaide and Flubby are enjoying their life and having fun at the function. 🌻📘🐱💤
Thank you @SeaBunnyPoppy for bringing this breathtaking piece to life!
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andycmarshall · 9 months
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Food for Thought
What are your favorite types of foods?
Pretty much everything that we’ve put on our menu at Evergreen Cafe/art gallery in Jamestown. I’m really loving the curries at the moment, Thai green chicken and the chick pea and vegetable curries being my favourite. I’m also loving the Reuben sandwich that we’ve been making, and awarded for, appearing on the ‘Best Reuben Sandwiches In Adelaide’ list by Adelady – See link
Which goes to show that you never know who you might be talking to, making food for or showing your art to. This wasn’t even something we knew about until it was printed. We only found out that we had made the list when a previous employee of ours let us know. Which was a lovely surprise.
It’s was a good reminder for me to always be putting out the best work that you can, because you never know where it’s going to lead. Just like creating my ‘fork in the road’ vlogs. If I didn’t put them out into the world, speaking my thoughts hopes and dreams aloud, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to illustrate the Elijah and Crumpet kids books. So create like everyone is watching and try to create work that you can be proud of… But at the same token time, don’t let perfectionism stand in your way.
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avvocarlo · 11 months
where did adelaide sophie go I need to send her the spanian in adeladie video 
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sneakysoundsystem · 1 year
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More info here.
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WIP - The Long Way Home
The car rolled to a stop at the first stoplight in town, but when the light flicked green, Moony didn’t take his foot off the brake. The car hummed in place through another light cycle as his knuckles turned white around the steering wheel.
“Did…?” His voice came out phantasmal and quiet. “No… Did he…? Was it…? Was it Wyatt? Did he do this to you?”
Adelaide felt her heart in her throat like a rabid dog, tethered by a fraying string to her chest but desperate to sink its teeth into her jugular.
What else was she supposed to say?
Adeladie’s world had already ended once. That didn’t make the subsequent breakages hurt any less. This one, at least, felt less like drowning and more like someone had driven a knife into the base of her skull to scalp her, peeling away not a world but the impression of one, a story she could tell others about the kind of man her father was not because it was true but because no one else had ever believed anything else. 
What a thing to stand in the middle of her own hollowed-out life and finally see someone else standing with her in the debris.
Tears burned her eyes as she pulled her knees to her chest, trying to hold as much of herself together as possible.
“Shit…” Moony whispered.
Behind them, the wail of sirens announced the ambulances chasing them back to Harborview. Moony ran the red light they had been stopped at and pulled over on the side of the road to let the ambulances stream past, and even after he lingered there, idling just a block away from the lawn depot where he worked.
“I’m sorry,” he said at last. “Adelaide, I’m so sorry…”
What else was he supposed to say? There were no words, magical or otherwise, powerful enough to pull the glass and the metal out of her eighteen year-old corpse— Wyatt had already tried that trick in the hospital after the accident.
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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mad0011100 · 3 years
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ade-kane · 3 years
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avucaptures · 3 years
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III. Journey
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craigfieldphotos · 5 years
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Its my 1000th post So #booknow #Adelaide #southaustralia #photographerlife #photography #ichoosesa #adelady #insta #happy1000posts https://www.instagram.com/p/BtdSIEjjcuh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r3fvi6p4tqry
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mxsplendid · 4 years
Soul Singer
Soul Singer by matthew.xue Via Flickr: A soul singer on the Rundle Mall street in Adelaide
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 closed starter for @peachyuus’ youngmi “adelaide” kim
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   it was about 10:30 am on a tuesday, the sun was hidden behind thick grey clouds and the world hung heavy with freshly fallen rain. she sat still on a dewdrop covered bench in a lonesome park, her signature maroon sweater wrapped around her thin body. it was beyond cold as hell for her warm-centric skin, the fact that she wore shorts didn’t help the situation, but she silently admired the early autumn weather regardless.    cameron was supposed to be in school- in school where her ears would block out the teacher’s lesson on mitochondria -or some shit-, but if she was lucky, was able to hear a scoff or chuckle or two behind her, and would know it would be about her, because whenever she would take a dreaded glance, their stupid faces made that ‘give-away’ face. but truthfully, she became numb to it kinda and just let those annoying voices just become background noise. school where she always sat alone, or laid passed out in the nurse's room without question because, at that point, it was routine. at school where the days were so painfully slow and painfully judging that maybe she wasn’t as numb to it as she hoped for.
   needless to say, cameron was more than glad she fuckin’ skipped.
   she brought her leg up to rest against the damp bench, took a small glance around the empty space of dark green and skinny caged trees, and once she found the coast clear, took out the blunt from her pocket and plastic lighter. her slender fingers brought the rolled indica to her lips, the other flicked the bic lighter alive and guided newly sparked flame to the end of her drugged cigarette.
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Cash For Cars Removal - Give Us Free Advertising!
A cash for cars removal in Adelaide can be arranged in advance of your travel date. The company that handles your vehicle can choose to pick you up from your home or place of work. It may be a convenient and time-saving way to get rid of that car. In addition, it is also likely to be more cost-effective. Depending on the circumstances, your cash for cars removal may be provided by one of two companies in Adelaide - Emerald Coast Auto Removal, Inc. (EC reverted to its name in 1970) or Australian Cash For Cars/ATC (formerly known as All Cars Auto Removals).
Either of these companies can help you with the process. Whether you are in the market for a spare set of wheels or just need cash for cars, the company offering the best cash for cars in Adelaide should know. It is important to check both the company's experience and products before agreeing to have any work done. In addition, Emerald Coast Auto Removal should be able to show you their insurance records and their license. If you are in need of a specific make or model, contact the company with pictures of the vehicles you desire.
Cash for vehicles in Adelaide are offered for a variety of reasons. Some people may simply want to rid their vehicle of an unwanted vehicle. Others might be thinking about scrapping a vehicle because it is no longer worth purchasing. Still others may need cash for cars quickly. No matter what the reason, once the vehicle has been removed, it must be disposed of properly. Otherwise, hazards such as roadside bombs, carbon monoxide poisoning, theft, or other hazards might present themselves.
Fortunately, cash for cars removal in Adelaide is simple. There are many companies that offer this service. Whether you are considering Emerald Coast Auto Removal, Emerald Coast Removals, or any of the other local companies, you should take some time to choose wisely. Once you have chosen, you will be able to remove your vehicle from the road. This is easily done using enclosed vans that can safely transport your vehicle from one place to another.
For anyone who needs cash for cars in Adelaide, it is easy to find companies that offer this type of service. Most major companies in Adelaide offer cash for cars in a variety of different ways. These include placing advertisements in newspapers, televisions, online, and on billboards. A number of different services are also offered by ad agencies in Adelaide. These include placing ads in magazines, newspapers, and online. Many ad agencies also offer cash for cars in the form of trade-ins at local auto dealerships.
If you have a vehicle that you simply no longer want, and would like to get rid of it quickly, cash for cars in Adelaide may be the perfect solution. The process of removing an unwanted car is actually quite simple. All you will need to do is locate an ad agency in Adelaide that offers this type of service. After locating a company in your area, call them and make an appointment to come to your home or business. During the short visit, they will evaluate the vehicle and will discuss how much they will get rid of it for.
Some of the companies in Adelaide offer cash for cars in addition to other vehicle removal services. This includes the removal of rims, tires, bumpers, and any other types of extra equipment. You will be charged for the entire service regardless of the condition of the vehicle. Some companies will only work on vehicles in the state of South Australia. Others will only work on vehicles in the surrounding area. Regardless of the location, all vehicles should be fully inspected before being removed so that you know you will be getting rid of the vehicle in the most cost effective way possible.
If the ad agency in your area does not offer this type of service, you might consider advertising in local newspapers. This can give you a wider base of people that you can reach. Advertisers will pay cash for cars to give us free advertising! In order to get the best price on your vehicle, make sure you have it inspected by a mechanic prior to the removal. This can ensure you get rid of your old junk in the most efficient manner possible.
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moonagedaydreamin · 6 years
small section of pigs (three different ones) by Roger Waters
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adelaidedrubman · 3 years
wip wednesday (in some timezones still i think)
tagged by my darlings @scungilliwoman and @shallow-gravy to share a wip! was originally going to skip because writing chapter 5 of wildfire has been like trying to herd cats, but i decided fuck it i don't write linearly anyways so let's post a little interaction planned waaaaay in the future because it's got some of my favorite girls in it and i can <3 addie's there so warnings for some nsfw chat and religious blasphemy
tagging @ohfaiths @faithchel @nightwingshero @strafethesesinners @consumedkings @stacispratt @chyrstis @vasiktomis if u feel like sharing
“You’ve got fucking problems, Adeladie,” she heard Jess grumble behind her. 
“What? Hey, dep, get your sweet ass back over here!” Jestiny turned to see the blonde waving her over enthusiastically towards the spot where the pair had waited. “We need your input on something, I could use someone who’s not so uptight to back me up on this.” 
She blinked away the remaining phantom sparks floating along her eyes before cracking a smile and walking towards them, away from the strange pull of the water. “Alright, whatcha got for me?” 
“You don’t want to fucking ask,” the brunette grumbled. 
“She’s gonna be on my side, she’s not all repressed like you.” 
“Your warning is taken and disregarded,” Rook responded with a nod towards Jess. “Whatcha got for me, Addie?”
“Alright, now, hear me out,” Jess shook her head and grimaced as the older woman raised her arms to emphasize her point, “Don’t you think, hypothetically, there would be something kinda sexy about fuckin’ a, uh — ‘man of God’ so to speak?” 
The redhead knitted brows together and looked to the side. “Not following.” 
Adelaide paused, satisfied she made her point, and leaned back to pantomime fanning herself with her hand. “Isn’t there something hot about it?” 
“C’mon, Rook, I know you’ve gotta get what I’m talkin’ about,” she cajoled with a soft tone and pleading expression, “There’s something about the idea of corrupting a man of the cloth that is so hot. The idea that a man would throw it all away just for a little bit of action with ya, want you so bad he’d fall from grace for it!”
Jessie blinked owlishly a few more times with now widened eyes to banish any intrusive images flashing in her mind before making an effort to lower eyelids back to a natural position, running a hand through her hair once before shoving it back in the pocket of her overalls to hide her fidgeting. “No,” she responded simply. 
Adelaide leaned forward towards her with narrowed eyes as if taking a moment to study her before pushing out her lower lip in a pout and crossing her arms. “You two are no fun.” 
“No Adelaide, you’ve just got fucking problems.” 
The cougar turned back towards Jessie with a raised eyebrow to plead her case again. “You don’t think there’d be anything the teensy-weensiest bit exciting about it?" 
"Like, how?" Like the thrill of knocking down all those high minded ideals to expose the animalistic needs underneath? Like the way he’d look up at you like he needs you more than salvation? Like getting to feel like a God? "I don’t get it." 
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