#admech husbandry
lazywriter-artist · 3 months
What can I say? They’re bug coded to me….
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 3 months
Do necrons practice admech husbandry?
Not only is it considered one of the foremost modern hobbies for any respectable member of Necron nobility to engage in, but some AdMech are extremely insistent on partaking in it.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Barn Anon. Reverse Husbandry/Warp fuckery! One of the first things that's gonna affect a Space Marine's human is the fact they don't have whatever immunity they need in the 40k world.
"Gaby? Are you there?"
Instantly footsteps and he's right at your bedside. Your sweet Blood Angel. Worried golden eyes looks you over and he settles on the bed, pulling you onto his lap instead. He coos softly to you, his voice lulling you into a gentle haze. You hadn't been allowed to leave the room beyond to get the vaccinations of this new world. Gabriel had done his best to explain that until you completed the vaccinations? It's very possible that the viruses of this millennial might kill you.
He warbles to you and he pulls the blankets higher around you. As it is, you're currently waiting for the first round of shots to settle. It seems that already that is a lot for your body to handle. Gabriel worries you wouldn't be able to pull through all of them despite the apothecary's assurances that while some are undoubtably rougher, you'll be able to accept the necessary jabs. Gabriel was informed of what to look out for, in case your health took a turn for the worse. Honestly, the apothecary confessed that it's possible some of the things they have in this age might be too strong for someone from your time.
You tremble in his arms as you let out a soft groan, feeling your fever get worse. He rubs your back, nuzzling against your neck. These days you don't feel the brush of his fangs against your neck. You wonder what changed. Though it seems that his habit of nipping your neck changed to outright chinning you in full view of his fellow Blood Angels. You are completely unaware of how it was a blatant act of possessiveness and protectiveness over you.
Gabriel purrs softly as he runs his fingers through your hair. You've yet to meet many of the Blood Angels aboard this massive spaceship. You're very a little unnerved by the servitors, the uh... admech as well. You look up at your Blood Angel and he picks up another blanket for you, wrapping it around you. You snuggle closer to him. This world isn't that scary with him with you.
.... Oh shit I kinda forgot that this was a thing but then again I kinda just handwaved it away because let's be honest probably what space marines carry a good chunk is made by papa nurgle. I just didn't want the modern day human race to be wiped out by super rhinovirus from 38k years in the future.
You can smell the rot and decay mixed with oil and just something akin to a mechanics shop that comes from the servitor. It makes you sick to your stomach as you see one... see the admech and you're high temperature that comes with such vivid hallucinations doesn't help.
How you even pictured your Gabriel with blonde hair and wings at one point when he came to visit. Not seeing the glances between brothers and perhaps never knowing that Gabriel was away from you when you had your visitor. You don't know about the tizzy that a simple statement like that causes... you just need to focus on getting better.
The bath feels nice as it does wonders for the chills that come and go... you'll probably be sweating by the time you leave the warm water hopefully long enough to dry off and then be struck by chattering teeth.
You mutter to Gabriel... "Do you think Lizzy is okay?"
Gabriel's throat tightens up as her partner was a World Eater but he decides to be honest... "I don't know... I hope so."
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lazywriter-artist · 3 months
The bug coding continues 🥰🥰
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lazywriter-artist · 3 months
Major update!!!!
So, like I’ve mentioned before, bringing in new cohorts was kind of stressing me. I wanna do what I can to keep my Admechs happy obviously but at the same time I don’t wanna take on more then I can handle!— so I decided I’d keep watch of my Explorator to try and see if I was missing any behavioral signs and making sure to acquire more reading, as of late I noticed something and well— it’s the cutest thing!!!!! Guuuuyys!!
I had thought my Explorator didn’t want anything to do with my little skitarri since he had been trying to escape a lot and a few times when checking my skitarri would be cuddled up with my Logis. But I noticed that more often when he gets out my skitarri are gone too! (Worrying I know but hang in there-)
Then, I found that sometimes the skitarri just can’t be found And my Logis will be following behind Explorator a lot more often then usual- and guys??? You know why?!?!
Because my Explorator has been hiding the skitarri under his elytra and carrying them around🥺🥺!!! It’s literally so stinking cute too!
It even got me thinking as, before I’d Brought these skits home the Astartes really didn’t hang around much, let alone bring the scraps like they have been. That was until after my explorator started getting out more and of course when I started introducing him more to the Astartes— so I’m a bit worried my Explorator— knowing his personality— is bullying this pack of Iron hands into dropping off scraps for his own gain and that of our new Skitarri 😅
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lazywriter-artist · 3 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of interesting stories and lots of good tips for keeping astartes and such, so I decided I’d dip my toes in the water!
While I have never really kept many astartes, we had an older pair of ultramarines(? I’m pretty sure?-) when I was younger but they were more my parents astartes then anything, I do keep Admechs. Right now I actually have a very sweet (albeit a bit of a nuisance some times—) Magos Explorator and their equally as precious companion Logis. But you see this is where issues kind of arise, I love both of them a lot and I do try to keep them as happy and stimulated as possible (as especially with my explorator, they get very antsy and mischievous when not) but this does take up a lot of time from my work and things. so a few months ago I decided to get a trio of skitarri to hopefully try and curb some of my magos duos tendencies to break out their pen and cause havoc in my home and surrounding neighborhood when I’m trying to work on bigger projects that require more of my attention.
Well, I was excited to find my Logis absolutely loved the new little skits. Even taking very good care of them when on some rare occasion I’m not around to watch them! Though, to my dismay, my explorator seems to want nothing to do with them??? I was very bummed about this as I had read skitarris made for very good companions to magos and it just seems to have made him want to break out even more than usual.
Maybe it’s me being a bit inexperienced, as while I’ve had my magos for a few years now I’m no expert, or maybe I made them upset in some way with bringing these skitarri home, but it’s very worrying that they’re trying to break out so much now as— especially as of late— I’ve seen a few astartes I don’t fully recognize wandering about and it’s always my fear they’ll end up being some territorial breed or like- an iron warrior and my explorator will get into some fight he can’t win since he can be extremely stubborn. Not to mention without my logis by his side he has a habit of straying too far from home before I can catch him again.
Any astartes keepers have tips for keeping unwanted astartes away? Is it really something I should worry about? Have I read too many astartes horror stories? Any tips to help with this? It would be greatly appreciated!
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lazywriter-artist · 3 months
Make sure youre not overstocking your battle mat with the new cohorts and I'd recommend putting them into quarantine first before introducing them to your main enclosure incase of scrap code disease.
Oh yeah!— that’s one thing I definitely don’t wanna do, it’s one of my biggest fears when it comes to keeping my Admechs. It’s really why I’ve waited this long to even bring in the skitarri I have already.
I had them quarantined away for maybe a bit more then they needed to be just bc I was psyching myself out about worrying if they had Scrap code or not. (It’s also why I’m trying to take my explorator out a bit more right now as I’m being very careful about who I’m getting this next cohort from and kind of trying to see if things can maybe mellow out—)
But anyway, Ty for the advice and concerns!
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lazywriter-artist · 3 months
Some updates!! After some helpful tips it seems I luckily don’t have an iron warrior problem on my hands and actually a small group of Iron hands!
With the down time I’ve had I took my Explorator on a few more walks than usual and he seemed to enjoy them a lot, we even bumped into the Iron hands in question a few times. I made sure to keep a close eye and did my best not to scare the little guys off and they seemed to interact pretty well!
Though I’ve started to notice tech bits showing up on my porch, which all of my Admechs are certainly delighted by but I think I recognized one of the pieces as one that goes to a chimera so I’m hoping it’s just the scrap yard a few blocks away— cause uh- I’m a bit worried if if it isn’t
I also received some information that I may have upset the balance of my two Admechs with bringing in the new skitarri, so I’m trying out the suggestion of getting 2 cohorts of vanguard skitarri. I’m hoping this will work out because while my Explorator is very greatful for the walks be definitely still isn’t too happy about the skits (and at the same time my Logis doesn’t seem too keen on letting them go 😓), but it’s a slow go as I’m trying to scoop up some extra information so this time I hopefully won’t make another mistake like before.
Fingers crossed!!
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kit-williams · 4 months
Barn Anon. Oops, fingers slipped. Here's a taste test of reverse husbandry.
Gabriel keeps his arms tight around his sweet little human, his fellow Blood Angels are curious about her, as are the admech. He gently guides her closer to his room where he's pleased to discover that his brothers had been helping to keep it neat and tidy. His walls still have the few artworks his brothers had given him. He gently guided her to her bed and coos at how small she looks in it.
She's still trembling. He has to go soon though, he's the first to return to the chapter, Chapter Master Dante himself wanted to speak to him. He has to report to not just the Chapter Master but also the rest of command. He pulls a shirt and a spare pillow from his closet, giving them to his human in hopes they would keep her calm until he returned. She whimpers and he wipes her tears away, cooing to her, soft accented English words flow as he promises her that he will come back. He just has a... a meeting! Just like how she had her meetings at her work okay?
He presses a sweet kiss to her temple before he steps away. One last final glance at her. She's now burying herself under his thick blankets, still trembling and he can hear her trying to muffle her crying. Oh dear... He has to go though, Commander Dante himself awaits and as understanding as his Chapter Master is, he doesn't want to make him and the rest of command wait.
Another gentle reassurance of his return to his human and he leaves, making sure to lock the door. He knows some of his brothers might be curious but his human needs the privacy.
Either way we're going to have fun with this.
Gabriel is subjected to tests... so many tests and they take so long... he hopes she's not too hungry. But the upper command and Chapter Master Dante demand that he gets checked out. His story recorded. But eventually they let him go to review the findings as the Librarians can sense the bond that has formed on his soul.
Gabriel thanked the serf as he brough the food to his room and looked around. He whimpers as he can tell she hasn't moved. He coos her name as he places the food down. She wakes up looking miserable. Her eyes red from crying as she is clearly dehydrated and in pain from that. He coddles her softly as he is out of armor and just feeding her by hand.
He sees his shirt under her head with her tears and snot on it not that Gabriel minds much it's why he gave it to her. He coos to her how brave she has been even as she is listless and miserable looking. He knows his human is far from a space marine so of course her reaction is understandable but he coos again how brave she has been .
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kit-williams · 5 months
Barn Anon. Tried my best but honestly? I'm not sure if I like how this one flows. Maybe it's because i've been staring at it for a few hours. Adding on to how you said they're prickly to others, I feel that maybe the Custodes would also be a bit of a human repellant to anyone that isn't their human.
You watch from the safety of your house as your golden companion effortlessly fights the feral fallen Blood Angel that had wandered too close to your house. Perhaps you should be afraid for your golden companion but you knew with a surety that you cannot describe that your golden companion would win.
You honestly don't remember when was the first time you met your golden companion, only that it wasn't long after that he followed you home after school. Once he knew where you lived things were set in stone. You never found an issue with his presence, even eventually coming around to calling him Odysseus. You blame your younger self's love of greek and roman mythology. He himself seemed happy enough with the name.
Creaking of wood followed by a loud crash and you peek out the window again. He had thrown the Blood Angel at a tree and broke the tree as a result. He's toying with the Blood Angel you realize, it makes sense you suppose, when was the last time you remembered him having someone or something he can let loose on? When he pulls the Blood Angel up, you offhandedly note the size difference between Odysseus and the Blood Angel. You never noticed until now that he's taller than normal Space Marines, or how he's stronger too.
Was this why your parents were so relieved when you asked to move out? Your parents weren't exactly comfortable with Space Marines but they weren't against them either. That didn't mean you never noticed that they were very unsettled when Odysseus first followed you home. Not that it bothered you. They were so nearly desperate for you to move out that they actually bought this house for you and Odysseus in the mountains.
A loud wet crunch sounds out. you look out to see Odysseus watching the Blood Angel limp away. The Blood Angel's clearly severely wounded and you have no doubt that he wouldn't live much longer. Odysseus' golden armour gleams under the sunlight, you rush down to the first floor to meet him. He was by the garden hose by the time you're down. A gentle order from him to sit at the bench while he washes off the blood and muck. You watch as the water turns a muddy red, handing him a scrub to get rid of the more stubborn bits of dirt on his armor. He laughs when you mention that you like seeing him win, he has a weird human though it's only right that a Custodes has a human that's not like the others isn't it?
They are certainly a human repellant
Probably won't do too many Custodes in the Space Marine Husbandry (YEAH THEY'RE SHOWING UP IN YANDERE) just like kinda how I've more or less decided against adding other human factions (I know I said there might be admech around but that's when I was still going back and forth) and lets be honest probably not gonna mess with Xeno races... I might play around with what its like owning tyranids but onto what you wrote.
You were jealous of how the relationship between others with their space marine went. You learned that Odysseus was of the Adeptus Custodes. He decided to talk to you suddenly and you learned he could talk! He did so when you talked to him when you were feeling so lonely and just begging for another voice to talk back you didn't care if you couldn't understand him you just were going mad with loneliness.
It felt more like you were owned by your Custodes verses the other way around and what Odysseus had said to you on the subject wasn't rather helpful. This Emperor was the only one who "owned" him so whoever that guy was owned your big guy... and he refused to say if that meant he owned you. He would just rustle your hair and chuckle warmly at you.
Getting food was a hassle as he carried you to the grocery store because no way in hell is he going to let you drive alone or let you leave him at home. Lucky for you with him by your side trips to and from town were rather quick even if you were buying stuff at the local level and no longer really able to drive to the Costco because there were too many Astartes there and the fact that he didn't like you driving without him.
Your poor car sat mostly unused you might have to get a heavy duty vehicle or see if there was a jetbike for him to use so you didn't have to be carried everywhere. He
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